#wesen rp
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indoraptorgirlwind · 1 year ago
Characters profile and context
[Fandom: Grimm (nbc tv series)]
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Name: Nicholas (Nick) Burkhardt
Love interest: Adalind Schade
Species: Grimm
RP Tracker: #Sweetlittlegrimm
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Name: Monroe
Love interest: Rosalee Calvert
Species: Blutbad
RP Tracker: #Clockmakerwolf
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Name: Rosalee Calvert
Love interest: Monroe
Species: Fuchsbau
RP Tracker: #Whataboutafuchsbau
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Name: Adalind Schade
Love interest: Nick Burkhardt
Species: Hexenbiest
RP Tracker: #Hexenbiestseason
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Name: Eve
Love interest: none yet
Species: Hexenbiest
RP Tracker: #Eveofdestruction
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Name: Hank Griffin
Love interest: none yet
Species: Human
RP Tracker: #Whywasicrying
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Name: Drew Wu
Love interest: none yet
Species: Human (affected with lycanthropia)
RP Tracker: #Tamingofthewu
What is Grimm?
Grimm is an American fantasy police procedural drama television series. Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he descended from a line of guardians known as Grimms, charged with keeping balance between humanity and the Wesen, or mythological creatures of the world (Wesen is the German word for being or creature). Throughout the series, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures with help from his Wesen friends, Monroe (blutbad), Rosalee (fuchsbau) and his human friends, Hank Griffin and Drew Wu.
What are wesen?
Wesen is a collective term used to describe the creatures visible to the Grimms. They are the basis not only of the fairy tales that the Brothers Grimm have compiled, but also of the many legends and folklore from many cultures. When in human form, Wesen are, by all accounts, physiologically that way and thus, can pass as human. However, certain aspects about them still sets them apart from the rest of humanity, as their true forms resemble certain creatures. Fuchsbau are fox-like wesen. Blutbad are wolf-like wesen. Hexenbiest are witch-like wesen.
Lycanthropia is a blutbad disease that can ocassionally affect humans via scratches, making them go through a primal state when having heightened emotions, as neanderthal-like creatures.
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findingroleplays · 1 year ago
30+ she/her wondering if anyone remembers the series Grimm? I recently started rewatching it, and I'm just as hooked as I was when it was airing! I would love to make up a plot based around a Grimm set of siblings and Wesen that they team up with and fight, in different parts of law enforcement or some type of profession. Ideally, we would have them solving murders that are based on fairytales as they figure out how to go about the world that has suddenly been flipped over on it head for them. While also making a cast of sidekicks and love interests for our OC’s so this would be an OCxOC type rp. Prefer to rp on Disocrd but chat via IM’s on tumblr. prefer 3-5 paras but can do more, love chatting OOC, making playlists, pinterest boards, and plotting constantly. If interested like and I’ll send a message asap!
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findroleplay · 1 year ago
30+ she/her wondering if anyone remembers the series Grimm? I recently started rewatching it, and I'm just as hooked as I was when it was airing! I would love to make up a plot based around a Grimm set of siblings and Wesen that they team up with and fight, in different parts of law enforcement or some type of profession. Ideally, we would have them solving murders that are based on fairytales as they figure out how to go about the world that has suddenly been flipped over on it head for them. While also making a cast of sidekicks and love interests for our OC’s so this would be an OCxOC type rp. Prefer to rp on Disocrd but chat via IM’s on tumblr. prefer 3-5 paras but can do more, love chatting OOC, making playlists, pinterest boards, and plotting constantly. If interested like and I’ll send a message asap!
