#what I mean is that dude's energetic to a point
soaked-ghost · 7 months
it's very funny to me that the multiverse's chosen guy to motivate it's frickin gods was sans, literally the most unmotivated character in the entire game of undertale
and not only that he is SOULLESS so he's DOUBLE unmotivated and I genuinely find that hilarious like yeah
he knows what to say and what advice to give to get people's spirits up, is he gonna apply them to himself? nope, the guy's like a wet mop on the floor that can barely move his ass to do anything and everyone still relays on him somehow
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 4!!!!
Nearing an end with writing notes for turtles. Thinking of posting about April and Splinter separately, and then a big post for side characters.
Raph, Leo, and Donnie here. Now let's start with
Mikey Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Catchphrase: "razzmatazz"
Tendency to "hoo-ha!"
Uses aave/bae
Like Raph and Leo, he will verbalize his attacks, but notably less than the aforementioned two. His most common phrases: "power whip jitsu" (chain moves), and "power fun jitsu" (use of his fire)
Shortens words/phrases in his excitement (i.e. the famous omigosh), but lengthens words in his wonder/amazement like drawing out wow into wooooooow
Uses a lot of idioms, i.e. "give us the 911", "hit the bricks", "you've been workin' a nerve"
Uses a lot of alliterations, especially when describing something
Refers to splinter as "pop" or "dad", with the rare "father" (usually for dramatics)
Will refer to others using "chico", "dude", or "man"
Answers the phone with "shell-o"
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Oblivious. A lot of stuff goes over his head, or he'll pick on the wrong thing to focus on. Like thinking they're part imitation crab men
Passionate. He throws himself into everything, whether that be cooking, fighting, or art. Sometimes this focus comes at his own detriment (i.e. forgetting to tell his brothers that Meatsweats mutated on t.v. bc he was cooking his pork risotto)
Optimistic, a dreamer. Not one to back down from doom and gloom, and is often among the first of the brothers to take action. Has a lot of perseverance
Believes the best in everyone. He can easily connect and empathize with others, most notably Draxum
Blunt, he doesn't hide his opinions and can accidentally be a little too harsh. On the other hand, he uses his persona of "Doctor Delicate Touch" to purposefully use his bluntness. He doesn't really much to hide on what he thinks about people
Sensitive, he's easily swayed by the emotion or pathos of others (read: gullible). This also mean his ego is easily damaged, which can contribute to his competitiveness with Leo at times and his inferiority complex with Raph babying him
The emotional heart of the team, he keeps the brothers grounded in empathizing with others
Energetic. Mikey's the wildcard. No one can guess what's coming out of his mouth next, and his fighting style is very innovative. All his energy gives him a charming amount of "razzmatazz"
Firey. Mikey's a pretty expressionate guy. He doesn't hide his emotions, and he doesn't really hide his anger. Sometimes this comes out in his bluntness, and sometimes this comes out in strained rage that has a boiling point
Looks up to his brothers. He has a lot of admiration for his older brothers. Whenever he's put in a corner he thinks what would Raph do, he's grateful for Leo's advocacy, and likes spending a lot of time with Donnie and his inventions. He also has a need to prove himself to his older brothers due to his admiration
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First to unlock mystic powers
Nicknames/code names: "Doctor Delicate Touch" and "Doctor Feelings" are self-proclaimed titles, "orange pawn" code name by Donnie, "Michael" nickname by Donnie, and "Flavortown" is his video game handle
Named his piggy bank "Mrs. Porky Coin"
Only chooses scissors in rock, paper, scissors
Has the top score in "Pance Pance Revolution" (rise's equivalent of DDR)
Well that's all the turtles for reference notes. I think I'll post Splinter next :)
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marvelfanfics1 · 5 months
I feel like daddy!John B. would be more of the strict one but still kind of laid back and papa!JJ would be so energetic and chaotic(in a good way). I also feel like daddy!John B. would be so stressed out when little!reader and papa!JJ are up to their shenanigans and he’d feel like he was watching after two littles.
See, John B and JJ have different perspectives of what's safe for you and what's not or what you can take or not. Meaning you would often come crying to John B when JJ gets a little too rough with you while playing or teases you too much.
Clambering on John B's lap while sobbing and blabbering that JJ was being mean again while the blonde was standing by the doorway, scratching the back of his neck. "I told you that she's sensitive today, didn't I?" "Look, I'm sorry, a'ight. She seemed okay to me-" John B glares at him. "Does that look like 'okay' to you?" He nods at your sniffling form curled up in his arms.
John B means only well but sometimes he would baby you too much, y'know? I mean, you do love that but only when you're in the right headspace. If not it could get really frustrating when you're close to do nothing but only sit and look pretty, practically feeling locked up in the Chateau while the boys banter.
"C'mon, dude, I'll be with her the whole time. You gotta loosen the leash a little-" JJ tries to defend his idea of teaching you how to surf. "No way and stop making it look like I'm the bad one here by trying to ensure her safety." "Then come with us! Y'know, you gotta start trusting us more." John B sighs, looking at your pleading face, throwing his head back with a groan knowing this would backfire at him but also that JJ's right even if he wouldn't admit that out loud. "Fine."
The way you and JJ cheer in unison, rushing to get ready has John B shake his head. He wasn't even sure anymore if he has just one little at this point-
I'm a total believer of JJ being a switch. Just like me haha.
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sooniebby · 1 year
A dream i had has been haunting me so here i am.
A jock any sport my dream wasnt specific just a popular jock is the reader and he is just so popular and everyone loves him and of course everyone assumes since his this big jock his the dom in the relationship between him and his boyfriend when in fact his the complete opposite.
The boyfriend can be in the band or a part of the cheer team again it depends on the sport and my dreams never clarify, He hears one of these conversations and has a brilliant idea that he was gonna put the reader in his place and everyone is gonna know that place.
Kinks you can go wild with, But praise and a little the reader getting dumb on whoever you choose the nerd to be cock but the rest you can do what you please 🤭🤭
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꧁ 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Word count › 2.5k
Rating › NSFT
Warnings › none
Kinks › praise, voyeurism, semi-public sex, use of pussy/feminine terms
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“Isn’t that (Name)’s boyfriend?”
“I thought his name was Mikey?”
“Nah man, it’s Mickey!”
Marcus sighed. He hated having to practice for the marching band when the football team was practicing as well. The players didn’t know how to whisper. He was really wondering if he should give them a look that he could hear them.
He wasn’t sure why the football coach allowed them to practice with them here but he was sure it was because the teacher for band was a sexy man. Marcus could tell the coach, Coach Pattinson, loved to stare at his band teacher’s ass.
But he couldn’t lie. Mister Yang had a nice ass.
More importantly though, Marcus could sometimes see his boyfriend playing. But it was mainly rare. (Name) played soccer so obviously he couldn’t play while the football team occupied the field.
Today was that day the soccer team practiced somewhere else.
He was getting a bit agitated at this point. The heavy drum strapped to his chest and the sun beaming down at him. God, he wanted to just walk home. But he did like his band mates. He didn’t want them to hate him for any reason so he’d put it with it.
But that didn’t mean he’d do it without complaints.
“Marc! Pay attention.” One of his band mates whispered, poking him with a drum stick. Marcus quickly put his focus on Mr. Yang as he continued to drone on and on about timing and making sure to be energetic during performances.
Marcus tried to pay more attention, even though he had already heard this speech once before. Expect the two players whispering (?) about him started up once more.
“I wonder what (Name) sees in him.” Thing 1 said.
“What do you mean? Mickey is a cute ass guy. Especially his ass…” Thing 2 muttered.
“Mikey… And yeah I guess. It’s kinda flat to me. Mr. Yang has a much fatter ass than him.”
“True true… I mean look it at… I wonder what it looks like when he jumps…”
Thing 1 whispered. The only time he ever whispered. “Perv.”
“You started it!” Thing 2 shouted, earning a glare from Coach Pattinson. Thing 1 & 2 quickly quieted down.
“But for real, who do you think tops?” Thing 2 muttered.
“(Name)… obviously. The dude is bigger and taller than Mikey. How could Mikey top him?!”
“(Name) is only 5’10 at the most. He’s not that tall. And he’s hardly that muscular. It’s mainly his legs.”
“Says you, Mister 6’4!” Thing 1 punched Thing 2 on the arm, earning a wince. “(Name) has an ass that could rival Mr. Yang, though.”
“Didn’t he play baseball?”
“He plays both sports. Such a cool guy. I’m not sure how he doesn’t go crazy.” Thing 1 looked as if he had a crush on (Name). Marcus didn’t like that, he could feel himself tighten his grip on his drumsticks.
“Maybe he knows how to manage himself… unlike someone…”
“Say that to my face you beanstalk!”
“Alright boys, break time is over!!” Coach Pattinson yelled. “Back to the field!!” He blew his whistle before glancing over to see Mister Yang’s ass once more.
Yeah, he wasn’t hiding it.
Marcus thought hard about what Thing 1 & 2 talked about. Damn, did he not give off top vibes like the thought? Shit—what could he do to show it off?
Well it wasn’t that he really cared what those little shits said but he didn’t like that his looks somehow determined his sexual position.
Oh. Marcus smirked to himself.
He could always make it known that he is the dom in the relationship… and he knew just the way to do it.
“Dude… the fuck are you smiling about?”
Marcus glanced over to his band mate, Olivia. “Nothing important.”
Olivia didn’t look convinced but she turned her attention back to Mr. Yang. Marcus couldn’t wait to test out his plan.
It was the next day and Marcus didn’t have band practice today. But (Name) was at soccer practice. He hardly joined him because he mainly wanted to go straight home after school. Any minute he stayed longer at this cursed school was a damage to his mental health.
