#what is the average life of brake pads
heightscarcare · 1 year
Are you wondering how often do brake pads need to be replaced?  Schedule a brake inspection to see if it's time to replace the brake rotors and brake pads.
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vacancy90 · 1 year
The pleasure! The joy!
I made it to the summit of Mont Ventoux today! ⛰🎉💪 2nd attempt yay!
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Keep reading for the full report and more pics 😊
What a day! Everything went according to plan and sooo well. I'm still stunned.
So I rented this super cool e-race bike. Unfortunately I chose the frame a little too small but anyway, it worked OK. I set out from Malaucène at 13:30 and reached the summit after 1.35 hours. Which is pretty insane speed for the 22 km climb. I felt almost bad everytime I passed someone going up "the honest way". I was flying up the road at about 12/14 km/h on average. The fastest speed being 28.5 km/h. And now let me tell you - this was still sport and an effort! It's by no means riding like on a motorbike. It was still a matter of pedalling and pedalling and pedalling and the sun burning down on me. Also, always skipping between the 3 levels of support. I couldn't go full support all the way, the battery wouldn't have lasted that long. So, yeah, I am super proud and happy and it was so cool to eventually take that famous pic in front of the summit sign. I have such a massive respect for everyone who mad it up there by pure muscle power. And many were even riding much further than only the 22 km climb. They've come from other towns and had quite a journey behind them as I learned from some. There was a couple, I think on their honeymoon because the woman was wearing a veil under her helmet, and they reached the top together by muscle power. They were so cute.
Before I continue, take a guess what hurt the most after over 40 km on that bike?
a) the legs
b) the bottom/lady parts
c) fingers
Ok, so, I'm up there, happy, proud, enjoying the stunning views and a caffeine bar but didn't have too much time as I had to return the rented bike soon. 🥲 NOW - the descent! Oh. My. Lord! As much as it was fun, it was scary! Thanks to the little bike computer I could see my speed. The average was about 40 km/h with a peak at almost 60 km/h which was freaking scary! I was literally flying. On slippery flat pedals, on a too small bike. Lol. I tried to imagine what it would be like going down over 70 km/h, let alone 100 km/h. Everyone who does that must be freaking nuts! I mean, the road here was shared with cars, motorbikes, camper vans, walkers even (oh and one guy on roller skis) so no way to go faster than that and not without the right shoes and pedals. That's for another day 🤫
So, what hurt the most? The fingers! Jfc, braking for 22 km is hard! I had to take 3 breaks on the way down to shake my numb fingers back to life. Also they became sweaty and I was scared what'd happened if I slipped? So yeah, 2nd most: lady parts, because of the too small bike and the saddle was a bit too low 🙈 (but shoutout to the super bib shorts I bought here, great padding)
I arrived back in Malaucène much earlier than my "service car" ;) and had some time to chat some more with the very friendly rental dude. Told him I only started cycling a few weeks ago. His response was "Oh, congratulations!" (How sweet) and he had a cute doggo there minding the shop ☺
I could keep talking about today forever but I'll stop now. Here are some pics and one of a souvenir from the summit 👜😄
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formulatrash · 2 years
this might be a really random question but since you're the resident car expert around here:
which is worse for the environment, an electric suv or electric sports car? I know you've said SUV bad before, but I was thinking about the tesla roadster earlier (random shower thought) and was just curious how that would compare to, say, a giant SUV EV.
the short answer is almost always the SUV, just for the sheer weight of materials and likely the size of the battery. but there would probably be outlier cases; an EV hypercar would, for instance, be worse than a Chevy Bolt, which technically comes in a crossover SUV format. whereas the Hummer EV SUV is always going to be worse than anything, bar the Hummer pickup, etc.
with any EV what you have to look at is the LCA or Life Cycle Assessment: that's how much CO2 goes into making the car and then at what point it starts to pay that back vs ICE, as well as what will happen to the elements of the car at the end of its life, in terms of battery recycling .
for emissions most EVs will always beat ICE vehicles. with the exception of when you look at two important and totally overlooked metrics, which is tyre particulate emissions and brake dust. in principal, regenerative braking should reduce the strain on brake discs and mean that there is less degradation to the pads - in reality, the relative amount of recovery vs the huge weight of most EVs currently being made, means that there is likely significant brake dust emissions, especially from larger and heavier vehicles like SUVs.
tyre particulates are worse the larger the tyre and the heavier the vehicle weight. particulates are just little bits of the tyre breaking off and they account for huge amounts of dust in cities and somewhere between 45-65% of ocean microplastics. to describe them as an environmental catastrophe is putting it mildly, if greenhouse gases were not such a priority problem right now then tyre particulates would be a huge scandal.
of course, all ICE cars emit both these things too. a lot of them much worse than EVs. smaller, lighter, more efficient versions of either an ICE or electric car will always reduce the emissions of both (take, say, my Twingo which I don't believe emits brake dust since she basically doesn't have brakes...) and I don't want to say that there are no benefits to EVs when there very clearly are. they are the most efficient way to use energy to travel and have significant benefits over any other private car, environmentally.
but anyway, back to the roadster vs SUV: where the sports car had a smaller, lighter battery and a lower overall weight than the SUV, it would always be better. unless it's being driven absolutely full-blast all the time, in which case of course it's going to be using more energy and running through charge quicker but let's assume that both are being used as average runarounds because I guess people do that.
it doesn't just end with the battery, either; SUVs likely come with luxury interiors and even in EVs, often have the option of leather. which is mindbogglingly destructive to the Amazon rainforest, where it's directly linked to deforestation for cattle farming (about the worst possible thing you can do for greenhouse gases, taking away a carbon sink and adding a methane creator) and car companies deserve to be held to account over it. but even if the interior is wool or pleather (which is more environmentally friendly when it comes to cars than it is in fast fashion) there's more of it than in a smaller car.
they're more likely to have large-scale infotainment, which means more rare earth metals and more circuitry, the overall carbon cost of creating a larger vehicle is higher because there's more steel and plastic. you get the idea.
SUVs in general are directly called out as a climate change accelerant in the dire warning UN scientists issued earlier this year. sports cars are also stupid as fuck and not exactly contributing to the environment but they've never become the default car in the way that an SUV has. it's now almost challenging to buy non-SUV cars, which is a big, big problem that governments need to step in and legislate against.
also they're ugly as hell and suck. why the heck have things that are boring, annoying and difficult to park become so popular.
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beemersshop · 2 months
Understanding Car Brake Repair Costs: What to Expect
Ensuring the proper functioning of your vehicle's braking system is crucial for your safety and the safety of others on the road. When it comes to maintaining your car's brakes, the associated repair costs can be a significant factor to consider. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various elements that contribute to the cost of car brake repairs, helping you understand what to expect and make informed decisions about this essential maintenance task.
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Components of Brake Repair Costs
Brake Pad Replacement:
Brake pads are one of the most common wear items in a vehicle's braking system.
The cost of brake pad replacement can vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle, as well as the quality of the replacement pads.
On average, the cost of brake pad replacement can range from per axle (front or rear).
Brake Rotor Resurfacing or Replacement:
Brake rotors, the discs that the brake pads press against to slow the vehicle, can wear down over time and may need to be resurfaced or replaced.
Resurfacing rotors is generally less expensive than replacing them, with costs typically ranging from per rotor.
Replacing brake rotors can cost anywhere from per axle, depending on the vehicle and the quality of the replacement parts.
Brake Caliper Repair or Replacement:
The brake calipers are the components that hold the brake pads and apply pressure to the rotors.
Brake caliper repair, which may involve cleaning, adjusting, or rebuilding the caliper, can cost between per caliper.
Replacing a brake caliper can range from per caliper, depending on the make and model of your vehicle.
Brake Fluid Flush:
Regularly flushing the brake fluid is an important maintenance task to ensure the proper functioning of the braking system.
The cost of a brake fluid flush can range from depending on the vehicle and the service provider.
Brake System Inspection and Diagnosis:
Before any brake repair work can be done, a thorough inspection and diagnosis of the braking system is typically required.
This service can cost anywhere from depending on the complexity of the inspection and the mechanics' hourly labor rate.
Labor Costs:
The labor costs associated with brake repairs can vary depending on the service provider's hourly rate and the complexity of the repair.
On average, labor costs for brake repairs can range from per hour.
Additional Services and Maintenance:
Some service providers may recommend or include additional services during a brake repair, such as a wheel alignment, a brake system flush, or the replacement of other related components.
These additional services can increase the overall cost of the brake repair but may also help extend the life and performance of your vehicle's braking system.
Factors Affecting Brake Repair Costs
Vehicle Make, Model, and Year:
The cost of brake repairs can vary significantly based on the make, model, and year of your vehicle.
