#werner durand
pavor-noctvrnvs · 10 months
ᴍᴜꜱʟɪᴍɢᴀᴜᴢᴇ - ᴍᴏʀᴛ ᴀᴜx ᴠᴀᴄʜᴇꜱ
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aktionpak · 6 months
I'm a few Werner Durand albums deep for the evening - this particular piece somehow presents as so much of the best Indian classic music. On purpose? A 17 minute call to sleep or meditation before three more similarly extended who knows what. When money stops feeling so oppressive, this is a double LP i would throw my labour around to own.
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cyanidetooth · 2 years
Albert Ayler! Television! Brainiac! Black Button! Girls In Synthesis! Italia 90! The Drin! Gut Health! Hot Chicks! Imperial Leather! The Revelons! Strange Attractor! The Stools! Toeheads! Rotary Club! Gaffer! Equipment Pointed Ankh! Organs Obsolete! Tachycardie! Aaron Dilloway & A.M.U.R.T.A.R.I.T.I.! Werner Durand! King Ink! CIA Debutante! Tim Goss! T.V.S.T.!
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nnjzz · 3 months
MARIJA KOVAČEVIĆ srb JANNEKE VAN DER PUTTEN nl GASKIÈRE fr / ar PAULA SANCHEZ & LEANDRO BARZABAL ar 19:00 portes 19:30 action! P.A.F. libre / 6€ néanmoins souhaitable / suggéré ( ou : plus ? ) LIEU : secret / divulgué sur demande en écrivant à [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/events/473687425242666
MARIJA KOVAČEVIĆ srb nyc Solo pour un assortiment de violons cassés / acoustiques ou amplifiés /  on verra bien.
Il y a environ quatre ans, alors qu'elle travaillait comme prof de violon à la Brooklyn Music School, elle est un jour tombée sur un stock de violons cassés qu'elle a récupérés en se disant que ces instruments mis au rebut pourraient avoir une " vie après la mort " et servir de terrain de jeu et d'expérimentation par / pour des non-musiciens. Et puis, elle s'est progressivement prise au jeu elle-même, en découvrant rapidement tout un monde, étrange et hétérogène, riche d'un potentiel sonore nouveau et imprévisible grâce à ces objets cassés, " désapprouvés ", si fragiles et si précieux autrefois, du temps de leur " splendeur ". Apprenant à travailler avec et à partir de chaque violon et archet ainsi " dysfonctionnels ", approchés différemment, individuellement, elle a ainsi développé un vocabulaire à part, idiosyncratique, en explorant les possibilités spécifiques de chaque instrument, en en  tirant les cordes, en jouant des / avec des fissures, en faisant grincer les éclisses et en tordant les chevalets.
Born in Yugoslavia, based in New York, Marija works in classical, experimental and improvised music and theater. Performing on broken violins, the instruments come to seem less like a violin that has seen better days than another sort of instrument altogether, a species that scuttled off the evolutionary train and bred shamelessly under a bridge. They are not what they once were but they have to keep going. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi2En1AAeVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN37_jDm9W4 https://marijakovacevic.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-broken-violins-vol-1
JANNEKE VAN DER PUTTEN nl rotterdam Sa pratique implique des expériences d'écoute, de performance, de son et de vidéo, de textile et de peinture, des ateliers, des projets musicaux et la création de plateformes d'échange culturel. Sa voix est son principal outil, la guidant à travers des explorations physiques dans différents paysages et architectures. Autodidacte dans diverses techniques vocales étendues, elle a également une formation en chant classique Dhrupad de l'Inde du Nord.
