#wererabbit nova
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Solar Opposites: Solar Monsters (by @avaveevo)
Ch. 12
Later that night, Beverly and her gang snuck in the ship as they began stealing stuff.
Beverly: whispering Okay guys. This is it. Tomorrow night, we’re ending this once and for all.
Shelby: whispering Pfft. Yeah. Right.
Tyler: whispering But Bev, this doesn’t feel right. The man acted like a lunatic. He might be hiding something.
Beverly: whispering No he isn’t. This man is gonna help put an end to Korey and his violently protective husband once for all. Now come on.
Unknown to them, Beverly unknowing drop something for her bag, it was a taser from FBI. The next day, Terry went up to the ship to get something, only for him to see the ship a mess.
Terry: What the fuck?
As he looks around, Terry gasp in horror upon seeing the stuff that Korvo worked so hard on gone. Korvo comes up and gasp.
Korvo: Holy shit! Where’s the stuff I invented from the laboratory.
A few seconds later, the police came to the Solars later, where Human Korvo and Human Terry told the officer what happened.
Human Terry: Come on. You have to do something. My husband worked so hard on this stuff. That won him the award.
Police Officer: Sorry sir, but we have no confirms who did this. Plus there is no evidence on who took it. So, I’m sorry. I don’t think there is anything we can do.
Human Terry: Oh. So they can just break into our house, trash the place and you don’t even care?!
Police Officer: Watch the attitude! I haven’t forgot about the Giant Funbucket!
The police then left as Human Korvo and Human Terry look at each other. Then, Human Terry sees the taser as he picks it up and gasp. He then recognize it and grows very enraged. Later, Terry flips the table in fury upon seeing everything in the ship gone.
Terry: That bitch! Dammit! How she could've done this!
Principal Cooke: What is it, Terry?
AISHA: Terry, calm down.
Terry: sighs I’m sorry guys. But, I’m afraid we’ll gonna have to move to another planet.
Korvo: But, Terry. This is our home, we can't leave this place for nothing.
Terry: You don't understand it, Korvo. David has been manipulating Beverly and now she has stolen your designs. Your inventions related to monster, the scanner, everything!
All: WHAT?!
Montez: That lying bitch!
Yumyulack: That explains how they have got your technology!
Nova: You mean she...
Principal Cooke: Did that all along? We're in trouble! We gotta leave! We have to find a place to hide!
Kevin: We can't. Beverly framed you, Cooke! They’re gonna put you on an electric chair, to force you to look for us!
Terry: This… this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have never attacked that poor child.
Jesse: Aww, Terry...
Principal Cooke: Maybe it's his fault that he attacked that child.
Korvo: Principal!
Principal Cooke: shrugs What? He’s to blame.
Korvo: I know, but Terry didn't know! It was an accident!
Cherie: What we can do? We must leave and get ourselves and our children in a safe place.
Korvo: Don’t worry, I have a plan! Everyone, pack your things! We’re leaving in four hours!
All: Right!
As soon the rest of the gang left, the children look worriedly at their dads, who comforts them and gives them a reassuring smile, which made Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa smile at them back. Meanwhile, Darcy was drawing a picture until, she sees Beverly and her gang going down a hole.
Darcy: Hmm?
Jamie: Darcy, what is it?
Darcy: Okay. Jaime, let’s go down there and confront these assholes once and for all.
Jamie smiles. Later, the couple sees the door and opens it when the hole is in. The two heads down there as they got out some flashlights and turn them. Darcy and Jamie look around the cave as they see footprints.
Jamie: Okay, that must be theirs. Let’s just follow to where they lead.
Darcy: Olay got it.
The couple then follows the footprints as they quietly sees Beverly heading up, only for Shelby to almost see them. Quickly, Darcy and Jaime hid behind a rock as they quietly peek.
Jaime: Holy shit. They have lost their minds.
Darcy: Let’s not panic. We just need to get to Terry and Korvo before-
Suddenly, Jamie feels a shot on his leg as he cries out in pain and then looks down and sees a needle with a blood drop on it. Jaime and Darcy grow terrified at this moment. Then, they turn to see Beverly and her gang looking at them.
