#what did speirs want? we'll never know
balladofthe101st · 4 months
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thinking about speirs immediately cornering lipton right after lip received his battlefield commission
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bleedingcoffee42 · 1 month
Do you think any of the people professionally involved with Band Of Brothers ever wondered about the exact nature of the relationship between Nixon and Winters? I'm reading the Dick Winters interview transcript where he talks about Nixon for several pages, and it caught my eye how the interviewer calls it a "different kind of relationship", "it's very curious", etc. Or the things Ron Livingston has said (asking Winters to prom, etc.)
GOD YES. I firmly believe that these acting choices that built this fandom came directly from how Dick Winters talk about his best friend. Not only that, but Dick did NOT object to what he saw on screen except for that boy in Paris.
BUT Dick Winters was on a untouchable level where everyone was not only obeying orders but trying to not to tarnish anything or piss him off. It's not until years later anyone admits they liked Speirs more. I think everyone also wanted to respect it, keep the focus on the war story and used it to enhance that bond they were trying to demonstrate.
And most of those interviews were definitely leaving those questions open ended for him to come out and say more. An honestly what he does say, especially in how critical he can be of everyone else, kinda says what he really couldn't or wouldn't. And then there are the photos. LORD. But yeah, I really think there was a "'So, we agree, these two guys were in love right?" conversation between Damian and Ron when they started talking about how they play this thing.
IRL guys...well I've been thinking about how odd it is that Nix has a huge island farm out in California he gets Hester to run, but Dick "My goal in life is to have a farm" Winters is out in Central Pa cutting rocks by hand to build a house, living in a house without water, working like crazy to make it all happen by his own hand when his best friend already got him a job when he came home and has no problem making jobs exclusively for him.
I don't know that Dick ever realized what Nix was to him (That West Virginia hitchhiking story makes it clear Dick knew men swung that way but he's got a fixation on image that I don't know he could ever shake. I think if he did we would have never heard some of these stories because he would be too protective of them.) but I think Nix did. I can't see an 'engraved knife with our initials in it like two lovers carving our names on a tree' being something he wasn't aware of. I think he's more than aware of how people talk and still was by Dick's side when he had no reason to be. I also think Nix had something to do with Ron Speirs being right there when Dick needed an option when Dike locked up, especially after he assisted in getting Peacock shuffled back to the States. I think he took care of him better than he did his own wife, even if it was to shuffle pieces around the chess board to make things fall into place.
One thing is for sure, the men of Easy Co. know how to circle the wagons and protect their own. I don't know if we'll ever know the truth about what Dick said, because in being part of BoB, the actors were also brought into that circle of trust.
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mercurygray · 11 months
A very small (and very late) amuse-bouche for @junojelli, who had a birthday recently and deserves all the nice things for it, including her favorite characters in compromising positions and alternate timelines!
Scene: 1777, Philadelphia, in the house of Mr. William Mitchell, a merchant of that city and a loyal subject of his Majesty King George.
She'd never intended to be caught.
It was all well and good that during a war a man could put on a coat and carry a gun, but what did that leave the women to do? Especially women who were trapped in their fathers' houses, hoping for the other side to win?
William Mitchell would say it was willful of her, a daughter of his wishing for the rebels to win, but what did he know about it? Freedom was a fine word when you already had it. And Billie so wanted freedom - to be free of this house, of her mother and her silly and specific social obligations. It was a prison to her - until it became a lodging place for King George's officers. And then one night, after dinner when they were deep in their port, and discussing troop movements, and she thought of what Molly had said, about how wars require intelligence to be run, and intelligencers to gather it.
She nearly flew to writing the letter, pressing it into Molly's hands the next time they met. She knew Miss Warren - her uncle was with Washington. Could they not arrange something between them? A woman's letters, filled with gossip to an old school-friend, would not be read.
Miss Warren wrote back - would be delighted to cultivate an acquaintance, desperate for news from a friend, should introduce her to another, whose name she now enclosed. And that began it - codes and counter-codes, plans and plots and listening at doors - until tonight, that is.
"Now, Miss Mitchell, what have we here? What would your father say?"
