#what part of learning the. 5 part? farm to consumer flow had this influence on me
match-your-steps · 1 year
so far the biggest influence this floral design class I'm taking has had on my life is that now I feel like I could write a really good flower shop fic
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micoco · 4 years
To summarize the research and areas of food waste I did last week, It includes serious problems of food waste in manufacturing, and business (restaurants, hotels and canteens); food wastes from consumers; the influences of food waste to society and environment; food safety; different methods to reduce or avoid the food wastes in manufacturing and businesses; a lot of new designs, technologies, products especially for consumers to reduce the food wastes and rise awareness; financial costs and profits in food industries and manufacturing; food packaging wastes and so on. 
New take-aways & questions after class: 
- Food manufacturing/farms: imperfect food to cause food waste 
- Second harvest food bank around the world 
- In the whole food chain, where is the most food waste part? 
- How do people value the food? size? health? cheap? expansive? tasty? What can we do to help people value food? Why is it important? How do different countries value the food differently? 
- For consumers: Having food outside in restaurants and food delivery services are becoming the parts of reasons to cause food wastes? Does it increase the food wastes? How do they affect food packaging wastes? 
- In the food manufacturing and businesses, do they use more energy or more costs to store food to keep them fresh and safe? What kind of methods do they use? Are they successful or not? Are they wasting the technologies or limited energies? Not only the technologies or machines the industries used, it is also important to do research on employees, how they can reduce the food wastes? 
- Researching a new food system - storing the food, advancing the food growing system -  to replace traditional farms or manufacture industries - more efficient and productive. 
- Looking for some food packaging design: edible seaweed water balls / edible cookie cups and so on
- Future directions: Food packaging design (edible packaging, more sustainable) , App (value the food and rise awarenesses of food wastes), food delivery app, an ideal food system in food manufacturing, impactive design for businesses > transforming the food wastes to other products. 
The design & projects to help customers better measure & value food - avoid food wastes
A student designed the “Good Food” App - Value makeup consumers’ minds about what criteria their “good food” should meet and create your personal food profile in a form of spider chart - make choices - get feedback - I think it could be an example of avoidable food wastes. Customers can have a new perspective on various kinds of grocery products and have a better understanding of what they want and need from those! https://designawards.core77.com/Interaction/61179/GOOD-FOOD-Empowering-Food-Decisions 
Sage Project: A new way to look at the nutrition labels - avoid food wastes https://www.core77.com/posts/54916/Sage-Project-is-Changing-the-Way-We-Learn-About-Food 
Tupperware-style products: Chicago-based tech startup Ovie has launched Smarter-ware, a line of food storage products that alert users when food in their fridge is going to spoil. https://www.dezeen.com/2018/05/29/smarterware-ovie-smart-tupperware-internet-of-things-food-waste/
1. The research from the Public Interest Research Center: https://valuesandframes.org/resources/CCF_briefing_food_values_positioning_paper.pdf 
Through the psychological research of values with different people in the world, it introduces the elements to influence people’s behaviour and the importance of it. And it has defined 10 values groups like Benevolence, Universalism and Self-direction and so on. Deeply, it talks about food and values: 1. individual choices ( how customers change the idea of food, what will influence our choices? Time, family backgrounds, belief, special pandemic ……) 2. Community health: sustainable and ethical food choices can relate to one community health. It needs education and community work. Example in the paper is the “Our Common Place”. Similarly, I have researched the “Second harvest food bank” or “Culinary Slow Food Project”. I think all of them prefer the educational impacts on food: change the ways to look at food and focus on one community's health from everyone’s effort. 3. Societal structures influence the food system: Compared with different countries: “After controlling for GDP, countries that placed relatively higher importance on Power and Wealth (oppositional to the Intrinsic values), had higher emissions, lower maternal leave, lower child well-being and more advertising per minute of commercial TV aimed at children.” I think the sub topic is talking about the relationship between society and individuals.  “How the food system affords or blocks us from expressing intrinsic values?”
2. “How do people value food?” from PhD. Jose Luis Vivero Pol 
It is a longggggg book. And It has talked about the food narratives, exploring the idea of food as common as commodity and emmm some others. 
I was looking at: the industrial food system, sustainable food systems and alternative food networks. It points out the serious problems of agro‐industries: farming considered as a business. It focuses on improving the profits, lowering the costs “a low cost food system > over consuming, more food loss or wastes, destroying the ecosystem, employment issues at the same time ……. It has an idea: sustainable development / agriculture affects food production. p38-40.
