#what a great prompt though avery i really enjoyed writing this even when it made me want to strangle myself!
luckycharms1701 · 6 months
[comes rolling into your askbox on a spinning swivel chair] Hey lucky!!! So, um, I was wondering if maybe, possibly, um, you could grace me with a little fic of a tentative first kiss between Raph and a female reader during a little game of one on one basketball. (Bayverse of course!) Pretty please with tiny Mikey shaped marshmallows and extra "I love your writing!!!" sprinkles on top?
Thank you!❤💙💜🧡
eeeeeeeeeeee avery!!!! this is so cute!!!!!! i will gladly do this for you, i don’t even need the marshmallows and sprinkles!! (i WILL take those though 😜)
i know the tiniest amount possible about basketball i’m so sorry
this prompt took me hostage. sorry it took so long lmao
The sound of the ball bouncing against the pavement echoes loudly in the alleyway as you focus on the handsome turtle striding towards you. He has a cocky grin on his face. You take a second to admire how good confidence makes him look before you roll your eyes and scoff at him. You assume a defensive position in front of the basket.
He stops at the half-court line, warm green eyes appraising you. His smirk softens into a smile that you only ever see when the two of you are alone. Distraction is about to become your worst enemy, you can tell. “Usual rules?”
“First to five points gets to pick their reward. Bring it on, Red!” He snickers as you beckon him over, then his face goes serious as he starts to really move. You brace yourself and watch his feet. Raph has never once gone easy on you, and you’ve never scored a goal on him, but you won’t let that little fact deter you. Maybe not today, but eventually you will defeat him.
He’s going to feint, you think as he barrels towards you. You lunge to the left just in time for him to deftly stutter step and spin around you on the right, launching the ball as he does so. You turn and watch in dismay as the ball sinks neatly into the net. One point to Raph.
The smirk on his face is unacceptable, even if the move was incredibly graceful and impressive, and you purse your lips as he tosses the ball to you. “Better luck next time, shorty,” he taunts, and despite the words his tone is almost sweet. A blush colors your face, but you ignore it in favor of steeling yourself for some fierce competition. He laughs when you playfully stick your tongue out at him. Then you jog to the line and turn to observe the turtle defending the goal.
Your hands tighten a little on the ball at the sight of him. His cocky grin is back in place as he bounces from foot to foot. He runs his thumb along his lower lip and your pulse flutters in your throat. No! Stop that! You’re playing basketball, not ogling your best friend!
The ball falls from your hands as you start to bounce it with your right hand. You approach slowly, as is your custom. No point in wearing yourself out sprinting towards him when you’re going to need all of your energy to try and get past him. Mikey’s advice runs through your head. Keep your breathing even, try not to dribble the ball faster when you’re getting ready to make your move.
He lunges for you at the same time as you break to the left, and for a moment you think you’re going to make it. Eyes on the goal!
The ball doesn’t meet your hand after the next bounce. You look down in confusion, then look up in time to watch the ball swish through the net. Raph literally managed to steal the ball from under your nose.
“That has to be cheating!” Your finger nearly meets his nose as you whip around to find him unexpectedly close. Immediately you lose your train of thought, arm falling to your side as you stare up at his grin.
“Not my fault you forgot to guard the ball,” he says as if it’s normal for the two of you to occupy the same space like this. You swallow and take a small step backward, giving him space to catch the ball bouncing towards you and you space to remember how to breathe. Was that two or three points for Raph?
You regain your equilibrium slowly while he continues to best you. It’s not long before he is turning to you, smile sharklike as the ball swooshes through the net for his fourth point. “You ready to buy pizza tonight?”
You purse your lips and flounce off to retrieve the ball while he laughs. He sets up across the court from you, prepared to defend the basket one last time.
Once again you watch him from across the court, twirling the ball in your hands and an idea in your head. His brow ridge raises as he beckons you forward, and you decide that your idea is worth a shot.
The ball falls from your right hand. You approach, slowly. Your breath is even. A feeling of rightness slots into place.
He steps forward. You break left. He reaches for you. You angle the next bounce away. His hand misses by a centimeter. The ball smacks into your left hand. You bring it to your center and shoot.
The only sound in the alleyway is the ball bouncing off the rim of the basket and into the net.
Before you can even register that you just scored a point, Raph lifts you up and is spinning you around in his arms. You grab his biceps for balance, looking down with wide eyes at his laughing face. “You did it! Ya got me!” His words shake the shock off, and you start to grin.
His face quiets a little at your smile, and you nearly gasp when his eyes meet yours. His smile has softened from excitement into fondness. He slows until he stops spinning, but you barely notice, arrested by the intense look in his eyes.
