#what if i said theres just so many fcs i wanna use and so i feel a constant need for ocs
narrativedoomed · 10 months
if theres one thing ab me. Its that i have no self control
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spydcrbyte · 3 years
You know what , I’m about to say it. .
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I no longer roleplay and I haven’t done so since 2017 — but I spent 3-4 years of my life roleplaying everyday doing so on a regular schedule. I don’t know if that gives me room or a say so. . but I feel like these anons are pressing this issue between you and good sis @riconsty so hard for a reason they’re not disclosing to y’all and it’s rubbing me wrong. I think see it like this . . if something is an exclusively black space , or somewhere that is specifically catering to an black audience why would a non-black poc , minority or a white person even remotely feel comfortable joining or imposing on that ? Like. Theres a reason you have to search ‘ urban rp ‘ ‘ urban rpg ‘ and use specific tags to find the things that are particularly for us as a people. The second you step out of those tags . . you will immediately notice that these people have their spaces and their communities. You will notice that most of the roleplay world is WHITE or not black. You will notice ‘ k-rps ‘ and ‘ ___ rp ‘ because they have their communities and audiences. That’s why there had to be an ‘ urban rp ‘ tag in the first place. There’s a difference in the usage of a fc of another race than your own when you’re a black person. You see enough representation and media on white people and non-black POC , aapi people in everyday life. You have a great and extensive scope of their experience. . but you if you’re not a black person behind these black characters . . portraying the black experience you most likely know nothing about , in a predominantly black community . . it’s just like whats the point ? I don’t see the point. This is a BLACK space. That’s like seeing a white person attend an HBCU. HBCU’s were founded because of black people being denied the right of entry to certain schools and establishments. Our people weren’t supposed to get an education because so and so said they don’t wanna go to school with them ? No. So throw it back to 2012/2011 roleplay era. . black people weren’t supposed to roleplay and engage because these oc and cannon rps wouldn’t accept black muses and face claims ? That’s literally apart of the principle the urban roleplay community was founded on.
I don't want to ramble and take away from the points you are making, and I know the same thing is being said a lot so I'll say it again. How you feel is 100% valid and a shared sentiment of so many others, and yes not everybody feels like this, but everybody's voice within our communities matter. So whether you agree with this fully, partially, or not at all it still needs to be respected regardless. She said what she said, friends.
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ohlukcs · 5 years
                                                          – task 001 : ooc survey
AGE — 22
TIMEZONE — aest babey
MBTI — um i have no freakin idea except definitely introvert, i would do the test but i woke up like ten minutes ago so i am no functional enough for that rn lmao
HP HOUSE — now listen i wanted to be a ravenclaw when i was 11 so i believe i have to stick to that, based on my values and who i think i am now i think it’d be more hufflepuff but 11 yr old me wanted to be the smartest bitch around so im a ravenclaw 
ARE YOU A STUDENT? WHAT DO YOU STUDY? — i used to be, i graduated last year i studied film and television
ARE YOU ENJOYING IT? — ya! it was a lot of fun and i got to make a lot of cool stuff ! made a film that won best student horror at toronto short film festival so that was really fucking exciting
LINKS TO OTHER ACCOUNTS & SOCIAL MEDIA — im @spookyrps and on weheartit and pinterest 
DISCORD USER — im scared of bots so not gonna put the whole thing but im skelesam in the chat 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FICTION GENRE? — horror, thriller, anything crazy and ridiculous and fun. starting to like comedies a lot now too but it really depends on how its made
TOP FIVE FAVOURITE FILMS — oh boi um booksmart, the martian, whiplash, god help the girl, and the scooby doo movie. theres a million others i could put there but im just gonna go with the first five that came to mind or else i’ll be here all day (special shoutouts: bad times at the el royale, hereditary & midsommar, the new it movies, jennifer’s body, clue, the barkley marathons, harry potter series, se7en, and the saw franchise)
