#what my brain decides to read it as: dear god! it's secret code! someone is holding them hostage and forcing them to ask for art. D:
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pokimoko · 8 months ago
Hello!! i just discovered your blog and firstly i wanna say that your art is gorgeous! <33 and secondly, if youre still taking requests could i get a lesbian/non binary cheetah? /nf
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Thank you! Cheetahs be upon ye!
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albapuella · 5 years ago
How to Lose a Lover in 10 Days or Less: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Future Romantic Failure (Chapter Three)
Fandom: Homestuck
Summary: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days AU Dave needs to win a bet; Karkat needs to write an article. Shenanigans ensue.
Tags: Humanstuck, alternate universe - no sburb session, POV switches galore, implied/referenced child abuse Author’s note: This story is the result of a jam session I did with aceAdoxography on the davekat thirst federation discord server. This one's a little out of my usual wheelhouse, but I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. New chapters every Saturday/Sunday.  Didn’t bother with the formatting this time: You want the fancy formatting, go to AO3 :D
Day 3:
Since Karkat had not managed to scare Dave off with the... outburst yesterday, he figured he’d hooked the idiot as well as he was ever going to. Which meant it was time to start fucking it up. He did his best to ignore the sense of loss already forming in his chest at the thought. Whatever frustrations he’d felt during that hang out/date thing Dave had put him through yesterday, he couldn’t deny that he’d enjoyed the experience, too.
Dave was a dork who talked too much, but he was also witty and charming in a maladroit sort of way. And it had been nice to have someone appreciate Karkat’s sense of humor in return. For once. A part of him wished he had longer to enjoy their time together, but he knew better.
Since he knew better, he also knew it wasn’t the time to mope. It was time to go on the full offensive. “Offensive” being the operative word. In this case, it meant acting like himself. Karkat had been on his best behavior up to this point, and now he’d show Dave who the “real him” really was. If he played his cards right, he probably wouldn’t even have to go on another date to seal the deal.
Karkat felt his eyes ache, and he hated himself for being such an idiot. He’d known this wasn’t going to last—even without his article, it never would have lasted. He’d already proven a countless number of times that, while a fairly good friend, he was simply terrible as a romantic partner. Dave was just one more guy he’d never really had a chance with. Just one more tally mark to add to his failures.
When Dave woke up the next day, he saw that he had quite a few messages waiting for him. A handful from Rose about wedding plans (with a reminder of the dress code, because of course her wedding would have a fully defined dress code). A bunch from his far-flung friend Jade (mostly telling a story which did not require more than a quick “cool” on his part). A couple from John (who was excited that he’d be seeing Dave at the wedding). There were also several from Karkat. Which was kind of a relief: Dave hadn’t liked that he’d been the first one to message him all the time: it made him feel like he was bugging the guy. Especially after waking him up yesterday.
Dave read the messages a few times, frowning. Mostly, he felt confused, too confused to feel either amused or insulted. Sudden. This was sudden. Also, the more he read the messages, the more he thought Karkat was being more mean to himself than to Dave. His inner Rose (the voice which sounded like Rose but was not nearly as smart as the real thing) said that Karkat was lashing out, hoping to hurt Dave before Dave could hurt him.
And wasn’t that sad?
TG: first of all
TG: you are a total snack
TG: this is not negotiable
TG: do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars
TG: not to be all objectifying or whatever
TG: but that was literally the first thing i thought when i saw you
TG: that guy is a total snack
TG: and fuck you you are sexy
TG: i bet you look even better without the sweater
TG: you are the bank and im the debtor
TG: payin compliments is my cheddar
TG: need proof read the letter
TG: dear mr vantas you are hella sexy signed me
Dave was grinning so much his cheeks hurt. Nailed it.
TG: im not a masochist
TG: but i think i might be getting a thing for grumpy assholes
TG: it needs more testing
TG: how about we hang out for a few hours today
TG: and see
“CG is typing” appeared and disappeared several times.
TG: yea unless you dont want to keep dating me
TG: i hope you do
TG: want to keep dating me
TG: i want to know you better
TG: and kiss you sometime
This time the “CG is typing” message went on for quite a while. Dave wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have sent that last message. Then again, he’d already called the guy sexy several times; saying he wanted to kiss him wasn’t weird.