Plusieurs expositions / installations / performances à travers le monde à son actif. Collaborations, notamment avec Siavash Akhlaghi (IR), Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (IN), Werner Durand (DE), Philemon Mukarno (ID/NL), Rory Pilgrim (UK), Marcus Schmickler (DE) et Lucie Vítková (CZ). " In an intuitive and physical way, Janneke van der Putten explores her voice as a sound texture. She has specialized in extended vocal techniques, producing two or more sounds simultaneously: basic tones, harmonics, interferences – like glottic attacks – and spatial reflections. Van der Putten uses architecture as a natural sound amplifier and as a trigger for echoes or other sonic effects. Wandering in space makes the sound move and generates a dynamic listening experience. Her rhythmic and conceptual approach to singing is inspired by the cycles of the breath, the body and the earth. Her performances are often performed without electrical amplification. In this way, she focuses on the exploration of space itself: how it sounds, whether it is lit or not, and where the audience is located. "
www.jannekevanderputten.nl https://www.hear.fr/janneke-van-der-putten/ https://aloardi.bandcamp.com/album/jnnk-2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-oYUMLdUqo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz0fw-14Vl0
PAULA SANCHEZ & LEANDRO BARZABAL ar Duo inédit - me semble-t-il ? - entre ces deux compatriotes : l'une basée en Suisse, l'autre, Parisien d'adoption depuis  de nombreuses années, et bien repéré dans moult soirées impro-noise-interlopes d'ici.
Tous les deux " semblent " bien prolifiques et bien porté.e.s sur l'aspect performatif de leurs ... performances, tant au niveau d'accessoires qu'au niveau (im)purement sonore.Travaillant à l'intersection de l'improvisation libre / musique expérimentale / art / performance ( composition / décomposition /  destruction / construction ), Paula Sanchez" augmente " son instrument, en recourant aux techniques dites élargies ( utilisant des bouts de plastique / verre / végétaux... ), sans rechigner à y ajouter de l'électronique ou de la voix.
Plusieurs projets et collaborations ( avec Fred Frith, Mariana Carvalho, Violeta Garcia, Kevin Sommer... )
Leandro ( " que-l'on-ne-le-présente-plus " ) est (non)guitariste, performiste, contorsionniste, body-buildeur et bidouilleur de sons et de dispositifs plus ou moins électro-acoustiques, qu'il s'acharne à déconstruire à re-modeler et détourner encore davantage à chaque utilisation et à chaque  occurrence de ses prestations / apparences en public.
Concoctions, déjections, oripeaux sonores / commotions sensorielles et j'en passe des meilleures.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPFsmI26c24 GASKIÈRE fr / ar " Il arrive parfois qu'une graine s'envole au gré du vent et se plante à des endroits insolites. Ainsi naquit Gaskière. Une jachère qui évolue constamment pour mieux repousser. Ce trio d'improvisation est à l'initiative de Roberto Robao, Emma Kerssenbrock et David Lantran. Mycélium hautement contagieux, il répand ses spores pour mieux muter et vous entraîne dans une valse inconstante."
Voix, trucs, électronique, violoncelle.
Encore une de ces formidables surprises issues de la cuisse de Jupiter des soirées BROKEN IMPRO.
https://www.facebook.com/events/473687425242666 Fly - Jo L'Indien
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this-is-the-ticket · 5 months
018 Show Notes:
Shadow Grove Brewing - the place where Casey saw a magician
Werner Herzog on Skateboarding
Carlos López Estrada's Robin Hood
David Lowery's Pete's Dragon trailer
Friend of the podcast, Luke's, review of The Green Knight
Lamb (2021)
Blue Eye Samurai Pilot Episode
Glen Powell in The Dark Knight Rises
Tim Urban's A.I. Revolution Blog Post
Patrick H. Willems - AI is not the Future. It's a Grift
Criterion Casey - The Naked Kiss (1964)
The Naked Kiss (1964) Original Trailer
Laura (1944) Original Trailer - one of Ari's favorite film noirs
Criterion - How do I Download Videos to my iPhone or iPad
Get Started with Kanopy with Your Library Card
Explore L.A. with Discover & Go - Los Angeles Public Library
And with Him Came the West trailer - one of Casey's documentary choices
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) trailer
I Got Rhythm from An American in Paris (1951)
Freddy Got Fingered (2001) trailer
The Sign of the Ram (1948)
Ari fucked up - the ongoing practical joke was between Grace Kelly and Alec Guinness, not Cary Grant
Kevin Durand as Elon Musk
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Werner Durand with Amelia Cuni and Victor Meertens — Processions (Besom Presse)
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Photo by Ira Landgarten
processions by werner durand with amelia cuni and victor meertens
Besom Presse is a new label based in Los Angeles that seems to be tuned in to the vibrations of healing drones. The imprint is off to a strong start with Processions, a four-sided deep dive into the sound world of Werner Durand, Amelia Cuni and Victor Meertens.  
