#what level of polyam baiting is this
vegalocity · 3 years
Kisses 17 and 26 and Touches 15 with MKsdadshipping?
Affection meme
17. kisses as a promise
26. giggling while kissing
15. hugging each other
For some reason fluff wasn't coming to me for these, so I said to myself "how funny would it be if i managed to make this an angst fill?" and now here we are
this just in: three middle aged(-ish one of them's immortal) men in a polyam trio are completely blind to what they bring to the dynamic and all consider themselves as the 'awkward third one whose just kinda there lowkey ruining things'
It was more than he deserved.
All of this.
To the point where every so often he’d have to peer at the world around them and the two of them just to be sure he hadn’t somehow been fooled and was being left to rot in an illusion, or perhaps that calabash those silver and gold brothers still had about.
But no, the world was as it should be around him, unless whatever it was was so thoroughly good at crafting its illusions it could fool even the Monkey King himself. For all intents and purposes, he was in reality.
And in reality, he had his two greatest loves back. It wasn’t perfect of course. Neither of them remembered their pasts alongside him, sp as far as their own histories were concerned, he was in fact the interloper while they’d been around each other for years already. He was… an untested variable.
An interloper.
It wasn’t like this was as it was back then, when the three of them had slotted together practically as one despite the superficial dynamic of master and two eldest disciples.
But they didn’t have that anymore, and he was okay with it. It was probably just the echoes of Sanzang and Baije that made them decide to bring him into their little fold, and he was okay with it.
Besides, it made for a lovely view. The way Tang would tease and taunt Pigsy with that adoring glint in his eye just because he thought he looked cute when he was mad. How he was pretty sure Pigsy would purposely rise to the bait more than he actually was getting angry because that was simply how their relationship worked by that point. How before too long had passed the two would stop and begin to laugh. A sweet domestic peck shared between chuckles.
It was beautiful in its simplicity. He was glad he was allowed to peer in.
It was more than he deserved for how he'd failed them so long ago.
Look, here’s the thing.
Even before they’d found out about all of this reincarnation business, Tang had been possibly the biggest Monkey King fan in China (Though Xiaotian may have given him a run for his money if all of that successor nonsense hadn’t started up) and that was all well and good when he might as well have been just another historical figure.
And then he was a far more common figure in their lives and Pigsy had grown a bit… worried. Mostly that his husband would embarrass himself in front of his idol of course. Then… you know.. Sun Wukong proved himself to be a complete and utter dork and the mystique began to fall away, and Pigsy found he liked Sun Wukong a lot better than he’d ever liked The Monkey King.
And then… well.. Sometimes things really do just fall into place, don’t they?
Of course, nothing was without its bumps, and Pigsy was man enough to admit that sometimes he just couldn’t keep up with his husband and boyfriend when the two of them got rolling on something. Bouncing from topic to topic fired back and forth like a Ping Pong Volleyball match right when he realized he might have something to add to a topic of conversation they were already about three subject changes away from it. And he wasn’t about to be that guy that says ‘back on that earlier thing though-’ and derail the whole flow.
After a certain point he’d just feel lost, catching up let alone keeping up a far away dream. Sure once one of them noticed that they’d gotten carried away they’d both apologize and be all awkward about it, usually stay on a topic for quite a bit longer, but Pigsy could tell it was just to include him so he usually assured them he was happy just listening.
He’d watch as either of them got back into what they were talking about, and whatever historical document Tang had offhandedly mentioned he’d give a limb just to peer at Wukong would mention he had a copy off off-handedly. And he’d at least get a laugh out of the shocked/awed/excited look that only Sun Wukong seemed to be able to bring out of him, as the Monkey King promised to be right back, he just needed to pop over to his mountain to grab it. Gently peking Tang on the cheek and winking at him before shimmying open the window and taking off.
Tang was always practically vibrating when he’d get back and they’d go back to whatever they were talking about without skipping a beat and… you know…
Pigsy wasn’t stupid, he graduated with top marks from culinary school.
But he just wasn’t quite on the same level as his husband, and that had been fine when it was just the two of them, and he certainly didn’t regret bringing Wukong into their lives like this but…
He couldn’t help but feel like he just… couldn’t keep up.
Tang had always known he wasn’t particularly good at… people… he talked too much, didn’t understand the line between playful ribbing and outright bullying, allowed his passions to drive him to the point of making some pretty bad choices.
He’d figured Pigsy (and to a lesser extent Sandy) was probably the only person he’d ever really have in his life that didn’t mind all of that. That liked yelling about as much as Tang liked making him yell.
It had honestly been a dream come true to not only MEET Sun Wukong, but to realize he was cut from a similar cloth. His ‘fears no heaven nor demon’ attitude made anything and everything slide off his back, even some pretty nasty things said with the intent to hurt (though Xiaotian was a noticeable exception, he took almost everything their kid said to heart) But by that line Tang had been so excited that he actually COULD talk to him about almost anything. And so they did. They talked quite a lot.