How do people can be involved in food production - to improve awareness of the limited natural resources, how to reduce wastes and use those resources, preserve the environment as well?  
Advantages: Users shop from those websites, they can get a box of “ugly” food products with cheaper prices compared with other regular groceries’ product prices. In some ways, it can eliminate the food wastes during food farming /  manufacturing industries. / provide job opportunities to people / Let farms get more profits 
However, does this method can largely reduce the food wastes? If the farms still will produce more because they want to get more profits from them? 
1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335094922_Impact_of_plate_size_on_food_waste_Agent-based_simulation_of_food_consumption
The pdf is about the food wastes in food services. When people go outside to have meals, how food services & “all you can eat” stimulate more food consumption. The research finds out more parameters from consumers to influence the food wastes: food types, high traffic, plate-size, food-stations, arrival-period, flow-rate, wait time and more. 
Especially for the plate-size, the results: switching from a large to a medium plate and a small plate decreases the number of not-eaten food items by 21.1% and 43.5% on average respectively. Switching from medium to small: decreases 28.4% on average between two scenarios. 
2. If the size changes, what will happen:  https://www.refed.com/analysis?sort=jobs-created
CHANGE THE WAYS OF LOOKING AT FOOD - THROUGH 5 SENSES OF HUMAN BEINGS: In this area, the products people designed are interesting to me! And in this area, 
1. Using the cute and strange products to put in the middle of the plate - Let customers feel the plate is big and food is enough - Visual sense to change the mind of having too much food  > reduce food wastes. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/05/11/marije-vogelzang-tackles-mindless-food-consumption-odd-shaped-tableware/
2.Finger-shaped spoon could make food taste better than normal cutlery https://www.dezeen.com/2017/02/08/finger-shaped-goute-spoon-michelfabian-make-food-taste-better-cutlery/
3. A concept of transformative appetite from 2D to 3D. The ‘flat packaging’ concept for substantially reducing shipping costs and storage space and it also provides new food forms. https://www.media.mit.edu/projects/transformative-appetite/overview/
4. And another is about a TED talk, how the music changes our appetites? taste food differently? 
TRANSFER FOOD TO NEW PRODUCTS  - Reducing food wastes / food wastes as valuable sources of bioactive molecules 
1. Zera food recycler - transfer food wastes into fertilizer in 24 hours. However, 1000$ is kind of expensive! https://www.core77.com/posts/60166/Whirlpool-Selling-Machine-That-Turns-Food-Waste-into-Fertilizer-in-Just-24-Hours
2. Book: “Food Industry Wastes: Assessment and recuperation of commodities” by Colin Webb and Maria R. Kosseva - Transform food wastes to be nutraceutical and functional food: phenolic, vegetable, coloring agents, dietary fibers and so on/ Example: a lot of wasted bread - Fermentation products 
3. Exploring the future products - algae can be future food, sustainable packaging, algae bar and so on….. 
In this area, I want to talk about some professionals in the field of sustainability, also about compostable materials
1. Pairish is a food waste intervention solution: change consumer attitudes and behaviors, creating a manageable solution and empowering users to enjoy doing good. https://designawards.core77.com/Packaging/97642/Pairish-Food-Waste-Intervention
2. Plastic Free packaging - which could have huge influences on decreasing the food packaging problems. https://designawards.core77.com/Packaging/84869/Boudin-SF-Plastic-Free-Food-Packaging
3. Using the potato skins to make fries packaging 
Food discrimination and food wastes / mass produced
- Food waste driven by price discrimination by retailers. Retailers price discriminate by charging different prices for items of different quality. 
- Reducing food loss and waste potentially will produce significant gains in developing countries
- Dealing with food loss & wastes without expanding production https://www.nap.edu/read/25396/chapter/6#48
1. SEALEAF is a floating agricultural platform designed to enable growth of crops along urban coastlines via a modular, expandable system.
2. The Cloud Farms products were designed to make indoor growing incredibly easy in a small space. A soilless growing system. 
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Every Dollar Matters: What Does A Paleo-Minded Consumer Look Like?
