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defira85 · 5 months ago
I had so many plans for this weekend but instead of practising my art or working on the millions of writing projects I have in the works or learning to mod BG3 so I can get nice pictures of Kass and Rhyme on Mr Defira's computer I was good instead and worked on my next stupid exam
It took me almost 6 hours to do a powerpoint presentation for a proposed training workshop on disability customer service and it was 1 question in a 33 question exam
And I was SO CLOSE to finishing Rhyme's chapter 5 and it was the tiefling party and I would have gotten more comments and gotten those good good endorphins but noooo, I had to be good instead and now I have no chapter and no endorphins and I still have 15 questions to go total
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crayonlead2-blog · 5 years ago
Links 3/18/19
Patient readers, we just this instant switched on the codes for a new advertising vendor. A very much unintended and unexpected side effect is that some of you may be seeing video and other pop-ups. We were very clear in that these types of ads were not allowed. We are working to make them go away as fast as we can, because we know how much you hate them (and we do too)! –lambert
Update by Yves: The site seems to load faster with the new ads (the ads were what would slow down loading times), so once we get the popups sorted out (which thank God are appearing only on the landing page and so aren’t interfering with reading articles), this should be a net plus to readers once we get past transition issues.
Stonehenge-like monuments were home to giant pig feasts. Now, we know who was on the guest list Science
What’s the cost (in fish) between 1.5 and 3 degrees of warming? Anthropocene
Home Of Strategic Command And Some Of The USAF’s Most Prized Aircraft Is Flooding (Updated) The Drive
Radical plan to artificially cool Earth’s climate could be safe, study finds Grist
Fire Breaks Out At a Houston-Area Petrochemicals Terminal Bloomberg. Second in a week. Video:
The heat is deforming this metal storage tank. Some of the first responders are worried it will collapse. pic.twitter.com/Y3ZsjJ96zj
— Respectable Lawyer (@RespectableLaw) March 18, 2019
Leave the oil in the ground, and this doesn’t happen…
The Fed has exacerbated America’s new housing bubble FT
Churches are opening their doors to businesses in order to survive CBS
Some county treasurers have flouted Iowa gift law for years Bleeding Heartland
Corporations Are Co-Opting Right-To-Repair Wired
What will it take to push May’s Brexit deal over the line FT. The arithmetic: “To overturn her 149-vote deficit, she would have to win over at least 75 MPs. The most plausible route starts with the DUP’s 10 MPs. If they backed her deal, then some 50 of the nearly 70 Tory Eurosceptics who voted against it last week may change sides. Then Mrs May would need a further 15 Labour MPs, in addition to the five Labour and former Labour MPs who backed her last week.”
Northern Ireland’s farmers urge DUP to back Brexit deal FT
Around 40 Tory Rebels Told Theresa May: We’ll Vote For Your Brexit Deal If You Quit Buzzfeed
Labour likely to back public vote on UK PM’s deal, says Corbyn Reuters
Brexit by July 1 unless UK votes in EU election: Document Politico
The Irish Backstop: Nothing has changed? It has actually (PDF) Lord Bew and Lord Trimble, Policy Exchange. Bew is a Professor of Irish Politics. Trimble is a former First Minister of Northern Ireland and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Well worth the clickthrough to read the entire PDF. Here is the final paragraph:
All of this suggests that a backstop that functions for more than a short period of time – and the DUP has indicated in Parliament that it could live with a short backstop – is likely to be an extremely unstable affair. If it does not negotiate a trade deal with the UK in the next year or so, the EU is also likely to become increasingly aware that the Protocol will give it nothing but grief as it gets sucked into the Northern Ireland quagmire. In this quagmire, the UK Government (which has the support of the majority of the population in Northern Ireland and which pays the subvention which subsidises the entire society), holds most of the cards.
Politico’s London Playbook calls their report “a ringing endorsement of the tweaks to the backstop agreed by Theresa May in Strasbourg this month.” Readers?
NORMAN LAMONT: History will never understand Tory MPs if they kill off Brexit Daily Mail
Brexit will mark the end of Britain’s role as a great power WaPo. Surely Suez did that?
Macron calls for ‘strong decisions’ after violent Yellow Jacket protests Politico
Among the Gilets Jaunes LRB
Months after saying US will withdraw, now 1,000 troops in Syria to stay Jerusalem Post but US denies report it is leaving up to 1,000 troops in Syria Channel News Asia. And what about the mercs?
Saudi Crown Prince’s Brutal Drive to Crush Dissent Began Before Khashoggi NYT
A Palestinian Farmer Finds Dead Lambs in His Well. He Knows Who’s to Blame Haaretz
Algeria After Bouteflika Jacobin
North Korea
Investing in resource-rich North Korea seems like a good idea — but businesses find there’s a catch Los Angeles Times
Picking Up the Pieces After Hanoi Richard Haass, Project Syndicate
New Cold War
How ordinary Crimeans helped Russia annex their home Open Democracy
How Russia Gets To Build Its Most Controversial Pipeline Riddle
Trump Transition
The Pentagon’s Bottomless Money Pit Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone. How are they gonna pay for it?