But… the thing was… they debated and explained and dialogued, and flirt if the mood stuck (and wasn’t that trippy to experience for the first time) Tang just… couldn’t shut his damn mouth. He didn’t really realize it until he’d been coming home one of those rare days Pigsy had the shop closed but he had to give a lecture and had just been quiet enough to see what Sun Wukong and Pigsy got up to when he wasn’t around and…
It was quiet. Very quiet. Tang almost didn’t want to breathe. He’d been able to keep silent, but he was sure Sun Wukong had sensed his presence just as the doorknob had turned. He was just a bit… distracted.
Distracted by being curled up against Pigsy’s back as he threw together lunch for the lot of them. It occurred to Tang quickly that Pigsy never let him be affectionate while he was cooking. How he was ‘distracting’ and ‘always sneaking tastes’ and such, whereas Sun Wukong appeared to be content in just hugging his husband close as he cooked. And… it was a sweet scene really. Pigsy was always embarrassed over his more animalistic instincts around him, but every time he’d poke his head in on him and Sun Wukong he was getting more and more comfortable with them.
He was the only human in their little trio, and he was sure that came with its own baggage beyond being the one the other two had to protect when Mystic demon business came up, but he supposed what made him the real oddball was simply that he sucked at slowing down.
He couldn’t keep his mouth shut for long enough to enjoy someone’s presence quietly. Sun Wukong and Pigsy probably didn’t talk near as much when he wasn’t trying to drag them into conversations or playing ‘topic volleyball’. Just watching the two of them doing their own thing, probably long since knowing he was there but waiting for him to speak first, it was so obvious how quickly they’d gotten comfortable around eachother. How quick their relationship had been to run deep.
It had taken Tang five years to worm his way into Pigsy’s heart. Sun Wukong did it in five months, and he was starting to think it maybe was because he’d never learned how to take a quiet moment for what it was.
And then the silence was unbearable and Tang made a teasing remark, because he was probably incapable of anything else.
Pigsy huffed and puffed in that cute way he always does, Sun Wukong pulled away from him and went to lean against the opposite counter, the moment thoroughly ruined by his big mouth. Again.
Seemed like he was more annoying than he thought.
He wondered why the two of them even put up with him.
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far-butter · 5 years
Ok so I liked all these queued posts about Geraskier and had fun sharing them but on a serious note...I have very mixed feelings about how they will handle Netflix!Jaskier.
I really want him to be more than another gay bait and it would mean so much to have a male bi/pan character on screen that is not actually evil/predatory or featuring only a random minor character or being some dead ex mentionned once in a drunk conversation...but at the same time I fear that if they do that, they’ll just make him crush on Geralt forever and honestly I like the fanship but I’m super not into that on screen. It’s not a good bi/pan rep if Geralt is gonna resume treating Jaskier like garbage or brushing him off and hurt him in the show. Having a mlm on screen being rejected by a straight main protag (because I doubt they’ll show Geralt as anything else) is no better than the Bury Your Gay trope or the gaybaiting ('cause sure leaving some blurred lines in relationships like in Xena and Gab’s also works to not invalidate the fans hc but honestly? That is a coward-ass move and I’m tired of it. If you’re not gonna make explicitly gay characters then don’t tease them as such. What is the problem with making it clear that the characters are gays and commited in the first place, ‘cause I have some guess? Imo do that right or just don’t.).
Maybe it’ll be an unpopular opinion but I’d prefer Jaskier being straight on screen rather than hurt and rejected and exposed to “no-homo” Geralt again and again, because it’ll just be repeated spits at mlm fans and another step away from the books (in which, even though the relation is never being comfirmed as more than friendship, at least there’s strong feelings between these two and neither brushes the other off. It’s one of the blurred line I mentionned before but you can definitly see their relation to whatever level you want without it looking hurtful and unhealthy, especially in Jaskier’s side. If I remember well you can pretty much do the same wih Yen and some other female characters). If the Netflix team wants to treat women well and do them justice, then maybe they should pay some damn respect to mlm too (and honestly y’all who ship eralt and Jaskier should give a damn about a fair treatment of at least Jaskier, and should want him in a healthy reciprocated relationship because otherwise you’re just another creepy fetichizer of gay men and not an ally of any kind). I want real rep not brownie points.
The best solution with how much they change the characters’s behavior now would be to have Jaskier moving on and giving him a boyfriend that WON’T die horribly (yeah. Well. Not to spoil but we all will be fucked with our feelings in later seasons anyway so no need to add more salt in the wounds, thank you fucking much). Not that he’d be any less bi/pan with a gf, I’d just stop calling them cowards if they made a bold and clear statement like this. At least the homophobic haters could canonically piss off.
All of those Geraskier more-or-less serious reblogs were great but at the same time I can foresee a disaster coming about how Jaskier’s character arc will be handled (despite our cinnamon lord Joey Batey taking no shit and very counsciously using “them” in interview when talking about Jaskier’s crushes and hinting him as both pan and polyam).
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