#what the hell goin AWN
mori-sempai · 2 years
My nose is FUCKED UP
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snekjoy · 10 months
What the fuck happens in disco elysium
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blcssom · 4 months
what's goin on w/ the stars rn why does everything feel like ass
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
girl what da hell is goin awn...
idk if u were moots w her but badalovebot was catfishing asianfishing faking her es lying abt her age and all that shit
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wickedghxst · 1 year
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girlpikachu · 1 year
Ok i haven't really played the last 4 gens of pokemon so i don't have context for these. but tell me what the hell is goin awn.....
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What r these.... clones
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boytouya · 3 years
Shut up thats no way to talk to your alpha wolf hot sexy daddy wolf person thing vore stuff thing wolf 😡😡😡
GRRR RARW RAUGHR RAUGHR GRRRR RRR crawls toward you on all limbs
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slaughterbf · 2 years
i just witnessed cat jump into a sewer and then saw a giant ass fox???
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imjust-me-me · 3 years
Did I already say my social battery is zero? Or no?
Like why can't we just be close to the people we need to be close to instantly, why so much hardwork
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sunnietrolls · 4 years
Now what in the damn hael
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tezzbot · 2 years
sits down at a table in the cafeteria and glances over at the one i used to sit at damn what the hell goin awn over there i take a bite of an apple
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pussykech · 3 years
i haven't even seen the ps5 guy tiktok what the hell is goin awn
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
eek also this is a lot but ikeshot for 7, 14, 26, 33, 39 or 43?
Angst in general.
You have a scar and I asked about it and it’s really angsty.
I thought I lost you and you need to be more careful you dumbass.
You fought me (verbally or physically) and I am s h o o k.
*cracks knuckes* aight then.
I haven’t written ikeshot yet! This’ll be my first time figuring out how I wanna portray their dynamic, so we’ll see how it goes.
I’m gonna do all of them except 33 cause that one doesn’t really work with the idea I have but I can combine all the others.
This wasn’t the first time Ike had stayed the night in Brooklyn, but it was the first he’d been woken up by a jolt.
It had taken him months to get this far, the point where he was sharing a bed with a Brooklyn boy, where he was pretty sure he was in love with said Brooklyn boy, where he was even welcome in Brooklyn after dark.
It had been a long and confusing road, starting a couple weeks after they won the strike.
See, Mike did this thing with his lover where they were super paranoid about getting caught. And yeah, that was good for safety, when courting a boy could get you killed or arrested, but Mike and Jojo took it to a whole new level, almost never even sitting on the same side of a room while outside the Lodging House.
And as much as Ike liked that his brother was keeping safe, this was also really fucking annoying, because it meant he had to deal with the pining.
So, he’d asked to tag along to Sheepshead with Race for a day, figuring a day of alone time with his boy might tone down Mike’s annoyingness a little. And Race occasionally took a partner to Brooklyn with him, anyway. He hadn’t done it in a while, but nothing bad had happened before.
And besides, since the strike, inter-borough relations had been better than ever out of a proud kind of solidarity. No big deal, right?
Wrong. They’d split up for maximum efficiency, and barely an hour later Ike was getting dragged away from the entrance to the races he was staking out and into an alley across the street, by which time he was getting thrown against a wall before he even got a look at who was dragging him.
Then he’d looked up, already raising his fists, and seen probably the tallest boy in New York.
Ike had remembered seeing him at the rally, this kid about his age who usually stuck pretty close to Spot Conlon, and he’d made the mistake of lowering his guard.
“Hey! I remember you! You’s Brooklyn’s second, right? What was your name again? Uh... Heat?”
This kid smirked, “Hotshot.”
Then he’d punched Ike in the face.
It was hard enough that Ike was knocked to the ground, but he was on his feet again in an instant, raising his fists again.
“I’m Ike,” he panted, “And I’m here—“
He’d been cut off by having to dodge another punch, trying to throw one of his own, but only getting kneed in the stomach after Hotshot blocked it.
Still, he’d raised his fists again, coughing as he tried to ignore the urge to curl in on himself.
“Don’t know when to give up, do ya?”
Ike smiled, still gasping for breath, “Nope! Don’t mean we have to fight, though.”
Hotshot just punched him again, “You’re on the wrong side of the bridge, Manhattan boy.”
“And that’s grounds enough to soak someone?”
At that point, Hotshot froze, turning to see Race running into the alley.
“He’s with me, Hotshot! Jeez!”
“Well, he didn’t say—“
“Ya didn’t give me a chance to,” Ike interrupted.
Race had helped Ike up, glaring at the Brooklyn boy despite how Hotshot was much taller and stronger.
“I ain’t gonna tell on you, but kid, you need to learn to think before ya start swingin’. If Spot asks about me, I’m sellin’ with Albert today.”
Race had helped Ike get home, then actually gone to sell with Albert, but on the way back, he’d answered Ike’s questions, about how someone that young and hotheaded could help lead the biggest borough in New York.
