#whaddya say lyra?
atosofficial · 7 months
are you (I'm assuming type will see this) and Lyra married?? (If I may ask, feel free to ignore/delete tho)
Hello, yes, this is Type.
Lyra--though she is very much the love of my life--is my best friend and not my wife. 💔 Hahaha, in all seriousness, I (Type) am in a serious relationship irl and have been since before Lyra and I even met! I don't talk about it (or my offline life) much because I try to keep fandom stuff and irl stuff p separate :3
That said, if my partner and I were ever to invite a third into our relationship... 👀
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Day VII: Tarot—[Visiting the Other Side]
Featuring Lyra Nguyen, Iris Nguyen, Muriel & Khamgalai of the Kokhuri, and The Hermit.
Khamgalai braces herself as Iris to barrels into her arms. Despite the fact the young girl basically slams into the elderly woman, Khamgalai easily holds her ground.
“Iris!” she greets, lifting the girl a touch. “Look at you! You’re getting so big!” Khamgalai sets Iris back down, laughing. “Where are your mom and dad?”
Iris points back to the tree-line in the distance. As Khamgalai looks, Muriel and Lyra are just emerging from the forest.
“Iris, what did we say about running ahead of your parents?” Khamgalai sighs.
“Not to,” she replies. With a stern nod, Khamgalai ushers the girl into the Hermit’s hut.
“One of these days you’ll get in trouble by running ahead,” Khamgalai sighs.
Changing the subject, she asks, “You fast enough to catch your Aunc Asra yet?”
“No; he’s really fast!” Iris replies. “Uncle Julian’s faster, but he’s got the longer legs.” Iris sets herself down on a chair, having the back of it to her front. “If Dad wasn’t so big he’d be as fast as Uncle Julian. Maybe even faster!”
Khamgalai laughs, getting the child some milk. “Perhaps. Could stop people cold if they literally ran into him, hm?”
“Yeah!” Iris giggles.
As if on cue, Lyra and Muriel finally come through the door. Behind them is The Hermit.
“Hi Grandpa,” Iris greets the Arcana. Hermit grunts in response, making his way to the back of the hut. He takes an axe and walks back out.
“She got away from you again,” Khamgalai chuckles, raising an eyebrow at the slightly haggard parents before her.
“Iris learned to run before she could walk,” Muriel reminds, shaking his head as Lyra laughs.
“Yeah; this isn’t anything new,” his wife nods.
Iris giggles, sipping some of her milk. When Khamgalai asks what they saw on the way in, and she pipes up with the following: “We saw ponds! There were a lot of cool looking pollywogs in the ponds! Half of them had legs already!”
“They should be adults within the next hour or so,” Khamgalai nods.
“That’s soooo fast!” Iris gasps, elated. Turning to her mom and dad, she asks, “Can we go back and see?”
“Wanna join us, Khamgalai?” Lyra offers. The old woman nods.
“If they’re the ones I’m thinking of, it’ll be a delight,” Khamgalai chuckles.
“Whaddya mean?” Iris asks, eyes curious.
“They have a little thing on their nose that leads to their head.” Khamgalai pantomimes the part in question: having the topside of her thumb to her face, the woman has her hand as straight as an upright board. She shifts her hand up until her fingertips are far past her head. “They sound like they’re blowing a horn sometimes! They even glow when they make the sound.”
Iris’s eyes are wide, definitely imagining the colorful wonders of these otherworldly frogs.
The child rushes to a corner of the hut, finding some old parchment stashed there. Upon her return, Lyra hands her little girl a stick of charcoal. Setting to it, Iris plots out what they’d all do upon finding the frogs. The child’s fingers are quickly blackened in charcoal dust as she doodles out her plans.
Beside her, Lyra and Muriel share an affectionate glance with Khamgalai, who returns it with a hearty chuckle.
Never change, little one. Never change . . .
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Drunk sonic and Amy talk or text it 💗 I love your work !!!