Beverly: So, you trying to stop us. Huh? Nice try! Shelby, take care of them.
Shelby: With pleasure. Come on Nat.
Nat: On it!
Shelby and May got out monster viles and then they injected them into themselves.
Darcy: No no no no! Wait! Don’t do this! No!
Shelby and Nat starts screaming as they began to transform. Jaime starts breathing in and out as Darcy helps him lay down.
Darcy: Just lay down honey, I’m sure we’ll-
Just then, Shelby has turn into an alpha hellhound and Nat has transformed into a mutant lizard as they roar. Darcy gasp in horror as she tries to reach for a gun, only for her to see Jaimie’s skin turning light pale as he grew vampire bangs and starts growing bigger and muscular.
Darcy: Sweetheart?
Jaimie roars as his clothe stone to shreds back his muscle grow except for his pants, his half of his body develop blood vessels, his ears turns into vampire ears, his voice deepens and his eyes starts glowing red. He even develop bat claws on his finger nails.
Darcy: Oh my God. Jaimie! You’re a v-va-
Now a Mutant Vampire, Jaimie lets out a roar as Darcy starts to blush by her husband’s monster form as she slowly backs away. Mutant Vampire Jaime then pummel on Mutant Lizard Nat as the two monsters started fighting. Mutant Vampire Jaimie tries to bite down on Nat but Mutant Lizard Nat punches him away. Mutant Vampire Jaimie then grabs a beam and swings at Mutant Lizard Nat as he gets hit by the wall. Just before Mutabt Vampire Jaime could finish him off, Hellhound Shelby pummels on him, much to Darcy’s horror as she suddenly feels a headache.
Darcy: Ugh! What’s wrong with me?!
As Darcy kept groaning, her eyes suddenly turns into a hound’s yellow hunting eyes. Back with Mutant Vampire Jamie, he tries to get Hellhound Shelby away from biting him and clawing, when suddenly, another Hellhound, who is a female Mutant, appears and pummels on Shelby as she screams in pain. The Beta hellhound started to attack Hellhound Shelby as she tries to fight back, but instead got knocked out unconscious thanks to the Hellhound throwing her to a wall. Jamie then turns back to normal as he falls to his knees. The Beta Hellhound then approaches Jamie as she licks off a bleeding scar from his back from Nat. She then licks his face as Jamie grows shock.
Jamie: What the?
Suddenly, the Beta Hellhound lies down as she starts shrinking down to her real form who turns out be none other than… Darcy!
Jamie: Darcy?
Darcy falls down on the floor as Jamie approaches her and wraps a towel around her as she looks up to him lovingly.
Darcy: Hey honey.
Jamie: What happened to you? How did you transform?
Darcy: It must’ve been the bite one of the hellhounds gave me. It turn me into a hellhound.
Jamie: What?! Oh my God, we better get you to the others.
Darcy: Okay.
Jamie picks Darcy bridal style as she smiles at her husband. Back with the Solars, they got all of their luggage inside the bus along with everyone else’s. Human Korvo shuts down the back door as the gang heads on the bus, except Darcy and Jamie are not here.
Ms. Perez: Wait, where’s Jamie and Darcy?
Mia: They’ll meet up with us at the motel. We just have to make sure no follows us…
Suddenly, Human Terry hears beeping.
Human Terry: What the fuck?
Human Korvo: What is it? What’s wrong?
Human Terry heads outside and gets out a trench. He then sees tracking device form the engine as he takes it off and destroys it with his feet.
Human Korvo: Holy shit! Did Beverly sent that?!
Human Terry: Yes! So, she can locate where we are.
Montez: We have to move now!
Human Terry heads back inside the bus as he sits down with Human Jesse.
Human Terry: Okay! We’re all good now!
Human Korvo: Well, thank our Shlorpian Gods. Come on, guys! Let’s get the fuck out of here before they find us!
Human Korvo starts the engine and the bus takes off as a road trip begins. But then, Human Korvo revived a notification from Tik Tok which shows a video of Human Terry getting harassed by Brett before getting thrown in the water. Enraged and disgusted, Human Korvo stops by Brett’s house.
Human Korvo: Sorry guys. Hang on a second.