“Hotshot’s young, you’re right. He’s your age, actually—14. And yeah, he’s defensive. But I’s known him a while, and there’s more to him than that. The short version is that he’s either a good friend or a bad enemy. Once ya got his loyalty, ya got it forever. That’s why he’s Brooklyn’s second. He’s one of the few Spot actually trusts.”
With that description combined with the way Ike had honestly never met anyone who punched that hard, he was just a little intrigued. Maybe it wasn’t smart, but he’d went back to Brooklyn a week later, not selling this time, but just looking for that one Brooklyn boy.
He’d found him, selling at Coney. And Brooklyn boys usually didn’t sell with partners, so Ike hadn’t had trouble sneaking up on him.
That was the only warning he gave before putting a hand on Hotshot’s shoulder to spin him around and punch him in the face.
Hotshot had wheeled back, raising his own fist.
“You got ‘bout four hits on me for no reason—I thinks I deserve one free shot!”
Slowly, Hotshot had lowered his hand, still glaring at him, but not as much.
“Fair is fair. Now go back to Manhattan.”
Ike was going to, honestly, but then figured, ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ and didn’t.
“So, how often do ya beat up kids from other boroughs without askin’ for their story?”
“Are you completely fearless, or just stupid?”
“Both, probably. Ya gonna answer the question, or punch my daylights out?”
“I ain’t decided yet.”
“Well, while you’re decidin’, I heard you’re close with Spot Conlon. What’s he really like? Is he always that scary, or is it just an act?”
For the next several weeks, it was like that. It was Ike coming over, finding Hotshot wherever he was, and annoying the hell out of him.
And Hotshot always said he was going to punch him, but he never did. Slowly, he started actually answering Ike’s questions, at least a few of them, and asking a few in return. Ike wouldn’t necessarily call them friends, but they definitely knew each other better, now.
“One of these days, I’m actually gonna punch ya,” Hotshot grumbled once, when Ike asked a question a little too personal.
“Every time ya say that, I believe you less,” Ike said cheerfully, “Anyway, I’s heard Brooklyn’s got great sunrises. Is that true?”
Hotshot actually smiled a little, “I dunno if it’s any better than Manhattan, but yeah, we’s gotten some pretty nice ones over here.”
It took a couple months, but Ike started figuring out that by even talking to him, Hotshot was letting down his guard, little by little. He let it down a bit more as he started letting Ike touch him, allowing a handshake when they met up, or a punch in the shoulder in a friendly way.
Once he realized how much Hotshot was trusting him by doing those little things, Ike realized that against his better judgement, he trusted him, too. He liked spending time with Hotshot, probably too much.
Definitely too much, with how he was stupid enough to walk through a November rainstorm months after they met just to see him.
By the time he got to Brooklyn, he was freezing, wet, and disoriented enough that he’d ended up passing out in front of a random store, just so the awning would keep the rain off.
He’d woken up in the Brooklyn Lodging House in the middle of the night, with Hotshot holding him in a bed.
Actually, he’d kind of jolted awake, and apparently woken up Hotshot with him as the Brooklyn boy whispered an explanation to him.
“Hildy found ya damn near frozen. By the time she got ya back here, you were almost dead and needed body heat bad.”
“Oh,” Ike whispered back, almost too terrified to move or even speak.
“That’s all ya got to say, you idiot?” Hotshot hissed, clearly angry as his arm around Ike’s waist tightened, “What were you thinkin’, walkin’ here in a storm?”
Ike was still pretty confused, and for once, he couldn’t even think of something to say.
Then Hotshot sighed, “I thought you were gonna die.”
Oh. So that was what this was about. He wasn’t angry—not at Ike, really, at least.
Ike had finally let himself relax against the taller boy’s chest, enjoying how warm Hotshot actually was.
“Ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
Hotshot had exhaled kind of sharply, and Ike was praying to a god he didn’t believe in that he wasn’t misreading things, but he’d rolled over so he was facing Brooklyn’s second, their faces barely inches apart, though it was so dark that Ike couldn’t really see him.
Beyond that, he hadn’t wanted to make the first move, mostly out of fear. In Manhattan, it was pretty common knowledge that many of them liked the same sex, but Brooklyn was different. It was less of a family and more of almost a gang. Ike wasn’t sure how Hotshot would react if he did anything.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to do anything, because yes, Ike liked boys, and he’d made peace with that, but being with one made it dangerous. Mike wasn’t the only was who was terrified of getting caught, for good reason.
Then Hotshot’s hand had come up to touch a scar on the side of Ike’s face. One he guessed he’d probably never noticed before because their faces had never been this close.
It had been from a pretty bad wound, but was so faded that it looked minor now, because he’d gotten it so long ago.
“I didn’t give you this, did I?”
Ike shook his head, “No. I’ve had that scar since I was 8.”
“How’d ya get a scar so bad it still shows now when you were 8?”
Ike had taken a deep breath, forced down panic over events he’d rather forget, and decided to tell him the truth.
“My brother and me,” he whispered, “Our parents died when we were really young. So’s we got brought up by our mom’s sister and her lover... her lover who was... also a woman.”