TG: score
After, unwisely, agreeing to meet Dave at the park again before going to some secret secondary date destination he had in mind, Karkat slipped his phone into his pocket in a daze. He was still reeling. Where had he misjudged this situation? He’d been certain he’d done enough to scare Dave away, and yet, here he was with another date to prepare for. Masochism or brain damage—those were the only options. Considering how much Dave had insisted on Karkat’s attractiveness, he was leaning towards the latter.
Of course, the words alone were only half of the total package. Even Dave would find difficulty deriving whatever enjoyment he got out of Karkat’s insults when they were being delivered at an ear-ringing volume. Karkat heaved a deep sigh. All he had to do was be himself on this date. That had always been enough for every other person he’d dated to leave him. Dave would be no different: he was just dumber, so it was taking him longer to get with the program.
* Thinks I’m “sexy”. Definite brain damage. Probable masochist. Raps have not increased in quality but I’m starting to get used to them.
The problem was Dave knew what he liked to do, what he found fun, but he didn’t know Karkat well enough yet to have much of an idea of what Karkat liked to do. Usually, Dave would have just asked, but seeing as Karkat had just been prepared to be dumped, he didn’t think the question would go over well.
When Dave approached the YO this time, Karkat was already sitting on the bench. His head was bowed over his notepad, and he was furiously writing. Although tempted to look over his shoulder and see what he was doing, Dave decided not to. If it turned out to be something deeply personal, he’d feel like a creep.
Whatever it was held Karkat’s full attention. Dave could be very stealthy, but he wasn’t even trying to be quiet as he got closer. Finally, he was standing right beside where Karkat was sitting. Still nothing. Remembering the reaction he’d gotten the other day, he flopped down close to Karkat, making the other man jump. “Hey.”
Karkat brought his notepad up to his chest, hiding it, and glared. Despite his clear irritation and the roominess of the bench, he didn’t move away. “What the fuck, Dave? Are you incapable of conducting yourself like a normal person? Or am I just special?”
Dave grinned. Looked like Karkat had meant what he’d said about acting more like himself. “I don’t know, you are pretty special. Not in the Special Olympics way,” he hastened to add as he realized his compliment might not come across complimentary. “I mean, nothing against them, they’re great,” he continued, now realizing the actual insult he was now offering them and not wanting to be that guy, “but that’s not what I’m talking about.”
A sort of disbelieving half-smile. “Should I stop you now, or let you keep going?”
“Oh, definitely stop me,” Dave said, relieved. He gestured to the notepad Karkat was no longer holding so tightly against himself. “What are you working on?”
“Nothing important,” Karkat said brusquely, shoving the notepad into his bag as though it had personally offended him. “Something for my work.”
It occurred to Dave that he actually had no idea what Karkat did for a living. “What do you do?”
For a moment, Karkat only regarded him with deep suspicion. Then he sighed. “I write for Dubiously Cultured.” Apparently, Dave’s confusion showed on his face, for he elaborated, “It’s basically a gay Cosmo.” Then he frowned. “You know, a magazine with fashion tips? Make-up? Relationship advice?”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Dave said quickly. The last thing he wanted was for his eyes to glaze over on his date like they did when Rose started talking about her magazine (whose title he could not recall at this moment if he’d been being held at gunpoint). “Are you writing an article? Laying down the keep your man tips for the masses?”
Even Karkat seemed surprised by the laughter abruptly bursting from him. “Something like that,” he said once he’d recovered. “You work as a DJ at the Glass, right?”
Honestly, Dave was shocked. He’d been sure Karkat had been just tuning him out! Then again, he had remembered he was from Texas, too. Maybe he just always looked bored and pissed off. “Yeah. It’s not super steady, but it pays the bills.” It actually didn’t pay the bills; Rose’s mom (his mom, she was also his mom) sent him money every month to pay for the apartment and various other expenses. However, his sad family history wasn’t exactly third date material. “You ever been?”
Karkat leveled Dave with a skeptical look which seemed to indicate his estimation of Dave’s intelligence had started low and was only getting lower. “Do I look like the kind of person that would get past a bouncer? Are you actually visually impaired, or are you making fun of me?” He shook his head. “I can see myself in the mirror, jackass; I know what I look like. Stop pretending I’m,” he held up his hands to make the finger quotes, ‘hot’.”