Billie straightened up quickly and smoothed her dress. He was new here, this one - dark hair and deep eyes she could not fathom out. Family in Scotland, it was said, though he hardly sounded it. Not that he'd say why - he didn't talk in the same free and easy way the rest of the officers did, kept himself to himself. The girls who came to take tea with her mother found him handsome - but then, that seemed to be the condition they found everyone wearing an epaulette. "Say to what, Captain Speirs?"
"You, listening at doors." He drew in a little closer. "Is he aware that his daughter is a rebel spy?"
Her breath caught. "I've done nothing of the kind."
"You're going to tell me you were peeping at keyholes to - what, admire the cut of Major Andre's legs?"
"Why shouldn't I? Every other girl in Philadelphia seems to be."
"You're not every other girl in Philadelphia."
Was it a compliment or an accusation? She couldn't tell and didn't wish to. "Are you trying to flirt with me, Captain?" she shot back, changing tactics. "I could scream. What would my father say to that? Me, alone with an officer who's billeted in my house?"
"Would you like that?" He stepped closer to her, pinning her between his body and the wall. "Would you like us to be flirting?"
"Don't think I won't," she threatened again. But there was something in the way he watched her that made her wish, just for a moment, that what she suggested need not be suggestion only, a tendresse rather than a threat.
"I have every confidence you would," he assured her. "But it won't help either of us. Or our mutual friend John Bolton."
Billie's eyes widened. No one in this house - in this city, even! - knew that name, spoken only once in Joan Warren's letter, the alias for Washington's intelligencer. Even Andre, for all his powers, would not possess it. No, no one would know it except -
Speirs' smile widened. "Now she understands. We'll need a cover of some kind, if we're to continue meeting like this."
"Weren't you just saying something about flirting?" She gestured with her eyes to the space between them, his body pressed to hers. "Unless you find that objectionable," she hastened to add, trying to catch him out the way he'd caught her.
But he, it seemed, would not be caught. He smiled, and she thought of hungry wolves, the licking of his lips heavily implied. "The least objectionable thing in the world." She must have made a face, for he smiled even wider. "Cheer up, Miss Mitchell," he added softly. "This could serve a second purpose." He leaned in, his lips almost brushing her ear. "I think your mother likes my prospects."
She wasn't sure which prospect she disliked more - that her mother found him suitable for marriage, or that he did not seem to disagree.
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 years
Day Ten: Fake Relationship-Speirton
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Carwood walked to his office and set his bag down then his coffee.
Ron saw him go in and got up going in after him.
Carwood flipped through his files and Ron cleared his throat.
"Oh good morning Ron," Carwood smiled looking up at the dark haired man. He swiveled over in his desk chair. Carwood was lying if he didn't say he had a crush on Ron. They hung out outside of work occasionally.
"So you can say no but would you be my plus one to my sisters wedding. I kind of lied and said I was married but I had never let them meet my husband cause they're embarrassing." Ron rambled.
"Hey no, yeah I'll be your fake husband for the weekend." Carwood smiled, "Carwood Speirs." He tested out the name and smiled.
"That's nice I like that," Ron giggled and shook his head, "I'll text you the details later."
"Thanks for the invite," Carwood smirked and nodded.
"Thanks for posing as my husband," Ron nodded and went back to his office. He was excited to have his work crush pretend to be married to him for the weekend.
Ron opened the fridge to skim for some leftovers when his mom called.
"Hey Mama," Ron smiled as he picked up the phone.
"Hey Ron, eating enough? Husband treating you well?" She asked.
"Yes, yes, he takes good care of me." Ron lied through his teeth.
"So Ramona wanted me to ask you if you and your Mr wanted a room with one or two beds in the hotel room?" She asked.
"Oh we'll take two. Carwood snores." He realized what he said and his heart skipped a beat.
"Okay I'll let her know. It's finally nice to know his name." His Ma smiled, "Bye Ron."
"Bye Ma," he hung up and sighed setting his phone down. He was able to sneak around with lying. He didn't trust social media at all. He worked for the CIA for Christ's sake. So he had no pictures on his phone, besides his cat.
He sat at his table and set down his plate and coffee.
Salem jumped up onto the table. Ron smiled and pet the black cat.