The two of you stay there, frozen in time, lost in each other. Your hands tighten on his biceps as he lowers you back to the ground. His hands stay on your waist, and you are grateful. You’re not sure if your legs could hold you up right now.
His eyes don’t leave yours as one hand comes up slowly. A single finger brushes against your cheek, and tears spring to your eyes at the tenderness of the motion. His smile quirks up in one corner as he repeats, “Ya got me, sweetheart.” The quiet whisper nearly knocks you off your feet. The tears spill over as you smile brightly up at him.
Raph leans in, as if bewitched. His eyes flick down to your lips and back up. Your smile widens at the hesitation, and you lift your face in invitation. His finger brushing tears from your cheek turns into his hand cupping your jaw as he lowers his mouth to yours.
His lips are so soft, barely brushing against yours. Almost as if he’s afraid of scaring you off. You close your eyes and release his biceps in favor of cupping his face. One of your fingers taps against his face in admonishment as you lean up on your tiptoes to get that little bit closer.
The hand that was on your waist slides around to your back, pressing you closer to him. His kiss gets that much firmer, that much more confident, and you soar at the feeling.
You chase his lips as he eases away, causing him to chuckle. He rests his forehead against yours, eyes closing as he breathes deeply. You study his face as much as you can at this angle, in awe at the peace you find there. 
The peck on his nose startles him, and your clear, happy laughter rings out as you dance away from him. A smirk grows on his face as he stalks after you, and you shiver in delight at the implications of that expression. However, you aren’t going to go down without a fight. You are riding the double high of a score and his kiss, and no one has won that game of basketball yet.
You pick up the ball and turn to face him. “Ready to be defeated, Red?”
He blinks, then throws his head back and laughs. When he meets your eyes again, the heat simmering in him sends another shiver through you. “I’ve changed my mind. When I win, I don’t want pizza.”
Slowly, you smirk back at him. “Good.” You begin to bounce the ball.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying @xnorthstar3x @morenovix218 @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds @thelaundrybitch
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Um, so you're like a Tumblr god with writing, so do you have any tips on how to get your stories noticed and out there? Thank you!
ashdgfsdh that’s so!!!! nice!!!!! ty!!! so, to be totally honest, part of my situation is that I got really lucky with one of my fics early on, where it got like,,, a lot of notes and as such I ended up with way more followers but I can still try to give some tips!!!
(this got a little long, so I’m putting it under a cut)
1. Tagging
People (me included) will go through the Sanders Sides or character tags to find stuff to reblog. Only the first five tags you throw in will actually have your work in them (i.e. if you tag ‘1′, ‘2′, ‘3′, ‘4′, ‘5′, ‘6′, the fic will only show up when you search 1-5) and it won’t show up through searches at all if you use certain words (swear words, in particular, I’ve noticed).
Making sure to tag your stuff in a way that people will see definitely helps but also make sure it’s relevant tags. People looking for prinxiety won’t be thrilled to have analogical in the tag they’re searching. You can check my fics for the way I tag them if you want!
And, in relation to a different kind of tagging, use tag lists! I know there’s some general ones online (@the-taglist-repository has a bunch) but sometimes author’s will also just straight up tell you to tag them in stuff (e.g. I love being tagged in aspec or autistic sides content, @/rosesisupposes likes being tagged in superhero AUs, @/sleepless-in-starbucks demands /j to be tagged in all losleep content, etc. etc.).
I would be careful about just tagging people though. I’m, personally, not a fan of being tagged in things that I haven’t asked to be tagged in. It strikes me a little bit as ‘you’re a big blog so I’m just using your followers to try and promote myself’, even if that isn’t the intention.
2. Make content regularly
Now, I get that regularly putting out content is definitely not as easy as just saying you will—life gets in the way sometimes and creativity is stressful—but it definitely helped me when I started writing. I wasn’t doing much else with my time (an unusual circumstance), so I was putting out like,, at least 2 fics a month. In the entirety of last year I wrote 80 fics. But seriously, the more you write, the better your writing will be (practise!) and the more likely people will see it.
You can also try doing writing games like I’ve done for follower milestones in the past. You can find lists of prompts on tumblr, reblog them and ask people to send you a prompt and a ship for you to write a drabble for. There’s also things like Secret Santa (where people trade content for the holidays) and Soulmate September is this month, organised by @tsshipmonth2020! So participating in writing events that you find could also help!
3. Interact with other writers
The biggest thing, I think, personally, to help content creators is for them to work together to lift each other up (sounds kinda cheesy but I’m serious). If you comment on other people’s work telling them how much you enjoyed their fics, I guarantee they’ll be thrilled and you may become friends! (I’ve had,,, several friendships start this way; @/sleepless-in-starbucks and @/max-is-tired, among others).