Human Korvo leaves the bus as he furiously and heads towards the house.
Principal Cooke: Where are you going? You can’t leave me here! We’re out almost out of town! Without my IZod!
Human Korvo opens the door and heads upstairs with Brett’s mother seeing him.
Brett’s Mother: Korey! What a surprise!
Human Korvo: Hi Mrs. V!
Human Korvo heads towards Brett’s room and opens the door, furiously which shows Brett listening to music until he sees Human Korvo and takes off his headphone.
Brett: Hey-
In fury, Human Korvo, with a powerful leg swing, kicks Brett to the wall as he leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Brett: MOM!
Human Korvo then heads downstairs with Brett’s Mom handing out cookies in tins.
Mom: Here! Take my cookies sweetie.
Human Korvo: Thank you ma’am!
Brett: offscreen MOM!
Human Korvo heads back in the bus he starts it scuba and the bus drives off. The others look at Human Korvo ins shock and surprise while Human Terry can’t help but blush lovingly.
Human Yumyulack: Damn dad, who taught you those lessons?
Human Korvo: Try handling a long line back on Shlorp and see what happens!
Human Korvo then speeds the bus ahead as it heads toward the other side of town. Later, Beverly tries to get track down Human Korvo and his family, only to see the tracking device on the ground destroyed as she growls!
Beverly: No! Grrr! That fucking bitch! Don’t worry David, we’ll catch them in no time soon.
Later, Alice arrived at the hospital where she sees Brandy recovering her head wound. Then, Nova and Sherbet arrives and sees Alice as they smile.
Nova: Hey. How’s your boss doing?
Alice: I’m sure she’s doing well.
Nurse: Alice, your boss Brandy would like to see you.
Alice: Okay.
Alice, Sherbet and Nova heads in while Janice arrives and follows them suite. They head in the room where Brandy is as she smiles at Alice.
Brandi: I’m so glad you’re okay turning towards Nova Thank you for taking care of Alice while I was recover from the hospital. She’s lucky to have people like you.
Nova: You’re welcome Mrs. Brandy
Brandy: Alice, I’m afraid I have to let you go. Apparently this whole thing has prove too much for you.
Alice: What? But Mrs. Brandy-
Brandy: You did nothing. But, you have a much better place and I think Nova would love to have you as her maid.
Sherbet: gasp in joy
Nova: Really? You mean it?! Thanks.
Alice: Thank you Brandy! I would love that… I’ll see you again someday…
The four ladies then left the hospital as Alice smiles at her new people and they all head outside. She then sees the Solars and the gang waiting for her.
Alice: You guys? What happened here?!
Later, at the motel, the gang have each assigned rooms while Human Terry looks up the stars and sighs. Then, he heads back upstairs. Meanwhile in their assigned room, Sonya starts drinking a big apple juice bottle while Jesse starts playing with Pupa.
Jesse: Pattycake! Pattycake! Bakers man! Bake me a cake as fast…. sees Sonya drinking the bottle… uh Sonya, why are you drinking a huge bottle of apple juice and acting like acting like you have a G-rated drinking problem?
Sonya: drunkingly I feel like the world is burning up around me! falls down asleep
Korvo: Yeesh. Too much cider.
Yumyulack: I know, right? drinks a huge bottle of Mountain Dew
Korvo: Uh…?
Just then, Human Terry opens the door while closing it and turns back into his Shlorpian self while he looks at the kids.
Terry: Okay guys, let’s not panic. Beverly can no longer track us, because I destroyed the tracking device. So, what the worst that could happened?!
The scene then cuts to Miss Frankie putting on makeup, until she notice something in her teeth. She lifts her lips open and gasp. She saw her a gang on her upper teeth part and then noticed the outside of her face and cheek bones is turning different shades of blue and purple. She then feels a headache as she groans in pain.
Miss Frankie: Wh-what’s happening to me?!
Then, Wolverine claws pop out of her palms as she screams in horror once they smashed a mirror.
Miss Frankie: screams in horror
Later, the scene cuts Cherie playing with Pezlie until she sees boot camp below as she gasp.
Cherie: What the? Montez, be right back!
Montez: offscreen Got it honey.
