#what do yall know about prehistoric park??
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the-smiling-grinner · 4 months ago
"My fandom is so small we could fit on-" SHUT UP. PLS SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years ago
Wait wait wait! Paleotwitter is obsessing over monstersaurs now? What the hell?
I admit I'm not on every paleo Twitter feed or idea or side or whatever, but never have I seen them gush or obsessing over them. That's very new news to me. From what I have seen and saw paleo Twitter is more judgemental of those kind of saurs. Hell when the feathered dinosaur pack came out everyone lost their minds. There were moments of "they did good but still fucked it up".
When 65 released they lost their collective shit. Everyone was confused and angry and upset. As we saw more of the film and art and so on they just hated it. The designs mostly and the film itself was pretty boring. They could have been unique and stunning but nah.
Never have I see the ear lobes, slurs, sex poses, ect. That is startling to me admittly. And hilarious. I can only imagen what the community is feeling.
I don't what the other park game is or your beef with it is however I will not pry. But I wanna throw my hat and say this.
Some inaccurate animals can be super fun. Remember Disney's carnotaurs?
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Despite it being innacurate as hell and oversized to the point of nearly belonging to Peter Jackson's skull Island it was an awsome creature. It wasn't even evil persay. Just a angry hungry animal that probably would have died from lack of food. The body shape and movements are both right and wrong, the arms, the tail, all of it. And yet it's still an awsome animal.
Some are not so fun. Case in point, the indomitus rex And JWD giga
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Let's start with indomitus. It's not a dinosaur but a chimera. Dr Wu decided "heck it" and threw in a bunch of DNA into a pot and made this Rudy wanna. (Yall remember Rudy?) An animal that can't even close its mouth properly would probably have been killed by another animal before long, teeth are a mess, and overall, just a test tube monster. A horribly abused angry monster with no expericne of the world and just decides to murder its way to the top.
The Giganotasaurus here is another issue. Wrong location, wrong time zone, and legit looks like a what a crocodile carcaradontasaurus would look like. See giga and trex never would have met. They both filled different jobs in predation. They both were large but giga was still smaller in different ways. Thankfully it's much less of a monster then the indomitus and probably just wanted to chill. It's issue that we had a paleo accurate design and they choose this instead.
My major issue with paleo inaccurate animals is that they are promised to be accurate. Made different to be scary monsters and horrible nightmares. That dinosaurs are monsters, and to ever think they weren't scalie blood drinks is wrong. That scale bros (I don't know what term we use for individuals who perfer scalied bloody dinosaues) will argue and sometimes threaten up and down its this way and science is woke now.
In reality, they just do what animals did. They eat, sleep, play, reproduce, live, and die like all of us. Despite the fact of prehistoric planets' massive splash, we gotta fight again to change the status quo to that of dinosaurs are animals just like any other. It's tiring.
Science and history always shows us new things. Spartan sick children weren't dropped from a cliff but instead left to die in the woods. Tyrannosaurus wasn't a tail dragger but a powerful crushing force of nature. The Egyptian Pharoahs had health issues and weren't as healthy as their statues suggested. Spinosaurus may never have a true apasalute form until we Find an apsalute skeleton.
Dinosaurs are animals. Never monsters. We must accept change to better our view and understanding of the world. We must change to progress.
(Sorry about the rant just never saw Twitter fall back in love and do weird shit to dinosaurs)
We’ve now gone in a full circle with paleotwitter spiralling back into shrinkwrapping and spikes, obsessing over monster dinosaurs and defending them, and adding dumb shit like earlobes to dinosaurs, drawing them in porn poses, and calling pterosaurs slurs, all because some mostly cis straight influencer artists did it.
And on the opposite side you got a fucking Jurassic World game taking inspiration from Prehistoric Planet to just casually add some of the most best depictions of Yutyrannus, Deinocheirus, Sinosauropteryx and Jeholopterus ever made, let alone in video games.
Praying for Frontier to make their own dinosaur game without being chained to the ovewhelming stank of JW and use only their own in house artists and advice from Actual paleontologists and most of all biologists who specialise in living animal anatomy to make it as true to life as Planet Zoo.
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madjumpscares · 3 years ago
A Moment Please
For how far we’ve come in displaying Tyrannosaurus in digital media. Especially because I just remembered the trailer for Prehistoric Planet and yall, Im not emotionally ready for these dinos-
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I mean look at em, stocky, chonky, and everything i couldve hoped for. Why do i bring this up? Because a video on youtube was recommended to me showing some of the first T-Rex renditions and Im just
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Look at how absolutely dumpy this guy looks. And you know what? I adore em. And I wish I knew about them sooner because theyre so funky for no other reason other than because that was our best guess at the time. And they stayed like this for such a long time, and even when Jurassic Park came out and really set in stone what we sort of all agreed was what they looked like for the next decade or so, they still werent entirely right.
But I dunno man, I love the novelty and literal evolution of how our understanding of these long extinct animals has changed through better understanding. From upright and a lil dumpy, to downright terrifying with some dental issues, to now a more accurate (although maybe still not entirely correct) predator that honestly was probably pretty chill most of the time.
And you know what, we’ll probably never get the correct rendition, but i love watching things people create evolve alongside what gets updated and studied. Its just such a good time capsule to see physically.
TL;DR: I love dinosaurs, theyre cool, and old Tyrannosaurs looked dumpy as hell. But I love how far we’ve come to depict them in a more natural way. Thats all, goodnight uwu
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