#what i really meant was 'i think the pan people in my GSA are annoying and i will not align with them'
halfdeadfriedrice · 1 year
it's pride month so i'm promoting lgbtq+ learning at work! what does this mean? someone sent me a suggestion that the training we were promoting had inaccurate descriptions of bi/pan sexuality, I dipped my toe back into the discourse of how those are defined, remembered "it's the same fucking thing" and then changed nothing
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katesattic · 7 years
Pride Month Questionnaire
Questions were taken from this post because I was too eager to answer all of them than waiting for the numbers to come into my ask.
the following questions are meant to make people familiar with the various shades of love, attraction and identity, feel free to add your own. happy pride 🌈
What is your sexuality? Pansexual
what gender do you identify as? Cis female
How long have you been aware of your sexuality/gender? I’ve only been identifying as pan since February 2017 but identified as bisexual previously (for about 2 years). And had been questioning/denying my sexuality for years before that.
Do you have any preferences? In regards to what?
Share a positive memory about coming out! To my baby brother. I came out as bi very casually to my family on FaceTime in December 2016 (I didn’t fear coming out - they just never bothered to ask, so I never bothered to bring it up before then). But my baby brother was away so I texted him something along the lines of “because you weren’t there and I told the rest of the family, I figured I’d let you know that I’m bisexual.” and he responded with something like “Cool. I love you and support you”. I probably have a screenshot saved, but I can’t remember exact words at the moment.
How do you feel about pride month? LOVE IT!
Do you participate in Pride related events? Any other events? Not usually. I’ve been heavily active on Tumblr for Pride. But I might not be able to participate in my city’s Pride due to summer classes. Next year I’d love to go to Toronto Pride, though!!
How do you feel about LGBTQ+ roles in media? MORE PLEASE!! There really aren’t enough of them. Especially ace spec, nonbinary,  pansexual, transgender, and bisexual need to be more represented. This community is far more than simply homosexual. Bless Thomas Sanders for his representation of this and other communities.
Do you feel pride in who you are? Yes.
Who has been your supportive idols in your self-discovery? In what way? In general no one. In having crushes on different genders, and realising  I like-liked them, several. I’ve had crushes on a few nonbinary individuals *cough*Thomas Sanders’s friends*cough* in the past, as well as had crushes on women like Laverne Cox, Hannah Hart and Kate McKinnon. As for men, I’ve had many crushes, far too many to list I would suggest Thomas Sanders as someone super supportive of the LGBTQ+ community especially because he produces some much needed LGBTQ+ content. Seriously, check out his shorts.
Tell us about your first crush? OK, so I was 3. I don’t remember much of it. He was our adult next-door neighbour. Apparently, three-year-olds aren’t subtle flirts.
What sort of advice do you have for LGBTQ+ teens? Come out if and when you’re ready. Don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t feel like you need a label right now. I didn’t come out to myself until I was 21. There’s no need to rush it.
Have you come out to friends and family? Yes. I came out to my friend about a week after she came out to me. Then I came out to my immediate family in December 2016, then I kind of just treated myself as “out” so if it was a surprise to my extended family, oh well.
How do you feel about the term “coming out”? I have nothing against it.
Do you believe there is a “closet” to come out of? Not for everyone, but definitely for some people. I never felt as though I was hiding a part of me, so I never felt closeted. I saw it as discovering a new side of myself rather than hiding something that was already there. But everyone’s experiences are different.
Any tips on coming out? As stated above, I never really felt closeted. But my advice would be to come out to those you feel safe around before coming out to others.If you decide to come out at all.
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to LGBTQ+ characterization in media? The lack of representation of many identities as well as the trope that bisexuals are very promiscuous. Or being the punchline/butt of a joke.
What’s your favourite parts of LGBTQ+ characterization in media? That we’re slowly getting more of it. And characters are being depicted as human and no stereotypes.
What did your teachers say about the LGBTQ+ community in school? Luckily, I live in Canada, so there wasn’t too much negativity. And there wasn’t any by the staff. One of my teachers was openly gay, and I was in the GSA doing his tenure. 
Do you practice safe sex with the same gender? I’m kind of not sexually active at the moment, but YES. I would practice safe-sex with ANY GENDER!
What’s an absolute turn off for you in the opposite/same gender? Being an assbutt. I don’t need your negativity.
What’s an absolute turn on for you in the opposite/same gender? Cliché but a good sense of humour. Also being kind and compassionate. Personality is more of a factor that looks in who I find attractive.
How do you feel about LGBTQ+ clubs/apps/websites? I’ve got nothing against them. 
How do you feel about the term “queer”? I’m not personally a fan of it. Unlike gay, the word never really had positive connotations, to begin with. Gay at least meant happy. Queer meant weird, odd and abnormal.If people choose to identify with this, that’s fine. I’ ll use it for them. But I don’t think we should use it as an umbrella term for the entire community because I know people who still, very much, see it as a slur. Allow those who wish to use it, use it but don’t force it on those who consider it to be offensive.
 How does your country view the LGBTQ+ community? Relatively positively. I mean, Toronto Pride is one of the largest pride festivals in the world. I don’t live near Toronto currently, but I would LOVE to attend Pride there in the future.
favourite LGBTQ+ actor/actress? ... um ... I mean, I mentioned a few before, but I think you can predict who I’m going to say ...
any tips for heterosexual and/or cisgender people on how to handle LGBTQ+ events/news? Be positive. Be nice. Be an ally. Bigots aren’t welcome.
What’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten? “threesome?” always. that. one. Like, no. Fuck off. 
How do you feel about receiving questions about your sexuality/gender? Considering I made a separate post just to answer all of these, I think I’m fine with it?
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