#went to school for funeral directing and did the whole process ya know
sleepyjas · 7 months
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Survey #468
“recollect me, darling, raise me to your lips  /  two undernourished egos  /  four rotating hips”
Have you ever seen a queen bee outside its hive? I wouldn't know. What comes to mind first, when I say “indie”? The music genre. Have you ever used Duolingo? I have not. Do you think number 13 is unlucky? No. Do you watch any old films? If so, name a few of your favourites. Through all the years in school and reading classic novels, we would usually watch the movie afterwards, so I've seen a good number and understand why they're classics, like The Outsiders, A Raisin in the Sun, Steel Magnolias... Who are some of your classic era film actors and actresses, if any? I don't know enough, honestly. Do you have any novelty ice cube trays? No. What radio station do you most often listen to? I don't listen to the radio. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes, because I was raised Roman Catholic, and it was routine to go occasionally. Those things are so awful. Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? Oh wow, I don't know. What movie are you looking forward to coming out? HOCUS POCUS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! :') What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? HAHAHA he's gonna fuckin hate me for this. He has black hair, but with a bit of gray throughout already. What letter does your last name begin with? D. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yep. Do you regret it? Nah. Who was the last person to buy you a drink? You're talking like, a drink drink? In which case, my mother. Who was the last person to buy you dinner? Girt. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? Idk exactly how old Juan is, but he's probably the oldest? Of the ages I actually remember, that'd be Girt; he'll be 28 next month. Have you ever found a bug in your food? omg noooooo Do you ever read things you wrote as a kid? What were you like? Fuck no, I'd cringe into oblivion. Your boyfriend's birthday is coming up, and you’re totally broke. What do you do? ... Was this written directed at me??? lmao I'm thinking of just trying to draw 2B from Nier: Automata since she's to him what Pyramid Head is to me, ha ha. Would you be content to turn out just like your mom? In most ways, no. If you could pick one topic for everyone in your country to learn more about, what would you pick? Uhhh... Well, it'd be boring as all fuck hell, but I guess politics. Be actually educated on what's going on in the country and vote more wisely. How do you feel about people your age having children? I'm 25. It's normal, and advisable before 30 anyway before the risk of birth defects and problematic pregnancies rise. When was the last time you were at a park? Jeez... the very beginning of this year, I wanna say? I was taking family pictures for someone. Do you feel like going to funerals helps you in the grieving process? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Especially as an adult. How do you feel about the whole organic food craze? I'm not educated enough on this to have a proper opinion. Who was the last person you heard snore? My mom, at some point. Is there a TV show you’ve wanted to start watching but never gotten around to? Even though I don't really watch TV, there are some I'm interested in, like The Witcher. Have you ever worn something out in public that made other people stare at you? Oh god, I would avoid that so hard, so probably not. Do you ever make an effort to look stylish or fashionable? Or do you not care about that? I really don't care. I wear what's comfortable. When was the last time you were in denial about something? What about? Idk. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? If not, would you ever try wearing them? No, but I probably will for my hypothetical wedding. Is there any certain style of architecture you really enjoy? Yeah; Roman, for one. I should be able to list far more, having taken Art History, where architecture played a big part... When’s the last time you made the best of a bad situation? Hm, I dunno. If you watch Parks and Recreation, who is your favorite character? N/A Do you listen to Fall Out Boy? Yeah, they're great. Have you ever been skiing or snowboarding? No. Have you ever forged a note for something at school? No. Are you a YouTube addict? Oh, for sure. I'm always on there. Have you ever found a four leaf clover? Many, actually! It's funny, at our old place, the day my father abandoned my family, I found an actual PATCH of four-leaf clovers right outside. I doubt it meant anything, but it was still cool. From that year on, that spot always had lots of four-leaf ones. Are you good at lighting fires? I wouldn't know. I'm scared to. Name someone who is an excellent listener? Sara. <3 Would you mind living to 100 years old if you were in semi-decent health? Define "semi-decent." If I could still care for myself fine, then sure, I guess? 