#what kates kids wore
arlana-likes-to-write · 3 months
Domestic Life
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Summary: Glimpses of your relationship with your wives.
Warning: pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms, mission injuries, small amount of angst, fluff
Word count: 7.6k
Note: All italicized parts are flash backs
You were up when the door opened and the sound of little feet entered your room, but you pretended to be asleep. “Be quiet,” Evan whispered. We don’t want to wake mommy.” You wouldn’t classify it as a whisper, but it was quieter than your daughter, Olivia.
“Then help me up,” you heard them struggle to climb onto the bed and felt the blankets move as Olivia used it for leverage; you grabbed it so she wouldn’t fall. Opening your eyes slightly, you watched your daughter, who was the spitting image of your wife, crawl over to you. You moved quickly when she was close enough and trapped her underneath the blanket. Her squeals and laughter echoed in your quiet room. It made the loneliness disappear. “Livie, help me. Help!” It was easier for your son to climb onto the bed and hang off your back. You let go of Olivia, and she was able to free herself.
“Alright, uncle, uncle,” you laughed and lay down on your back, your kids on both sides.
“Are they coming home today?” Olivia asked. You nodded and ran your hand through her long brunette hair. It was rare for your wives to go on missions. They were only used to provide advice, but sometimes, they were needed. It never got easier, and it still filled you with anxiety. You knew it wasn’t easy for them to be away from you and the twins.
It was a slow day. Well, every day was slow, but today was unbearable. It had to be the heat. Even if people had car problems, why would you leave the air conditioner? You were surviving on lukewarm water and a hand-held fan. The guys in the back weren’t doing much better, surrounded by cars and tools.
The bell ring startled you since you weren’t expecting anyone to come through the front door. A girl around the same age as you walked over to the desk. Her dark hair was pulled into a bun, and her blue eyes were striking. You noticed a few things. Right away, you knew she was not from here. You knew everyone from your small town and the surrounding area. Second, she was wealthy; her wristwatch was more than you made in a year. “Well, hello, stranger,” you said with a smile. “I don’t think I know you.” She looked down at the outfit she was wearing.
“Do I look that out of place?” You shook your head.
“I just know everyone in this small town,” your final observation was that she was attractive. “What can I do for you?” The stranger leaned against the desk.
“I’m having some car trouble, and you guys are the only mechanic,” which was true. It was good for business.
“Pull your car up to the garage, and I’ll have the guys take a look at it,” she thanked you and ran out the front door, almost tripping on the welcome mat. You chuckled and walked to the back. To your surprise, the guys were already pulling in a black BMW, and a blonde stood beside it. She offered you a small smile and turned her attention to the brunette when she approached her. It was unfair how attractive they both were. The dark-haired stranger was wearing a white linen top with faded blue jeans. Her pair of high-top Converse shoes were well-worn. Now, the Blonde wore a yellow plaid skirt and a long-sleeved shirt tucked in. You were shocked that she was wearing a long sleeve in this heat.
While the guys were looking at the car, you offered them water and a place to sit in the area with an AC. You were practicing good customer service not because you found them attractive, not at all.
Their names were Kate and Yelena, and they were passing through on a business trip. The guys said that their transmission needed to be replaced. They blamed the heat, but fixing it would take a few days. Maybe it was a little selfish that you were happy the car would take a few days to fix. You enjoyed your time with the duo every time they came in to check on the vehicle.
You liked Yelena’s dry humor, accent, and the small smile she would give Kate. Kate was cute when she stumbled over her words and was easy to fluster and blush. You knew they would be on their way once their car was fixed. Their time here was limited.
Months passed, and you still thought about the Blonde and brunette. What were they doing? Was Kate annoying Yelena with her music choice? Did they make it safely to their destination? They consumed your thoughts even in such a short time they were in your life.
On a busy day at the shop, two familiar faces walked up to the desk with your go-to coffee order and smiles that still made your heart flutter. Five months after they left, they returned to ask you on a date. It was the fastest, yes, you said.
“Mommy, I’m hungry!” Olivia wined. She had Yelena’s appetite; she was always hungry.
“Well, we can’t have that,” you smiled. I’ll start breakfast if you two take the pups out,” the twins agreed and were quick to climb out of bed. You were slower getting up, stretching when your feet touched the ground, and brushing your teeth. By the time you walked into the kitchen, Fanny and Lucky were chasing the twins outside, and their dog bowls were filled with food.
Now, it was your turn to uphold your end of the bargain. You decided on scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with jam. A simple breakfast that you’ve prepared so many times.
Long distance took a lot of work. It consisted of video chat dates, constant text messages, phone calls, and longing to be with your partners. It was a unique balancing act, especially since you were dating two superheroes.
It lasted two months. One day after work, you stumbled into your apartment expecting to find it empty. However, Yelena was there raiding your kitchen. “You have no food,” you jumped at the sudden voice. “Do you not eat”? You stared at the Blonde, your heart pounding so hard you could hear it in your ears. “I expected you to be happier to see me,” she smirked.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, quickly dropping your bag and closing the distance. You hugged her tight, finally feeling at peace after a long day.
“I missed you,” she said simply and kissed your forehead. “And I want to talk to you about something,” a rush of anxiety passed through you. “All good, I promise. Go clean up while I figure out what to make for dinner.” As you headed to your room, you heard her mumble, “She is as bad as Kate.” That made you smile.
Yelena was able to make a pasta dish. It was better than the TV dinner you were going to heat up in the microwave. Over dinner and a bottle of wine, Yelena asked you to move to New York City. There was nothing holding you here. Your mother passed away, and your father left you when you were five years old. So you agreed. You put your two weeks in and packed up your apartment to move to the big city.
You met their dogs, which you’ve received so many videos and pictures of, started your new job while going back to school, and fell into a routine consisting of you waking up first, making breakfast and coffee, and starting on any schoolwork that needed to be done. Yelena and Kate would do their superhero duties while you went to work. You tried to routine who cooked dinner, but Yelena was the better of you three.
It was a big adjustment for you, but you enjoyed it.
While you were loading the dishwasher, the doorbell rang. You racked your brain on who it could be and dried your hands to turn on the tablet connected to the security system. Your wives were a Black Widow and the former CEO of Bishop Security, your home had the best security system. Smiling, you saw who was at your front door. “Olivia, can you get the door for me?” You called and continued to load the dishwasher. Your daughter huffed but stood up from her spot on the couch. You counted down until she figured out who was at the door.
“Auntie Nat! Auntie Ria!” she yelled, and you heard the grunt of your sister-in-law as Olivia threw herself at her.
“What is your mom feeding you?” Natasha questioned. “I feel like you are getting stronger every day.” The door closed behind them.
“Mama is teaching me how to fight!” Olivia told her aunts. You dried your hands and joined the group in the entryway.
“Against my wishes,” you smiled. Evan was already dragging his cousin, Nicholas, outside, and you had enough time to ruffle his hair as he passed. “Not that I’m thrilled to see you guys. I wasn’t expecting company,” you said, giving the couple a quick hug while Olivia dragged their youngest, Lauren, outside to join the others.
“We thought we’d surprise you,” Maria said.
“Are you hungry? I just made breakfast.” Natasha shook her head.
“We ate before we came over,” the three of you walked out to the back porch to watch the kids and dogs run around. The sight made you smile. “They are coming home today, right?” You nodded.
“I’m not sure when,” you looked at the redhead. “I got a text from Kate right before you guys came over. Things are taking longer than expected,” you rested your hands on your stomach and played with the wedding ring.
“It’s going to be okay,” Maria tried to reassure you. “They will always come home to you and the kids.” You knew that. They promised before every mission that they would come home. Natasha placed her hand on your shoulder and squeezed it.
You were jealous of Natasha and Maria. They were fully retired from active missions and spent their free time training newer agents. They would be fine and come home.
One of the hardest things about living with Kate and Yelena was seeing the effects of their job firsthand. It was easier to hide it from you when you lived miles away. No matter how late they got home, you checked over them and helped clean every cut and bruise. In the beginning, they found you on it, but they learned it was for your benefit. You needed to make sure they were okay.
You pushed Fanny and Lucky as you walked into the apartment. The dogs could smell the treats in your bag. “Guys,” you laughed. “Back up,” you managed to set your bag on the chair. They sat without a command, their tails wagging so fast they could generate wind to power a city. You pulled the treats out and handed them to them. They took off to their beds to enjoy it. Not even your phone ringing disturbed them. It was Natasha.
You remembered how terrified you were when you were introduced to the Black Widow. She was intimating and was looking after Kate and Yelena’s heart. If she needed you, Natasha would text you. She never called. Your heart leaped into your throat. Kate and Yelena were on a mission, not Avenger duties. Kate was helping the Black Widow free Widows who were still under the Red Room’s control. “Hello,” you answered.
“Don’t panic,” it sent you deeper into a panic as you sat on the couch.
“Natasha, that did not help,” the redhead laughed. “Are they okay?” She sighed.
“Bruce is looking them over now. Kate got them to the compound before she passed out,” Natasha explained. “They both haven’t woken up yet.”
“Nat, I-”
“I know,” she cut you off. “Maria is already on her way to get you and the dogs. Pack a bag, and I’ll see you soon, okay?” She nodded.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon,” you hung up and stayed frozen on the couch. You knew you needed to get stuff together—clothes for you, your schoolwork, and food for the dogs. But you couldn’t move. You reran the last conversation you had with them in your head. It was quick, maybe five minutes, because you had to walk the dogs before going to work. You didn’t tell them you loved them, and maybe it was too late.
Luckily, Natasha wasn’t in the mood to converse as she led you down to Med Bay. Your mind was spiraling, and you were barely holding it together. “They look a lot worse than they are,” she warned you before opening the door. Honestly, you felt nothing. It was like a calmness washed over you. They lay motionless in the beds next to each other with wires connected to machines. You locked all your emotions into a small box and tucked it away. Because if you felt anything, you would break. Maybe Natasha was talking. Perhaps she explained the list of injuries that Bruce and Helen had to fix. It was all white noise to you. “Come find me if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay,” the door closed behind you. This world wasn’t normal to you. That the girls you loved with all your being put their lives on the line for strangers. It made no sense to you. You slumped in the chair between their beds and grabbed their hands. You hated how cold their hands felt; they usually would be so warm against yours. “Hi, my loves,” you whispered. “I’m here. I’m right here and not going anywhere.”
Natasha made sure you spent only some of your time by their side. You had to take breaks, and you were not in the position to say no to the Black Widow. So you took care of yourself because you knew Kate and Yelena would give you an earful if they found out otherwise. It was rare you were at the compound, so it was nice to get closer with the other members of the team. They helped keep your sanity as each day passed, and their condition was the same.
You were outside with Wanda, sitting on a picnic blanket and reading a book. Sometimes Lucky or Fanny would bring a ball over, and the witch would use her powers to throw it. “I’m jealous,” you told her. “My hand would be covered with drool.” Wanda laughed.
“How are you?” She asked. “Has Helen figured out why they haven’t woken up yet?” You shoved your bookmark into the spine of your book and closed it.
“I’m okay?” you questioned. There was this numbness that surrounded you. It felt unreal that they were hurt. With all the stories they told you, they seemed untouchable. “I just miss their hugs.” You missed a lot of things—their touch, the sound of their voice. Wanda smiled.
“They’ll come back to you,” she said. “It’s gross how much they talk about you.” You felt your body heat up but rolled your eyes. They always promised they would come home.
For the past few days, you slept in their bed. Now, it seemed lonely and cold. You walked down to the med bay and sat down in the chair. “I hope you know I will wait forever,” you whispered. “And I love your teammates, but it’s kind of lonely with you two. The world seems a little too quiet.” You felt a few tears finally fall down your cheeks. “Just come back to me whenever you are ready.”
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“Do you think we should wake her?” The voice was muffled.
“That can not be comfortable,” that was Kate. So, the first voice must have been Yelena’s. “We know she can be moody when she sleeps in a weird position.”
“Not moody,” you grumbled, but Kate was right. Your neck was already starting to hurt. You heard laughter.
“Are you sure about that, Princess?” Slowly, your eyes opened, and you blinked a few times to see your girlfriends awake. They were awake—alive and awake. Kate chuckled. “She has that same dazed look on her face like when we asked if she wanted to be our girlfriend,” you thought they were messing you up at first.
“You’re up,” you said. “You’re awake.”
“Yeah-” you didn’t give Yelena time to finish before flinging yourself at the Blonde. She grunted at the impact. The dam broke. The feeling of her heart beating against yours caused a sob to escape. “Sh, dorogoy, sh,” Yelena cooed and kissed your temple. “I know, I know.”
“Thought I’d lost you both,” you heard Kate climb out of bed and sit beside Yelena. Her hand rubbed circles on your back to help calm you down.
“We’ll always come back to you, sweetheart,” Kate said. “You are stuck with us. Forever.”
Forever. That sounded nice.
It was Maria’s and your job to make lunch while Natasha distracted the little ones outside. You decided on something simple: a ham and cheese sandwich, slices of watermelon, and chips. It was also a meal that could make you nauseous. “Yelena told Natasha you were getting another dog,” Maria said while cutting into the watermelon. You groaned and threw your head back.
“I told her she could get another dog when she fully retires. I am not taking care of three dogs and three to two kids,” you wondered if Maria caught your mistake. She laughed.
“Have they said when they’ll be done?” You shook your head. They loved the lifestyle. You wondered if they loved it more than the family they had back here. You caused a lot of fights. But you couldn’t dwell on it or answer Maria’s question; you heard the distinct sound of Olivia’s squeals and hurried footsteps.
