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rebelliousfamily · 3 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ continued from here
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“What if I admit that I only like when you call me Princess?”
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kingharringtxn · 3 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ liked for a lyric starter! Lyrics from Angels by Chase Atlantic
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                   “It’s getting darker and I’m starting to get anxious”
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lcveblossomed · 2 years ago
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"Uh huh sure you totally didn't just wait here to kiss me, dork," Dean says with a grin. He loved it he loved how much Billy cared and how in love he really seemed. Dean hadn't been sure anyone would ever love him, especially not as much as Billy loved him. It was refreshing it felt like home. He starts to blush at the nickname baby boy he loved it the nickname always made him so damn flustered. He goes to set down the lights figuring he'll put them up later. For now, he walks right back over and gives Billy another kiss.
@wexarexmadxhere // continued from (x)
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moonshinemuses · 3 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ continuing from this meme (Erica & Loki)
“I mean, you are pretty good looking.” She said moving toward him. “And kinda decent in bed.” She teased looking at him. “But I do think I like your personality. Its chaotic along with mine.” She grinned. 
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solarsought · 3 years ago
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Toni rolls her eyes, “I fucked that guy once nine years ago he doesn’t have ownership of me. I can do whatever I want including drunkenly show up at your house.” She slurs out pushing away his help before going to sit on his couch herself. “I’ve known you longer if anyone has dibs on all that it’s you.” She lays her head back against the couch. “I puked in my cab home so the guy threw me out. I kind of just wandered around for a while then I recognized I was here sooo I knocked on your door. Fucker still has my phone and my purse.”
@wexarexmadxhere​ // continued from (x)
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salvatcrechild · 2 years ago
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             ❛  oh  my  god–– you  scared  me !!   ❜    he  looked  over  at  kai.    ❛   what  are  you  doing  here ??   ❜   he  walked  over  towards  the  window.   ❛  you  know,  this  is  giving  that  one  vampire  movie,   ❜   he  chuckled.   as  he  extended  his  hand  to  help  him  in.   
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                                                                    ⦗  closed starter for @wexarexmadxhere​  ⦘
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wonderhevrts · 2 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ continued from this!
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♕ — Jacob knew that Loki had to go back to Asgard every now and then. But whenever he left, Jake felt an ache in his soul. The longer distance he had to his mate, the more it hurt, not to be close to him. Jacob sighed and returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Loki’s neck. “But couldn’t i come with you?” He asked with a pout. “I’d love to see Asgard and you could show me around..” He hummed, brushing his nose against Loki’s. 
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alwayslcyal · 2 years ago
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          ❛   you  know  theo,  the  tight  shirts,  they're  D I S T R A C T I N G  !!  ❜
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                                                          ⦗ @wexarexmadxhere​​​ liked for a starter ⦘
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entangledmuses · 2 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ continued from here
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“Seriously! Stop it.” She said, but she couldn’t help but smile in return. He had a nice smile, infact, it was starting to make her laugh.
“Stop it! What?” She laughed, shaking her head.
She pushed him playfully. “Derek Hale, stop smiling like that.” She blushed.
“Though, you do have a really nice smile, you should smile more often, but... still. stop it. whats wrong with you?” She chuckled. 
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 3 years ago
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rp-starters-ask-box-fillers Send "Blank mind" for a situation where my muse doesn't remember  anything.
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“Stay back!” he warned, lifting up his hands. He didn’t know this place, or who the dark haired man was before him. Come to think of it, he didn’t know his own name. He rushed to the mirror to look at himself... Okay... He was a male in his mid to late 20s... 30 at the most. Dark hair, green eyes. That seemed to confirm an instinctive not quite memory of himself, somehow. Remembering the stranger with him, he turned his back to the wall, and looked about for a weapon. Once he’d warded off this man, he’d check himself for any form of identification. He had to have a phone on him, or something.
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ofcrimsonenchantresses · 2 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ liked for a spotify wrapped starter and got number 75. jiggle jiggle by duke & jones and louis theroux
“I’m telling you, it’s what all the kids are doing these days.” Wanda explained as she handed Steve back his phone. She was showing him a phone of someone dressed like him doing a TikTok dance. It was pretty funny, all things considered. “Ask the Spider Child, he’d know more about it than I do. You forgot I’m closer to your age than his.”
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My money don't jiggle, jiggle, it folds I like to see you wiggle, wiggle, for sure It makes me want to dribble, dribble, you know?
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rebelliousfamily · 3 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ continued from here
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Nancy smiled at him and leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. She had wanted for Eddie to be able to come and be a part of her family, and she had hoped that her parents would at least like him. “You’re important to me. And I think that Mom would like you.”
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ofwondersandhares · 3 years ago
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lcveblossomed · 2 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere asked: [ COZY ] :sender falls asleep leaning against receiver during a film . - Nike from Hopper
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Nike was trying to watch the movie though she wasn't sure what was happening as the snoring drowned a lot of it out. She didn't mind of course he was tired he worked too hard. The credits roll and she wants to clean up so she carefully gets up resting his head on a pillow instead before rewinding the movie. After it's done she goes to the kitchen to clean up the dishes she'd made from dinner. She liked this his cute little cabin and his sweet daughter Jane it was nice she could get used to this. After she finishes cleaning up she walks back over to the couch and strokes his cheek. "Jim- Jim I'm gonna head home you should probably go get into bed or your head'll hurt in the morning. I had a lovely time tonight."
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moonshinemuses · 3 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere​ continuing from this meme (Erica & Peter)
Erica didn’t think coming to the party would be a big issue. She had control since Peter’s mother had came up to her and offered the bite. She was still confused on why, never being told, but now she was in a closet it with said other wolf. And it didn’t help with how close they were to each other. She could tell the small hint of Chris on him, and was trying not to blush. She looked up at him as he spoke and bit her lip. “Not usually, but those people don’t typically smell pretty good.” She said, trying to re-pull her playfulness. 
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solarsought · 2 years ago
@wexarexmadxhere asked:  Dean from Billy L back kiss
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Dean was happy. He didn’t know when the last time he was this happy was he liked Billy a lot and he actually felt cared about and loved for once. He’d let himself have some fun even sleep over for a bit after most of the partygoers had left. He let himself forget all the dumb rules he had set for himself laying naked in Billy’s bed kissing his back as he cuddled up close. He was frankly stuck in such a lust filled haze he forgot all of it just smiling and focusing on the other. 
“Thanks for not giving up on inviting me to your parties. I know I don’t take hints so easily so I appreciate your patience with me.” He jokes littering Billy’s skin with a few more kisses. He’s tired he wants to get some sleep but then it hits him he looks at the time and realizes he’s fucked. “Shit- shit I told my mom I was studying at Tyler’s house she said she’d pick me up first thing in the morning. I- if she figures out I want to a party if she tells me dad I was lying.” His eyes are wide and he’s out of bed fast trying to get his clothes. “I gotta I- Sorry I’m so sorry this was nice but I gotta go now.”
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