(Name) was sitting down on the bench, drinking water when he spotted his boyfriend. He waved, a large grin on his lips. If he was an animal, many would say he would be a golden retriever. So happy to be with people.
“Marc! Something happened?”
“I can’t just see my boyfriend?” Marcus grinned, his blonde locs pulled into a ponytail. He wore a ridiculously large jacket with a red tee with black pants. (Name) always wondered why Marcus always complained about being hot when he chose to wear such clothing during summer.
(Name) simply hummed and pursed his lips, closing his eyes. He titled his head up earning a laugh from Marcus. Marcus would usually just give him a light kiss. He wasn’t one for PDA.
But this time, he grabbed (Name)’s chin and held him in place as he kissed him. (Name)’s eyes widen as Marcus immediately bit his lip, causing him to automatically part them. The innocent kiss (Name) wanted was quickly turned into a full on make out with tongue.
(Name) whimpered into the kiss, wondering if any of his teammates were looking at him. Marcus pulled away from the kiss—a small trail of saliva connecting their lips—as he glanced back to see if anyone saw that. It seemed at least a few did—with the embarrassed looks on a few of the boys face.
The coach didn’t seem to have saw it though by the fact she was paying attention to another player. Good. He just wanted the other players to see.
“What…?” (Name) muttered. He didn’t hate it. No he loved it but he would’ve loved a warning first.
“Trying something new. Like it?” Marcus said, wiping away a stray line of drool on (Name)’s chin.
“I like whatever you do. But I thought you didn’t like public stuff.”
“I still don’t.” Marcus simply said and sat down on the bench.
(Name) didn’t understand Marcus sometimes.
Marcus fanned at himself, starting to complain about the sun cooking him alive.
“I’m lucky I can’t get any darker ‘cause what the fuck, man…” he complained.
“Take your jacket off.”
“Why not?”
“It’ll mess up my style. I had this whole outfit planned and everything. I mean, look at my shoes—it matches the jacket!”
It did.
(Name) simply laughed. “Alright. Enjoy the sun, Mikey.” He said as he got up to return back to practice.
“Ay! It’s because of you those other jocks are calling me Mikey or Mickey! I’m not a mouse!”
“Sorry! I didn’t think anyone else would call you that!”
Marcus simply huffed. He mainly couldn’t wait until he could enact his plan. The kiss was simply to just get it started for later.
Ah he couldn’t wait.
(Name) knew Marcus liked to try new things. Y’know, only live once and all that jazz. But he didn’t know that he’d be into something so… scandalous?
So risky.
“Isn’t this nice?”
(Name) simply huffed, not able to say anything due to the cock in his mouth. They were behind the bleachers—not too far from door that leads to the locker room. When (Name)’s coach called for a thirty minute break, Marcus saw that as his cue to go ahead with his plan.
He had pulled (Name) to the back of the bleachers were no one could see them and forced him to his knees. But the spot they were in was hardly hidden. Someone could just walk up to the locker room door and get a clear view of them.
(Name) was kneeling down on the balls of his feet, forced to keep his balance this way. It wasn’t a good position to try and suck dick at, especially when Marcus was only 5’7 to his 5’10. (Name) wasn’t immediately at face with his cock.
He had to bend a little. Suffice to say, he was uncomfortable sucking dick right now. But he loved Marcus telling him what to do so who was he to stop him.
“Did I tell you that some guys said that you were topping me?” Marcus laughed.
(Name) hummed, pulling away from his cock. “Is that why you’re doing this?”
“Maybe.” Marcus tapped two fingers on (Name)’s lips. (Name) eagerly took them into his mouth—sucking them to lather it up. His cock twitched in his gym shorts as he thought about someone seeing him in this position.
Kneeling down in front of someone physically weaker than him.
“So I thought… maybe I should prove them wrong, y’know? But then it hit me… if they think like that—than everyone else must think like that.”
(Name) wasn’t sure if he believed that. No one could be that weird to care about his sex life.
Marcus hummed as he forced his fingers down deeper (Name)’s throat, enjoying the panicked choke he got from his boyfriend. He dragged them out of (Name)’s mouth. (Name) took a few shuttered breaths as Marcus motioned for him to lay down.
“Pants off.”
(Name) slipped off his pants and boxers as he moved to lay down on the grass. It felt dirty to do so but he didn’t care at the moment. Marcus hummed, deep in thought before he tapped (Name)’s waist.
(Name) flushed. He always felt embarrassed during doggy. Marcus always got full view of his ass at this position. It also didn’t help that doggy was the quickest way for Marcus’ cock to reach his prostate.
With a little hesitation, (Name) moved into the doggy position. Just as he was about to try and not think about the fact someone could see him in such position, Marcus slapped his ass.
“Hey, you forgot your move.”
(Name) blushed in full embarrassment as he leaned down more so his ass was in the air and shyly shook his ass. He hated doing it. The first time he ever did it was by accident. He didn’t think Marcus would’ve wanted him to do it everything for doggy.
Marcus had said it reminded him of a cat getting ready to pounce. It was the only time (Name) was ever said to resemble a cat.
“Good boy.” Marcus shoved in his two fingers, gaining a scream from (Name). “Hey, do you want them to hear you?”
(Name) shook his head.
“Your pussy says otherwise. It tightened as soon as I mentioned it.” Marcus laughed, dragging his fingers against (Name)’s wet walls before grazing his prostate.
Marcus loved to call (Name)’s features with feminine terms. Boobs, tits, pussy, cunt. You name it. He didn’t use it all the time. Sometimes he was nice to called them pecs or asshole.
(Name) liked both. But there was something different about his ass being called a pussy. He wasn’t sure what it was.
“I’m surprised they haven’t wondered where you are…. Do you often use these breaks to jerk off? Play with your clit?” He grinned, enjoying the whimper he earned.
(Name) shook his head, gripping at the dirt beneath him. His hole clenched down on Marcus’ fingers. He had never done that but he did usually use the break time to sit in the locker room with the air conditioner.
Marcus pressed against his prostate, teasing it as (Name)’s ass twitched upwards. He loved it whenever (Name) tried to chase the relief. His ass was a sight to see as it bounced at every sudden movement he made.
Maybe Thing 1 was right about his ass… it could rival Mr. Yang’s…
“You think you’re ready?” Marcus asked, continuing his grazes against (Name)’s prostate.
(Name) simply whined, too dumbed out to say anything. He honestly didn’t trust himself to open his mouth without moaning anyway.
Marcus took that as a yes as he slipped out his fingers and grabbed his cock. It was a good size, six inches. But the best part about it was how thick it was. Imagine a soda can.
He slowly pushed inside, moving one hand to grip (Name)’s waist. It took everything in (Name)’s body to not cry out. He bit his lip harshly—digging his fingers into the dirt.
Marcus was antagonistically slow. Dragging his cock in and out of (Name)’s hole. He wouldn’t go fully in—set to just tease his prostate before pulling out. (Name) was going to die if he continued this way.
“You always take me so well. But that’s just cuz you were made for me.” Marcus muttered, pushing down (Name)’s shirt to press soft kisses on his back. His back is sweating, from playing or sex? Marcus hoped it was sex.
(Name) huffed as he began to thrust backwards, hoping that Marcus’ cock will reach in deeper. Marcus simply laughed to himself as he stopped his thrusting—allowing (Name) to continue his lackluster performance.
“Yes, baby?”
“C’mon… we don’t have all day… please…”
(Name) was right. They had thirty minutes. It could’ve been thirty minutes already for all they knew. If he didn’t want to play soccer with a raging boner—he needed to cum now.
Marcus frowned. He hoped he could drag this out longer but knew it wasn’t fair to (Name).
“I’ll get you off. We’ll worry about me when your practice is finished,” Marcus said, grasping (Name)’s waist and holding him still as he began to thrust harshly inside of him.
He purposefully aimed for his prostate, enjoying the panicked hiccups (Name) accidentally slipped out. (Name) was struggling to keep his voice down. He could hear his coach saying they had a minute left.
Could he really cum in under a minute?!
Marcus was going to make sure he did though. He didn’t let up with his constant thrusts, reaching down to jerk (Name)’s leaking clock as well.
It doesn’t take too long for (Name) to cum. Before he could scream, Marcus quickly shoved (Name)’s own shirt into his mouth. It muffled it a little but he could still hear someone ask if they heard something.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
Marcus pulls out despite his cock twitching for his own release and pulled his boxers and pants on. (Name) stayed on the ground, trying to catch his breathe before slowly moving to put on his pants.
(Name) looked numbed. He certainly looked as if he could fall asleep any minute. Marcus helped him to his feet (with a little struggle but he would never admit that).
“Go back to practice. I’ll be waiting for you,” Marcus said, patting (Name)’s ass. (Name) glared at him before limping away to his teammates.
If anyone asked why he was limping, he’d just say he hurt his leg while playing earlier. Though he was sure a few of his teammates didn’t believe that.
And unlucky for him, it was the few who loved to tell everyone what they knew. At least Marcus plan worked. Everyone was going to know who was truly the top in the relationship.
After practice, when almost everyone had already left, (Name) was changing into his clothes after taking a shower when Marcus walked into the locker room.
A small smirk on his lips.
“It’s time to worry about me.”
A limp walk wasn’t going to be the only thing (Name) went home with. A nice creampie would accompany it~
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
My comeback! Marcus is so fun to write, I hope you guys like him!! If you guys want, I can do a little fic of how he started dating you 🤭 lemme know!
Tag list: @mello-life69 @the-ultimate-librarian @nakedtoasterr @chill-guy-but-cooler @kiiyoooo
Number 1 fan: @elegantcecile
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papil0nglegs · 1 month
What about the mercs with a fem SO that talks in brainrot sometimes? Would really want medic in there but it's up to you!