“Mommy! Mommy!” She ran into the back of your legs. “Auntie Nat said she would eat me,” you laughed.
“Oh yeah,” you said, continuing to make sandwiches. “Why is she going to eat you?”
“Because she’s hungry!” She answered like it was the most obvious thing. “And she said you were taking too long to make lunch,” that bitch! Maria laughed at her wife’s antics.
“Go tell Auntie Nat that if she eats you, she won’t get any lunch.”
“Okay! I love you!” She cheered and ran back outside. You shook your head, smiling fondly. You loved your little family and couldn’t wait to add to it.
You always wanted to be a mother and experience the feeling of bringing life into the world. Maybe it was your good relationship with your mother before she passed. However, you were scared to bring it up to your girlfriends. Their relationship with their own mother was complicated; one was in jail because she was working with the tracksuit Mafia, while the other was responsible for controlling her and other Black Widows. So, it was a little complicated.
You wanted to bring it up to them, and if they hated the idea, you would make peace with that. Yelena put the finishing touches on dinner while you poured some wine and set the table. You were going to ask them tonight. Someone brought in a baby at work today, and your mind began to create fantasies of Yelena and Kate with their children. You knew they would get mothers with how they interacted with the Barton kids, and Morgan made your ovaries explode.
“Princess,” you felt Kate’s arms around your waist. “Where did you go just now? I’ve been calling your name.”
“Sorry,” you smiled. “Long day at work.” She kissed your neck.
“You know you could always quit,” you rolled your eyes and pulled away from her embrace. You grabbed two glasses. “You’d make a sexy housewife,” you chuckled.
“You’d have to make me your wife first, Bishop,” you sent a wink over your shoulder and walked over to the table. If they knew you were distracted, they didn’t bring it up. They talked about their day and filled in the empty silence. You felt Yelena’s hand on your thigh, feeling the cool metal of her rings on your skin.
“Alright,” the Blonde said. “What’s going on?” You sighed and swirled the wine around in your glass.
“Do you guys want kids?” Yelena’s hands tightened her hold on your thigh. “If you don’t, that’s fine. I will completely respect that, but I’ve been wondering and thinking and-”
“Princess,” Kate cut you off. “Breathe,” you nodded, and you felt Yelena’s thumb dig into your skin to help you calm down. “Do you want kids?” She asked when you calmed down slightly.
“I want whatever you want,” Yelena said, shaking her head.
“That’s not what she asked, detka,” you sighed and leaned back. You placed your hand on top of Yelena’s.
“I love the life we have right now,” you admitted. “But I’ve always seen myself as a mom,” you glanced at the dogs who were eating their own dinner. “To children who walk on two legs instead of four,” your joke got a laugh out of two girlfriends. The two heroes looked at each other; they could always talk to each other without using words.
“We’ve been wondering when you’d bring it up,” Kate smiled.
“You are not very subtle when you watch us with the Barton kids,” your face flushed at Yelena’s teasing tone.
“Answer mine,” you whispered. “Do you guys want kids?” Kate took your free hand and played with the ring on your finger.
“I think we are ready to expand our family,” you looked at the archer and then at the Blonde, who nodded.
“I need to hear you say it, dorogoy.” Your Russian wasn’t good, but you loved the smile on Yelena’s face when you tried to speak it.
“I would love to start a family with you two.”
You decided to carry since it was impossible for Yelena, and Kate was actively training and going on missions. For the first try, you agreed to use Kate’s eggs and a sperm donor who matched Yelena’s features. The hardest part was keeping it from your friends and family. You went to a private doctor in the city. Each day during the process, you became more and more grateful for Yelena and Kate.
In the first round, you had your hopes up, and it broke your heart when you got your period. The second round hurt, but it didn’t sting as much as the first one. Yelena and Kate were tempted to call it off by the third attempt. They sat the emotional toll it was taking on you. You blamed yourself. You were the problem on why you couldn’t get pregnant. You asked for one more try.
It was Wednesday. Yelena met with Sonya, and Kate had lunch with Fanny and Greer. You were walking home after your manager told you to take a half day. All day, you felt off, like a nagging voice was in the back of your head. It made you second-guess everything. Luckily, your boss knew what you were going and allowed you to go home. Before you entered the apartment, you stopped at the corner store and bought two pregnancy tests.
The dogs greeted you when you came home and sniffed the brown bag to see if you had anything for them. You apologized and promised to get them something next time you went out. Walking into the bathroom, your stomach twisted with anxiety and fear. Should you have waited for Yelena and Kate? What if it was positive? Or worse, negative. Your heart couldn’t take it. Still, that uneasy feeling crawled in your stomach. So you opened both boxes and read the instructions. It was easy: pee on a stick, place on a flat surface, and wait 5 minutes. Easy. When you were done, you placed them on the counter and washed your hands.
It was a mistake to take them. You were being silly and dramatic. As you were about to throw away the tests, you heard the front door open, followed by the dogs greeting your partners. “Princess?” Kate called out. “Are you home?” You thought about staying quiet, but you left your bag downstairs.
“Bathroom,” you said. “Upstairs.” You closed the door and leaned on the wooden door, keeping the results locked away. You heard the footsteps of both Yelena and Kate as they walked up the stairs and into the bedroom. “Hi,” you forced a smile, but they looked at you with concern.
“What’s wrong, data?” Yelena asked. You sighed.
“I got sent home because I wasn’t feeling right, and I stopped at the corner store to get two pregnancy tests,” their eyes widened.
“What did the test say?” Kate asked. You shrugged.
“I panicked and left them on the counter,” Yelena chuckled. “Don’t laugh at me,” you frowned. The Blonde took your hand and led you to the bed.
“I’m not laughing at you,” Yelena reassured you with a kiss. “Tell us why you panicked.” Kate knelt in front of you.
“If it’s negative, I don’t think my heart can take it,” you sighed. “I want this to work so bad, but what if it’s me? Maybe I’m the problem,” the archer shook her head.
“This is not your fault,” she said. “We knew this was going to be difficult.” Yes, you knew it would be challenging, but it felt impossible.
“I just want to give you both a family,” you felt tears form in your eyes. Yelena pushed your head down on her shoulder and kissed your head.
“We are a family, baby. You, me, and Kate.”
“And Fanny and Lucky. We can’t forget our favorite troublemakers,” Kate teased. You smiled and whipped away your tears. “Do you want me to go check the tests?” You hesitated but nodded. You were too anxious to move, but also you felt very comfortable against Yelena. Kate stood up and kissed you softly. “No matter what it says. We love you,”
“Love you too,” you whispered and watched Kate enter the bathroom. Yelena played with the hair at the base of your neck and hummed a simple tone. It was soothing, and you slumped into her. For the first time all day, you felt that nagging presence disappear. It was impossible for you to notice it with Yelena so close to you.
“Do you think she got lost?” Yelena mumbled in your ear. You giggled and slapped her softly on her leg. Finally, Kate came out with the tests in her hand.
“Positive,” she said. You stood up quickly, looking at the tests in her hand. She was right. Both read positive.
“I’m pregnant,” you said in disbelief. Suddenly, you were engulfed in the arms of your girlfriends. You felt their tears on your skin. You were going to be a mom. Finally.
“Thank you for stopping by,” you said and hugged Natasha. “I appreciate the distraction.” You separated from the redhead and watched Maria strap in their very sleepy kids in the car. Carefully, she closed the car door and joined you and her wife on the front steps.
“So, when are you going to tell them?” You titled your head at Maria’s question.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you said. Natasha rolled her eyes.
“You do realize you are trying to lie to two former Avengers,” you rolled your eyes. You managed to keep your first pregnancy a secret from them. You wondered if they were still a little bitter about that.
“When they get home,” you gave in. “I took the test two nights ago,” Maria was the first to pull you into a hug, carefully, and whispered congratulations into your ear. Once Maria was one, Natasha took her wife’s spot.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “For loving her and giving her a family.” You felt overcome with emotions, so all you could do was nod. You watched the couple get into their car and leave. Walking back into your house, Evan and Olivia were asleep on the couch. You loved it when they came over because they made nap time easier. Carefully, you picked up Olivia and Evan and carried them into their room.
What Natasha said to you wasn’t the first time she’s said it. The first time was when you told her about your pregnancy. The second was when she met her niece and nephew. Then at the wedding and now again. Still, it made you emotional.
You felt honored to love Yelena and be loved by her. It was your greatest accomplishment.
Yelena and Kate were more nervous than you as you lay on the medical bed waiting for the doctor. “I love you both,” you started. But you need to calm down, or you will go wait in the waiting room.”
“Sorry, Princess,” Kate kissed your forehead. Yelena’s leg was still shaking as the doctor came in to perform the ultrasound. It was a big day, so you understood where the anxiety was coming from. It would be your first time seeing your son and/or daughter.
“Alright, are you ready?” The doctor asked. With your consent, she lifted your shirt and put the cold gel on your skin. You shivered, which caused Kate to laugh at you. You glared at the archer. “Looks like we have a healthy baby,” she showed you and your girlfriends that was developing.
“It looks like a little alien,” Kate commented. Yelena scuffed, hitting the archer on the arm.
“Do not call your son or daughter an alien,” you smiled at the Black Widow.
“That leads me to the next question: do you want to know the genders, or will it be a surprise?” You planned on having a gender reveal party planned by Laura once you told her. Wait. Pause. Genders?
“Genders?” You questioned. The doctor smiled.
“Congratulations,” she smiled. “You are pregnant with twins.” Twins. Twins?! You weren’t having one baby but two. The doctor explained that twins were common throughout the IVF process and that you looked at your partners to see their reactions. The news shocked them, but you could see the excitement and relief on their faces. You were healthy. The babies were healthy. That was what mattered to them.
Keeping a secret was hard, especially one as big as this. Since Clint was fully retired, you saw the man less than Natasha and Maria. However, the Bartons liked to take trips to the city, which resulted in big family dinners. This time, Natasha and Maria were hosting. You walked up the front steps with a salad in your arms. “Are you excited?” Kate asked.
“Nervous,” you said. You were going to tell all of them today. It wasn’t going to be a big deal. Yelena was going to tell her sister and Maria, Kate had Clint, and you would tell Laura.
“We have to do it as soon as possible,” Yelena rang the doorbell. “Natasha already suspects something.” She was a Black Widow; that was not surprising. Nathaniel opened the door and hugged Kate and Yelena tight. You were in charge of the salad, which was tactical. The youngest Barton liked to show his affection with tight hugs, and your girlfriends were highly protective of you. You ruffled the boy’s hair and walked into the house.
Laura was in the kitchen while Clint, Natasha, and Maria prepared drinks at the bar. “Good luck,” Kate mumbled and kissed your temple. Your girlfriends said hello to Laura before joining the others. You placed the salad in the fridge.
“How can I help?” You asked.
“Can you measure out some flour and grab the baking soda?” Laura smiled. You nodded and got the ingredients she requested. You worked in silence, but your eyes kept glancing at your girlfriends. Kate gave you a thumbs-up.
“So, I was wondering if you have any leftover baby stuff?” You asked as you mixed up the dry ingredients. Laura thought for a moment, held tilted to the side.
“I’m not sure,” she said. “We may have donated a bunch. Is your job doing a donation?” You smiled and shook your head.
“No, I was asking for us,” you shrugged. Laura froze while mixing the wet ingredients with the dry as if her brain was trying to piece together what you said. Before she could say anything, you heard footsteps rushing over to you.
“You’re pregnant?” Natasha questioned. You nodded. It surprised you when the redhead pulled you into her arms and hugged you. “I can’t believe you kept it from me, you bitch.” You laughed at her comment.
“Careful, sestra,” Yelena warned. You rolled your eyes at her protective nature. “She’s got two in there.”
“Twins?!” Laura exclaimed.
“Twins,” you repeated. The day was filled with congratulations, celebrations, and so much love.
Sighing, you stood in the kitchen with the refrigerator door open. You were hungry, but you had no idea what you wanted. The twins wanted the strangest combination of foods. Kate and Yelena were saints through it all - the morning sickness, the odd late-night cravings that required them to leave bed and go to the store. “Oh,” you touched your stomach as you felt a kick. “Well, hello there,” you smiled. “I was wondering when I would start feeling you.” It was the part you were the most excited about feeling your little ones. It made it feel so real. However, seeing some of the videos of hand prints on people’s stomachs did scare you.
“Princess, who are you talking to?” Kate asked, walking downstairs.
“Come here,” you held your hand and closed the fridge. You took Kate’s hand and placed it on your stomach. “Just wait,” you smiled. It took a second, but soon, you felt a kick. Kate’s face lit up in surprise.
“Is that-” You nodded. “That is so weird,” you chuckled, and another kick. “I think they like the sound of your voice.”
“Maybe they like yours,” her eyes went to yours, then to your stomach.
“Hi, little ones,” Kate whispered. I’m your mum.” You smiled and blamed the pregnancy hormones when tears ran down your cheeks. I’m so excited to meet you and teach you how to hold a bow and arrow. Don’t cause your mom too much pain, okay?” You put your arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug.
“You are going to be a great mom,” you said. She hugged you back.
“So are you.”
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“Lena,” you called for the Blonde. You wanted to go for a walk, but you needed help putting on your shoes. “Yelena,” you said again. Kate was meeting with America at the Sanctum with Stephen. So it was you, Yelena, and the pups. The Blonde was upstairs preparing the room for the twins. The plan was to stay in the apartment until the twined turned one. Looking for a new home while pregnant and preparing for newborns was tiring. Sighing, you stood up and walked up the stairs—one hand on your belly and the other on the railing. You found Yelena on the floor of the twin’s room. She was midway through building a rocking chair. However, she was flipping through one of the parenting books she bought when the doctor confirmed you were pregnant.