Like any other musical device, drone can be used for good or for ill. In lazy hands, it’s an easy way to fill up sonic space. But if you pick the right frequencies and durations and calibrate them to the space in which they’re heard, there’s nothing more transportational. Werner Durand has done the necessary homework to make continuous sound that takes you somewhere else. The Austrian multi-instrumentalist’s studied awareness of tuning systems has made him a preferred partner of just intonation partisans such as Catherine Christer Hennix and Arnold Dreyblatt. His curiosity about traditional music from around the globe informs a sense that drones aren’t just for filling space, but facilitating ceremonial and meditative experiences that make something essential and connective happen both within and between people. While you’ll hear Indian and other Asian influences, especially when he works with his long-term sound partner, Italian dhrupad singer Amelia Cuni, he does not merely copy what others have done. In fact, some of his tools are one of a kind originals; in addition to oscillators, bi (a Vietnamese reed instrument) and saxophone, he makes his own instruments out of PVC tubes.
Processions collects four pieces of music made between 2012 and 2016. Besides Cuni and Durand, Australian polymath Victor Meertens plays hammered guitar on every track. Tuned to certain prime numbers (2, 3, and 5 on one LP; 2, 3 and 13 on the other) which avoid the clashing intervals that result when one plays open strings in conventional equal temperament, his percussive attack generates a ringing glow that brings to mind early Sonic Youth, only turned way, way down. Cuni and Durand, assisted by a few other players on trumpet, sarod, and mirliton (medieval kazoo), switch between instruments and voice. Each piece is made from layers of low gong tolls, shimmering electronics, long reed tones, and curling string and vocal lines that cohere into a decisive statement that whatever you are doing, and wherever your mind is at, can wait while you retune. The way that Cuni’s voice rises above humid strata of strings and electronic tones makes “Caressing the Air” an apt early morning raga. What follows is more bracing and immersive. The title tune’s contrast of burrowing trumpet and massed reeds, and “Sandal’s” insistent strums and detonating gong beats, make them much more dizzying affairs.  make “Sandal” the soundtrack to your mid-day constitutional. Sparser, slower, and spiked with dissonantly gargling horns, “Khus” is the post-sunset sound that primes you for the silence to come. Each side is, in its own way, quite compelling. This music is not an invitation to merely escape, but an auditory reframing of whatever commotion is going around you as the real distraction.  
Bill Meyer
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kevindurandsource · 5 years
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thekevindurand ll Icy shark Werner Thompson is back to stir the pot a lil. Season 5 @ballershbo airs Tonight at 10:35 pm on @hbo 🙏👊
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continuo-docs · 5 years
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Werner Durand – Schwingende Luftsäulen 2, CD, ANTS (Italy)
Second volume of Pan-ney flute music by Durand using his self-build giant acrylic pan-pipes played in special tunings and overtones – the tautological CD title means "vibrating air columns". Sound-wise, the music evokes the Solomon Islands pan-pipes of the Aré-Aré indians, or the giant Fujara flutes of Slovakia, while the construction of tracks is indebted to US Minimalist composers' patterns and slowly evolving melodic lines – think Steve Reich.