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Mercs x Brainrot!Reader
warnings: Brainrot.. a lot of images being used, it’s a shit post who cares tbh
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He’s into it too
Guys it’s scout
“Scout ilysm ur so nonchalant <33”
“Thanks babe ^^ I know I’m pretty alpha”
(Oh btw the alpha thing isn’t a joke he unironically listens to alpha male podcasts)
In the middle of spy’s serious moments you’d both lip sync ‘you are my sunshine’ to each other when he’s not looking
“what the bloody hell are you guys doing..”
“…perhaps itz a coping mechanizm zince scout doesn’t have a father?”
Medic really had to take it there
The ‘fatherless child’ meme was a coping mechanism for him tho
“I’m a fatherless child, of course I have abandonment issues”
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“Um babe? Idk if you should joke abt that 😚”
“Na it just makes me more sigma”
You guys love to fuck with the blu team sm with your shenanigans, esp sniper!!
Scout would have his bat and you would have whatever weapon you have with you and yell “skibidi” before jumping him
Here’s something he DEFINITELY didn’t learn from you 💯
creds to urwhouchoose2b on Tik tok
He tries so hard to understand
Whenever you show him a meme he does the classic old person holding phone away from eyes thing
Yk the
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“Ok so this is the ‘im nothing like y’all’ fish”
“alrighty, and this is..?”
“Oh that’s the Freddy five bear meme, see it’s funny cuz his name is actually ‘Freddy fazbear’ but they got his name wrong so like.. yeah”
“…I’m not sure what I’m ‘posed to say ‘bout this, but I think you belong in a looney bin”
Once he had a project that had the word “alpha” in it and he hated mentioning it to you cuz yk
“Skibidi alpha”
Demo man
he’s so energetic esp when he’s drunk so he’s happy to have someone he can share that energy with
Y’all know that “Scotland forever” meme
Well you screamed it after another victory as a joke, but when demo heard it he was confused but also excited?
cut to him butt chugging beers
Demo doesn’t get it but he has the spirit
He’ll be right there replicating the TikTok audios after taking the point
Dude is drunk 99% of the time so he’s never bothered to ask what any of this means, he’s just in it for the fun
Once you dragged him to the bathroom since he drake too many beers (shocker) but he didn’t want to do it in the toilet cuz he didn’t want to ‘hurt his dear skibidi’
“Cmon demo you have to puke it out!!”
“Noo, take me to the jawbox I don’t wanna hert me skibidi toilet”
“Oh god what have I done”
I think you rotted his brain a little too much
Don’t even get him started.
He’s so sick of your antics it’s not even funny
“Guys we all have to remember that it’s not about the money.. it’s about the skibidi.”
Passionately grabs spy’s shoulder
“How have you made it this far in life”
Unlike engie, he really doesn’t want to know about it
Especially during missions
“lol spy you’re so devious ASF”
“shhh, enough blabbering!!”
“You are not carti 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️❌‼️‼️‼️”
You make fun of him a bunch, he can’t think of a single moment where you took him seriously
“Y/n get off the cart!!”
“If we were in Fortnite I’d have higher ground + double pump.”
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starfanatic · 10 months
Personality Headcanons
(Since the greek male love interests have little to none to go off of)
HYACINTHUS: I think people believe that he acts like very sweet and gentle, but I think that doesn't make a lot of sense for Hyacinthus and it's kind of a easy basic answer. Hyacinthus, to me, seems like more of a military type person. I mean, he's in SPARTA, and everybody knows how Sparta acts like. I'm not saying he can't be a nice person, but I think there is far more to him. He's not necessarily delicate in my opinion, he's very strong and very competitive. He can be protective, even over Apollo, and a amazing fighter. I think that he liked Apollo so much because he didn't have to worry about anything around him. He can be stressfree, and he loved that. I think he was also a direct person with the way he spoke. Essentially the way Patroclus acted like in the Iliad, because I believe they kind of parallel one another, like Achilles parallels Apollo in some ways.
NERITES: Nerites is a fun one, actually. It took a while for me to make up a personality because of what little we have of him. We know Aphrodite and Poseidon both love him, we know that he's Amphitrite's little brother, and we know he's extraordinarily beautiful. Also that he's Poseidon's charioteer. I also heard that he was VERY VERY fast to the point he even challenged Helios (or maybe he didn't and Helios was just jealous tbh). So I'm thinking that maybe he's a daredevil of sorts? Very energetic and very playful kind of like the typical little brother. He's a ride-or-die type of person and doesn't like staying in one place. Also, maybe he can be a little bit bratty at times, giving Poseidon a little bit of sass certain times (Poseidon is way more unbothered then people would typically think). Also I think Nerites is very much aware of HOW pretty he is and uses his pretty privelege to get away with pranks and stuff. I mean how is Poseidon supposed to punish him with those pretty doe eyes? Come on!
Ganymede: He's actually the more simpler ones. He's the only one that I can genuinely see as gentle and delicate. I think he was probably pampered a lot due to his immense beauty, so kind of the opposite of Hyacinthus. When he first came to Olympus I think he was genuinely frightened and Zeus had to comfort him. (Cute little headcanon that he met Nerites and felt a bit more comfortable due to Nerites' company). Even though we all know what PROBABLY happened based on Zeus' behavior, I like to think that Zeus was very patient with Ganymede and refused to touch him until Ganymede initiated first. I think Ganymede also kind of doesn't realize how much privilege he has? He's a bit spoiled but doesn't quite realize it? He knows he's pretty but he doesn't exactly understand HOW pretty he is, and he also doesn't understand how far Zeus would go for him. He's not necessarily insecure, just completely unaware and not too out of touch.
Adonis: Adonis is literally the insane dude who you speak to who constantly talks about and is fascinated by DEATH or the UNIVERSE or how the world is going to collapse any second. If Adonis spoke to the average joe, they would probably only listen because of how beautiful Adonis is. Adonis realizes he's very beautiful, but it's extremely effortless. I think Aphrodite kind of likes that he doesn't try so hard, and it just comes for him. Adonis doesn't like special treatment for his looks either (but he definitely gets it anyway). Adonis is incredibly fearless when it comes to death, and gets excited when he almost dies. Adonis has a great singing voice but will ONLY sing around people he feels deserve it. Not even out of arrogance, but because he only wants people he loves and trusts to hear it.
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sil3ntfr34k · 5 months
Postal 4 boyfriend Headcanons
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(Guess who found about how to do a buillted list insides of manually putting dots :D)
Mans is probably in his early 40’s and feeling every second of it.
He’s not much a romantic, but he knows how to love. Like he knows he’s supposed to give you gifts, listen to you rant, support you in anything, hug you, give affection and words of encouragement, the whole sha-bang. Is he good at it tho? Kinda,,,
You probably met him during his ‘job hunting’, when he was running around this a sign that said something along the lines of “Willing to do something strange for a bit of change”. Caught your attention IMMEDIATELY
You thought he wasn’t too bad looking, something of a roughed up silver fox. He was pretty toned for someone his age, forearms are pretty big and that’s just what you needed. You ended up taking him up on his offer and made him clean out your gutters. You just sat there and watched as he worked himself throwing out heaps of wet leaves and random junk from your gutters.
He came out obvious dirty so you gifted him $40 and a shower. It’s like heavens light shined upon him when he heard the words “You can take a shower here if you’d like?” fall from your mouth was enough for him to marry you in that moment.
Postal Dude has been raw dogging it homeless style for a couple months up to this point, so any kind of reward he came across was a fortune to him. Gladly accepting this kind gesture, he was still thrown out for the rest of the day. You both came upon an agreement that he could stay the nights on your couch, but he still had to go ‘job hunting’ during the days. Didn’t matter to him, he still accepted it. As long as he had a safe place to sleep with Champ.
Side note, you loathe Champ being around during the day since he digs holes everywhere in your front AND back yard, so you make Dude take Champ with him everyday. Dude doesn't mind since Champ is kinda like an attack dog so homie very useful when Dude's walking around
Once your relationship with Dude has reached it's peak (dating), he becomes very attentive and energetic. Where he was once tired and reclused, he's now got some energy in him and filled with affection
Dude loves to be around you and touching you. Biggest love languages are quality time and physical touch, sometimes words of affirmation if he's feeling extra sappy. He's probably been through the works of brutal relationships, so he really wants to settle down, which leads me to my next thought
Mans is getting old and creaky. Sure he's still got muscle and all, but they're honestly just for show. He couldn't hold back Champ from attacking someone he isn't supposed to even if his life depended on it. So, he's staring to wear down and just wants to find someone to relax with.
Red flag time, he's talking about marriage about 2 months into the relationship and tries to move his scrap in without you noticing, which usually fails. It's not that he's using you for your home, Dude just wants to feel like he's finally in a normal relationship. No bitchy attitudes being thrown around, no constant nagging for something stupid, no arguing over small things, no constant threats, just y’all being in love together
Eventually your gonna have to let Champ wonder the house and train him to be a guard dog rather than just an attack dog. You’re definitely the one to look up dog training classes and making Dude go with you to these said classes.
Even with how much he loves to be around you, there are still times when his mental and physical illnesses make him ill 😔 but he still tries to snap out of it
His main problems are most likely his chronic muscle pains and his auditory schizophrenia. (I think all the dudes are some sort of schizo, it’s just that p1 and p2 are the strongest showing ones)
Being older means his body is slowly deteriorating. Sure he’s not that old, but with how he lived in his golden age, he should really be dead. Constantly on the run from the government, having to stay sharp to kill, and fucking his way through Paradise and Edensin, he’s ready to just lay down and let the earth reclaim him
Having a long history of schizophrenia in the family and his own lifetime, it’s thankfully dwindled down to just hearing voices randomly. Since he can only hear these voices it doesn’t scare him as bad as it used to. All he can really hear is a distant conversation that he can’t make out the words to, it’s sort of like a mumbling between a woman and a man. Many times you’ve found him franticly wondering the house with a confused look on his face saying “I thought there was people in here?”