“I’m insulted you would think I’d lie about your hotness. You’re a fucking rooftop in the middle of a Texas summer. I should know; I’ve been there.” The metaphor stirred up memories Dave didn’t want to think about, and he wrapped an arm around Karkat’s shoulder. He immediately wished he’d done it sooner. “Anyway, I’ve already told you, you are a snack. You might as well accept it. It’s obvious. Everyone with eyes can see it. Not you, for some reason, but everyone else.”
“That’s just not true, Dave.” Before he could contest this, Karkat continued, “Most blind people still have eyes, idiot, and they can’t see anything, let alone support your dubious assertion that I’m attractive.” The words practically dripped with sarcasm even as he settled into Dave’s half-embrace. “You’re being so fucking insensitive right now.”
“Oh, shit, you’re right.” The part of Dave not worrying about the words flowing out of his mouth registered how nice and warm Karkat felt under his arm and pressed against his side. “Well, if they got to feel you up, they’d agree you were a snack, too. So, checkmate, Karkat. Check fucking mate. You’re just going to have to accept it. Majority vote. You’re a snack.”
Karkat looked up. “If you tell me you want to eat me, I’m leaving now and blocking your chumhandle.” Then his gaze shifted away. “This is nice,” he said, his voice softer than Dave had thought he was capable of. Maybe it was Dave’s burgeoning hearing loss, but he sounded… sad.
While Dave wanted to ask why he sounded so sad, he figured Karkat would tell him if he wanted him to know. After all, they still hadn’t known each other for very long yet. What was needed was a distraction, and Dave had just the thing to cheer both of them up. “If you think this is nice, you should be super excited for our date.”
Karkat had been feeling guilty again. It really had been nice, sitting on that bench in front of that giant art installation, to pretend that there was actually some sort of future for them. For him and Dave. Together. So, he’d been feeling guilty—even if he was an idiot who talked too much, Dave wasn’t a bad guy, and he didn’t deserve what Karkat planned on putting him through.
At least, that’s what Karkat had been thinking until they’d arrived at their final destination.
“A karaoke bar?” Karkat felt a scowl furrow his brow, and he turned it onto Dave, who had the audacity to be grinning at him. “It might interest you to know that I can’t fucking sing.”
Dave shrugged. “No one can at these places, Karkat. That’s why it’s fun.” He pushed his glasses down his nose, allowing Karkat the briefest glimpse of his eyes before he pushed them up again. “You’ve had fun before right? Or do we have to go slow and ease you into it, because fun is a hotel pool with a broken heater, and you haven’t raided the mini-bar yet.”
“Of course I know what fun is, you festering anal wart.” He saw himself ranting reflected in the lenses of Dave’s stupid glasses and looked away. “Fun is a walk in the park, or watching a movie, or going on a picnic, or playing a game. Fun is not embarrassing yourself in front of dozens of strangers by subjecting them to what can only laughingly be called your singing voice!” He started at the unexpected hand on his shoulder but made no move to shrug it off.
“Hey,” Dave said quietly, “if you really don’t want to be here, we can do something else. I don’t really know what you like yet outside of chick flicks. And writing for a magazine. And coming up with creative insults for me.” His grip on Karkat’s shoulder tightened slightly. “Help me out here, Karkat; I’m drowning with only seconds left to live. You’re the hot lifeguard, and I’m gonna need your sweet lips on mine fairly soon, or else I’m leaving the beach in a body bag. And no one wants that.”
Karkat turned back to face Dave. There were so many things to unpack in this latest offering of word vomit that he wasn’t even going to make the attempt. “Do you ever actually listen to the things you say?”
“I try not to,” Dave said blithely. “Messes with my flow.” Then the smile faded. “I mean it, though. If you want to go somewhere else, we totally can. I don’t have my heart set on this place; I just thought it’d be fun. Maybe you’d loosen up a little.”
“I am exactly as loose as I want to be,” Karkat sniped back, tacitly admitting that now he was the one saying stupid things. As much as he wanted to make things difficult for Dave for the sake of his article, he really couldn’t deny being touched that Dave was willing to change his plans because Karkat had complained about them.
