#what cancers can be treated with car t-cell therapy
suchananewsblog · 2 years
Explained | Why CAR T-cell therapy is cancer treatment’s next moonshot
The story so far: The three major forms of treatment for any cancer are surgery (removing the cancer), radiotherapy (delivering ionising radiation to the tumour), and systemic therapy (administering medicines that act on the tumour). Surgery and radiotherapy have been refined significantly over time – whereas advances in systemic therapy have been unparalleled. A new development on this front,…
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macleod · 2 years
New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for first time
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Researchers have made an important step forward toward a long-desired goal: using the gene-editing technology CRISPR to treat cancer. [Source: Time]
Now, PACT Pharma and UCLA have used CRISPR to remove and add genes to these cells to help them recognize a patient’s specific tumor cells. [...]
By genetically engineering T cells to be better at spotting proteins commonly found on the surfaces of blood cancer cells, researchers have been able to develop treatments — called “CAR-T cell therapies” — for people with those cancers. [..]
Using CRISPR, they knocked out a gene for an existing receptor and inserted a gene for a cancer-targeting receptor into T cells that lacked it. Once they had engineered what they thought would be enough T cells, the researchers infused them back into the patient.
The results: Later biopsies found that up to 20% of the immune cells in the patients’ tumors were the engineered T cells, suggesting that those cells were in fact very adept at homing in on the cancer.
Only two of the 16 participants experienced minor side effects — fever, chills, confusion — attributable to the T cells, but they quickly resolved. [..]
A month after treatment, five of the patients’ tumors were the same size as before, suggesting that the engineered cells may have had a stabilizing effect on their condition.
My thoughts: While the results weren't absolutely mind-staggering, 100% fantastic, the amount that they were able to keep the cancer cells at bay, and normalize the growth is tremendously great.
The researchers went on to say that this may be due to their purposeful limited attack methods, and that this is something they can build on and truly develop a personalized life-saving or extending treatment for cancer.
“We are reprogramming a patient’s immune system to target their own cancer, [..] It’s a living drug, so you can give one dose and ideally have life-long protection [from the cancer].”
Source: Freethink, November 21st, 2022.
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What is Cancer, Actually?
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Ever since covid there has obviously been a huge spike in people distrusting the medical community- with everything. I've started to hear the argument, "oh, they don't want to cure cancer because they make so much money treating it!", which is stupid, but it's a lot easier to refute when you actually know what happens in your body when you have cancer. So what is cancer, actually?
In short, cancer is what happens when some of your cells mutate in a way that makes them grow uncontrollably. Normally, your cells receive signals telling them to grow and divide. The more times they divide, the greater the chance that they'll pick up mutations along the way. If the cells get too old or too damaged, however, they are equipped with a "kill switch" that triggers apoptosis, or programmed cell death. This does a pretty good job at removing damaged cells from your body. However, sometimes a cell will mutate in a way that it keeps growing regardless of what the signals are telling it, and loses its ability for apoptosis. When this happens, the cells will divide rapidly to form lumps of tissue called tumors. These can be benign in some cases, but in others they can be deadly. All that the cancer cells in the tumor care about is multiplying, no matter the cost. They may destroy healthy cells that get in their way, block the supply of nutrients or oxygen, or allow waste products to build up. They may even spread to other parts of the body, where they can continue to cause damage.
So if we know how cancer works, why haven't we cured it yet?
Cancer is not a single disease- it's an umbrella term for over 200 different conditions. And even though they all stem from the uncontrolled growth of cells, they are incredibly diverse, and often respond differently to different sorts of treatment.
In order to get rid of the cancer we need to kill the cancer cells. But since the cancer cells are just normal cells that got mutated, most ways of doing so will also damage the rest of your cells. Chemotherapy often works because it kills the fast-dividing cancer cells faster than it kills the rest of you (side note: common chemo side effects such as hair loss and nausea are due to the fact that the cells that your hair grows from and the cells of your stomach lining are also very fast-dividing, meaning that they often get harmed by the radiation as well). This doesn't work for all cancers, however, and for those we would need a way to kill the cancer cells that is either less harmful to the normal cells or targets only the cancerous cells. But that is very difficult to do, because...
There is not one single mutation that turns a normal cell into a cancer cell. the pathways that a cell can take into becoming cancer are endless, so treatments that work for cancer cells with a certain set of mutation might be entirely ineffective for others.
Because cancer cells divide so quickly and don't undergo apoptosis when they are damaged, the rate at which they can pick up new mutations dramatically increases. This means that they can change in a number of unpredictable ways, such as becoming resistant to treatments or learning to survive in different areas of the body.
So while these factors make it unlikely that cancer will be "cured" in the near future, people are constantly researching to discover new and more effective methods of treatment such as CAR T therapies. No doubt we will continue to see more and more progress as time goes on.
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medlama · 8 days
Tocilizumab: An Essential Medication for Managing Autoimmune Disorders
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Tocilizumab, also known by its brand name ACTEMRA INJECTION, has become an essential treatment for various inflammatory conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and cytokine release syndrome (CRS). More recently, it has played a critical role in managing severe cases of COVID-19. But what exactly is Tocilizumab, how does it work, and what should patients know about its uses and price? In this post, we’ll walk you through the key aspects of Tocilizumab, its significance in healthcare, and what to expect if you’re prescribed this medication.
Tocilizumab: An Overview
Tocilizumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets the IL-6 receptor, which is involved in the body’s immune response. IL-6 is a protein that can cause inflammation, particularly in autoimmune diseases where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. By inhibiting the IL-6 receptor, Tocilizumab helps reduce inflammation and prevent damage to tissues and organs.
Initially developed for autoimmune disorders like RA, Tocilizumab’s scope has broadened, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is typically administered as an intravenous (IV) infusion or subcutaneous injection, depending on the condition being treated.
Tocilizumab – Uses & Introduction
Tocilizumab is a versatile drug with multiple applications. It is commonly prescribed for autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis, providing relief from debilitating joint pain, swelling, and other symptoms caused by chronic inflammation.
In addition, Tocilizumab is approved for treating cytokine release syndrome (CRS), a severe side effect of cancer therapies like CAR T-cell therapy, where the immune system releases excessive cytokines, leading to dangerous inflammation. In such cases, Tocilizumab helps control this immune overreaction and prevents life-threatening complications.
More recently, Tocilizumab has gained recognition for its effectiveness in treating severe COVID-19 cases, particularly in patients experiencing acute respiratory distress. By reducing the immune system’s overreaction to the virus, Tocilizumab offers critically ill patients a better chance of recovery.
How Does Tocilizumab Work?
Tocilizumab works by targeting and blocking the IL-6 receptor, a protein that plays a critical role in immune regulation. While IL-6 is necessary for normal immune function, excessive IL-6 levels can trigger harmful inflammation, especially in autoimmune diseases and severe infections like COVID-19.
When administered, Tocilizumab binds to the IL-6 receptor and prevents it from signaling the immune system to produce more inflammation. This reduces symptoms such as pain, swelling, and fever, bringing balance to the immune response while still allowing the body to fight infections or other threats.