Overall, he’s an old man who’s been through enough and would just like to relax. Give him kisses, give him cuddles, feed him, and talk to him, and he’ll love you for eternity (so gay)
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Dys propaganda:
“Autistic ecoterrorist king - not canonically autistic afaik but he's one of those characters where it's like come on. This is basically canon. He's deeply weird and very distant from most people but if you get close to him he's ride or die, he's quietly adventurous, he says at one point that he feels like he was born in the wrong species, in the prepubescent stage of the game one of the default openers for approaching him is that he's sitting there sorting rocks for fun. I love his weird emo ass <3”
“Maybe I just have a thing for sad emo boys but I immediately loved dys so so much. kind of an outcast boy for the entire game, he feels like he really does fit in with the rest of the colony kids and is honestly pretty upset about people trying to industrialize/destroy the nature of the planet they've landed on because he thinks its so beautiful and they'd be best to just leave things alone and let nature run its course. has a twin sister who's pretty much the exact opposite of him and they both have a kind of jealousy about what the other has (dys thinks everyone thinks his sister is better than him and that everyone likes her more than they like him and wants to feel cared for the way he thinks she is. she feels she has a lot of expectations on her and wishes for the freedom she believes dys has with no expectations or eyes on him) however you can make them kind of bond if you choose to. if you dont date him and kind of if you do he falls in love with a humanoid alien on the planet that the player can also date and be in a polycule. i really just wanna give this boy a hug because he desperately needs one”
Nightowl propaganda:
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Hellooo, I was wondering if you could do MCYT with an S/O who has ADHD? (Mostly hyperfixates on horror games, etc.) I personally have a bad habit of walking around till my legs are sore (my leg has been sore for the past three days please help I can't get rid of this energy ahh-) and how MCYT would react to that/stop Y/N from. Doing that lol
HELP THIS IS SO REAL BAHAHHAHABA ; thank you for the request 🫶🫶 ; sorry if anything seems a little wrong, I'm kinda looking into if I have adhd but obv idk and I'm not diagnosing myself, but I obviously am not diagnosed so I don't know the full ins and outs and I know it's a spectrum, so uh yeah 👍 hopefully I did good lol
MCYT ; ADHD shenanigans
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu & quackity
warnings ; language
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he'll walk into your stream, sit down, look at your screen, then blankly stare at you when he realizes what you're playing
"Dude. are you streaming FNAF again?"
you nod with a smile "yupppp"
he spends the rest of your stream talking to chat and trying to scare you more
you're just talking about the lore and shit and he's loosely hanging onto it LMAO
if you're just like pacing around the house he'll look up at you like "bro you okay?"
will genuinely join in as well, he's always got the energy
he doesn't mean to enable like hurting yourself to a point, but once he realizes he is kind of enabling it he'll immediately stop
"sit down, here, skip leg day for once, focus on those noodle arms of yours"
"says you! the fuck?"
let's you rant about your fixations and the lore and whatnot
I mean they won't deny that the Blair Witch Project video game is really good
they even buy you posters of the Blair Witch Project movie and video game (we don't talk about the movies after the first...)
even gets you merch off the official game site too (if that exists? I'm not sure istg there was merch tho)
they start to get a little fixated on it too considering they love hearing about the lore and theories from you and stuff
they even play it on stream and dedicate it to you
"thanks for the content y/n"
when you're running through the house, he'll race with you for a while before finding some other ways for you to release energy without making yourself sore
at one point he just gives you coffee that way you'll crash and burn after a few hours
I mean at least you don't feel like your legs are about to pop off your body
invested in the resident evil lore because of you
"I saw this and thought of you" AND ITS A LEON KENNEDY EDIT LMFAOOO
I mean yeah
loves hearing you rant about the games and everything, he could listen to you talk for hours
when you're all strung up on energy he also enables it without realizing at first
when he can tell it's more than just being energetic he'll help you find ways to calm down
if need be, he'll read to you, instant sleep I swear
or when he starts talking you'll be fully invested in his words
"yknow, Google listed among us as a horror game and I really cannot-"
the amount of dead by daylight merch and the amount of money that you've spent on it is kinda concerning
but she loves listening to you rant about how the kill animations are so awesome and about new maps and characters and dlcs
I mean it's your current fixation, of course she'd listen to every single word you'd have to say
she even plays with you on stream a lot as well
when you're strung up on energy, she'll take you out for a run, you're like a dog on a leash though because she's not trying to lose you
"niki, come on! I wanna see the water snakes!"
"I'm coming, I can't sprint like you do, darling!"
"of all the games, why is five nights at freddy's the one you're fixated on?"
he loves hearing you rant and explain lore and theories to him tho
genuine love language
he'll even play it on stream with you
"and the purple guy basically killed all the kids, and the kids basically scared him into the springlock suit and it literally killed him so he possesses that suit now-"
he'll just joke about the amount of energy you have
like Ranboo, will serve you coffee so you can crash and burn considering you end up begging him to help you
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 14 days
Ateez Ideal Type
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Alright, time to look into these boys Ideal type, as this was a request, but also something I wanted to myself, so here we go.
Okay, some of these cards flew out aggressively lol They got stuff to say about this. I will stress I keep it real, I take whatever messages come to me, it isn't always pretty. We are all flawed beings, no judgment here. Anyway, let's get into this.
Hongjoong (Ace of Wands/Goddess of the Moon) Okay, his seems like the most straightforward or easier to understand first look. He would want someone with fire and passion. Who has that spark of energy and fire. He definitely has to be physically/sexually attracted to this person. I would say he wants someone with a mysterious tone to them. A contemplated and reflective soul. I am getting he would like someone with hint of an energetic side, but also quiet and reserved as well. He would also want someone to inspire and energize him as well. I can see him being inspired by his ideal type as well.
Seonghwa (The Magician/Third Chakra Archangel Chamuel) He would want someone who makes things happen. He wants someone motivated, determined and confident. A person with strong will and can endure a lot. A multi-talented and skilled individual. I am getting no slob, wtf does that mean? But that keeps popping up. You got to have your sh** together with him. Umm, you got to have some masculine energy with him, don't know what his preference is, never assume with idols, but women can have this to, as I have strong masculine energy as a woman, but a strong go getter mindset. If you are the type that gets nothing done in life, bye bit** is what I heard, he isn't here for that lol This dude. Moving on.
Yunho (Knight of Swords/Anxiety) Okay, trying to understand how this is an ideal type? He wants someone anxious or hesitant? Okay, maybe he wants someone who can communicate their worries to him. To cry on his shoulder, okay, that is kind of cute lol He wants someone willing to communicate to him whatever is on their mind. I see him wanting someone who is also not afraid to be confrontational as well. Like share whatever is on your mind. Man, the more I read on him, the more I like him. I am being pulled back to his dynamic reading and how he was able to understand the perspective of each member, it is like he will understand his partners worries, so they shouldn't be afraid to express their worries or themselves. Wow, I really like his energy. This is sweet.
Yeosang (Judgment/Woman Holding Coin) Well, he went specific with oracle card lol Okay, this is weird, what is this? He would want someone to help him grow, maybe help build his finances. He would want a business Savy person. I am getting someone highly critical and judgmental, someone with high standards, I am getting strong Earth placements here. He would someone well put together. A strong independent person. I am also getting someone who is always willing to grow and work on themselves. I am also getting someone who is admired by others, or who have others who work under them, I guess he would want someone who has some sort of power. Okay, that was kind of wild lol Where these messages take me sometimes.
San (9 of Swords/Broken Heart) I see these cards and I am like why, why, why? These cards are so sad. I am confused. I look at the 9 of swords and mental anguish pops up. I look at the oracle card and feeling hurt pops up, has he been hurt? Am I not getting his ideal type, because he has been hurt that he doesn't care about an ideal type? Okay, so I got, what is the point of an ideal type, they are all the same, yikes. Yeah, I don't think he particularly has an ideal type right now.
Mingi (10 of Wands/The Thinking Woman) He would want someone who can endure a lot and can handle a lot. Who wouldn't buckle under the pressure. He would want someone smart, bold and an intellectual. Someone always willing to learn, maybe someone observant, who reads a lot and gather information. Someone transformative. Also, someone willing to listen. Someone with a lot of thoughts, someone contemplative and reflective. I think he would want them not to be overly emotional, a bit stoic. Resilient and strong. And a sense of independence. Man, his energy is a bit difficult for me, because he thinks fast and has a lot to say and messages always come really quick with him, I can't keep up lol
Wooyoung (9 of Wands/Woman Holding Heart) He would want a loving, caring, sensitive person, someone vulnerable, but he would also want someone who protects and guards themselves as well, a bit contradicting here. I am like, how do you have the 9 of wands, but the woman holding heart card? These are two different energies. It is like he would want someone to hold strong in front of others, but bring their more sensitive side with him, kind of makes sense, since he can be similar to this, but I will see when I do them as a boyfriend. It is like being sensitive and caring, but also having boundaries and holding your own. Okay, that kind of makes sense.
Jongho (Knave of Wands/Walking Away) Boy, what is this? Okay, what this is giving me, I can't with this dude lol I am just going to go with it, anyway, he would want someone who is curious, adventurous, likes to explore, have fun, try new things, but willing to walk away when it is done, yup, that is what I am getting, like this was fun, bye. Wtf dude, whatever do you, I say they should have fun. His ideal type is someone who is willing to have fun with it, but he wouldn't want something serious. I got willing to go for the ride and then move on. Man, can't wait to see what type of boyfriend he will be lol
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I'm in Control Part 2 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: Today may be my birthday but I bare YOU a gift <3
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that that implies (I regret nothing!) Eddie asserts more dominance here 🤤.
