#what do they do with a BA in inglish?
tadpolesonalgae · 10 months
Hey don't worry about that anon, it's not your fault if someone doesn't like how you write YOUR story in which you have absolutely no obligation to anyone to write it.
I simply love how you write it, how S/N completes itself without always needing to be introduced with the ic like in most stories and if you want to go through the rest of the chapters with Y/N ​​not, your room would still be perfect and I would still love it. The last chapter was incredible. Poor Bas 🥹.
(inglish is not my first language, so I hope you can understand what I mean❤️)
Thank you so much for the reassurance 🧡💛
I do sometimes worry not having the IC in it is too much of problem, but at the same time in this half of the story she doesn’t want to be around them yet, so it’s a bit of a stalemate :/
I’m glad you didn’t mind Bas getting a bit more screen time than usual, but I’m pretty sure after the next chapter he won’t be around for a while ❤️
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windfighter · 2 years
Where is the Shadow World?
Kouji stared at the world map. Skuggvärlden. He didn’t see any name even resembling that. He had been searching for around half an hour. Yamato walked by him for a third time and Kouji grabbed his sleeve and pulled him to a stop.
”Do you know where Skuggvärlden is?”
Yamato blinked, glanced at the map and looked at Kouji.
”Not exactly. Also not sure how to get there.”
”It’s not on the map.”
”Well, yeah.”
Yamato walked closer to the map and pulled his hand across it. Kouji watched him.
”You won’t find it on any earth map. Didn’t she warn you about that?”
”Is she like an alien or what?”
”She’s not your typical girlfriend, she’s my alien”, Yamato sang before blushing. ”Maybe for some definition of alien.”
”’for some definition’…” Kouji rolled his eyes. ”How about the definition ’not from earth’?”
”You say it like it’s that easy”, Yamato said with a laugh. ”Would you call Bokomon an alien?”
”They’re a digimon.”
”Ah, but are they from Earth?”
Yamato patted the worldmap.
”Anyway, I need to get some work done, lots of things to finish up before I go back to Japan. Good luck with the search.”
Yamato walked away. Kouji looked at the map once more before letting out a sigh. Maybe he’d check maps of the other planets as well.
Kouji couldn’t find it. He couldn’t find it on wikipedia or google either. Maybe Windy had made it up to get him to stop asking questions, but that only left him with more of them.
”Where is Skuggvärlden?” he asked the next day while they were out walking.
Windy stopped. Looked at him. Her eyes started changing colors again and the air grew colder around them. Kouji almost regretted asking, but then she blinked and everything returned to normal.
”We said too much”, Windy noted and let out a sigh. She scratched at her arm and Kouji grabbed her hand to get her to stop. ”We’re not… quite of this world”, she continued, ”but it’s hard to explain. I’ll tell you if it ever gets relevant, I promise.”
”I’d say it’s pretty relevant, because I don’t want to keep misstepping in our conversations.”
He let go of her and she smiled.
”Don’t worry about that, I know I’m the problem.”
”That’s not… Windy, please.”
She started walking again.
”If we’re lucky, it’ll never be relevant for real.”
Lucky is not the best word to describe the life of a Chosen Child. It was a year later and there they were, stuck in the digital world. Mats, Windy, Kouji, Kouichi and Yamato. Hugo and Max, two friends to Mats and Windy who Kouji hadn’t met before. Mats and Windy were in a deep discussion, Max was occassionally cutting in with something. Hugo was hanging back to entertain Gabumon, Gabumon and Dorumon. Arkadimon was hanging off Max’ shoulder, seemingly asleep.
”Okay, so… yeah”, Windy said and pulled some papers out of her backpack. ”If everyone would come over here so I don’t have to say this several times…”
Kouji frowned. Windy spread the papers out on the ground and the others gathered around them. Max sat down next to her and took a pen from her, and Kouji assumed he’d start whatever they had decided they needed to share, but Windy started drawing on one of the papers.
”So by now you all know there are several digital worlds”, she started and everyone hummed in agreement. ”They’re kind of layered, so you have Earth, then you have the digital world Yamato and gang were sucked into. As you go deeper they’re more and more seperated from earth, the gate between harder to open and the border less free to be broken. Kou, you’re digiworld was pretty far from Earth.”