Ike paused there, waiting for Hotshot’s reaction.
There really wasn’t one, and he’d felt a bit of relief at that.
“They was good at bein’ subtle,” Ike continued, “So nobody suspected anythin’ for a long while. But then when me and Mike were 8... some bad people figured it out and... and those men came in the night and set the house on fire. I guess we’s lucky to have made it out at all—our aunts weren’t that lucky—but...”
His voice trailed off. Ike didn’t like admitting that he wasn’t this happy-go-lucky kid all the time. He hadn’t told anyone about this, ever. Mike had told Jack, years ago, to explain why they had bad days sometimes, but Ike had never been able to talk about it.
He’d felt Hotshot take a deep breath, and then the other boy had pulled him closer, right against his chest. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination when, later, once Ike was halfway into a dream, he thought he might have felt a kiss being pressed to his hair.
Ike had known right there that something had changed between them, and though Mike gave him hell for staying out all night the next morning, he couldn’t say it wasn’t worth it.
He didn’t know if they were... what, did you call it courting? He didn’t know if what they were doing had a label or if spending a significant amount of their free time together qualified as being together.
But, after that first night, Ike did spend the night in Brooklyn a few more times, sharing a bed with Hotshot under the excuse that he’d lost track of time the Brooklyn Lodging House didn’t have one to spare. In reality, he stayed over because sharing a bed, sharing warmth with Brooklyn’s second... it was nice. It was somehow different from crawling in with Mike if nightmares got bad or huddling on the fire escape with Crutchie and Jack if he didn’t make enough to pay for his bed one night.
Sharing a bed with Hotshot was comforting even when nothing was actually wrong. It was safe and warm and it made Ike feel all fuzzy inside and...
Not that he knew how to say it, not that he could say it, but Ike was pretty sure this was what falling in love felt like.
It was scary, but he didn’t want to stop falling.
Of course, he wasn’t planning on telling Hotshot how he felt. Not unless the other boy made the first move. Or unless they decided to get drunk for some reason. Or if it happened to come up in conversation.
Okay... maybe Ike really wanted to tell him, but he just didn’t know how to go about it.
Well, he’d been sitting on this for a long while already, so Ike still really didn’t know when he was going to tell him, but he still felt the need to follow when he felt Hotshot jolt awake, just before rolling out of bed and leaving the room.
Ike followed him out onto the fire escape, finding the taller boy staring down over the edge, a death grip on the railing.
“Hotshot, are you okay?”
Ike moved to stand next to him, making sure it was clear and visible what he was doing as he put a hand over Hotshot’s on the railing.
For a few seconds, he didn’t react. He didn’t even give a sign that he’d heard or even felt Ike touching him.
Then, slowly, he let go of the railing, flipping his hand over so he could intertwine their fingers.
Hotshot exhaled shakily, most of the tension leaving his frame. Ike took that as a sign that it was okay to lean his head against his shoulder.
“Ya gonna tell me what this is about?”
For a minute, he thought he wasn’t going to.
Then Hotshot took a wavering breath and spoke, still staring over the edge of the fire escape.
“Ya once asked how many kids I’s beat up for no reason,” he said quietly, “I don’t know. I get in fights a lot. I get angry and... and usually, Spot tells me where to aim it, but it ain’t always enough. I always have more and if I don’t put it somewhere, it’ll just build till I... till I explode.”
Ike nodded. He understood. He already knew this about Hotshot. He’d figured out that anger was his drive a long time ago.
“I... I learned that from my folks.”
Ike froze. In all their conversations over the last few months, Hotshot had never shared any personal information beyond the fact that he saw Spot as an older brother.
“They’d get angry,” Hotshot said shakily, “And when they’d explode, they’d...”
His voice faltered, and Ike touched his arm with his free hand, trying to ground him. He could read between the lines and though it made him angry and sad as hell, he knew there was nothing he could do about it.
“I... I got myself out when I was 12,” he mumbled, “Finally just couldn’t take it anymore and ran like hell—ended up here. And I know it’s been a couple years, now, but... but I still go back there some nights, when I’m sleepin’.”
His voice was shaking a little, by the end of that, and Ike tugged on his arm gently so he could turn Hotshot to face him.
He wasn’t sure he was going to allow it, but to his relief, Hotshot hugged him back, leaning down to bury his face in Ike’s shoulder.
“You’re here,” Ike whispered, “They can’t hurt ya here, Hotshot. You’re safe.”
Hotshot wasn’t crying, but he was shaking a little in the cold. It was winter, for crying out loud. Winter at night. And though the Brooklyn kids did wear sleeves like reasonable people in winter, most of them didn’t sleep in their shirts.
“Can we take this inside?” Ike asked, knowing that he was cold, even being a little more dressed for the weather than Hotshot was.
The taller boy nodded shakily and they went inside, curling up together in that bunk, the closeness for comfort as much as warmth.
Feeling brave for a minute, Ike leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on the Hotshot’s forehead.
Hotshot went rigid, but the expression on his face was pure surprise, not any kind of disgust, and he didn’t pull away.