"Hey girl, did I forget to feed you?" Ron frowned and got up. He picked up her dish and filled it up with the kibble and set it back down.
The day came and Ron pulled up at the hotel after a long drive. Carwood yawned as they pulled up to valet parking at this grand hotel. Ron and Carwood  got out and grabbed their bags.
"Speirs family," he set the keys in the drivers hand and then handed him a $10 bill. Carwood followed him inside quietly fidgeting with the fake wedding ring Ron had gotten him for the occasion.
"Ron!" Ramona came running and threw her arms around Ron hugging him tight.
"Hi Ramona," he stepped back and looked at her, "You look so excited I'm glad. I mean his profile did come clean when I did my CIA stuff."
"Hey! I told you to stop stalking my fiancé!" She crossed her arms, "Now this is who I should be stocking." She pointed over to Carwood with a smile.
"Hi Ramona, I've heard a lot but it's nice to formally meet you." Carwood held his hand out for her to shake.
"It's nice to finally meet you, I hope Ron hasn't scared you too much." She shook his hand, "Here I'll show you guys to your room I'm sure it's been a long trip."
"That would be great," Ron smirked and picked up his suit case again. Him and Carwood mutually brushed hands and Ron grabbed it and held it tight.
Carwood could feel the heat race up his cheeks. He was blushing. Oh god Carwood stop the madness he thought. He was relieved when they made it to the floor and Ramona walked them down a small hall. She slid the key in and then handed the card key to Ron.
"Now the walls are thin gentlemen." She winked and skipped off, "See you at rehearsal dinner!"
Ron blushed and led the way in and shut the door.
"That was close," Ron giggled awkwardly trying to cover up the fact he was having fun playing house with Carwood.
"Yeah, I like your sister shes fun," Carwood nodded as he kicked off his shoes and put his backpack on the bed and the suitcase.
"I'm gonna go shower before the rehearsal dinner," Ron nodded towards the bathroom.
"Go ahead I might go do some exploring Anyways." Carwood smiled awkwardly. They were good friends but neither wanted to admit the crush.
The rehearsal went by fairly quick. Carwood played nanny for Ramonas child and Ron's brother's kid too. They were easy enough to take care of. Amused by Carwoods dad jokes and stories.
Ron appreciated what a help and a team player Carwood was playing.
"So how'd you meet Uncle Ron?!" Rylee asked with a smile as she fidgeted with the black band. Oh shit. He had to make up a story on the spot. He sighed and pretended to rack his brain for the fake memory.
"Well let's see, I had just started working at the agency when I met him. A mysterious man you could say. He was kind of like Fred from Scooby Doo in a sort of way." Carwood giggled to himself.
"Anyways after a few months of working with each other he asked me on a date and it's all history." Carwood made sure to keep it short and sweet.
He hoped Rylee wouldn't tell run and tell him this made up story.
They spent the day of the wedding trying to get ready before the ceremony. Ron was with the other grooms men and Carwood alone in the room. He had more of a day to himself as Ron was busy doing his thing.
So he took it upon himself to take a stroll on the beach in the morning. He had a good breakfast, went for a swim in the pool, showered, then got ready.
He blushed to himself as he walked down to where the ceremony would be taking place. Lots of the Speirs family stood around drinks in their hands and gossiping. Carwood found himself to his seat.
Once it started Carwood was a hot mess. Weddings always pulled at his heart strings but damn. Damnit Ron looked so good.
He was on duty of walking his sister down the aisle. Something Carwood had picked up on.
Their dad had died from cancer when they were young.
At the reception Ron sat at a table sipping on a drink to himself. Carwood walked over, "Come on let's go dance." He smirked.
"I'm not much of a dancer Car," Ron looked into his glass. Carwood instantly blushed at the nickname.
"One song come on! I'll buy you another drink!" Carwood pleated.
"Fine," Ron smiled and held his fake husbands hand as they walked onto the dance floor. They swayed quietly to a slow song. Then Carwood bought him his drink and Ron was unexpectedly enjoying himself.
Him and Carwood danced for another hour. With wondering hands and emotions neither wanted to say out loud.
"I think I know where we can have some more fun," Ron mumbled into Carwoods ear.
"Yeah? Why don't you take me there agent Speirs?" Carwood brushed his lips on Ron's ear lobe.