100 still seems pretty... bold for me, though. How did your parents meet one another? They were co-workers. When's the last time you got heartburn? What do you think caused it? I haven't had it in a while because I have to take a prescription antacid. It's embarrassing to admit, but it's because of my weight; chronic heartburn is common for people of my size. I know for sure that it's the culprit in my case, because when I lost a load of weight? It went away and stayed gone until I started gaining weight back. What's your favorite red fruit? Strawberriessss. Do you enjoy sour candies? If so, which ones? omfg yesssss. Give me like ANY sour candy. Would you want a chance to visit Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory? Ha, it's funny, the first thing that came to mind was hell yeah, so long as I could bring my camera. Can you imagine the photographs? Goddamn right I'd try some candy too, but I'm more interested in the art of it all, really. What is one quirk about each of your parents that you can't stand? Dad is easy: he repeats the FUCK out of himself. Like oh my god. He will cycle a conversation by saying the same exact thing so, so many times. As for Mom... I don't know about a quirk that I can't stand. Have you ever suffered from amnesia before? After I awoke from fainting and receiving a concussion, I did briefly. Like I couldn't remember what happened and was just crying, but it came back to me with time. Do you live with roommates? I live with my mother. Does your body feel older than it actually is? My body feels ancient. Were you always picked last in gym class? I wouldn't say last, but I wasn't a first pick, for sure. Has someone close to you ever passed away from cancer? Pets have. My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer, but we were never close, I'd say. Which form of martial arts would you be most interested in trying? Ngl, I don't know almost any names and what moves they entail. Which type of shoe dominates your wardrobe? Converse. The last time you were high, what was it off of? Never been high. Is there a particular sport you follow on a regular basis? No. Are you waiting for something to arrive in the mail? No. Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)? If they had no interest in getting one, I don't think I could. How would you react if your artwork became famous? Cry. A lot. But in a wonderful way. Have you ever seen an alligator in person? Yeah. I love those lil 'ole dinos. Most instances were at the zoo, but I actually very clearly remember seeing one in a watery ditch following Hurricane Floyd when the local zoo was destroyed. The alligators got out. What does the inside of your shower look like? It's a... normal tub/shower? What primary color is your Christmas tree? It's always green. When I have my own place, I reeeaaaally want a black one with faux snowy tips, white garland, and red ornaments. What is the stupidest thing you’ve done to a friend’s pet? Nothing? Have you ever seen a snake in the road? I have. Have you ever been to the Kentucky Derby? No. Have you ever heard a wolf howl? Not in person, no. When in a race, do you usually win? Ya girl doesn't race. I don't remember if I did any as a kid. Do you get sleepy when you ride in the car? Yes. How is your credit rating? I don't have one. Do you know anyone who lives in Hawaii? Yeah, a cousin of mine. What was the last phone conversation you had about? I was giving someone permission to talk to my mother about some financial stuff. How spicy do you like your food? Spicy, but not as hot as I used to enjoy. I've come to a point where I want to focus more on enjoying the food than the adrenaline of fighting the heat of what I'm eating. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? Two days ago when my boyfriend came over and we were watching some shows together. Who is at your house right now? Just Mom and me. Have you faced any of your fears lately? I mean, it's nothing major at all, but signing myself in and out of doctor appointments gives me anxiety. My mom used to do it for me, but I've been doing it for awhile now. Have you slept next to the last person you kissed? No. We both needed a nap the other day, but we've agreed sleeping together while my nightmares are being figured out is a very bad idea in case I lash out in my sleep and hurt him because I would fucking sob. Has your father met the boy you currently love? Yeah. But not everyone loves boys, you know. Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? Siblings. I barely ever see my cousins because my extended family doesn't live in NC. How many people have you really fell for? Three. Last thing to make you smile? Some stupid meme on Facebook lol. Does the person you like, like you too? Ye! Next event you’ll wear a dress to: Idk. Is there someone in your past you thought you’d never get over, and then did? Believe this shit or not... I haven't been thinking of Jason as much lately. I VERY much doubt I'll ever be totally over him, but I'm very much focused on and into my current boyfriend. How many arguments have you had with the last person you dated? We've actually never argued. Your girlfriend/boyfriend buys you flowers, you say? With our sense of humor, I'd probably say some shit like, "You killed them for me?" in an adoring voice, ha ha. Describe your life in one word? Dull. Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? No, but he wants a sleeve tattoo AND I AM SO FUCKING FOR IT Were you intoxicated the last time you threw up? Nope.