YES! THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY WORK I FEEL SO HAPPY!!!! 💖💖 If you want, you can request more prompts. (x)
Sonic and Amy were both off doing their own things. Amy was having a Girls’ Night with her besties, and Sonic was with the guys, until Shadow came over with some bottles.
- With Amy -
  “Amy...I’m surprised yer still chasin’ Sanic after all those years...” Rouge hiccuped. Amy looked offended.
 “Why you little...I haven’t chased Sonic since I was twelve! I don’t liiiiiiike him anymore!” Her words slurred because of the fact that she had eight shots. Rouge and Blaze started giggling, but it sounded more like they were choking.
 “Why don’t we call ‘im over?..” Blaze asked, waving her phone in the air. Amy pouted.
 “Go ahead! I-I won’t stahp you!” She stuttered. Truth was, she still loved Sonic. Her crush on him only seemed to increase by day.
 “Move out of the way, Virgin Pussy-cat. Give me that fahking phone.” Rouge snatched the phone out of Blaze’s hands and dialed Sonic’s number.
 “Hello?” Sonic’s voice could be heard cracking a little, as he was listening to a speech delivered by Knuckles about how love is love. (Knuckles is his best when he’s drunk, he’s the smartest at those times)
 “Hey, Big Blue! Bring your asses up here!” Rouge yelled.
 “I’m talkin’ to your girlfriend!” Sonic shouted over at Knuckles, who was pissed that his speech. Rouge started giggling at being called the Echidna’s girlfriend.
 “HEY! Why you laughin’?” Amy asked her best friend.
  “Sonic called me Knuckie’s girlfriend!” She squealed. Blaze and Amy joined in. Within a few minutes, the doorbell rang. Amy answered it, and as soon as she opened the door, Sonic fell on top of her.
  “Heyyyy, Amesss.” Sonic slurred, not bothering to get off of Amy. She didn’t care, probably because of the influence of alcohol, or the fact that she had always dreamed that this would happen.
  “Hey, Sonikku...” She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
  “How long are ya’ll gonna stay like that’?” Shadow asked, pissed off as usual.
   “Yer just jealous ‘cause you don’t have a gal to love~!” Sonic exclaimed. (They aren’t dating)  He leaned into Amy and took in her scent. “You smell like roses ‘n honey..”
    “Nuuuuu...I don’t smell like that, I use scentless shampoo!” She yelled out. Sonic only chuckled and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up.
    “Whaddya say, Ames? Shall we take dis to the bedroom?” Sonic questioned the flustered pink hedgie, before a sober Lyra busted through the door.
    “Shut up Knuckles! I’m not a spy! Everyone go home before you end up Gang Banging!” She yelled.
    “Hmph. I wouldn’t mind that...” Shadow stated, eyeing Knuckles and Rouge getting a bit too intimate for Silver and Blaze’s liking. Lyra’s face looked horrified.
   “Oh, fuck no.” Lyra pounced on top of Shadow and chaos controlled him back to his house. She saw that Knuckles was starting to take off Rouge’s clothes. She threw Shadow’s chaos emerald at them. She turned to Blaze and Silver. “You guys fine getting home on your own?” She asked the two. They seemed a little tipsy, but nothing serious. Blaze looked somewhat sober at this point. They walked out the door, thankful that Lyra didn’t use aggression on them.
    “Sonic~! Stop it! Lyra’s still in the room!~” Amy squealed, as Sonic appeared to be doing something to her neck. Lyra got excited, and by reflex, she took out her phone.
    “Wait no, I’d be in big trouble, wouldn’t I...OH WELP.” She walked over to where the two lovehogs were making out, and dragged Sonic up to the bedroom, while Amy was in his arms. “I mean, I really don’t want you to, but you guys should really stop. You aren’t even dating, let alone confess!”