The drug’s impact varies depending on the condition being treated, but many patients experience significant relief, particularly those with RA and CRS. In the context of COVID-19, Tocilizumab has been shown to lower the need for mechanical ventilation and improve survival rates in severely ill patients.
ACTEMRA INJECTION, the branded version of Tocilizumab, is available in two forms: intravenous infusion and subcutaneous injection. The choice between these options depends on the patient’s condition and the severity of their symptoms.
For instance, rheumatoid arthritis patients may prefer the subcutaneous injection for its convenience, as it can be administered at home. Conversely, patients with severe COVID-19 or CRS may require IV infusions, which are given in hospital settings.
Although ACTEMRA INJECTION is generally well-tolerated, potential side effects include headaches, high blood pressure, respiratory infections, and injection site reactions. More serious but rare side effects, such as liver damage and gastrointestinal perforations, make it necessary for patients to be closely monitored throughout treatment.
Tocilizumab Injection Price: What to Expect
The Tocilizumab Injection price can vary based on factors such as dosage, form (IV or subcutaneous), and location. Like many biologic drugs, Tocilizumab is not inexpensive, with costs ranging from several hundred to a few thousand dollars per dose, depending on the treatment plan.
Many health insurance plans cover Tocilizumab, especially when prescribed for FDA-approved uses like rheumatoid arthritis or CRS. However, if you’re concerned about out-of-pocket expenses, it’s essential to explore options regarding the Tocilizumab Injection price. Medlama can help you explore financial assistance programs that may reduce the cost of treatment. Talking to a healthcare or pharmacy counselor can help you secure the best possible offer, ensuring access to this vital medication without significant financial strain.
Side Effects and Monitoring During Treatment
While Tocilizumab is effective and generally safe, patients should be aware of potential side effects. Common side effects include:
Upper respiratory infections like colds and sinus infections
Headaches and dizziness
Injection site reactions such as redness, swelling, or pain
Elevated liver enzymes, which may signal liver stress
More serious but rare side effects include gastrointestinal perforations and severe allergic reactions. Tocilizumab can also weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections. Therefore, it’s essential for patients to be closely monitored, particularly those on long-term treatment for conditions like RA.
Patients will undergo regular blood tests to ensure proper liver function and monitor for any potential complications. Despite the risks, the overall benefits of Tocilizumab make it a powerful option for patients who haven’t responded to other treatments.
Conclusion: A Vital Drug for Multiple Conditions
Tocilizumab, marketed as ACTEMRA INJECTION, plays a crucial role in managing autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as life-threatening conditions like severe COVID-19 and cytokine release syndrome. By targeting the IL-6 receptor, it reduces inflammation and provides relief for patients suffering from chronic immune conditions.
While the Tocilizumab Injection price can be high, many patients find the benefits outweigh the cost, especially when financial assistance programs are available. If you or a loved one has been prescribed Tocilizumab, it’s essential to understand the medical and financial aspects of this treatment. For personalized support and assistance in navigating treatment costs, talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacy counselor at Medlama, who can help explore the best options for managing your care.
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AI in Cell and Gene Therapy Market: Reducing Costs and Accelerating Innovation
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Cell and gene therapy have emerged as groundbreaking treatments for diseases once considered untreatable. These therapies focus on modifying or replacing genetic material within a patient's cells to treat or prevent disease, offering hope for conditions like cancer, genetic disorders, and rare diseases. But how can these innovative treatments become even more effective? The answer lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
What is Cell Therapy?
Cell therapy involves transplanting healthy cells into a patient to repair or replace damaged or diseased tissues. This method is particularly promising for regenerative medicine and treating cancers through CAR-T cell therapy.
What is Gene Therapy?
Gene therapy, on the other hand, involves modifying or replacing faulty genes within a person's DNA. By addressing the root cause of genetic disorders, gene therapy has the potential to provide long-lasting, sometimes even permanent, treatments.
The Role of AI in Advancing Medical Science
AI is playing an increasingly important role in both cell and gene therapy, offering new avenues to streamline research, personalize treatments, and optimize outcomes. From drug discovery to genetic analysis, AI is transforming how we approach these therapies.
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The Evolution of AI in Healthcare
Early Stages of AI in Medicine
AI in healthcare isn’t entirely new. In its early stages, AI was primarily used for data processing, diagnostic imaging, and managing health records. Over time, it has evolved to address more complex medical problems.
Integration of AI in Advanced Therapies
In recent years, AI has been integrated into more advanced treatments, including cell and gene therapy. By analyzing vast amounts of genetic and clinical data, AI helps researchers identify new treatment targets and understand disease progression.
AI’s Role in Personalized Medicine
Personalized medicine has always been a goal in healthcare, and AI is making it a reality. By analyzing genetic information, AI can tailor treatments specifically to each patient’s unique genetic makeup, increasing the chances of success.
How AI is Transforming Cell and Gene Therapy
Streamlining Research and Development
Accelerating Drug Discovery
AI accelerates drug discovery by analyzing huge datasets in a fraction of the time it would take a human researcher. This is particularly important in cell and gene therapy, where drug development often takes years.
AI in Predicting Therapeutic Outcomes
AI models can predict how patients will respond to treatments, helping doctors make informed decisions about which therapies are most likely to succeed. This level of precision can significantly reduce the trial-and-error nature of current medical treatments.
AI in Genetic Data Analysis
Understanding Genetic Mutations
AI algorithms can quickly analyze genetic mutations to understand their impact on health. This is crucial in gene therapy, where the success of a treatment depends on accurately targeting the right genes.
AI’s Role in Precision Medicine
Precision medicine relies heavily on AI’s ability to process and analyze large amounts of genetic data. AI helps identify the best treatment options for each patient, reducing the risk of adverse effects and improving outcomes.
Benefits of AI in Cell and Gene Therapy
Improving Efficiency in Clinical Trials
Clinical trials for cell and gene therapies can be lengthy and expensive. AI streamlines this process by identifying suitable candidates faster, predicting potential outcomes, and optimizing trial designs to minimize time and cost.
Enhancing Patient Outcomes and Safety
AI’s predictive capabilities enable doctors to tailor treatments to each patient, ensuring that they receive the most effective therapy. This personalized approach reduces the risk of side effects and increases the chances of a successful outcome.
Reducing Costs in Drug Development
Drug development is notoriously expensive, but AI has the potential to cut these costs significantly. By speeding up research, identifying promising candidates early, and optimizing clinical trials, AI can reduce the financial burden associated with bringing new therapies to market.
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Challenges in Implementing AI in Cell and Gene Therapy
Data Privacy Concerns
One of the major challenges in implementing AI in healthcare is ensuring the privacy of patient data. AI relies on vast datasets to function effectively, and safeguarding this data is critical to maintaining patient trust.
Integration with Existing Healthcare Systems
Integrating AI-driven solutions with existing healthcare infrastructure can be complex. Many healthcare systems are still operating on outdated technology, making it difficult to implement advanced AI tools seamlessly.
Regulatory and Ethical Challenges
AI in healthcare also presents ethical and regulatory challenges. Ensuring that AI-driven therapies meet safety standards, while addressing concerns around biased algorithms and decision-making, is crucial for widespread adoption.
