#what makes it so different between this charm and the tons of charity zines?
especdreamy · 2 years
Twitter's being so weird rn apparently people are getting mad at someone who made dsmp charms, in which one of them is of Techno - With all of the proceeds from the techno charm goign to charity - and saying that it breaks his boundaries bc of a discord message.
I'm not gonna try get too into the "breaking boundaries" part, but what about all the zines made in techno's memory that were also charity-based? wouldn't this be the same? the artist isnt profiting off of techno's image, in the tweet itself you can see that all of the proceeds for the tehcno charm goes to charity.
Also should mention most of the people mad about it are drm stans that are also mad because the artist didnt make drm charms.
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huntypastellance · 7 years
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In a crossover wanksplosion between the Overwatch fandom & the Voltron fandom, a Lancestan & Klanti by the name of Lynn, allegedly embezzled $1400 of the charity funds, meant to go to a charity for the LGBTQ+ in Japan (http://stonewalljapan.org/) & the homeless LGBTQ+ youth (https://truecolorsfund.org/) to buy Voltron stuff for an itabag along with personal expenses (this last one is unconfirmed & based solely on hearsay, the itabag is not). http://archive.is/ULpPY
She also kind of acted like a flake when artists asked about whether or not they could join the zine (gave them a “yes” & merch design ideas & then ghosted on them completely before turning them down).
The main details can be found on the mchanzone receipt blog. https://mchanzonereceipts.tumblr.com/ + http://archive.is/9Q2wb
Okay, so let’s go with the very first question: What does this have to do with the Voltron fandom?
> The person, Lynn, involved is a klanti in the VLD fandom & a lancestan who is AAAAAALL about treating Asian culture with “respect” & protecting the Gaysians.  ಠ_ಠ > She spent the $1400 on what appears to be many MANY different charms (for the Lance ones alone, we counted over FIFTY), mostly Voltron stuff as their McHanzo one seems to be finished.
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Post is now deleted.
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Timeline: Blizzcon 2017 was from November 3-4.
We could not find a picture of the Lance itabag, by the way. Just the resource page of the charms she bought to make it.
Keep in mind, all of these were from different artists & at different times, so almost each charm had it’s own separate shipping fee. It’s not that hard to rack up a ton of expenses, especially if you’re trying to make something as big of a money sink as an itabag.
What the fuck is an itabag?
>Part of cringe culture (otaku if you’re in Japan, weaboo in the West), it’s a bag or purse that is absolutely plastered with badges, pins, plushes, keychains & merch of a single character. They’re usually very expensive to make & are essentially a display case that you can wear. Lynn, was making not just one, but TWO itabags.
So they stole charity money to buy VLD fanmerch? What then?
>The lovely LOVELY anti community immediately jumped to spreading rumors without a single one of them bothering to fact check. >They turned the focus away from the charity theft & raged about how Lynn was just a minor (She’s not). How Lynn was tormented by the McReyes, the “gross pedo” shippers, who infested the zine (they weren’t allowed in). And how Lynn’s mother pressured her to use the money to help out her family (what even). >And of course, they got even MORE upset that people dared to point out how wrong they were & that they were spreading misinformation! >They also acted like putting a person in charge of $800 (yes, they couldn’t even get the numbers correct), was something that would NEVER happen in real life & that it was all the other mods fault for trusting Lynn.
http://archive.is/YWQbV + http://archive.is/lRrRa
^They couldn’t even be half-assed to read the call-out posts! They’re complaining about stuff that isn’t even there. Both antis claimed that it was something that they were “told” by others, so it’s pretty alarming how quickly the anti community as a whole will twist something as awful as STEALING FROM A CHARITY for their own “shippers are gross” agenda.
Plus, you are not ALLOWED to have a paypal before you turn 18. This is basic common sense that is in the official paypal site.
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>Lynn has so many social media accounts, it’s not like it’s impossible to find out her age or something. (Her twitter accounts appear to be locked. General consensus is that her age is 21-22, as her listography says 21 but her Instagram, which hasn’t been updated in 2 years, says 20). >She’s been deleting her accounts, including her blog latinxlance, & even her posts, with screenshots of her paypal account to defend herself, as quickly as she can. (Compare & contrast these archived links, taken at different dates: http://archive.is/http://mchanzo.tumblr.com/) >You can still find her posts if you google her account names, though. Since they’re locked, the links won’t actually show you her accounts/tweets/posts, but you’ll still see a preview of what she said just by searching.
>Honestly, it makes her posts (https://web.archive.org/web/20171117090805/http://latinxlance.tumblr.com/search/asian) even more ironic & two-faced. (Since her deleting her defense posts is practically her admitting her guilt without actually admitting her guilt.)
>It doesn’t matter if you steal from the homeless gays, it’s the OTHER people’s fault for trusting you, putting you in charge & making you UNCOMFY by letting in nonexistant shippers. Also 22 is now the new 17. You’re not an adult until you’re 25. Fact checking is for those creepy stalker shippers.
>It’s more important for antis to defend one of their own than to call them out when they’ve fucked up. The gun threats against Bex & this mess have just cemented that fact for Us.
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