#what a shrewd move to buy out the manufacturer for the chocofes now that they have trade issues
seishun-emergency · 1 year
reading primavera... its so interesting to poke eichi's motivations and actions because like . Yeah he is a shrewd businessman and he does make actions within ES/as fine/through yumenosaki/as the stuco with businesslike mindsets but also his core motivation for being an idol isn't and has never been to make money it's because idols like wataru and older idols on tv shows he watched as a kid in hospitals gave him joy and happiness and he wants to be a part of that spreading of joy and happiness and love... at the same time he knows that to make that happen, to fulfill his own dream and the dreams of others like him, there has to be an aspect of realism, that shrewd businessman that he knows how to be... he faces the "adult" world and does things that aren't necessarily as "pure" as his motivations and dreams to make sure that they can become realities by maintaining the resources necessary to do so...
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