#what is the ship name for kelvin and keefe?
allyricas · 10 months
i'm watching the righteous gemstones and holy shit i'm gonna hyperfixate on this shit so hard
kelvin and keefe... i love them so much, like...the cringe, the obsession, the way adam devine is playing a cluelessly gay kelvin omg its perfect
the pure slutty girl failureness of judy
random joe jonas
also why are there so many peens, who knows but it's great
and the subtle and outright way they poke fun at evangelical mega-church christianity is just delicious
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lazybakerart · 1 year
i’m dying to know how kelvin and keefe met - did kelvin just see keefe in the wild and decide it was easier to bring him to salvation rather than ask him out on a date?
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str4wb3rry-fire · 10 months
thinking about kelvin and keefe this fine morning
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dragonflylady77 · 1 year
Tagged by @spaceofentropy
Name: Guin
First fandom you became a part of? I'm so old that there was no internet when I grew up... But I always had an obsessive nature... Lady Oscar comes to mind when I was at primary school, and Cat's Eye (anime from the 80s).
What was the first tv show fandom you joined? I was VERY into The X-Files while it aired. I had trading cards and posters and magazines. Then Buffy the Vampire Slayer came along and well...
How old were you? late teens/early 20s
Latest tv/movie fandom you became a part of? The Righteous Gemstones. Kelvin and Keefe are just...
A tv/movie fandom you haven't joined but like to creep on? Good Omens, I gues. I have watched s1 and been reading the ficlets my HG peeps have been writing. Or Wynonna Earp. I love the show and read some fics, also retweeted stuff to save the show but did not actually join the fandom.
Your favorite fandom? Harringrove, hands down.❤️
The tv show that gives you the most brainrot? I think I'm gonna have to say Justified. Because it's the one that comes to mind when someone asks me what my favourite show is, every time. I don't actually have a ship on that show, though I can see why people ship who they ship. I love the characters and the actors and the writing and the storylines, and how it was finished properly (no lose ends, no cliffhangers). I'll always watch it if it's on because it's like a security blanket and I always enjoy watching it.
The fictional couple that gives you the most brainrot? Harringrove. I can't stop coming up with new ideas for fics.
Guilty pleasure fictional couple? I have zero guilt associated with things I enjoy. Life is too short for that kinds of bull
Guilty pleasure tv show? Same as with the previous question.
And finally, something that made you happy this week? Cuddles with my baby (Willow, 7 months, technically my friend's baby lol), cuddles with my baby boy (16 next month), the fact that baby cat (that's what we call my cat, okay?) is sleeping on my bed because it's only MY bed now and the bitch (other cat who hates my cat) isn't in that room anymore, chatting with my baby girl (19) who is moving home in 3 weeks and i can't fucking WAIT.
no pressure tagging @lazybakerart @half-oz-eddie @whenyouwishuponastar7 @intothedysphoria @shieldofiron @deedoop @peanut-booi
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octoberobserver · 3 years
Work is going well but sometimes I really feel my pressure getting higher and higher😅
How are you?
I am so glad you liked my ideas, even the smutty ones😊
Levi is so intriguing and I agree with you, the risk of not being able to adopt is curious for a single het man and his being single while being so cute and kind is strange for a church that would be full of young women who just want to marry and have kids.
I have two Levi and K&K related ideas:
A) Keefe finally comes out to Kelvin and before he can declare his love, Kelvin simply hugs him and promises him to find his perfect partner. So he asks Levi for a date.
For more shenaningans: Levi doesn't understand why Keefe is doing here when Kelvin should be here and Keefe being very confused bc he thought Kelvin would be here and this was just a dramatic way to ask him.
B) Levi and Keefe are sort of friends, bc being a gay man in a church full of married het couples is easier together. Levi obv knows everything about k&k pining for each other so decides to take action and fake dates Keefe.
Bonus if even Keefe doesn't know what is happening, just that suddenly Levi is touching him more and being very sweet with him while Kelvin knows perfectly what is going on and he won't stand that Levi will steal his bff!
And about my help Kelvin with his virginity au, I have another little piece but it can also being alone: imagine Kelvin trying to woo Keefe (this is can be bc he really wants to date Keefe or because he is trying before doing it with his "real" person) and Keefe is just so oblivious it makes Kelvin furious! He tried to bring him to a new restaurant and Keefe was so uncomfortable and wanted to spend time alone in the house (this bc maybe they have weekly friend date like mac and Dennis in it's always sunny, so it is a normal thing for them, but usually they go to their usual restaurant, not a five stars one)! But when Kelvin tried to pull his move while watching a movie in the home theatre Keefe thought he was cold and went to fetch a blanket.
At his wits end, he is found by Keefe while he thought to be alone pouting and he explodes a little bc he really wants to successfully asks Keefe out but maybe he is not effective or Keefe noticed and ignored him bc he doesn't want the same.
Keefe, who didn't notice anything and would really love to go out with Kelvin, is very surprised to discover he is on his 45th date with the love of his life.
I am very happy that you are having fun writing dialogues!
I think it is very difficult to write following the show's writing bc it is very specific and a balance between grotesque and dramatic can be tough to achieve. I wish you the best of luck and I am very excited to read it, once your story will be ready!😍
Hi 💫anon, aw you poor thing, sorry to hear work is so pressuring, I hope it calms for you. I know the anxiety it can bring so sending all the good vibes!
I'm good, thanks. Also have work and life stresses but am having a lot of fun writing the latest Kelvin x Keefe fic.
Once again - YOUR MIND! Are you sure you'll never wanna write fanfiction because I think you'd be damn good at it!! Stellar, top-tier ideas again. Just *chef's kiss*, I'm saving these as prompts too and will do my best to fill them at one point 😊
Oh my GOD! Mac and Dennis! I knew there was a dynamic that Kelvin x Keefe loosely reminded me of!!!! (Obviously in a non-toxic way, of course, 'cause whoa, I love them and all but Macdennis are something else heh 😅) but you're totally right. Kelvin and Keefe (have the fandom come up with a ship name for them yet? Keevin? Kelfe? StoneChambers? Gembers? 🤣) would definitely have dinners and regular hang out spots and everything else a co-dependent more-than-friendship friendship would have. 100%. I love that idea and think it's more than likely canon at this point.
And yes, poor Keefe would have no idea if Kelvin was into him, I think. He strikes me as just never allowing himself to believe it's a possibility, poor guy.
The idea of Levi getting in on it - so great. I want him to find love so bad also. Maybe when all is said and done, Kelvin can be a wingman for him right back haha. Or even funnier - Keefe is stupidly good at being a wingman despite being the shier of the two lol. 🤣 It'd be so funny if Keefe was super smooth in that way but so awkward in all others haha!
Yeah, it is hard to replicate the way that the show balances that, tbh. But I'll do my best and have fun along the way. I'm just glad people are liking it 😊 Thanks again, hope to have the new fic out soon!
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