Luxury, high-performance, or specialized vehicles may require more expensive parts and specialized tools or expertise, leading to higher repair costs.
Older vehicles may also have more wear on their braking components, resulting in the need for more extensive repairs.
Brake System Design and Complexity:
The design and complexity of your vehicle's braking system can impact the cost of repairs.
Some vehicles may have more advanced braking systems, such as those with electronic parking brakes or regenerative braking, which can be more expensive to service.
The number of brake calipers, rotors, and pads per axle can also affect the overall cost of the repair.
Geographical Location:
The location of the service provider can influence the cost of brake repairs.
Prices may be higher in areas with a higher cost of living or in regions with a higher demand for automotive services.
Additionally, the availability of parts and the level of competition in the local market can impact pricing.
Service Provider and Reputation:
The type of service provider you choose, such as a dealership, an independent mechanic, or a specialty brake repair shop, can affect the cost of the repairs.
Reputable and experienced service providers may charge higher labor rates but may also provide higher-quality work, better warranty coverage, and access to specialized tools and expertise.
Urgency and Convenience:
If your vehicle requires immediate brake repairs due to safety concerns, you may have to pay a premium for a faster turnaround time.
Convenience factors, such as the availability of loaners or shuttle services, can also influence the overall cost of the brake repair.
Potential Cost-Saving Strategies
While car brakes repair be a significant expense, there are several strategies you can employ to potentially reduce the cost:
Regular Maintenance and Inspections:
Adhering to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule for your vehicle's braking system can help identify issues early and prevent more costly repairs down the line.
Regular brake inspections can also help you catch potential problems before they become more severe.
Comparison Shopping and Negotiation:
Research and compare prices from multiple service providers, including dealerships, independent mechanics, and specialty brake repair shops.
Be prepared to negotiate the labor rates or the cost of parts, especially if you have a long-standing relationship with a particular service provider.
Considering Aftermarket Parts:
In some cases, using high-quality aftermarket brake parts instead of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts can result in cost savings, though the quality and warranty coverage may vary.
Discuss the options with your service provider and understand the potential trade-offs before making a decision.
Performing DIY Brake Repairs (if possible):
If you have the necessary skills, tools, and confidence, performing certain brake repairs yourself, such as brake pad replacement, can significantly reduce the overall cost.
However, it's important to ensure that any DIY work is done safely and correctly to maintain the integrity of your vehicle's braking system.
Exploring Warranty Coverage:
Depending on the age and mileage of your vehicle, the braking components may still be covered under the manufacturer's warranty or an extended warranty.
Checking the warranty coverage and utilizing it when applicable can help offset the cost of brake repairs.
Understanding the various factors that contribute to the cost of car brake repairs is essential for making informed decisions about maintaining your vehicle's braking system. By being aware of the potential costs associated with brake pad replacement, rotor resurfacing or replacement, caliper repair or replacement, and other related services, you can better prepare for and manage the expenses associated with this critical maintenance task.Remember to prioritize safety and quality over the lowest price when it comes to brake repairs, as the integrity of your vehicle's braking system is of utmost importance. By exploring cost-saving strategies, such as regular maintenance, comparison shopping, and considering aftermarket parts, you can help ensure that your brake repairs are performed efficiently and cost-effectively, allowing you to maintain the safe and reliable performance of your vehicle.
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ntxpowersport · 8 months
What maintenance is required for jeep golf cart?
While Jeep golf carts boast rugged good looks and off-road capabilities, they still require regular maintenance to stay performing their best. Just like any other vehicle, neglecting their care can lead to costly repairs and downtime. So, grab your wrench and let's dive into the essential maintenance tasks for your Jeep golf cart:
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Regular Maintenance:
Battery Care:
Check electrolyte levels and top up with distilled water if needed.
Clean battery terminals to prevent corrosion.
Ensure proper charging and consider replacing aged batteries.
Tire Care:
Maintain recommended air pressure for optimal handling and tire life.
Inspect tires for wear and tear, including sidewall damage and tread depth.
Rotate tires regularly for even wear.
Oil and Fluids:
Change engine oil and filter according to manufacturer's recommendations.
Check and top up brake fluid levels.
Inspect power steering fluid levels and replace if needed.
Visually inspect brake pads and shoes for wear and tear.
Check brake fluid levels and functionality.
Consider professional brake servicing periodically.
Inspect belts and chains for wear and proper tension.
Lubricate moving parts according to manufacturer's instructions.
Check differential fluid levels and replace if necessary.
Other Maintenance:
Clean air filters regularly to ensure proper engine airflow.
Inspect lights and electrical components for functionality.
Lubricate hinges and moving parts to prevent squeaking.
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Seasonal Maintenance:
Check and top up antifreeze levels for adequate protection.
Ensure battery is fully charged for cold weather starting.
Lubricate moving parts with winter-grade lubricants.
Check cooling system for proper functionality.
Top up wiper fluid and ensure wipers are working properly.
Inspect tires for potential heat-related issues.
Important FAQs:
How often should I change the engine oil? Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule, typically every 25-50 hours of operation.
What type of battery does my Jeep golf cart use? Refer to your owner's manual for the specific battery type and specifications.
Can I perform all the maintenance myself? Simple tasks like checking fluids and lubricating parts can be done by most owners. More complex repairs might require professional assistance.
Where can I find replacement parts and accessories? Authorized Jeep golf cart dealers, online retailers, and specialty stores offer a wide range of parts and accessories.
How important is regular maintenance? Regular maintenance prevents costly repairs down the line, extends the lifespan of your golf cart, and ensures safer, more enjoyable rides.
Are there any additional maintenance tips specific to Jeep golf carts? Consult your owner's manual for any specific maintenance recommendations for your particular Jeep model.
How long does a Jeep golf cart battery typically last? Battery lifespan depends on usage, maintenance, and environmental factors. Expect 2-4 years on average.
What should I do if my Jeep golf cart won't start? Check the battery charge, connections, and fuses. Consult your owner's manual or seek professional help for troubleshooting.
Can I modify my Jeep golf cart for increased performance? Modifications can impact safety and handling. Discuss any modifications with a qualified mechanic before proceeding.
Where can I learn more about maintaining my Jeep golf cart?Owner's manuals, online forums, and authorized dealers offer valuable information and resources.
Remember: Regular maintenance is key to keeping your Jeep golf cart running smoothly and reliably for years to come. By following these guidelines and attending to specific needs, you'll ensure countless joyful cruising adventures!
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partscargo · 1 year
The Top 5 Auto Parts You'll Need to Replace
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Regular vehicle maintenance is crucial for performance and longevity. However, even with proper care, some parts eventually wear out and need replacing.
As an experienced DIY auto enthusiast, I've compiled this list of the top 5 most frequently replaced auto parts.
Whether you're searching for an "auto body parts store near me" or stocking your garage, this guide will help you prepare for common repairs. 
1. Brake Pads
Brake pads are a critical component for safe driving. However, they face constant friction which causes gradual wear.
On average, brake pads need replacement every 30,000-70,000 miles. Signs that your brake pads are wearing thin include squealing, grinding, or vibrating when braking.
Replacing brake pads promptly prevents damage to rotors and ensures you can stop safely. Most vehicles have brake pads on both the front and rear wheels.
2. Tires
Like brake pads, tires endure continuous contact with the road. Average tires last around 50,000-80,000 miles before requiring replacement.
Indications your tires need changing are uneven or rapid tread wear, vibration at highway speeds, or visible cracks/bulges on the sidewall.
Replacing worn tires improves traction, handling, and fuel economy. Regular tire rotation and alignment extend their lifespan.
Most passenger vehicles use all-season radials, but high-performance summer or winter tires are also options.
3. Battery
The battery supplies electricity to start your engine and power electrical components. On average, car batteries last 3-5 years before dying.
Warning signs include slow cranking, the need to jump-start frequently, dim headlights, and battery light illumination. Extreme temperatures also accelerate battery failure. When searching for "auto body parts store near me", be sure to find a retailer that can test your old battery and size a new one correctly. 
4. Air Filter
The air filter cleans dust and debris from the air entering your engine. Over time it can become clogged, reducing airflow.
Expect to change your air filter every 12,000-15,000 miles or annually if you drive in dusty conditions.
Replacing a dirty filter improves acceleration and fuel mileage. Air filters are easy to inspect and change yourself.
Just be sure to buy the right size and shape filter for your vehicle make and model.
5. Spark Plugs
Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture in cylinder chambers. Gradually, spark plug electrodes erode from heat and combustion pressure.
Typical spark plug life is 30,000-100,000 miles depending on the type. Misfires, poor acceleration, and reduced fuel economy indicate worn plugs.
