#what tim goodman and rachel myers major in ryme university in the game
alunaloverworld · 10 months
Have anyone wondered what Tim Goodman major subject in Ryme University. We don't know Rachel Myers except she does minerals with professor Gordon which she does as a subject but doesn't tell us what major she does as well.
Like maybe Tim major in Pokémon studies but we don't know if he does which is why he knows little about Pokémon.
Or maybe he majors in criminology just like his dad.
Rachel might be a science major or Pokémon studies because she knows a lot about Pokémon.
I don't know what subjects would there be in Ryme University for Tim Goodman and Rachel Myers but they could be Pokémon related, Pokémon related jobs, or jobs related in real life.
Comment what subject would Tim Goodman major in or Rachel Myers.
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