Money talks. And every time you spend your money, you influence the conversation. At the end of the day, each dollar we inject into the marketplace is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. So what does it mean to be a “Paleo-minded consumer”? By now, most people know that the Paleo lifestyle involves far more than just food and exercise. It’s an entire way of life that is intentional: intentional about healing our bodies, our communities, and our planet, and intentional about understanding our personal power within the socioeconomic system.1 As more of us embrace this way of being, I hope we can have more open conversations about how to exist in our modern marketplace while keeping our values intact. This is important, because there is still a lot of misinformation out there.
Say you’re shopping for food at your local grocery store. You want to buy some chicken thighs for your dinner this evening, and you’re met with a handful of choices. Now, any and all plain chicken thighs would be considered “Paleo” by nearly every nutritional authority out there; after all, they’re just meat—no sketchy seasonings, canola oil, or gluten in sight. You could pick any option and technically be eating Paleo, but this is too myopic a decision-making strategy. Consider the sourcing of the chicken, how the animals were treated, and whether the product is certified organic/gluten-free/etc . . . and in the end, the best choice stands out. You go with the chicken thighs that hail from a local, family-run farm, where the animals roam free and never receive heavy medications or industrial feed. Any of the chicken thighs you see would taste great in tonight’s recipe, but only this one product is a cut above the rest when it comes to the variety of factors that any savvy Paleo shopper should consider.
Always selecting the cleanest food possible may sound like a daunting task, and sometimes it is. Yet, as you begin to consider the economics of living Paleo, you’ll realize that food shopping is only one piece of the grain-free pie. It’s important to not get overly focused on one area and forget about the rest. Instead, take a wide-angle view on your entire life, watching where your money goes in all areas. When you think back to the ways our ancestors lived, you see that their communities thrived when they invested in each other.2 They weren’t giving their resources to huge multinational corporations that polluted their lands, poisoned their children, and put their neighbors out of business. They had a network of people they could count on for their food, medicine, clothing, and household goods. They knew where their money went, and that it was used to support the livelihoods of their friends and family members. And this type of economic structure existed until relatively recently.
It’s not realistic to yearn for the old days of the tribe-based marketplace, and understandably so. Our world has become a giant web of goods and services, with currencies flowing across borders in milliseconds, and with an abundance of retailers popping up on every corner. We can buy just about anything we want with the click of a button, without ever leaving our couches.3 Large, industrial operations greatly outnumber the small, family-owned outfits. But all is not lost. We, the consumers, still have power to influence our economy. So how can we make it more Paleo-friendly? What does it mean to shop with a Paleo perspective?
When I think of the ideal Paleo consumer, a few key traits stand out:
1. They’re Honest About Their Needs
Out of all the Rs of conservation, reduce is one of the most important. A true Paleo consumer recognizes life’s actual necessities and avoids consumerism for its own sake.4 Because even the most conscious purchase still involves energy and resources, avoiding overbuying is a foundational habit for any ethically-minded human.5 There are plenty of things that we can do without, or find through non-traditional routes.
2. They Reuse, Salvage, and DIY
While the era of convenience has its upsides, the abundance of cheap, easily accessible goods has made us less resourceful, less creative, and less patient overall. Instead of tossing something out and replacing it with an imported, factory-made version, a Paleo-minded consumer would look for ways to repair or repurpose the item. This not only engages your brain and body, it also prevents unnecessary waste from going into our landfills.6,7
3. They Choose Locally-Made Offerings
The Paleo lifestyle aims to minimize environmental impacts while maximizing economic vitality, and small local businesses give us the best of both worlds. When you buy locally-made goods, you skip the carbon footprint of extensive shipping and manufacturing, while also financially supporting independent artisans, farmers, and practitioners.8 Choosing a small business in your area over a large foreign corporation contributes to a positive economic shift every time you buy.
4. They Give Back
Our world is suffering right now, and living Paleo is one small way we can help address the modern diseases of greed, destruction, and inequality. Purchases made in line with Paleo values are those that support the empowerment of others and the revitalization of our natural landscape.9 Living Paleo also means getting involved in your community, donating your time, talents, or dollars to making the world a better place for everyone.