For optimum performance, replace plugs in sets. Use your owner's manual to find the correct spark plug design and gap spacing.
With this overview of the most frequently replaced parts, you'll know what to expect when maintaining your vehicle.
Don't wait for major failure - if you notice any symptoms, seek out an "auto body parts store near me." With routine repairs, your car or truck will enjoy a long and reliable life on the road. You may also interested in online auto parts stores usa
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Take Care of Your Car So It Lasts
Regular auto maintenance and replacing worn parts are key. This article discussed the top 5 most consumed components to help you identify issues early. Visit a quality auto parts retailer near you to get the right replacements for your make and model. With proper care, your vehicle will run smoothly for years to come.
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How Routine Auto Maintenance Can Save You Money
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We are aware that scheduling your vehicle’s maintenance can be challenging. When life is hectic, getting a car checkup may seem like something you can put off without much repercussion. But putting off seeing your mechanic’s shop for minor issues could end up costing you far more. The main idea behind this is straightforward: since cars are intricate machinery, even the slightest error can have a major impact.
The next thing you know, you’ll be faced with a hefty repair bill, spending too much on gas, or having to say goodbye to the car you love. Here’s an explanation of how routine maintenance at Robin Baldwin Automotive can actually help you save money and save hassles and heartbreak.
By Improving Gas Mileage
Why wouldn’t anyone want to save money on gas? Even though worn or broken engine components may not immediately cause your car to fail catastrophically, they can significantly lower its fuel efficiency. Maintaining your vehicle’s induction system clean allows you to get the best gas mileage and reduces your fuel expenses.
By Preventing Unnecessary Repairs
Well-maintained automobiles operate efficiently, lowering the possibility of a sudden breakdown of one or more systems. For instance, by following the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can prevent the need to replace an engine that has been harmed by dirty, debris-filled oil. Are you unsure if your car is ready for maintenance? Come over and say hi; we’ll have a look, and we’ll let you know!
By Preventing Accidents and Other Serious Problems
Regular car inspections are a crucial component of avoiding serious issues that could cost you a lot of money to fix and result in an expensive or even fatal accident. For instance, if your brakes begin to screech, your brake pads are likely getting close to the end of their useful life. Your brakes could totally fail if you neglect this issue for a prolonged period of time. It could be harmful when there is traffic.
By Preventing Last Minute Repairs On Road Trip
Nothing is worse than experiencing car trouble when travelling. It is possible that you will spend far more money hiring an out-of-state mechanic to make an urgent repair on your car if you have an emergency while travelling. Before you leave for your next trip, make sure to have a mechanic inspect your car.
By Maintaining Proper Tire Pressure
You may increase your gas mileage by an average of 0.6 per cent by maintaining the proper tire pressure. Properly inflated tires are safer and last much longer. The recommended tire pressure for your car is typically listed in the owner’s manual and on a label in the glove box or door jamb on the driver’s side. Never put the tire under more pressure than what is recommended on the sidewall.
By Changing a Plugged-up Air Filter
In cars with computer-controlled, fuel-injected gasoline or diesel engines, replacing a clogged air filter doesn’t increase fuel efficiency, but it does improve acceleration. On an older car with a turbocharged engine, replacing a clogged air filter can somewhat improve fuel economy and acceleration under regular replacement circumstances.
To reduce your fuel use, you have a number of options.
By Finding Problems Early
Regular maintenance also aids in spotting issues while they’re still tiny. If you notice a wear indicator, you can frequently fix or replace it before the issue becomes substantially worse. When small issues are ignored, they frequently grow into larger ones. You can find them before they get worse with regular tune-ups. These minor fixes cost a lot less than bigger ones. You’ll wind up saving a ton of money by doing this.
Saving money starts with understanding how frequently your car needs maintenance. The majority of auto mechanics advise thorough inspections every 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first. At that time, the technician will check the working systems and all of their parts for general wear and tear.
Neglect-related vehicle damage can be pricey. Older cars require more maintenance than modern ones. It’s crucial to make maintaining your car a habit when you’re a new driver.
Do you find this automobile conversation entertaining? Do you want to know how car maintenance on a regular basis might help you save money? You should probably get help organising your auto maintenance from Robin Baldwin Automotive.
They have been fixing automobiles for 20 years now and are among one of the most trusted , reliable and affordable mechanical workshops on the Central Coast. Call to make an appointment or directly visit their workshop today!
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brakedisc · 2 years
The price does vary based upon the kind of car that you own.
They therefore need to be replaced more frequently than do the rear brakes. Depending upon how you drive, they may need to be replaced a few times. If your car requires brake repair work then you will be glad to know that brake pads are not expensive in most cases. On average it will cost you in the range of $25 to $60 to have the pads replaced.The labor costs at most repair shops are flat rate charges. You can also compare the labor rates from one business to another in this manner as well. It is virtual shopping at its best! It can save you time and money. On the other hand your brakes may require additional work beyond just the replacement parts. It should take approximately an hour or perhaps a little more to do the work on each side. For this very reason the front brakes work harder and take more abuse. This is dependent upon the availability and the quality of the parts.
The hardware for the brake pads may also need to be replaced and the callipers may require some attention. The price does vary based upon the kind of car that you own. This means that if the manual states that it should take two and a half hours to do the pad installation then the hourly labor rate that you must pay is for two and a half hours worth of work. Domestic manufactured vehicles will have cheaper brake pads and other replacement parts than will import vehicles. The mechanic may finish the work in less time, such as two hours, but that is still what you will be charged for. When you have your brake pads replaced the rotors may also require some work at the same time. When you go into a service facility to have your brakes examined they may find that your brake pads need replacing and that is it.
The front disc brakes on your automobile provide as much as 75 percent of the capacity for bringing the vehicle to a complete stop. When it comes to a brake repair job, be it for brake pads or something else you can search for the prices for the parts you need over the Internet. The mechanic will pre-calculate the cost of the brake pads according to what is written down in a repair manual and will apply what is there to your total bill. Brake pad replacement is fortunately one of the cheapest forms of brake repair! When you have new brake pads installed on your motor vehicle most service centers base much of the cost on the labor rates. Whether you drive a car, truck, SUV or van at some point in the life of your vehicle the brake pads will need to be replaced. It seems unfair but this is how they do it. It goes without saying that the more work you need done the more money it will cost you. Auto Parts manufacturers When you think of brake repair one of the first things that may come to mind is replacing the brake pads on your motor vehicle
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heightscarcare · 2 years
Brake Pad & Rotors Replacement Needed? Bring your car at Brake Shop- Heights Car Care Located at 1320 Main Street #1, Billings, MT 59105. Call 406-259-4740
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chubb-e-feeder · 2 years
Glazed, Greased, & Greedy
I. - Morning
The walk from her apartment to the bus stop had never been Sarah’s favorite part of the day. It wasn’t a long walk, nor an uphill one. She just despised walking. Were it not for her habit of picking up breakfast every day at the donut shop tucked behind the bus stop, the entire ordeal would be far more effort than it was worth. This pattern could be applied across quite a bit of Sarah’s life, actually - she never really wanted to do anything unless it involved a generous helping of one of her favorite foods. Unsurprisingly, this style of self-motivation proved itself to have a handful of less-than-desirable side effects, including a vicious addiction to certain foods. But the most apparent  effect was her size. Sarah had never been all that skinny, and spent much of her adolescence battling against the unrelenting tendency of her midsection to soften and bulge out whenever her dieting resolve slipped. That resolve to maintain some degree of fitness, inconsistent as it may have been, practically evaporated when Sarah began college. Faced with a challenging course load and unprecedented access to foods she was craving, she made what seemed like a relatively inconsequential choice and decided not to worry too much about her weight for a little while.
This turned out to be a very consequential choice. The occasional ten or twenty pounds that Sarah had been staving off for years settled permanently on her waistline in a matter of weeks. This wasn’t surprising or even particularly concerning for Sarah. What she hadn’t predicted, though, would be her complete inability to pump the brakes. The pounds just kept coming, undaunted by Sarah’s insistence that she would be starting a new exercise and dieting schedule the following week. Such empty promises were no match for biology. Sarah consistently ate twice as much and exercised half as much as someone of her build should have, and the consequences were as inevitable as her nightly junk food binges. By the end of her freshman year, Sarah the college student looked quite a bit different from Sarah the high-schooler.