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darkdoverpseeker · 2 years ago
30+ she/her wondering if anyone remembers the series Grimm? I recently started rewatching it, and I'm just as hooked as I was when it was airing! I would love to make up a plot based around a Grimm set of siblings and Wesen that they team up with and fight, in different parts of law enforcement or some type of profession. They can either be twins, or one is fairly older than the other, raised together, the eldest having to raise the youngest, or just randomly learning in some dramatic and angsty fashion they're siblings and having to deal with now while coming into their new abilities. And then obviously murder is involved and their thrust into dealing with creatures only they can see, royal families after them, or the key they have if we wanted to go that route and dealing with being something of a nightmare to Wesen but also trying to make allies as they learn more about them. Prefer to plot and discuss things over tumblr for a bit before moving to Discord to rp, prefer to rp with anyone 21+, will play a love interest as well as other characters for interactions, and any form of fairy tale or myth can be added into the plot if you'd like to reimagine any in the aesthetic of this series! So if this interests anyone please like and I'll message asap!
like if interested!
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mirbeck-country · 2 years ago
Mirbeck Daily: Astronomy
"Ungewöhnliche Anomalie am Himmel von Mirbeck beobachtet"
Am 8. Februar 2023 beobachten die Bewohner von Mirbeck in Alaska eine ungewöhnliche Anomalie am Himmel. Es handelt sich um eine purpurne, kreisförmige Erscheinung, die plötzlich über der Stadt erscheint. Die Menschen laufen auf die Straßen, um diesen Anblick zu beobachten, und es verbreiten sich Gerüchte über das Ereignis im Internet.
Wissenschaftler untersuchen das Phänomen, aber sie können keine Erkl��rung dafür finden. Es gibt keine bekannten kosmischen Bedingungen, die eine solche Erscheinung verursachen könnten, und keine Spuren von fremden Wesen werden entdeckt.
Die Anomalie bleibt einige Stunden sichtbar, bevor sie plötzlich verschwindet. Bis heute bleibt ihre Bedeutung ungeklärt.
Diese Geschichte zeigt, dass es immer noch viele unerklärte Phänomene in unserem Universum gibt, die Wissenschaftler und die Öffentlichkeit weiterhin beschäftigen.
RP: Plotpoints
Die Spielercharaktere sind Wissenschaftler oder Experten, die mit der Untersuchung der purpurnen, kreisförmigen Anomalie beauftragt werden. Sie müssen herausfinden, was das Phänomen verursacht hat und ob es eine Bedrohung für die Menschheit darstellt.
Die Spielercharaktere entdecken, dass es sich bei der Anomalie um ein Tor zu einer anderen Dimension handelt. Sie müssen durch das Tor reisen, um mehr Informationen zu sammeln und herauszufinden, wie es zu schließen ist.
Während ihrer Reise durch die andere Dimension begegnen die Spielercharaktere fremden Wesen und Kulturen, die sie entweder bekämpfen oder um Hilfe bitten müssen.
Die Spielercharaktere entdecken, dass die purpurne, kreisförmige Anomalie eine Konsequenz von Experimenten einer außerirdischen Rasse ist, die versucht, die Kontrolle über die andere Dimension und die Erde zu erlangen.
Die Spielercharaktere müssen gegen die außerirdische Bedrohung kämpfen und das Tor schließen, um sowohl die Erde als auch die andere Dimension zu retten. Sie müssen Entscheidungen treffen, die sowohl ihre eigene Überlebensfähigkeit als auch das Wohl der beiden Welten beeinflussen können.
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petalwritcs · 7 years ago
If there are any Grimm rpers out there still, could you please like or reblog this post! We seem to be a rare breed these days, and I’d love to find some more of us to throw my Monrosalee babe at ^^
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tinyballofcanadianrage · 3 years ago
I want. A Grimm ah, but I can't decide if Maria would be a Grimm (one who would be more like Trubel) or a wesen. Both have equally intriguing and delightful potential, but I just don't know.
Plus uhhhh I'm p sure the fandom is long dead and the Venn diagram of Grimm fans, who also have rp blogs, who then follow me, doesn't exist. But if it dooooeeeeesss.... Hmu.