Opening track 'Spiegel' is the funkiest here, with its prominent saxophone bursts and digital delay providing a nice contrepoint to the flutes. Closing track #3 Panga is a serene conclusion to the album, a kind of healing music conducted via magical plants and harmonics. The album's centerpiece, though, is track #2 Wald (forest). Throughout, a Shruti box and Hohner Organetto combine their rich sonorities to provide a solid Beglietung –German for low background sound, or continuo– over which several tracks of Pan-ney in re-recording perform a lovely little dance. A complex, progressive and hardly noticeable evolution takes place in the course of these 36+mns, during which the two keyboards' sound evolves and morphs imperceptibly, while the Pan-ney flutes melody itself changes completely several times within the limits of a few chosen harmonics. That the track can be enjoyed both as soothing background music as well as a highly complex intrication of sounds is no small achievement and is typical from this composer. Gently mesmerizing music on a superficial level, then, but the discerning ear will appreciate the painstakingly crafted composition as well. [Laurent Fairon]
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miragestation · 3 years
Playlist for Snackpoint Charlie fill-in December 15th, 2021
1. Healing Ceremony (Tangge:y Genre), Pengaseh Flower song / Ading Kerah 2. Nirahana Worship ニラーハナー遥拝 / Senri Miyazato 宮里千里 3. Yuta's Pray / Haruomi Hosono 細野晴臣 4. Dead Comet Return / Matt Jencik 5. Up Close / Sea Organ (Miles Copeland) 6. I'd Rather Be Lucky Than Good / Sam Ashley & Werner Durand 7. Gateh, Bak / Ragnar Johnson 8. Breaches breaches / Eli Keszler 9. 06 / Giuseppe Ielasi 10. Gain And Lose / Kiki Hitomi 11. Tarama Yonshee 多良間よんしー / Rinsuke Teruya 照屋林助 12. Kadicoo ~ Toshin Dui 嘉手久 ~唐船ドーイ / RInsho Kadekaru, Sadao China & Rinji Kadekaru 嘉手苅 林昌、知名 定男、嘉手苅 林次 13. Yeh Hai Ishq Ishq / Mohammed Rafi, Manna Dey, Batish Sudha Malhotra and Chorus 14. 醉人的口紅 Na Zuiren De Kouhong (Intoxicating Lipstick) / Bai Hong 白虹 15. Kasbah no Onna カスバの女 (A Woman in Kasbah) / Eto Kunieda エト邦枝 16. The Footsteps of Crows / Patrick Shiroishi 17. Pinko / Aleem Khan 18. Woman Who Weighs Out The Wood / Volcano the Bear 19. It Hurts Me Too / Pascal Comelade 20. Stro Kyat (ft Stro Elliot) / Kaidi Tatham
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thegreatlearning · 3 years
Werner Durand - Wellenreiter performed on the Pan-ney instrument
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johndombroski · 4 years
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helgion · 5 years
Трудно вспомнить какое-нибудь произведение за подписью Alio Die, неудавшееся в хоть в малейшем аспекте.
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yumisaiki-blog · 5 years
Ashtayama Song of Hours live in Düsseldorf from Amelia Cuni on Vimeo.
excerpts of the multimedia performance, a contemporary presentation of the ancient dhrupad tradition Amelia Cuni, vocals Werner Durand, live audio mix Uli Sigg, live video mix
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bedlamfoundry · 6 years
A State Of Trance Episode 893 (#ASOT893) – Armin van Buuren