A BOOK YOU FEEL “CHANGED” YOU? — the night circus by erin morgenstern
WHAT IS YOUR SIGN? — aquarius babey
ARE YOU INTO ASTROLOGY? — i dont like follow it but i do like to read up on them and use the signs to help build my characters (eg. lukas is a scorpio and drea is an aquarius too)
WHAT PLATFORMS HAVE YOU ROLEPLAYED ON? — almost exclusively tumblr but i was in a forum rp back in like 2009 or something lmao
WHAT OTHER HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE? — i do a lot of stuff based around film making, like everything from script writing/reading, production design, filming, editing, thats what i love to do. and i wanna be a gamer but i have a shit computer and very limited hand eye coordination lmaoo
HAVE ANY PETS? IF SO, TALK ABOUT THEM! —  ya ! i have a black cat named zelda who is admittedly a lil .... thicc. i love her so much and she barely tolerates me. she grooms me and my roommate bc i think she thinks she’s our mom and like she is tbh
IS THERE A TV SHOW YOU RECOMMEND A LOT? — search party, its so fucking good and funny and crazy and i love it. if u like zany comedies with a lil mystery, its really fun. big broad city vibes
ANY SHOWS YOU LIKE SOME MIGHT BE SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT YOU DO? — um i dont think so, i think i’m very predictable in my media consumption lmao
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT? — bro its been so long since i finished a book, i think it was the miseducation of cameron post by emily m danforth. idk if i would recommend it, i think it depends what ur after from a book bc this was VERY DEPRESSING and threw my little bi ass through the ringer lol
CURRENTLY READING? — jonathon van ness’ autobiography over the top: a raw journey to self love (im rlly enjoying it so far)
LAST FILM? REC IT? — not technically a film but i watched unnatural selection on netflix last night and it fucked me up and i need everyone else to watch it so i can talk about it
THREE MOVIES YOU NEED TO WATCH — gattaca bc of the unnatural selection viewing lmao, the cat and the moon to support my boi alex wolff, and knives out bc it looks so fucking good i wanna see it so bad
WHAT MOVIE DO YOU THINK YOU’VE SEEN THE MOST TIMES? — harry potter and the philospher’s stone probably. i used to watch it multiple times a year and now i watch it at least once
WHAT ALWAYS PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOOD? — watching my fave stand up comedies lol. go tos are john mulaney and bo burnham
WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIAN / BAND? LIST IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE. — all time fave is the front bottoms but a more recent fave is rex orange county
ANY PHOBIAS? — not really
DO YOU LIKE BUGS? — fuck no but i dont really lose my shit over them
BIRDS? — they can chill, except for emus fuck them
ARE YOU A CAT OR DOG PERSON? BOTH? — more cat than dog but i want a dog rlly bad
BIGGEST PET PEEVE? — being talked over/ignored lol
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THE RPC? — that i’ve met and become friends with so many cool people from all over the world ??? like what the fuck ???
TOP TEN FAVE FCS TO USE? — i mean obv at the moment its alisha boe and alex wolff, but also love liana liberato, benedetta gargari, joe keery, really love using all the skam nl fcs, lili reinhart, oliver jackson-cohen, zoe kravitz, and probs a million more i just cant think of
FIVE YOU LIKE WRITING AGAINST? — literally all of them bye lmao
FAVOURITE TYPE OF FOOD? — i luh me some pasta ok
WORST FOOD? — seafood lol i’ve never eaten it and i probs never will
DO YOU PLAY VIDEOGAMES? IF SO, WHAT ONES AND ON WHAT PLATFORM DO YOU PREFER? —  i play a lil and wanna play more! atm i have a ps4 and i like to play a lot of like “””decision making games””” (until dawn, detroit become human, etc) but mainly i play graveyard keeper. currently saving to get a pc so i can play more
ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE TAG? — i said something about the barkley marathons before and i would just like to say netflix took it down recently and i haven’t recovered i feel like pure shit i just want her (the barkley marathons) back x
LASTLY, HOW DID YOU FIND US? — i follow a couple of the admins from my ooc blog and saw it was back (after never having time to join any of the other iterations of lockwood) and was like fuck it yk
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cordiibus · 5 years
multimuse ask game.
what are some annoying things you have to deal with from others that solo blogs don’t?