   “Well then. Let’s do foreplay then confess. Hey girl, you look nice, let’s fuck, oh you want to? Great let’s go. Babe I’ve loved you ever since I met you and I don’t care if what we’re about to do is unforgettable, and you might kill me in the morning, but I don’t care. LET’S FUCK, BABYYY!” Lyra sported that horrified face once again.
  “I’ll admit, you had me in the middle. I’ll leave before I get addicted to watching you two do shit.” And with that, Lyra left, and went to sleep at the park because their moans were so damn loud.
I’M SO SORRY THIS WAS SO BAD. I TRIED, AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERED! I really hoped you liked this, because I tried to make everyone sound drunk, and sorry for the very *ahem* iNtiMaTe moments.
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pokemon-channel · 7 years
Valentine’s Exchange Mix-Up Mixer
When the flock from the Prestige Pidgeot Crew returned, DJ Mary released the breath she’d been holding.  Three years since she first started doing this Valentine event, and not a single time had it gone right.  Dozens and hundreds of complaints of mismatched Valentines flooded her inbox and voicemails.  She was trying her best, darn it!
But this time, nothing could go wrong.  Absolutely nothing.  She’d invested too much time and effort for this to not go right.
And as DJ Mary welcomed each tired Pidgeot from their wrong trek, she couldn’t help but shake the feeling that something had gone terribly, horribly wrong.
Nah, couldn’t be.
What DJ Mary brings to you, under the cut, is a tragic tale of woe.  Each Valentine has been preserved in its original state.  None of the people who actually received each Valentine were the intended recipients.
To further add to the confusion, each Valentine was randomized three separate times along with their sender counterparts.  Thanks to the based RNG gods, some people received quite the coincidental string of Valentines…
VALENTINE SENT BY: Sabrina WHO RECEIVED IT: Lance CONTENTS: I really hope this makes it to you, Red. But if it doesn’t, Happy Valentine’s Day, you!
Hi and Happy Valentines Day!
Felt like this would be as good a time as any to send a letter of thanks. For being my friend, one of the few human friends I’ve made on my journey (Not to mention one of the few kids I’ve gotten to know here. Not sure how you go about being a gym leader at this age, but good on you, sister!).
But more importantly, for being one of the few people I’ve met these past months that I can TRUST. I’ve seen some really scary people and things and had my trust betrayed in ways I’d much rather not talk about.
And of course thank you for all your help with April! Taylor and I are indebted to you! Baby Pokémon are so hard to take care of, and we worried about keeping her. I didn’t even know before that Dragon Pokemon imprinted!
A happy happier day than my day from your friend Hilda.
This gift is a hodgepodge of gifts: chocolate and a stuffed Teddiursa, as well as some colorful stickers and a purple plastic cup.  “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I got you all of them.  Happy days, Clair.”
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Moon CONTENTS: In a manila envelope is a mushed-up wad of chocolate.  It almost looks like a lump of coal.  In fact, that is exactly what it is.  Next to it is a sheet of paper with a hastily-written note on it.  “How does one get SO LOST in a SIMPLE plains??  Don’t you Kalosians use fancy maps or whatever??  You were right outside of TOWN!  You’re so frustrating I can’t stand it.  Clair.”
Thanks for helping me Work Up my courage as a Pokemon Trainer! You’ve made a Giga Impact on my life. Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day!
VALENTINE SENT BY: Hilda WHO RECEIVED IT: Clair CONTENTS: Hey…I know we don’t know each other very well. We’ve only met once or twice. I’m reaching out to you because I would really like to be friends with you.
I don’t have too many human friends. I’ve found it harder rather than easier to connect to people since my Pokémon Journey (which is like a less formal Island Challenge in other regions, and in Unova it’s for teenagers because of how unsafe it is here). It wasn’t exactly a great experience, due mostly to some terrorism (is that too strong a word?) from a group called Team Plasma, and my encounters with them. Those events really changed me. I haven’t found myself connecting to people because I worry (sometimes rightly so) that they wouldn’t understand what I have been through.