The Future of AI in Cell and Gene Therapy
AI and CRISPR Technologies
AI is expected to play a significant role in advancing CRISPR (gene-editing) technologies. By improving the accuracy and efficiency of gene editing, AI could help revolutionize how we treat genetic disorders in the future.
AI-Driven Custom Treatments
As AI continues to evolve, it will enable the development of highly customized treatments tailored to an individual's genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. This level of personalization could lead to breakthroughs in curing complex diseases.
Expanding AI’s Role in Global Healthcare
AI has the potential to democratize access to advanced therapies, ensuring that patients around the world can benefit from cutting-edge treatments, regardless of where they live.
AI is revolutionizing the cell and gene therapy market by accelerating research, improving patient outcomes, and making treatments more accessible. Despite some challenges, the future of AI in this field looks promising, with the potential to transform global healthcare.
What are the main benefits of AI in cell and gene therapy?
AI helps streamline research, personalize treatments, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes, making therapies more efficient and effective.
How does AI help in personalizing treatments for patients?
AI analyzes genetic and clinical data to tailor treatments to each patient’s unique genetic makeup, improving the chances of success.
What are the challenges associated with AI in this field?
Challenges include data privacy concerns, integration with existing healthcare systems, and regulatory and ethical issues.
Will AI completely replace human intervention in cell and gene therapy?
No, AI is a tool to assist medical professionals, not replace them. Human expertise is still essential in delivering care.
How secure is the data used in AI-driven therapies?
Data security is a top priority in AI-driven healthcare, but ensuring the privacy of sensitive genetic information remains a significant challenge.
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b2bbusiness · 26 days
Colorectal Cancer Cell and Gene Therapy Market: A Comprehensive Overview
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide, affecting both men and women. With a significant increase in the prevalence of this disease, there has been a growing demand for effective treatment methods. Traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy have been the mainstay of colorectal cancer treatment for years. However, recent advancements in biotechnology have paved the way for innovative treatments, such as cell and gene therapy. This article will explore the market for colorectal cancer cell and gene therapy, highlighting its growth drivers, key players, challenges, and future prospects.
What is Cell and Gene Therapy?
Cell and gene therapy are advanced forms of treatment that aim to modify or manipulate a patient's genes or cells to treat or cure diseases. In the context of colorectal cancer, these therapies focus on either repairing defective genes or introducing new genes into a patient's cells to fight the disease more effectively. This approach is highly targeted, meaning it can offer treatment solutions that are more precise and personalized compared to conventional therapies.
Market Dynamics
The market for colorectal cancer cell and gene therapy is expanding rapidly, driven by several factors:
Increasing Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer: The rising incidence of colorectal cancer globally is a significant driver for the market. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer, with over 1.9 million new cases diagnosed each year. This increasing prevalence is pushing the demand for more effective and innovative treatment options.
Technological Advancements: The field of biotechnology has seen rapid advancements in recent years. New techniques in genetic engineering, such as CRISPR-Cas9, have opened up new possibilities for targeted cancer treatment. These technological advancements have made it possible to develop cell and gene therapies that are more effective, with fewer side effects compared to traditional cancer treatments.
Rising Investments in R&D: There has been a substantial increase in investments in research and development in the field of cell and gene therapy. Both government and private sectors are investing heavily in this area, recognizing its potential to revolutionize cancer treatment. This influx of funding is driving innovation and accelerating the development of new therapies.
Favorable Regulatory Environment: Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have been supportive of cell and gene therapy development. Fast-track designations, orphan drug status, and priority review are some of the regulatory incentives that encourage the development and commercialization of these therapies.
Growing Awareness and Acceptance: As awareness of colorectal cancer and the benefits of cell and gene therapies increase, more patients and healthcare providers are opting for these innovative treatments. Public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives by healthcare organizations are playing a crucial role in increasing the acceptance of these therapies.
Key Players in the Market
Several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are actively involved in the development of cell and gene therapies for colorectal cancer. Some of the key players in this market include:
Kite Pharma, Inc.: Known for its pioneering work in CAR-T cell therapies, Kite Pharma is at the forefront of developing innovative treatments for various types of cancer, including colorectal cancer.
Bluebird Bio, Inc.: Specializing in gene therapy, Bluebird Bio is working on advanced therapies for cancer treatment. Their focus on gene editing technologies makes them a significant player in the colorectal cancer cell and gene therapy market.
Novartis AG: With a strong presence in oncology, Novartis is actively involved in developing cell-based immunotherapies for cancer treatment. Their experience and resources make them a key competitor in this market.
Pfizer, Inc.: Pfizer has been investing heavily in gene therapy research and has a pipeline of products aimed at treating various cancers, including colorectal cancer.
Amgen, Inc.: Known for its innovative approaches to cancer treatment, Amgen is exploring the potential of cell and gene therapies in treating colorectal cancer.
Challenges in the Market
Despite the promising growth prospects, the colorectal cancer cell and gene therapy market faces several challenges:
High Costs: One of the major barriers to the widespread adoption of cell and gene therapies is their high cost. These treatments are expensive to develop and manufacture, making them unaffordable for many patients.
Complex Manufacturing Processes: The production of cell and gene therapies is complex and requires specialized facilities and expertise. Scaling up manufacturing to meet the growing demand is a significant challenge for companies in this market.
Regulatory Hurdles: Although regulatory agencies are supportive, obtaining approval for cell and gene therapies can be a lengthy and complicated process. Ensuring the safety and efficacy of these therapies is a top priority, which can delay their commercialization.
Limited Awareness in Developing Regions: In many developing countries, awareness of cell and gene therapies is limited. The lack of infrastructure and expertise in these regions also poses a challenge to the adoption of these advanced treatments.
Potential Side Effects: While cell and gene therapies offer targeted treatment options, they are not without risks. Potential side effects and long-term safety concerns can impact patient acceptance and regulatory approval.