Word Count: 2823
“Y/N, congratulations! Luke called and told me he got those boys a part on that fancy show!” TJ beamed as he walked into your office and threw himself down in a chair. 
“See? Told you I could do it.”, you smile over at him. 
“I didn’t doubt you for a second.” He chuckles when you make a face at him. “Of course, with every big deal, I’m throwing a party at my house tonight.”
“Of course, but believe it or not, I have a date tonight.”
“Well bring him!”
“TJ…”, you wince at the thought.
“Oh come on. What man doesn’t want to go to a party full of beautiful people? Present company included.”
You giggle at him as you concede. “Fine, I’ll ask him!”
“Good. Now, please, on your way home can you give these to the boys and make sure they are coming. I have some people I want them to meet.”
Steve answers the door in nothing but his sweats after hearing you knock. “Hey beautiful.”
“Mr. Harrington.” You hand him an envelope with their paycheck as you push past him and enter their home. You find Eddie sitting at their kitchen table in boxers and a heavy metal shirt munching on breakfast cereal. “Mr. Munson.”
Smiling, he takes the envelope from your hands. “Sweet. Thank you, Princess.”
“My pleasure. Now TJ is throwing a party for you two since you got cast in that new show and he insists that you attend.”
 “Sounds like fun. Are you going?”, Steve leans against his kitchen counter, taking a sip of coffee from his mug. 
“Why are you both acting like it’s the morning drinking coffee and eating cereal? You know it’s 4pm, yes?”
Eddie grins as he glances at Steve. “She’s avoiding the question.”
“Yeah, I noticed that to.” He rises from the counter to take a seat next to his roommate. 
“I’m not avoiding the question! I’m just simply asking another one before I answer.”
“She’s still not answering.”
“That means either she’s not going or she IS but…bringing someone with her?” Eddie’s eyebrows raise as he poses the question before chuckling when you blush. 
“Yes. Jesus, yes. I am going and yes, I am bringing a date. You both can be annoying sometimes.”
“A new date or someone you’ve been seeing for a long time?”, Steve asks.
“Does it matter?” Your eyes squint in his direction as his head ticks to the side. You hate when he does that. Besides it being ridiculously attractive, it means he’s figured out something new to crack that wall you keep putting between them. “It’s a new guy. It’s hard for me to meet men out here.”
“Well, I find that hard to believe.” Eddie gets up from the table and tosses his bowl in the sink. “I mean, you’re gorgeous, smart, kind, and sassy as fuck. What men wouldn’t want that?”
“Man.”, you correct.
He flashes you a sly grin. “Man. My mistake.”
“To answer your question,” you quickly clear your throat as you try to get them (and yourself) on task. “Being a woman in the porn industry is kind of a double edge sword. Either men get intimated or they think I’m easy.”
“We feel that. I mean, of course, I’m sure it’s harder for women but,” Steve gives you a kind smile that warms your insides. “I would think though not being on camera gives you bonus points.”
“Nope.”, you shrug. “But I’m hopeful for this one. He seems really nice. Speaking of, I have to go get ready but I’ll see you two tonight, ok?”
TJ leans in to shake your date’s hand. “Hey there! We’re glad you could join us. Y/N’s a fine young lady. You have a good one here! Please feel free to help yourself to any food and beverages and just have fun!”
You take your dates hand as soon as your boss leaves. “I’m sorry, Malcolm! He can be a bit…energetic!”
“Oh, it’s not a problem!”, he shouts over the music. “He seems like a cool dude!”
You lead him into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers while you talk. After about an hour, you hear the music suddenly stop and your name being called into a microphone. 
“There she is! Everyone, this is Y/N. When she first moved down here, she was just an assistant running around helping me with things. Now here she is managing her own clients and I couldn’t be prouder.”
You blush as everyone in the room claps for you. “I love you, babe. Now since they were fashionably late, I can also congratulate our new talent, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington for getting their first big part in Luke’s production which starts filming next week!” 
While everyone clapped, you felt frozen in place as you looked them over. This was the first time you were seeing them in anything that wasn’t their lazy, thrown together wardrobe. Steve was wearing black slacks with a white button up shirt underneath. His black jacket hung on his shoulders casually but perfectly. Eddie was dressed more or less the same except with a red button up with the top few buttons undone to show off his guitar pick necklace. 
God damn, they looked delicious. 
You were startled when a hand touched your back. “Whoa! Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
“No, Malcolm it’s ok. I’m just jumpy.”
“So those are the guys you’re managing?”
“Yup, that’s, uh, that’s them.”
TJ wasted no time intercepting them after his speech, guiding the boys around the house to meet other big-name people that could help get them connections. 
“Let go outside and talk.” Your date smiles at your suggestion as you lead him to the area by the pool.
Your boss had managed to keep Eddie and Steve preoccupied for most of the night while you talked to your date. Malcolm was a good guy and to your surprise very open minded about the setting around him. You didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you looked at your watch. 
“Oh wow. It’s almost midnight.”
“Yes ma’am it is. You’re not going to turn into a pumpkin, are you?”
“Wooooow. That is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard.”, you giggle at him as he grins. 
“Ok, you can’t say that and then laugh!”
“Um, yes I can!”
Your laugh is cut off by his lips as he reaches forward to pull you to him. “I’m sorry”, he whispers. “Was that…?” You shake your head as you bring his mouth back to your own. 
The sound of a throat clearing immediately tugs you two apart. “Sorry, Y/N. I didn’t realize the date was going so well.”, TJ grins at you as you and Malcolm get to your feet. 
“Very well, it seems.”, Steve smiles as well but there’s something about it that you can’t put your finger on. 
“Hi. I’m Malcolm.” He extends his hand to the boys who shake it. “Y/N has told me all about you and your new part. That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely good at what she does.” Eddie’s smile is much more slanted than Steves as if he isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he’s upset. This time your head is the one to tilt. 
“You okay there, Mr. Munson?”
He narrows his eyes at you before glancing at Steve. “I…am just fine, Princess. Honestly, I am ready to relax and party. TJ, where are the other beautiful women at?”
Your boss chuckles as he slaps the man’s back. “I love this kid. Come on, boys. Let’s leave Y/N to her date. She’s earned some fun.”
I’m in control.
“Hey Eddie! Steven! You boys look good tonight by the way. Nice to see you out of your dad vibe clothes.”
They both stop, slowly turning to meet your cocky smile. 
“So do you, Y/N.” Steve sticks his hands in his pockets as he continues to follow TJ. Eddie chuckles, shaking his head before giving you a wink. 
By the early AM hours, you felt the alcohol doing its job as you leaned your head on Malcolm’s shoulder. He gently kisses your forehead making you smile. 
“I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He nods as he watches you disappear around the corridor. Just as you’re about to turn into the restroom, the sound of moaning grabs your attention. 
The moaning gets louder the closer you get to a door at the end of the hall that’s slightly ajar. Your breath catches in your throat when you see Steve on the edge of the guest bed with a girl between his legs. His pants were shoved down to his ankles as her manicured nails gripped his thighs as her head bobbed up and down on his cock.
This is wrong. I’m in control. I need to leave.
As you turn to leave, you bump into Eddie’s broad chest. He quickly raises his finger to his mouth in a shushing motion as he grabs your arm and turns you back towards the door. His fingers delicately move through your hair, pushing it to one side. 
“He always looks so good like that, doesn’t he?” He whispers softly into your ear as presses his chest to your back. “That should be you in there taking his cock in your pretty mouth.”
“Why is that Mr. Munson?”
“Because you so desperately want it to be you…it’s kind of pathetic.” Your breathing stutters at his words as you feel your pussy start to drip. “And I prefer Sir.” Both of his hands reach down to unbutton your jeans. “As opposed to Mr. Munson.”
As one of his hands slide into the waistband of your panties, his other grips your chin forcing you to watch the show in front of you. 
“That’s it, baby. God that feels so good.” Steve’s hand drops down to hold the back of her head. 
“He hates it.” Your eyes turn to meet his. “Oh yeah. He’s not one to praise unless someone has earned it. They’ve barely even started.” Eddie glides one of ringed fingers through your folds. 
His hand quickly flies over your mouth as you whimper when he pushes into your entrance. 
“What was that?” The girl on her knees starts to turn her head but Steve swiftly reaches out to grab her chin. 
“Probably noise from the party. Keep going, honey. Please. I’m almost there.”
She grins up at him as her mouth wraps around his cock again. His eyes meet yours through the crack in the door as Eddie pumps his finger deeper into you. 
“Did you really think he was going to let you get away with your sass by the pool?” Your head fell back against his shoulder as he inserted a second finger into your throbbing cunt. “You’re lucky I’m nicer than he is. No, no.” He lifts your head, making you look at Steve. “You have to help him, Princess. He won’t cum unless you do.”
Your eyes lock with the mans in front of you as Eddie curls his finger inside of you. His breath is warm against your ear as he presses his face to your own. 
“Are you still in control?”
His hand pushes tightly to your mouth as your body caves into his. He holds you up as best as he can as you cum hard around his fingers. You look up just in time to see Steve groan as he cums into the girl’s mouth. 
Eddie gently pulls his hand from between your legs and zips up your pants before buttoning them back up. 
“Go pull yourself together. You’re about to go back into a room full of people who have sex for a living.” He kisses your cheek tenderly before playfully pushing you towards the bathroom. 
You quickly fix your hair and adjust your make up as much as possible. You smile at your own reflection as you exhale. Jesus. You give yourself a final once over before heading back towards the living room. The girl that had been with Steve was sitting on the opposite couch talking to another girl you recognized from other sets. 