Seconds later, Cherie and Pezlie sneaks into the camp while overhearing Beverly, Rina and Tyler discussing their new plans as she peaks through the curtains.
Cherie: whispering What the fuck are they up to?
Beverly: Okay, let’s go over this again. Tomorrow at sunset, that fucking loser principal will be put on the chair. There, after David turns himself in, he can break him.
Rina: What does that have do we anything?
Tyler: Yeah?
Beverly: After he comes in, David will try to break him and he finally be forced to tell him where those two monster aliens are, and we’ll get rid of them. Permanently.
Tyler: Oh. Right on.
Cherie gasp and Pezlie whimpers as they try to sneak away, until Tyler grabs Pezlie away from Cherie as she gasp.
Cherie: Pezlie! Hang on Mommy’s coming for you
Cherie then sees Beverly about to inject something into Pezlie which made her gasp, but she runs up and takes the needle shot herself as she screams in pain.
Cherie: groaning What’s happening to me?!
Pezile is scared. Cherry Red Spikes then pop out of Cherie’s arms and back and legs as she starts growing bigger and muscular, as her clothes rip apart. Pezlie then stops being scared and began giggling as she grows amazed her mother’s transformation. Cherie’s hair then grows longer as her voice deepens and she roars while Pezlie starts giggling and cheering for her mama.
Pezlie: Mama! Mama!
Cherie calms down when seeing Pezlie. Goliath Cherie smiles as Pezlie comes up happily cooing and hug her.
Beverly: Stop her!
Goliath Cherie then kicks the three members as she leaps up and heads back to the motel without any looking like, like a stealth ninja as she smiles at Pezlie. She heads back to her motel room where Montez sees her and yelps a little before recognizing her and blushing.
Montez: Wow. Cherie you look so hot in that form.
Cherie chuckles. Then the scene cuts to Principal Cooke arriving back into his motel room.
Principal Cooke: Honey, I’m back and-
He then only sees Miss Frankie gone and her clothes on the floor. They were even torn to shreds. He then sees a makeup item and looks closely at it.
Principal Cooke: What in the?
Suddenly, her heard a loud metal clingy sound.
Principal Cooke: Honey? Is that you?
Suddenly, Principal Cookr looks up and sees a pair of glowing orange pair of looking down on him with a blue and purple long tongue trying to lick him as he back away slowly.
Principal Cooke: Who are you?
Principal Cooke then grabs the lamp to shine a light and as puts the lamp up high, it turns out to be a Mutant Miss Frankie!
Principal Cooke: Oh shit! Honey?
Miss Frankie roars as she lands on the floor and approaches Principal Cooke.
Principal Cooke: Oh my god…. You have never looked more beautiful!
Hearing this, Mutant Miss Frankie stops and blushes as Principal Cooke kiss her on the forehead as she whimpers.
Principal Cooke: Hey. It’s okay baby. I have an idea but we are gonna need our friends’ help on this. Because, if Beverly wants me to turn in, they we have something in mind that turn her, her Fuck Thugs and David in once and for all!
Mutant Miss Frankie smiles. Then, the scene cuts to the hotel room where the Solars are in. After putting on their sleep clothes, they are now watching the news.
Terry: Oh boy. This is not good. What have they done?!
The then news then plays about the past monster attacks as it shows a video of Principal Cooke getting unfairly fired, because of Beverly framing him.
Korvo: Shit!
Yumyulack: Oh boy. So it’s true. Principal Cooke did get framed by Beverly!
Jesse: She's gonna pay!
Sonya: I hope she doesn’t find us soon
Terry: Don’t worry, she won’t! We just need to come up with a plan before….
Suddenly, Terry sees something through his Mundane vision, swirling around like a wind as he grows amazed and curious.
Terry: What in the...?
Korvo: Terry?
Terry: Korvo, I think I’m seeing another Mundane spirit!
Korvo: What?! You are?! How?
Terry: Through my vision! I just don’t know where it’s heading towards-
Yumyulack: Then figure it out!
Sonya: Yumyulack!
Yumyulack: Sorry geez. crosses his arms
As Terry sees the Mundane spirit flying, it chose its eyes and inside of mouth color pink and it flies towards the Solars as it shines as the Solars, except for Jesse who is asleep, shield their eyes as it heads towards his unlikely host… Jesse!