She was lost in her own world, unaware that you were standing in the doorway. You let her sit there, but she stared at the same page for a few minutes. You made your presence known. “Baby,” she finally looked up.
“Dorogoy,” Yelena stood up and rushed over to you, her hands resting on your stomach. “Are you okay? Is it the babies?” You shook your head. You looked at your girlfriend, taking her face gently in your hands. There were dark bags underneath her eyes. How long has she been struggling, and you missed it?
“I’m fine,” you said. “What’s wrong, baby?” Yelena hesitated.
“Nothing,” she lied. You frowned and brought her into your arms for a hug. Her body was tense against yours, but soon she slumped into you.
“Tell me what’s going through that pretty head of yours,” you softly spoke. Yelena stayed quiet but it was okay. You would hold her as long as she needed, even if your back started to hurt. Finally, she mumbled something you missed. “What?” You questioned. She repeated herself, but still, it was hard for you to hear. “Baby, I can’t help if I can’t hear you,” you pulled away from you.
“What if I’m not good enough to be a mom?” She asked. Your heart broke. “I have done many bad things,” you knew some of those ‘bad’ things. You never saw them as bad. She was forced to be a pawn, and she was trying so hard to remove all the red. “What if I hurt them? I can not -” she shook her head. You felt the twin’s kick. They could sense Yelena’s emotions. You took her hand and placed it on your stomach.
“They are causing quite a commotion in there,” you smiled. “I think they can sense their mama is upset.” Yelena laughed, tears freely running down her cheeks. She kept her hands on your stomach.
“I love them so much already,” she admitted.
“I know you do,” Almost every night, Yelena would rest her head on your stomach and speak Russian to them. It was your favorite part of each day. She made sure to make meals that were safe for you. Whenever you needed a message, Yelena was the first to volunteer. “You take such great care of me and the babies, Lena. You are going to be a great mom,” she opened her mouth to argue, but you shook her head. “You deserve this life. You deserve to have a family and to be happy,” you wiped away her tears. “I know you will protect and love these troublemakers with your entire heart.”
“What if I mess up?”
“Then you mess up, but we will mess up together,” you kissed her softly. “Now, my back hurts. Do you think I can get a message?” Yelena chuckled, a smile finally on her face.
“Your wish is my command, my love.”
Delays were par for the course. At the beginning of the relationship, dates were missed or had to be rescheduled. You spent nights worrying sick because the mission took longer. When you received a text from Yelena that they were going to be home late, you understood, but it broke Olivia and Evan’s hearts. It was why you caved when they asked to stay up late after dinner to watch a movie. They lasted halfway through Frozen 2, and you were quick to follow them to sleep.
You woke up to your kids being moved, and you immediately grabbed them. “Easy, Princess,” it took a moment for your sleep-induced brain to see Yelena holding Olivia. “It’s just us.”
“You’re home,” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. Kate smiled, and you couldn’t help but fall more in love with her.
“Go to bed, baby,” Yelena said. “We’ll put the little ones to bed.” You nodded and kissed your kids before heading to your room. You sat at the foot of your bed and waited for them, stretching your neck. Sleeping on the couch always put a strain on your neck. Yelena was the first in the bedroom. Her hair was wet, and she wore one of Kate’s tracksuits. They must have stopped at the compound before heading over here. “I missed you,” she admitted and kissed you softly. Kissing Yelena was your favorite. It was hard for the Black Widow to vocalize her feelings, but the way she kissed you said enough.
“I missed you too,” you smiled. “Are there any injuries?” She shook her head. “Promise?” she twirled around in a circle. You saw nothing, but she looked tired. “Do you want me to braid your hair, or do you want to go to bed?”
“Can you braid it? Kate is not good at it,” you smiled and nodded. She went into the bathroom to grab the supplies you needed. Kate came in while she was there. Before you could ask if she was okay, she kissed you. Kate was always an aggressive kisser when she came home. It took your breath away.
“Hi, baby girl,” she said. You smiled.
“Hi, Katie,” the archer rolled her eyes. The Black Widow came out of the bathroom with a hair brush and a ponytail. You moved to the center of the bed so she could sit before you. Kate kissed Yelena before going into the bathroom herself. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” You asked, sitting up on your knees and beginning to brush her hair. She hummed.
“Tired,” she whispered. “And I missed you and the twins,.” You wanted to say you missed her too ,and the twins were heartbroken when they were delayed. But that wasn’t going to help.
“Your sister and Maria came over,” you told her. “Someone told them we are getting another dog,” you chuckled as Yelena tensed up.
“I do not know who told them that,” she said. “Maybe it was Livie,” but it probably was Olivia. You knew she would join your wife’s agenda no matter what it was. You kissed her cheek and finished the braid.
“Princess,” you looked at Kate, and your eyes looked at the pregnancy test in her hands. “Is this real?” You wanted to say you would never joke about a positive pregnancy test after the hell you went through the first time, but you nodded.
“I took the test two days ago,” you said. Kate’s blue eyes filled with tears. Yelena stood up and took the test from Kate’s hand.
“It worked?” Yelena’s voice cracked. You nodded.
“Much easier than the first time,” your vision began to blur with your own tears. The Blonde moved to hug you, and you felt her tears against your skin.
“We are getting a new four-leg child and one with two,” she said. You pulled away from her.
“Yelena Belova,” you sternly said. “I told you we are not getting a third dog until you fully retire. I am not taking care of three dogs and three kids by myself.”
“Could be twins,” Kate said, laying behind you in bed. She placed her on your stomach underneath your shirt. Goosebumps form on your skin. You loved the feeling of Kate’s hands, warm and calloused.
“If you knocked me up with twins again, I might divorce both of you,” you teased and rested your body on Kate, melting against hers. Yelena crossed her legs and took your hand. She looked lost in thought. You squeezed her hand, and she looked at you.
“This was our last mission,” she told you. “We are missing too much here, and I do not want to fight anymore.” You were proud of how well you kept your excitement masked. Part of you believed that the only thing that was going to stop Yelena and Kate from going on mission was an injury or maybe even their death. But she was right. She deserved it. They both did.
“I guess I can make room for both of you,” your body shook from Kate’s laughter. The Blonde rolled her eyes and laid her head on your stomach. She kissed it and mumbled something in Russian. You glanced at Kate over your shoulder, and she smiled fondly at the Blonde.
“I love you both,” she said.
“Love you too,” you weren’t expecting a response from Yelena as she was fast asleep, a protective hold on your stomach.
Sometime in the future
Soft kisses on your shoulder drew you out of sleep. You tried to ignore it, but your lips traveled up your neck. “I know you are up, Princess,” you felt Kate’s breath against your neck. “We have a busy Saturday morning. Lena is starting breakfast.” You groaned and burrowed your face deeper into the pillow.
“I wouldn’t be so tired if someone wasn’t so needy last night.”
“If I remember correctly, you weren’t complaining,” you heard the smirk in her voice. You rolled your eyes and climbed out of bed, stretching your hands above your head. You felt her eyes gaze over your naked body.
“Can you keep your hands to yourself if we shower together?” It was the fastest you’ve seen her get out of bed.
“I thought I was going to have to call the Coast Guard,” Yelena teased as you entered the kitchen. You kissed her cheek.
“Don’t be jealous,” you pinched her back, and she yelped. “So,” you poured yourself a cup of coffee. “What’s the plan of attack?” You asked. Saturdays were always busy in your house. With five kids, four dogs, and a cat, it seemed everyone needed to be somewhere. Soccer bags needed to be packed, paint brushes to be washed, and pointe shoes needed new ribbons.
It was hectic, and sometimes you felt like you were pulled in a hundred and one directions, but you had your wives by your side to help. “Are you listening?” Yelena smiled.
“Yes,” you lied. She gave you a pointed look, which you ignored, and wrapped your arms around her waist.
“Incoming!” You heard Kate yell, followed by your three oldest running down the stairs. This was normal. Your home was loud, crazy, and chaotic but full of love. You burrowed your face in the crook of Yelena’s neck and kissed the skin you could reach.
“Thank you,” you whispered against her. “Thank you for loving me and giving me a family.”
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miguelsslvt · 1 year
friends- chase atlantic
nerd! ex! miguel o’hara x popular! reader college au
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word count: 1335
TW: mild smut under cut, overstimulation, smoking, drvg use, manipulative friends.
A/N: so basically, this is my interpretation of a scenario that happened in the nerd! miguel lore!! obviously this isn't 'canon', this is just my interpretation of the wonderful storyline by @nymphomatique !! always go check her out, her stories are honestly the best <33 hope you all enjoy and welcome to the club!!^^
'he's not good for you y/n!' 'he's a freak y/n!' 'he's such a weirdo compared to you y/n!' 'get rid of him y/n!' 'get rid of his ass y/n!'
that's all your 'friends' ever said to you about miguel o'hara. they hated your relationship with him. he was a nerd sure, but all your 'best friends' were adamant that he was no good for you. or your name, for that matter
he was a bit of an outcast and nerd, sure, he used to sit alone at lunch, he would get bullied by the football team, he never got invited to parties, and don't even get started on his glasses.
but, no matter what, you wanted him. you had a reputation of popularity and cockiness sure, but you wanted to introverted freak nonetheless. he was just so.. sweet. and no matter what, you wanted him.
eventually you listened to your friends, cutting off everything you had with miguel so you could stop hearing the constant nagging of 'when are you gonna get rid of him?'
miguel being miguel, he was heartbroken. he cried for days, while you were enjoying your free time partying or sleeping with randomers.
a few weeks swings by, and parker's usual summer party is just tonight. he has one every year, and without a doubt they're the best parties of the whole school year. you were obviously first invite, and you happily agreed. but what you didn't expect, was the conversation in chemistry class that parker and his other 'popular' football friends were saying.
'yeah i invited that o'hara kid, it's gonna be so funny!' peter said, as one of the boys joined in. 'i say we throw him into the pool!' he said, as you chimed in. 'don't be dicks you think you're all so cool and popular bullying a kid? grow up.' you snapped.
peter smirked. 'aw, is little y/n getting possessive over her little ex fuck toy? i swear if you two are gonna fuck in my bed-' 'even if we do i'm sure it'll be better then having another night with your 2 incher. at least he knows where the clit is.' you replied snarkily, the boys laughing as peter went red in the face in anger.
'you're such a slut!' he snapped, you smiled. 'yeah well at least i didn't fuck mandy simpson in the back of english lit last semester.' you said, as peter was livid. he turned around, as you and your friends laughed.
the party arrived, and you wore your favourite black tight dress. it was a spaghetti strap, paired with gold hoop earrings, a gold necklace and some black strap heels. you packed a black and gold bikini just in case the boys decided their usual 2am pool dip.
you grabbed a bottle of vodka, pouring 50% in, mixing it with some coca cola. you noticed the usual hockey boys sniffing some sort of substance you didn't really care, you then saw the pick me girls all over peter and his friends. your friends were smoking back in the garden, beside the pool. you decided to walk over to them.
'hey girl! you want a smoke?' gracie asked, as you smiled and lit a cigarette, smoking it with your friends.
'hey, is that.. o'hara?' kate said, pointing to a corner. you turned around quickly, seeing the boy you oh so fondly missed (but you would never tell anyone that).
he looked more ripped. he had been going to the gym, you noticed that when you stalked his instagram story last week. he wore a pair of black jeans, and a polo shirt that was a little too tight for him. his hair was slicked back, and his glasses were a little crooked as usual.
'what a nerd, who invited him?' grace whispered. 'i heard peter invited him just to take the piss outta him. a little far fetched if you ask me.' maddy said, as abbie chimed in. 'well after making y/n look like an absolute freak for dating him, i'm sure the nicest thing o'hara could do is at least look popular so y/n doesn't look like a complete moron.'
'say that again?' you swung your head to abbie, who immediately shut her mouth. 'you can't talk abbie. i swear you fucked hobie brown during spring break?' you replied, as your friends laughed, abbie nodding. 'i deserved that.'
a few hours rolled by, and you were.. tipsy. your friends were either dancing, drinking or making out with one of the hockey dudes. you however, was searching for miguel. and when you found him, your heart boiled.
'cmon o'hara! we so kindly invited you to our party, why don't you just take a little swim with us?!' peter said, pinning miguel up to a wall. miguel was a shaking mess. you sighed, walking up to peter. 'hands off him.' you said, sternly.
'cmon y/n, you two ain't even together anymore. let's just show this little freak what parties are really about hm?' peter replied, as you smacked him swiftly, causing peter to lose his grip on miguel.
'WHAT THE FUCK?!' he snapped. 'touch my boy again, and i'll fucking end your career. you hear me?! one snapchat story and you could lose everything parker, you hear me?! now fuck off, enjoy your little party, and leave me and MY man alone!' you yelled, as peter's friends were awe-struck. they knew you were mouthy, but jeez.
'stupid bitch!' peter yelled, before walking away. tears welled miguel's eyes, as y/n grabbed his hand, taking him into her car.
she started the car, as the two were silent on the way home. 'w..where are we going?' miguel asked. 'my dorm.' you said in reply. '..i'm not your boy y'know. not anymore.' miguel mumbled. that made you raise a brow. 'i'm sorry, what?'
'you said i was 'yours' earlier, a-and..' tears fell down miguel's face. 'i'm not. n-not adfter y-you dumped me.' he said, as you sighed.