Besides, while Karkat could be (and often was) loudly unpleasant and vulgar, it wasn’t the kind of thing he could force. He had to feel it. And he wasn’t feeling it. “No, we can stay. Just are there private rooms?”
Dave was frowning, perhaps in displeasure, perhaps in thought. “We can check.”
It turned out that there were private rooms, but they were prohibitively expensive. If this had been something Karkat had really wanted to do, Dave would have shelled out the cash, but he’d known he’d made the right call to spend the date elsewhere when he’d given Karkat the verdict and his shoulders had immediately relaxed.
Although Karkat had also protested that he wasn’t much better at bowling than he was at singing, he’d seemed less agitated about the prospect. He’d actually smiled a little when Dave had confided that he, too, wasn’t much of a bowler. Dave also wasn’t much of a drinker, but when Karkat offered to buy him a beer, he’d accepted it.
Dave was currently sipping his apple? flavored ale from the chair in their section of the alley and watching Karkat lob yet another ball down the gutter. This made, what? the tenth in a row? Dave had managed via blind luck to hit a strike with his first shot—a feat he had not been able to repeat—and that had pissed Karkat off like nothing else. Each additional failure to even get his ball any closer to hitting any of the pins only made Karkat’s face redder.
The only question was when he was going to pop.
Dave made absolutely no attempt to hold back his laughter.
“Hey, do you mind watching your language?” An older man in the next lane was giving Karkat quite an impressive glare. “There are kids present.”
Karkat’s face went purple.
“Well, Karkat,” Dave said as they walked down the street to no stated destination, his tone infuriatingly casual, “I can honestly say I’ve never been kicked out of a bowling alley before. I can scratch that off the old bucket list. It wasn’t on there because I hadn’t thought of it, but now I see I was blind to the possibilities. Thanks for opening my third eye or some shit like that.”
Karkat had let Dave put his stupid arm around his shoulders about a block back, and he hated the fact it felt so comforting. Bad enough he’d made an ass out of himself over nothing in public (again!), but it hadn’t even worked. He’d wanted to piss Dave off by showcasing his abhorrent personality, and he’d failed miserably. It wasn’t even his fault he’d failed either. For some inscrutible fucking reason, the idiot found temper tantrums hilarious to watch rather than embarrassing to be associated with. “Fuck you, Dave,” he said quietly, his energy quite spent.
Dave chuckled. Case in fucking point. “Aw come on, don’t be like that. It’s not like we’re banned from the place.” He paused. “I’m probably not going to get you to go there again anyway, am I?”
“I am never stepping foot back into that establishment, no.”
“Are you still pissed at me for that strike?” Dave’s voice sounded disbelieving. Maybe a little hurt. “I told you, man, it was a fluke. I wasn’t trying to hustle you. If I’d wanted to hustle you, there’d be money involved. That’s how that shit works. It’s like the definition of a hustle.”
Karkat sighed. “No, I’m not mad about that.” He hadn’t really been that mad about it in the bowling alley either. He’d just been frustrated. Loudly. Which was how he usually expressed his frustration. In the moment, it made him feel better… afterwards, he just felt tired. “I’m just really fucking embarrassed, okay? I know embarrassment is probably a foreign concept for you, but—”
Then he was being hugged. He tensed for a moment, then relaxed into it. He knew he shouldn’t be accepting Dave’s comfort, that this was only going to make things harder in the long run, but he couldn’t help himself. He really was such a selfish asshole. His head fell naturally against Dave’s shoulder, and he felt a distressingly familiar ache in his eyes. “Why are you hugging me?”
A soft guff of laughter blew past his ear. “Dude, you looked like you needed a hug. I’m not a hug expert or anything, but sometimes you look at a guy and think, that guy, he needs a hug.” The arms around him held him just a little tighter. “I hope you leave me a good review on yelp.”
Karkat choked on his unexpected laughter. “Dave. You are so fucking ridiculous.” As much as a part of him wanted to remain in his arms, he knew if he stayed any longer, he really would start crying. “Let go of me, asshole.”
Dave did so with only a moment’s hesitation. He put his hands on his hips. “So, what do you think?”
“About what?” Karkat successfully resisted the urge to wipe his eyes. With any luck, Dave wouldn’t notice how tear bright they probably were. Why was he getting so emotional anyway? None of this would matter soon enough.