Ike offered him a small smile before rolling over, so as not to push things.
He definitely wasn’t complaining when Hotshot pulled him against his chest to sleep for the rest of the night.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and Her Gunn (Part 115 1Xs2) True Intentions
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@crystalbaby12 @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @5sosfam1dlover @rosefilledhearts-blog
"What the hell was that all about?" Slim asks Colson once he's back on his feet.
"Talk to that snitchen' ass bitch over there." Colson glares at Pete who's still holding Kevin.
"Me?" Pete looks around himself and the alien with a snort. "If I was the snitch she'dve kicked me not you, BITCH." He deadpans.
"Can you two just shut the fuck up for a minute and tell me what started this shit?" Slim demands, becoming frustrated over their bickering.
"Dickhead told her I said something to him about her affair." Colson shoots a dirty look at Pete as he rubs his shin.
"Don't even try to put that on me... Cuz ya did. And obviously to other people too." Pete shoots back, cocking his chin over at Slim and his knowledge instead of shock.
"You better watch your mouth, Davidson." Colson growls.
"Ohhh nooo!! You gonna kick my ass?" He mocks by waving his free hand in fake fear. "I'm fucking outta here. See ya, Slim." They exchange nods as he turns on his heel to walk up the slanted road.
"You and your alien better stay the FUCK away from her!" Colson shouts from behind him.
"YOU SHOULD DO MORE STAND UP BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING HILARIOUS!!" Pete cackles the rest of the way up the slight hill with Kevin in tow.
"STOP." Slim puts his hand against Colson's chest firmly before he can react. "You know you don't wanna fucking fight Pete... Tell me what's goin' on." He advises his old friend as he drops his hand and lights up a Backwood.
"I let some shit slip to him and instead of shutting the fuck up he ran his mouth to her." Colson huffs in anger and frustration.
"Where you think she went this time?" Slim asks as he passes the blunt and notices that it's beginning to rain.
"I don't fucking know... Anywhere?" Colson shakes his head as he takes a deep pull.
Pete calls Luna immediately once he's inside of a cab. "Yo... " He starts to lay into her once she answers. "You cheated on Justin? Who the fu... "
On the other end of the line, Luna's blood begins to boil. She's ducked under an awning out of the rain. Annoyed, she pulls the phone away from her ear and looks at it before replacing it.
"Are you my boyfriend?" She quickly cuts Pete off. "Have you ever been my boyfriend? No, I don't fucking think so. Therefore, don't call me up questioning me about some shit that has nothing to do with you. I don't owe you or anyone else an explanation so fuck off." Luna hurls out before hanging her phone up and turning it OFF.
"Why Colson?" Luna sighs heavily as she leans against the brick wall. "Why do you have to be so fucking petty sometimes." She begins to rummage aimlessly through her bag. Lighting a joint, she takes a break from the rain while staying lost inside of her own head.
"Where the fuck could she be?" Colson wonders to himself after searching The Brownstone for Luna. He's called her a dozen times but it's going straight to voicemail. "FUCK." He sighs, rubbing the back of his head.
It's 330A. They have a call time of 6A. Standing on their front stoop, Colson Snaps Luna. Walking back inside, he doesn't know what else to do.
Luna spends the night skating through The City with a bottle of Jack. Contemplating on to do with her feelings for Colson. There's a certain trust barrier that's been broken between them and Luna's unsure of how to handle it. EVERYTHING inside of her is screaming that he'll be the cause of her downfall as tears sporadically drop like the rain around her.
"It's not like you'll leave him." Luna angrily pushes off of the ground as she continues to glide through the streets. "This shit is way more intense than before." She acknowledges to herself what she's been avoiding. That she's bound to Colson in a deeper way than she ever felt to Justin. She's known it since that first night at The Gramercy. "He's gonna hem you up." She continues to argue with herself and the bottle of Jack as she floats around the familiar scenery of Brooklyn.
It's almost 5A when Luna finally shows back up at The Brownstone. Colson had dozed off while sitting up on their bed. She stares at him when she comes in as new tears form. Quietly gathering her things, she heads into the bathroom to shower. Locking the door behind her. Finally turning her phone back ON there's a ton of missed calls. She opens the single Snap from Colson.
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Huge tears fall as she stares at his face. "MOTHERFUCKER." Is all she can think. Knowing in that moment; regardless of what the logic in her brain keeps trying to say, that Colson has her heart. Stepping into the running shower Luna's shoulders heave under the weight of the water and her tears. "I can't breathe without my heart." She shudders at the thought of losing him more than her own freedom.
"You're back." Colson opens his eyes to the sound of Luna chopping up pills in the bathroom.
"Yeah." She calls out simply as she snorts two thick rails of powder; a line of three 30mg Percocets and one of two 30XR Adderall.
"Where've you been?" Colson asks cautiously as he climbs off of the bed.
"Out." Is her only word as she comes into the bedroom to continue getting dressed. Throwing on a pair of his joggers and a tight, black tank. "We've gotta go soon." She tells him flatly when he reaches for her.