'..you're supposed to be smart, o'hara. why the fuck can't you see why i dumped you?' you said, as miguel looked away. 'i do know. i- i know it's because your friends said so. th-they didn't want you to be unpopular and weird.' he said.
'..i'm.. fuck man.' you mumbled, sighing. 'you know me, miguel. you know i hate saying this. but.. i'm sorry.' you said, that made his heart stop. you're.. sorry?
'i do want you. i've always fucking wanted you. but my friends they.. they just- they were in my ear for so long i-' 'tell me.' he cut you off. 'what?' you asked. 'what were we? we weren't exactly together, b-but we weren't not? i.. all i know is that we weren't just friends.' miguel stated.
he had a point. technically speaking, you two were just fuck buddies. 'we.. we were just fuck buddies.' you said honestly. 'and i stopped that because of my.. stupid fucking friends.' you parked outside the dorm. 'and y'know? i don't give two shits what anyone thinks about us.' you said, looking at miguel. he wiped his tears.
'do-does that make us.. something again?' he asked. '..get out.' you stated, as you got out the car, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the dorm.
'm..mistress p-please..' he begged, his legs shaking. you had been sucking him off for about an hour now, not stopping. it was his nth orgasm, and he couldn't feel anything.tears were streaming down his face, but you weren't done. not yet.
'let your mistress please you, yeah baby? i've been neglecting you for so long..' you cooed, stroking his cock as his eyes rolled back. you tutted. 'aww, so sensitive.. is my little dweeb tapping out before even touching mistress?' you teased, as he shook his head.
'n..no.. w-want to feel y-you mistress.. p-lease..' he whimpered, as you let go, moving to sit on his lap.
'trust me baby, we aren't stopping until i say so.'
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circe69 · 2 years
Could I please request 21.) zipping up a dress for you - "what, is the zipper stuck or something?" "no, 'm just looking." With Ghost? Like I can just imagine the tension if they weren’t together yet and they were still just in a ‘will they won’t they’ situation omg 😭💕 thank you!
absolutely anon! thanks for participating in my special :)
["what, is the zipper stuck or something?" "no, 'm just looking."]
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 #𝟐𝟏 - 𝐳𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - ❤︎
This was the worst-case scenario that you could possibly think of. Tonight, the Task Force was holding a banquet as a means of celebrating their recent victory, rescuing Kate Laswell back from being kidnapped. They were holding an auction, all the proceeds were to fund communities around them, specifically to help with missing kids.
The dress you were wearing, or, supposed to wear, was a little less than comfortable. A slim-fitting maroon gown that's zipper was stuck on it's on teeth, and it wasn't even halfway up your back yet.
You sighed as you stared at your backside in the mirror, most of it being completely exposed, showing off some freckles and birthmarks you completely forgot you had, and also some rather ugly scars and scratches from years past.
Thinking about who you could call, everyone was in meetings or preparing for the event themselves, all except for one person.
You rolled your eyes at the thought. He was an amazing solider, the best of the best, obviously, but when it came to making friends or being nice at all, he didn't know what he was doing.
It is different, and you can see that. Making conversation and willingly being kind whilst doing so wasn't the same as aiming a pistol and shooting it, but surely, he had other traits that allowed the former?
You were about to find out.
Picking up your phone in your slightly sweaty and clammy hands, you realized how stressed you really were. You dialed his number, his contact's name not even attached to it because you never bothered.
"Hello?" A deep voice spoke from the other side of the phone.
You inhaled sharply, and he immediately recognized who it was.
"Oh great, it's you," he spoke, and you could tell his mouth was stretched into a sly smile.
"Yes, it's me, I need help."
You heard Ghost shuffle around quickly, maybe even a knife being thrown out of its pocket, "What's wrong?"
Walking over to unlock the front door to hopefully let him in later, you balanced your phone between your bare shoulder and cheek, "No, nothing- nothing's seriously wrong, my dress just won't zip up and everyone else is busy."
Silence. You and Ghost marinated in it for a few seconds, and you swear you heard his tongue click against his teeth, something he only did when he was excited.
You heard him stand from his chair over the phone, "So I was the last resort? That's kinda mean, don't ya think?"
He was having a ball with this, but you on the other hand, your back was chilly and both of you had to be somewhere in less than an hour, so you wanted this show to get on the road.
"Just hurry up and GET. IN. HERE." Your words became decreased to nothing but a whispered shout at the end of your sentence, signaling how serious you were.
"Sheesh, woman, I'll be right the-"
You hung up before he could finish his sentence, and did one last look in the mirror to make sure nothing too scandalous was showing. It wasn't even 5 minutes that passed when there was a knock on your door.
"Come in," you yelled from your place in the bedroom. You heard the door creak open, "I'm in my room."
The sound of loafers clicking on your floor filled the hallway and echoing off the walls, right into your ears. You paused for a moment, realizing if Ghost was attending this event, he'd be dressed up too. That was something you weren't prepared to see.
He walked in, one hand in his pocket and the other fixing his simple black mask. No skull, no dirt, no face paint, no blood splattered. It was somehow classy. Ghost wore a regular black tux, a black tie tucked into his blazer, and a pristine white shirt peeking out from underneath it all.
It was safe to say the both of you were impressed with each other's outfits. His eyes skimmed over you, stopping right when he got to your hips. The red dress hugged them perfectly, dropping down into a regular A-line below. The train dragged on the ground, a few sparkles gently appearing at the edge.
You smiled at his loss for words. "Wow yourself, you look great. Now please, zip this thing up." You turned around, your bare back now facing Ghost, and his breath faltered at the sight. He took a few steps towards you without saying anything.
He was so close, you could feel his breath on your neck, it was deep and heavy, the way he was breathing. Like he was nervous, or excited, or maybe both. His hands were hesitant, but you slightly flinched as his fingers softly traced the slope of your back, slowly moving up and down. It was so soft, you weren't sure if he was even touching you at times, but instead just basking in the heat you were radiating.
"Is it really stuck? I might just have to ditch it if it's not working," you said, not sure if you were talking to yourself or him anymore.
"No, I'm - 'm just looking."
Your jaw slightly unhinged at his blatant confession. Just looking?
Finally, his fingers dipped lower to reach the zipper, and you shivered at the feeling.
"Hm. You ticklish?" He said as he slowly pulled up the zipper, leaving a finger in front so he could trace the entirety of your spine one last time.
"No," you said breathily. He didn't need to know how dizzy his touch was making you.
"Not really in any hurry, are we now?" His voice was dangerously low, seductively teasing you, and you loved it.
You shivered once more when his fingers reached the top of your back, drawing a small circle with his pointer finger on your skin.
"You have a birthmark there."
Humming in response, you turned around to face him. "Yes."
"You had a few more, but I was scared if I touched them, you'd freak out."
He started to walk out, looking both ways out the dark hallway as if he was crossing a street.
"I wouldn't freak out." You blurted, making him stop in his tracks, "You don't have to worry about that."
He nodded and said over his shoulder, "Noted."
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jareaul0ver · 3 months
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wc: 1.8k warnings: kate being a bad gf, straight angst, no happy ending (sorry! no im not) pairings: kate martin x fem!reader
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January, 2023
You sat courtside of an Iowa game, your eyes trained on your girlfriend the whole time. On the court, off the court, she was yours. Every basket she'd make, she'd immediately point to you.
The fans loved it. She loved it. You loved it. You wore her jersey with pride, letting everyone know you were hers. Two years into your relationship, it never got old.
The second the buzzer rang out, she searched the stands for you, noticing how you hustled down the stairs to rush to the court. To rush to her.
Your arms found her neck and hers your waist. She spun you around before placing a kiss against your lips. "Good job out there, K-Money." You giggled.
She laughed softly and hugged you against her. "Always have to do good for you, baby." Her pet names for you never failed to make your knees weak.
After her post-game responsibilities, you both headed to her suite. You laid on her bed, her head resting against your chest as you ran you fingers through her long blonde hair.
"I'm gonna marry you one day, Kate." You mumbled. Her eyes shot open and she sat up straight to look at you.
Your heart almost dropped when she didn't say anything. When she didn't kiss you, or hug you, or even smile. That feeling only lasted a quick moment though, before she pressed her lips firmly against yours.
"You're the love of my life." She whispered against your lips. Tingles shot down your spine.
Early May, 2023
"Where the hell are you taking me?" You laughed as Kate forced you into the passenger seat of her car, shutting the door before walking around and getting in herself.
With a bright smile she leaned in and pecked your lips. "To your surprise."
You rolled your eyes but grinned. She started the car and drove away from campus. Her car was beginning to fill with everything she needed to take home from campus, as it was almost the end of her final year at Iowa.
She drove for a bit before pulling into the parking garage underneath an apartment complex. "Are we visiting someone?" You asked, confusion evident in your voice.
"Uh, no." She said quickly before putting the car in park, hopping out, and rushing around to the other side to open your door.
"Then what-"
"Just trust me." She said softly. You nodded and she took your hand in hers, taking you over to the elevator. She pressed the button to the fourth floor, and one silent ride later, you arrived.
She walked you down the hallway to apartment 403, and pulled out a key. The door was quickly unlocked and swung open. Both of you stepped in and you looked around at the empty apartment.
"Surprise!" She said from behind you. You spun around and looked at her as she held up a small sign, her name and yours carved into it, above the word "home".
Your eyes widened and your lips twitched into a smile. "You're kidding. You're kidding!" You squealed, launching yourself into Kate's arms.
She laughed and held you tight against her. "I'm not kidding." She leaned back, forcing you to look at her. Her hand gently cupped your face, her eyes peering into yours. "I want this with you. Forever."
"Forever." You whispered back.
Early June, 2023
Moving in with Kate should have been the best thing that you two could have done. With you still being in school, living with her took away the stress of having to worry about paying for housing on campus.
She was still focused on basketball, planning to stay with Iowa for a fifth year since she was eligible. It was supposed to be perfect.
But it had only been a month and it was already hell.
You argued constantly. Not even over anything worth arguing about, but she seemed to always want to pick a fight with you. She was rarely ever home, always practicing during the day and going out with the team during the night.
One night she came home particularly drunk. You were up late, working on something for a summer course that you had opted to take, freeing up a slot in your fall semester.
"Babe?" She shouted the second she walked in the door. You winced a bit at the loudness of her voice. You were sitting right there, on the sofa that was directly in her line of sight.
"Hm?" You said, annoyance evident in your voice, but Kate chose to ignore it. She came over to you and pulled your laptop away from you, closing it and tossing it to the other side of the couch. "Kate, what the hell-"
She sat next to you on the couch before putting all her weight onto you, her body slumping against yours. You tried to push her off, but couldn't. Damn her athleticism.
"Get off, Kate, I have to finish something." You reached for your laptop but she grabbed your hand and pulled it down.
"You don't wanna lay with me?" She slurred, the smell of alcohol strong on her breath.
You sighed, once against trying to push her away. "No, frankly, I don't."
She sat up and the smug smile on her face faltered. "Why're you being a bitch?" She spat.
"Excuse me?" You scoffed.
"You're being a bitch." She made sure to emphasize it this time. You knew she was drunk, but it still didn't make it hurt any less.
You stood up and took a few steps away. "I'm not dealing with this right now. You're drunk, you're sleeping on the couch tonight." You quickly walked towards your bedroom and shut the door behind you.
Late June, 2023
The last month had been incredibly tense. You and Kate both decided to pretend that there was nothing wrong, even though there clearly was.
You were walking on eggshells around her, scared that one wrong move would send her running.
You were surprised when she invited you to go out with her and her friends from the basketball team, but you happily went along, hoping to make some relationship amends during the night.
Everyone sat in a huge booth at a random bar one of the girls found. Kate excused herself to go grab a drink for herself, so you sat awkwardly, as you didn't know any of her friends very well.
Jada called out your name and your head snapped in her direction. You held a small smile, while her face was a little confused. "I'm surprised Kate invited you, to be honest."
Your smile faded. "What do you mean?"
"She said you two weren't doing too well. That you were really pissy with her all the time, starting stupid fights and shit." She shrugged. "Thought she would have broken up with you by now based off the things she's said."
The room went silent. Your heart dropped. Was this true? The look on Jada's face silently assured you that it was.
Tears started to well in your eyes and you excused yourself from the table, quickly going outside to get some air.
When Kate returned to the table, she noticed you were gone. Jada nodded towards the exit and Kate started walking towards it. She opened the door and saw you outside, sitting on the curb with tears in your eyes.
She moved over and put her hand on your shoulder. "Baby? What's wrong?" You turned at the sound of her voice and pulled away from her.
"You don't get to call me that anymore." Your voice was shaky, but was laced with malice.
"What?" She laughed, a little confused. "What're you talking about?" She stepped towards you, reaching out but you backed away.
You shook your head and scoffed. "You talked shit about me to your friends behind my back, and expect me to be okay with it?" Kate froze and her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to speak but you cut her off.
"After everything I've done for you. After everything we've been through together, you go and do this?" Tears ran down your face. "Fuck you, Kate. I'm done. This is done."
"You're really ending this over something so fucking stupid?” She scoffed, crossing her arms.
Your eyes widened. “You think this is stupid? Jada was surprised I was here. Jada was surprised you haven’t ended things yet.”
Kate stayed silent, the look on her face was unreadable, something that came as a shock to you. You thought you knew her. You had been together for nearly three years, but now she seems like a stranger.
“You said I was the love of your life, Kate.” Your voice broke.
A beat of silence passed between the two of you, the only sound being heard was your chest heaving and the music blasting from inside.