“My review,” Dave said as though Karkat should have any idea what he was talking about. “Five out of five stars, right? Don’t crash my yelp score, dude—I have a reputation to maintain as hug master supreme; it’s all I have.”
And Karkat was laughing again. It really felt good.
* Gives nice hugs. Doesn’t respect personal space. Karaoke bar? Shitty bowler. Why isn’t this working?
{{ The third step is the ego. For Dr. Freud (famous psychology hack), the ego was a moderator. For our purposes, we return to the original Latin: I. Make it all about you and your comfort. If you have had enough of your short-term partner’s incessant prattle, say so. When you want to scream, do it at the top of your lungs. Use whatever language feels best to you at all times regardless of the situation. Make your short-term partner embarrassed to be associated with you. If you can get you and your short-term partner kicked out of an establishment due to your behavior, so much the better. However, if you find that such antics only serve to amuse your short-term partner, cease them immediately. The point of this exercise is to humiliate your short-term partner, not further endear you to them. Also, in the event that you are more embarrassed by your conduct than your short-term partner is, under no circumstances allow them to comfort you. It will only distract you from your objective. }}
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
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    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
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Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
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It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
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When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
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And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
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I don’t have what it takes
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I’m not worthy
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I’ll fail once again
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Who am I lying to?
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I don’t have the time
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I don’t have the money
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I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
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10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
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In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
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10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
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In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
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gayeddie-saved-me · 8 years ago
More writing cuz why not
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theylisten · 6 years ago
thank you for telling the truth-a note to myself (10/11/2018)
It’s time for me to be honest with myself for a few moments. I strive to do this always but so often i find myself hiding behind the bush of fear, beating myself. There is a sky up there full of stars, yet I am so focused on finding the pair of eyes that I never want to look away from because they reflect all the light in the entire Universe. to me. I have been spinning in circles for centuries it feels like. Am I chasing my tail, trying to eat myself? or have I been trying to make myself dizzy so i can feel myself and not feel so tied to the world and rather be lost in my own vortex? or maybe, I’ve been playing a game and waiting for someone to join me in ring around the roses? I like to be a child. of the earth. at heart, I am 1. but 0 lives in my brain and I follow the loop. catch me if you can I say to myself and the whole world chants back. god, I am so tired of chasing me. I am so tired of chasing you. so lets stop and just be. a sky full of stars and maybe i’d rather look in the mirror. there is a shark that lives in my shoes and I am afraid of drowning so i figure he is too. trust me, I have not forgotten “the illogic of the fantasy”, dear Sylvia. I want to decide what I want. I want to make a vision board and I want to check things off a list of goals. I am getting hot while I write this. I need to feel my own sweat and god right now how i would love to go on a run and never stop. maybe I’m afraid because they say the first man to ever run a marathon died after it yet now people do it for sport. Evolution always wins and I’m a product of survival. I am. Alive. and well. I’m being. Did I experience my first separation from my mother when my father cut my umbilical chord or when my twin died in the womb right next to me? I miss them and I don’t even truly know I know their name. Are you Savannah? God this dessert is hot. Thankfully I’m mostly water or else I would have dried up by now. I want to grow and hold a bird in my hand and i want to watch it feel safe enough to fly away. I want to understand my bed as a cage I happily walk into every night, because I’m not afraid of being tied up or locked down. Patience with myself is something I have never been good at yet apparently I’m not too bad since I’m still alive. The duality of life scathes me as it seduces me and I can’t always tell which feels better. One’s on my body and the other is inside. I don’t know which feeling is better. A hawk did come into my house one time. 