Dulled, barely visible collarbones flowed smoothly into a neck that increasingly lacked definition, which itself culminated in what was undeniably the soft protrusion of a double chin. Framing her chins were fleshy cheeks that had previously conformed to Sarah’s conventionally attractive cheekbones, but now puffed out in an almost cartoonish manner and were frequently red-hued from exertion. Further down, Sarah’s chest was the one part of her body that had certainly benefited from her tendency to shoehorn an extra meal or two into the day. Flanked on both sides by her doughy and toneless arms, it had once been quite perky, but was now plumped up with a generous amount of soft flesh such that the weight of her breasts rested lazily on her flabby chest and spilled decadently out of just about every bra she had. When Sarah wasn’t wearing a bra, they poured out onto the next available surface - her gut. It wasn’t obnoxiously large, and certainly not big enough to earn her a genuinely obese appearance, but it was a gut nonetheless and had developed awfully quickly. As a result, a handful of fiery stretchmarks had formed around her pudgy belly button, highlighting how little resistance she had put up against the aggressively expanding mound of flab fitted around her once-trim waistline. All of that extra fat wrapped around Sarah, giving her a belly hang that could certainly still be hidden under a well-fitting pair of yoga pants, but with ever-increasing difficulty. At the edges of her gut, the flab formed into hips that had the vague appearance of shapeliness, but were substantially wider than average-sized clothing would allow for. Any delusions about a “skinny-thick” body type could be quickly shattered with a finger poke - Sarah’s hips were well-shaped by pure coincidence. They were coated in a thick, swollen layer of excess padding that wobbled with even the slightest of movements, and made it surprisingly difficult to locate the hip bone itself. The bulging adipose on her sides flowed smoothly into a pair of plump, overstuffed love handles, each of which were crested by a gentle crease that was rapidly deepening, forming the beginnings of a soft roll of back fat. Traveling downwards, the back fat layer got thicker and thicker before merging with the bulging mass of her large but not particularly shapely ass. Sarah had never really been satisfied with it, but the added weight had filled it out in a way that she didn’t mind, even if its complete lack of muscle tone was becoming obvious in even the most conservative of pants. Far more concerning when it came to pants, however, were her thighs. They had always been on the larger side, but with a uniform rounded shape that had earned Sarah something very close to a thigh gap when she had been at her smallest. That shape was gone now, replaced by one defined by thick bulging fat pads on the insides of her thighs that made putting on pants a nightmare. They swished and wobbled against each other as she walked, a problem that Sarah chose to solve by walking even less. She hadn’t noticed, but her gait had slowly adopted a mild side-to-side sway so as to limit the inescapable chub rub.
That had been last year’s Sarah, though, and another full year of decadent, gluttonous living had done an unbelievable amount of damage to her already overfattened body. The five minutes it had originally taken to get to the bus stop was now closer to fifteen, a lesson she learned after missing the bus a few too many times. She didn’t really mind missing the bus - it was a good excuse to skip the day’s classes, and gave her plenty of time to visit the donut shop. Although it was originally a treat for special occasions, the donut shop was fairly essential to Sarah at this point. She had developed an intense addiction to the sugary sweetness of the pastries, and found herself battling an intense headache all morning if she didn’t get her fix. Additionally, on the days when Sarah missed the bus, it was no longer possible to simply turn around and walk home. A one-way trip was exhausting in itself, and she would need a good half hour of recovery before attempting the trek back to the apartment. 
Today was one of those days, and after resting in a too-small booth in the back of the shop and the subsequent destruction of a full dozen glazed donuts, Sarah hoisted herself up and made her way towards the door. Her feet instantly burned with an all-too-familiar soreness, but today it was the uncomfortable post-gluttony tightness in her chest that had Sarah’s attention. It had been happening more and more frequently recently, and she wondered if it was worth enduring the nightmare of the doctor’s office to get it checked out. Ten steps beyond the door of the shop, and she was already breathless. Sarah’s modified gait had developed into a full-blown waddle, with each labored movement sending her weight careening back and forth, achieving very little in the way of forward progress. Today, between her burning lungs, aching feet, pounding heart, and belly packed full of donuts, it would be a twenty minute walk home.
Squeezing through the door frame into her apartment, Sarah was absolutely heaving, struggling to pull enough air into her fat-squeezed lungs. She collapsed on the couch, which offered a threatening creak as it buckled downwards under her weight. There really wasn’t any way around it at this point. Sarah’s weight had ballooned far too high, far too quickly, and the warning signs were impossible to ignore. But ignorance is bliss, and she had never been one to turn down a strong dose of bliss - especially not when she could induce even more pleasure by continuing to indulge in her favorite high-calorie goodies. Sarah’s concerns about her weight quickly slipped from her mind as a gnawing craving took over, despite the churning mass of sugary dough that was still settling in her distended belly. It wasn’t a craving for any specific food, but it was more than any regular sensation of hunger. No, Sarah wasn’t hungry. She didn’t need food. But this feeling that had been coming over her more and more recently wasn’t about nourishment; more than anything else, it was an intense wave of unrestrained greed. Sluggish after her massive breakfast and still lugging around a fully-packed gut, Sarah was motivated to haul herself off of the couch by nothing less than pure greed. She sauntered in the kitchen, chest heaving rhythmically in time with each shallow breath beneath her heavy and overinflated breasts.
Unfortunately, the kitchen couldn’t offer much in the way of snacks. Sarah had grazed her way through the usually well-stocked pantry last night, packing away two bags of chips and an entire package of oreos over the course of a few hours of late-night snacking. Sighing, she lumbered back towards the couch, feeling her corpulent frame quiver with each labored movement. It would have to be delivery. Sarah fished her phone out of her yoga pants, struggling to jam her pudgy fingers into the dangerously overstretched pocket where it sat, pressing into the dough of her thighs. These pants were getting awfully close to being see-through in the tightest spots, and would need to be replaced soon by something a few sizes larger. As she maneuvered her phone out of the pocket, Sarah noticed that her tank top had rolled up a few inches over the pronounced bulge of her belly, exposing a band of pale doughy flesh that was riddled with violent red stretchmarks. An attempt to pull the tank top back down proved fruitless, and she decided it would not be worth the effort. Sarah turned her attention to her phone, absentmindedly scratching at the exposed portion of her irritated skin, sending small ripples throughout the lard-filled mass of her waistline. Looking to get as much bang for her buck as possible, she ordered a sheet pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni. That way she could eat the leftovers tomorrow, she lied to herself. The wait for her meal felt like a lifetime, and Sarah was practically drooling at the thought of all that cheese and grease. She distracted herself with reality television, letting her eyes glaze over as her hefty bulges of fat pooled out across the surface of the straining couch.
Sarah had no idea how long she had been sitting there watching television, but the doorbell jolted her up off the couch in an instant, much to the dismay of her overburdened knees. Already short of breath, she lugged herself towards the door, swinging her pillowy arms to aid her motion in what might have appeared to an onlooker as a pathetic attempt at jogging. Sarah opened the door, and was handed a massive pizza box that emitted a scent so intoxicating that she briefly forgot where she was. It was the outstretched hand of the pizza man that brought her back to reality, and she stuffed a wad of cash into it, pretending not to notice that his gaze was entirely fixated on her oversized gut, which had managed to push the tank top far enough upwards to reveal a deep belly button nestled within the sea of excess fat. Trying once again to pull it back down, she succeeded only in creating a show of wobbling adipose as the top refused to stretch. Red-faced with exertion and embarrassment, she thanked the delivery driver and quickly closed the door, meeting his eyes just long enough to notice that she wasn’t the only one blushing.
see? i wasn't lying about posting something. it only took like 50 years so next time i promise it will be 49 years or fewer. anyhow, i hope you folks like this one! it's a tad more on the vanilla side, but i thought i might use the opportunity to be a little more playful with the writing style. ("playful?? this reads like it was written by a severely concussed charles dickens.") moving forward with the future parts of this series, i'll probably move into a gradually darkening tone, but at the moment i'm not sure how many more parts i'll do or what they're going to look like. please by all means feel free to leave any feedback, criticisms, or recommendations - i'm always open to that stuff and i will only cry a tiny bit if you're mean, promise.
and once again, sorry for completely disappearing. it will happen again.
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furblrwurblr · 3 years
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Day 4 of learning to drive makes me qualified to post this,, right? Anyways enjoy lmao
Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Beidou, Jean, Xiao, Childe, and Venti driving HC's. If you're here for jean, xiao, or venti content you will not be satisfied
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• Such a heavy right foot. Please stop
• Knows what he's doing but floors it and brakes a little hard
• Driving with him cuts ETA in half I swear but somehow most laws were followed
• The stress also cuts your lifespan every time he takes BOTH HANDS OFF THE WHEEL KAEYA PLEASE
• Automatic bc it's less to focus on, he likes talking while he drives and also fuck diluc
• Drives one-handed
• Music up all the time all the time, the same spanish pop station and if you try changing it he floors the gas
• V respectful distance between him and the car in front of him
• Does not turn around in his seat when backing up, relies on side mirrors, intuition, and the prayers of his passengers
• Has never touched his horn in his life
• 5/10 bc his technique kinda averages out his blatant disregard for the human condition
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• Gas pedal a little heavy but brakes so smoothly, is he an angel??