“I was wrong.” She said flatly before turning around to walk back inside. “Have your stuff gone by this weekend.”
You watched her walk back inside. The second she stepped foot past those doors, you knew it was over. She was never coming back, and you’d have to accept that.
April 15, 2024
You sat comfortably on your couch, flipping through the channels of your television, until you came across the one you were looking for.
You transferred to UConn early in the year. It hurt too much to see Kate being so successful on the basketball team. Every little thing in Iowa was a reminder of her, and you needed to escape.
Figures you ended up at the school that got knocked out by Iowa in the final four, but how were you supposed to predict that?
Things were different at first. You felt out of place, a stranger to everything in Storrs, but you quickly adjusted, meeting some of your best friends.
Those best friends happened to play basketball. Paige, Nika, Azzi, practically the whole team came to love you. So you had to support them. You attended their home games, even the ones against Iowa. It hurt seeing Kate, it hurt more than anything had ever hurt you in your life.
But you pushed it aside. You were there for your friends, not your ex-lover who treated you like a piece of garbage.
You watched the draft, not being surprised by most of the players getting drafted. Aaliyah, one of your closest friends, being picked at 6th. Nika at 12th.
The smile never left your face. Your pride for your friends shining in your eyes, evident in the texts you immediately sent after their names were called.
That smile faded, though, at the 18th overall pick. “The Las Vegas Aces select… Kate Martin.”
Kate stood up, hugging all those around her, feeling incomplete. She shouldn’t, though. She just got drafted to the WNBA. What could be missing?
She walked to the stage, took a picture, did her small interview and the draft commenced on. The smile she had on her face was real, sure, but it wasn’t nearly as real as it was whenever she used to be with you.
As she stood there, processing everything that happened, she realized the thing she was missing was you. She was incomplete without you.
But it was too late now, you were the loss of her life.
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loggiepj · 5 days
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Summary: just an angsty one shot story 😂✌🏳️‍🌈
"TOM SAID she had been using Rooney to gain more credits to her work, always insisting to come along Rooney when she's in film productions, pretending she was only supporting her then girlfriend just so she could give her scripts to producers. And she did this while cheating on her behind her back."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from bursting into tears, hand on your chest, slipping to your collarbone then up to your neck as you willed yourself to breathe.
"That's awful," you heard Lizzie's beautiful voice slurring through the confines of the comfort room, through the door of the cubicle you were trapped in. "I can't believe she could do such a thing. She was so sweet and all, I thought . . . I thought—"
"Oh, we thought so too, Liz," another person chimed in, "but don't be easily fooled. I heard Rooney's lawyer will be filing a case against her sometime soon."
Your other hand went to embrace yourself, clutching against the side of your sweater as you might lose it.
"It was a risk on the producer's part to still include her in this film," said another, "knowing her reputation."
In the following silence, you could hear Elizabeth's sigh. "God, I wouldn't have known."
It was complete torture, having to listen through it all, having to witness how someone you had grown close to in the past few weeks could crush you down in an instant. Five minutes and thirty seven seconds, to be exact.
As if the gods above had acknowledged you had suffered enough, they eventually left the comfort room and began discussing about the next scenes as they walked through the door.
When you heard the door shut close, you broke down. The kind of cry where you seemed to be running out of air to breathe, as if you had been clawing your insides until there's nothing left. You didn't think it was possible to cry for someone like this. You felt like a kid, but you couldn't wail louder since anyone could just walk into the toilet.
The gossips you had endured during highschool, about you being gay, had nothing in comparison to what just happened. Especially the one who was involved was someone special to you. And it felt worse coming from her. To think that Lizzie would actually believe them, believe the rumors circulating about you. To think that she could be different from others. But you'd thought wrong.
It all started with Rooney. She was an actress you fell in love with when you got to work with her and Tom in Carol movie. You had been together with Rooney for almost six years. And yet for one simple action, a drunk crewmate kissing you on the lips inside the producer's room, mistaking you as his girlfriend, Rooney threw everything.
It was all one big misunderstanding. One night, you were just making love. The next, you weren't allowed to enter the penthouse you were both staying, considering Rooney owned that unit and you gave up yours when you moved in with her.
Her sister, Kate, the ever merciful one, contacted you afterwards the sudden eviction, saying that she would try to persuade Rooney to be at least forgiving to let you stay for the meantime while you were looking for another place to live.
But that didn't happen. After that incident, rumors of you cheating started to spread around in the industry, some were exaggerated to give that appeal. And no one trusted you anymore, that you would only use people to your own benefit.
If you weren't only friends with the director of the current film you were working with, you wouldn't have any project.
And then you met Elizabeth Olsen.
You can call me Lizzie, by the way, was what she said when the two of you first talked.
Lizzie had a very distinctive and elegant appearance. She had fair skin, light brown hair, and expressive eyes that were usually a striking green. She was almost an inch taller than you, but if she wore heels, you'd always look up to her whenever the two of you were talking.
You knew her from her massive role as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Universe films, and you even used to idolize her as someone who's good in everything, no matter what genre the film she was in.
And you both just instantly clicked, like you were made for each other. You could talk to her for hours and hours through the production days, either before the filming would start, during breaks or at the end of the day. She would also share everything to you, with enthusiasm to your mutual interests, as if you were long-time friends. She looked at you without judgment, making you wonder if she knew about the rumors, the one thing that could destroy this newfound promising relationship. Knowing Lizzie wasn't into social media and stuff was what kept you asleep most nights.
You had even asked her to a date that weekend and you both enjoyed it to the fact that she almost invited you inside her nearby apartment when you gave her a ride home. There was this kind of feeling you feel whenever she was around, sometimes butterflies, sometimes longing.
But everything crumbled down when a newcomer saw the two of you flirting with each other.
YOU SPLASHED some cold water into your face as you prepared yourself to face the outside world, hoping it wasn't that obvious that you were just crying seconds ago.
When you went back to the studio to get some work done, you saw Lizzie on one corner practicing some lines with her co-star.
Maybe you were only overthinking it. Maybe she would see you through, talk to you about it, listen to your side of the story. But when you approached them, they only went silent.
"Hey," you greeted, trying to diminish any awkwardness.
"Hi Y/n," Lizzie replied with a smile, "we're just quickly rehearsing for the next scene."
"Oh, okay, sorry to bother you both," you said, "I'll just talk to you later then."
She only smiled back as she went back to her script. You would have just let it go if it weren't for the fact that she would always choose to talk to you.
LATER was no different as you went to knock against the door of her trailer upon hearing Lizzie's laughter inside. Abruptly, the laughters died, and you swore you could hear shushing. When her friend opened the door the second time you knocked, said friend only told you Lizzie wasn't in there even when you knew she was.
THROUGH the days that followed, it was slowly sinking in that maybe they got her too. That Lizzie believed them too.
You tried to give Lizzie the benefit of the doubt. That maybe she was only busy, knowing the most critical scenes were being shot. But you had probably sent her a lot of messages to which Lizzie had only replied words fewer and bland as compared to the older ones she had sent you.
WHEN you tried to approach Lizzie during one of the breaks, surprising her with your favorite cheesecake she said she liked, she thanked you rather hurriedly.
"Thanks, Y/n," she said. "You shouldn't have."
"It's fine," you said back, brushing her off as she tried to return the box to you. "I was in the area earlier when I passed by the store, and I remembered you wanting to eat another slice of it."
What was redness that you used to see adorned on Lizzie's cheeks, was inexistent as she hesitantly accepted the gift. You could tell she was sporting a smile you had seen her do whenever she was uncomfortable during interviews.
It gave you the kick to stop whatever this was you were doing. You then decided not to torture her anymore with how forward you were. It was clear she didn't want anything to do with you. That you were just mere friends in passing. That that date was only that. Nothing more.
"Lizzie!" someone called her from afar, apparently saving her from this awkward interaction. Saving you both.
"Shoot, sorry, Y/n," she said with an apologetic smile. "I have to leave, but thank you again for this. You're too sweet for this world."
You forced a huge smile her way. "Yeah, no worries. See you later."
BUT YOU had avoided her later. You had avoided them. And through the days that followed, you began distancing yourself from the cast and crew, knowing now what they had been talking behind your back. You just went to the studio to help work with the script then went back straight home. No more small talks in the hallway as you passed by them, occasionally wearing a hoodie over your face, wishing it was Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility.
At nights, you stared at the photos of the two of you together during production and even that one dinner date you had at a private restaurant, wondering how two individuals went from these to complete strangers.
You couldn't help but wonder if Lizzie has missed you at all. But when you glanced at her from a distance whenever you couldn't avoid not coming to the studio, laughing and making vlog with her co-stars and makeup artists, you could feel she was glad she dodged a bullet that was you. That she almost went out with someone like you, someone who couldn't be trusted.
You had even stopped eating your favorite cheesecake, knowing it would only remind you of her. Lesson learned. Never suggest your favorites to anyone.
THAT was when you started hanging out with Emma Watson, whom you had gotten closer as you were part of her writing crew in another film you were working for.
She had well defined cheekbones and chocolate brown eyes. But what stood out the most was her English accent. Sometimes, you just wanted to listen to her talk all day.
Emma already knew the rumors about you, and called them bullshit. Maybe it was the British in her, but she told you she didn't care about anyone's past other than first impressions. Besides, if she weren't a fan of your works, she wouldn't have given a chance to know you.
When she revealed to you she liked girls too, you grew more comfortable around her.
You also started to make friends with the other film's crew, and maybe that was what you needed, what you were missing. You no longer felt sad or lonely whenever you were around them. And having to fit two jobs in a day, it felt different having something to look forward to whenever you finished working for Lizzie's film. Good kind of different.
"WAIT, you're already leaving? Are you not going with us?" your director friend asked the moment he saw you packing things up, preparing to leave.
"What do you mean?"
"Liz invited the whole cast and crew for a housewarming party at her new house," he replied.
You had no idea but who were you to receive first invitation from her in the first place. You were a nobody.
"Oh I . . . I actually am needed to get this edit reviewed," you said, easily making up an excuse. Although technically, it wasn't a lie.
"That's a bummer. I was pretty sure Liz said to invite you too." He sighed. "Well, don't work yourself too hard, Y/n."
You only smiled back as you left, staying out of sight from others, keeping distance away from the lobby where you could see the whole cast chatting as they waited for the car service to get to Lizzie's house. And for a brief moment, you caught sight of the woman who once captured your heart, broke it and left to rot. Elizabeth looked so beautiful and fresh even after a day's production, and she was wearing that jacket she stole from you that very first day.
"HAVE you ever loved someone?"
You had been staring at your notifications, watching for what seemed like hours at Lizzie's messages asking where you were and why you weren't at her housewarming party.
You didn't even noticed Emma had asked you a question until she nudged your shoulder.
"Sorry, what?" you asked, slipping your phone into your pocket.
"I asked if you've ever loved someone? Any lovers? Girlfriends? Boyfriend? Flings?" she asked teasingly, "It's just I haven't seen you around with anyone."
"I mean, you've heard the rumors—"
"Fuck all the rumors, I'm not blind, Y/n," Emma interrupted. "You're actually gorgeous. It could cause a scandal."
Avoiding the girl's gaze, you laughed at her. "What are you suggesting?"
There was complete silence, making you look back at Emma deep in thoughts.
"What do you say about you becoming my girlfriend?"
"It's just for PR stuff and all," she reasoned. "And for promoting this movie."
"Promoting? They'd hate you. They'd hate me more."
"At least, it would be a distraction from the public. I haven't actually come out as gay but I've provided signs, yet people just turn a blind eye. And this will help confirm my sexuality. If they hated me for dating the rumored you, they'd hate me less for being gay."
You fell silent as you thought about it.
"My PR manager will pay you, of course. You're saving up for a house, right? I want to help you."
Then she looked at her hands on her lap, nervous. "Besides, you're the only one I felt comfortable doing this with." She then glanced back at you. "So . . . Are you with me?"
WHEN you started going out with Emma publicly, the photos of you together holding hands in public immediately spread through the news and gossip channels. You started to become famous, more on the bad side though, of how you were only using Emma again for your selfish reasons and how stupid Emma was for dating you.
At least, there were only a few articles about how disappointed they were Emma turned out to be gay. People were more disappointed she was dating a parasite.
IT WAS almost a month after when you received a missed call from your ex girlfriend Rooney. And she had called you multiple times until you blocked her number. And when she figured out you blocked her, she sent you numerous emails.
Emma was with you as you anxiously worked through the next scene's script.
"You okay?" Emma asked, her hand on your shoulder made you jump on your seat. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you managed to reply.
"What are you worrying about?"
You hesitated, frown growing deeper. "It's just . . . I think my ex girlfriend will finally end my career."
"She's going to file a case against me," you said, almost in tears.
"Is that what you think she's going to do?" She chuckled softly.
"What are you giggling about? It's not funny."
"Sorry," she went on still laughing, "but you have to see this."
Apparently, Rooney had posted a public apology addressed to you, clearing you out, redeeming your image, and admitting it was her jealousy that ended your relationship, that she was willing to destroy her career in exchange for yours. And that she wanted so badly to talk to you if you'd only let her.
It felt like a relief as you saw the ones who reposted the post, as you read the comments from people defending you and supporting you, that Emma was a better choice than Rooney. It felt like the weight of the world was taken off your shoulder.
Emma then wrapped her arms around you as you sobbed into her chest. And she only let you.
Some weeks later, Emma asked you out on a date. A real date, saying she was willing to try. Maybe it was Rooney's post that made her trust you. Maybe she was just scared. But you also wanted to try it with her.