Ron smirked and took Carwood by the hand pulling him towards the exit of the ball room. Then the nearest elevator to their room. Both of them stood twitching, itching for each other's touch.
Once the door of the elevator closed for them they pounced onto each other. Ron had Carwood pinned up on the wall of the elevator kissing him.
Carwood moaned into Ron’s mouth as the bell rang signaling they made it to the correct floor and the doors opened. Ron backed out without pulling away from Carwood. Luckily most people were in their beds by then.
They kissed down the hall tripping over each other. When they got to their room Carwood basically dry humped Ron till he got the door open. Then they fell into their room.
Both kicking off their shoes. Carwood threw himself back first onto the bed.
“Fuck I’m gonna nail you so hard,” Ron smirked and tugged at Carwoods tie.
“Please,” He pandered with Ron for the feeling of Ron inside of him.
“Maybe I’ll marry the shit out of you after this.” Ron smiled.
“And I’ll Marry the fuck out of you.” Carwood smirked and pulled Ron down by his tie.
Six months later and they were engaged for real. And told Ron’s family the true story. Hey Ron even made a very private Facebook account to share all of his adventures with Carwood.
Then on December 12th they tied the knot. Both of their families there to support them.
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Overprotective Captain (Ronald Speirs x Male!Reader)
Requested by: @jussipogideonlaufeyson
Summary: You get shot in the arm while taking over German guns. Let's just say, Speirs is a bit overprotective.
Author's Note: This is my first time writing for a male reader so tell me please how I did. Hope you enjoy, let me know if you wanna be tagged in these.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @stressedinadress @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox  
"With such a hell in your heart and your head, how can you live? How can you love?" - F. Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Normandy, 1944
Y/N thought it would never happen to him.
Then it changed into 'it will happen to me'. 
But what he didn't expect was for it to happen so quickly. 
The order was clear - take over the German guns near Brecourt Manor so their fellow Marines can be relieved from the slaughter at Utah Beach.
Y/N trusted his leader Winters completely, he'd follow him everywhere, to hell even. But there was this unpleasant feeling in his chest that he had to look out for a certain D Company leader every other minute to make sure he's safe and sound. Luz along with Joe noticed his nervous behaviour and teased him for it so he was now a blushing mess with a M1 in his hands.
Easy Company was about to move out to their mission when he caught a glimpse of the ruggedly handsome and brave soldier. Ronald Speirs was in all his glory nonchalantly smoking his Lucky Strike while his rifle was resting on his arm. He looked so calm and serene that it almost seemed impossible to Y/N to be in such a state in the war, for his hands were trembling like some old man's.
Of course, Y/N was afraid of combat, of shells, of bullets but what made his heart beat faster and his mind twist was the possibility of Speirs getting hurt. His soul wasn't able to reconcile with this dangerous thought that didn't want to leave him and seemed to occupy his head for a long time.
For a moment, their eyes met. Ron gave him a firm nod. Y/N sent him a reassuring smile. Without words, they expressed their undying love, comprehension and support in just one look.
The butt of Speirs' cigarette fell on the ground as the soldier stepped on it. Y/N fought an immense urge to run to his Airborne officer and hold him dearly and tightly in his arms. Instead, he turned away from him without any other glance.
Because if Y/N looked at Ron any longer, he wouldn't be able to let him go.
The unspeakable pain pulsed through his left arm, from his cold fingers to his shoulder, as he groaned in agony. Y/N knew Doc isn't around any near and there wasn't definitely time for bandaging the wound. He somehow managed to climbed out of the trench and crawl over to the rear. 
When Y/N finally found Winters shouting some orders, he didn't even get to speak.
"Get your ass over to the aid station, Y/N!" Ronald Speirs' voice was firm although the nervousness, a fear almost, was audible for every soldier that was near them. The officer didn't even call him by his rank and last name or 'trooper' as he often enjoyed and that raised a lot of question marks in the eyes of their fellow paratroopers.
But Speirs didn't seem to care about all that. His eyes were fixated on Y/N's and his blood as he made a few steps toward his other half.
