craptaincold · 7 years
Westhallenvibe AU where Iris dates Eddie and Barry dates Cisco and they go on a few double dates and then one day Eddie is like "ah, sod it" and kisses Barry and Barry is really confused but then he kisses Cisco too and Iris kisses Cisco too and Barry is even more confused, then Iris kisses him and somehow Barry ends up with 2 boyfriends and a girlfriend and he doesn't really know how but he loves them all very much so he's not complaining.
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craptaincold · 7 years
Today is a good day to remember Eddie Thawne is alive and well and is loving joyfully with his boyfriends Cisco and Barry, and their girlfriend Iris
ur right this is a fantastic day to remember this, and so is every single day in fact
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craptaincold · 7 years
Anonymous submitted to craptaincold: 
 “We could name one Joseph,” Eddie said. “After your dad.”
“Maybe,” Iris said. “What about Wallace?”
“I like Wallace,” Barry said. “Or Edward and Francisco?”
“Edward and Francisco, I like that.”
“What about Bartholomew?” Cisco asked.
“It’s Bartholomew,” Barry said. “Besides, it was my grandfather’s name, Henry would make more sense if you followed the Allen naming pattern.”
“We can’t name them after only two dads. What about Leonardo?”
“It’s too close to Leonard, Snart would never let us hear the end of it,” Eddie said.
"Michelangelo?” Barry said. 
“Are you listing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?” Iris asked.
“Dante was a renaissance artist,” Cisco said. “We can’t actually name one after my brother, I’d never hear the end of that, but we could find another artist.”
“And you happen to pick the ones the Ninja Turtles are named after.”
“I do not know many artists.”
“Of course not,” Eddie said. “What about Rose, for a girl?”
“Rose is nice,” Barry said. “There are a lot of names.”
“Great Aunt Dawn used to say that was why she never had kids, so she didn’t have to come up with any names.”
“Dawn?” Iris asked.
Five Months Later
“Seriously, you couldn’t have done this last week?” Cisco yelled, sending a shock wave to throw Weather Wizard off his feet. 
“Got plans, Vibe?” Lisa asked, and Barry pulled Cisco out the way of her gun.
“We do, actually,” Barry said. “So if we could wrap this up now, that would be great.”
“Not so fast, Flash,” Snart said.
“I’m always fast.” He dodged the blast from the cold gun.
“It’s our thing,” Wally said, knocking Cold off his feet.
“Er, guys?” Linda asked through the comms. “Iris is in labour.”
“What?” Barry asked. “Seriously?”
“A week late, they’re definitely yours,” Cisco said. 
“Rude, being late is a perfect cover for the fastest man alive.”
“No, you’re just terrible at time keeping,” Linda said. “Get here now.”
“Excuse us, Rogues,” Barry said. “Vibe and I must leave right now immediately.”
“I’ve got this,” Wally said. 
A breech opened, and Cynthia, Jesse, and Jay appeared.
“I’m getting too old for this,” Jay said.
“Never,” Jesse said. “Hi, Flash.”
“Hi,” Wally and Barry said. 
“Vibe,” Cindy said. “I heard you might need some cover.
"I would love some cover. Flash, let’s go.”
“Coming, dear.”
“They’re so beautiful,” Eddie said. “Babe, you did so well.”
“I can’t believe you made these,” Barry said. “They’re so tiny. Hi, tiny babies. I’m Dad.”
“You’re cute,” Iris said. “What do you think, Pa?”
“I love you,” Cisco said. “One of each, it’s perfect.”
“Dawn Nora and, we never did decide on a boy’s name,” Eddie said. 
“Donny,” Iris said. “He looks like a Donny.”
“I like that one.”
“For Donald?” Cisco asked.
“Donatello,” Barry said. “You did want an artist, didn’t you?”
“Donatello Joseph,” Iris said. 
“Donny and Dawn,” Cisco said.
Eight months later
“Bartholomew Henry Allen!”
Barry ran downstairs to find Iris standing in the front room, with toys and paper everywhere. Don and Dawn were asleep in the middle of the floor. 
“What happened? It looks like there’s been a tornado in here.”
“That would be your kids, Bartholomew. It seems they inherited more than bad timing from their father.”
“Oh. Whoops.”
who... who keeps sending me these beautiful fics... why on anon.... i must know who you are....my savior....
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craptaincold · 7 years
The last thing Cisco expected when Doctor Wells said he was bringing a coma patient to STAR Labs was to fall in love. Yet here he was, and it was a disaster.
Because Iris West, best friend to said coma patient, was beautiful. She was nice, she made Cisco laugh, and she always brought him (and Caitlin and Doctor Wells) coffee.
And she was obviously in love with her best friend.
The way she talked to him, how gentle she was, how she stroked his hair and leaned in, it was obvious. Then there was her Facebook page (she’d invited him first) where nearly all the pictures also featured Barry Allen and it was clear neither of them had a concept of personal space.
So Cisco tried to forget about his feelings.
Eddie Thawne was Detective West’s new partner. He’d covered shifts while Detective West visited Barry in the hospital, and apparently he and Iris were dating.
He sometimes came with Iris to see Barry, and usually gave Iris some space and talked to Cisco.
He was nice, but he was with Iris, no matter what Cisco assumed about her and Barry, and probably straight, because Cisco apparently had terrible luck when it came to crushes.
So once again he pushed down his feelings.
From the stories Iris and Detective West had about Barry Allen, Cisco had a feeling they’d be friends. And then Barry woke up and he was trusting, and nice, and an actual superhero. Superpowers and everything.
He was helping out a superhero, this was literally his childhood fantasy. Well, one of them. If someone offered him a chance to go to go to space he’d probably ditch Barry and take it, but Barry would probably join him.
Barry Allen was also very aware he was head over heels for Iris West. He just hadn’t said anything before and wasn’t planning on saying anything since she was with Eddie. But Cisco still got a funny feeling in his stomach when the Flash went off for late night meetings with Iris West.
Cisco was pretty sure it was because he had a crush on Barry. But he loved Iris. Who Cisco also had a crush on. But she loved Eddie. Who Cisco had yet another crush on, and who was in love with Iris, and who sometimes looked at Barry in a way not reserved for friends.
So Cisco decided this love business was too much to bother with and was more than happy when the stranger started flirting with him. At last, a distraction.
Only the stranger turned out to be Captain Cold’s little sister, Cisco had to rebuild the cold and heat guns, and a new one for her, and then Snart made him tell him Barry’s secret identity.
And Barry wasn’t even mad. He just accepted it was to save Dante, even supported Cisco, made sure he was all right, then went to stop Captain Cold.
Iris and Eddie rushed over afterwards too, to fuss over him. 
“Do you want to get dinner sometime?” Eddie asked.
“Babe, is now the time?” Iris asked.
“Considering we didn’t know the Snarts would let him go, yes,” Barry said.
“What is happening?” Cisco asked.
“You’re nice, and you’re funny, and you were there for us when Barry was in the coma, you’ve been there for Barry since,” Iris said. “We like you a lot, Cisco. We understand if it’s not your thing, or if you don’t like us, but if you’d like, the option is there.”
“The three of you are asking me out?”
“Yep,” Barry said.
“If you’d like,” Eddie said.
And so Cisco Ramon found himself cradled between Eddie Thawne and Barry Allen, with Iris West on his lap, stomach full after a very nice meal, Wrath of Khan playing, even though Iris said no crying on the first date and Cisco had watched it with Barry enough times to know he’d start at “I have, and always shall be, your friend” (as would Cisco), thinking maybe it hadn’t been such a disaster after all.
anon whomstever u are i love u thank u for makin me die
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