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adoctorx · 2 months
Yescarta Dosage (axicabtagene ciloleucel) is prescribed to treat certain types of lymphomas. The drug comes as a solution. A healthcare professional injects it as a one-time dose by infusion into a vein. Yescarta is used in adults to treat follicular lymphoma and the following large B-cell lymphomas:* diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) high-grade (fast-growing) B-cell lymphoma DLBCL from follicular lymphoma primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma * B-cell lymphomas are a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). For these uses, doctors prescribe Yescarta when: your first treatment didn’t work or the cancer returned within 12 months after it, or your cancer didn’t respond or it returned after you had received at least two types of systemic (whole body) cancer treatment The active ingredient in Yescarta is axicabtagene ciloleucel. (An active ingredient is what makes a drug work.) Yescarta is a biologic drug. It belongs to a group of drugs called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies. This article describes the dosages of Yescarta, as well as its strength and how it’s given. To learn more about Yescarta, see this in-depth article. Boxed warnings Yescarta has boxed warnings about the risks of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and nervous system problems. Boxed warnings are the most serious warnings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They alert doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous. CRS. Treatment with Yescarta may cause CRS. This is a condition in which your immune system overreacts and releases certain proteins into your bloodstream. CRS may be life threatening and can even cause death in rare cases. Symptoms may include: • fatigue • fever • headache • low blood pressure Before you receive Yescarta, your doctor will make sure you don’t have an infection or any inflammatory conditions. This is because these can raise your risk of CRS. If you develop CRS during Yescarta treatment, your doctor will treat it with corticosteroids and tocilizumab (Actemra). Nervous system problems. Yescarta treatment may cause nervous system problems. These are side effects that affect your brain and nerve cells. Such conditions may be life threatening or can even cause death in rare cases. Symptoms of nervous system problems may include: • dizziness • insomnia (trouble sleeping) • seizure • headache • encephalopathy (a serious brain condition) These side effects may happen during or after CRS. So your doctor will monitor you closely during and after treatment with Yescarta. Because of the serious risks of the drug, Yescarta is available only through a special program called risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS). This means that only a trained healthcare professional can give your Yescarta infusion. Talk with your doctor to learn more about these boxed warnings. Show More What is Yescarta’s dosage? This section describes the usual dosages of Yescarta. Keep reading to learn more. What is Yescarta’s form? Yescarta is available as a liquid solution. A trained healthcare professional gives Yescarta by intravenous (IV) infusion. This is an injection into your vein over a period of time. What strength does Yescarta come in? Yescarta comes as an infusion solution that contains about 68 milliliters (mL) of suspension. The suspension is made using white blood cells from your own immune system. Each Yescarta infusion bag is made specifically for the person receiving the medication. To learn more, visit the drugmaker’s website. What are the usual dosages of Yescarta? The information below describes dosages that are commonly used or recommended. Your doctor will determine the best dosage to fit your needs. Dosage for large B-cell lymphoma Yescarta’s dosage to treat large B-cell lymphoma is tailored for you. It’s made using your own immune cells and is also based on your body weight in kilograms (kg).
For reference, 1 kg is about 2.2 pounds (lb). You’ll receive a one-time IV infusion of Yescarta. After a blood draw, a lab will modify the number of T cells in your blood. They’ll do this to better treat the cancer and then send it back for infusion. In large B-cell lymphoma, the target T-cell range is 2 million to 200 million per kg of body weight. To learn more about your dosage, talk with your doctor. Dosage for follicular lymphoma Yescarta’s dosage to treat follicular lymphoma is tailored for you. It’s made using your own immune cells and is also based on your body weight in kg. For reference, 1 kg is about 2.2 lb. You’ll receive a one-time IV infusion of Yescarta. After a blood draw, a lab will modify the number of T cells in your blood. They’ll do this to better treat the cancer and then send it back for infusion. In follicular lymphoma, the target T-cell range is 2 million to 200 million per kg of body weight. If you have questions about your dosage, talk with your doctor to learn more. Is Yescarta used long term? No, it’s not. You receive Yescarta as a one-time IV infusion. If you have questions about Yescarta, talk with your doctor. How is Yescarta given? Yescarta is given as a one-time IV infusion over about 30 minutes. An IV infusion is an injection into your vein over a period of time. You’ll receive your infusion by a trained healthcare professional in a healthcare facility with special certification. It must be certified as a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) facility. This means that the healthcare facility has certain medications to treat side effects from Yescarta. It also means that its healthcare professionals have been trained to manage side effects from Yescarta. Starting 5 days before your Yescarta dose, you’ll receive doses of the chemotherapy medications cyclophosphamide and fludarabine. You’ll also receive additional doses of these two drugs 4 days and 3 days before your Yescarta dose. These chemotherapy infusions will help prepare your body for the Yescarta infusion. About 1 hour before your dose of Yescarta, you’ll receive doses of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). These medications will help lower your risk of side effects from the Yescarta infusion. After your Yescarta infusion, you’ll need to remain at the infusion facility for at least 7 days. This allows your doctor to monitor you for side effects. For 4 weeks after receiving Yescarta, you’ll need to stay close to your treatment facility. If you have questions about what to expect with your Yescarta infusion, talk with your doctor. Yescarta’s drugmaker also has a video and step-by-step instructions about the infusion process. What if I miss a dose? If you miss your appointment to receive Yescarta, call your doctor’s office as soon as possible to reschedule. If you need help remembering your appointments, try setting an alarm or downloading a reminder app on your phone. Frequently asked questions Below are answers to some commonly asked questions about Yescarta’s dosage. Is Yescarta’s dosage similar to the dosage of Kymriah? Yes, it is. The forms and uses of each drug are similar as well. Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) and Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel) both are biologic drugs. Also, both belong to the CAR T-cell therapies group of medications. Both drugs treat types of large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma in adults. They have different active ingredients. (An active ingredient is what makes a drug work in your body.) Doses of Yescarta and Kymriah differ, but both are tailored to the person receiving the drug. These doses use the person’s own immune cells. Your doctor will prescribe the drug and the dosage that’s right for you. To learn more about how these drugs compare, talk with your doctor. How long does it take for Yescarta to start working? Yescarta starts to work after you receive your infusion. But it may take several weeks for your symptoms to lessen.
Your doctor will monitor you during treatment to check whether the drug is working for your condition. If you have other questions about what to expect from your Yescarta treatment, talk with your doctor. What should I ask my doctor? The sections above describe the usual dosages provided by Yescarta’s drugmaker. If your doctor recommends this drug, they’ll prescribe the dosage that’s right for you. Talk with your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your dosage. Here are some examples of questions you may want to ask your doctor: If my dose of Yescarta doesn’t work, will I need a second dose? Will Yescarta still work for me if I receive only a partial dose? How does the dose of Yescarta compare with that of Rituxan (rituximab)? To learn more about Yescarta, see this “All About Yescarta” article.
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precisionantibody · 2 months
The Journey of Antibody Development: From Concept to Therapeutic Application
Understanding Antibodies
Antibodies are Y-shaped molecules with a unique ability to bind to specific antigens, which are molecules or molecular structures recognized as foreign by the immune system. Each antibody is highly specific, tailored to recognize a unique epitope on an antigen. This specificity is what makes antibodies such powerful tools in both natural immune responses and therapeutic applications.
The Antibody Development Process
The process of developing therapeutic antibodies involves several critical steps, each requiring a combination of advanced technology, scientific expertise, and rigorous testing.
Antigen Identification and Selection: The first step in antibody development is identifying the target antigen associated with a disease. This antigen must be specific to the disease and play a significant role in its pathology. Researchers use various techniques, including genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics, to identify and validate potential targets.
Immunization and Hybridoma Technology: Once the target antigen is identified, it is used to immunize an animal, typically a mouse, to elicit an immune response. The animal’s B-cells, which produce antibodies, are then harvested and fused with myeloma cells to create hybridomas. These hybridoma cells are immortal and can continuously produce monoclonal antibodies, which are antibodies derived from a single B-cell clone and are therefore identical in structure and specificity.
Screening and Selection: The next step involves screening the hybridoma cells to identify those that produce antibodies with the desired specificity and affinity for the target antigen. Techniques such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry are commonly used in this screening process.
Genetic Engineering and Optimization: To improve the therapeutic potential of antibodies, genetic engineering techniques are often employed. This can involve humanizing antibodies originally produced in mice to reduce immunogenicity in human patients, Antibody Supplier or modifying the antibody structure to enhance its stability, binding affinity, and effector functions.