"Loon... Please." Colson lightly begs as their eyes meet, causing her heart to ache.
"You need to shower. There's 30s for you on the sink." She answers quietly before walking out of their bedroom.
Colson throws himself back on the bed in frustration, laying there for a couple more minutes before getting up and going into the bathroom. His head is pounding and he got barely any sleep. Turning on the water, he steps into the shower and let's last night's funk rinse off of him. With his back leaned against the wall, his hand automatically goes for his morning wood. Lightly playing with himself he grows harder as his mind drifts to the last time him and Luna were in their bathroom together. Pulling firmly on his thick cock, he starts to breathe heavier as he puts one hand out on the wall to brace himself. The memories of Luna's warm mouth making him burst.
"FUCK... How am I going to fucking fix this..." He worries as he does his daily slew of morning drugs and finishes up in the bathroom.
"Who is THAT?" Rook pants when he sees Jackie strolling down the street towards them.
Dressed to kill as always, her short wavy hair flows as she glides along in a pair of black leather pants and a simple, black Givenchy T shirt. Large, thin metal earrings and an oversized leather bag top off her fierce look.
"Morning Loons!" She leans in for a bright kiss to the cheek.
"Hi Jack." Luna kisses her back before she greets Sam and is introduced to The Guys.
They're standing behind ABC Studios while Rook continues to salivate over Jackie. His sweet little mouth can't form a word to speak to her as everyone bullshits and makes pleasantries. Colson tries to lace his fingers inside of Luna's to which she pulls back. Catching her eye, he feels a soul shattering disconnect.
"We gotta go." Luna announces as she heads towards the front door.
"There is no backing track." Luna argues. "That's the whole fucking point of a live performance."
"You have no pre-recordings of it at all?" The GMA staff member continues to question her.
"No. It's a brand new song that we're giving YOUR show the EXCLUSIVE to." Luna reiterates the significance. "You know what? I don't really give a FU... "
"Okay... Let's all just calm down." Jackie's sweet voice comes in from behind Luna. "The ONLY song specified in the contract is Bad Things, meaning my client and YOUR guests have the choice of the second song with no stipulations. If you'd like to get your lawyers, I'll happily contact Miss. Smith's and Mr. Baker's also." Jackie squeezes Luna's shoulders as she stares at the staff member firmly.
"Lemme check with production." Is all he can say with a shaking head before walking away.
"Where did that come from?" Luna turns around amazed.
"I told you and Monica, I got this." Jackie smiles slyly.
"I knew I made a good choice. Thank you!" Luna gushes with a smirk as she squeezes Jackie into a tight hug.
"And now, Machine Gun Kelly featuring THAT Brooklyn Bitch!!" Robin Roberts introduces them to the cheering crowd. "Performing their hit single Bad Things!"
Luna, Colson and his band are set up on the outdoor SummerStage placed on the corner of Broadway and 44th St. It's 8A in the morning, they're both tired, wired and fighting. They've fought before but neither has ever been this miserable during a performance together. Both are dressed down, easily showing off their mood to anyone who knows them. Him in a white Hotel Diablo T and ripped jeans while she's wearing a simple, goldish slip dress with her Docs. The only jewelery she has on is his padlock and engagement rings; bringing him slight relief.
The show must go on though... And it does. As always. Luna opens up on the keys easily. Wrapping her voice around the opening chorus as the masses below her sing along. The Boys are electric. Rook roaring away as Baze keeps the rhythm while AJ and Colson slide over their guitar riffs before Colson kicks in for his first verse.
One Look.
With the slight catch of The Eye, that's it. Well, at least OnStage. They fall into step with each other too easily, toning it down for morning television slightly; the chemistry and pure fire between Luna and Colson is still undeniable in their performance. Taunting and teasing each other as they roam the stage and command America's living rooms. As always, they end with Colson scooping Luna up for a kiss.
"I love you." He says lightly as he leans in.
"Mmm... I fucking hate you." She lowly coos with a sweet smile while kissing him back on the cheek for the crowd and then disappearing SideStage for not only a commercial break but to get her shit together around Colson.
"Bad Things is doing extremely well for the two of you." Robin compliments them.
"Yeah, we're really proud of it." Colson smiles, using this as an opportunity to slide his arm around Luna's shoulders.
"It's off his album Hotel Diablo that just dropped July 5th. You should check it out, it's such a deep story that you can't help but be engulfed by it's journey." Luna plugs as she wraps her arm around his waist and rests her hand on Colson's chest out of instinct.
"Is there gonna be a tour?" She asks Colson.
"Hotel Diablo, baby! We did one earlier in the summer and we're headed across seas next month. Hopefully we'll hit another one stateside when we get back." Colson answers as he pulls Luna closer.
"FUCK... I hate him so FUCKING much." Luna screams mentally as her whole body throbs for Colson. His arm around her bare skin is like ice cream on a hot summer day. Melting and sticking to her soul. She wants to hate him but she can't. On all levels. Physically, mentally and emotionally. He fucking has her.
