#what is going on in a starless clan bro what
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frostwing05 · 2 years ago
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#583 Nightheart (ASC)
"Nightheart is my real name. No cat gets to decide what kind of warrior I am. Only I get to decide that."
Son of Larksong and Sparkpelt, brother of Flickerkit and Finchlight. Foster son of Sorrelstripe, foster brother of Bayshine and Myrtlebloom. Apprentice of Lilyheart.
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warrior-cats-hot-takes · 2 years ago
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Guidelines! They are very important for a confession blog because people can VERY easily get out of hand! 1) Confessions that include usernames will not be posted.
Like, callout posts? If you send in something like "I think that [person] is a racist because they like berryheart", that is not gonna get posted. However! If you send in something like, "I think people who like Berryheart are racist", I WILL post it. So that you can get clowned on.
2) Me posting a confession does not mean that I agree with it.
I might, I might not, there's no way to know so do not try to ask. If you ask for my opinion on something, there's a low chance that I'll actually respond.
3) Really fucked confessions are not going to be posted.
If you have death threats in your confession, it is not going up. This includes joking about it, such as, "I'm going to [something something] Squirrelflight fans because I fucking hate her!" I do not care if you post character hate, but don't include fucking death threats? That's weird, bro.
Rules will be added as they become necessary! I am forgetful, so I won't know right away what needs to be prohibited! Please be patient with me ^^" As for other information, that section is right here! Below the little cut off line so that this isn't too long and rambly! (It's nothing totally important, you don't need to check before sending in a confession, just a little mascot character!)
I'm gonna talk about the blog mascot and just how they will work and function?
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This is the guy! He's a silly character with a silly name, not meant to be taken seriously at all. I also don't plan to add reaction images for every post because that sounds exhausting, but when you think "who is the blog admin?" think of him! He's. basically a fursona I guess??? Like he's not but also yeah that's the purpose he is gonna be serving here. Some information about the character: - Their eyes stay closed most of the time, rarely ever open. They're practically unseeing? Like, most of the day they just rely on their ears and whiskers to get them where they need to go. This is because the world, as they see it, is overwhelming. It's too bright and it hurts their eyes. But they do open them sometimes! - I thought it'd be silly and fun if their eyes were like "based or cringe"? Like, if you drop a bad take around her then she's just gonna slowly open the red-x eye to look at you judgementally? I thought it'd be funny! - Curiousmind is not in a clan at all, and nobody really knows what clan they originally started in? He just stays with a clan for a few days and then goes to a different one. When he visits, he hunts for them and helps with any chores. If you asked me why the clan cats LET him do that, especially since we're experiencing A Starless Clan rn which is all about the borders and the crossing of those borders, I,,,,,, don't really know. I don't have a reason, that's just what Curiousmind does. If he ever is attacked and told to leave, he will do so right away and then tattle to the other clans about it.
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A starless clan? More like warrior cats : mommy issues
bro I'm sensing a heckin THEME when it comes to the protags mothers (I know Berryheart wasn't mentioned yet but I feel like the reason Sunbeam follows the code so avidly is bc Berryheart was like "hey you had a sister that is uh dead and she didn't follow the warrior code so don't be like her") and the theme is "hey look at all the different ways people parent their children and their methods might not be 100% right despite what people say" not saying they're bad parents but how their styling of parenting affected them idk I feel like I'm smart but I'm probably wrong
mommy issues anon here I just want to make sure that's it's clear that especially for Sparkpelt, I'm not saying she's a bad parent. Like another anon said, she went through a lot emotionally and I like the way they took her character. She's one of my favorites. It could just be that Sparkpelt and Curlfeather's ways of parenting after a death are there to contrast between Flamepaw and Frostpaw, who already have contrasting names and Sunbeam could just have a normal life no parental problems
no no, you're definitely clear don't worry! and yes i was thinking the same thing! i was thinking how both flame and frost lost their fathers as kits and how their mothers had completely different reactions to that trauma and grief, sparkpelt becoming overwhelmingly depressed and developing postpartum depression while curlfeather became a helicopter parent
and the fact that they're the first two chapters, back to back, and it's repeated over and over again, really driven into our brains that both apprentices were significantly impacted by their fathers' deaths and their mothers' potential parenting styles being completely changed and molded from their grief
frostpaw is constantly feeling belittled and like she has no autonomy because she feels smothered by her mother not treating her like her age, making her feel insecure like she's not going to be good enough for her clan and what everyone expects from her, since she's expected to be as good of a medicine cat as willowshine and literally replace her in her role as being the sole connection between starclan and her clan, while flamepaw feels distant and ostracized by his mother while also being inseparable from her because of his kin being the leader and deputy of the clan and firestar ALSO being his kin, as well as him being named after him, even though he doesn't even look like him (and is in fact the opposite color of him hmm), leading flamepaw to not feel good enough in his ability to be a warrior and to live up to his clan's expectations of him and so he takes risks and tries to show off to prove himself, which only leads to his failure
now doesn't that also sound like something else another major character was doing in another chapter of the preview?
and then of course the ice-fire foil which i still love and WISH frostpaw was a white cat to contrast flamepaw's black fur, just how like i think dovewing should'v been white to contrast to hollyleaf's black fur but the erins can't be PERFECT with their symbolism now can they
anyway what i think sunbeam is going to be is gonna be its own post cause i don't want this post longer than it already is lol
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frostwing05 · 2 years ago
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#585 Finchlight 
"ThunderClan has always been the natural leader of all the Clans. For that reason, we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard."
Daughter of Sparkpelt and Larksong, sister of Nightheart and Flickerkit, foster daughter of Sorrelstripe, foster sister of Myrtlebloom and Bayshine. Apprentice of Cinderheart.
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