Terry: JESSE!
As the spirit heads into Jesse as it shines a light throughout the whole room, then scene then cuts to Jesse, who gasp and finds herself in a midnight pink void as she starts to grow alarmed. Jesse looks around and grows amazed by the void.
Jesse: What is this place?
Suddenly, Jesse sees something shining ahead as she heads over there. She approaches a tree and it turns blossom into a swirling dark shades of pink light and then into another Mundane Spirit, but it doesn’t speak.
Jesse: Whoa.
Jesse approaches the spirit slowly as she slowly soothed the spirit’s face and suddenly, a sees a vision of her past when she saw Mundane Terry keeping her safe when Jesse was a baby, which made Jesse smile as she shed a single tear and wipes it away.
Jesse: Terry...
Jesse then sees the vision as it shows Mundane Terry turning back to his normal Terry self on the day the Shlorpians pushed him to far and the monster attack as he approaches Baby Jesse and comforts her when she was still crying, which made Jesse smile and hug the vision, while her tears turn midnight pink. The vision fades away as Jesse looks up at the Mundane Spirit and she smiles but wonders about something.
Jesse: I’m not gonna regret this… am I?
The Mundane Spirit smiles. The spirit then puts its hand on Jesse’s right hand and then they slowly walk around as Jesse began to dance around as a music box music plays in the background. The spirit then slowly flies up while Jesse holds its hand and then she finally see the light Terry was telling her about as she smiles. She then did a soft nose kiss with the spirit as it merges with her permanently and the whole void shines as it fades to light. The scene then heads back to reality as Jesse slowly floats down Terry caught her softly.
Terry: Jesse! Are you okay?!
Jesse wakes up slowly as she hugs Terry, much to his surprise.
Jesse: Thank you, dad.
Terry: Dad?
Jesse: I mean Terry.
Terry cries tears of happiness as he hugs Jesse once Korvo enters.
Korvo: Sweetheart?
Terry: Korvo...she called me "dad".
Jesse: Well, you are not gonna believe it but I-
Suddenly, Jesse’s vision goes midnight pink as she gasp and starts breathing in and out while holding her head.
Terry: Jesse! No no no! Hold on!
Terry takes Jesse outside while holding her as Korvo watch.
Korvo: Well, at least you two have manage to master those….
Yumyulack: offscreen Korvo? What's wrong?
Korvo then turns and see Yumyulack, who was awake, Sonya and Pupa sleeping and cuddling with each other. Korvo then smiles, sighs while rolling his eyes and approaches them quietly.
Korvo: I love you both so much...
Korvo smiles and kiss Yumyulack, Sonya and Pupa on the foreheads as they head back to bed and puts the kids’ each specific blankets as he smiled. Then, the scene cuts to Terry making it outside as he lightly puts Jesse down.
Korvo: What happened?
Terry: Korvo, can you please keep an eye on the rest of the three while I calm down Jesse.
Korvo smiles.
Korvo: Of course darling
Korvo heads back to the room as Terry looks down at Jesse having a panic attack.
Terry: It's gonna be okay, Jesse...
Jesse’s eyes starts flashing midnight pink as she starts snarling but Terry gasp and hugs her.
Terry: Sssh. Sssh. It's okay.
Jesse then cries into Terry’s chest as she grows scared over what happened a second ago.
Jesse: tearfully; quietly I'm sorry, daddy.
Terry then continue to sooth her as Jesse kept crying as he pulls her close while feeling her father’s love all over again the first time in 13 years ever since she was a baby. Jesse then starts choke sobbing as Terry smiles and wipes away the tears from his daughter’s eyes.
Terry: Oh. My poor little Jesse… you must be so scared… pulls Jesse into a loving hug
Jesse: Yeah, I am.
Terry: Hey. It’s okay. I was scared too. But then, I got better. I’m sure you will too…
Jesse: But what if I lose myself?