"So do you guys go on tour together?" Comes another question.
"Yeah, for the most part." Colson looks down at her for support.
"Bad Things is one of the regulars on his set lists so if I'm not working on another project, I'm usually with him." Luna admits.
"Aww... That's gotta be a lot of fun for you guys." The unknowing host assumes. "And today you're gonna debut a new song for us?" Robin grins at the roaring crowd. "Is this off Hotel Diablo also?"
"No." Luna speaks again. "This will probably be off my upcoming double album." She informs the public for the first time.
"A double album? Wow!! When can we expect that?" The host asks with a shocked response as Luna ignores her, moving away from Colson and grabbing her electric. "Well, don't let me hold you up." Robin nervously laughs. "Gracing us again... THAT Brooklyn Bitch and Machine Gun Kelly!!" She introduces them to the LIVE audience's wild applause.
Luna looks over to Sam first. Then Baze. Tuning her guitar she tosses an Eye to Colson. It's unamused and asks if he's ready as she adjusts the mic. His eyes say more than Yes and kills her soul.
Luna makes her guitar whine before Baze evens her out and Sam kicks in with the her steady, quick paced drums. Sliding into the main rhythm, Colson's guitar punches in to match hers. The beat is raw and powerful while Luna's deep voice brings it back to it's inner melodic tune.
🎼They say //He likes a good time//Well so do I//He comes alive//At midnight//That's when we thrive//My friends //No they don't trust him//Ask me why //They say he's into//Bad Things//But so am I🎶
Luna rips a mini solo while swirling her hips with the beat as Sam pounds away. Colson and Baze continuing to balance them both out. Luna stepping back up to the mic to lay the first official verse.
🎶A little bit older//Hates my//Black leather JACKET//Both got bad reputations//With insatiable HABITS//He was on to me//One Look//And I had to leave//Cuz//As soon//As he kissed me//We popped off//And were CRACKEN'🎶
Luna grabs the mic as Colson changes his chords to back her. Glancing over at him again he catches her eye before she unleashes her furry. This performance has such a different feel from when it first originated.
Sam drops her beat to a low rumble. Baze kicking in with the same electronic ripping sound from Floor 13. His bass jarring through the air as Colson continues to play through the chords and move across the stage towards Luna.
🎶They say //He likes a good time//Well so do I//He comes alive//At midnight//That's when we thrive//My friends //No they don't trust him//Ask me why //They say he's into//Bad Things//But so am I🎶
Luna can't help but drop her head against Colson's shoulder blade as they lean back to back against each other. Both ripping their guitars and thriving off of each other before he takes over her mic. Hearts pounding as he lays his piece.
🎶Look... //She the type//To break//Your ass bad//Have you runnen' //Quicker//Than one of //Mr. White's bags//I be rockin' wit//THAT Bitch//You know she//Be rockin' wit me//You a special//Type of dumb //To think//You can stop her//From doin'//What she please//The kind //To whoop your ass//Then have you//On your knees//Looking up//Still begging//Like come on//Kiss me please //Don't say it too loud//Cuz that's MY girl //So trust and believe//That I won't wait//Or hesitate to//Jack you up too//Like a mini //Slim Shady🎶
Luna steps up face to face with Colson to the mic as his words make her pussy drip. There's that ALWAYS present electricity between them as they both continue to rip through the song together. Luna staring at him with THAT One Look. Giving her a sly smile he kisses her cheek before she kicks in and he backs away to let her focus.
Luna grins at Colson as he steps closer to her. Their guitars playing off one another's as their bodies pulsate from being so close to each other. Her pussy swells, wanting him just as badly as he does her. She can't help herself; it's like a fucking deficiency.
🎶They say //He likes a good time//Well so do I//He comes alive//At midnight//That's when we thrive//My friends //No they don't trust him//Ask me why //They say he's into//Bad Things//But so am I🎶
The four of them unleash their instruments. Sam slamming into the kit as Baze leans into his chords. Colson head banging while he slashes on his guitar as Luna continues to play while belting out the lyrics.
🎶MY OH MY//OH MY OH MY//They're calling you//The Devil, Baby//MY OH MY//OH MY OH MY//That makes me//Your Persephone//Without the maybe//MY OH MY//OH MY OH MY🎶
Luna's up at the mic as Colson teases her with his guitar. As much as she wants to be mad at him she can't help but smile again as she sings about him. Cocking her lip, her voice snakes around the lyrics as she glares at him and her body dies for his touch.
🎶They say //He likes a good time//Well so do I//He comes alive//At midnight//That's when we thrive//My friends //No they don't trust him//Ask me why //They say he's into//Bad Things//But so am I//So am I//Yeah so am I🎶
Their instruments taking over again before rounding out to a grand applause. Sam rumbles in the background as Colson throws his guitar over his shoulder and grabs Luna around the waist through hers. She can't help but grin as he plants a solid kiss on her lips.
"THAT Brooklyn Bitch and Machine Gun Kelly!!" Rings lowly in her ears amongst the screaming behind them.