Government withholds 84-year-old woman’s social security, claims she owes thousands for college WISH-TV
737 Max
Flawed analysis, failed oversight: How Boeing, FAA certified the suspect 737 MAX flight control system Seattle Times
737 MAX disaster pushes Boeing into crisis mode Phys.org
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch
All the Crime, All the Time: How Citizen Works NYT
Global Mass Surveillance And How Facebook’s Private Army Is Militarizing Our Data Forbes
More Than a Data Dump Harpers. Why Julian Assange deserves First Amendment protection.
Democrats in Disarray
Establishment Democrats Are Undermining Medicare for All Truthout. As I kept saying with my midterms worksheets, the liberal Democrat leadership’s #1 priority is to prevent #MedicareForAll, and to that end they shifted the center of gravity of the electeds against it. Now we see this strategy born out in falling sponsorship numbers.
Even a Vacuous Mueller Report Won’t End ‘Russiagate’ Stephen Cohen, The Nation. “[T]he Democrats and their media are now operating on the Liberty Valance principle: When the facts are murky or nonexistent, ‘print the legend‘.”
Venture capitalist Steve Case spreading funding to Middle America with “Rise of the Rest” CBS
Class Warfare
What’s Wrong with Contemporary Capitalism? Angus Deaton, Project Syndicate
Bill McGlashan’s firing exposes hypocrisy in impact investing Felix Salmon, Axios
The College Admissions Ring Tells Us How Much Schoolwork Is Worth New York Magazine
How Parents Are Robbing Their Children of Adulthood NYT
‘Filth, mold, abuse’: report condemns state of California homeless shelters Guardian
Wall Street Has Been Unscathed by MeToo. Until Now. NYT
What the Hell Actually Happens to Money You Put in A Flexible Spending Account? Splinter
‘Super bloom’ shutdown: Lake Elsinore shuts access after crowds descend on poppy fields Los Angeles Times. “Desperate for social media attention, some visitors have trampled through the orange poppy fields, despite official signs warning against doing so.” Thanks, influencers!
Antidote du jour (via):
See yesterdays Links and Antidote du Jour here.
This entry was posted in Guest Post, Links on March 18, 2019 by Lambert Strether.
About Lambert Strether
Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.
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Source: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2019/03/links-3-18-19.html
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lucyariablog · 6 years ago
The ABCs of Connecting With Generation Z
It’s time to put away your avocado toast jokes and shore up your social consciousness, folks. Generation Z consumers have arrived, and they are forcing companies to rethink the terms of marketing relationships.
Born between 1995 and 2012 (though the precise years vary depending on the source), the post-millennial generation has begun to cross the threshold of adulthood and is poised to take over the workforce and the marketplace in the next few years. We’ve all heard the stories about how challenging it will be to forge strong bonds with this distracted and discerning demographic; industry pundits cite perceived short attention spans, disinterest in brand messaging, and general disregard for impersonal experiences as compelling reasons for marketers to regroup and refine their content strategies.
But how many of these broad characterizations are accurate – and which of this generation’s confirmed traits should content marketers focus on in their outreach efforts? Let’s take a look.
It’s their party (and they’ll buy if they want to)
Here’s what the generational research and anecdotal observations are telling us: Born with one foot firmly in the digital age and the other rooted in old-school values, members of this pivotal demographic group expect greater transparency, accountability, and personal validation from every online experience they choose to engage in.
Gen Z expects greater transparency & personal validation from every online experience, says @joderama. Click To Tweet
Why? Well, it should come as no surprise that a demographic colloquially called the “iGeneration” expects to see their personal needs and interests reflected in the experiences marketers create to engage them.
Further, if their high usage of social networks like Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch are any indication, social status and community mean a lot to them; they are more likely to seek content opportunities endorsed by their idols and influential peers (or which enable some form of collaboration with them). Need proof? Just 24 hours after Taylor Swift urged her 112 million-strong Instagram fan base to vote for Democrats in the mid-term elections, nonpartisan voter advocacy group Vote.org registered a whopping 65,000 new voters. Now that’s the power of persuasion.
Of course, the right branded content can still make it onto their radar; any extra effort it may take to produce and position such experiences is worth it, considering how much economic power this audience segment wields in the marketplace. According to Barkley’s Gen Z Insights Center, Gen Z already has up to $143 billion in direct buying power with the potential to impact more than $665 billion in family spending. Furthermore, this group is projected to make up 40% of consumers by 2020.
Gen Z is projected to make up to 40% of consumers by 2020 via @barkleyus. Click To Tweet
What will make a content experience more likely to click with these smart, savvy, and socially responsible digital natives? Read on for some helpful perspectives and ideas.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Road Map to Success: Content Distribution Essentials That Win Eyeballs
What to expect when you’re connecting
In his recent Content Marketing World presentation on the subject of Generation Z, FutureCast President Jeff Fromm characterized this demographic group as “old souls in young bodies.” While they are digital, social, and mobile to the core, he says, their values are more strongly aligned with their baby boomer counterparts than those of the generation that came directly before them (millennials).
For example, though they don’t remember a time when all the world’s information wasn’t available to them in exchange for a little personal information, they have seen firsthand what can happen when you disclose private data without a thorough understanding of how that data might be used – or misused (Cambridge Analytica and the Equifax data breach are two examples that come to mind). As a result, they may be more reluctant to swap personal details for access to brand content unless your brand provides full transparency on what they are signing up for and what the risks and benefits are.
A 2017 Salesforce report, Trends in Customer Trust, supports this assumption, finding that among millennials and Gen Z 91% are more likely to trust companies with their personal information if they receive a clear explanation on how its use will deliver a better experience.