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kukeplease · 4 years
Stories Meant For The Grave
2.I thought I saw a shadow 
Hello my name is Jamie you see I have a story I wanted to share with anyone who reads this. I wanted to tell you about this game me and my friends play and hopefully maybe you and your friends won’t make the mistake of playing it like I did or at least avoid “it”. To know my story you need to know a little about me. I live in a small town nowhere important. At least no map can find where the town is, but that beside the point I have a twin brother named Ray. We were both ten that year and he and I would play together with our friends in this small little place. Think of it like a park if you will except with a lot of weeds and bushes and some trees here and there. It was full of hiding spots we could use, but the target of this game was not the person. It was their shadow that we needed to catch. It was called shadow tag. We would all find places to hide and make our shadows as small as possible. Today was a good day to play shadow tag because the sun was high up and no clouds what so ever was blocking it. I was it and I had to count to forty since there are so many good hiding places to choose from. When I finally counted to forty I searched the place for any shadows or people to spot. Sadly there was no luck. It seemed that they found some good spots, maybe they’re all huddled up in one spot again. That when I noticed a shadow it looked like it extended from the side of the tree. I smiled thinking that the person probably didn’t notice his shadow moved so I slowly walked right next to the shadow then raised my foot ready to stomp. Then bam my foot fell on the shadow. I yelled tag I got ya you idiot, but something didn’t feel right my foot felt as if it stepped on something. When I looked down to see if it was a bug my body froze. The shadow eyes were open and it was looking at me. I backed away from the shadow, but it still looked at me and I felt as if it was trying to burn holes through me with its eyes. Then suddenly a huge shadow covered the thing looking at me. I looked up to see a cloud had passed and it was starting to get cloudy so I started to run the opposite direction of the weird shadow. That when my friends and brother saw me running towards them. Thinking I saw them they came out seeing as I unintentionally stepped in their shadows. They were all thinking how they found a good spot and how it sucked that I found them laughing about the experience. Yet they notice how out of breath I was and ask if I was alright. I thought of telling them what I saw, but decided that no would believe me and said nothing. My brother looked up and saw how it was really starting to get cloudy so we decided to end the game early and go home since it looked like it would rain soon. Later that night in bed I couldn’t sleep so I just laid there in bed thinking about what I just saw out there a shadow with eyes. I shivered when I remembered how angry its eyes looked when it looked at me and it didn’t help that there was lightning. I wanted to forget, but then I heard a creaking noise of someone going upstairs. I got up from bed and went to my door. It was slightly left ajar since I was scared to be alone. This way if anything happened I could call mom and dad to save me. At least that was how I thought back then. Anyway I peeked wondering if my brother got a midnight snack or maybe dad and mom were going back to their room after getting something downstairs. What I saw wasn’t any of them to be precise I saw no one going upstairs, but I could still hear someone coming up slowly. Just then A loud thunder clap came and the whole hallway was lit up by lightning and that's when I saw it. The Shadow with eyes. Another loud boom came and I could see it walking upstairs, but not the one built in the house. It was their shadow that the creature was walking on. As lightning kept striking every few seconds I could see it get closer and closer and closer. Fear consumed me as I sat there not even breathing as it continued to climb the stairs. Then finally just as it was about to walk its last step a door opened it was my brother's room. He walked out and yawned, scratching his head as he went to the bathroom. Ray opened the door, turned on the light, walked in and closed the door. I could kind of see the shadow thanks to the light from the bathroom. It stared at the bathroom with malice. At that moment I knew why it came here and why it looked at the door with such hate. It was angry that I stepped on it and wanted revenge. Then the shadow went in the bathroom. I stood there not even moving. Nothing in my head was working. I told myself that I needed to move, get up or something, but I didn’t even move. I just sat there waiting. Then the bathroom light flickered for a second and I regained some type of function in my brain. I looked at the clock and noticed I have been waiting behind the door for an hour. I stood up, got my flashlight and my wooden bat. I Opened the door and slowly walked towards the bathroom. After a moment I finally got up the courage to open the door and quickly pushed it open. At the time I thought that maybe as long as it doesn’t touch my shadow then maybe I could hurt using the light or use the shadow of my bat to hit it. Yet what I saw made me realize that was a foolish idea as I dropped my flashlight and bat. I saw my brother contorted and mangled in the most painful way. Bone sticking out of places I am not even sure where. His head twisted upside down and his eyes were only sockets. He was tied up like a bow on the shower rack, his face in complete horror of what must be in his final moments of seeing the creature. I fell on my butt brain stopped processing what happened, tears falling down. All I could think was that it was my fault it was my fault it was my fault. My dad opened the door when he heard the loud thump in the hallway he was holding a gun mom right behind him. He looked at me asking what happened all I could do was point shakenly at the bathroom. When he took a look my father fell to his knees as he saw Ray. Mom also saw his mangled corpse and her eyes went blank after that everything was a blur. It was all happening too fast. The police asked us questions and the town went on full alert for the next few years. My brother's funeral happened with mom crying non stop with dad and relatives and friends of my brother. I looked at Ray's casket with guilt. It wanted me yet it took my brother because we looked alike. Life after that was never the same. I couldn’t go outside. I didn’t even want to play shadow tag and any shadows I saw I showed fear and made sure to never step on them no matter what. Even when my parents took me to therapy it didn’t help with this overwhelming fear and guilt I felt. Now I get home schooled staying in my room all day. All I could say whenever I think of that incident is that whatever that was it was definitely no shadow. No shadow could do something like that to my brother. If you read this story all the way through I hope that you don’t play this game or at least make sure it’s your friend's shadow that you choose to step on.
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