Terry: Because… I see you Jesse… all me and your father see in my eyes is a brave sweet kind hearted teenage girl, who is a good sister, a brave young woman who take care of a bunch of tiny people, an independent teenager and a wonderful daughter, who always out the people she loves before herself, because she’s got a big heart and a kind soul that helps keeps this family together. No matter what, because she is one of the bravest people that I have ever known ever since the day she was sprouted…
Jesse then begin to overwhelmed as she sniffles but Terry smiles and wipes away her as he kiss her on the forehead.
Jesse: weeping But what if I’m not the girl anymore… once I transformed for the first time…
Terry: I'll still know you're in there...
Jesse: Why? How do you know that I’ll still be in here…?
Terry: Because… you’re my daughter… and I’ll always be with you… no matter what…
Jesse: Aw...
Jesse then hugs Terry as he smiles and hug her back.
Jesse: whispering I love you daddy…
Terry: I love you too...
The Father and daughter aliens kept hugging. Then, a few seconds later, Terry tucks Jesse to bed with her siblings as he kiss her on the forehead and Korvo smiles at him.
Korvo: You're a good dad.
Terry: So are you.
Korvo blushes but then smiles. He then looks down with a worried look while Terry walks up to him.
Korvo: sighs I just hope we’re not too late tomorrow.
Terry: We won’t because Korvo, tomorrow! We’re ending this nightmare. Together. As a family.
Korvo surprises Terry with a kiss, which made blush and smitten.
Terry: Wow! What was that kiss for?
Korvo: For being there for me, darling...
Terry: smiling as he soothes Korvo’s face up and down with his left hand softly And I always will be…
Korvo and Terry smiled and the two alien husbands Makeout with French kisses while collapsing in their hotel bed and starts having sex. The next morning, Korvo wakes up only to see Terry gone and a note on Terry’s pillow as he gasp. He picks up the note and it says, “We have Terald! Turn Yourselves in or Else!”
Korvo: Oh no Terry!
Yumyulack: waking up Huh?
Jesse: What?!
Pupa: Terry?
Sonya: Wh-what’s happening?!
Later, after everyone had breakfast and got dressed, the Solar Opposites meet up with their friends as they start discussing the plan.
Nova: You sure they have Terry?
Korvo: Hell yeah they do! But, we need to think of something quick before they something horrible to him.
Principal Cooke: Um, I have a solution!
Korvo: Really? What is it?! Principal Cooke whispers it in his ear Really? You’re willing to do this? Well, if that’s the plan to beat, that actually might be able to help us. Some of you guys sneak in while the kids, Nova, Sherbet, Cherie, Montez and I go look for Terry.
All: Right!
Korvo: Solars, minus Terry, move out!
A few hours later, Beverly is discussing her plan to Python.
Sam Python: Sorry, but I don’t think your friend here is gonna help us.
Beverly: Oh shut up! I met him and he had been very helpful. He has done the Ritchie things by sending those monster attacks on other people, and we’re getting rid of Korey once and for all. Also, I don’t think your stupid government is gonna-
Suddenly, she gasp because David came in first when Principal Cooke was supposed to come in first.
Beverly: Shit!
Sam Python: What now?!
Beverly: That was not the plan?! That stupid-ass Principal is supposed to be here first! Where the fuck is he?!
Later, Principal Cooke and Mutant Miss Frankie have just finished having sex as Principal Cooke puts on his clothes and get ready.
Mutant Miss Frankie: Good luck. kisses Principal Cooke
Principal Cooke: Thanks honey
Then, Principal Cooke willing come sun with bravery in his face as he gave David a death stare and sits down. Meanwhile, Jaime and Darcy then arrived and sees Korvo with the kids, Cherie, Nova and Montez and Pezlie and Sherbet as they meet up with them.
Jaime: Guys! What the fuck is happening now?!
Darcy: What is it?!
Korvo: It's Terry. He's...
Korvo starts crying.
Jesse: Terry’s in trouble! We have to get there before-
Suddenly, Nova gets hit by DNA dart on her leg as she cries out in pain and kneels on her feet and takes out the dart. She then started to feel bunny as she suddenly starts turning furry with Cupid’s blush fur and she starts growing bigger and muscular with her rabbit ears popping out of her head as she moans.
Korvo: Huh? NOVA!
Sherbet: Mom!
Cherie: What’s happening to you?!