Consider: Marketers should cultivate a reputation of reliability they can trade on before expecting Gen Z to engage with and take action on content – a goal that Robert Rose has succinctly summarized: “You must win every moment of trust to win the moment of truth.”
You must win every moment of trust to win the moment of truth, says @Robert_Rose. Click To Tweet
Trust exists on a time clock
In his CMWorld presentation, however, Jeff, the man who wrote the book on marketing to Gen Z (literally) reminded marketers that any initial trust earned with this audience may be fickle and fleeting. Calling it “the trust trap,” he contends that brands can’t give lip service to the concept of trust; they need to build it over time, demonstrate their worthiness of it in tangible ways, and continually reinforce its worth to make a lasting impact on Gen Z’s perceptions and purchase behaviors.
One Gen Z favorite mastering the art of sustaining a value proposition is Ben and Jerry’s. Take its YouTube channel, for example. Among its videos that introduce new ice cream flavors, dairy-free products, and special recipes, entire playlists are devoted to raising awareness of important issues like marriage equality, climate justice, and getting a second chance in life – all of which feed fans’ love of ice cream while speaking to the credo that Ben and Jerry’s is a brand that’s “made of something more.”
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: If Your Content Doesn’t Have This, the Majority Won’t Trust It [Research]
Let’s get “phygital”
Despite being raised in an environment of unprecedented digital connectivity, Generation Z is no stranger to feeling alone in the world. In fact, according to a 2018 research report conducted by Cigna, it may be the loneliest of all generations, with more than 50% reportedly experiencing feelings of social isolation.
But while their millennial brethren turn to online social networking to fulfill their need for human interaction, those in Gen Z may be more interested in filling that void with a new content construct: unique and differentiated experiences that bridge their physical and digital worlds.
Taking a “phygital” approach to customer engagement might just be the answer to marketers’ prayers when it comes to creating meaningful, content-driven experiences craved by Gen Z audiences. For example, Marketing Week recently offered a glimpse of how retailers like Caspar and Nike are delivering on shoppers’ heightened expectations for customized service by launching pop-up stores and augmented reality features that merge the benefits of their online and offline shopping environments.
Read: Marketing Lifehacks for Engaging Generation Z
Consider: According to cultural mythologist John Bucher, those in Gen Z likely gravitate toward these blended experiences because they allow them to experience something that’s hard to come by in their world: a chance to live in the “now.”
In his presentation on immersive storytelling at Content Marketing World, John asserted that the pressures of today’s tech-driven, always-on lifestyles have disrupted the natural sense of time and place. Because people have become conditioned to constantly monitor multiple sources of informational input at once, they are losing the ability to fully experience or process any one of them in isolation, or, in Bucher’s words: “We don’t hold space for the full realm of human emotion anymore.”
However, by creating immersive, multisensory, and mixed-reality content experiences – such as VR-powered video games, pop-up museums, escape rooms, and micro-theme parks – brands can counteract this detachment by removing external distractions while consumers are participating: “You put on a VR headset and you have no choice but to be fully present in the moment.”
Brands counteract detachment by creating immersive, multisensory content experiences, says @joderama. Click To Tweet
How Brands Use Pop-Up Experiences to Make a Lasting Impression
How Content Can Ring Up a Better Retail Experience
So shines a good deed in a weary world
Beyond data transparency, message consistency, and experience tactility, another quality Gen Z values in brand affinity decisions is a commitment to social causes like environmental protection, equal rights, and philanthropy. According to the aforementioned Trends in Trust data, 54% of consumers say demonstrated social responsibility strengthens their trust in a company.
Yet, according to Jeff, contributing to meaningful causes may earn Gen Z’s respect, but it may not be enough to earn their long-term business. As he sees it, the purpose space is so crowded that brands need to take their commitment to social responsibility to the next level – a concept he refers to as “purpose plus.”
Brands need to take social responsibility to next level – purpose plus – to attract Gen Z, says @JeffFromm. Click To Tweet
Consider: Naturally, content is an excellent technique for discussing important social issues that align with your brand’s core values. And its potential impact can increase exponentially when your business is willing to take a strong stance in support of those issues.
Nike’s Just Do It campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick is a perfect example of this practice in action (Patagonia’s Bears Ears documentary is another). The brand risked alienating its more socially conservative customers, but the decision to align its content with its core values seems to have paid off (at least, so far): According to MarketWatch, after a brief initial dip, Nike’s online sales skyrocketed, and the company’s stock valuation experienced a surge, as well.
Read: 3 Purpose-Driven Marketing Lessons From Innovative Brands
Clear the path to personal growth
Even if they aren’t completely accurate, some of the commonly held stereotypes about Gen Z’s engagement preferences may be rooted in reality (affinity for avocado, notwithstanding). And though a recent Forbes article cautions against generational reductionism (i.e., subscribing to broad behavioral stereotypes that are based on decontextualized data points) on the whole, it also offers some insights that may help marketers craft the authentic, personally resonant content experiences Gen Z seems to crave.
One interesting point the article raises is, “Generation Z has come of age in the shadow of millennials who prize hyper-competence (or at least the appearance of it), which … has manifested in a strong desire to learn.” The article goes on to explain that, more than the preceding generation, this group seeks opportunities to add or sharpen their skills.