• Stick-shift no argument
• Sports car but not for clout, its bc he likes going 7th gear on open roads
• WHY DOES HE BACK UP SO FAST GODDAMN but at least he turns around
• It's almost a little intimate for whoever's in the passenger seat bc he puts his hand behind their headrest to steady himself
• I get leaving distance between your car and the person in front of you but luc you can fit a semi in there
• Please diluc ik you hold emotions in but the horn is not the way to express anger I'm bleeding
• Hes so responsible omg
• Will go 5-10 over the speed limit tho and coasts through turns with stop signs
• 8/10 driver
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• Return the mom van please
• Stick shift again ahahah
• Goes out of his way to find a reliable old school car but idk anything about cars so that's all you get
• Zhongli. You can press the gas a teeny bit more. Please I'm going insane
• 5 under the speed limit and honks at anyone who gets mad but his face is devoid of emotion
• Podcasts all the time, if theres not one running he IS the podcast I love him pls infodump on me more
• 8/10 please go faster
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• He has a motorbike no you cannot ride with him okay FINE maybe
• Does have a car but. Wh
• What is that
• He loves his liddol car :3
• Old ppl drive stick that's law now
• No you dont get real headcanons this whole post was for diluc and kaeya
• 3/10 either get a real car or stick with the bike
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• Please have less people in your car its lookin like a whole ass village
• Music on, several conversations, someone may be in the trunk who knows, the middle seat in the back has 2 ppl in it
• Again backs up so so quickly
• Maybe looks back but doesnt turn, otherwise it's all instinct
• She's so good with everything else but for some reason turns make her psychopathic
• Mildly guns it down the road but it's fine she knows when to stop
• Seldom uses her horn but when she does she fuckin MEANS IT GET *honk* OUT *honk honk* OF THE WAY *hoooooonk honk honk*
• 7/10 you're doing great sweetie just learn to turn
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• Pls it's been years she still feels unnatural at it
• No radio pls be as quiet as possible you distract her :(
• Shes v cautious and wants to get things right that's it:)))
• 10/10 so respectful
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• Bought xiao the tuna can sized car
• Go insane go insane
• Heavy right foot but is so gentle on turns it's almost cute
• Please lower the music Katy Perry at max hurts my soul :/
• 4/10 for the love of god read a speed limit
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• Kaeya 2.0 for the love of god stop
• His brake pads......pray for them
• Bought zhonglis mom van
• Brakes at random times but somehow doesnt put people's lives in danger its still fucking terrifying
• Likes offroading when he can :)
• Really close to the person in front of him, says he likes seeing them try to make distance :|
• Uses his horn sometimes???? Not a lot
• Theres so much crap dangling from his mirror please take some off
• Music is loud but still conversation-friendly, does not care what's playing and let's you mess w the controls
• Unless it's a podcast then hes throwing you out the door at 60mph off a bridge he cannot take anymore
• His seat is so far back why are his arms so long and how is that comfortable
• Drives one-handed or with his thigh on straight stretches
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sohannabarberaesque · 4 years
You’ll never guess what explains why Yogi Bear IS Yogi Bear, to begin with
So let’s start at what could be called the beginning: “We ursine types are let loose from our mothers at the age of three, so as to allow the ‘mama bear,’ so to speak, to go back into mating ritual ... and in my own case, my being let go from mother couldn’t have been in a rather unlikely situation: Close to one of the bigger camping areas in Jellystone Park. And to this day, considering my habit of stealing pic-a-nic baskets on occasion, and giving the tourists some nuisance in the bargain, I have to wonder what would have led my mother to so release me into the wider world, and perhaps Ranger Smith concurs.”
So how did Boo-Boo come into the equation? “Boo-Boo, I will have you all know, is no relation to me, but just stepped into my life for some odd reason as the habit of raiding pic-a-nic areas on my part started to develop in earnest. He was an orphan-type bear, you might say, and has become something of a mentor-type bear who, I must admit, I tend all too often to ignore. Especially with that ‘you know what the ranger said, Yogi’ folderol when I get even deeper into a plan of some sort, and besides, Yogi is just smarter than the average bear!!”
But what about the other bears in Jellystone Park? Are they jealous of your presence? “Jealous, you say?!! Even with all the threats Ranger Smith keeps making to send me to some zoo if I don’t put the brakes on my picnic-basket-stealing habits! And speaking of the zoos I’ve been threatened with relocation to, they would have to include St. Louis, San Diego, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Scranton, and even Duluth for some reason! Sheesh--there was a rumour at one point that I would be swapped with the Hair Bear Bunch and sent myself to the Wonderland Zoo, until calmer heads prevailed.... ”And getting back to the original question ... about the only time the Jellystone Park ursine community can get jealous of me is during the mating season; setting aside Cindy, who’s doubtless the ursine love of my life, many of the female bears rebuff my mating-type moves because of my ‘reputation’ in giving the bears some Unwelcome Notoriety among the tourist types in the pic-a-nic areas!”
Still, when you manage to sneak into the picnic areas, are there any particular foods you can’t resist? “I do have to admit that this bear can’t resist the old-school hamburgers and hot dogs, not to mention the old potato and tortilla chips ... as well as the occasional cinnamon roll or danish for breakfast, and a good dose of strong black coffee! And it doesn’t matter if chicory or other roasted grains were added to pad them out; believe you me, this bear can’t resist his morning coffee! Or evening soda, either, come to think of it....”
Now that newer bear-proof garbage cans are the norm in camping and picnic areas, does it make the raiding any more difficult? “Affirmative. Which has certainly driven me to work the picnic and camping areas closer to meal times, even with Boo-Boo’s objections and the park’s rangers going incognito to try and further preempt the habit. Of which, admittedly, I resign myself to.”
Aside from raiding picnic areas and making a nuisance with the tourists, are there other interesting things that you manage to do? “For one, I happen to be fond of doing some swimming and diving in Lake Jellystone when things get a little too muggy ... which can be bound to happen in the summertime. And what’s more, Cindy likes to join in on the acquatic misadventures, and is not afraid to make this clear ... which can get to be rather deep, and then some! “Too, I also happen to kill otherwise boring nights in my den, especially during the hibernation, tweaking the dial on my shortwave radio, trying to avoid such stations as are rather pathetic-sounding ... especially with consumptive-sounding ‘religious’; they can easily get to you, and even Boo-Boo!”
All in all, what could be worse, getting subjected to the streams of multiple seltzer bottles from angry tourists or Ranger Smith lecturing you yet again on your habits being an insult to the ursine race? “I never knew myself that such a likelihood could exist, come to think of it!”
@warnerarchive @hanna-barbera-land @warnerbrosentertainment @moonrock1973 @screamingtoosoftly @wherearethememesonmyplate @hanna-barberians @jg376 @hanna-barbera-blog @cottoncandy-wannabe @themineralyoucrave
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jenroses · 4 years
Useful adaptive stuff
So, up front, my issues include: EDS, POTS, RA, sjogren’s and a number of other issues which make me tired, dizzy and in pain a lot of the time. I’m going to list some things that help me, and other things that I’ve tried that haven’t helped me as much. YOUR MILEAGE WILL VARY but I welcome and encourage people to add to this with things that work for them. Below the cut: More comfortable computing, lightweight power wheelchairs, showers, and medication management.
First issue for me is making computers and especially typing work. Requirements: elevated legs, neutral neck position, minimal shoulder stress, neutral hand and arm positions on bad pain days.
I used to do my computing from a recliner, but it was very hard to position a laptop or monitor in a good space, even with a stand. What works better: an XL twin adjustable memory foam bed (would replace with full if I had the space) next to a wall, with a laptop mounted to the wall on an arm. The adjustable bed frame was <$400, the mattress was about the same, the wall mount was $60-70. 
This all requires a USB keyboard or two. Why two? Because I can get a Logitech K360 for $20-ish most of the time, but split keyboards cost $90 or so usually. I don’t always need a split keyboard, just when I’m in a bad flare or changing meds. But two $20 wireless keyboards ON SEPARATE DONGLES will work as a split keyboard, just prop everything with enough pillows and your hands in relaxed, natural positions near your hips with each keyboard angled just right. It takes me about 5 minutes to adapt so that it’s natural to use two instead of one, but I touch type. The K360 is particularly good for “bounce and clickiness”... it’s quiet but not silent, and gives good feedback for key presses but doesn’t require a lot of pressure. They’re also pretty resiliant to dropping, kids, and liquids, though my resident product testers have managed to test a few of them to destruction. When I was using a recliner I had a bad habit of putting the keyboard behind my head and then being surprised when it rocketed off the back like a catapult and it still lasted a year or more being dropped (or flung) multiple times per day. 
