#what I described is a typical medieval dance - a ringdance
irrfahrer · 4 years
Whats behind the Name?
Rules:What does your Muses Name mean? In-Universe and OOC? Where does the name come from? Who had given them their Name? Why had they been given the name? What does your Muse think of their Name?
Tagged By: The Force Tagging:  @captnspck @destroyworlds  @envychosen @blackspirehqs @masterofthelivingforce @admrl @beskar-himbo @aliypop  @anierous-sunblade  @wildname @thaneirstaer @belzinone @space-hecate...and everyone else who had not done the prompt already or who wants to show the prompt to their friends!
Not In-Universe Background: 
Ziv comes from the name Sif,  she is with that named after the Goddess Sif whos name translate in old-icelandic to “Relative, Companion, Wife”. Sif the Goddess is the wife of Thor and has two children, one with Thor and another son with another god. Sif is known for her long golden hair that are actually a picture for long growing grain. Sif is worshipped as a fertility goddess, her golden hair is the grain that grows and feeds people, thus keeping them alive. If she is gone and therefor her hair is cut and nolonger golden, the crop dies and so will the people worshipping her for they have no harvest and no food. This might put a completly different light on why it was so devasting that Loki once cut Sifs hair off and why it had to be restored. The tree Rowan is connected to Sif.
zív / זִיו  = Hebrew unisex name;  radiance, light, glow, brilliance or light of God, Ziv is pronounced zeev.
Zivs Surname Odiz’ Zee is simple a different written version of Odyssee and therefor has his obvious meaning. Odysseus was in his Story a man who always relied more on his wit than on his strenght and was uncomfortable snarky and stubborn, so much to anger gods.  Odysseus seems to have developted from the greek word odýssomai  “To wake wrath in others, to make people angry, to enrage”. Which is in itself a very good surname for Ziv with her brash nature. 
In- Universe Background:
Zivs Name had not been translated into the Galactic Basic Tounge. Normally the Names  of the very pragmatic Tynnan regulary interacting with people outside of Tynna translate at least their Surnames into Basic which leads to surnames like Saltbite, Dawson, Streamdrinker.
So a Surname usually marks where a person had grown up or what feature their family is known for. Occasionally a adult Tynna will make up their own names with their own meaning if they do not want to be associated with their place of birth or their other familymembers. It is kind of an unofficial Coming of age ritual for a Tynnan diving into the highly beaurocratic tools of Tynnan Society and change their name for the first time to how they want to be precieved or who they want to be connected to and want other see who they are connected to (like taking a patronym or a matronym, combinating the different several parents last names into one or coming up with ones own name, or taking a name after their own work, or making a name after a certaine happening they want to remember and carry with them, or making a name from the area one grew up in).
“Ziv” in Tynna is the term for a alien Tree (rowan).  
“Odiz’Zee” in Tynna is term used to describe a very livid dance set underwater. It is full of rolls and twists and needs fluently, nimble movements and is usually danced in a group.  The dance is for strenghtening the togetherness, the community and the bound between people. Tynnan are after all brutally social beeings. Its A dance where everyone meets at the same eyelevel and everyone can join the dance at any time. Since there is no fordancer or leader, the dancers meet each on eyelevel as part of the whole.  The Tynnan live as well on the continents as they live in Tynnas Oceans, so a lot of activities are set in or underwater and since the basic Needs of a person are meet by the gouverment, there is beside work still time for games and entertainment like dancing so the activity had found its way in the namegiving.  Word by word Odiz’Zee would translate into basic to Streamdancer. 
As Ziv had been too young to have learned speaking full, proper sentences when brought to the Jedi-Temple, Ziv had never learned the Language Tynna beside a few terms she still remembers.  Her name is the only thing that actually connects her to the Language. Originally she had planned to follow Master Bowspritzs example and change her surname into Galactic Basic when she would become a Padawan and would therefor travel the Galaxy by her Masters side, but that had after all not happned. 
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