But I’ve sort of gotten wind of a group that you were involved with (not by choice) called the Aether Foundation that had a good deal in common with Team Plasma, and I wanted to get to know you better because I think we might really understand each other.Sorry, I don’t think I articulated that very well. This kind of stuff is hard for me. I hope I didn’t come off as weird or knowing too much about you. I just want to make friends.
Your hopefully future friend, Hilda
VALENTINE SENT BY: AZ WHO RECEIVED IT: Clair CONTENTS: Black trillium. A note in shaky lettering that says “It is not the end. Only the beginning.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Ethan WHO RECEIVED IT: Clair CONTENTS: Hope you have an egg-cellent Valentine’s Day, Morty!!!
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Professor Kukui WHO RECEIVED IT: Clair CONTENTS: Champ, Happy Valentine’s Day to a world-class trainer! Alola couldn’t have asked for a better Champion, and we’re all so proud of you. Say hi to Homura and the gang for me! Love, Kukui
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Professor Kukui WHO RECEIVED IT: Iris CONTENTS: Shark bait, Aether is lucky to have a prez like you. Have a happy Valentine’s Day! Cheers, Kukui
VALENTINE SENT BY: Ethan WHO RECEIVED IT: Misty CONTENTS: Hope you have an egg-cellent Valentine’s Day, Lance!!! 
VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Gladion CONTENTS: This one is just a card with a Meowth hanging precariously from a tree limb.  The caption HANG IN THERE reads underneath it.  The inside has several words, but they are all scratched out, as one does when they are unsure of what to say.  The card’s generic inside reads “Thinking of you.”  Underneath “Clair” is written.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Shadow Triad Moros CONTENTS: Custom made from Build-A-Beartic, a jolly purple Goodra smiles goofily.  Around its neck is a fancy blue ribbon that gives the plush an even squishable appeal.  Attached to the leg is a note that reads, “To the future of dragons.  Clair.”
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for you :)
VALENTINE SENT BY: Ethan WHO RECEIVED IT: Fire CONTENTS: I think you’re egg-cellent, Lyra! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Fire CONTENTS: A card that resembles a cartoon ghost smiles as awkwardly as the writing within.  “How do people even DO these things??  Write stuff.  On Valentine’s.  Feels like I need to summon spirits or whatever to make any sense!!  ……Raising dragons is easier.  happy valentines day (i guess)”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Professor Kukui CONTENTS: Several yellow daffodils are tied together by a neat white bow.  Attached is a simple white card that says, “I missed you.  C.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Giovanni WHO RECEIVED IT: Lovrina CONTENTS: Twelve roses, all pitch black, accompanied by a plain card that says, “Hatefully yours, Giovanni”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Professor Kukui WHO RECEIVED IT: Ranger Kellyn CONTENTS: Lils, It was to see you at the lab again! I’ve been missing my favorite assistant. Happy Valentine’s Day from Burnet and I! Love, Kukui
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Lyra CONTENTS: To Clair, Your spirit burns with a fiery passion, but not as fiery as my love for you. Behind your tough exterior, I know, lies a sweet and delicate soul in need of tender love and affection. Be my Valentine, -Anonymous
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Lovrina WHO RECEIVED IT: Lyra CONTENTS: So, like, I’ve been thinking. I’m super hot, you’re super hot… we should totally take over the world together! Whaddya say, cutie pie? <3
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lillie WHO RECEIVED IT: Silver CONTENTS: You light up my life! Happy Valentines Day!
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Silver CONTENTS: Half a dozen yellow roses. There’s a handwritten note that says only, “To Sabrina.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Sun CONTENTS: A single white rose. The attached note says, “Thinking of you.”
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Sun CONTENTS: Dear Terrible Human Being,
Congratulations–you’ve pissed someone off so much that they went out of their way to pay me to send you the worst thing you can ever receive in an envelope: mother f****** glitter. Some poor idiot works 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to support themselves, or is a temporarily homeless traveling Trainer who is just trying to find themselves and enjoy their Mewdamn life, and you’ve been that much of an asshole that they paid me to send this to you.