-cracks fingers- listen, i never will bash on solo blogs because we get it, its tough. but theres so many annoying things that multis have to kinda do more to get people to interact with them. which i why i genuine love interacting with other multis.
one of them that genuinely does irk me is with starter calls asking multis to specify which muse they want their one char to interact with. while i understand that it may be overwhelming for a solo to try and choose out of many, its literally just as hard for multis to do the same when we genuinely love all our chars. to be dependent on the mun of a multi to do the work for you instead of just looking through and seeing one you think will work – i mean cmon. it can be a genuine team building exercise to figure it out, but solos ya gotta start helping out and not being lazy to look through too loll. its not hard to look and then ask for more input from us. you know your character and we have to remember all of ours too. 
i also think that multis are like really hard to make promos for ?? because we have so many chars we can’t just slap a picture of one our muses and call it a day. at least for me i genuinely have to consider what images will work when making a promo and deciding what vibe i want. while like i said solos can just slap a picture and be done lol. 
solos just have it easier lol. let me rephrase that tho, a solo with a white fc have it super easy, even more if they’re male. because i’ve seen this so many times where people just flock to them, read all their info. when a multi prob has a character with a similar attributes/personality just more diverse. but hey thats just what i’ve seen lol. and while its not annoying to have a white fc i think multis are also held to a higher standard than solos for sure on what kinda of fc they use and how many poc they have. while a mun can have multi solo blogs but theyre all white and its fine, ya feel ? ( not that im saying that multis shouldn’t be diverse tho, bc i think if you have over 10 muses at least half or so have to be poc at least bc cmon. ) i just think theres def more pressure on multis than solos. 
idk theres def more but i dont wanna sound like i hate solos because there are MANY good ones for damn sure. 
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orthographewrites · 6 years
every third question :)
3. face claims that you are dying to use
Laverne Cox is the only one that currently comes to mind, mostly since I’ve been dwelling a little further on the character she’s connected to! Other than that, I think I more so have fcs I wanna go up against? Although Gina Torres might also still be up there? I still want a Gina Torres and Lucy Lui ship c’: 
6. your favorite fandom oc (or one of your favorites)
Hasn’t changed since I last ranted about this: Neville Longbottom. I’ve said so much about this topic already so I won’t extend my reply but he’s precious and underrated as heck. (Same with Hagrid!) 
9. a fandom character who you would really like to play
Look above!! It’s hilarious that my fc for Neville is Toby Regbo who is now playing young Albus Dumbledore. How did that happen. 
12. an rpg that you’re excited about
None. I’ve given up on rpgs. 
15. your favorite rp otp
Well, Hannah, what can I say ;) Bellie is precious and I’ve ranted so damn much about them as well! Honestly, could talk about them all day every day but that’s beyond the point. They compliment each other perfectly and fill my heart with fluttery feelings. 
18. your favorite rp universe/world
I’d have to say Supernatural, even though I use it quite sparingly. I just wish people would open up to other supernatural beings beyond the typical witch, werewolf and vampire you see in every rpg. There’s so many cool one, especially from other cultures and folklores??? So like if you wanna plot around with other lore beyond that hit me up! 
21. your latest rp character
That’d have to be Rasmus Hedqvist! I made him for a mutant rp and I sort of based him off of another verse I got going in private, just because I wanted to use the powers some more. He’s one of those on the run characters and I love him a lot already
24. your favorite rp genre
Supernatural, mundane/realism and fantasy is currently the only I really got going for me, beyond one mutant character. I haven’t really had the opportunity to play around with anything else so I’d say a mix of that? I’m also into horror though, hmm. That’d be fun to dive into again. 
27. a song you’d like to use to build an rp relationship on
None! I find most love songs to sound the same/have the same base core and there’s not a lot of them for platonic relationships. I go the other way around. 
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amadiallo · 5 years
No one was saying that those verses that have solely POC FCs were meant for POC only. I've been in numerous RPs, where there were a lot of POC FCs, along with white and Korean people who interacted perfectly without anyone feeling left out. The point that I was making in telling you that was so that you could stop asking people who CLEARLY don't want to use POC FCs in this verse and RP someone where you wouldn't have to frequently express how misrepresented and ignored you were. (1/2)
so i don’t know what u mean by ‘this verse’ if u mean genre then i still dk what ur talmbout bc i havent mentioned any specific genre . well obviously theres groups w quite a few people of colour fcs i didn’t say there wasn’t did i? all i said was theres not enough. im not telling people that they ‘must use’ poc, i’m posting my personal opinion which im entitled to do, many poc are severely underrepresented in the rpc and im allowed to point it out / want to make a change. first of all i’m not even in any rp but hypothetically lets say i was … are u telling me i can’t join a rp that i could be rly interested in n have so much muse for just bc i wanna play a person of colour and the taken list doesn’t have that many? no i would still join the rp and freely complain about potentially being ignored bc it shouldn’t happen. 