Rooney eventually stopped contacting you. The damage has already been done. One day, you may be able to forgive her. But never to forget.
MAYBE the public apology was what made Lizzie finally approached you during the last few days in the production. She brought you a gift, the cheesecake that used to be your favorite. Now, you didn't like how too sweet it was, wanting nothing more than to savor Cornish pasty introduced by your girlfriend Emma.
"Hey, Y/n," she greeted. "I . . . I brought you this."
"Thank you, Lizzie," you said, accepting with haste.
There was awkward silence as she placed her hands inside the pockets of her jeans. "Last day, huh? You want to go for sushi later? My treat."
And maybe it really was the public post Rooney made that made her finally talk to you, as if she was still the same person she was the first time you met. And as if you were still interested in her as you were months ago.
"Sorry, I have to meet Em for dinner tonight," you said, smiling apologetically.
"It's fine, it's fine," she said, brushing you off with a forced chuckle. "So, it's true you two are dating, huh?"
You nodded, avoiding the brunette's gaze. "Yeah, it is."
"She doesn't know how lucky she is."
You paused, wondering why you were no longer feeling any butterflies in your stomach whenever she was around. "I'm the lucky one, actually. Goodnight, Elizabeth."
"G-Goodnight, Y/n."
Like you said, the damage was already done.
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reveluving · 2 years
moments that matter ; bruce wayne x batmom reader
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warnings: pure fluff!
a/n: I got nothing to say, I just wanted to give battinson!bruce a try!
check out my batmom m.list!
it's hard for people to believe that he's a married man, let alone a father.
out of everyone in the family, many wonders how bruce had not only proposed to you, but also fathered the former acrobat. at first, they thought its cause the boy lost his parents, just as bruce did. and with dick's more upbeat energy, it's understandable that he likely takes it from you than bruce.
but then, bruce adopts another kid.
and another.
and another.
... and another.
and everyone starts asking themselves if this was all his idea or yours.
oh, if only they knew.
if only they knew your struggle to resist those sad eyes he'd give you.
you just wished the public gave him so much more credit when it comes the kids. you don't think you could even handle the life as a mother without bruce.
and as much as your kids love to joke about bruce's 'teenage phase', one can only imagine the sheer gratefulness they had for him and you.
the perfect balance to this cruel yet sweet world.
it doesn't take long for people to figure out that your children's compassionate side has to come from you, which they weren’t wrong. even bruce himself acknowledged it.
but bruce is anything but heartless, no no. would he even consider taking any of them under his wing if he was? no!
and the idea of fatherhood came easier because you were by his side. so what if he now has eight kids? why would he want to imagine what his life would've been without them?
without the texts from dick, who's all the way in bludhaven, to take breaks?
without jason's interferences when he's outnumbered by a number of gangsters?
without the sounds of tim and damian arguing over the littlest things, only to hilariously end it by shaking hands when you give them 'the eye'?
without attending cass' recital with you, your boys and even alfred, steph, babs and kate as she's the main dancer?
without terry being matt's assistant as the latter tries to treat bruce's so-called ouchies?
without living this life without you?
no. it was impossible to imagine the other bruce wayne.
the bruce wayne he didn't turn out to be.
but hey, speaking of yourself, wanna know a random fact he loves about you?
your style!
whatever your aesthetics may be, he loves you for it! who was he to say otherwise, when he doesn't really take his own into account anyway?
you're in all-black too? that's great! no one's here to judge—not him, not alfred, and certainly not his kids. you're the one able to mix and match like a true professional!
but say your sense of style falls under the bright/pastel/fairycore-like category! gotham's pretty depressing, including the manor itself, so he appreciates it when he's suddenly slapped with a sight of his wife donning her soft pink dress.
bruce finds it endearing that you actually wore the shades he bought for both you and himself. he thought he was being silly at first, wondering if you'd actually wear it, so imagine his surprise when just days after, you decided to match with him when he found the time to take you out to dinner.
he's even more surprised when one day, duke tells him that you've been under the weather because you lost the shades.
instead of waking up to your husband the next day, you find a glasses case on his pillow, complete with a golden ribbon.
he's bought you a new pair, the same kind, but this time, bruce purposely ordered it so that 'mrs wayne' was written next to the frame name.
he comes home, feigning ignorance by raising his brow, though he knew good and well why you were practically blinding him with your smile before you peppered his face with kisses.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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pinkishplush · 5 months
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Summary: In a high school romance, Kate Bishop, the popular girl, finds unexpected love with the dominant newcomer, defying social expectations.
In the bustling halls of Roosevelt High, where cliques formed and reputations were made, Kate Bishop reigned supreme. With her effortless charm, infectious laughter, and captivating smile, she was the undisputed queen bee of the school. But amidst the sea of adoring admirers, there was one who caught her attention like no other – you, the mysterious and enigmatic newcomer.
You, with your quiet confidence and undeniable allure, stood out from the crowd in ways Kate couldn't quite comprehend. While she was used to being pursued, it was you who held the power to leave her breathless with just a glance.
Despite her popularity, Kate found herself drawn to you, intrigued by the air of mystery that surrounded you. And as fate would have it, your paths crossed one fateful afternoon in the school library.
You were nestled in the corner, engrossed in a book, your presence commanding the attention of everyone around you. Kate couldn't help but be captivated by the way you seemed to exude confidence without even trying.
Without hesitation, Kate sauntered over, her trademark smirk firmly in place. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she purred, leaning against the bookshelf next to you.
You glanced up, unfazed by her presence. "Can I help you with something?" you asked, your voice cool and collected.
Kate chuckled, impressed by your nonchalant demeanor. "Just curious about the new kid in town," she replied, flashing you a dazzling smile. "I'm Kate, by the way."
You raised an eyebrow, amused by her attempts at charm. "I know who you are," you said simply, turning back to your book.
Undeterred, Kate persisted, determined to crack the facade you wore so effortlessly. And thus began a game of cat and mouse, with Kate the willing prey and you the cunning hunter.
Days turned into weeks, and still, you remained an enigma to Kate—a puzzle she was determined to solve. She couldn't deny the pull she felt towards you, the way you seemed to challenge her in ways no one else dared.
The weeks turned into months, and the dance between you and Kate continued, each encounter sparking a fire that refused to be extinguished. You found yourself drawn to her magnetic presence, her laughter like music to your ears, her smile lighting up even the darkest of days.
And Kate, for her part, found herself inexplicably drawn to you, the one person who seemed to see past the facade she wore for the world. She found herself craving your company, your intellect, your unwavering confidence.
It was a crisp autumn afternoon when everything changed between you and Kate. You were sitting together in the school courtyard, the leaves rustling gently in the breeze, the air filled with the promise of change.
Kate glanced over at you, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips. "You know, for someone who claims to be so mysterious, you're not very good at hiding your feelings," she teased, nudging you playfully with her elbow.
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about," you replied, a hint of a smile tugging at your lips.
Kate laughed, the sound like music to your ears. "Oh, please," she said, rolling her eyes affectionately. "It's written all over your face."
You shook your head, unable to hide the fondness in your eyes. "And what about you, Kate Bishop?" you asked, your voice soft. "What secrets are you hiding?"
Kate's smile faltered, her gaze turning serious. "I'm not sure I know how to answer that," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
You reached out, taking her hand in yours, the warmth of her touch sending shivers down your spine. "You don't have to hide from me, Kate," you said gently. "I'm here, for whatever you need."
Kate's eyes softened, a single tear glistening in the corner of her eye. "Thank you," she whispered, leaning in to rest her forehead against yours.
And in that moment, as you sat together in the fading light of the afternoon, you knew that whatever the future held, you and Kate would face it together.
For in a world where popularity reigned supreme, it was the power of love that truly conquered all.
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Kate Kane receives a phone call from her cousin to meet him to pick him up at the hospital. This is based on a true story... Mine. Yeah I wore that cast for a month.
Kate answers her phone: Hello?
Bruce: Hey, I'm at the hospital and I need you to pick me up... Can you do that?
Kate: What about the... Bundle of kids or Alfred?
Bruce: Nope.
Kate: All right, that response needs explanation and before you say no, I will call all of them to meet you there.
Bruce heaves a heavy sigh.
Bruce: I was searching for my wallet in my office at Wayne Enterprises, couldn't find it and I was so enraged that I... Slammed my fist on the back of my office chair. The back of those chairs are way harder than I thought they were and I broke my writing hand. Like badly, couldn't fix it myself.
Kate: ...
Bruce: Kate?
Kate: Sorry, just forcing myself not to laugh. I'll be there in a few minutes. How did you sneak out of there?
Bruce: I'd rather not detail that, all I know is I'm not taking a taxi back.
Kate: Understandable and where was the wallet, by the way?
Bruce, sheepishly: In my jacket pocket.
Kate types that part in a notepad app with a document labeled- Bruce Wayne Blackmail.
Kate: You realize bribery will be in the mix for my silence?
Bruce, ashamed: Yup, yup... Yup. That's why I called you, you can keep a secret when I give you something.
Kate, chuckling: You know me so well. I'm never going to let you live this down Mr. Calm and Collected.
Bruce, enraged: Would you JUST PICK ME UP?!
Kate: I'd be glad to cuzzo.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'Villain Wants To Bother The Little Robin' Story Event: Chapter 1
Jude Jazza & Ellis Twilight Route
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Victor: Kate… will you play the role of Her Majesty the Queen?
Kate: … It’s for a mission, right? Please tell me the details.
Victor: Ahh, what a quick response! You’ve grown so much as a fairytale writer, I… I…!
Victor: Emotional moment aside, you’re right, it’s for a mission.
Victor: An American ambassador is coming for a visit. According to our intel, there is word that he is planning an assassination attempt.
Kate: That’s a very serious issue… and therefore, I will be a stand-in for Her Majesty?
Victor: Yes. Jude and Ellis will be your bodyguards.
Kate: Why the two of them specifically…?
(Apart from Ellis, I don't think Jude would want to be “my bodyguard”.)
Victor: They’re experienced in handling violent situations. Should the ambassador carry out the assassination attempt, I believe they will be able to deal with it well!
(... They do seem capable of handling such situations smoothly…)
Kate: What exactly should I do as Her Majesty?
Victor: You will be receiving gifts, and have dinner at the evening banquet.
Victor: Basically, you only have to graciously accept the gifts presented to you.
Victor: The ministers will be present as well, so it’s OK for you to leave the complicated conversations to them.
Kate: Simply put, I just have to dress as Her Majesty and sit there… am I right to say that?
Victor: Yes! Her Majesty prefers to be quiet, so it’ll be alright if you remain silent.
Victor: Your voice sounds different from Her Majesty’s, which might raise suspicion. The two of them will follow up accordingly.
Victor: I understand that asking you to be a decoy is a difficult request… but you’re the only person who understands the situation enough to do so.
Victor: Will you accept the task?
(This proves that he trusts me as a fairytale writer. Moreover, Her Majesty's life is at stake here.)
Kate: Yes, I’ll do my best.
(Jude is a sadist who finds joy in tormenting others.)
(If I become indebted to him, there’s no knowing what he’ll demand for as payment. I can't afford any slip ups.)
(Ellis is kind and will do anything to make other people happy, but…)
(Because he will really do “anything”, I have to be careful so that he won't go overboard.)
(At any rate, in order to ensure that this mission will be successful without any troubles, I shall focus only on being a stand-in for Her Majesty.)
Kate: Victor, could you tell me more about Her Majesty's mannerisms? Such as her habits or anything that makes her unique.
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Victor: …
Victor: Of course. I’ll tell you as much as I can.
After receiving some acting tips from Victor, I holed myself up in the library.
I wanted to learn a little bit about the royal family, the names and faces of the ministers, and the history of America and England…
(In the end, it feels like the more I study, the more overwhelmed I feel about my lack of knowledge. It made me feel more hopeless…)
I wore a crown, a veil that covered my face up to my chin, a pair of shoes to disguise my height, and an elegant gown.
I was already feeling defeated.
Jude: You fell asleep in the library, commoner.
Ellis: I’m glad you didn't catch a cold.
Kate: …!
Jude and Ellis stood on either side of me, laughing as if they had read my mind.
Kate: By any chance, was it… the two of you who covered me with a blanket?
Ellis: Yeah. Because you looked cold.
Kate: Thanks, Ellis.
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Ellis: Jude pushed you back upright when you were about to slip off the table… with his knee.
Jude: That was because you were a hindrance.
Kate: Kicking a sleeping lady…
Jude: Calling some kid who played sleeping beauty in the library a “lady”? Don’t make me laugh.
Jude: You must’ve been working that little commoner brain of yours in your own way. How great.
Ellis: Mm-hmm. You’re studying hard to pull off pretending to be Her Majesty. You’re very great.
The former was entirely sarcasm, while the latter was a genuine and innocent compliment.
My facial muscles were confused about what facial expression to make.
(A- Anyway…)
Kate: I’ll be under your care for the next two days.
Jude: Decoy means someone who’s willing to die in another person’s place. Long story short, it’ll cost you your life.
Jude: … As long as the assassins are dealt with, it doesn't matter even if you die. Peace of cake.
Ellis: Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.
Ellis: I’m no good at politics and diplomacy… but I’m good at sensing when there are knives and bullets coming my way.
Ellis: I’ll do my best to support you so won’t have a hard time.
Kate: I… I’ll do my best too.
If Jude were something that’s tongue burning spicy, then Ellis would be sweet as sugar.
Being stuck in between time gave my heart no time to calm down.
(I wonder how Ellis is working for Jude.)
(Even though Jude isn’t the type of person to let people come close to him, he always has Ellis by his side.)