"Just shut the fuck up." Luna kisses Colson through their words as she pulls him into their dressing room.
Turning around, she bends over the closest object. It's the arm of a couch. Hiking her tight dress up, she pulls down her black panties as Colson presents his rock solid dick.
"Kitten... " Colson tries to speak as Luna works him into her with her hand.
"Unh Unh." She mumbles, tossing up the other arm to indicate his silence.
Slightly offended, Colson grabs Luna's hips and pushes himself into her deeper. Making her moan and slightly shake. Showcasing his authority, he wraps his fist inside her long blonde hair. Controlling everything about her as she bucks against him. Luna's walls tighten as they both draw closer; reaching around from behind her, she grabs his ass. Clutching it in her nails, she keeps him in place as she slams herself into his hips until they both equally explode.
"Fuck Loons... " Colson sighs as he kisses the back of her neck.
"Mmm... We've gotta go." She tells him again for the third time today to his dismay.
"I need you to call Lee Foster. Let 'em know I'm coming and that I wanna use Studio A... If it's booked I'll comp the artist's next two sessions." Luna tells Jackie once they're all back on the NYC streets.
"I don't know who that is... " She hesitates.
"The manager of Electric Lady Land Studios... Just mention my name along with what I said and we should be good." Luna quietly explains. "Meet me at the storage unit later?" She then asks before throwing her hand up for a cab to Jackie's nod. Luna turns to Sam. "Hey... Change of plans. We're gonna record here. Jack's trying to book us now. See that Mike's cool, please?" She asks of her.
"Yeah. No problem." Sam responds easily to Luna's Thanks as her and Colson climb into a cab.
"Electric Lady Land Studios, hunh?" Colson tries to make small talk with Luna for the first time in their lives. "How you gonna get in there?" He asks.
Luna turns to him with standoffish eyes. "I own part of it." She states flatly.
"Seriously?" He asks in disbelief.
"Yeah. I've been a silent owner since I was 18yrs old... There's A LOT you don't fucking know about me." She sighs loudly as she pulls up her black hoodie and looks out the window.
"She has so many fucking secrets... " Colson sighs to himself as he looks out his own window. Inching his fingers across the seat for Luna's, there's less than a half inch between them and he can feel the heat. Before he can touch her, she lifts her hand and lays it in her lap.
Arriving at Monica's office in Lower Manhattan, Colson and Luna meet up with his personal lawyer Cyrus. Placed in a private room they exchange introductions and pleasantries while waiting for Monica. Luna and Colson both still feeling off kilter.
"Hey!" Monica greets them with a rushed smile. "Sorry I'm late... How is everyone?" She asks as she scans the tense room.
The signing is quick. Holding nothing of Colson's or Luna's in the contract; only Robert Maplethorpe's personal catalog, it's exactly what they spoke about. Before they know it, Colson and Luna are back out on the pavement. Neither questioning their choice surprisingly even though this felt more like a business transaction rather than anything remotely personal.
"Come're... " Colson reaches for Luna's waist after they walk out of a stupid ass Starbucks; refusing to buy a coffee she has a strawberry smoothie.
"No." She declines as she shakes him off of her hips.
"What the FUCK, Luna?" Colson demands, growing tired of her coldness.
"REALLY?" Luna bites back.
"Yeah REALLY. We just fucked and signed our God Damn PreNump... So yeah, WHAT THE FUCK?" He throws his hand up in the air in frustration and shakes his head.
"YOU FUCKED UP!" Luna snaps while grabbing the tip of her hoodie.
"THEN WHY'D YOU FUCK ME!?!" Colson shouts at her in annoyance. "OR FUCKING SIGN ANYTHING!?!"
"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!" Luna screams before throwing her smoothie to the right of him. It hits the wall and splatters everywhere just like she had intended; her aim is rarely off.
"WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!!" He yells as little spots of pink goo land on him.
"Go tell Pete and ask him how to clean it out." She snarks before jogging off across the street.
"YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!!" Colson screams after her as she gets into a cab.
"She's fucking insane. She's fucking flat out fucking insane." Colson stews as he looks at his tainted shirt. "Where the fuck is she going though? I swear to God I'm gonna fucking kill her one of these days." Colson sighs with a frustrated mind as he pulls his phone out to call Mod and find The Boys before buying a new shirt.
Part 1 of 2
To be continued...
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fightmewiatch · 5 years
Romance - 6 for Eddie Brock (Venom)
#6 - “How cheesy would it be if I kissed you right now?”
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          At what point did your life become some kind of cheesy movie? 
         If you were ever asked that question, you would laugh at the person asking, and walk away. But right now, you were wondering if that was exactly what your life was becoming. 
         After what felt like the longest shift ever, you had gone to the bar down the road, barely settling onto your seat and ordering a beer when Eddie Brock himself had taken the seat beside you, flashing you a tired smile. It had been a while since you’d seen him, not since he was at the top of his game and reaching out to you when he found out you had information on your (piece of shit) landlord, who had less than zero regard for the life and safety of his tenants. You wouldn’t call yourselves friends, but you weren’t strangers, or enemies. You were more like friendly. 