Members of Gen Z seek opportunities to add or sharpen their skills via @Forbes. @joderama Click To Tweet
With this in mind, marketers may want to emphasize educational content – like product demos, online training courses, or process tutorials – that rewards their curiosity and helps them level up their competency in a relevant area of interest.
For example, through its Today at Apple program, the ubiquitous tech brand offers in-depth technical training sessions at its 495 retail stores. While these 30- to 90-minute classes are primarily focused on Mac-centric topics – like how to edit video using Apple’s proprietary tool sets – the skills participants learn can be applied to their broader life goals – like furthering a career in design or programming or impressing their friends with pro-quality videos on social media.
Read: Education as a Marketing Strategy: 8 Brands Doing Online Classes and More
Content conclusion
One thing about Gen Z – or any other generation – is that the best way to learn who they are and what content experiences they want brands to provide is to spend some time engaging with them on a personal level. Deploying an audience survey through email; sparking a community discussion on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter; organizing a focus group; or even just asking Gen Z coworkers for their ideas and opinions are a few ways you can gain valuable, real-world insights to inform your content efforts.
Before you think about adding your brand’s voice to the constant stream of conversations already whizzing across their screens, make sure you put in the time to listen to what Gen Z consumers have to say for themselves.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Road Map to Success: Creating the Content of Your Audience’s Dreams
Miss the Content Marketing World sessions described above? Get access to all the 2018 presentations with an on-demand video access. Order today!
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post The ABCs of Connecting With Generation Z appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/10/connecting-generation-z/
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ultralifehackerguru-blog · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/best-shampoo-hair-type/
The best shampoo for any hair type
Impossible as it might be to find a shampoo that works for every hair type, Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo comes pretty close. That’s why it’s our top pick — Living Proof’s basic formula really works and it might even help you wash your hair less often.
Shampoo is not exactly sexy, but it sure is necessary. Well, unless you have the kind of hair type that hates shampoo (more on that later), but no matter. Everyone has to wash their hair using something, be it shampoo, a cleansing conditioner, or a DIY concoction you whip up in your own bathroom.
As the proud owner of naturally curly hair, it’s probably been about 10 years since I’ve used a product that considers itself “shampoo.” But that doesn’t mean I just skip straight to conditioner.
All of this is to say that there’s a shampoo or shampoo-adjacent product out there for you. If you’re unsatisfied with your routine, you probably just haven’t found The One yet.
One thing to consider: Shampoos that contain things like sulfates and parabens — often the ones that create a really satisfying lather and leave your roots feeling squeaky as a newly-scrubbed kitchen counter — can seriously dry out your hair. If that’s a concern, look out for shampoos that don’t include those ingredients.
The options on this list cater to different hair types and concerns, but they all stand out from the pack because they help keep your strands soft, hydrated, and clean. These are the five best shampoos for all hair types:
Best overall: Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo 
Best dry shampoo: Batiste Dry Shampoo
Best for hydration: Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal Hydrating Shampoo
Best for exfoliation: Briogeo Scalp Revival Micro-exfoliating Shampoo
Best for curly hair: DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner 
The best shampoo overall
Living Proof
Why you’ll love it: Living Proof’s  Perfect Hair Day Shampoo keeps your hair cleaner, longer — no matter your hair type.
The most annoying thing about shampooing your hair is that you have to continue doing it day after day, week after week, year after year. One shampoo is really not going to keep you grease-free for long — a few hours or days, tops. The best you can hope for is a formula that lets you wash as infrequently as possible.
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo is far from a permanent solution, but it will cut down on the time you need to spend washing your hair. And you know what they say: The less time frittered away on lathering your scalp, the more time available for watching Netflix or writing the next Great American Novel.
Allure writer Patricia Tortolani backs up that claim, writing, “while other formulas had us washing every day to keep our oily scalp in check, this one has us down to two shampoos a week.” Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo won the publication’s Best of Beauty Award in 2014 and was named a top shampoo option by Best Products for its ability to hydrate and cleanse strands while delivering added volume to even the thinnest hair.
Perfect Hair Day is made without sulfates, parabens, or phthalates and advertised for use on all hair types (yes, even color-treated). But if your hair is ultra-curly, I suggest trying out the no-poo option on this list.
Pros: Keeps your hair clean for longer, works on a variety of hair types, doesn’t contain hair-stripping sulfates, parabens, or phthalates
Cons: On the pricey side, may not work for curlier hair textures
Buy Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Shampoo at Sephora for $26
The best dry shampoo
Why you’ll love it: Sometimes you don’t have time for a full wash, but Batiste Dry Shampoo is here to save the day.
Part of adulthood is coming to terms with the fact that you will occasionally sleep through your alarm and not have time to shower before work. There’s no shame in that. It happens to literally everyone (some of us with more frequency than others). But it does mean you should have a contingency plan — i.e. a really good dry shampoo.
There are countless options on the market, but shoppers really go wild over the wallet-friendly Batiste Dry Shampoo. The cult classic dry shampoo has 31,702 reviews and a 4.5 rating out of 5 on Influenster, and it also won Best Dry Shampoo in the 2017 Influenster Reviewers’ Choice Awards. Fans love it for its ability to de-grease your hair without making your roots unnaturally stiff.
Our guides editor Malarie Gokey also loves this dry shampoo and uses it on those in-between days when she doesn’t have time to wash her hair.