Production and Purification: Once optimized, the antibody is produced in large quantities using cell culture systems. The production process must adhere to stringent regulatory standards to ensure consistency, purity, and potency. Purification techniques, such as protein A affinity chromatography, are employed to isolate the antibody from the culture medium.
Preclinical and Clinical Testing: Before therapeutic antibodies can be approved for use in humans, they must undergo rigorous preclinical and clinical testing to assess their safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics. Preclinical studies involve testing in cell cultures and animal models, while clinical trials are conducted in multiple phases with human participants.
Applications of Therapeutic Antibodies
Therapeutic antibodies have a wide range of applications across various medical fields. In oncology, monoclonal antibodies like trastuzumab and rituximab have significantly improved outcomes for patients with certain types of cancer. In autoimmune diseases, antibodies such as infliximab and adalimumab have been effective in treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease. Additionally, antibodies have been crucial in combating infectious diseases, exemplified by the rapid development of neutralizing antibodies against viruses like SARS-CoV-2.
Future Directions
The field of antibody development continues to evolve, driven by advances in biotechnology and a deeper understanding of immunology. Novel approaches such as bispecific antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and CAR-T cell therapy are expanding the therapeutic potential of antibodies. As research progresses, the development of more effective, targeted, and personalized antibody-based therapies holds great promise for improving patient outcomes and advancing medical science.
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allhealthlinks · 2 months
Understanding Medical Oncology: What It Is and How It Works
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Medical oncology is a critical field in modern medicine dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and managing cancer. As the incidence of cancer continues to rise globally, understanding medical oncology becomes increasingly important for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. This blog post will explore what medical oncology entails, the roles of medical oncologists, and the various treatments they use to combat cancer.
What is Medical Oncology?
Medical oncology is a branch of medicine focused on the treatment of cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Unlike surgical oncology, which involves removing tumors through surgery, or radiation oncology, which uses radiation to kill cancer cells, medical oncology primarily relies on medications to treat cancer. Medical oncologists are specialized doctors trained to design and administer these drug-based treatments.
The Role of a Medical Oncologist
A medical oncologist plays a multifaceted role in the cancer treatment journey. From diagnosis to treatment and follow-up care, they are involved in every step. Here’s a closer look at their responsibilities:
Diagnosis and Staging: Medical oncologists collaborate with pathologists, radiologists, and other specialists to diagnose cancer and determine its stage. Accurate staging is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.
Treatment Planning: Based on the type, location, and stage of cancer, along with the patient's overall health, medical oncologists devise a comprehensive treatment plan. This may include one or more of the following therapies:
Chemotherapy: Uses powerful drugs to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells.
Hormonal Therapy: Targets cancers that grow in response to hormones, such as certain breast and prostate cancers.
Targeted Therapy: Focuses on specific molecules or pathways essential for cancer cell growth and survival.
Immunotherapy: Boosts the body’s immune system to fight cancer.
Administration of Treatment: Medical oncologists oversee the administration of treatments, monitoring patients for side effects and adjusting dosages as necessary. They work closely with a team of nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals to ensure safe and effective treatment delivery.
Supportive Care: Managing the side effects of cancer treatment is a significant aspect of medical oncology. Medical oncologists provide medications and strategies to alleviate symptoms such as nausea, pain, and fatigue, enhancing patients' quality of life during treatment.
Follow-up and Monitoring: After completing initial treatment, patients require regular follow-up appointments to monitor for cancer recurrence or progression. Medical oncologists conduct these follow-ups, using scans and lab tests to detect any changes early.
Advancements in Medical Oncology
The field of medical oncology is continually evolving, with ongoing research leading to new and more effective treatments. Some of the recent advancements include:
Personalized Medicine: Tailoring treatments based on the genetic makeup of a patient's cancer, leading to more effective and less toxic therapies.
Combination Therapies: Using multiple types of treatment together to enhance their effectiveness.
CAR-T Cell Therapy: A revolutionary form of immunotherapy that reprograms a patient’s T-cells to attack cancer cells.
Medical oncology is a vital discipline in the fight against cancer, offering hope and improved outcomes for millions of patients worldwide. By understanding what medical oncology is and how it works, patients and their loved ones can better navigate the complexities of cancer treatment. The advancements in this field promise a future where cancer becomes a more manageable and, ultimately, curable disease.
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drprashant88 · 3 months
What are the latest advancements in cancer treatment that cancer doctors are employing?
Cancer treatment has seen remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by ongoing research and technological innovation.
Some of the latest advancements in cancer treatment include:
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Immunotherapy: This approach harnesses the body's immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy drugs like checkpoint inhibitors (e.g., pembrolizumab, nivolumab) and CAR-T cell therapy have shown significant success in treating various types of cancers, including melanoma, lung cancer, and certain leukemias.
Precision Medicine: Also known as personalized medicine, this approach involves tailoring treatment based on Cancer Doctor in Jagatpura the specific genetic makeup of a patient's tumor. Techniques such as genomic testing help oncologists identify mutations and biomarkers that can guide targeted therapies, improving treatment outcomes and minimizing side effects.
Targeted Therapy: These drugs work by targeting specific molecules or pathways involved in the growth and survival of cancer cells. They are designed to interfere with cancer cell division while sparing healthy cells. Targeted therapies have been developed for various cancers, such as breast cancer (e.g., HER2-targeted therapies) and leukemia (e.g., tyrosine kinase inhibitors).
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Advances in surgical techniques, such as robotic-assisted surgery and laparoscopic surgery, allow oncologists to perform complex procedures with smaller incisions. This approach reduces recovery times, minimizes complications, and improves overall patient outcomes.
Radiation Therapy Innovations: Techniques like intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), and proton therapy have enhanced the precision and effectiveness of radiation treatments. These technologies enable oncologists to deliver higher doses of radiation to tumors while sparing surrounding healthy tissues.
Liquid Biopsies: This non-invasive technique involves analyzing circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) or other biomarkers in blood samples to detect cancer, monitor its progression, and assess treatment response. Liquid biopsies provide valuable information that can guide treatment decisions and track the evolution of tumors over time.
Combination Therapies: Oncologists are increasingly combining different treatment modalities, such as chemotherapy with immunotherapy or targeted therapy with radiation, to enhance efficacy and overcome resistance mechanisms in cancer cells.
Supportive Care Innovations: Advances in supportive care, including symptom management, palliative care, and psychosocial support, are integral to improving quality of life for cancer patients undergoing treatment.
These advancements highlight the evolving landscape of cancer treatment, offering new hope and improved outcomes for patients diagnosed with various types of cancer. Ongoing research and collaboration among oncologists, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies continue to drive innovation and expand treatment options in the fight against cancer.
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drchandrakant01 · 4 months
Latest Research in Oncology Interventions: What’s New in 2024?
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The field of oncology is perpetually evolving, with groundbreaking research and innovative interventions transforming cancer treatment. As we step into 2024, the advancements in oncology are more promising than ever, offering new hope to patients worldwide. This blog explores the latest research in oncology interventions, highlighting significant breakthroughs and their potential impact on cancer care.