“Been a while,” he chuckled, glancing towards the bartender as he spoke to a couple at the other end of the bar.
“A couple years,” you replied, sipping your beer as he fumbled through his pockets, frowning a bit at himself. “How’ve you been, Eddie?”
“Ah, y’know. Ups and downs, just…life. Shit.”
“Forgot my wallet,” he admitted, shaking his head. You were feeling good, your long shift rolling off your back as you looked forward to a weekend without any responsibilities, so you smiled, motioning to your bottle as you nodded at the bartender. The second the bottle was placed in front of him, he looked at you, frowning. “You don’t hafta d-”
“And you didn’t have to take down my landlord. Consider this a late thank you.” With a chuckle, and a shake of his head, Eddie picked up the bottle, turning to clink it against yours, before taking a drink.
         One drink turned into two, into three, into four, the space between you filled with real conversation, catching up on the time lost and how life had thrown down cards for both of you, before you tossed down enough for the drinks plus a tip - you hoped, anyways, giggling and a little off balance as you leaned against Eddie on the way out of the bar. After exposing just how terrible your landlord was, the building you lived in, as well as a couple of others that he owned, were seized by the city, and then condemned after a thorough inspection of the properties. You had moved to a building that, as you walked with Eddie, you realized wasn’t too far from the place he’d landed when things had gone to hell for him a year ago. 
         Stumbling around the corner, and clutching a little tighter to his arm, you giggled, and then gasped, head falling back as the rain started falling, slowly splashing against your face and shoulders, before turning into a downpour. 
“Ah! I didn’ know it was supposed t’rain!” you squealed, as Eddie grabbed your hand and bolted down the sidewalk with you until you found an awning to a shop that was already closed, bodies falling back against the dark windows. 
“Shit…I think I left a window open.” You giggled, covering your mouth, as Eddie grinned over at you. You thought his eye twitched, lips ticking up and then down, before curling back up into a smile again, but with how hard the rain was falling, and the constant stream of headlights from passing cars, you brushed it off as a trick of the lights, instead leaning back against the glass as you sighed and shook your head. “What?”
“No, no,” Eddie chuckled. “I can see ya thinkin’ from over here. What’s goin’ on?”
“This…feels…like a scene in one of those cheesy chick flicks…you know? Two people who might have been friends bump into each other for the first time in at least two years, they catch up over drinks and leave together. Then they find out they’ve been living so close to each other for a year and never knew it. And then they get caught in the rain.” Eddie looked so amused as you blushed, turning to look out at the rain coating every surface it could get to, rushing down the busy street towards the drains like waterfalls. 
“Don’t usually watch those movies without reason. What happens after that?” he asked, smirking, as you scoffed, glancing back at him. 
“You say that like you’ve watched them, so I think you know what usually happens after that, and it’s always so freaking cheesy, or cliche, or with some stupid pun or some crap.” 
         Eddie laughed quietly, or, at least, softly enough to be mostly muffled by the rain, as he stepped beside you, leaning against the window as he faced you. You bit your lip before looking over, curious. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen ‘em. Hard to miss ‘em during the holidays, especially.” Your laugh was quiet, mostly a shake of your shoulders as you parted your lips, until he cleared his throat. “How cheesy would it be if I kissed you right now?” This time, your breath caught in your throat, eyes widening slightly as you looked at him. 
“Are you serious?” you murmured, but you weren’t angry. You’d be lying if you ever said you never considered kissing Eddie, wondered what those perfect pink lips would feel like against your own, but you genuinely figured it wasn’t ever going to be an option. 
         With a nod of his head, you didn’t waste another second, turning towards him and curling your fingers around the zipper of his leather jacket, eyes fluttering closed as he leaned in towards you. His breath fanned warm across your lips and face just before his lips covered yours. For a brief second, you were sure your heart stopped, before it slammed harshly against your ribs, your other hand slipping up to cup his face as your lips parted with his, his tongue flicking against yours. 
         The chill of the rain on the wind, was now comforting against your overheated skin as you curled against Eddie, maneuvering your arms around his shoulders as he pressed you against the glass display window of the darkened shop, his hands grasping your waist to pull you as close as possible. 
         Whimpering, you pulled back, his forehead pressing against yours as you shared staggered breaths until you could open your eyes and meet his blue green eyes, the color barely visible around his blown pupils. Panting softly, you tipped your head, lips grazing his once, twice, three times, before he pulled back, hands dragging over your arms until he had his fingers laced with yours.
         The confusion was gone as quick as it came, as Eddie squeezed your hand, and smiled, before bolting out into the rain with you in tow, leading you the rest of the way to his building at a running pace. That realization warmed you from the inside, and as you followed Eddie through the lobby, up the steps, and down the hall to his apartment, his hands pulling you close and his mouth constantly pressing to your hand, your cheek, your lips, you were suddenly very glad for the long shift that led you to the bar.
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into-control · 4 years
what th hell is goin awn
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