And you can interact with writers outside of tumblr too! Discord is a super great way to chat with other writers and get your fics out there, I’ve found. There’s even some discord servers dedicated specifically to writing tss fanfics (@potestessemagishomosexualitatis has a great one that I’m in and ik there’s one run by discord user ‘parallelwrites’, though I’m not certain of their tumblr URL).
4. Write what you enjoy!
I guarantee people can tell if you’re writing stuff you’re not enjoying. You don’t have to write only the most popular ships to get notes on your writing (I mean, just look at Lia, who’s basically made their blog on the foundation of losleep). You should write the things you like, even if they’re niche, cause I promise if you want to read it, there’s other people out there who do as well.
I mean, I just read a qpr sleepxiety soulmate AU that the author (@averykedavra) described as ‘self-indulgent’. I’m a huge fan of platonic/queerplatonic sleepxiety but I never see it written! It’s not popular! But Avery wrote it and I loved it. I did not expect so many people to be thrilled about my aroace-Logan coming out story! I wrote it for Me but people really seemed to enjoy it! You never know what people will love.
5. Take care of yourself
This is maybe not so much writing advice as it is a caveat for all the stuff I’ve said here. At the end of the day, writing is fun and getting praise on your stories feels awesome, and I totally get that, but you gotta make sure not to burn yourself out. I went through a period when I started fic writing where I was,,,, a little too dependant on the feedback I got and if I didn’t get what I considered “enough notes” it basically sent me into a downward spiral.
Now, that’s me and I know not everyone will feel that way, but it’s good to remember you have worth outside of what you create. If you can’t manage to write the amount you think you “should” be, that’s okay. If you can’t manage to finish a piece you’ve been working on, that’s okay. If you go for months without writing because of stress, life or simply writer’s block, that’s all okay.
You are the most important thing in your creative endeavours; don’t forget that.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
Omg could you please write a one shot about Jo being involved in a school shooting? Set in the same universe as it’s nothing fun just to talk. You are officially my new favorite jolex author!!! Your stories are amazing!!!
AHHHHHHHHH!! I read this and screamed out loud and then wrote this in an embarrassingly short amount of time while ignoring all of my other responsibilities….. i’m really enjoying using prompts that y’all send in to further my INFJTT canon world because my brain is FRIED
i’m also trying to make AU! jolex’s life as dramatic as canon! jolex’s life clearly
Anyways, enjoy!! (also thank u for the compliment, it warmed my heart)
Aaaaaand if it wasn’t clear: TW// violence, injuries to minors, & blood 
"Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan, set a goal, work toward it. But every now and then, drink it in. Cause this is it."
Tuesday 10:56 AM
I love you, Alex. So much. 
“Doctor Karev, you’re being paged to the ER,” Alex looked from his phone to the nurse in front of him. He pocketed the phone quickly, not bothering to respond to the text from over an hour ago. “Doctor Hunt said he needs as much of the peds staff as possible.”
“Did he say why? I can’t really send my whole department down there.”
“No, sorry. It sounded urgent though.”
Alex groaned, picking up his chart and heading downstairs to talk with Hunt before he went and grabbed his whole team. It wasn’t even noon and Alex was done with the day. The last thing he wanted to deal with today was Owen.
Owen turned around at the sound of his name, a solemn look on his face. Alex could tell that whatever he was needed for was not a happy occasion. He sidled up next to the trauma surgeon, making sure he had his game face on for when Owen tried to get his whole damn team down here.
“What could you possibly need the whole peds team for?”
“For that,” Owen pointed at the television set behind Alex, prompting the younger man to turn and watch the news report playing on screen. 
“Reports are coming in that there’s an active shooter situation at Golden Hill Elementary. The school year started three weeks ago for Seattle Unified, a horrifying way to start off the year. We have at least three confirmed deaths and ten confirmed injuries, but no word on whether these are students or teachers. We’ll keep you updated as we hear more news.”
The chart in Alex’s hand clattered to the floor, his eyes glued to the television screen in front of him. His heart was beating erratically, eyes watching in horror as the news report continued on. 
Golden Hill Elementary. 
His mind flicked to this morning as Jo got dressed, brushed her hair, and walked out the door to work like it was any other day. Had he kissed her goodbye? Told her he loved her?
When was the last time he had kissed his wife? 
“Page Avery,” Owen didn't move at the request, prompting Alex to turn and repeat his words. “Page Avery! I will get your damn peds team if you page Avery down here right now.” 
Owen ran off, leaving Alex alone standing in the middle of the ER. He pulled his phone out, looking over his texts from Jo and almost losing it. 
Tuesday 8:15 AM
I want tacos for dinner
from the place downtown
with the really good green salsa???