Kouichi nodded.
”I figured after you could all get your digimons back to the human world. Also the spirits we’re using in this world doesn’t feel… quite like they did in our world.”
”They’re an adaptation”, Max told them. ”The data of the spirits are still inside all of you, and this world reads it and adapts it to the rules it follows. Which is why your digivices can come with you to the human world this time around.”
”Takuya’s gonna be jealous”, Kouji said with a laugh.
”Junpei’ll feel sidelined again”, Kouichi sighed.
”The digital worlds are inside Earth, but also outside of it”, Windy continued. ”It’s complicated and I can’t wrap my head around it. Max always understood it better.”
”It’s not relevant for what’s going on this time around”, Max shrugged. ”You don’t need to understand quantum physics to hammer a nail.”
Mats snickered and Kouichi wacked him over the head.
”Mind out of the gutter, okay?”
”Hey, I’m a teenager, mind’s always in the gutter!”
Windy smiled and shook her head.
”You can’t get to the deeper digiworlds by hoping from D-10 to D-5 to D-6, the worlds are seperated, connected with Earth but the connections are locking each other, so only one digiworld is accessable at the time. And since D-10 is closest that means D-10 is more likely to open up.”
”Which is why I’ve gotten to return several times, but Kouji hasn’t”, Yamato said and Windy nodded.
”We’re currently in D-15”, Mats said. ”It doesn’t mean it’s 15 steps removed from Earth, I don’t know how the numbering system works here…”
”They numbered them as they discovered them”, Max said. ”We’ll talk more about them later, I’m sure of it.” He grabbed the paper Windy was drawing on and added a circle above/between the line representing Earth and the lines representing the Digital Worlds. ”The only place where the portals to all digital worlds are open is The Dusk Dimension. Getting there is… complicated at best and absolutely dangerous at worst. The portals are hidden in the digital worlds, deep in the most inhospitable areas and often guarded by the Royal Knights. You have to either convince them of your intentions with going through or… defeat them.”
”The Dusk Dimension isn’t great either”, Mats grimaced as he remembered the place. ”I’m not sure if it’s always been like that, but it’s filled with monsters looking to tear you limb from limb.”
”They’re new”, Max said. ”The darkness there used to be enough to keep beings from stumbling over a portal they weren’t supposed to.”
”The monsters are from where we’re going”, Windy said and drew a circle between and below the Earth and Digiworld-lines. She looked at Kouji. ”Skuggvärlden.”
Pieces were starting to fit together. Kouji looked at Windy and she looked away again.
”They haven’t found the way through the portals yet”, Max let out a relieved sigh, ”but they’re getting closer and we need to stop them at their source. There’s a war going on in The Shadow World.”
”What’s the source?” Hugo asked. ”Do we know where we’re going or are we going in blind with powers blazing?”
Max glanced at Windy and Mats. Windy looked at Yamato and Mats just looked confused.
”There’s a laboratory”, Max answered. ”They studied illnesses there, diseases that infected digimons and demi-digimons. They studied demi-digimons.”
”There’s a Factory”, Windy corrected. ”Where they produce soldiers.”
The blue in her eyes got so intense it was almost white. Kouji swallowed.
”What’s a demi-digimon?” Dorumon asked and looked up from the bag he’d been looking for food in.
”It’s a cross between a digimon and non-digital being”, Max said. ”They’re rare, since digimons… You know what, we don’t actually need to talk about the birds and the bees for digimon right now."
”How do we get to the shadow world?” Kouji asked.
Max pointed at the circle representing the dusk dimension.
”The only way possible. Through here.”
”And to get there…” Mats sighed. ”We need to find the Royal Knight. Never good news.”
”Not if you’ve only seen them in the anime”, Max said with a laugh. ”Most of them aren’t corrupted by darkness and actually do their job protecting the portals. The one in this world is in the Lava Fields.”
”I hate the lava fields”, Windy said and got up. ”Let’s get going.”
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