Batiste comes in a bunch of different scents with funky names like “Wild” and “Neon Lights,” and there are even some tinted versions, which is great if the original gives you the dreaded white cast, as some darker-haired reviewers noted that it did for them, or if you’re looking to cover up grown-out roots.
Still, even with that minor caveat, Batiste Dry Shampoo is a great dry shampoo with an unbeatable under-$10 price tag. As one Influenster user puts it, “Let’s just say if I️ was to have $10 til payday and I️t was between buying a bottle of Batiste or eating a meal… I️ pick the dry shampoo. I️t is a lifesaver!”
Pros: Bargain price tag, cuts down on oil without making hair stiff and crunchy
Cons: Might leave white residue on darker hair colors
Buy Batiste Dry Shampoo at Ulta for $7.99
The best hydrating shampoo
Why you’ll love it: Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal Hydrating Shampoo is a bathroom staple that buyers and experts agree on because it gives your hair a boost of hydration.
Not all shampoos and conditioners that come in sets are created equal, but the Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal duo is one you can happily buy in bulk — I recommended this shampoo’s counterpart in a recent article on the best conditioners money can buy and now, here I am, telling you to go out and complete the family.
This shampoo works with Pantene’s Moisture-Silk Complex to “lock in hydration from root to tip” and leave hair soft and shiny. Amazon buyers rated it 4.5 out of 5 stars, and it won the Allure Best of Beauty Award in 2017 and Reader’s Choice Award in 2016 and 2017. The publication’s editor Jenny Bailly described it as, “one of the least stripping of hair-cleansing options,” and fans seem to agree.
One Amazon reviewer writes, “This has been the shampoo I swear by for at least 15 years. I have long thick curly hair and it has always left it smooth and manageable. Also use it on my daughter’s hair and we both love it!” Given that ringing endorsement, this is a safe bet for an inexpensive moisturizing shampoo.
Pros: Inexpensive, hydrating, has an equally excellent matching conditioner
Cons: Might weigh down finer strands or make oily hair feel extra greasy due to the moisturizing component
Buy Pantene ProV Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo on Amazon for $6.47
The best exfoliating shampoo
Why you’ll love it: Got an itchy scalp? Stop scratching and exfoliate your way to relief with Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo.
You probably don’t think about scalp skin care as much as you should — like, do you think about it ever? Yeah, me neither. But if you find yourself clawing at the skin under your hair pretty often, it might be time to start exfoliating the area the same way you do your face.
Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo (mouthful of a name and all) cleans your hair while providing relief for the irritated skin on your scalp, thanks to ingredients like detoxifying binchoten charcoal, moisturizing coconut oil, and a soothing peppermint, spearmint, and tea tree oil complex. It’s also great for clearing away product buildup — Where do you think all that styling cream goes, exactly?
This exfoliating shampoo comes highly recommended by Refinery29 and the 339 Sephora reviewers who rated it 5 stars. “Noticed an IMMEDIATE difference,” writes one fan, “I use Rogaine twice daily because of alopecia and it leaves an itchy build-up on my scalp. This wiped it away and left my scalp and hair feeling cleaner than ever before.”
Pros: Soothes itchy scalp, breaks down product buildup, helps manage dandruff and flakes
Cons: Pricey, jar packaging not as convenient for in-shower use
Buy Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Shampoo at Sephora for $42
The best “no-poo” for curly hair
Deva Curl
Why you’ll love it: If you hear the word “shampoo” and your hair instantly shrivels like a sundried tomato, you might like DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner.
Okay, so I fooled you. Strictly speaking, this isn’t a shampoo. As the name implies, DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner cleanses hair without all the hair-stripping ingredients found in many traditional shampoos. It’s perfect for curly textures, which tend to require more moisture than other hair types.
Don’t be scared off by the concept of a non-lathering cleanser — This stuff really does clean your scalp, but it also leaves hair hydrated and full of volume, thanks to the grapeseed and peppermint oils in the formula. I’m partial to the Original version, but DevaCurl also carries a Low-Poo for looser waves and an even more moisturizing No-Poo called Decadence for super curly hair.
The DevaCurl No-Poo Original has a 4.4-star rating on Ulta, based on 570 reviews, and a 4.4 on Influenster, based on 458 reviews. Dana Oliver at The Huffington Post named it a top cleansing conditioner because it “helps you achieve your cleanest, bounciest and healthiest curls.” Are you ready to chuck all your half-used bottles of shampoo into the recycling bin yet?
Pros: Cleanses curls without dehydrating them or weighing them down
Cons: More expensive than drugstore options, might take some getting used to the no-lather effect, some reviewers complained of a strong scent
Buy DevaCurl No-Poo Original Zero Lather Cleansing Conditioner at Ulta for $44
Check out our guide to the best conditioner you can buy
The best hair conditioner you can buy
Hair conditioner is a necessity if you want soft, silky strands. Out of thousands of bottles, shoppers agree that Silk18 Argan Oil Hair Conditioner is the best — no matter your hair type.
However, if you have curly hair and you’re fed up with other formulas leaving your curls lifeless, try revitalizing your hair with DevaCurl One Condition Original Daily Cream Conditioner.
We also like It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin conditioner for a leave-in solution and Redken Color Extend Conditioner for color-treated hair.
Finally, if you’re on a budget or you just bought the Pantene shampoo we recommended above, grab the Pantene Pro-V Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner to complete the set.