I remembered hearing that they worked together because of a contract.
(What on earth does that contract entail…?)
Jude: A commoner posing as the Queen will be easily exposed and gotten rid off.
Kate: Will Jude be able to do well as the Queen’s bodyguard with that sort of attitude and manner of speech?
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Ellis: Jude is surprisingly capable of proper behaviour in public.
Jude: You might not know this, but this guy is crazy.
Kate: In what way…?
Ellis: Who knows? :)
Jude: You’ll find out soon enough.
(Are you saying that Ellis is no better at being a bodyguard than you? … Seems to me that it's the other way around.)
Ellis: … Hey, Jude, Kate.
Jude: Ah?
Kate: Yes?
Ellis: I have a suggestion—
Ellis: Let’s make a deal whereby if we succeed in this mission without having our identities exposed, we’ll fulfil one request from each other… what do you think?
(Fulfil each other's requests after completing the mission?)
Jude: What’s with that meaningless suggestion?
Ellis: I’m thinking of how to make this mission more enjoyable for Kate.
Ellis: What do you think…?
(So that’s what Ellis is thinking…)
I realised that since this morning, I had been unknowingly weighed down by the burden of wearing the crown.
(... Ellis is really good at telling how someone is feeling.)
Kate: Thank you, Ellis. We’ll do that!
Ellis: Fufu, then it’s decided.
(... Hm? But I heard him say “each other”...)
(I’ll have to grant requests from Jude and Ellis…)
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Jude: … Just endure it as much as possible. I’ll be watching you make a fool of yourself while thinking of what “request” I’ll make you fulfil.
Ellis: Me too, I’ll be… thinking about what “request” will make you happy.
Seeing the two very different smiles, my facial muscles were once again unsure about what facial expression to make.
Chamberlain: The ambassador from America, Abel Edmund, has arrived.
The chamberlain loudly announced the ambassador's arrival, and the door to the audience hall opened slowly.
(... It’s happening.)
Jude and Ellis stood on guard behind me.
“Why did Her Majesty choose to be guarded by two unknown men, instead of the royal guards?” When I first entered the hall, I could hear the ministers whispering amongst themselves, however…
(Just one glare from Jude made their complaining cease immediately.)
(When Ellis smiled at them, the number of insolent stares decreased as well.)
(With the two of them around, my life will definitely not be in danger… it’ll be alright.)
I straightened my back and lifted my chin, fixing my posture according to what I learnt from Victor.
(I must focus on maintaining a regal attitude while acting as Her Majesty in front of the ambassador.)
Abel: I am greatly honoured to have been given the privilege of an audience with Your Majesty!
The ambassador was a man with teeth that glimmered in the light, and a smile as bright as the sun.
(Wow… he’s more frank than I thought.)
Maintaining my majesty, I nodded silently in response to his greeting.
Ellis: He looks lively.
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Jude: Even if he keeps quiet, his face makes a heck lot of noise.
(P- Please don’t make me laugh!)
The point-blank commentary coming from the two of them standing behind me clearly stated their impressions of him.
Abel enthusiastically presented the various items he had brought with him as tribute.
(Even with a veil on, these items are dazzling…)
Once again, I felt overwhelmed by Her Majesty's power and influence as proven by the extravagance of the treasures gifted to her.
Abel: We have here an extremely rare avian species boasting feathers with vibrant colours. Its beauty is further enhanced by the magnificent sight of its outstretched wings.
Abel took a large bird resembling a parrot from its cage,
Abel: Please, have a look— ah!?
The parrot suddenly lifted its head and flew out of Abel’s hand.
(It’s coming this way!?)
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Jude • Ellis: —!
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 days
Spoilers for the AU story! This is just speculation but in the AUs, Jude is always Kate's childhood friend and there's a promise involved. We don't know yet if that's an AU exclusive gimmick, but for the sake of this question let's assume it's foreshadowing -- do you think Jude recognizes Kate? Is there any evidence to believe Jude knows who Kate is? Maybe he's so impatient with her because it hurts she doesn't recognize him back? Or maybe he doesn't recognize her because too much time has passed and she looks different all grown up?
Hi Anon! Thanks for the ask, for the sake of foreshadowing, yes, I do think there is a high probability that they've encountered each other as children with a promise made between them.
Further detailed theories and explanation below the cut due to mild future event spoilers for EN.
Jude: “I don’t remember things that happened a long time ago.” - excerpt from DARK IF
While it is a mentioned in both “Dark IF” and “Guard IF, ” they shared an exchange between each other as kids, it doesn’t say they were childhood friends. To me, that encompasses a established relationship developed over time. So, while I do think it will be mentioned in his route that they had an encounter with each other as kids, I don’t think it’s a full-blown childhood friends trope per se. (I could be very wrong though.)
I am hoping that if they met each other, it’ll be mentioned in episode 0 as a flashback.
Now, in both IF stories, their encounters include a promise. In Dark IF, it was to cure her illness, even if it meant death. In Guard IF, she promised to reunite with Jazza-kun. Two very different promises made.
We could brain rot a ton of ideas of what that promise could be for the main story, (if it goes that route), but for the sake of time I’ll only talk about a couple.
I think it could be a similar instance to Dark IF, where Kate helps little Jude out of a tough situation. Kate as you know often gets scolded by Jude when she puts yourself into scenarios that could potentially get her hurt, or worse (I’m thinking about the maid event and villain’s night in particular.)
So, I can see the following scenario happening: Little Kate is walking down the street, she sees a little bruised up Jude being chased by bad guys, she hides him, and they make a promise to meet again one day. Time passes by, and Kate forgets her promise over time, and/or simply doesn’t recognize grown Jude (which would be hard to do imo because his hair is so distinct…unless he wore a hat or hood when they met). Perhaps, after they meet she feels like he is familiar and later on, she remembers him.
In terms of Jude, he is spiteful, vindictive and vengeful as we know. So, I doubt he wouldn’t remember the promise like he says in the above in Dark IF excerpt. He may not recognize Kate right a way, but I think he remembers his promise to the little girl. That seems to be what happened in Guard IF. A grudge holder like Jude who values promises not being broken wouldn’t forget (that’s my take on it.)
However, I do think it’s also a possibility that he does remember Kate from childhood, and treats her like crap for either not remembering him, and/or not keeping her promise. Maybe both?? In fact, Kate mentions something similar in Dark IF to Jude before he denies it saying he doesn't remember the past.
Additionally, in Guard IF, after Kate explains why she can't leak information to him, he does remember her, and he keeps her in prison (for what I feel is a protection for her, since she can't return to her homeland without receiving a death sentence.)
Perhaps, his promise as a little boy could’ve hinged on something similar as his promises to keep her safe in these stories, such as: you protected me, so I’ll protect you if anything bad ever happens. A few years pass, and now Kate has a death sentence on her head from Crown. So, Jude steps in to keep her safe.
......Or not because he doesn't want to be bothered with it, but that can be saved for another post.
Of course, this is all just conjecture based on crumbs.
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cantstoplovingjude · 3 months
Underneath the Black Veil: Harrison Gray Premium
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
The man who stood before us was the founder of Amour... and the murderer of so many innocent couples.
I pulled a gun out of my breast pocket and pointed it at him.
Harrison: "I gotta tell the bride something real important after all this is over."
Harrison: "So let's make this quick."
-BANG! The sound of a gunshot ripped through the air, and the man crumpled to the floor.
Harrison: "Just kidding. Lucky for you, this is just a tranquilizer gun."
Kate: "Wait, so is he just asleep?"
Harrison: "Yup. Huh, I didn't think Victor's weapon hoarding would come in handy like this."
Kate paused for a moment as I put the gun away.
Kate: "I take it that there's a reason why we're keeping him alive?"
Harrison: "Yeah, we're handing him over to the police."
Harrison: "All of the couples that he killed died at the peak of their happiness. But what about their families?"
I was painful familiar with the despair of knowing someone you loved would never come back.
Harrison: "It's up to them whether they want him to apologize, or die for what he did. So he doesn't get to die here."
(And that's my final decision.)
Kate: "I think that's for the best, too. But what should we do with him in the meantime?"
Harrison: "Victor and the others are working out how to handle it. It's not just him we have to worry about, after all."
Harrison: "Most, if not all, of the other members of the organization have most likely been brainwashed."
Harrison: "The plan is to take them to the hospital Will oversees to recover."
Kate: "So this means our part is over, then."
Still dressed in the jet-black wedding dress I had chosen for her, Kate breathed a small sigh of relief.
Harrison: "Exactly."
Harrison: "So... mind if I steal you away?"
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Kate: "Oh wow..."
Kate blinked in surprise as she looked around the room in awe.
It was a high-class expensive hotel that was almost impossible to book reservations for.
Harrison: "Can't enjoy you in that wedding dress back at the castle, can I? Now I have you all to myself."
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Kate: "...You were planning to bring me here from the start, weren't you?"
Harrison: "Hm? I have no idea what you're talking about."
Though I tried to play dumb, she was exactly right.
It was also true that I wanted to see more of her in the wedding dress.
(But that's not the only reason.)
(I also want a chance to talk to her.)
I took a seat next to her on the bed.
Kate: "So what was the important thing you wanted to tell me?"
(Back then...)
Harrison: "You sure about this?"
-Flashback Ends-
Harrison: "There's a reason I asked if you were sure about going through with all this."
Kate: "Huh?"
I was never that good at putting my feelings into words. It wasn't really something that bothered me, either... until now.
I didn't want to make her feel uneasy.
Harrison: "I was asking if you were really okay with your first wedding being just a cover for our mission."
Harrison: "You're the kind of person who treasures their firsts, right?"
Her eyes widened. She was quickly piecing things together.
Harrison: "Your first wedding shouldn't have to be for the sake of a mission."
When Victor brought our orders to us, the only thing I could imagine was Kate's happy smile.
A bright, carefree smile as she wore a beautiful wedding dress.
Harrison: "You deserve to be happy and surrounded by your friends and family."
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Harrison: "And don't you wanna choose who to invite, or what kind of food you want to serve to your guests?"
Kate: "I'd... Yes, I'd like to."
Harrison: "Right?"
Harrison: "Though on the topic of food, as long as there's a huge cake, I'm good."
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Even I thought it was weird for me to care about something like this.
But I guess it just showed how much I cared about Kate.
As I furiously tried to smother my embarrassment, Kate spoke up, her voice soft and quivering.
Kate: "You... were thinking about us getting married??"
(She really is starting to read me too well...)
Harrison: "You're just realizing this now?"
(It was never something to even consider until now.)
Harrison: "Do you think I'm the kinda guy who'd let you go now?"
Kate: "I'd like to think not."
Harrison: "Well, you're right. I'm not keeping you down here in the darkness with some half-hearted attitude like that."
(I wouldn't have fallen in love with you if I wasn't serious about it.)
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Harrison: "Hey, Kate."
Harrison: "C'mere. Look at me."
Kate turned to face me.
Harrison: "I'll make all your dreams come true."
Harrison: "So let me book us an actual wedding, okay?"
I reached out to lift up her left hand.
Every time I held it in my own like this, I wished that we could be together forever.
Harrison: "You're the last woman I'll ever love. So let's get married in the future."
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There was so much more I wanted to say, but I couldn't find the words. So instead, I pressed my lips to her ring finger.
After a moment, I raised my head to look at her.
Harrison: "...And so."
Harrison: "I'd kinda like to hear your answer, you know."
(Since when did I become so impatient?)
But each second felt like an eternity as I waited for her to respond.
Harrison: "Hm?"
I tilted my head slightly to the side, urging her to say something.
And that's when she threw her arms around me and squeezed tight.
Kate: "Of course! I'd love to!!"
I found myself at a loss for words.
(Are you... Is this real?)
Harrison: "Pfft-haha! You don't need to get THAT excited. Though I'll admit, I thought my heart was gonna stop for a second there."
Kate: "Oh, sorry! I was just so happy that I-"
Flustered, she tried to let me go, but I stopped her.
Harrison: "Don't let go of me."
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Kate: "I-If you're sure."
Harrison: "I'm positive. Now then."
I shifted and pinned her down to the bed as she continued to cling to me.
Harrison: "I think it's about time to enjoy this blushing bride both in her wedding dress, and out of it."
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Kate's voice was low and husky as she nodded, her cheeks stained a light crimson.
Kate: "Yes, please."
Harrison: "Oh? No hesitation today, huh? Not bad, not bad at all."
It was only after meeting Kate did the phrase "not bad" turn into "I love you".
But just as I leaned in to kiss her...
Kate: "Oh, wait, I almost forgot."
Harrison: "Wait? You want me to wait?"
Kate: "Listen, there's something important I wanted to tell you!"
Kate: "Harry."
Kate: "You're also the last man I'll ever love. So I'm going to do everything I can to make sure this love lasts forever, okay?"
Kate: "I want to love you as love as I live."
(...How can you say that so sincerely?)
(Seriously, what am I going to do with you?)
A storm of emotions whirled inside my chest, a storm that almost felt like happiness.
Harrison: "Look, I can tell you're lying."
Kate knew what that meant coming from me, and she grew flustered.
Kate: "What?! No, I'm not!"
Kate: "I really mean it... I love you so much, and I really am going to do everything I can to make sure it lasts..."
Harrison: "And now THAT was a lie. Got you."
Harrison: "Sorry, I was just so happy that I wanted to make you say it again."
Harrison: "Are you mad?"
Kate covered her face with her hands as she spoke in a strained voice.
Kate: "I love you so much it hurts."
Harrison: "Haha, what's that supposed to mean?"