Immunotherapy: The Frontier of Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy continues to be at the forefront of oncology, harnessing the body’s immune system to fight cancer. In 2024, several novel immunotherapy approaches are making waves in cancer treatment.
Personalized Cancer Vaccines: Personalized cancer vaccines are designed to train the immune system to recognize and attack specific cancer cells. Recent studies have shown that these vaccines can induce robust immune responses, particularly in melanoma and lung cancer patients. The vaccines are tailored to individual patients based on the genetic makeup of their tumors, making them highly specific and effective.
Bispecific T-cell Engagers (BiTEs): BiTEs are engineered antibodies that bind to both cancer cells and T-cells, bringing them into close proximity to enhance the immune response against cancer. The latest research indicates that BiTEs are showing promising results in treating hematologic malignancies, such as leukemia and lymphoma, and solid tumors like colorectal and breast cancers.
CAR-T Cell Therapy Enhancements: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy has been a game-changer for certain types of blood cancers. In 2024, enhancements to CAR-T cell therapy, including the development of allogeneic (off-the-shelf) CAR-T cells and the incorporation of novel targets, are expanding its applicability to a broader range of cancers, including solid tumors.
Precision Medicine: Targeted Therapies Evolving
Precision medicine aims to tailor treatments to the individual characteristics of each patient’s cancer. The latest research in 2024 is pushing the boundaries of targeted therapies.
Liquid Biopsies for Early Detection: Liquid biopsies, which analyze circulating tumor DNA (CTDNA) in the blood, are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Recent advancements have improved their sensitivity and specificity, allowing for earlier detection of cancer and monitoring of treatment response. Liquid biopsies are particularly beneficial for detecting minimal residual disease (MRD) and guiding treatment decisions in real time.
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): NGS technology is enabling comprehensive genomic profiling of tumors, identifying actionable mutations and guiding targeted therapy. In 2024, the integration of NGS into clinical practice is more widespread, helping oncologists tailor treatment plans based on the genetic alterations specific to each patient’s cancer. This approach is proving especially effective in treating cancers with rare mutations.
Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors: PARP inhibitors, initially approved for BRCA-mutated ovarian and breast cancers, are now showing efficacy in other cancer types, including prostate and pancreatic cancers. Research in 2024 is focusing on combining PARP inhibitors with other therapies, such as immunotherapy, to enhance their effectiveness and overcome resistance.
Advances in Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy remains a cornerstone of cancer treatment, and recent advancements are enhancing its precision and reducing side effects.
Proton Therapy: Proton therapy is a type of radiation that uses protons instead of X-rays to treat cancer. The precision of proton therapy allows for higher doses of radiation to be delivered to tumors while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. In 2024, proton therapy is being utilized more extensively for treating pediatric cancers and tumors located near critical structures, such as the brain and spine.
MR-Linac Systems: Magnetic Resonance Linear Accelerator (MR-Linac) systems combine MRI imaging with linear accelerator radiation delivery, allowing for real-time visualization of tumors during treatment. This technology is improving the accuracy of radiation therapy, particularly for tumors that move with respiration, such as lung and liver cancers.
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT): SBRT delivers highly focused radiation beams to small, well-defined tumors, offering high doses of radiation with minimal impact on surrounding tissues. In 2024, SBRT is being increasingly used for treating oligometastatic disease (limited metastatic tumors) and certain primary cancers, such as early-stage lung cancer and prostate cancer.
Novel Drug Therapies and Combinations
The development of new drugs and combination therapies is accelerating, providing more options for cancer patients.
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs): ADCs are targeted cancer therapies that deliver cytotoxic drugs directly to cancer cells via monoclonal antibodies. In 2024, new ADCs are showing significant promise in treating various cancers, including breast, bladder, and lung cancers. These therapies are designed to improve efficacy while minimizing systemic toxicity.
Combination Therapies: Combining different treatment modalities, such as immunotherapy with targeted therapy or chemotherapy, is a major focus in oncology research. Recent studies have demonstrated that combination therapies can enhance treatment responses and overcome resistance mechanisms. For instance, combining PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors with VEGF inhibitors has shown improved outcomes in renal cell carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Epigenetic Therapies: Epigenetic therapies, which target the mechanisms that regulate gene expression, are emerging as a promising avenue for cancer treatment. In 2024, researchers are investigating drugs targeting histone deacetylases (HDACs) and DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) to reverse abnormal gene expression patterns in cancer cells and suppress tumors.
The latest research in oncology interventions in 2024 is paving the way for more effective, personalized, and less toxic cancer treatments. From innovative immunotherapies and precision medicine advancements to cutting-edge radiation techniques and novel drug therapies, the future of cancer care looks brighter than ever. These advancements not only offer new hope for patients but also underscore the importance of ongoing research and collaboration in the fight against cancer. As we continue to unravel the complexities of cancer, the progress made in 2024 brings us one step closer to achieving better outcomes and improving the quality of life for cancer patients worldwide.
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diginerve · 4 months
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology: Advances in Childhood Cancer Treatment
With time, many recent advances and developments have been made in Pediatric Hematology and oncology. Students often are short of time to track such recent findings, which can prevent them from becoming the best medical professionals. 
If we look at this branch of MD, we can see that many new ways of treating cancer have entered the field. All of these help children battle cancer easily. To make you aware of such recent developments, we are writing this blog post. 
Therefore, as a postgraduate, you must be aware of what is currently happening in the field of Pediatric Oncology. 
Latest advances in treating childhood cancer treatment
Over the last few decades, there have been many advances made in the field of Pediatrics and Hematology, which are discussed below:
CAR T Cell Therapy:
If you want to know about how to prevent childhood cancer with the newest and most personalized treatment, then CAR T Cell Therapy has all your answers. This Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapy is for kids who get leukemia back even after treatment. 
Radiation therapy:
Although Radiation therapy is another childhood cancer treatment, yet again, it is the talk of the town because newer and more precise ways of delivering radiation are being developed. In this therapy, cancer cells are destroyed with the help of high-energy X-rays, protons, and photons. It includes both external and internal radiation therapy. 
Precision medicine: 
The scope of treating childhood cancer goes beyond the universally applicable treatments mentioned above. In this approach, genetic analysis can find out the mutations causing a child’s cancer, which allows doctors to customize their treatment, which gives fewer side effects than chemotherapy.
Liquid biopsy: 
Another type of development made in childhood cancer treatment is Liquid biopsy. This minimally invasive technique allows doctors to quickly identify a kid's cancer cells. They do this by analyzing tumor DNA found in their blood. This can help them to give better treatment to the children when the cancer relapses again. 
By reading these discoveries, we can see that children can overcome cancer and come back to living healthier and happier lives than they used to live earlier. 
The following section is designed for postgraduate students who want to learn more about this field. 
Pediatrics MD— Course
This Pediatrics MD course at DigiNerve, designed by Dr. Piyush Gupta, helps students get all the latest and resourceful information they can't get elsewhere due to their time shortage. 
By enrolling in this MD in Pediatrics, students can get a range of benefits such as:
Online video lectures: The course includes 170+ hours of pediatrics video lectures.
Self-assessment questions: If you want to practice yourself and know where you stand, then you can try 1490+ MCQ questions outlined in the course.