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years ago
20+ Easy Ways To Clean Your House That Takes Little To No Effort
Cleaning your house always seems like a neverending task. No matter what, you feel as though it’s going to take up more time than you bargained for. Plus, it seems as though whenever you clean, it just gets dirty in .5 seconds anyway. So, all in all, what’s the point? Instead of getting on your hands and knees to scrub for hours on end, there are some brilliant hacks online that make cleaning your house easier than ever.
1. Sweeper slippers, so you can sweep your home whenever you walk to the freezer to get yourself more ice cream.
If you have hardwood or tile floors, you have gotta have at least five pairs of these houseshoes. I just toss them into the wash without tearing off the sole to wash separately. Reason: the soles on mine by far outlast the tops of the shoes. They help control dust and animal hair. I like them. // Edited after thought: Pairs of these shoes were handed to out-of-state traveler friends (a fella and his two grown daughters). They sounded so thankful to have these microfiber houseshoes to wear, and they expressed at how cushy they felt.
Get them on Amazon for $10.40.
2. If you have pets that shed (or if you shed) you need this easy-to-pick-up-hair broom for your carpets. It traps all the hair, all the time.
This broom is awesome! I have two large breed dogs (that she’d like crazy) and hard wood floors that have to be swept daily. I don’t know how well it would work on carpets, but it does an excellent job sweeping fur, hair, and dirt up. The best part… You don’t have to clean the bristles like a regular broom. I just rinsed the broom when I was done and the little dirt that was on the bristles washed away! I hate having to pull dust balls and hair out of normal broom bristles.
Just note: The rubber bristles are not fine enough to clean under moldings (the small gap between the molding and the floor) for those areas, I still use a vacuum. I’m not sure why this broom has negative reviews.. I read a bunch of them and can not relate to any of the issues people complained about. I’m chalking them up to user error. As John Lydgate said “you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.
Get it on Amazon for $18.50.
3. If you tie two microfiber rags around a pair of tongs, you can clean those moldy refrigerator shelves that have been smelling like rotten chicken and spilled cold brew.
This brilliant idea comes from One Crazy House. You can use any tongs you have in the house, and can easily buy microfiber cloths on Amazon for only $9.99.
4. If you have a ceiling fan, quit tossing dust around your room and use an old pillowcase to clean it.
This idea comes from Homemaker Chic. Not only is it way easier than using a duster, but the dust falls right into the pillowcase so you’re not sneezing your brains out.
5. Use this spot cleaner to get even the toughest stains out of your carpets without scrubbing like a madman. Just blot it right on.
I had terrible rust and oil stains all over the seats of my car when I bought it. I tried other cleaners to get it out, but they actually made the stains darker. I took it to the dealership to see if they could get it out and they flat out told me no, so I gave up and lived with it for almost 5 years. I tried this after it was recommended by a friend. I sprayed it on and literally watched the stain run right off my seat. It was amazing! I thought I was going to have to pay hundreds of dollars to replace the seats in my car because nothing else would work. This stuff really is awesome!
Get a bottle of this easy-to-use cleaner on Amazon for only $10.50.
6. Put vinegar in a zip-lock bag and place it over your showerhead for 1-2 hours to get all that rusty, dusty mold-ish stuff off.
7. Get into the cracks of your tiles or bathroom floor/shower with an automatic scrubbing brush, which takes the time and effort out of cleaning.
Ok, I feel stupid writing this, but I hope it encourages you to buy this…. I just spent 2 hours scrubbing the ceramic tile floor in my 2nd bathroom. This is a room where my elderly, incontinent cat lives so… use your imagination. I leave pee pads and towels down, but she still does her thing. I clean her room consistently, and every few months I do a heavy duty scrubbing by soaking the floor and grout in Nature’s Miracle and start scrubbing. It takes hours because I can’t get the corners well, and the grout is such a pain to clean.
Well, this product is amazing. I used this for the grout lines, and I used the corner attachment for… corners. It was amazing. It got gunk and grime off the grout that has been there for years (I haven’t resealed this floor since it will have to be taken out when the cat dies). I even used these to scrub the cabinet doors, around the toilet, etc. and they were really, really great. you have to put the right amount of pressure on the brush, but once you do- it’s *wonderful.* See how stupid I feel, writing such a glowing review for this? I swear I wasn’t endorsed, I wish they would pay me to test products after this! Between my Rubbermaid Reveal power Scrubber and Nature’s Miracle my bathroom is cleaner than it has been in years, and in less time than it’s ever taken me to deep clean it.
Get it on Amazon for only $13.54.
8. Use your dishwashing wand for floors by putting vinegar in it to scrub your tiles/stone shower.
You can also use it for the glass doors to get them perfectly clean, according to  Smart School House. You can grab one of these on Amazon for only $9.38.
9. For those nasty, disgusting toilet rings, use a pumice stone to get the colors and stains out way easier and quicker (because who wants to spend time scrubbing a toilet, anyway?)