You got it babe. I’ll grab it on my way home. 
you’re the best
love you
Love you too. 
Tuesday 9:42 AM
mmm pretty sure they’re putting us on a lockdown drill 
great I love wrangling third graders 
Tuesday 10:56 AM
I love you, Alex. So much. 
“Alex,” Jackson was running down the hallway, eyes wide with fear as he approached Alex. It was evident he had heard about what was happening and was probably just as scared as Alex. “Have you heard from Jo?”
Alex shook his head, Jackson confirming that he hadn’t heard from April either. Alex asked the nurse’s station to page the entire peds department down to the ER, doctors from other specialties filtering into the trauma bay with a sense of urgency that made Alex feel sick.
“First rig is three minutes out,” Owen yelled as he walked through the crowded trauma bay. “Bailey and Grey, I need you to triage. Avery, get any parents or spouses that show up out of the way. O’Malley, Karev, and all available interns, you’re unloading rigs with me. And someone call the blood bank!”
The team donned trauma gowns, each running off to where Owen had directed them. Jackson and Alex shared one last look with each other, unspoken promises floating between the two of them before Alex followed Owen out to the ambulance bay. George stood at his left and Owen at his right, both silent as the sound of sirens grew louder.
“Worrying won’t do you any good,” George mused as he settled one hand on Alex’s shoulder. His friend's presence was mildly comforting, knowing that if Jo was standing next to him he would be saying the same thing. “She’ll be here sooner or later, then you can worry. For now, just breathe and let’s do our job.” The first rig pulled in the bay, a little boy being unloaded and rushed into the ER. Alex watched as four more rigs came through, each carrying a child who seemed too small to have such big wounds. He helped direct the interns on where each patient should go, his mind working on auto pilot as he unloaded child after child.
Finally, an ambulance came in with one of the teachers, someone Alex had met before. He swallowed the sick feeling in his chest, his hand moving to grab Maggie’s as she looked up at him with a half smile.
“Hey,” Maggie’s voice was quiet as she struggled to breathe, an obvious gunshot wound in her right shoulder bleeding onto the gurney. “Tell Jackson April is fine, she’s triaging at the school. I haven’t seen Jo yet, I’m sorry.” Alex nodded, sending one intern to find Jackson and another in with Maggie as he let her hand go. The news that April was okay made Alex feel better, hoping that if she made it out then maybe so did Jo. Their classrooms were right next to each other, that was a good thing right? “Karev!” 
Alex watches the scene before him in slow motion. An EMT is running to the back of the rig, filling Owen in on details that Alex can’t quite hear. Owen pulls a gurney from the ambulance. The first thing he sees are the bloodied sneakers, now red but normally a bright white. He should know, he had bought the shoes last Christmas. The dark jeans and floral top come into view before he can see her face, eyes frantically searching for him.
The world speeds up and goes back to a normal pace as Alex races forward, grabbing Jo’s hand and following her into the ER. He notes that the silky top she had complained about barely fitting this morning is now covered with blood and stuck to her protruding stomach. The sight makes Alex’s heart come up to sit in his throat, uncomfortable and jarring as he stares down at his wife. He barely registers Owen nodding to him, releasing Alex to be with Jo as they head into the ER.
“I’m fine, I promise,” Jo assures Alex as she’s rolled towards an empty triage bed. “April loaded me into the damn ambulance. This isn’t my blood… I’m fine, I’m not injured, I promise.”
Alex dismisses the intern with them, promising that if they have issues he’ll go to Meredith. He draws the curtain around the area they’re in and turns back to Jo, whose fingers are fiddling with her wedding rings. The silver bands are bloodied now, prompting Alex to grab Jo’s hand with his own and tilt her head up to look at him. 
“Are you really okay?”
There was silence for a moment before Jo shook her head and began to cry into Alex’s embrace. 
“My classroom was safe but there was a little boy in the hallway and he just… I went out after the drill lifted and he was barely breathing. I picked him up and I held him and...,” Jo sobbed, one hand coming to rest on her bulging stomach. “I watched a child die and I was grateful it wasn’t me or our daughter. What’s wrong with me?”
“You’re a human being, you’re allowed to have feelings,” Alex brushed his hand against Jo’s hair, his fingers running through the locks. “I’m relieved too, that you’re here in my arms and that our baby is okay. And it’s hard to think about what happened to everyone else, but you have to look at the bright side sometimes. You’re here and you’re okay and that’s enough for today.”
Jo curled into Alex’s side, arms wrapping around him tightly as he rubbed circles into her back. Nothing was okay, it probably wouldn’t be for awhile, but Jo had Alex and a healthy baby to go home to. She had survived a shooting, kept her class safe, and walked 24 third graders outside their parents. So some things were enough for Jo, just for today at least.
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