Engagement activities: There are a range of activities, such as chat shows, journal clubs, and recent updates on the field.
AI chatbot: Dr. Wise (AI chatbot) can help you clarify all your theoretical and practical concepts.
So, if you want to stay updated with the latest information and advances in Pediatric Oncology, buy this course now!
Staying informed with the help of resources like this MD course led by qualified professionals like Dr. Piyush Gupta, you can pave the way towards becoming a medical professional and assist in creating a better and healthier future for children.
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twiainsurancegroup · 6 months
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cancerfax123 · 11 months
Best Cancer treatment in India By Cancer Fax
Companies like Immunoact, Cellogen and Immuneel are making CAR T cell therapy in India. Indian Govt has paid a lot of attention to CAR T-cell treatment in India, which is a new kind of immunotherapy. In this new treatment, the patient’s own immune cells are reprogrammed to find and kill cancer cells. In the past few years, Indian hospitals and study centres have come a long way towards using CAR T-cell therapy. CAR T-cell therapy could change the way cancer is treated, so it gives patients who don’t have many other choices new hope. There are plans to create and make CAR T-cell therapy in India, which would make them easier to get and cheaper. 
What is the scope of CAR-T Cell Therapy in India?
Introduction: CAR T- cell therapy is a new type of treatment that is changing the way cancer is treated all over the world. In the past few years, India has made a lot of progress in adopting this cutting-edge treatment, giving patients with different kinds of cancer new reasons to hope. CAR-T cell therapy is likely to have a huge effect on Indian health care because it could change the way cancer is treated.
What is the cost of CAR T-Cell therapy in India?
The cost of CAR-T cell therapy in India is around $ 57,000 USD. This can change based on a number of things. These hospital’s have collaborated with Malaysian company to bring CAR T-Cell treatment in India. It’s important to remember, though, that these numbers can change and may be different in different hospitals and care centres. The cost may also change depending on the type of CAR-T cell therapy that is needed and the state of the patient.  However, very soon home grown CAR T-Cell therapies like Immunoact, Immuneel and Cellogen will be alunching their own CAR T-Cell therapies and their cost is going to be in the range of $30-40,000 USD. This will make India most affordable destination for CAR T-Cell therapy treatment.
How effective is CAR-T Cell therapy?
CAR T-cell therapy has been very effective in treating some types of blood cancer, like acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In clinical trials, the response rates have been very good, and a lot of patients have gone into full remission. In some cases, people who had tried every other medicine had long-lasting remissions or even possible cures.
One of the best things about CAR T-cell treatment is that it targets the right cells. The CAR receptors that have been added to the T cells can find specific marks on cancer cells. This makes it possible to give targeted treatment. This targeted method hurts healthy cells as little as possible and lowers the risk of side effects that come with traditional treatments like chemotherapy.
What are the advantages of CAR-T Cell Therapy?
The main benefit is that CAR T-cell therapy only requires a single infusion and often only requires two weeks of inpatient care. Patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and pediatric leukemia who have just been diagnosed, on the other hand, typically need chemotherapy for at least six months or more.
The advantages of CAR T-cell therapy, which is actually a living medication, can persist for many years. If and when a relapse occurs, the cells will still be able to identify and target cancer cells because they can survive in the body for an extended period of time. 
Although the information is still developing, 42% of adult lymphoma patients who underwent CD19 CAR T-cell treatment were still in remission after 15 months. And after six months, two-thirds of patients with pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia were still in remission. Unfortunately, these patients had exceedingly aggressive tumors that weren’t successfully treated using traditional standards of care.
What type of patients would be good recipients of the CAR-T Cell Therapy?
Patients between the age of 3 Years to 70 Years have been tried with CAR T-Cell therapy for different type of blood cancers and has been found to be very effective. Many centers have claimed success rates of more than 80%. The optimum candidate for CAR T-cell therapy at this time is a juvenile with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or an adult with severe B-cell lymphoma who has already had two lines of ineffective therapy. 
Before the end of 2017, there was no accepted standard of care for patients who had already gone through two lines of therapy without experiencing remission. The only FDA-approved treatment that has so far proven to be significantly beneficial for these patients is CAR T-cell therapy.
Contact Us : https://cancerfax.com/car-t-cell-therapy-in-india/
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amolb123 · 11 months
The Power of Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment
In the fight against cancer, immunotherapy has shown to be an innovative and promising strategy. This innovative therapy has gained a lot of focus over the years because to its potential to strengthen the body's immune system's ability to identify and destroy cancer cells. We'll talk about immunotherapy for cancer and its function in treating cancer, and how it's changing things in this blog article.
What is Immunotherapy?
commonly referred to as biologic therapy, immunotherapy activates the immune system to attack cancerous cells. The immune system can identify and eliminate abnormal cells, including cancer cells, since it was created to protect the body from infections and illnesses. Immunotherapy stimulates or restores the immune system's capacity to identify and combat cancer cells more successfully by using chemicals produced either naturally or in a lab.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment:
Immunotherapy cancer treatment that works to strengthen the defenses of the body so they are able to identify and get rid of cancer cells. Immunotherapy focuses on strengthening the immune system's ability to fight cancer, in contrast to conventional treatments like radiation and chemotherapy, which target cancer cells directly.
There are various types of immunotherapies
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Checkpoint inhibitors on immune systems prevent proteins that allow immune cells to target cancer cells. The immune system can efficiently identify and target cancer cells for destruction by blocking these proteins.
CAR-T Cell Therapy: The process of CAR-T cell therapy involves modifying a patient's own T cells to express a receptor capable of recognizing and attacking cancer cells. After being reintroduced into the patient's body, these modified CAR-T cells target and eliminate cancer cells.
Cancer Vaccines: The immune system is prompted by cancer vaccines to identify and combat cancerous cells. Proteins, tissues, or even portions of cells can be used to make them.
Monoclonal Antibodies:  Monoclonal antibodies are chemicals that are manufactured to reproduce the immune system's defense against infections. These antibodies can be designed to specifically target proteins on cancerous cells, assisting the immune system in identifying and eliminating them.
Pune, a city renowned for its advanced medical facilities and knowledge, has accepted immunotherapy as an essential part of cancer treatment. A variety of immunotherapeutic alternatives are available in Pune from top oncology centers and specialists, each targeted to the specific requirements and cancer type of each patient. Care Speciality Hospital is leading Immunotherapy cancer treatment provided in Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.
At the cutting-edge of cancer treatment, immunotherapy gives people fighting this terrible illness a ray of hope. The ability of this material to strengthen the body's immune system against cancer cells has pushed it to the center in modern oncology. The use of immunotherapy cancer treatment in Pune is evidence of the city's dedication to offering modern care and promoting a better future for cancer patients. Immunotherapy has promise for changing the face of cancer treatment as research and developments proceed, bringing us closer to a future in which cancer is more successfully controlled and, eventually, defeated.
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mediwinpharma · 1 year
The Future of Pharma Industry Trends and Innovations
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The pharmaceutical industry has a long-term influence on human well-being and drives its constant evolution to meet the dynamic needs of an ever-changing environment. A pivotal facet of this evolution is the prospective expansion of the domestic pharmaceutical market in India, with forecasts pointing toward a remarkable growth of around $65 billion by 2024.
