#whaaaaat me whining on tumblr
need someone to stab me now before I have to write a fucking sonnet for class
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
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my requests are ALWAYS open babey!!! and that probs because i never actually get requests 
baby dwight is always fun to write about so thank you for the request!
i included some nsfw headcanons below the cut because im a slut and i cannot help myself
OKAY I REALLY FUCKED OUT ON THIS ONE TUMBLR SUCKS ASS first the cut didnt work and now ive lost the ask. i got a screenshot tho its real professional hours
the reader is a survivor because,… yes
Relationship HeadCanons for Dwight Fairfield
In the beginning of your relationship, Dwight would be very passive. You would have to be the driving hammer, taking the active role in order to keep your relationship moving forward. You were the one who noticed his stares, you were the one who first sat with him and you were the one to express your feelings for him. However, don’t mistake his inactivity for a lack of affection, Dwight does deeply care for you. It’s more that he doesn’t believe himself worthy of your attention. He keeps to himself, hoping that his feelings would silently die while you went off to find someone more deserving of your love. But you were observant and persistent and after a long while, he finally begins to understand that in some bizarre and totally bombastic scenario you had fallen in love with him.
Dwight likes to get you presents. He doesn’t consider himself to be overall handsome or outgoing in conversations so he feels that interacting with him is a very tiresome and tedious task. He tries to lessen his guilt by collecting and giving you gifts, like sacrificial offerings given to appease hateful Gods. A new flashlight he got from Ace, a cool, full-equipped toolbox from Jake and so on. He never expects anything from you, your time alone is simply enough for the poor boy, he even goes as far as to refuse anything you’d try to give him. “Keep it for yourself,” he said waving his hands dismissively, “You’d get better use out of it anyway.” However, no matter how hard he would try to sway you from getting him anything you would always find a way. Kisses, no matter the kind, are the one thing he cannot refuse nor give back. So you would kiss him any chance you got. Just got back from a trial, kiss on the cheek. He got you another present, a kiss on the nose. He starts doubting his worth as both a leader and boyfriend, a long meaningful smooch on the lips. Regardless of what kiss it would be, Dwight would always go beet red and unconsciously rub whatever part of him you had touched. He could be heard mumbling afterwards “Wow. That really happened.”
Dwight has trouble believing in himself, maybe because he never really had a good support group growing up or maybe because people just don’t take him seriously. Whatever it may be, it has resulted in him being naturally timid and shy. However, the world of the Fog is anything but natural so when push comes to shove Dwight changes his tune. In the heat of a desperate trial Dwight takes charge; he motivates others, encouraging them to follow the plan and get their jobs done efficiently and effectively. He’s inspiring. At least to you. Sometimes the others would doubt the man questioning his judgment and often going against his ideas. Dwight also has his flaws. He panics when someone tries to argue or attempt to reason with him, even if someone has a valid point Dwight ignores them. His hold over power was always so fragile that it makes him nervous when others suggest a plan that he did not come up with himself. “If people don’t need to look up to me then I’m useless.” You would see Dwight spiral down a dark hole, losing grip on reality and focus. “Dwight,” You softly call out to him, taking his shaking hand in yours and squeezing. He stops, turns and looks at you with eyes wild and watery. You pass him a comforting smile. “We’re listening to you, Dwight. Please also listen to us.” It would take a moment but like ice melting in the sun, Dwight would calm, his hurried breathing evening out and his mind ceasing to race away from him. You brought him back to Earth, back to the situation at hand. And you reminded him that no matter what he thought he always mattered. You did this all with just a small, loving smile.
Dwight is the master of puppy-looks. As he gets more confident in his relationship he learns how to manipulate (not that Dwight is actually capable of asserting himself over you like that) you in do doing whatever he wanted. You’d be chatting with some other survivors when all of a sudden the hairs on the back of your neck would stand on end. Turning around you’d see Dwight all on his lonesome. All he had to do was flash you those brown puppies and you’d be by his side.
NSFW! Dwight gets turned on way too easily. A hug that got a little too tight, a kiss that used more tongue than normal or simply even a wondering hand that got a wee bit close to his crotch. Everything is a yes to him. Hopefully, his S/O will have more experience in all things sex because Dwight is undoubtedly a baby. But he’s willing to please. Oh so ready and happy. The first time he saw what effect he had on his partner, the absolute pleasure he could give them, Dwight vowed to do anything to keep their pleasure and bliss, dare I say, coming. Expect a lot of “Is this okay?” and “Am I doing this right?” Just keep reassuring him, “Dwight, just do whatever makes you feel good.”
“Dwight~,” You whined as you got down on your knees and unbuckled his pants. He gasped and flung his hands up as if the police had just busted his drug operation. “Pull my hair.” An audible ‘whaaaaat?’ came from the man as he struggled to swallow, his eyes watching you masterfully push his boxers out of the way. You gave Dwight one last, slightly annoyed, look before you set to work. Dwight whimpered and very slowly grabbed a lock of your hair. He couldn’t understand how pulling your hair would feel nice for you but he couldn’t deny you although he did it delicately and gently.
If you are a female, please peg this man.
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