A State Of Trance Episode 893 (#ASOT893) – Armin van Buuren ▶ http://AvB.lnk.to/ASOTYM2018 Tracklist: 0:01:25 Deadmau5 - GG [MAU5TRAP] 0:06:00 Above & Beyond & Spencer Brown feat. RBBTS - Long Way From Home [ANJUNABEATS] 0:11:36 Steve Brian feat. Christian Carcamo - Wait For Me [ENHANCED PROG] 0:15:20 Maryn - Azari [IN MY OPINION] 0:19:05 Sean Murphy & Michele C - Wild Things [GARUDA] 0:24:41 Ruslan Radriges & Cari - A New Day [ASOT] 0:28:39 Marcus Santoro - Hijack [ARMIND] 0:31:25 Rub!k - Return To Epoch [ARMADA CAPTIVATING] 0:34:09 Michael Milov - Eternity [SUANDA BASE] 0:37:40 Frontliner - I'm The Melodyman (Sander van Doorn Remix) [DOORN] 0:40:15 Theoh feat. Kyler England - Anything [AVA] 0:44:15 PROGRESSIVE PICK: Aki Bergen & Richter - Adagio For Strings [IHU] 0:47:20 Estiva - The Maze [STATEMENT!] 0:51:24 TUNE OF THE WEEK: W&W vs Armin van Buuren - Ready To Rave [RAVE CULTURE] 0:55:59 SERVICE FOR DREAMERS: Omnia & IRA - The Fusion [COLDHARBOUR] 1:00:27 South Of The Stars - Fields Of Elysium [GROTESQUE] 1:03:54 RAM & Susana - Someone Like You (ReOrder Remix) [GROTESQUE] 1:09:35 Alan Morris & Natalie Gioia - Shade By Shade [GROTESQUE] 1:12:45 Alex M.O.R.P.H. & RAM - Youniverse (Grotesque 350 Anthem) [GROTESQUE] 1:18:35 DT8 Project ft. Carla Werner - Pieces [ASOT] 1:23:20 Oraw & Seegmo - Protectors [PERFECTO FLUORO] 1:27:22 Trending Track: Ciaran McAuley - Never Fade Away (Benthe) [FSOE] 1:31:07 Richard Durand - Aida [BLACK HOLE] 1:34:22 FUTURE FAVORITE: Releji & Jatty Heath - Butterflies [AVA] 1:39:30 Alex Wright - Calypso [UNIVERSAL NATION] 1:42:30 Danny Eaton - Resolution [WHO'S AFRAID OF 138] 1:45:45 John O'Callaghan & Deirdre McLaughlin - Stay With Me (Factor B Remix) [SUBCULTURE] 1:51:27 Greg Downey - Razor (UCast Remix) [SKULLDUGGERY] 1:55:27 Chris Schweizer - The Order [WHO'S AFRAID OF 138] Connect with Armin van Buuren ▶ https://www.instagram.com/arminvanbuuren ▶ https://www.facebook.com/arminvanbuuren ▶ https://www.twitter.com/arminvanbuuren ▶ https://www.arminvanbuuren.com #ArminvanBuuren #ASOT #ASOT893 #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #Armin #van #Buuren #ASOT893 #AStateOf Trance 892 #AStateOf Trance Episode 893 #ArminvanBuuren #ArminASOT #ASOTavb #893 #RubendeRonde #AvB #Episode #Tuneofthe week #FutureFavorite #ArminASOT893 #ASOTavb893
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continuo-docs · 7 years
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Werner Durand – Schwingende Luftsäulen, CD, ANTS, Italy, June 2017 http://www.antsrecords.com/AG15_SCHWINGENDE_LUFTSAULEN.html
On this CD, German saxophonist and reed player Werner Durand plays a self-build instrument consisting of five PVC pipes called the Pan-Ney. Having no holes, these pipes can only produce 5 notes. Taking advantage of this limited sound palette, Durand plays repetitive motifs with slow variations and a superb use of harmonics, creating a rich and velvety sound. The music is carving a middle ground between American Minimalism and ethnic musics – especially the bamboo flutes of New Guinea. I found the tracks quite varied despite the instrument's limitations, from the slow lullaby of #1 Amplitude to the joyful dance of #7 Wellenreiter. The use of reverb, rerecording or loop box on #6 Stehende Wellen 2 allows Durand to duet with himself and his shadow, creating the most mysterious track of the album. Perhaps the music as a whole would have benefited from larger acoustics and interaction with resonant spaces, like in the work of Peter Van RIper or Stuart Dempster.
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artbookdap · 7 years
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From "Anouck Durand: Eternal Friendship” by @sigliopress "Durand’s photo-novel (or is it a photo-memoir?) is bewildering, peculiar and smart, a matryoshka doll of a story…A brilliant rerouting of photography that reminds me of those strange documentaries by Werner Herzog, say, or Chris Marker.” - @_tejucole @nytmag @elementalthing #anouckdurand #eternalfriendship #muslim #albania #jewish #israel #nazi #coldwar #wwII #china #communism #elizabethzuba #bestphotobook2017 #photobook #artistbook #artbook #artbookdap #photonovel #collage
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