Nova: I don't know but...I feel gooooood...
Nova’s clothes get ripped into pieces, she develops fangs and rabbit teeth, her eyes starts glowing purple, her feet becomes human size-rabbit feet and a tail pops out as she roars.
Sherbet: Damn mom! You look very tough, even for a rabbit!
Wererabbit Nova then leaps up and destroys the lock as she growls. Sherbet then pay her on the back to calm her down as she smiles at her daughter.
Wererabbit Nova: Hey, sweetie.
Sherbet: You did great mom. kisses her on the forehead as Nova turns back, with her clothes back on
Korvo: What the hell happened?
Nova: I don’t know. But I am guessing Beverly might be onto us now! We have to hurry and find Terry before he gets hurt! Or worse…
Korvo: Killed...
Jesse: Oh shit! Come on guys, let’s go save our dad!
Everyone except Korvo who is looking like he's having a panic attack: YEAH!
Korvo: Holy shit! That scared me!
The scene then heads back to the base where Principal Cooke is giving David a death stare as he began to confront him. Mia, Alice, Randall, Miss Frankie, Kevin and Ms. Perez sneaks in quietly while hiding so no one can see them.
Randall: The coast is clear! Come on!
Ms. Perez: Ooh. Let’s watch. Principal Cooke is ready to talk to David!
Principal Cooke: Hello most wanted. I should have known you were manipulating Beverly into destroying us.
David: Yeah? I should have killed your friends.
Principal Cooke: You wish you had. You saw Korey last night of the award ceremony. Didn’t you?! You heard about his work. And you got crazy jealous. That is why you snuck in the laboratory last night. To get close to him. And when that didn’t work, you made a deal with Beverly, who hates him the most.
David: Her own enemy.
Principal Cooke: Then, you started going after the people he loves, including his family!
David: It's alright. Go ahead and scream. Go ahead and scream. Scream. Screaming will do you good.
Principal Cooke: HOW DARE YOU?!
David: Oh, is that so? Well, I've got news for you. I didn't come here to see you. I came here to see my new destiny. My real destiny. The one inside of Beverly. Beverly is nothing but a superficial shell, a husk of flimsy consciousness ready to be torn off at a moments notice. So, I roped her in like a dumbass fool. Beverly gasp in shock
Beverly: What?! No!
Principal Cooke: You can think what you like. I don't care, just go!
David: Now, Principal, listen to me. I've found a cure... for me. My cells can transform, too. Absorb enormous amounts of energy, but unlike you, they're unstable, I need that beast’s strength. I gave him life, now he must give it back to me! Only a million times more radiant, more powerful!
Principal Cooke: Oh Stop! You’re fucking crazy and you know it!
David: Stop what? STOP WHAT! Think about all those men out there, in their uniforms! Barking and swallowing orders! Inflicting their petty rule over the entire globe! Think of all the harm they've done! To you, to me! To humanity! And know this, that we can make them, and their flags and their anthems and their governments disappear! In a flash, me and those fucking alien beasts!
Principal Cooke: They’d fucking rather not!
David: Oh, that's your answer and indeed that stupid Mundane shall die and be reborn a hero! Under my control! Of the kind that walked the Earth long before the pale religions of civilization infected humanity's soul!
Principal Cooke: No Terry is not a monster! He’s a good person and loving father and great husband to Korey, and you and Beverly know it you evil psycho!
David : stops and shortly mocks Principal in a calm manner Stop your bawling, you weak little speck of human trash. gets up from his chair, yelling I'll go! You just watch me go!
Sam Python: Hit it.
One of the soldiers hit the electric chairs, but Beverly refusing to believe this, runs out of the base and heads to Mundane Terry.
Kevin: Holy shit! Turn it off!
Suddenly, Principal Cooke starts to feel something as he suddenly grows fur and begins to grow bigger and muscular.
Miss Frankie: What’s wrong with my boyfriend?!
Mia: Holy shit!
The electric hits David as he finally transforms into his new monstrous form, a chimera! The whole lights go out through our town as everyone starts to panic, except for the Solar Opposites gang. Principal Cooke then grows sharp teeth and his finger nails became claws and his whole clothes get torn into shreds. Suddenly, Principal Cooke roars as he has finally transformed into a Werehog and grabs onto Chimera David as he flies off and the others transforms into their monster forms and follows them through the base. There, Chimera David crashes near the lake as Werehog Cooke growls.