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sadiiomane10 · 8 years
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HEY GUYS, so this has been in my drafts since august cus i reached 1000 followers but i never posted it cus im an idiot but ANYWAY  i appreciate y’all sm  thanks to everyone that follows me and puts up with this weirdass blog and  thanks for all the replies and to the anons i love u guys too. thanks to the peeps whove been here since day one and the people still following me i give u guys credit, im the worst, and to the all the people who listen to me and read my text posts and like my stuff, i see you all and appreciate every single one of you, u guys are amazing and i wish u all have good things in life, ily
Extra special mention to these guys
@ben-woodburnMY LIL SIS, i love you so much, i love you the most, im glad i got to know you, and u literally make me laugh every single time i talk to you, ur the greatest friend i made and thanks for dealing with my weird ass, i cant wait till i can fly over to new york and give u the biggest hug ever,  ur basically my soulmate, i wouldn’t know what to do without you, i love you so much and we should totes get matching jersey’s or something, plus we still need to go to that bayern game, its gonna be so lit,
@thecr7universe; MY BIG SIS, thank you so much for listening to me all the time and helping with so many things, ur amazing, and thanks for all the advice and calming my nerves when i dont know what the fuck im doing, i love you so much, we may be the biggest football rivals but ur my family and im glad i got to talk to you, i couldn’t ask for a better big sis, u make me smile everytime and i wanna give u the biggest hug. i love you alot
@rizesahmed;MY QUEEN, literally what would i do without u, i would be hella bored,we’re like the most in-sync people ever and its super cool,  u make me laugh and thanks for listening to my rambles even when they dont make sense, thanks for putting up me cus i know im weird, ur a literal queen and the best thing ever, and thanks for caring, i love you so much
@rowan-fcb ur always here for me no matter what and i dont really kno how to say thank you, but i appreciate u sm, ur always there for me and i love u for that, it means alot, im always here if need me, ily, <333
@anxietyfc dont get super excited ok, this doesnt mean i love you or anything, just thought i’d be a lil bit nice cus its the new year so just wanna say that ur my fave #bantz-bro and that like i love you (just a little bit)   what who said that :DD
@fabiantasticschaer @desciglio2 @swanvika @mesut-and-tie@neymessigriziman @sampers and @basthiago @diesama5; my wonderful group chat peeps i love u guys alot, so much love
i can literally say so many nice things about every single one of you, but this will turn into a love letter and i’m afraid i dont have that much time, just know i love you all.
@32kimmich @23emrecan @4footballluv 
@amitlfc @atletipool @aaronramslay @alahming @alpaca-fanatic@apfelschuerrle @alexchambos@agoldenskyy @abcde-fc@aussieatanfield @adnaismynameandbarcaismylove @alesiaaa@arsenalsfc @aussenrist15 @allesmulleroderwas @amaniques @amantedelcalcio @amandinehenry @adamnlallana @alistans @a-twistinmynightmare @allianz-arena @agger-daniel @alexissanchezbaebah @aftgomes21 @asensihoe @amignonlet @alwayssunnymarcelo @alexpenkala @albiooooon@atletihoes
@bbyflippinho @bavarian-pretzel @bizougrizou @boomxhakalaka @barcafannnn @bermat99 @blaszczykowskikuba @bayurn @baefinha @bavarianboyz @bayer-mund @beyourownanchorsweetie@brocelona@bayerngermanyforthewin@barcamos  @bharatanatyamandballet @balesmanbun @balesbae @blaugr4na@blaugrana-heart @baellerins @blaugranachambo @byern-munich @b-ayern @baeyernmunichboys