Ronald Speirs knew it wasn't a fatal wound, actually it was far from it, but he was terrified to death. He hadn't endured such emotion before, this was completely new to him - his heart pounding in his ears, his hands trembling while holding his dear M1 and his mind imaginating the worst scenarios.
"Just relax. It's not that bad, Ron. Doc will patch me up later." Y/N tried to reassure him and show him how unnecessary this fuss is. 
But none of that mattered to the officer. "Stop being a fucking hero. I can't have you bleeding out here."
Y/N, as inappropriate as it sounds, blushed a little at his comment - this man right in front of him, the mysterious and dangerous officer of Dog Company was completely, from head to toe, in love with him, Y/N Y/L/N. 
"I'm needed here and I shall stay here." Y/N stood behind his words as it hurt him to say them to his soulmate. 
"I've lost many good men during this day. I can't afford losing my love too!" Speirs almost shouted as he was looking directly in Y/N's eyes. At this time, even though the last bits of the assault were happening, soldiers were glancing from Ron to Y/N trying to comprehend the whole situation.
The secret was out. After two long years of hiding, short glances and light touches, the world finally heard about the forbidden love the two young souls were treasuring in their hearts.
"Don't want to interrupt," Dick Winters' voice broke the tension, "but your boyfriend here is right. Get back to the aid station, private Y/L/N. The wound is not deep but we don't want to have it infected now, right?" 
Ron gave him his 'I told you so' look but a slight smirk was shining on his face. To him, it felt like a huge burden was finally taken off his heart.
"Yes sir." Y/N replied to Winters' question but his eyes were still fixated on the Dog Company officer. 
"Good," Dick nodded in satisfaction, "we'll talk about this whole thing going on between you two later."
"Yes sir."
"Oh and Y/N? Congratulation."
And their hearts exploded with happiness and love that painted the sky in all the colours the world has to offer.
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bleedingcoffee42 · 17 days
Ha, it is interesting that Winters didn't take Tab with him. But, maybe just because he was not an officer? Dunno. Poor Tab tho.
You know, no idea how they were in reality, but for me Winters did like Sparky and they could be close, but the fact is he lost command of his beloved Easy to him, so a little green eyed monster probably poke his sides from time to time with the "oh yes, splendid officer ... BUT". He felt like someone who gave his fave toy car to a kid and then had a one hour instruciotion talk about how to play it and not leave a scratch on it and then watched the kid playing like a hawk. Poor Spakry had a biiiig shoes to fill.
Besides, Dick was petty from time to time. It's canon.
Please, write a fic about Sparky bitching about Dick being a bitch to Nix. And hey! You post some fics again! *dances around the room*
Btw, have you watched Generation Kill? Because there is a super duper interesting Lt x Sg interactions and the Lt had some suicidal mad runs while people shoot at him, what I find hilarious. And super cool.
Hope life treats you well!
He could have used a staff sergeant or something. End of the war and Battalion CO he genuinely could have made up a position for him. Winters would just snag a guy for a runner, just to get them off the line for a while. I'm kinda with Tab on this one. Why not? Alton Moore got to be a Jeep driver with an album under his ass. Dick could be creative. Maybe he wanted someone he trusted still in Easy but it seems like there was a personality clash with Speirs in addition to a longing to be with Dick? Guess we'll never know.
I feel like his tune changed a little after the book. Not that there is any evidence to say how he felt before the book, but from BoB info gathering forward Dick's opinion of Speirs fluctuates. I do feel feathers might have been ruffled when Sparky stole some of the spotlight because you can't really underplay the bad-ass shit he did. Sure the first question is "Did he really shoot those people?" but it doesn't dampen the awe any. Got worse after the movie.
I have so much material I need to write for. The Chuck Grant saga just keeps getting more involved, I'm sure "Please get your man under control" and dropping Dick's letters on Nix's lap will be in there. Has to be. But honestly having Nix being the voice of reason for Dick Winters tickles something.
I haven't watched GK yet. I have to tackle one thing at a time. Just BoB has my head buried in research trying to track down all these guys. I can't handle more of them at the moment, I have to hit Winter's research boxes again but instead I'm looking at marriage records and Plastic Industry magazines from the 50s and the occasional one on Glass Manufacturing executives. It's a deep hole I've dug.
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