wuyaahma · 7 years
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#Throwback 🗻Mt Bromo/Probolinggo MT - 1/5 After a week of unproductive but good rest... I think i am 90%√ Finally getting down to this... I would say my Mission trip(MT) started three weeks before the actual day where God explained many simple yet His heart through my morning devotion... Things to do and not do for the MT? Main mission God gave on this trip? 🔺See how He move & watch how His faithful servant(KP) work. - Day 1 - Started with an encounter on the plane. This really set the whole trip for me personally. (ask me if you wanna know.) Another would be the home cgm... Was so touched and moved by all the sharing that i cried (ofcoz hiding my face under my cap and 🎸) thinking why am i tearing when this is for the people there? Now now... That's not true... When God moves, He touches any heart He wants. Furthermore, in Acts 20:35 (NIV) " In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.' ” As we give, we ourselves are changed too. TYJ! #WenzImOnMissionTrip #MtbromoProbolinggo #missiodeiharvest #blessedbeyondmeasure #Indonesia #wenz2017
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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#Throwback : #MalangDampitMissioDei "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?" - Psalms 139:7 (NKJV) . Devotion - A necessity! We all come before God just as we are, crying for a breakthrough, for revival, for God to use us... For nothing else but, more of His Presence. #Devotion #Devoted #TYJ #encounter #CHCMissions #Missiontrips #WenzImOnMissionTrip
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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#Throwback : Malang Mission Trip 10-13 November 2017 Continuing... . This is one of my favourite among the gallery of photos for Malang November trip. I've never had this kind of photo... The feelings has been captured! 😭 Everyone wants to be loved... -Story behind this- I actually didn't want to pray for her because i saw that she was prayed for already... Then when i look at her, with her hands covering her face, i started to wept. I went over, hugged her and didn't say a word... After awhile, Kevin came and said "let me translate for you". I wanted to say it was ok because i have nothing, but i nodded my head instead... I opened my mouth and suddenly words started flowing... God's word and love for her came wave after wave. I have nothing to say but God has got words for each and everyone of us. Of all people I prayed for in that session... I remembered clearly what happened and the feelings i got when I've decided to obey. Thank You Jesus for this and for using me. :') . . . #WenzImOnMissionTrip #Malang #missiodeiharvest #blessedbeyondmeasure #ChildOfGod #Prayer #love #wenz2017 #malangmissiodei
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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#Throwback : Malang Mission Trip 10-13 November 2017 Haven't gotten the time to post anything about this trip(in fact im still owing Bromo trip hahahaa). Today or rather yesterday, got reminded of "pure heart". So i met this kid beside me on the last day and on the last session in Malang which i did my sharing... He asked tons of questions from the start till the end. Many of us felt he was a distraction and disruption. Yes he was... But at the end of it, when i prayed for him, God showed me that he has the purest heart of all among everyone(including the teachers and us MHD members) in the room. :') And God is going to use him so mightily in the future. What seems to be broken and no potential in the sight of men, is useful and beautiful in the sight of God. :') Broken crayons still colour. #WenzImOnMissionTrip #Malang #missiodeiharvest #blessedbeyondmeasure #changiairportsingapore #wenz2017 #malangmissiodei
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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Keeping the curve on the face despite the deep valleys and what seems like longggg struggles and in the midst of busyness... The world need more smiles. :) The world need Jesus. :) . . . 📷: @steffiloves #TYJ #PTL #Inthemidstofdesperate #doubt #Smile #busyness #grateful #thankfulHeart #GodIsStillGood #Wenz2017 #WenzImOnMissionTrip
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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Departing... One last time for the year 2017! 😉 Malang Mission Trip START! #WenzImOnMissionTrip #Malang #missiodeiharvest #blessedbeyondmeasure #changiairportsingapore #wenz2017 #malangmissiodei
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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Broken, made whole ❤ Thank You Jesus for showing up yesterday night! You were and will always be there. :) Thank God for such amazing #mtbromoproboteam from #missiodeiharvest . You guys have such pure heart, coming with no agenda but to seek God's ❤. Thankful!🙏 #Amazing #Pureheart #Wenz2017 #WenzImOnMissionTrip
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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#Throwback : #malangdampitmissiodei "... but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love." - Ephesians 4:15-16 One more before i start on other things! Teeheh!😁 It's just amazing how God called and placed each one of us into this team. Couldn't ask for any better team! I have learnt so much from them and saw the goodness of God in all their lives. Thank You Jesus!❤ #MissionTrip #chcmissions #Greaterthings #GodIsGood #TYJ #WenzImOnMissionTrip
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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#Throwback : #MalangDampitMissioDei Still about the 3rd day of the mission trip... My first time preaching a full sermon with altar call in a Youth service. The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught." - Isaiah 29:13 (NIV) .Heart surgery. I stand in awe of God's love for this youths in GBI WTC Malang church! Their hearts might not be at the right place nevertheless God loved them the same and called them back. I pray that the youths will remember their encounters with Jesus that day! Never will their lives be the same again. ❤ ............. I myself was extremely blessed that whole day. How God placed each one of us in the right place at the right time. And how God make sure we are ready(broken before Him) before using us to do His work.(Talk to me if you wanna know my bus encounter. :) ) . Thank You Jesus for showing me how to love like You do. ❤ . #PreachItLikeYouMeanIt #encouragement #PTL #faithfulness #GodIsGood #heart #spiritualheartsurgery #GoodnessOfGod #TYJ #revivalishere🔥 #WenzImOnMissionTrip
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wuyaahma · 7 years
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Departing... Soon... AGAIN AGAIN! THIS TIME..... TOTALLY DIFFERENT AND BY FAITH..💪 Malang/Dampit Mission Trip START! #WenzImOnMissionTrip #Malang #missiodeiharvest #blessedbeyondmeasure #changiairportsingapore #wenz2017
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