@californiacule  @capiaguero @celine-xox @captainjhendo @casillasing @chasing-neymessi @cheekyfootballfan @chloelfcx @clumsy-kath @classyemre @ccampnou@colie-bolie @cuteinhos @cupid-heart-bae @crazy-for-kloppo@calchambaes @closetoju @crystalpress @coutinho-ho-ho
@dans-revenge @daisy-cutting @dayennealcantara  @dfb-ayern  @deleallie @diasporational @du-bist-jetzt-mein @draxlerr  @diemannschaftofficial @dimitriipayet @durmerella @deleallis @deledier @diegoalvesisgod @dvidalaba @damnrollins @darlincule
@euro2016changedme @edmplurfect @eventhesmallestperson
@fragilelilbunny @fcrafinha @flanialves @football-is-forever @foreverhector@fearlesskiki @foodball @footballerimaginess @federersroger @fcbayernmess @fatherpique @fcbootylona @fabulously-football @firminhoes @fuckin-fabul0us @funkkidkatholic
@gabiknowsbest @gauchom03  @glbb0@grizismann  @gerlxnso @gerlonso @gerrardz @gerardpque @gingystuff @gayfinha-@grizismann @griezmann-grizou @greizmannn @gignaaac @golden-skies-ahead@ggerrardd @griezmwnn @gayern-munchen @grantixhaka @goal-mine  @garethsvoice
@hotdamnkimmich@happycrowley @harita-lfc @holdingchambers @hendobadger @hoeguain 
@incredybala @immersudkurve @if-anyone-can-emre-can@imforgettingwhy
@joherrkimmich @joelmatips @josh-kimkim- @jones-lfc-feyenoord @jamesmilnrs @jordanshenderson @jhendersex @jacksannie@jordanhendoson @james-milner
@kevin-ohara @kierantierney @kimmearth @kimister-10 @keynavas @klopporules@katrinannis @kristoffernordfeldt @kroosmas@kloppostyles @klopposkop @kloppend @kloppos-eyes @kloppohugs @kingpique@kimmichoursaviour
@locablaugrana  @liverpoolfc-thereds  @littleliverbird  @leocuccittini  @luchoviettoo @leobittencourt@lucasmouras @luciafernandezgarcia93 @lesbleusthroughandthrough @lewandallons-yt@lesleydasilvasantos@liverpoolstolemyheart@liebandowski @lewangoalski @lewassdowski @lowkeykramer @luchoviettoo @lucasleiva @littlemagician-10 @little-wise-acre  @lewysansatan@lordneuer @lukaszpiszcat @leoniesmaier @lukaszpizczk @lenastronaut
@meinklopp @matsjxlianhummels @matuidis @matshummelsisaslytherin @miasanmia-lfc @mueller-cornerr @my-fireplace-is-not-working @miasangianluca @mademoiselle-giroud-de-pfeffel@meowsane @mypinkisfloyding @maxmeyerwife @mxx-meyers@mterstegen1 @markclattenburg @mgoetzinho @marcosalonsos @merryneuer @msnuelneuer @mullerous  @mesozill @missliverpoolfc @mrtslv @mrs-fridrick@mcaelgrdonclfford@miasanmadridista @mehootozil  @mignoleeet @mignon-let @manuwallneuer @meri-zindagi-hai-tu @moon-for-start @myliverpoolworld @mycaptain8myhero @marcoasensioss @marcokarius
@neuersnutella @neuxr @narcissus-princess @neuerh @nathanielclynes @neuerstolemynutella @nyehhhhhhhhh @neymessifc @neyessibff
@oliviergir0ud @ohmygrizi @oxladechamberlains @oh-augustuswaters @ourlordandsaviourlahm @o-magico10
@photo-cell @poetryinmotionlfc @princeantoinegriezmann @pogbala @prince-dybala @princeofanfield @princephilipplahm @possesivepreath
@ryanreavo @ramsey-vettel @robholding @rubenyanez@rafanha@rafaeloangelo @rr4mbo @raflnhaa @ramsey-ruined-me @rafaisbae @redordead1892  @rodriguiz @rafinhoehoho@rafaisbae@rafinha-papi @rafinhaswifey @redofthewestcountry
@sterndesuedens @super-lollol @saintneuer @sophowenlfc @sykeslauren @swaggyreus @sleptonthemoon @stevie-g-ynwa @s0miserem @stevengerrard @sara-bastian @saidthebutterfly​ @smolantos​ @stevie-pearrard​ @sassybartra​ @shootballx​ @shrlokholmes​ @simplycout​  @silvasiv​  @slayfinha​ 
@theboywithabs @thequestionjerk​ @thomassholemuller​ @teamcoutinho @t-ruu-st @thesecretdetectivecollection​  @thesuperlambanana​ @thiagos2lva​@thiagoseelva​ @tattoos-are-my-weakness​ @true-obsidian​@treblemaestro​ @teamcoutinho​ @thomaslewandowski @ter-stegen-marc @touch-me-without-using-your-hand @thats-mrs-emre-can @tw3nntystitches @tranquilho @thefreshprinceofcamelot
@urbanklopp @v-l-s-l-o-n @vulpricks
@weynwa96me @whoa-stevie  @withhopeinourheart@xhakab00m@youmeafterthegame @ynwagrizi @zaynsbus1tattoo
im so sorry if i missed anyone, thanks for following me and putting up with me, lots of love, Zeena 