It also requires a good mouse. Track pads and laptop keyboards  are from the devil for ergonomics. I like the Jellycomb upright mouse. It’s a natural, wrist-friendly thing to use, and does not exacerbate my wrists or hands. It works best for me on a green pillow that sits next to me on the bed.  Other super useful gadget is the Logitech K480 wireless bluetooth keyboard. This is heavy enough to be stable and can act as a stand for a phone or tablet, and lets me type in my wheelchair without coping with a whole laptop. It’s sturdy, stable, and can be synced to 3 devices via a little wheel. It makes my phone an actual useful tool for Google Docs. 
Second issue for me is getting out of the house
Dizziness, a tendency to fall off my feet and six different conditions with “fatigue” as a side effect had me 90% housebound even before Covid19. Insurance paid for a big power chair (magic words are “occasionally have a hard time getting to the bathroom) when I was sicker than I am right now, but I have no good way of getting a 434 pound wheelchair in and out of my minivan, which complains and acts like it has no shocks when I transport the thing the hard way (ramp, husband, tears, hypermobile party tricks are required to get the thing into my vehicle). 
But 97% of the time I don’t need the heavier chair for errands, though it’s a godsend for getting out in the neighborhood and conventions. What works better for me is a lightweight folding power chair. There are a variety of these, but they all have a similar design. The batteries go in the supports of the chair. The chairs run 40-50 pounds without batteries, the batteries add about 8 pounds each. They have kick brakes in the back which can turn the chair into a manual transport chair. Even at my tiredest, I can unlock and lock the brakes, tip the front of the chair up while standing behind it, and wheel it into my minivan without a ramp, without folding it. Alone. And on bad days, whoever’s helping me to the car is usually happy to roll the thing in for me... and they’re shocked at how easy it is.
But traveling, it went easily onto the plane without getting broken, and fit in every single taxi we tried, even sedan ones, folded. Better, the one I have, the Electra HD, has a wider seat (I added my own better cushion) and a higher weight limit (400 pounds) than some models. I’ve seen this general class of chair as low as about $1800 and mine was more like $3200 because higher weight limit. This thing means I don’t have to factor in my ability to walk into whether or not I go somewhere. With a helper, I was even able to tackle the Underground in London last year, though I would not repeat “going down 7 flights to Piccadilly” with my husband and a random stranger shlepping the thing while I hobbled after it again. It’s light enough that random strangers can and will help you lift the thing in a pinch. Battery life is LONG. 
A big, solid power chair is very nice if you have to be in it all the goddamn time and are only taking public transport on accessible buses. I can lie down with my big chair. But I don’t usually need to do that when going to the store or the doctor. A lightweight chair is far more essential to getting out of the goddamn house for me, a part-time wheelchair user. 
Third issue is showers
I find showers exhausting and while I can take a very fast shower without losing it for the rest of the day, if I want to dye or cut my hair, I need to be in there longer than I can stand. So I sit. There are cheap, comfortable plastic bariatric shower chairs for under $30. I think mine is a Carex? Also, a shower with a handheld unit is a lot easier to get clean with. I like the kind with a dual head so that I don’t have to choose between water on my head and getting the rest of me clean. Shower chairs are something worth getting for almost anyone who ever has to shower tired, disabled or not. 
Fourth issue is sorting supplements and medications
I have tried the little flip top pill minders with 7, 14 or 28 slots. I have tried jumbo versions of same. I have tried little 2x3 plastic baggies. I have tried dixie cups and then pour into the plastic baggies. I have tried the rainbow cups that screw into each other but are never around when you need them. Best solution for large numbers of supplements (the number of vitamins I take is not large compared to an average multivitamin but I can’t take multivitamins, I have to take the individual things. Which gets bulky.) For a while I was using plastic condiment cups, like people use for ketchups in restaurants that don’t use packets, but I didn’t like the idea of using plastic all the time, even if I do reuse them several times each. FabriKal Greenware has a “portion cup” that is cheap and does the trick. They’re made from plants (it’s a sugar-based polymer that requires commercial composting, but otherwise it functions like plastic without being a petrochemical.) This is good because I can make a variable number of cups (25 seems to work best at this point), filling is easy (just line ‘em up and drop things in) and the lids pop on without too much trouble, and they stack. Mot people won’t need more than a 2 oz cup. Don’t forget lids.
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cherriontop · 5 years
Crashing Love
This post is based heavily off of @starkerforlife6969 story that can be found here
I may have gotten a little carried away. 3K 
               The car really isn't to blame.
               The day had started out normally, with Tony taking Morgan to the park. By the time they had finished, they both felt exhausted, and had agreed to stop by for ice cream before they went back home. It wasn't busy out, only a few people out and about. Tony tried to avoid eye contact even when he heard the surprised gasps by the people passing by, shocked to see Tony out on the streets.
               He almost thinks he can get away without being stopped when suddenly his arm is grabbed and he's being forcefully turned by a blonde girl to face her squealing friends. Despite his irritation, he throws on a grin and they all bat their eyes at him. At some point between being asked for an autograph and actually signing the various items he's being handed, his hand falls out of Morgan's, and his daughter wanders away.
               He's signing as quickly as he can, eager to get back to his plans, when one of the girls screams and points towards the road. Tony's head whips around, and he swears his heart stops beating. His little girl is running across the road, not even bothering to check and see if the way is clear. And there's a truck coming fast down the road. They barely have time to brake before impact. Tony sees a flash of colors as he stops breathing, and two bodies hit the road.
               Luckily Tony's legs seem to know what to do, and he's running towards his daughter quickly. She's already sitting up, tears streaming down her face. Tony falls to his knees beside her, throwing his arms around her small body and engulfing her to his chest. "Oh my god, baby, you can't ever do that again. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
               Tony knows she should be dead. She shouldn't be there in his arms, crying and breathing. But she is, and as soon as he knows she's okay, he'll let himself calm down.
               "Daddy, I hurt my-my knee!" She sobs, hands fisted in his shirt. Tony looks down and finds out that Morgan is bleeding from a scrape on the knee, but it doesn't look bad at all.
               "It's okay, princess, you're going to be fine."
               The air doesn't burn as much when he breathes in relief. Morgan is fine. Safe and alive. But when Tony's eyes wander to the scene of the accident, he tenses all over again.
               Lying about ten feet from the car is a body. A boy, relatively young. He's facing away from Tony, but his body just lays there almost lifeless, like he's a rag doll. Tony stands, holding Morgan, and he hurries to the boy's side.
               The boy is barely breathing, each breath raspy in his chest, and the side of his face has road burn across the gentle skin. His arm is bleeding from a busted wound, and his leg is twisted in ways it shouldn't be. Tony starts to piece it all together. The boy pushed his daughter out of the way, taking the impact himself and skidding across the pavement. Tony feels sick at the thought of never being able to thank the boy for saving his daughter's life.
               When the ambulance arrives, Tony commands that they bring the boy to his private medical wing, and they comply without much convincing. Tony calls Bruce on the way to let him know the situation, and his friend promises to be ready. Tony tries to make himself content with what is going on as he sits with Morgan in his lap, still clinging tightly to her father but no longer crying.
               The boy--Peter--wakes almost exactly sixteen hours later, jolting Tony out of his doze with a groan of pain. Tony is by his side in a moment, setting a hand on his shoulder and ordering Bruce to help him. The boy fades in and out of consciousness for almost an hour, then seems to snap awake.
               Tony comes face to face with the most stunning pair of brown eyes he's ever seen, even a little hazy with the drugs in his system. Tony gives him a grin, itching to reach out and touch the boy, but he doesn't think it would be best for him. Bruce said he would be extra sensitive to every stimulation around him for a couple days.
               "Hello, Peter," Tony whispered, pulling his chair closer to the bedside.
               "T-Tony S-S-Stark?" The boy chokes out, and Tony grabs the water, guiding it to Peter's mouth and letting the boy drink slowly from it. Tony sets it back down when he's had enough, then grips his thighs to keep his hands off Peter.
               "You're probably confused, which is to be expected. Well, Peter, let me give you a run down. You saved my daughter from being hit by a car and took the impact on yourself. You've got a pretty nasty road burn on the side of your face and one of your arms. You busted open one of your arms, too, and broke your leg. Sounds pretty awful, but Bruce has high hopes for you. Said you should be okay in a few weeks or months and everything."
               Peter gawks at Tony, then looks down at his body. His leg is in a heavy cast, and one of his arms is wrapped up. The side of his face has a large pad covering the area to protect it, but his road burned arm is free, and his runs his fingers over the injured skin.