(But it's the same for me.)
(I love you so much that it honestly hurts a little.)
But at the same time, the warm and tender feeling that filled so much of my heart far outweighed that pain.
(Hey, Kate?)
(My life is filled with nothing but lies, but my feelings for you are anything but.)
(I hope I'm able to express that.)
End Premium.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
Re: Meghan’s royal wardrobe vs Kate’s royal wardrobe.
As well as your suggestions for Meghan’s approach to her wardrobe, I think it may have helped her to figure out her role first.
Kate had the advantage of being a girlfriend for so long and that way seeing what her role could, would, should look like. She also had the type of mother who really cares about the self presentation of her kids to the point that one of the Marlborough mothers commented on it. 
I realise that Meghan set herself and public expectations up by claiming she’s going to out-Duchess Kate, but that in itself was a failure on her part in not understanding her role and or adjusting accordingly. 
The second mistake she made was to recreate the Disney Princess fantasy in her head with her own role and with couture instead of being herself / california coll per your suggestion. 
And whining to Harold didn’t help because he already had a chip on his shoulder about being the spare instead of understanding the freedom this granted him and by extension Meghan. 
I think this mindset hasn’t left them even though they’ve Megxited and rather than do their own thing, they are trying to set up a rival court that is equal to KP’s royals except with sexy / sex kitten Duchess. 
It’s so funny that she thinks Kate cares to be seen as a sex kitten. To William perhaps, in private, but certainly not to the rest of the world because Kate also understands history. With rare exception, sex kitten doesn’t read well in history. 
I don’t have a problem with Meghan going straight for the couture and the Disney Princess fantasy. I think a lot of people would have done the exact same thing if given the same opportunity
The issue with Meghan’s Disney Princess fantasy fashion is that it was sloppy. It wasn’t tailored to her. She just grabbed something off the hanger, said ‘it’ll do’, and threw it on. If she had things properly fitted, hemmed, tailored, and lined, she probably would’ve been able to upgrade California Cool to French Chic. Which I think is what she was trying to do, because a lot of the outfits she wore from Toronto IG 2017 to Sydney IG 2018 was in that kind of French Chic vibe. And it would have been successful...if it was all properly fitted in the first place.
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It’s not, but what exactly is her brand now? I think that’s the main problem.
Plant, I respectfully disagree that she has neither a brand nor authenticity. She has both. The problem is that they are both negative. They don't sell.
Her brand is family problems, drama, reclusiveness, over the top spending. She's not seen enough to be aspirational--no one sees her on a great vacation playing at the beach or doing some kind of DIY decor at the Montecito mansion or baking cookies and sharing the recipe, or trying some new face mask. No one wants her advice on family because we never see her kids, and everyone knows neither she nor her husband get along with their families. No one wants what she merches because we can't afford it.
I am a middle class American and I have a Reiss blouse, an Issa dress, Superga shoes, three other tops that are what Kate wore, and knock off Kikis that I found on Etsy. Kate has enough of a mix of style that you can get a pretty dress and some sneakers then admire all the McQueen from afar. Meghan's got Birkin bags and Dior caftans. It doesn't translate.
She HAS a brand, and the problem for her is that in the age of internet receipts, well, her brand IS authentic. She is who she is. We all know it. And none of us want to be it.
Lol, I was referring to a “marketable” brand.
But you’re right. People now associate her with constant drama and conflict, which is not attractive nor aspirational. It’s not even fun drama, like in the Housewives franchise. It’s just loud and uncomfortable.
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midchelle · 11 months
how would you rank the different beatles couples wedding looks?
Now this looks like a job for me
9. John and Cyn (1962)
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I feel a little bad ranking them this low because the four of them had about two shillings to rub together between themselves, but this was just not a great effort. John appears to be wearing A Suit. Perhaps with a tie of some sort. Paul and George's fits look kind of similar, which makes me think he got married in his Beatles suit. I guess that was an appropriate start to their marriage.
Cynthia's having a classic Cher Horowitz faux Chanel suit moment. It's not a bad look, but it's literally something you would see in Zara. There's a pneumatic drill in the background. Cyn nearly got married to George instead. What a world that would be.
8. Paul and Heather (2002)
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Did you know this was one of the most expensive weddings in history? It cost 3.6 million. They rented a castle in Co. Monaghan. There were fireworks. Did you know that Heather Mills wore the most 1980s wedding dress known to man in 1989? These are the things I was forced to find out while researching this look.
I originally had this a bit higher. I didn't want to rank it low just Because Heather. But the more I look at this dress, the more I hate it. She's doing the Kate Midleton lace sleeves -- which, in fairness, was pretty forward-thinking in 2002 -- but then the lace just goes over the whole outfit, which has the effect of making everything look very same-y. Barbie in A Christmas Carol executed this idea way better.
I don't have many objections to Paul's outfit. He wore a vest. That's effort. And he matched his tie to the flowers. Like job done, basically. My only real issue here is the lack of vision. If I was Paul McCartney in 2002 and a knight of the British Empire or whatever, and I'm getting married in a castle -- I'd have a sassy little sword with me. Perhaps even just to cut the cake. Come on.
7. Paul and Linda (1969)
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Don't let the cuteness of the pictures distract you from the fact that they're both dressed like they have a meeting with Harry from accounting in an hour. Paul appears to have shown the barber a picture of the guy from The Peep Show. She married him when his hair looked like that. That's love.
It's possible that Linda is wearing a non-business casual outfit under the trench. We'll never know. The problem is that these people refused to get married any time outside of the cold months. It's weird how this is the one Indian thing they all adopted.
The kid is a fun accessory. I enjoy how she and Linda appear to be matching trenches.
6. Maureen and Ringo (1965)
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I enjoy how Cyn, John, and George seem to be haunting the proceedings in the second picture.
Originally, I had this lower, but you know what? I like Maureen's little Jackie O suit with the Peter Pan collar, and I love that hair accessory she has over her bun with the bow. Ringo is fine, even if he does look like he's wearing his Dad's jacket. I really don't think it's supposed to fit like that. You're Ringo Starr and this is your wedding, you couldn't get it tailored? Or just buy one that fits better?
And once again: she married him when his hair looked like that.
5. [ERROR] (1978)
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I saw a lot of sources saying the first pic is George and Olivia. It is not. The man looks a bit like George, but the woman looks nothing like Olivia. The second picture, I think, is from George and Olivia's wedding, and yes, that is the best quality I could find. I think George has the same '70s open-collar suit thing as the man in the fake picture, but that's about all I can tell. Olivia could literally be wearing a rug for all I can see about her outfit. Since this is Schroedinger's Beatle wedding look -- neither good nor bad since I Literally Can't See It -- it goes right in the middle.
I can't believe they wanted to have a small personal wedding. It's like they weren't even thinking about all the Tumblrinas.
4. Paul and Nancy (2011)
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Nancy Shevall's royal wedding dress ft. Paul doing a classic Paul pose.
Nancy's wearing a Stella McCartney dress -- cute -- inspired by Wallis Simpson of all people, which is kind of wild as royal wedding inspiration goes, but I like it. It's tasteful while still being unconventional.
Paul also looks great. The longer hair suits him much better. Nancy Shevall is a businesswoman, and it shows. She did not marry a man with bad hair.
3. George and Pattie (1966)
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Mary Quant herself personally designed George's coat. That's how serious this is.
It's a strange occurrence because this is one of the few times that `I feel more let down by the woman than the man. Don't get me wrong, Pattie looks great. Her hair's great. Makeup: great. The tights? The coat? Fantastic. But the dress itself does look like something I wore to my friend's birthday party when I was eight. Do better.
Not featured: Paul McCartney being out of his gourd during the proceedings. Sorry, Paul. This ain't about him.
2. Ringo and Barbara (1981)
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Unghhh they look so good. Sorry there's no joke.
Barbara's dress is so lovely and romantic -- I think it might be a top and a skirt, actually? Anyway, love the neckline, love the sleeves, love the bell skirt. The flowers tucked in at the waist? The lace? That's how you do lace, Heather! And Ringo. He got his hair cut by someone who actually likes him this time, and he's wearing a jacket that fits! That's how you know he was serious about it, and it shows -- forty-two years later. Very fond of the star pin on his lapel.
What really puts this look over a lot of the others is I do feel like they coordinated, her in all white and him in all black. And they one-upped both John and Paul by having not just one, but two kids. Beat that, McLennon.
John and Yoko (1969)
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You might've had a cute wedding look, a great wedding look, even, but did your wedding create enduring pop-cultural tropes? Don't think so.
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emmashouldbewriting · 7 months
Do you think that some of this animosity against C&C is the result of ageism? The fans who are the most rabid supporters of W&K also seem to be the ones who comment constantly on how hot William is, how beautiful Catherine is. While all of these comments are, indeed, true--you've met them and can attest to the veracity of these statements--any comments about how work-shy these two are are met with screams of denial. They have a family! They also have a job, which they are not doing. If Camilla is out there pressing hands, it's in service of her own ego. Yet, if Prince Philip were doing the SAME things that Queen Camilla is doing now, he would be praised as a supporter of his wife, and not an evil man basking in the PR. Queen Camilla appears in the same jewels the Queen wore and Queen Elizabeth was oohed and aahed over, but what nerve Queen Camilla has to wear the SAME EXACT jewelry. The last time I looked, Camilla was Queen. Why shouldn't she wear these jewels? They weren't Elizabeth's. They belong to the Crown. But let's hand out tiaras to Catherine like they're Smarties because she's so perfect. More tiaras for Kate. I mean, it's unhinged.
Two elderly people in their 70s aren't the clickbait that W&C are. Acknowledged. But being fandom means that we have this ridiculous ship war because that is what this is even if people don't want to acknowledge it. Charles is King for as long as he wants to be. That's a fact, and royal watchers who are obsessed with tiaras and the length of Catherine's hair and William's abs really need to take a few breaths and step back. I like both couples. I think Charles is weak regarding his youngest son, and I think that William and Catherine are abusing their privilege. That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate both couples' efforts on behalf of the UK.
i think it's more prejudice of the adulter/mistress combined with the fact that neither of them are conventionally attractive. william isn't either, really, but he has a natural presence that adds to it. that's where my own feelings about them come in, but i maintain that their beauty goes far beyond their looks - they are genuinely warm, fuzzy, cosy people. their auras are so comforting
i think for many royal watchers it's easy to support those in your generation - millenials especially have a connection with W&K because we "grew up" with them. even us baby millenials watched their romance in real time. our kids will have more of a connection with George/Charlotte/Louis because they're 'their' royals, you know?
I think Charles is weak regarding his youngest son, and I think that William and Catherine are abusing their privilege
bestie you nailed it in one go with that right there. and that's why we must continue to call them out
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seeminglyranch87 · 4 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
June 2024 - Part 1
June 2 - The Eras Tour, Groupama Stadium, Lyon France N1 - rain show.
The Prophecy x Long Story Short (guitar) & Fifteen x You're On You're Own Kid (piano)
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June 3 - The Eras Tour, Groupama Stadium, Lyon France N2
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Glitch x Everything Has Changed (guitar) & Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus (piano)
June 6 - Travis to appear on Good Morning America
June 7 - Chiefs OTA's, Kansas City - Travis (x)
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The Eras Tour, Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, UK N1
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Would've Could've Should've x I Know Places (guitar) & ‘Tis The Damn Season x Daylight (piano)
June 8 - The Eras Tour, Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, UK N2
The Bolter x Getaway Car (guitar) & All Of The Girls You’ve Loved Before x Crazier (piano)
More promotional deals for Travis; Accelerator with Livvy Dunne.
June 9 - The Eras Tour, Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, UK N3
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It's Nice To Have A Friend x Dorothea (guitar) & Haunted x Exile (piano)
Travis participates in David Njoku’s celebrity softball game. Travis is winner of the home run derby
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June 10 - Travis in KC for media day (x) Let's go #87
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Travis comments on GoJo & Golic's podcast where he raves about Travis' athleticism, simulating a conversation between Tay & Trav (x)
"The only thing I can come back to with all this ... is how difficult it is to register on the Richter scale in the house that he's now apart of with Taylor Swift where its like 'Oh babe, what did you do this weekend?' 'Well, I stimulated the global economy, I went to a new a new city and enriched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, babe, what did you do?' 'I cracked 11 dingers (11 home runs) in a celebrity softball game, feeling pretty great about this one babe, thanks for asking' "
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June 11 - Chiefs training camp
Travis is asked at Chiefs press conference what he and his significant other cook together based on the Youtube Short Taylor posted (x 6:30)
"I'm gonna keep that one it myself, because I thoroughly enjoy cooking with her, so its something I'd rather keep personal" and later adds " Taylor makes a great pop tart and cinnamon roll" with a big grin on his face as he leaves.
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Taylor out at Casa Cruz in Notting Hill, London, UK dining with Cara Delevingne, Stella McCartney, Phoebe Waller Bridges, Kate Moss, Este Haim, Danielle Haim, Lena Dunham, Andrew Scott, Martin McDonagh & others. Taylor wears the choker she also wore to the Grammy's when announcing TTPD and receiving her 4th Album Of The Year. I'm suspicious...
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Look at that smirk...
New Heights Ep. 94 airs (x) Jason and Travis talk about Travis’ Kids Choice Awards nomination, Jason is convinced Travis will win. Jason is not recognised by young women and girls...
“oh my god you’re the brother of the Travis dating Taylor Swift!!”
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June 12 - Chiefs training camp. "Tight end Travis Kelce made a great catch over the middle despite good coverage during a 7-on-7 period."
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