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jeongshincharyeo · 8 years
019. I'm Triggered.
Today, exactly at night, you shared me about Vkook fanfict which makes Taehyung then top and Jungkook the bottom. I need to admit that top!taehyung is hot but.. it makes me unmood. Truthfully, i have a bad experiences with a Top!Taehyung x Bottom!Jungkook. Lemme tell you some. I wasn't that new being bangtan fan but, 2013 i was.. more into Seokjin x Jimin. Seriously first time being yaoi as Bangtan after they debuted, i was a Seokjin at first then i dated a Jimin. So i kinda more into Seokjin x anyone. Then 2014 i am into Jimin? or Jungkook i guess. Thats why i have that bot acc as Jimin since 2014. And i just into Taehyung x Jungkook at 2015 after i saw some Vkook moments. Thats why i start to rp ing as Taehyung and searches for a Jungkook? I guess. I forgot. So here's my bad experiences, related with a Top!Taehyung x Bottom!Jungkook. 1. It was 2015 and i made new agency with Aimee, and two other friends. And we all be 1995 liners there. Me as Taehyung, Aimee as Kei, another friend as Jimin and another one as Seolhyun. And yeah we kinda promote to many people again? And i promoted it to one of my noona. I asked her to join but girls' spot currently full so i told her to be Jungkook. But not bcs i like VKOOK so i wanna be vkook with her. Its just i want her to join but sadly no girls reservation open. But well, she said she would love to, so okay. She joined as Jungkook. And i am a Taehyung there, ofc i acted like "Yah maknae!" and he be like "Hyeong!" and i was like, damn its vkook and it feels cute. Bcs it was my first time interested to vkook i guess. And then, i start to flirt him and be like yeah, make one agency shipped us and etc. Until i got jailed so i dmed this Jungkook, telling him i got jailed and he just laughed like a normal reaction but we kept on talking. And idk why it leads to kissing parts? Which made me gone wild and started to fuck him. I really was. And he kinda into me, and i really into him.. and i dated someone in my previous agency that time but i havent tell him. And after i told him i will break up with my couple for him, he suddenly dont want and said he dont wanna be a third wheeler. istg. That was my great time being a Vkook and he just lose hope on me and even left the agency after i keep begging that i will serious with him. But yeah. It was hurt enough but i still break up with my couple because my couple currently never active again even after i checked that account a year later so. nvm her. And yeah that was my first and worst experience being a Vkook. 2. This one with someone i know from intl closed agency too. I joined as a Taehyung there.and ofc theres a Jungkook. It was a simple hi and having fun at first, until people start shipping us because we usually ise matching dps and headers, teasing each others. Though i didnt intend to flirt him because i was just wanna have fun? But then when i jailed, as always, i dmed everyone included that Jungkook. And yeah we talked again. But we are not that intense yet, we just talk like usual i guess? Until we moved to fl acc. And in fl acc he was a suga there? So we Taegi. But still no special feelings. But though its not, i usually give him a peck on lips like before sleep or supporting him. Things like that. But this person kept on avoiding my flirt idk why so its kinda hard to hit on him. Until he, himself, confessed to me. But when he confessed, at that time i alr interest with someone else and also date a Yoongi on kakaotalk. Look how player i was. Then yeah he kinda lose hope and disappear and i never talk to him again until now. 3. That jerk. Yeah that ex who dmed you that day. We were VKook as well. Eventhough he was the someone that i have interest with when i was with the 2nd person, we were not Vkook that time. So i meet this asshole at 2015, may, on his closed agency. Yea its his. And my boyfriend (a seokjin) who dragged me there. And i was a Taehyung. Then in that agency, my bf seokjin is a jungkook so i joined as Sehun for 2days i guess? Then i kinda tell my bf, i want to be Jungkook and asked him to be Seokjin so KookJin. And he agreed. So yeah we be KookJin and ofc i meet the Bangtan Hyungs in their Bangtan Group chat. And this Taehyung aka that asshole dated an Eunji noona there like for months alrd. But i admit hes friendly to meet a stranger/new person. He dmed me personally and asked me things like where i come from, my selca, real age, etc. And we kinda be close friends there. But then after that, i was also active in another agency and this other agency is more fun so i drag my seokjin along but he be a girl, CLC's seunghee there. And we be more active there so i kinda abandoned that asshole's agency which i being KookJin there, until we unverified. Then after that 1st person, scandal i really want to break up with seokjin but he never shows up so i just left