Werehog Cooke: GET AWAY FROM ME!!!
Mutant Frankie lands and is surprised to her boyfriend a Werehog while Werewolf Perez, Mutant Octopus Mia, Werelizard Alice, Werefox Kevin, Weredragon Randall and Medusa Alice meets up with her
Mutant Frankie: Honey?!
Werehog Cooke: So....how do I look?
Mutant Frankie: You look hot honey! And gasp and sees Chimera David Behind you!
Chimera David smirks but to his horror, he didn’t absorbed Werehog Cooke’s powers as he still stay a chimera. Mutant Frankie then uses her Wolverine claws to attack David but he flies before she could catch him.
Mutant Frankie: Damn it!
Chimera David then flies to town as the other monsters watch
Weredragon Randall: Aw shit! We gotta hurry and tell Korvo!
Suddenly, they see Mundane Terry, in a glass cage, his hands and feet tied up and a muzzle on his face as he wakes up and gasp.
All: Terry?!
Mundane Terry: Get me outta here!
Werelizard Janice: On it! punches a hole which breaks the glass and frees Terry as he turns back into his normal Shlorpian self
Terry: Thanks guys, but what happened here?! How did I get here?!
Mutant Frankie: You got captured by David!
Medusa Alice: Long story, but we have to get you outta here! Let’s get back to your husband, kids and the others!
Terry: What?! That fuck! That’s it! Come on, guys! Let’s go catch with the others
Terry then grabs the keys and gets in the bus as he drives and his fellow monsters follow him.
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar monsters#tervo#korvo#terry solar opposites#yumyulack#british korvo#jesse solar opposites#mundane terry#super shlorpian korvo#super shlorpian yumyulack#mutant octopus mia#werefox kevin#weredragon randall#wolverine mutant Miss frankie#werewolf ms. perez#sweets demon sherbet#wererabbit nova#Werehog principal cooke#pupa solar opposites#father and daughter love#werekraken sonya#darkest hour#aisha solar opposites#werelizard janice#Goliath hulk cherie#pezlie solar opposites#werebat montez#hellhound darcy
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Character Theme Songs

Mundane Terry - “Part of Me” from Disturbed
Super Shlorpian Korvo- “The Night” from Disturbed
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack- “Monster” from Imagine Dragons
Mundane Jesse- “In the Dark” from Birthday Massacre
Giant Mutant Pupa- “Godzilla Theme”
Were-Kraken Sonya- “This Moment” from Mimi Webb
Sexy Aqrabuamelu Phoebe- “Elastic Heart” from Sia
Gorgon Monica- “Black Mamba” from Aespan
Were-Spider Parker- “Black Widow” from Iggy Azaelia ft. Rita Ora
Werehog Principal Cooke- “Endless Possibilities” from Crush 40
Mutant Miss Frankie- “Roar” from Katy Perry
Goliath Cherie- “Heart Attack” from Demi Lovato
Werebat Montez- “Animal I Have Become” from Three Days Grace
Wererabbit Nova- “Part of Me” from Katy Perry
Werewolf Ms. Perez- “She-Wolf” from Sia
Mutant Octopus Mia- “Going Under” from Evanescence
Werefox Kevin - “Indestructible” from Disturbed
Vampire Mutant Jaime- “Forsaken” from Disturbed
Hellhound Darcy- “She-Wolf” from Shakira
Sweets Demon Sherbet- “Monster” from MIKA
Mutant Zombie Mark- “Rainy Day” from Ice Nine Kills
Weredragon Randall- “Monster” from Skillet
Mutant Lizard Janice- “Still Hungry” from Adelitas Way
Werecat Cheery- “Fearless” from Olivia Holt
Medusa Alice - “Monster” from Rihanna ft. Eminem
#solar opposites#solar opposites au#solar opposites: unleashed#just like sonic unleashed#monster forms#super shlorpian korvo#mundane terry#super shlorpian yumyulack#mundane jesse
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