               "It was pretty gutsy for you to throw yourself in front of the vehicle like that for a little girl you didn't even know," Tony comments, eyes trained on Peter. The boy turns a pretty shade of pink, honey eyes meeting the man's.
               "She would have died. I knew I had a better chance of surviving the hit. And it was the right thing to do."
               Tony pauses, admiring the look of conviction on Peter's face. He's so sure of his decision, even despite the fact that he's injured in a hospital bed because of it. It makes Tony's heart race in his chest, but he has to remind himself this kid is just a few days short of twenty, and Tony is old enough to be his father.
               "Well, thank you, Peter. You saved her life. I owe you everything."
               Peter waved it away, his head lulling to the side, eyes soft but tired. He gives Tony a small smile, but he doesn't seem to have the energy to respond before sleep takes him over and he submits. Only when Tony is sure the boy is asleep does he let his fingers run through the boy's soft hair before he turns back to his tablet, determined to finish his research on Peter Parker.
               Tony has decided that Peter is a literal angel two weeks later. He's still bed ridden, but Tony has taken him out of the building a couple times in a wheelchair, against Bruce's wishes. Peter has asked to see flowers every time they go out, and that was enough for Tony to keep Peter's room constantly full of flowers just to see the boy's delight.
               Tony's learned that Peter goes to college, only a dinky community college because he can't afford to go to a school more on his level. He lives with one of his friends, works two jobs and finds the time to volunteer at a homeless shelter. Tony's impressed by all the kid is managing, and he wonders whether he can handle the load for much longer.
               Peter's friend and roommate, Ned, comes to visit to make sure Peter is okay, and Tony quickly realizes that the two are giant nerds. Ned isn't nearly as smart as Peter, but he's still a step above average, and Tony's impressed. It gives him an idea when Ned starts talking to Peter about the homework, promising that he'll let the teacher know the situation.
               "Dude, you're going to have so much homework to catch up on," Ned tells Peter, and the boy groans, dropping his head back. His face is mostly healed, as well as his arm. His busted open arm is a slow go, but Tony is very careful about making sure it's washed and bandaged often to keep infection out. Peter's become less timid around Tony, and he and Morgan get along great. Most nights Morgan worms her way into the hospital bed and they color until Peter falls asleep on her.
               "Don't even remind me. I'm going to live in the library for a month."
               Tony tries not to pry as he works on tinkering around with his experiment. Bruce hadn't been happy when he'd brought a table up from the lab and set up shop there temporarily to keep Peter company. But at Peter's words, he looked up, forehead scrunched in confusion.
               "Why do you need to go to the library?"
               Peter's cheeks colored lightly when he realized that Tony was listening to them, but sat up straighter. "How else am I going to have access to a computer?"
               "Don't you have a laptop? That's like one of the college essentials."
               Peter almost looks embarrassed, and Ned looks away in shame. "We can't really afford that right now."
               Tony's jaw dropped. These kids were going through college without a laptop? It seemed impossible. Peter was working two jobs! Tony took a moment to collect himself, then excused himself from the room.
               "Friday?" He called when he made it to his bedroom. "I need to spend some money."
               When the laptop arrives, Peter opens it with bright, excited eyes. "You didn't have to do this, Mr. Stark!" he insists, eyes almost as wide as saucers when he finally has the laptop in his hands. "Oh, wow. This is so nice. This is one of the newest models! Mr. Stark, this must have cost a fortune!"
               Tony chuckled, ruffling Peter's hair gently. "It didn't even make a dent in my wallet, Pete. Don't tell him, but there's one heading Ned's way, too."
               Peter's awed face looked up at the man, and if Tony's heart fluttered at the sight, well no one had to know.
               "For real? Mr. Stark, thank you! Ned's going to be so shocked!"
               "I told you, Pete, call me Tony. And you boys deserve it. Now you can catch up on all your homework," He teased, sitting back down in his chair. He watched Peter open the laptop, gushing about it all as he worked to set it up. Tony watched for awhile, but he must have dozed off because when he woke again, Ned was on the other side of the bed, and the two boys both had a laptop on their laps.
               "You're serious?"
               "Of course!" Ned's voice was enough to clear the fog from Tony's head, and he peered over at the two boys. "It's paid in full for five years. Do you know how much that is? We don't have to pay rent for five years, Peter! We can finally get a television!"
               Tony is blown away with the fact that they don't even have a tv. He wonders how poor these two boys are truly, and how many others are out there like that. It gives him an idea that he tucks away from later, stretching out. His movement catches both of their attention, but it's Peter's doe eyes that he focuses on.
               "Hey, boys."
               "Tony," Peter starts, still a little flabbergasted. "Did you pay five years worth of our rent?" He chews lightly on his lower lip, and Tony's eyes linger on the action, wondering if Peter's lips are as soft as they look.
               "Yeah, because you're going to need a place to stay while you're going to MIT for the next four years." Confusion spread onto Peter's face, so Tony clarified. "I sent in applications for both of you as well as a letter of recommendation from me, and you've been accepted. Congrats, by the way. It's all paid for and everything, so don’t say you can't go. It would just be a waste of money if you decided not to go."
               The squeak that comes out of Peter's mouth is unexpected and stirs up something in Tony that he hasn't felt in five years. The two boys are so shocked that it catches Tony off guard when Ned faints.
               It's been a month when Peter is no longer bedridden. Tony feels fear every time that he thinks about Peter leaving, but now the time where he can go home is upon him, Tony only feels panic. He isn't ready to say goodbye to Peter, not when he's just starting to get to know him. Tony's never been a relationship type of person, but Peter is different. He's not someone Tony just wants to use and toss aside. He wants to cherish the boy, to spoil him and show him a better life, to rub his shoulders after a long day at school.
               But how can he say any of these things when Peter might not feel the same way? How can he tell Peter when Peter never mentions wanting to stay? How can he tell Peter when he's got a daughter to look after and Peter would have to take on that responsibility, too? It just isn't fair. So he stays quiet when Peter expresses excitement to go home.
               Tony's heart breaks as he takes Peter home, the boy eager to show him around their apartment, but he just smiles through the pain as he tries to accept that he can't have the boy he wants the most.
               But to Tony's surprise, he isn't cut out of Peter's life like he expected to be. Peter calls him often on the new phone Tony got him, just to talk about his day and hear what Tony is working on or what Morgan is up to. Sometimes he invites Tony over to their crappy apartment. He doesn't seem ashamed of what little they have, but he always feels terrible that there's never enough to eat. Tony, of course, changes that real quick.
               And perhaps the biggest surprise is that Peter will invite himself over to the tower just to visit Tony and Morgan. The little girl loves it, always dragging Peter off to play toys with her. Tony will wait with giddy excitement in the lab, hardly able to focus on his work until Peter comes down, his leg still bound by the cast but he can get around just fine.
               "Hello, Tony," he greets, the too wide smile on his face not failing to make Tony's heart melt. Peter's hair is fluffy today, and Tony aches to run his fingers through the strands.
               "Hey, Pete. How's your leg?"
               Peter shrugged as he came over to Tony, plopping down in a chair. "It's okay. I still take the meds every day like Bruce said to."
               "Speaking of, Bruce says thank you. For the gift," Tony hums, tinkering a bit with the machine. Peter, the sweetheart he was, had gifted Bruce with a nice handmade card and a gift card as thanks for taking care of him. It wasn't much, but Bruce had teared up a little when he got it. Tony figures that Peter just has that effect on people.
               They chat for awhile longer, Tony sneaking glances at the boy when he can. His lips are covered in what looks like a shiny gloss, and the shirt he's wearing is just a little too big, hiding the body underneath it. Tony wants to pin him against the wall and kiss him like his life depends on it, then map out every inch of Peter's body.
               "You know," Peter starts, nudging Tony gently with his foot. "I never thanked you. For taking care of me and paying for stuff. You didn't have to do that."
               Tony waves it away, his leg tingling from where Peter had touched him. "It's nothing. I like taking care of you." The words are out before Tony can stop them, and an almost awkward silence passes over them.
               "I, um, I liked it when you took care of me, too. It was nice."
               Tony's heart stutters in his chest, and he puts on a brave face as he opens his mouth, hoping he wouldn't regret what he was about to say. "I could take care of you in other ways."
               Tony can almost feel the boy stiffen behind him, but he can hear the choked gasp that leaves his lips even without turning.
               "L-Like what?"
               A silence settles over them, and Tony tries to pick his words carefully. "Well, for starters, I've been told I give very good massages. And I can make a pretty mean cheeseburger. Not to mention Morgan has declared me the cuddle king."
               Tony spares a glance back at Peter, and he sees. . . disappointment?