“Hey you.” Malcolm extends out his arm and you smile as you fall into his embrace. “You were gone awhile. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I swear I can handle my alcohol.” He chuckles as he kisses your forehead. 
The boys come out from the hallway at the same time. Steve flopping down next to the girl he was with, Eddie down on the floor next to her friend. 
You watched with envious eyes as they touched their faces and kissed their lips. The girl next to Steve flirtatiously touched his chest as the other girl ran her fingers through Eddie’s hair. 
“That should be you in there…”
Suddenly a thought hit you. Eddie knew that Steve wasn’t enjoying his blow job but neither of them knew when you weren’t enjoying something. They had to have been jealous to pull a stunt like the one they just did. 
Fuck them. They think they can make me jealous to. I’M in control. 
You craned your neck to look at Malcolm with big dough eyes. “Hey.”
“Hm?” As soon as he turns your lips were on his and he was more than willing to deepen it. 
You didn’t even need to glance in their direction to know the boys were watching you. You could feel their stares penetrate through your body. 
You and your date were startled when Luke threw his body onto the couch next you both.
“Luke.”, you couldn’t help but smile as he turned to deliver you a drunken grin. “You good, buddy?”
“I am and so are you it seems.”
You roll your eyes. “I date. People act like I’m a prude or something.” 
“You’re definitely not a prude.”, Eddie calls from the other side of the living room. When your eyes find his, he places the two fingers that made you cum into his mouth. He pulls them back out with an obnoxious pop. “Right, Princess?”
You narrow your eyes at him before playfully smiling. “Correct, sir.”
Eddie’s eyes look up to meet Steve’s but his are too busy looking at you. “Oh, Eds. So polite this one.” He turns to Malcolm. “She’s always calling us by our last name. Mr. Munson. Mr. Harrington. We told her she didn’t have to.”
“It’s because they’re my clients.”
“Didn’t you call their first names by the pool?”, Malcolm asks as he gestures that way.
“I have been drinking.”, you nervously giggle hoping to play it off.
I’m in control.
“Yup, that’s probably why she said ‘Steven’. Ugh!”, Steve overdramatically shudders. “I hate that name.”
“What name do you prefer?” You close your eyes and bite your bottom lip trying to contain your smile at Malcolm’s question. 
When you open them again Steve and Eddie have wide grins of their own. 
“What do I prefer, Y/N?”
He’s challenging you to play their game and you know it. You started it by calling him Steven earlier and just now by casually saying “Sir” to Eddie in front of a group of people. But did you have the guts to say what Steve liked? Sir you could explain away but…
I’m in control. Not them.
You cross your legs, leaning forward in his direction. “Hm. What DO you prefer, Daddy?”
Your date stuttered out a sigh behind you. “God damn…”
Everyone else in the room that had heard either giggled or made an “OOOOOO” noise towards Steve. Some of the girl’s eyes swiveled in his direction as they licked their lips but his eyes remained glued to yours with a small smile painted on his lips. 
“Hey, um, do you want to get out of here?”, Malcolm asked as he tried to sneakily adjust the bulge in his pants. 
You tore your eyes from Steve’s to look at your date. “I’d love to.”
He guided you out to his car and opened the door for you to climb in. As your date hops into the driver’s side, you hear a small knock on your window.
“TJ wanted me to give this to you.”  Steve leans in and hands you a piece of paper. 
“Why can’t he just come out and tell me?”
The man softly smiles as his finger grazes your cheek. “Tonight was fun. We’ll see you in a few days?”
His gentle tone was throwing you off. Mostly because it warmed your stomach at the thought that they would be excited to see you. 
Agent. Client.
“Yeah, of course.”
Steve pated the door as he backed away from the car. “Nice to meet you, Malcolm.”
Your date grinned and nodded his head as you unfolded the note that was given to you. 
Don’t sleep with him. We promise you won’t regret it.
X Eddie and Steve X
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666
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welovetesvkaidan · 2 months
My honest reaction:
in all seriousness, if you wanna hear me yap about it, more under the cut
warning like, genuinely a ginormous yap, like a HUMUNGOUS, sleep-deprived yap,,, im cursed to be obsessed with skyrim + modded followers instead of touching grass
I think a lot of this is probably gonna be the same thing other people have said, so im sorry
if you feel i'm gonna be bringing up redundant points and get mad at me😓dont read
I haven't experienced and thus won't talk about the versions of EE and IF that are now separate mods from each other. I don't know anything about that.
if they're better now yayyy but this is about pre-separation
I should preface this with the fact that I've played through Skyrim 3 times with different stages of Kaidan EE/IF:
The initial Dawnguard + fixes/miscs mod
Kaidan EE/IF versions before extensive faction/NPC dialogue for Kaidan
EE/IF w/ NPC Dialogue (AKA Fratpack)
I was also part of the two different discords that were purged and created during these intervals. i don't even know if there is a discord currently?
anyway, that is to say that I have experienced the mod and it's behind-the-scenes progress, extensively so I have a pretty good idea of what I liked and didn't like
That being said, I will introduce probably my biggest problems with it: Tonal whiplash
Okay, well the most common complaint is ofc that a lot of the writing is out of character - and I agree. But it's not just ooc on paper, it's his voice too. I swear, it is very jarring hearing hushed, mild og Kaidan 2 voicelines, and then being deafened by EE Kaidan SCREAMING in my ear ALL.THE.TIME. (like... why are you yelling at me rn jeez)
Seriously. I'm not sure why they didn't just re-record everything from the original mod instead of adding more and more contradicting lines on top of the originals. It definitely could have been a standalone mod, and sometimes it almost feels like it is - because he is just so different.
My most infamous moment in my last playthrough with him happened after we defeated the dragon at Kynesgrove. His og Kaidan 2 dialogue played first, in it he shows interest and is cordial about Delphine ("I wouldn't mind prodding her mind" or whatver dialogue), THEN immediately after his Kaidan EE/IF dialogue will play, in which he walks up to Delphine and STARTS YELLING AT HER AND INSULTING HER - like they argue for quite a bit wtf. And it's like, listen, I have my thoughts about Delphine, but whether or not it was okay to yell at her isn't the problem. It would be fine - IF he hadn't just calmly told me he thought she was okay.
It is sooo confusing how he contradicts himself :(
I mean, yeah, fragments of who he is are still there, I can tell it's Kaidan, but he's warped to fit a different character. Like a con-artist Kaidan.
Anyway, besides the contradictions, it also feels out of character because of his established backstory.
Let's go over it: He's an orphan, lost his only connection to his family(his guardian) to drugs, fell into substances himself, joined a violent cult, had to escape said cult, came clean from his addictions, has been traveling Tamriel bounty-hunting, got brutally attacked by the Thalmor, rescued by mere chance. Do you honestly mean to tell me this man would be yelling, pissing, drinking, lewding, and joking his ass off?? After all that???? NO - or maybe not these levels of extreme. (maybe some other dude might, but Kaidan's characterization insists he is a brooding, keeps-to-himself man, even though he never acts like it anymore)
That man should be tired, and he did feel like he was tired in the original. He was more brooding then than he is now, usually silent, but could still have an edge of comedy/wittiness, he was smart, he had been through a lot!
In that regard, EE/IF Kaidan felt like... we are experiencing Kaidan 10 years in the past - like a Kaidan in his early 20s when he was still a drunkard low-key terrible person. He is just so energetic, always yapping - GOD he talks a lot now. ugh but most of the time it wasn't about anything, it was either inside-jokes, meta jokes, and only occasionally did we get things that added to the experience.
For example, I think most of us who have played Kaidan 2 remember at least one specific line he has said while exploring. What comes to mind for me is either "Can you smell the magicka in the air too? Smells like a rainless thunderstorm." or "Watch for the mammoth with the carvings on their tusks, that's how the giants mark their herd." Alright, both pretty nice small talk for characterization (he IS smart) and worldbuilding.
Tbh i can't really remember any iconic lines from the additions of EE/IF Kaidan... the only two lines that stood out for me were: the "elevenses" line from the clip above (started bumping into him every time he was about to say this so he would stfu... total tonal dissonance), and one he said while I looted Lucky Lorenz ("poor sod wasn't as lucky as his namesake would have you believe!") kai HOW do you know this man, and his nickname, who told you that??? (idc about it that much but its like the only other added line i remember)
I thought that maybe his ooc-iness might have been caused due to the collaborative approach of the mod, I think the mod authors created their own perfect Kaidan - and that's good for them! It takes a shit ton of work (Ik cuz i was there!!) But I think the original essence was lost with each addition. It might have been lack of direction for the voice acting too, a lot of the lines might have hit better if they weren't borderline screamed.
Okay, at some point while playing I got so tired of his constant himbo chit-chatter that I tried tuning him out and bringing other npcs from vanilla skyrim as followers. Problem: even without kaidan on your party, everything starts being about kaidan. Because the extension made it so that Kaidan either has history with/character interactions and development with different NPCs from the base game.
The main poor sods that traveled with me:
Erik the Slayer: Apparently was Kaidan's childhood friend, got inspired by Kaidan to become an adventurer. Least egregious in my opinion, they say sweet things to each other. I swear, Kaidan yells more at me than he ever did at Erik.
The Companions: dumb, dumber, and dumbest basically.. This part of EE/IF was also known as "The Fratpack" and y e a h they pretty much had Vilkas, Kaidan, and Farkas acting like immature frat boys all the time. Just,, absulutely taking away all the maturity out of these GROWN ASS MEN. im sorry, i guess i dont get the appeal. I liked it when they didn't behave like teens (Aela im so sorry, you deserved better than being part of this)
Lydia: All she does is simp for him, ALL.THE.TIME. You think she's about to have a meaningful thing to say? nope, she's checking out Kaidan's ass. Think she'll have a deep convo with another npc about one another? nope! she wants them to tell her all about Kaidan. Both the Companions and Erik will either talk down to her or have to deal with her thirst for Kaidan. i had to start leaving her home.