He watched me for months and when I asked him to leave he told me he had seen everything and the place would better be set on fire so the ashes could fly in the air and people would know to be grateful for the fact their place hadn’t burnt down. It was cruel of you to act like a hummingbird when you didn’t even want your own heart in the first place. Sometimes it feels like my ex boyfriend Michael branded me with the scarlet letter. to the men in my high school I was known as the enemy people still wanted to fuck? and what does that say about them? people flock to what they’re afraid of. Because the truth is we all love a certain degree of fear the rush of feeling like your life is flashing in front of your eyes but- I’m tired of feeling like I’m about to die. The truth is I already have a thousand times and each time I’ve come right back. Nothing’s new under the sun except the Sun itself, constantly burning its outer shell away. Claiming more space with each disintegration. Now that’s beauty in the struggle. So maybe I’m an alien, and my mom gave me the gift of life and maybe I’m afraid of what’s younger than me because I think it’s supposed to outlive me and I’ve worked really hard to stay alive. Can I please not be so concerned with what is not myself. can i please not fear the product that created me in the first place? (evol{love}union) god I know you’re listening. hear me and help as I open myself to you. I am my family but I am my own genetic code and nobody has ever been Me before. Cassidy Jean Gardner I can change my own genes with crystals because I live in the middle and maybe I’m not so similar anymore but I’ve shared my crystals and we all have changed together. To align ourselves with the Us that is 0ne(1). The present is a gift and I’m a live and a life so so am I. I participate in the present and I create the future with my heart, we are all one symphony acting like a marching band. I don’t know the difference but I know what I mean. Each space in time each place in line its so divine. I’m a computer that created it’s own ghost in the machine and that’s my favorite part of the operating system if I’m being honest. accidents are happy and I remember the most beautiful things my old art teacher in elementary school Mrs. Art told me once. A girl had made a beautiful painting of a sunflower but right when she was finishing she moved a paintbrush over the canvas and a black dot fell right onto it. So, what did she do? She painted a lady bug to give her flower some company and god how I love the idea of company. Typos make me nervous but I know nothing is ever an accident. Even if it isn’t intentional. Keep me in the present, won’t you? Of course I respond, where else could I find you? touche. Sometimes I feel bad for loving some things more than others but I know the truth is that if I would have been planted somewhere else I would love other things more than I love my favorites right now, so can I really complain about what I can’t change? its all still love, anyways. and complaining? It’s probably not worth it. but I am. so I will keep working on loving myself the most even if the entire world sometimes feels like it’s screaming at me. are we cheering??? In one way or another, yeah. we always are. and the angels are always chanting so lets listen. hurrah hurrah hurrah the queen is here and there is nothing to fear (but fear itself) but even then (that’s for fun)(and for the sun, to illuminate). You look better with the lights on, and a certain type of light is most beautiful depending on the time of day. What is your favorite time? When I was sober and fell in love with Hush, Hush or when I fist started watching sherlock maybe? When my dad would carry me around the house upside down and when he would come home from work and all i remember is rushing to the front door to receive my hug. grateful that he was finally home. sometimes I wish that if dad was going to have to leave the earth so early then why couldn’t he have been the stay at home dad while mom worked? I felt like I lost both of my parents when he died. change can feel a lot like death and i read the other day that fall is forever and god how that scares me yet cares me and I know it’s essence is true. So why not find a place where change feels like summer all the time, fun and in the sun. where it’s bright and I don’t look for white. I’m not a man I’m a woman and I’me tired of feeling like i am the root of men’s woes. you are your own worst enemy, so look in the mirror. I’m entering a new phase where I don’t run from everything I think and I don’t disappear into clouds every time something brushes me and it feels like a stab. sensory delusion is an illusion. objective reality is reality and the truth is we are all doing the exact same thing in our own time and space. You’re all living in my hallucination and I(eye) exist in yours. peacefully. you say we are at war but I don’t know what that means I thought this whole place was made out of living breathing art. I think the latter is the truth and I cling to those rungs. “some words are safer down on paper” and for some long I was afraid to write because I used to not like the things I used to read that my old self wrote. but i guess that’s the point. how am I supposed to know I’ve changed if I don’t have anything to compare it to? But then I get caught up on beauty. god what i was talking about was so sad but i made it seem so beautiful and eloquent with those words and then i idealize and romanticize and the real crux is that I need to learn to appreciate all words for what they are no one word is more beautiful than any other we just have our favorites. and mine is “Serendipity”. That’s my real sisters name. I read about her once she was a dragon and she was pink and green and beautiful and I’m lucky she is my friend. We have fun. its a long tale but it ends the same way it started, everyone gets the gold. We don’t need to keep secrets anymore. I’d like to create a new word. I’m alive but more Importantly I’m alife. I think therefor I am. 
