#what if i were a hater of rtd2 era
nightmanatee · 11 months
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halcyon-witness · 3 months
have recently been skipping around watching a lot of nuwho favorites from over the years including a couple of moffat-era UNIT episodes, and just... WOW it becomes very clear very quickly why people say that kate stewart is not nearly as good under RTD. what a character she was, man. jemma was a powerhouse in every one of those appearances and now she's just... it's so sad! i don't love the vibe of UNIT in this newest era in general but i didn't really recognize how different kate herself was until now. still not willing to hop fully onto the RTD2 Sucks train after absolutely loving some of these new episodes but truly the haters were not wrong with this particular observation. Bring Her Back.
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