They also suffered from the same tonal whiplash as Kaidan, unfortunately
additionally, the mod added an "early flirt switch" - you could basically toggle Kaidan to start showing romantic affection for the Dragonborn before the amulet of mara., the interactions were good on paper, but everytime he stammered and stumbled over his words it was written in such an unnatural way... pls people don't talk like fanfics lol !!!
I did like that he gave me flowers, my inventory got full of them - but then he noticed how many flowers I had in my inventory and judged me for "picking everything i see" ugh dude you gave them to me, but also even if you hadnt... mind your business lol
Another addition was a feature that basically made it so NPCs could potentially throw flirtatious comments at Kaidan and the Dragonborn (Bishop flashbacks😨)
You can't do anything to defend Kaidan from those comments, but he WILL take it upon himself to defend your honor infront of any men, women, jarls, or criminals that even so much as find you attractive (THIS INCLUDES FARKAS AND VILKAS BTW :( ) by being rude, forthcoming, AND violent. so yea, you can guess the target audience
speaking of which, he definitely comes on too strong on you once you start the romance, and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I specifically picked the "go slow" option for the romance, and the next day or two it was him constantly complaining about having to go slow under his breath, how he wanted to do anything but slow rn... and like just, wow. :/ yikeees lmao
Maybe this is the result of "i can fix him" romance ideals? im sorry but I liked him when he was down to earth
Bonus? He comes with a campsite now, which has to be magic because its ginormous and he somehow lugs it around despite it also coming with a whole ass furnace (fine fine i'll hold my disbelief)
anyway I do like it, its basically a player house you can take anywhere (so long as kai is with you ig) also you can have a cat in there
I like that there is an MCM, I like that the MCM lets you get through the quest stages in case you get stuck
I like that he can guide you places, usually he gets stuck in a tree or rock but its the thought that counts
I think if the mod had continued in the vein as its original iteration when it was just audio/bug fixes and included these qol features it would have been better than it is now.
But it seems maybe i'm just not the target audience, and as a young woman I'm really confused as who the target audience is 😓
okay im srry rant over
if anyone else wants me to yap about other kaidan skyrim things also ask or join in cuz i like yapping about skyrim and kaidan to people!!!
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i-loveoldermen · 2 years
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I love Keegan sm, but I'm so upset there's barely any fanfics about him😭 so I decided to write my own to cheer up my own sadness✊
🎀WARNING: minor swearing🎀
You were actually a really cheerful kid, extremely energetic which was really hard for the 141 since they could hardly handle Soap and Gaz.
So having an even younger sergeant just made them want to quit. It honestly felt like they were just babysitters at this point.
But even so, no one could bring themselves to kick you out. (But if Ghost could, he definitely would have)
You're definitely besties with Soap and share everything with him. His like a best friend where you have to tell him every single tea.
Most of the soldiers ignore you guys, as they are already exhausted with their own things.
But there was a certain sergeant who couldn't keep his eyes off you.
Keegan is probably the most annoyed one and if he could beat his co workers, he would most definitely do. Especially Soap (which I believe is for a different reason😇)
But he couldn't bring himself to say anything to you. You were just way cheerful and he didn't want to burst that happy bubble of yours.
Sometimes he even let you off with your insults, which leaves the crew horrified as they're shocked you're still stable and not paralysed yet.
I mean, sometimes your insults just sounds like compliments to him.
"Damn Keegan, you look less dead then usual"
Some of the crew are even certain he has a soft spot for you, the way he's just calm around you and not telling you to shut up must be the whole evidence.
Soap is the one who teases you the most, about how he's sure that Keegan has a crush on you.
"Ohhh, he's staring, look"
As much as no one can read Keegan through his eyes, they definitely can through yours.
The way they kinda squint which shows you're smiling and happy, or how they're half lidded and casted down wards showing your sadness
Keegan might never admit it, but the first thing he had ever noticed about you, was your eyes.
They just shocked him, they looked like an angles eyes to him. He believes they are the prettiest eyes.
Keegan actually looks like the type who looks extremely vicious and dangerous, but is the absolute sweetest to the person the like.
He just looks like the kind who would obey to everything you say, even if it's not him.
"Hey Keegan, can you help me braid my hair?"
I feel like if you were ever whine about wanting to paint his nails, he would give in. (He would actually love the result and keep it painted till they start to fade themselves)
"What the actual fuck is on your nails Keegan?"
I feel like he is so touch-starved that he would use any chance he gets just to hold you.
He feels the most happiest when there's only a small couch in a room and you both have to just squeeze in with each other.
The dude loves sweets.
Once you had actually baked for the whole crew and as you give it out, you noticed how Keegan enjoyed it.
After that you would secretly give him all you bakings (The biggest reason is that if Soap found out, he would be CRUSHED)
Keegan feels threatened whenever he sees you with Soap, like you would just forget Keegan just to hang out with Soap.
But Soap had reassured the intimidating man atleast 100 times that he does not have a single feelings towards you and that you were just like a younger sister to him.
Keegan believed him, but it still didn't stop him from death glaring him.
Keegan will definitely take you out every time he sees you upset.
Most of the time it's a mall, since he knows how much you love looking at random stuff and he's grown fond of each time your grin widens and your eyes glint when you fall in love with a certain cloth, or a make up product.
Keegan is definitely the big spoon. He just loves to wrap himself around you. It makes him certain that you're safe, because your secured.
He loves to watch you sleep, it makes him feel so happy. The way you mouth partens each time you breath makes him feel happy because he knows you feel safe with him.
You looks so beautiful to him in your sleep that he can't help but place a soft kiss on you. But really softly, as he doesn't want to wake you up.
(He has also taken a few pictures of you when you slept, you looked way to gorgeous and it would definitely be a loss)
He obviously told you about the pictures so you don't feel uncomfortable. But you didn't really mind, you just felt slightly embarrassed because you believed you looked weird.
Which Keegan just strangly stared at you, because to him you looked like a goddess.
"What do you mean you look ugly? You look magnificent to me"
I seriously believe he's a guy who won't let you move a muscle on your days off.
Hungry? He'll order something. Wanna watch something? He'll start the projector. You're bored? He's here and has a bunch of games.
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another-delta-lover · 3 months
[DRAFT #2]
I was daydreaming on my way to the dentist while I listened to Shostakovich waltz 2 and I imagined the biggest and nicest Emesis Blue animation I've ever imagined.
(forgot to mention it, but when I say "dance" I mean like, Waltz. Waltzing. The whole thing it's just waltz. Waltz is my love language).
At the beginning, Fritz was alone, staggering when walking along with the rhythm like if dancing, looking all depressed and sad. Then, that one Plague doctor looking dude joined him, dancing along with him with a strong grip, leading the Waltz, bc of Fritz's body language, it's clear that he doesn't want to dance. Then he was dancing along with himself but with that edgy turtleneck he had at the end. Fritz is really tired, while both the Plague doctor and the edgy-himself are tossing him around like a bag, he didn't even try to escape them, he was too exhausted to do so.
Then, he was alone again, on the floor, shaking, exhausted. Butt immediately, Jeremy started to dance with him in a really excited and energetic way, Fritz slowly started to dance again, this time he wanted to dance, he looked less sad doing so. Each time he turned around, he was dancing with a younger version of Jeremy, being happier each time. First, Jeremy appear as a teen (16? Maybe), then as a kid (maybe 8 idk), then he was holding baby Jeremy in his arms as he moved along with the music, like a proud dad (I strongly headcanon Fritz as a father figure of Jeremy since the beginning, not literally, but spiritually). Then scout's mother joined him for a lil bit, both holding Jeremy (Not a ship btw).
When the Violins play in a higher pitch, he's in a more colorful place. The blue team is there. He quickly runs towards them, crying, shaking. They all welcome him, being sweet with him. He first dances with Pyro, then with sniper, then with demoman, then with engineer, then repeat. When the instrumental is louder, he dances with Jane and Jacques, in a beautiful way, an elegant way, a friendly and forgiving way.
When the trumpets play in a really low pitch, Fritz noticed how Mikhail is really far away, sad, and black n white. Fritz immediately walks towards him, not knowing exactly what to say or to so. Fritz offers Mikhail to dance, with an ashamed face, thinking Mikhail would decline. Mikhail, a lil hesitating, accepts the offer, and starts to romantically dance with him, in the most wholesome way you could imagine. Holding his waits a lil bit, carefully taking his hand, really lovely<3.
When the instrumental gets INTENSE again, there's a big change of scene. Now, Fritz is dancing as tired as he was in the beginning with After-Death Mikhail (the handsome masked man🤭). Mikhail was really aggressive and controlling while dancing, Fritz was basically being tossed around. Then he appears dancing with that weird ahh Sniper, then he dances with that scary Pyro, then with Jane, both being awkward and really tired, and lastly, he "dances" with Jacques, while Jacques is pointing at him with his gun right on the middle of the forehead, while fritz clearly just wants to leave, being unable to stop dancing.
And finally, when the instrumental is about to finish, the scene where he crashes the ambulance is shown.
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BAHAHSHS DID YOU EXPECT AN ONLY SWEET THING?! NO!!! I'M EVIL NOW. After what happened to my Blog... 😞Sob... Sob...