               "Oh, um, yeah, those all sound like great things, Tony," he murmurs, almost too quiet for Tony to hear. Tony can feel his heart pulsing against his ribs. Does the boy want him like he wants Peter? Could his feelings be returned?
               "I can also do other things, too," Tony continues, coming over to Peter. The boy gulps when Tony gets close to his face, his breath fanning over Peter. Tony's hand is shaking when he sets it on Peter's thigh, letting it slide upwards, closer to Peter's crotch. The boy jumps a little under his touch, his hands grabbing onto Tony's shirt. His breathing has gotten faster, Tony notices.
               "Tony. . ."
               Tony's other hand comes up to cup Peter's cheek, rubbing his thumb over the lingering marks from the burn. "You're so pretty, Peter. So sweet and kind, I'm almost convinced that you're an angel. But Peter, you're so young. Are you sure this is what you want? I don't want to just be a sugar daddy, though I do like spoiling you all the time, but I want more than just sex with you. I want to hold you at night, and I want to see you laugh in the kitchen while making cookies with Morgan, and I want to be-"
               "You talk too much," Peter interrupts with a giggle, placing a hand over Tony's on his cheek. "Yes, I want this. I want you. You've been my celebrity crush since I was old enough to know who you were. Now, please, I've waited a month for you to just kiss me."
               Tony breaks out into a smile, and he doesn't hesitate anymore to press his lips to the boy's, both hands sliding into Peter's soft hair. His heart beats wildly in his chest, but he's too busy swiping his tongue over Peter's glossy lips and pulling the other closer to him to notice. Peter's hands wrap around his neck, and with startling realization, Tony realizes that he's going to have the perfect life he always wanted.
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someonestole15 · 4 years
The only easy day...
Twist the blade in its wound, cut across anything still holding you down.
Fire still kindled inside, small flame makes its way to my palm if I so wish, extinguished as fast as it had appeared. Useful in more ways than more, call it a lighter or a candle, but fire carries many benefits in the dark.
Shotgun weighing my hand down, reload fresh shells and brace your mind for the search ahead. The two crates of medicine in our gunship need to be delivered but from the scans and data, nobody inside this facility is no longer alive. Dead silent, the few clicks from the bolts and safeties before a nod confirmed we were ready to go.
Push the door, lighter than before with all the tendrils behind it dead, trails in the dust as Valkyrie took point. Brighter lights, the power was slowly coming back to the facility, sparks from the damaged systems as the once silent room was filled with a soft humming of cooling fans and electric buzzing. Calm, almost steady now, I kept my eyes on the central core.
Let the shiver across your spine burn away the few drops of adrenaline still flowing inside, I placed the shotgun back on my sling and took a better look at the room.
Tall, several server racks along the walls and below us, the floor grated as faint flow of air started flowing upwards in the room. Coming back to life, lines of text started running along the monitors. Reboot messages, error codes, mix of letters and words, useless to us now.
Focus on the task ahead, need to find anyone who could run through what had happened here, but as the scanners remained blank for any humans still left, we weren’t going to find one here. Need to figure it out, need to see if anyone is within the area surrounding the outpost. The forest covered a large part of it, finding anyone from the air would be difficult.
Trying to think of options, Valkyrie brought my mind back to reality.
“Hey, have a look at this.” She pointed to a monitor above a console. Display of messages between someone named “Ericson “and “Corporate”. This Ericson had left the facility a few days before the outbreak, his location marked on a map as an investigative survey to a location about two kilometers away. Still in sight of the outpost, if he was still there, we could certainly find him.
That gives us a marker, an X on the map, time to see if we can find the person in question.
Spark of success, I run through the data and looked back at the screen.
“Good find, download anything you can off that drive. It might come in handy.”
“On it.”
Few moments later the data had downloaded and we were on our way out, the trip back was uneventful, walking amongst the dead ran circles in my head but soon enough we were back outside. The rain from earlier still going but had calmed down, the sun colored the clouds above white as we made our way back onboard the gunship.
Feeling the sunlight and fresh air felt better, I placed my shotgun in the armory and looked over my jacket.
“Damn…” Valkyrie walked up next to me as I swiped some of the dust from the tattered cloth.
“Even Kevlar wasn’t enough…”
“Perhaps it’s time to upgrade?” She asked as she placed her SMG in to the armory and opened up the cockpit door.
“Perhaps it is…” No hood over my head, I placed the coat into the storage and took a seat as the machinery inside did its work on the coat. Engines coming to life, a smile made its way to my face as Valkyrie confirmed the coordinates we had downloaded from the drive. Here we go, searching for an engineer amongst the forests.
Wheels up, short flight the locker managed to fix up my coat before we arrived, I pulled it over my chassis as Valkyrie prepared for the final approach to the engineer’s worksite. Size of about the average house, a tall tower like structure behind the main building and a set of solar panels above the trees, a small opening near with nowhere enough space to land our ship. Road running alongside the opening, I pulled the hood over my head and prepared for the drop. Data pad on my belt, Valkyrie gave the green light and opened up the rear ramp of the ship.
“You’re good, get going.”
Deploy the rope from the back of the ship, hook up the pulley and prep the brakes, I took a step into the air and swung myself around to get clear of the ships ramp, descending down to the road. Reverse the loop, unhook the pulley and wave off the ship for now, hard to talk with all the sound it makes while hovering above. Holding orbit, I scanned the surroundings and headed towards the outpost.
Truck parked near the gate, large enough to carry 8 and equipped with a drill like device on the back of it, I kept my path past it and stopped near the center of the courtyard like area, a large hole in the middle of it with several electronic devices mounted into the dirt and stone. The radio mast before me, a building below it with two more on both sides, a set of solar panels on the ceilings and spotlights pointed towards the hole.
Buried in that, would I be?
No, it’s not my time for that yet, as long as there is a pulse or a spark in me, I’ll walk further beyond the limits. Nod, yeah, I can do that.
“This is an EXU research site, state your name and business.” A guard dressed in a deep blue raincoat and a bulletproof vest, handgun aimed towards me.
“I’m a Ghost, I have delivery.”
Low mutter as he placed spoke into his radio, nodding occasionally before lifting his finger off the button.
“Alright then, follow me and keep your weapons cold.”
“Understood, lead the way.”
One step closer, hell, I remember when I thought this would be an easy day…
...Was yesterday...
Hello again, the voice behind the keyboard here.
I know it has been a while since the last time I posted anything here, but hell, writers block is hitting me hard. Along with starting depression medication for my withering mental state, I’d have to say I’m getting better now. Halloween right around the corner, I hope all of you stay safe with the virus out there.
Thanks for reading. Harry
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brakedisc · 2 years
The price does vary based upon the kind of car that you own.
They therefore need to be replaced more frequently than do the rear brakes. Depending upon how you drive, they may need to be replaced a few times. If your car requires brake repair work then you will be glad to know that brake pads are not expensive in most cases. On average it will cost you in the range of $25 to $60 to have the pads replaced.The labor costs at most repair shops are flat rate charges. You can also compare the labor rates from one business to another in this manner as well. It is virtual shopping at its best! It can save you time and money. On the other hand your brakes may require additional work beyond just the replacement parts. It should take approximately an hour or perhaps a little more to do the work on each side. For this very reason the front brakes work harder and take more abuse. This is dependent upon the availability and the quality of the parts.
The hardware for the brake pads may also need to be replaced and the callipers may require some attention. The price does vary based upon the kind of car that you own. This means that if the manual states that it should take two and a half hours to do the pad installation then the hourly labor rate that you must pay is for two and a half hours worth of work. Domestic manufactured vehicles will have cheaper brake pads and other replacement parts than will import vehicles. The mechanic may finish the work in less time, such as two hours, but that is still what you will be charged for. When you have your brake pads replaced the rotors may also require some work at the same time. When you go into a service facility to have your brakes examined they may find that your brake pads need replacing and that is it.
The front disc brakes on your automobile provide as much as 75 percent of the capacity for bringing the vehicle to a complete stop. When it comes to a brake repair job, be it for brake pads or something else you can search for the prices for the parts you need over the Internet. The mechanic will pre-calculate the cost of the brake pads according to what is written down in a repair manual and will apply what is there to your total bill. Brake pad replacement is fortunately one of the cheapest forms of brake repair!
When you have new brake pads installed on your motor vehicle most service centers base much of the cost on the labor rates. Whether you drive a car, truck, SUV or van at some point in the life of your vehicle the brake pads will need to be replaced. It seems unfair but this is how they do it. It goes without saying that the more work you need done the more money it will cost you. Auto Parts manufacturers When you think of brake repair one of the first things that may come to mind is replacing the brake pads on your motor vehicle
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