It must be a great honor receiving this letter to inform you that your douchbaggery has not gone unnoticed. Your trophy has come in the form of craft herpes. It’s a sort of recognition for the way you waste precious air and people’s valuable time since now I’m going to take a little of yours.
Obviously, you are a terrible, horrible person and this is just a little payback; don’t take it personally, or do, whatever, we don’t care.
If you’re at work I hope that the glitter got all over your desk and that your co-workers now start questioning why the office idiot is spreading glitter everywhere.
If you’re at home opening mail I really hope that you spilt this s*** everywhere.
And if you’re a ninja/evil henchman thing, I hope this sparkly demon powder blew your cover and makes whatever you wear for being stealthy eye-catching and unusable. Because you know what? For the next few weeks, glitter is going to haunt you. Have a nice day!
Custom message from the person who hates you: How does it feel to have your day ruined by someone whose identity you don’t know? Someone you can’t even gather data on to avenge yourself? How does it feel to be suddenly shocked and humiliated when you were just trying to go about your business (you know, something YOU do to people on a regular basis)? You’ll never know who sent this! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No, no, don’t actually include the laughter. It sounds too stupid. Did you remove it? You removed it right? It’s not going to be in the letter is it? Okay thanks.
At least a tablespoon of brightly colored, tiny, static-y glitter has fallen onto everything. A bit of investigation reveals that many other members of Team Plasma, including both of the other Shadows, received similar letters. N was reported to have audibly shrieked when his glitter fell out. Part of his message read, “I had to skip lunch for a week to afford all of these, but it was WORTH IT!!” Ghetsis received 3, as well as an entire box of loose glitter. Unfortunately for the sender, after the second envelope he grew wise and made a Grunt open the third and the box over a disposal. [[Or maybe karma was especially vigilant that day and he didn’t. Your choice.]] Good thing, too, as the box was rigged with a string for the bottom to fall open if the top was undone before anyone noticed the string taped to it. But what he DIDN’T avoid opening was the spring-loaded container of these. No, really.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Ethan WHO RECEIVED IT: Giovanni CONTENTS: I think you’re egg-cellent, Silver! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
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VALENTINE SENT BY: AZ WHO RECEIVED IT: Sabrina CONTENTS: “You are much more than you think. You are stronger than those I’ve known before. Have pride. Be joyful that you have reached this point.”
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VALENTINE SENT BY: Giovanni WHO RECEIVED IT: Guzma CONTENT: An expensive box of chocolates and a dozen red roses in a crystal vase. A note attached says: Happy Valentine’s Day. Yours, Giovanni
VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Lysandre CONTENT: A small box of coconut-almond chocolates is accompanied by a plain red card.  “Maybe if you weren’t such an ass, people would like you better.  Me too.”  Signed on the back is the Blackthorn City gym’s stamp.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Professor Kukui WHO RECEIVED IT: Lysandre CONTENTS: G, Here’s some touchy-feely bullshit for you: happy Valentine’s Day! -Kukui
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Lillie CONTENTS: In careful, curly handwriting, alongside three small heart cookies: “You’re cool! Like, really cool! But I feel like you hate me… but I think we can really be friends if we try. I genuinely believe that! I won’t make you if you don’t want to be my friend, I understand if you don’t!!! But I just think that we got off on the wrong foot. Let’s talk sometime soon… I hope!!!”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Professor Kukui WHO RECEIVED IT: Lillie CONTENTS: Sun, Happy Valentine’s Day cousin!! You and Rotomdex are doing GREAT! Keep up the amazing work and I know you’ll finish the dex in no time. Love, Kukui
I Choo Choo Choose you!
Happy Valentine’s day,
VALENTINE SENT BY: Giovanni WHO RECEIVED IT: Morty CONTENTS: A bouquet of pink roses and a bottle of rosé. The card says, “Celebrating future successes. -Giovanni”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Sabrina WHO RECEIVED IT: Morty CONTENTS: I really hope this makes it to you, Fire. But if it doesn’t, Happy Valentine’s Day, you!