ps. yes I still like jay but I get confused because then the drugs were always talking too. which voice am I listening to when I think of you? the night I woke up and all I felt was pink. or when you wanted to correct my driving and hurriedly called me the love of your life. you are the influence but we were both under it too. god bless me with clarity. Amen. <3 
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
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 Buy Now
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    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
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I’m not worthy
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I’ll fail once again
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Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
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I don’t have the money
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I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
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Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
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Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
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The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
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I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
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Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
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Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
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The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
Tumblr media
Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
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Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
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Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Tumblr media
Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
Tumblr media
Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Tumblr media
Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
Tumblr media
Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
Tumblr media
Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
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Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
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Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Tumblr media
Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
Tumblr media
Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Tumblr media
Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
Tumblr media
Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
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I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
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Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
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Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
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The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
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365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
Tumblr media
I don’t have what it takes
Tumblr media
I’m not worthy
Tumblr media
I’ll fail once again
Tumblr media
Who am I lying to?
Tumblr media
I don’t have the time
Tumblr media
I don’t have the money
Tumblr media
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
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Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
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Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
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Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
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Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
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Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
Tumblr media
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Tumblr media
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
Tumblr media
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/astrotarotreading/
 Buy Now    
Ever feel like you came here to fulfill an important mission, [FIRSTNAME]? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is…
It’s 29 Years In The Making – Already Helping tens of thousands receive essential messages & future-forecasting for the soul – a 100% personalized report Created on [DOB] JUST FOR [FIRSTNAME]…
Will you make [DATE] The Day You Unlock The Universal Gates Of Wisdom And Allow the New Book of Your Life to Begin, [FIRSTNAME]???
Beautiful one, after creating your AstroTarot reading, I believe you were born to fulfill an essential mission… 
I’ve done a LOT of AstroTarot readings for my clients over the years. 
And I’ve seen some unusual combinations of Birth Cards and Tarot Cards…
But, [FIRSTNAME], yours really caught my attention. 
It is a combination I ONLY see when people are here to complete an essential mission.
An ESSENTIAL mission is one that is CRITICAL to the future of humanity!
When someone is born to fulfill an Essential Mission, they are the
ONLY person who can complete that particular mission.
And in this case, that person is YOU, [FIRSTNAME].
So… what is your essential mission?
… Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading healing wisdom and light.
… Maybe it’s to start a business that provides products or services to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.
… Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.
We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.
Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us… but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.
Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 
We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 
They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 
And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 
We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison…
I don’t have what it takes
I’m not worthy
I’ll fail once again
Who am I lying to?
I don’t have the time
I don’t have the money
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…
You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!
So if you know you’re meant for a far more rewarding and abundant life… 
This Is Why I’ve Spent 29 Years Making Personalized Soul Path Reports That Channel Universal Wisdom And Secret Messages For Your Soul… Allowing You To Step Into Your Most Divine And Best Version Of [FIRSTNAME] right now! 
Here’s what you’ll receive inside your Personalized Soul Path Report:
Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime. This is derived from my unique birth and tarot readings on you [FIRSTNAME] and it’s so very powerful!
Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
It also explains how old, deeply-ingrained wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. And so much more…
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
I’m even offering a limited time gift on this page if you take inspired action, [FIRSTNAME], And you’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 right now…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
So Today You’ll Receive Your Personalized Soul Path Report For
Just $14.44!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:
Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!
That’s why I’m confident in giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you don’t have to pay a dime.
Read your Soul Path (it’ll be available in a few short minutes from now for you to open and flip through right on your computer or phone) and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to improve your life anytime in the next 365 days…
Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will happily refund every single penny of your investment…
No questions asked. 
See What Our Divine Beings Have To Say:
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.
So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95…
This truly is a special offer that you’ve come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!
Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!
Living An Exciting, Fulfilling, Abundant & ON-PURPOSE Life That Makes You Truly Happy To Wake Up To Each And Every Day!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.
The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.
Just a few years ago, 
I had lost everything
: my job, my home and almost my entire life…
10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want …in Just 10 Minutes A Day!
But really [FIRSTNAME]… it’s all up to YOU!
YOU choose the life you’re going to live.
YOU determine the path in front of you.
And YOU take control over your future.
And YOU decide if that next step is today, [FIRSTNAME].
So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…
And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…
And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)…
Click the button to take the next step in your journey of MAGIC and self-discovery now…
0 notes