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storyofwesen · 6 years ago
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w e l c o m e  ~  t o
Sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏғ Wᴇsᴇɴ: Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Z
the tale of a tiny grove of two small academies
where the studying lads & lassies of all ages seem to be more that meets the eyes
 Hey! Welcome to the starting post of the project known as story of wesen, generation z. It will be an AU Grimm jcink roleplay set during 2034, situated at a preternatural college and prep school in portland where the descendants of your favorite Grimm characters life, study, and thrive. Be sure to follow the site buzz, but its not at all set in stone, yet. I first will be sending out interest checks and potential staff requests on many advertising boards and tumblrs, in order to be sure this RP is gonna be wanted and played! Feel free to message me at discord, LEONIDAS#6684 or PM me at this blog, or my PERSONAL BLOG. Keep in mind that this would be my first EVER rp made by myself, or with help of others, so I would LOVE any feedback.
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inheritwrath · 8 years ago
wrathless// i just want 2 talk about grimm and wesen and rp grimm stuff okay where is the grimm fandom @ 
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axemantv · 5 years ago
Aegorin ist ein deutscher, mittelalterlicher Fantasy - Roleplayserver. Bei uns liegt der Fokus auf der Magie und den mystischen Wesen, weswegen wir nicht nur ein eigenes Magiesystem,  sondern auch ein Rassensystem entwickelt haben, welches Euch ermöglicht, Eure ausgedachte Rasse einzureichen, welche dann von uns innerhalb von kurzer Zeit eingestellt wird. Damit Ihr Euer RP bestmöglich ausspielen könnt, können diese Rassen Trankeffekte, Verwandlungen in Tiere und sogar zahlreiche Partikeleffekte haben. Durch die vielen verschiedenen  Spielerrassen  kommt ein völlig neues RP zustande, denn ihr könnt nicht nur die Geschichten der anderen Spieler herausfinden, sondern auch ihre Rassen kennen lernen und ihre Fähigkeiten entdecken.
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allthingsroleplay · 6 years ago
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w e l c o m e  ~  t o
Sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏғ Wᴇsᴇɴ: Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Z!!
The tale of a tiny grove of two small academieswhere the studying lads & lassies of all ages seem to be more that meets the eyes
Hey! This is an staff request to the project known as story of wesen, generation z. It will be an AU Grimm jcink roleplay set during 2034, situated at a preternatural college and prep school in portland where the descendants of your favorite Grimm characters life, study, and thrive. Keep in mind that its its not at all set in stone, yet, which is why im sending out this staff requests on many advertising boards and tumblrs, in order to be sure this RP is gonna be wanted and played! Feel free to message me at discord,  LEONIDAS#6684, or my PERSONAL BLOG if you have any interest in beinger a admin and help flourish this idea out!! Please note that this would be my first EVER rp made by myself, or with help of others, so I would LOVE any feedback.
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schaderenard-blog · 9 years ago
[ ♔ out of crown ]
Starter call
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
30+ she/her wondering if anyone remembers the series Grimm? I recently started rewatching it, and I'm just as hooked as I was when it was airing! I would love to make up a plot based around a Grimm set of siblings and Wesen that they team up with and fight, in different parts of law enforcement or some type of profession. They can either be twins, or one is fairly older than the other, raised together, the eldest having to raise the youngest, or just randomly learning in some dramatic and angsty fashion they're siblings and having to deal with now while coming into their new abilities. And then obviously murder is involved and their thrust into dealing with creatures only they can see, royal families after them, or the key they have if we wanted to go that route and dealing with being something of a nightmare to Wesen but also trying to make allies as they learn more about them. Prefer to plot and discuss things over tumblr for a bit before moving to Discord to rp, prefer to rp with anyone 21+, will play a love interest as well as other characters for interactions, and any form of fairy tale or myth can be added into the plot if you'd like to reimagine any in the aesthetic of this series! So if this interests anyone please like and I'll message asap!
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