VALENTINE SENT BY: Kid WHO RECEIVED IT: Delinquent Anzu CONTENTS: Three cookies! Shaped like hearts! and a note that reads: “I don’t know if you know it, so I’m gonna tell you: you’re amazing! I’ve met lots of people but you’re one of the nicest! I feel like not enough people take the chance to interact with new people anymore, but it was amazing to meet you! I hope we can really be friends!
(P.S. I hope you like the cookies!!! I made them myself!!!)
Sincerely, Kid”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Clair WHO RECEIVED IT: Maxie CONTENTS: This one is a small box, with hand-crafted ornamental symbols on the side.  They’re dragons.  There is a tag that says “AZ” on the outside.  Inside the box is a necklace.  Its chain is a soft braided leather.  Small aquamarines are knotted beside a dragon fang, bleached to white perfection; two long, thin dragon scales hang next to it.  The kanji for HOPE is engraved on the fang.  There is no note but the Blackthorn City emblem inside.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Sabrina WHO RECEIVED IT: Ace Trainer Kid CONTENTS: I really hope this makes it to you, Misty. But if it doesn’t, Happy Valentine’s Day, you!
I want you to give me the best dick I ever had and leave me with a yeast infection and an unwanted pregnancy while you skimp out on child support and don’t come to the kid’s birthday parties.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lillie WHO RECEIVED IT: Red CONTENTS: I love you to the moon and back! Will you be my Valentine?
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a-case-of-neverland · 7 years
The Storm is Here, Part Two
Fast forward to the present, and Ash downed another shot. “They really think they’re something else,” He said with a yawn.
“Don’t drink all the damn stuff, you idiot.” Newt snapped, snatching the glass. “I want some too.”
Sienna tapped her fingers on the table. “So what do we do? Give them the money?” “Of course not. It’s Captain’s fault for trusting me.” Ash rolled his eyes. “I still can’t believe he actually believed me.”
Persephone applied a fresh layer of red lipstick to her lips with her knife as a mirror. “Do I look alright?”
“You look lovely, Kryp. Why? Fittin’ to dress up?” Sienna laughed.
Ash snorted as he stood up and picked up the bottle, putting it in the fridge as Persephone replied, “If I’m gonna raise hell, I wanna look pretty.”
“Do we even know where their base is?” Newt asked, leaning forward in his chair.
“Somewhere by the water,” Lyra replied, “I think they hole up in the lighthouse they claimed a while back.”
Ash let out a long sigh through his nose and stood up, going over to the map on the wall. “Lighthouse, hm?” He muttered as he stuck a bright red tack in the spot. “I think we should have that. I like it.”
“What’re you thinking?” Newt gave Ash a crooked smile and put an arm around him, studying the map.
“The car’s still in the garage, yeah?” Ash asked.
Newt nodded, stretching. “Where else would it be?”
Ash went and sat down at their table again, putting his chin in his hands as he studied the map in thought. He could potentially have a plan.
A series of four knocks pounded on their front door, like someone slammed their fist each time. Persephone stood up, swinging her mirror-knife into her pocket and skipping to the door and peering through the peep hole. “Ooo! Radon’s here.” She called, as she flung open the door and shoved a knife to his throat. “Whaddya want?”
The green haired boy ducked under the knife and sauntered around her, stretching. Newt scoffed when he walked in. He’d never liked Radon. Neon had always rolled her eyes and said it was because the two were so much alike.
“I’m a little confused, Helium.” Radon said, his eyes sweeping the room and picking up a knife from the counter and tossing up and down. “You said that none of my people would be affected by your little.. Heist, do you call it?”
“I did,” Ash nodded, picking up a knife of his own and twirling it in his hand. “Why?”