5. They Get Personal
Most people are drastically disconnected from the sources of their goods, and this results in less satisfaction and engagement with their belongings. When we take the time to learn about how our stuff (food or otherwise) ended up in our hands, we feel more attuned to our place in our economic system. A true Paleo consumer makes an effort to meet their suppliers, whether that’s at a farmer’s market, a craft fair, or even connecting with them online. Knowing the names and faces of the people you support makes a huge difference in how you spend your money.10
6. They Think Big-Picture
Every dollar you spend is broken up and allocated to about a dozen different people. A few cents go to raw materials, a few more to the growing, some to the harvesting, some to the shipping or transportation, a few to advertising or marketing, etc. There is a chain of supply that brings us everything we use, from food to clothing, and Paleo-minded consumers understand the far-reaching implications of their purchases. When you buy something, take a moment to think about how it will affect everyone along the supply chain.11,12
Switching to a grain-free, veggie-heavy diet and dumping the chronic cardio is only part of the Paleo solution. When we acknowledge our power as individuals to shift our economy, we see the importance of putting our Paleo values into action. If you believe in community, in vibrant health, and in reconnecting with what truly matters, it’s time to start spending your money with these things in mind. One dollar at a time, we can change the world.
Tips for Being a Paleo Consumer:
To find local, ethically produced foods, shop your seasonal farmers’ markets.
Instead of throwing away a used item, think of how you could repurpose or recycle it.
For handmade gift ideas, search for small, local artisans on Etsy.
Look for an apothecary near you for bulk herbs and natural remedies.
Honor your food and the resources it took to make it; reduce your food waste, buy in bulk, and cook larger meals at a time.
Ask local ranchers and growers if they offer “open farm days” so you can personally connect with their land and animals.
Learn the meanings of certain designations like Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance-Certified, Animal Welfare-Approved, pastured, organic, cruelty-free, and more.
Melani Schweder is a writer and certified Primal Health Coach based in Denver, Colorado. Her own healing adventure from Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome brought her to discover the Paleo lifestyle, which she credits for much of her recovery. She has a degree in Health and Human Sciences, and loves to write about nutrition, mindfulness, and self-care, helping people to find their own pathway to optimal wellness. When she’s not writing, she’s either snuggling her dog, River, or whipping up something in the kitchen. You can read her story and see what she’s been up to at: www.abrighterwild.com.
1. Irving S, Harrison R, Rayner M. “Ethical Consumerism–Democracy Through the Wallet.” Journal of Research for Consumers 3.3 (2002): 63-83.
2. Bhalla J. “Paleo-Economics Shaped Our Moralities.” Big Think. 10 March 2018. http://bigthink.com/errors-we-live-by/did-paleo-economics-shape-our-moralities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
3. Pitt LF, Berthon PR, Watson RT, Zinkhan GM. “The Internet and the Birth of Real Consumer Power.” Business Horizons 45.4 (2002): 7-14.
4. Nelson ES. Review of Mindfulness In The Marketplace: A Compassionate Response To Consumerism. Journal of Buddhist Ethics 10 (2003): 66-70.
5. Carrington MJ, Neville BA, Whitwell GJ. “Lost In Translation: Exploring The Ethical Consumer Intention–Behavior Gap.” Journal of Business Research 67.1 (2014): 2759-2767.
6. Harbo S, De Young R, Guckian M. Beyond Green Consumerism: Uncovering The Motivations of Green Citizenship. Michigan Journal of Sustainability 5.1 (2017): 73-94. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/mjs.12333712.0005.105
7. Runco MA. “Creativity And Health.” Creativity Research Journal 3.2 (1990): 81-84. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419009534338
8. Kilkenny M, Nalbarte L, Besser T. “Reciprocated Community Support and Small Town-Small Business Success.” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 11.3 (1999): 231-246.
9. Giddings B, Hopwood B, O’Brien G. “Environment, Economy And Society: Fitting Them Together Into Sustainable Development.” Sustainable Development 10.4 (2002): 187-196.
10. Porter ME, Kramer MR. “The Big Idea: Creating Shared Value.” Harvard Business Review 89 (January-February 2011): 2-17.
11. Christopherson S, Michie J, Tyler P. “Regional Resilience: Theoretical And Empirical Perspectives.” Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 3.1 (2010): 3-10.
12. Barratt M. “Understanding The Meaning Of Collaboration In The Supply Chain.” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9.1 (2004): 30-42.
The post Every Dollar Matters: What Does A Paleo-Minded Consumer Look Like? appeared first on Paleo Magazine.
from Best Paleo Cookbook Reviews https://paleomagonline.com/every-dollar-matters-what-does-a-paleo-minded-consumer-look-like/
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