 The house I recently moved into had a hard water line in the toilet and it was no big deal for the first couple of months. I never really paid much attention to it. That is, until my mom said she would be coming over for a visit. Suddenly, the hard water line in the toilet was glaring at me, making me feel like a disgusting human being living in filth. I had to get rid of it. A kitchen sponge and a dish cloth were both ruined in my attempts. Finally, after countless hours of research and many sleepless nights, I had my answer: The Pumie. As soon as it arrived I was on my hands and knees scrubbin’ that bowl. After it was done I was stood over my toilet with the same posture as a successful climber reaching the summit of Mt. Everest. I had defeated the hard water line with The Pumie. The satisfaction I had by accomplishing this otherwise mundane task made me realize I had truly entered adulthood. But, I did not stop there. Hard water marks around the bathroom sink drain? Gone. Hard water lines around the kitchen faucet? GTFO. The Pumie is truly a marvel to behold and I will be eternally grateful for it’s help in vanquishing the hard water lines that would have made my mother disown me.
Get it on Amazon for $9.15.
10. After you clean your toilet rings, use these incredible toilet refreshers that help to prevent the ring from ever coming back again.
These are the best in-bowl cleaners that I have found after trying many others. They keep the toilet bowl fresh especially on the toilets that are less frequently used in my house. I have found them to last a month or more. My father, a plumber, warned me years ago never to use those cleaners which you drop in the tank because the strong chemicals will eventually corrode the plumbing fixtures. Yes, I took his advice after some unwanted repairs.
Grab them on Amazon for only $1.98. 
11. If you have a stainless steel fridge, Pledge will not only clean it but also polish it at the same damn time.
The DIY Girl, just spray the Pledge right onto the fridge and buff it off with a dry cloth. Grab a bottle of pledge on Amazon for only $4.19. 
12. Clean your stove top in only 5 minutes by using some dish soap (like dawn) and hydrogen peroxide. Use a dish soap brush to scrub it off.
Hack from My Thirty Spot.
13. Clean any white sink easily and have it sparkling again by using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
Hack from Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry.
14. Clean every inch of your keyboards by using this double sided brush.
My laptop hasn’t been so clean since I bought it! Much better than compressed air cleaning. Using the rubbery end, you can even clean off the finger-tracker; and using the little brush, you get out all those annoying little crumbs and pieces of stuff that both impede your keyboard performance and make it look dirty. I wish I would have taken before and after pictures—the difference is astonishing! I was skeptical, but this little tool is worth the price.
Get it on Amazon for $4.95.
15. Use a lint roller on any lampshades that have a bunch of built-up hair and dust on them.
Hack from Creekline House.
16. Also, use a lint roller on any screens to capture all that pollen and dust.
Hack from Handyman Magazine.
17. Mix baking powder and a flowery-smelling essential oil to spread all over your mattress. The scent will get soaked into it, and when you’re done, just vacuum it right up.
Hack from One Good Thing by Jillee.
18. Put your pillows in the washing machine while you let the baking soda sit in your bed so they smell brand new.
Hack from the Happier Homemaker.
19. Get rust stains out of your dishwasher by running a cycle of Kool-Aid.
Hack from Wikihow.
20. Get weird scents out of your washing machine (like that horrible wet-dog smell) by running on an empty cycle with vinegar.
Hack from I Heart Naptime.
21. Clean your vacuum filters in the dishwasher to save time and get a better clean.
Hack from A Girl and Her Needle.
22. Also, clean your vent covers, filters, and anything else that’s easily removable in the dishwasher so you can let it run and do something better with your time while it’s cleaning.
Hack from One Crazy House.
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Complementary And Alternative Medicine Products And Their Regulation By THE MEALS And Drug Administration
This forum is a safe, judgement-free destination to discuss Alternative medicine. Alternative medicine identifies treatments that are used Rather than standard, evidence-based treatment. will not recommend or endorse alternative medicine. Down the hall at another NCCIH lab, a few of Atlas's colleagues are considering how specific therapies can make people more pain-tolerant. In a study published last fall , they discovered that subjects who was simply doing yoga regularly for six years or longer can keep their hands submerged in ice water more than doubly long as matched controls. The yoga practitioners also had greater gray matter volume in elements of the mind that deal with pain-the same areas that erode in the brains of chronic pain patients. Homeopathy is a technique for treating disease by medications, given in moment dosages that could deliver in sound individual indications like those of the illness. Most elementary infections treated by homeopaths are Allergic rhinitis, depression, asthma, Headache, neurotic disorders, non-specific allergy, non-particular sensitivity, arthritis, dermatitis and hypertension. TCM is intensive variety of pharmaceutical practices created in China. It really is essentially utilized as a reciprocal treatment. Treatment incorporates Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Massage and various treatments. TCM is embraced, broadly utilized as a part of china; practitioners will examine things such as tongue, heartbeat focuses, smell of breath and voice. Treatment will be achieved utilizing herbals, creature, human, and mineral items. In children and teenagers, bone formation exceeds bone breakdown. In early and middle adulthood, these two processes occur at equal rates. Past the age of 50, however, especially in post-menopausal women, bone destruction exceeds bone formation, leaving them vulnerable to fractures. Each year, more than 1.5 million fractures occur in the United States because of bone thinning. The best way to avoid this problem is to eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, or calcium-fortified fruit drinks, cereals and other food stuffs. What it's best for: Predicated on the theory that the body can heal itself through diet, lifestyle, herbs, acupuncture, and chiropractic, it's especially best for chronic pain, including low-back pain. Instead of providing a Band-Aid solution for symptoms, practitioners make an effort to get to the root cause of the disease,” says Dr. Melinda Ring, medical director of Northwestern's Integrative Medicine center.
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ds4design · 8 years ago
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on his new book, activist athletes and what Islam means to him
People in the streets. A government in turmoil. Social unrest — and activism — everywhere you look. 