Looking forward, the industry's unwavering dedication to research and development lays the foundation for groundbreaking discoveries and transformative technologies that are reshaping the landscape of medicine. This transformative drive is catalyzing the emergence of more precise treatments, personalized therapies, and, ultimately, enhanced patient outcomes.
As the Indian pharmaceutical market aspires to attain an estimated value of $130 billion by 2030, its resolute commitment to advancing medical science underscores its pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of healthcare in the times to come.
But what are these trends and innovations? This article will discuss future trends and innovations in the pharma industry.
Top 9 Innovations and Trends Coming in the Pharma Industry
The pharmaceutical industry is rapidly changing due to technological advancements. Some of the top innovations and trends are:
1. Precision Medicine and Personalized Therapies
Precision medicine introduces a novel paradigm in healthcare. Instead of applying uniform treatments universally, medical practitioners utilize a person's genetic information, lifestyle, and medical background to create a personalized treatment strategy. This approach involves scrutinizing particular genetic variations associated with disease, employing sophisticated technology to decode genes, and identifying telltale indicators within the body.
By adopting precision medicine, doctors can tailor treatments more effectively, minimizing adverse effects. For instance, in the context of cancer treatment, doctors can delve into the genetic makeup of a person's tumor to unravel the underlying causes of its growth. Subsequently, targeted medications can be administered to counteract these genetic anomalies, thereby enhancing the efficacy of treatment.
2. Sustainability and Green Initiatives
The pharmaceutical industry is embracing sustainability and green initiatives to minimize its environmental impact. This involves reducing carbon emissions through energy-efficient manufacturing and renewable energy sources, implementing waste reduction strategies, adopting eco-friendly packaging materials, developing greener chemical synthesis methods, and conserving water in manufacturing processes.
Regulatory compliance, enhanced brand image, and collaborative innovation are driving this trend, aligning with the growing consumer demand for environmentally responsible practices and positioning pharmaceutical companies as responsible corporate citizens in an increasingly eco-conscious world.
3. Immunotherapy Advancements
Immunotherapy represents a unique approach to treating illnesses by leveraging the body's natural defenses. A notable example is CAR-T cell therapy, a method that involves modifying a person's immune cells to target cancer cells effectively. These modified cells are reintroduced into the body, resulting in a direct and potent attack on cancer cells. Notably successful in certain blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma, CAR-T treatments have demonstrated remarkable efficacy.
Researchers are actively striving to enhance immunotherapy. They are exploring its potential beyond cancer, investigating applications in conditions involving autoimmune responses and infections. These novel concepts hold the promise of not only improving the health of individuals who are ill but also reshaping the landscape of disease treatment.
4. Digital Therapeutics
Digital therapeutics are healthcare programs that you may utilize on your phone or computer. They provide sound scientific guidance on how to deal with various health issues. You can use them in addition to or instead of your normal therapies.
People with diabetes, for example, may use these digital gadgets to monitor their blood sugar levels, keep track of what they eat, and remember to take their medication. The gadgets also provide individuals with timely guidance and information to assist them in making sound health decisions.
They assist patients in becoming more interested in their health, adhering to their treatments, and improving.
5. Continuous Manufacturing
Continuous manufacturing changes how medicines are made, making them faster and smoother. Usually, medicines are made step by step, which can take a long time and sometimes be uneven. But with continuous manufacturing, everything happens non-stop and smoothly, so the medicines come out the same every time and are of better quality.
This way of making medicines has some good points. It makes less trash because machines don't need to be cleaned and set up again for each batch. Also, it lets us watch and control things as they happen, so the medicines always turn out well.
6. Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
Nanotechnology is revolutionizing medication delivery by using nanoparticles and nanomaterials to deliver medicinal compounds to particular parts of the body with extreme accuracy. These microscopic particles may be precisely manufactured to release drugs in a regulated manner, ensuring optimal drug concentrations at specific sites while minimizing impacts on healthy tissues.
Additionally, nanoparticles have the potential to increase medication solubility and bioavailability, hence amplifying the therapeutic benefits of substances with limited water solubility. Nanotechnology's adaptability and accuracy in medication delivery bring up new avenues for improving the efficacy and safety of medicinal therapies.
7. 3D Printing of Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals have been significantly influenced by 3D printing, which allows the fabrication of personalized medicines tailored to the unique needs of individual patients. Unlike conventional pharmaceutical manufacturing that typically generates standardized doses, which might not be suitable for specific groups like children or the elderly, 3D printing offers a solution.
By harnessing 3D printing, pharmacists and healthcare professionals have the capability to craft medications featuring exact dosages and formulations. This innovation permits the creation of tablets that can regulate the release of medication, ensuring the most effective therapeutic outcomes. Particularly, this technology proves invaluable for patients who face challenges swallowing pills or require doses that deviate from the norm.
8. Collaborations and Open Innovation
Partnerships and open innovation are reshaping how the pharmaceutical sector approaches its research and development endeavors. In the past, pharmaceutical companies primarily depended on internal R&D initiatives. Yet, given the intricacies of contemporary healthcare issues and the rapid progression of technology, a transformation is unfolding toward collaborative ventures with external collaborators.
Startups, academic institutions, and research entities contribute a range of expertise and new outlooks. These alliances facilitate the exchange of knowledge, resources, and technologies, expediting the advancement of inventive therapies and treatments.
Such collaborations cultivate a vibrant ecosystem wherein collective endeavors propel pioneering breakthroughs, ultimately benefiting patients by expediting their access to innovative treatments.
9. Regulatory Evolution
In response to the rapidly changing pharmaceutical business, regulatory authorities are developing adaptive approval processes for novel medicines. Traditional pathways and clinical trial frameworks were created for clearly defined drug molecules, but they fall short of integrating the complexities of current therapeutics such as biopharmaceuticals, gene therapies, and customized medications.
Recent advances in gene therapies, cell-based medicines, and precision therapeutics need a more adaptable strategy. Regulatory agencies are implementing expedited review processes for breakthrough treatments that address unmet medical needs.
This technique expedites the availability of novel medications to patients while assuring a thorough evaluation of safety and efficacy. Furthermore, regulatory bodies are diving into real-world evidence and patient feedback to inform regulatory decisions, ensuring therapies correspond with patient choices and needs.
Given the advancements in the medicine company, regulatory agencies play a critical role in ensuring timely patient access to cutting-edge medicines while preserving high safety and effectiveness requirements.
The Bottom Line
The pharmaceutical industry is embracing revolutionary innovations that reshape the fundamental aspects of healthcare. It's crucial to acknowledge that these advancements are driving improvements in healthcare practices on a global scale.
As you reflect on the trends and innovations that await, consider a name that stands out in this evolving pharmaceutical industry– Mediwin Pharmaceuticals. They are among the best pharma companies in Ahmedabad. With a legacy that echoes years of unwavering commitment to excellence, Mediwin has cemented its place in the market as a beacon of holistic well-being. Their range of products, meticulously crafted to cater to diverse health needs, exemplifies their dedication to enhancing lives.
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