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starspann · 1 year
do you write for poly!matt & trey with reader? what about some smoke sesh hc’s?
smoking w/ matt and trey hc’s
matt stone x reader x trey parker
fem!reader, she/her pronouns are used
warnings: smoking, cursing, suggestive themes
dating matt and trey and smoking with them <3
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an activity that you 3 frequently participate in
did it a lot together, before and after dating
sometimes you use a pipe, being that it’s yours, you light up and get first hit
when it does come to rolling, you tend to let matt or trey do it for the sole purpose of watching their fingers at work
watching the smoke leave their lips might be one of the hottest things ever
now when it comes to the entertainment,
you literally have to put up a fight to pick the movie
you’ll always end up choosing anyway,
and it’s always something stupid
think of an annoying, slapstick 90’s comedy, like the cable guy or billy madison
(not saying these r bad bc i lowkey adore them)
“oh my god.” trey gasps loudly
“what??” you reply, worry in your voice,
“this movie fucking sucks.”
earns him a good smack on the arm
“you fucking scared me!!”
i can imagine that trey is a little more energetic and talkative while matt lays back, a bit more tired and relaxed
doesn’t mean that matt isn’t talking though
in fact, they CANNOT shut up
actually impossible to have a few minutes of silence
it’s honestly cute watching them interact in such a state
giggling to each other and pointing at the tv screen and their surroundings like children
they piss themselves laughing with their dumb little inside jokes
you just sit there and observe with a smile on your face, joint in hand
“y/nnnn,” matt whines, sinking into the couch
“pass it over already, fuckin’ fiend over here..”
“shhh, shutup, c’mere—” you’d gesture him to come closer
yes, you shotgun the smoke into his mouth
and yes, trey gets super jealous and demands you do it with him too
matt leans into you and let’s you play with his hair, his hands,,
trey would rather have your hands under his shirt, gently raking your nails across his back— he likes the sensation
matt babbles on and on about random shit. he can barely get through one sentence without starting another story halfway.
trey gets cuddly, suddenly he’s never felt the touch of a human being before and needs to be all over you and matt
he definitely ends up sprawled out on top of you guys
his head in your lap, legs on top of matt’s, probably has his foot in his face
“ew! gross, dude.”
cue giddy chuckles from you and trey
“pssstt… y/n..” he whispered, looking up at you
you look down to see his blue, glossy, low-lidded eyes..
oh my god
trey notices the way you stare at him
“hi.” he says with a stupid smile on his face
“hey, baby.” you giggle
from behind you, matt’s hands find their way to your waist,
or were they there before?
smoke sesh quickly turns to a make out sesh
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arogustus · 5 months
Splatband Analysis - Chirpy Chips
(Disclaimer: This analysis is based on what I get out of looking into the character descriptions we have of the splatband characters. If you disagree with what I say, that is fine, we are all beheld to our opinions. Just don't be a jerk about it.)
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Splatband Analysis - Chirpy Chips
It’s the autism and ADHD squad! The chiptune chippers, Marie’s and Nintendo’s favorite band and the only one to survive Nine years together without drama (bar that one time), it’s the Chirpy Chips! Love these dudes.
Now, before we go into this, let’s address the Harmony in the room. Specifically that she has a room, in-game, where she exists in the polygonal flesh to interact with as a shopkeeper. Her autistic swag made her popular enough to be the first Splatband character to show up in the games, which means we actually know her and how she behaves. So, I’m gonna leave her for last and go about her like this: First, I’ll look into what we used to know before Splatoon 3 about her, and then we’ll compare that to her appearance in-game to see if it matches up. See if she was done right by the game. Now let’s meet these chips!
The Band
The Chirpy Chips debuted after Squid Squad all the way back in Splatoon 1, nine years ago (God). Dominating the charts thanks to their chiptune rock style, made with the help of multiple Nintendo machines (Gamers), this band has managed to outlast Squid Squad without disbanding all the way to Splatoon 3!.. Ok, actually that’s not true. According to a Famitsu Interview for Splatoon 2, the Chirpy Chips actually disbanded ever so briefly! No word as to why, but they reformed shortly after and wrote and performed Blitz It during the high of joining back. After that they’ve stuck together ever since, only really going on break because Harmony started working at Hotlantis. 
Don’t site that NoA post for Chirpy Chips Splat 3 that said there was drama by the way. The band was just on break, they are fine and NoA is just trying to stir up fake drama. It’s just like real life!
All of these guys are autistic. Like, that’s not a theory, but a fact. None of their descriptions make them sound neurotypical, that’s for sure. The band just seems to vibe perfectly with each other despite some of their issues, and they all go at their own pace. Turns out the secret to surviving in the music industry all along was to make neurodivergent friends. 
One of their performance tricks that they do is to glow in sync during songs. It’s a super cool visual to imagine, though probably done through artificial means, at least for Orion and Sid. As far as I know, there aren’t any bioluminescent crabs or flapjack octopi. Anemone and squid on the other hand do have glowing members, but it doesn’t confirm if they do it naturally or are using artificial means too. Either way these guys are a colorful bunch. And also none of them know how to dance, emphasizing further that these four are all dorks.
Noiji is the hyperactive guitarist of the band, a stark contrast to the significantly less energetic rest of the band. He’s described as uncontrollable and bright, with a sunny disposition and an irresistible urge to run up and down slopes. He sounds overwhelming, and maybe impulsive if that slope running thing can be applied to other actions, but somehow he manages to get along well with the others. What is his secret? Also to keep with the neurodivergenceness, he has a special interest for vending machines. He would have loved them in Side Order, that’s for sure. Honestly I love vending machines too, they’re really cool, but just too expensive for someone of my income level (for now, anyway).
He used to be a part of a punk band called BariBari before he joined the Chirpy Chips.Surprising considering his colorfulness, but he seems to either formerly be, or still is, a punk. No word why he left the band though or what happened to it, but during that point he met and befriended Orion and formed the Chirpy Chips with them. They’re described to be on good terms with each other, which makes sense since, again, they knew each other before the rest joined up. 
The band's bassist and composer, a shy flapjack octopus. Yeah, despite being an octopus, they’re not an octoling, likely because of the fact the flapjack doesn’t naturally produce ink. They must be classified as something different to the inkfish, but what that is is something I don’t know. They’re an introvert, they don’t enjoy standing out or performing in front of crowds, and the compositions they upload independent of the band are done quietly. Makes one wonder how exactly someone like them made friends with Noiji. They’re an intellectual, geeky type, with a taste for outdated and strange subjects, as well as a preference for chiptune that they ensure the bands music keeps to. 
Surprising us all, Orion also got actual dialogue of sorts in the Splatoon 3 Chill Season 2023 update! Specifically in the form of Harmony reading a letter written by them. As Harmony herself describes, they talk the way they play the bass, EXTRA. Mostly in the form of excited statements and jokes about the band's lack of dancing ability. Kind of a stark difference from what we know of them, either because they’re doing this via text without having to face anyone, or because they’ve become more outgoing over the years. Either way an honor. Also canon they/them! Good for they.
The band's drummer, and the eldest among them. They’ve been drumming for a while, having performed for several other bands before joining the Chips, and they have a strong reputation in the community because of it. It seems that because of this, they’ve taken something of a silent mentor role to the others, supporting them in the background without ever taking the lead. Sort of a big brother style relationship going on. 
They’re described as easygoing, but with a hidden temper that only ever surfaces once a year, where they become way crabbier. To me it says that they don’t really express their frustrations often, just letting them simmer before they snap and vent it out. And even then they don’t draw a lot of attention that way. 
Harmony (and fish)
The anemone of the hour, the band’s vocalist and visual designer. As said above, I’ll first go over the info we knew of her before her appearance in Splatoon 3, and then compare it to what we’ve learned now to see if it was faithful to her character. 
She’s described as relaxed and going at her own pace, but to the point of being unmotivated. She’s frequently late for practice, and considering the state of her fish, who is “dying” of neglect (quote marks there cause the little guy is still alive somehow), it sounds a lot like executive dysfunction. I would know, I’m like her sometimes. Her singing voice is mentioned to also have been pretty flat and listless, but it seems years of performance has made it change to a much livelier tone in the intervening two years. She talks loosely and moves peculiarly, something the fans secretly enjoy. Why secretly? Is there a stigma against it? Her listless singing is mentioned to be a hot topic, so it might be the case.
We see in the bands’ album art for Splatoon 2 that she’s the one who mixes the chiptune music on nintendo consoles. Easy to say that she’s the pre-requisite in-universe Nintendo fan for this game. There’s one in pretty much every franchise. Skipping to “3” a bit, we can also assume she’s the one who edited the trailer, which shows off a lot of fun visuals and jokes, as well as her just goofing off like the dork that she is. For how reserved she comes off, she’s got an eccentric, goofy side hidden under there.
But now we’ve actually met her as Hotlantis’ shopkeeper! She’s a fan of the place, so despite the threat of having to work retail, she’s staying in the area in the actual manager’s place while he’s gone. She’s a fan of the store and all its useless knick knacks. As for herself as a person, it’s safe to say it all matches what we used to know of her. She’s pretty self-paced and blunt, commenting on your achievements out loud no matter how rude it sounds. She admits to it too if she beats you at tableturf, she doesn’t really know how else to talk. Her lack of motivation shows up anytime she needs to recite something Barry told her to do. She just plain doesn’t want to do any of it. She still does the work she’s willingly doing, she’s just going at her own pace. 
The fish is a fish, no telling what is up with them. Though according to some artbook information in “3” (correct me if I’m wrong), the reason they’re so sick is actually because Harmony’s hair isn’t protecting it very well. They’re still sticking around anyway, granted we’re not sure how clownfish do without an anemone, but it still seems like they’re staying of their own volition.
Harmony’s, and later Dedf1shes inclusion, gives us all hope we can see more of our favorite obscure characters in the games themselves. And looking at Harmony, we don’t have to worry too much about them being out of character, since she’s pretty accurate to the info we know.
I love these weird goobers. They should continue showing up. But now we are in the finale. Ω-3 is all that’s left now. See ya next time!
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