It all rings bit familiar to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. 
The man who's scored more career points than anyone in NBA history (more than Jordan, more than Chamberlain, more than anyone) converted to Islam and changed his name from Lew Alcindor in 1971 at 24 years old. 
Decades after sinking his last sky-hook, Abdul-Jabbar remains a powerful voice for progress in America — and he sees many parallels between today's tumultuous times and the era in which he came up. 
"The level of political and social involvement today is very reminiscent of the beginnings of the civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, and anti-war movements that pushed America forward," Abdul-Jabbar recently told Mashable via email. "It’s actually very exciting to see how America will define itself over the next few years." 
Dunking for the Lakers.
Image: Nick Ut/AP/REX/Shutterstock
Self-definition is a central theme of Abdul-Jabbar's latest project, a memoir for kids called Becoming Kareem. The book recounts his journey into adulthood, from his socially awkward early years in New York City, to his ascent as a basketball star and his subsequent political awakening. 
Abdul-Jabbar has written dozens of books ranging from history to fiction since hanging up the sneakers, but this is his first autobiographical work aimed at young readers. We recently traded emails with the baller-turned-activist-turned-author to discuss his new project, America's current social climate and whether anyone still calls him Lew. 
An exclusive first look at the cover for "Becoming Kareem," which goes on sale this November.
You've written many books and columns, so why this book and why now? What are you hoping kids will get out of it beyond the facts of a famous person's life?  
I love writing for children as much as I do for adults. I’ve written several books for children and young adults. My children’s book, What Color Is My World: The Lost History of African-American Inventors, taught kids about the many black inventors and innovators that are often overlooked in the classrooms yet who affected our everyday lives. I also wrote a couple middle school books about a group of school kids from diverse ethnic backgrounds who play basketball together and solve mysteries. 
Becoming Kareem is my most personal book because in it I detail my struggles growing up—literally and figuratively—to develop from a classic Good Boy trying to be what others want me to be to finding my own voice and becoming who I want to be. But it’s also an exciting story about how I went from being a pretty klutzy kid to a successful athlete. 
Social turmoil and the Civil Rights Movement were the backdrop for part of your career and something with which many fans associate you. What parallels do you see between that era and what's happening in America today? 
There’s a lot of talk today of how divided we are as Americans. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. 
More people are now galvanized to speak up and become more active in politics. Political conflict can force people to become more articulate and informed about their beliefs, and that leads to people getting past their initial aggressiveness and arrogance and start finding common ground. 
The level of political and social involvement today is very reminiscent of the beginnings of the civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, and anti-war movements that pushed America forward. It’s actually very exciting to see how America will define itself over the next few years. 
Speaking generally, do you think today's pro athletes as a whole are more or less socially conscious and socially active compared to the pro athlete population of your era? Who do you see today carrying the torch once held by yourself, Muhammad Ali and others?  
There are many highly articulate and passionate athletes who are bravely speaking out on various political issues, despite the potential damage to their careers and endorsement deals. LeBron James is one of the most famous social advocates, but there are others who are just as committed, including Maya Moore from the WNBA, Derrick Rose, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Garnett, Carmelo Anthony, Colin Kaepernick, and so on. 
It’s a tribute to them that there are too many for me to list here
It’s a tribute to them that there are too many for me to list here. The great thing about this rise in athletes being more socially responsible is the example they are setting for today’s youth that athletes aren’t just selfish money-hungry jocks. 
I understand the new book discusses you converting to Islam and changing your name in 1971. What was the response from fellow players, media and fans like at the time?  
People were either curious, indifferent, or furious. Most my teammates were curious about what Islam was and supportive of my decision because they knew I’d been exploring most world religions for some time, looking for what best fit me. This was a time when Islam was not yet a familiar religion to most Americans, so many didn’t care one way or another. 
But a number of fans and sports writers interpreted my conversion as an attack on America and its values. Of course, I saw it as embracing American ideals of reinventing yourself according to your own beliefs rather than tradition. 
Islam is a highly politicized and demonized thing in some quarters these days. But what does the religion mean and represent to you?  
Each person has to find the religion that best fits their needs. What I like about most religions is that they strive to help people find a path to do the right thing—and that right thing is to live humble, helpful lives. 
For me, Islam was a way to follow that while at the same time connecting with my cultural roots in Africa. Between 20 and 30 percent of slaves were Muslim and I felt an affinity with their experience. I traveled through Africa and the Middle East and studied Arabic at Harvard University in order to fully immerse myself in Islam. 
Today, Islam illuminates the path of kindness and respect for humanity that I wish to continue to follow. 
Abdul-Jabbar receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama in November.
Image: Sr./MAI/REX/Shutterstock
The title of your book is Becoming Kareem. Does the name 'Lew Alcindor,' bring up any particular feelings to you now, more than 40 years after your change? 
It’s less an emotional reaction than a philosophical one. I’m long past caring about the name, though I do resent it when fans deliberately call me Lew because it shows a lack of respect for my choice. Alcindor was the name of the white man who owned my ancestors, so the name felt more like a brand. Also, I didn’t want my achievements to glorify his name. 
Is there anyone from way back, family or anyone, who still calls you Lew? Or are you Kareem to everyone now?  
Anyone who knows me, cares about me, or respects me calls me Kareem.
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