message then abandoned the acc. i guess. but i guess i revamp that acc as new rp acc- ok nvm. Then, after that, weeks later i dated a Yoongi (which was my dad in another ca, wow joined so many ca before) on kakaotalk and i be a Jimin there. and a bottom. istg i think i was a bottom too like 40% before. And though this Yoongi only active on kkt (katanya sih) so i joined many closed agency right. And thats why i joined one with my noona, and i be seulgi at first. I also drag my Yoongi along but he be predebut IKON's Chanwoo there, and he kinda inactive. Then after that i cc as BTS' Jimin and i think i suit as a boy more. UNTIL a new Taehyung joined and i can sensed him somehow. He shared a fact about himself and i know his kind of typing so we chat on dm. And im right, it was that asshole. And since i dont really have strong feelings with him i was just like happy to meet my old friend so we kinda chat and exchange kakaotalk and line. After that, idk why this taehyung he always sad about his ex eunji in that first ca i met him months ago. So he told me alot and i be his temen curhat right. And you know la i can be playful sometimes but he know i have a bf and i know he have a gf so we kinda tau dirilah. But then idk why we shared things about VRene, on LINE. and we keep fanboying about how cute vrene is, blablabla. and suddenly he changed as an irene? to tease me idk- so i changed from Jungkook pic to Taehyung. And since i really into vrene, i kinda turned on so i want to touch him as irene. So, i kissed him, as Taehyung to Irene. And surprisingly he didnt stop me so we keep going until... i fucked him. I mean her. That was our first sex and we were vrene that time with me as the top. After that sexting time, he confessed that he actually have feelings for me since first time we met but he knows that we both have someone like everytime we met so he just wanna confess it. But ugh, he make me interested to him so i said i also like him and asked him to wait if he want us to be official, we should break up with our couple first. Well thats how we start into the serious part but we kinda start to be official a month later, as Vkook. And guess what? Yeah, he is the Top!Taehyung. He fucked me as the Taehyung who called me baby boy while pounding on me. Istg, for that 2015 until 2016, for a year, he really make me crazy of him. Make me cant even let him go. Though it became me 60% Top after that, but our first yaoi sex is Vkook and he as top!taehyung. 4. This last one happened october 2016. Yeah after i break up from that asshole, i know this Taehyung from fl ofc. He is a girl on fl, but she said she want to make a Bangtan group chat on kakotalk so i want to make one also, i chatted her then. She said she is a Taehyung on kkt, and since im a Jungkook fc, we only need to look for the rest of members. After we being friends on kkt, idk why its like only 2days after we talk, i just suddenly turns clingy to him and i want to cuddle. I seriously was only close with him that time so i asked him to hug me, etc. Tbh i was going to be a dom? But then he be more dom than me. He pampered me and i hate to admit that he have a skill. Though he is a girl on fl, on kkt he can be a very gentle dom for me. I think thats the first time i have interest to someone without having sex first. bcause i usually have interest after i see how they sexting. heh. bad me i know. BUT, however i keep on hurting this Taehyung.... because my asshole ex keep coming and want to be with me. So i kinda confused since this Taehyung been nice to me so idk what reason to tell to let him go from me, so i lied that i have no interest to him again because he changed his ava as a Mark on kkt. I said i think i love him as Taehyung more though its not true. I like him a lot but i love my ex more that time. So yeah... he hate me. Until now. He called me facechaser then we really.. never talk again because he unfollowed me then blocked me. Like really block, i cant see his profile anymore- smh. I just dont want to date him while i still have feelings to my ex. He will be more disappointed later so i do this for his sake too. So you see... Almost all of my Vkook experiences with Taehyung as a dom, have a bad stories behind it. Which makes me turned into a Dom!Jungkook because i dont wanna see myself being weak towards a Taehyung again. Its like a trauma and makes me...idk. I just dont like it. Though i admit even at first time trying to be Vkook, i like Dom!Taehyung better. But pain changed people. Everytime i tried to accept someone as my dom, esp Taehyung fc, it got me scared again and i dont want to continue anymore. im just-its wrong i know. I am sorry if i turned weird tonight. I still cant get over it but i'd like to- and i want you the one who help me to get over it? Ah its too long, you prolly bored with this page already- heh. Lets sleep aight? Goodnight♡
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