Radon reached in his leather jacket and pulled out a polaroid. On it, was a boy with his face blurred out, blood slicking his shoulder, the side of his head. Blonde hair was the only visible feature, stained crimson.
“Exhibit A.” Radon’s voice was calm, flat, but Ash had spent his entire life reading people. Rigidness. Anger. Barely contained, boiling underneath Radon’s calm surface. He wondered what this person truly meant to the green haired criminal.
“Exhibit B,” Radon continued, pulling out another polaroid. On this one, it was nothing more than a girl laying on her back, her bra hook undone to show the full potency of a huge scrape going up her back. Ash stared, blinking. One could never be too cautious with Radon, never knew when he was telling you the whole truth, or the truth at all. Was now the case?
Ash pulled a pair of gloves from his pocket and slid them on, lifting the photos from Radon’s hands with his fingertips and passing them to Lyra without even looking.
“Authenticity check.” He explained to Radon with a shrug. “I’m sure you don’t mind, do you?”
Radon met Ash’s gaze, staring directly at him as he crossed his arms. “Not at all.”
A loud sigh came from the curly headed figure as they looked up. Bent over their workstation, they brushed some powder off the table. “He’s not making this up, Helium. They’re real pictures.”
“What do you have to say for yourselves?” Radon asked, one of his eyes beginning to twitch. Helium took a deep breath. He knew if they didn’t defuse this green headed criminal, and quickly, there would be hell to pay. Radon didn’t look like much, but he could topple their base  single handedly if he truly felt like it.
Krypton walked over and put her skinny arm around Radon’s shoulder. “Hey now, you’re so tense over this. Let’s get you a drink, and then we’ll sort out what happened. Sound good?”
“Did you do this or not?” Radon spoke again, his hands turning into fists at his sides. He refused to even incline his head towards Persephone.
Helium stretched his wrists. “No, actually. What satisfaction would the Gases get out of destroying relations with your side of Ichor?”
“Then who did this?” Radon asked, cracking the knuckles underneath his leather gloves. “They’ve got hell to pay and I will make sure they do.”
“Start from the beginning, would you, dude?” Newt broke in, sitting backwards on a chair. “You haven’t exactly told us what happened, besides your people gettin’ hurt because of one of our Heists.”
Radon took in a deep breath through his nose, sitting down across from Helium and Newt. “I went out for some business the day you and the Pyrates had your little Heist. When I got back, after you guys were done, two of my people said they’d been attacked by someone in a hooded cloak with your marker on it. So naturally.. I came here.”
“Our marker?” Newt asked, raising a brow, glancing around.
Wren frowned from his place polishing his sniper on the floor and said, “It wasn’t me, I know that much. I only shoot, not well, scratch up backs.”
Lyra looked over to Radon. “Can I see that second photo again?” They asked. Their voice was unreadable, but Helium had an idea of what they were doing. Lyra was smart. If anyone could figure this out, it was them.
Radon passed over the photo wordlessly and began to pace before whirling on Persephone. “Did you do it?” He demanded of her. She didn’t even look up, only buffed a nail.
“Gods, no. I don’t do that whole bloody attack thing. The only red I handle is my lipstick.”
Helium stood up suddenly, speaking up, stepping between Radon and Krypton. “Radon, it wasn’t a Gas. Gases don’t attack with scratches. We shoot.”
“Then who was it?”
Lyra raised a hand. “The second wound appears to have been dealt with a hook. Oddly enough, Quartermaster of the Pyrates has a hook he sometimes wears to operations. It’s good for taking out a knee or an eye.”
“I don’t understand, why would the Pyrates attack wearing our clothes?” Persephone asked.
Radon had stood up and now was headed towards the door. “Radon?” Sienna called.
He didn’t even stop, slamming the door on the way out.
“Well, shit.” Newt muttered. “Ladies, gentlemen, and Argon, I do believe we have a storm brewing.”
“The storm’s already here,” Helium spoke up. “It’s just starting to sprinkle.”
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