#went to ap and they said “hey watch this and be responsible for their education. am like ”. . .ok.“
flamestar126 · 6 months
I am livid
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Summary: You invite Negan over for dinner when your parents are out of town. Continuation of party favor
Pairing: AU Negan x reader (female, named Eddie)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men
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“Oh, fuck” you complained to no one, feeling your muscle soreness settling in as you hopped off your fathers SUV.
You had just come back from the gym and were excited to have the house to yourself. Your folks left town for your mother’s work and you had your whole night planned, get a stoned, eat some lasagna your mom pre-made for you, shower, smoke some more, watch some stand-up, and rub one out.
As you walked towards your front door you heard the faint clinking noises, accompanied by soft rock music; noticing Negan’s half open garage, beaming white light escaping onto the gray pavement.
You entered your home and read the note on the counter:
Your dad and I left for my work trip (that free loader). Left some lasagna in the fridge. 375 45 min.
Love you,
mom (and dad)
DONT USE THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL. Negan will take a look tomorrow at 9am, so please be up to let him in and get coffee going.
Knowing Negan was going to be in your home soon brought tingles to your insides. Reminiscing on how you fucked you in the bathroom a little over a week ago.Your memories aroused you, but frustrated you as well, remembering how he toyed with you that firework infused night.
You snapped yourself out of it and began setting the oven when the door bell rang.
You walked over an peeked through the side window.
You opened the door and without a proper greeting you asked, “Um, weren’t you supposed to come by tomorrow?”
“Well hello to you too” Negan commented on your weak hospitality.
“And yeah, for the sink... I’m just here to let you know you left your headlights on” he informed you, tilting his head to the direction of the driveway.
“You couldn’t call?” You questioned his motives for being at your doorstep.
Not that you wouldn’t fuck him over and over, but you wanted to be the one to initiate that. He wasn’t gonna control the situation this time.
“Your folks got rid of the landline.”
That comment served as a potent reminder that you hadn’t physically lived in that house other than school intermissions, and that you didn’t know that much about Negan regardless of how good friends he and your parents were.
“And I don’t have your number, cause that would be inappropriate” He added with a smirk, knowing you were miles past appropriateness.
“Funny” you commented on his response in a dead-panned tone.
You reached for the keys on their respective hook on the wall and walked out towards the car, Negan followed behind. You unlocked it and reached your arm in to switch the lights off.
You shut the car door, noticing Negan was cutting through the lawn, half way towards his front door.
Having already gotten you slice of Negan you couldn’t resist him. Flashes of what tonight could potentially lead to infiltrated your mind.
“Hey!” you called out to him.
Negan stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards you.
“You like lasagna?”
He paused in thought for a moment.
Should he enter your home without your parents? What if a neighbor saw? What would they think?
“Is it your mothers or that frozen shit?”
“It’s a Frankie original”
“Fuck. Alright” he was easily convinced.
Your mom did make a mean lasagna.
You set the prepared lasagna on the counter as you continued to wait for the oven to heat.
“You can take a hit of that if you want” you gestured towards the packed glass pipe and lighter sitting at the edge of the bar countertop.
“This what you always do when your parents aren't around?” He asked, reaching for the pipe.
“Smoke? Or invite not-age-appropriate men over?” You teased.
“Both” he said as he struggled with the lighter.
Spark after spark with no flame.
“I think that ones out. Let me get another” you skipped upstairs to your room.
Negan waited patiently, flipping through his phone. He noticed some leftover oil and grim on his fingers and got up to wash his hands. While you were in ransacking your drawers, your phone rang downstairs.
Negan let the first call go, but when the second call came he peaked over, concerned it was one of your parents needing to get a hold of you.
He was thrown off by the name on the screen.
“Found one” you said coming down the steps, Negan in the middle of drying his hands.
“Here” you handed it to him feeling the dampness on his fingers.
“Thanks doll. Your phone rang by the way” He let you know as he sat back down on one of the stools.
Negan took a couple hits as you opened up your phone and typing a quick message before setting it down.
Negans curiosity quickly unraveled.
“So whose Myles?” Negan asked, smoke exiting along with his words, “Myles with a Y...”
“Um. He is.. he’s my.. boyfriend” you said awlwardly, knowing how fucked up it sounded.
“If he’s your boyfriend, why the hell did you sleep with me. Twice for that matter” Negan questioned, almost interrogating you
“One, don’t come at me like that,” your defenses riding
“Two, it’s not like I’m doing anything he’s not already doing” you replied, taking a hit.
“Shit really? How do you know?”
“We were on a date one night, it was a normal day” you spoke holding your breathe and smoke in.
“and- and I don’t know, I looked at him, and I just knew.” Your voice becoming clearer as the white clouds left your body.
Woman’s intuition, Negan thought to himself. Reflecting on his own past.
“And his messages proved it so, there’s that” you added.
“Shit I’m sorry doll” Negan empathized, taking the pipe for his turn.
“It’s okay...” you said, a bit of sadness painting over your face.
“...you’ve help me get over it quite a bit” your voice lightening up, trying to keep yourself from getting down.
“Does he know you know?” he asked sparking another hit.
“Nah, not yet.”
“Why haven’t you told him? Hoping to work it out?” Smoke blowing from his lips
“Fuck no!” you laughed
“I didn’t confront him about it cause it was right before summer, he’s abroad, I’m doing an internship here. Would’ve been really stressful dealing with a break up right now.”
“But that a bridge we’ll cross when we get there, in the mean time I’m just gonna dick around” you said nonchalantly as you reached for the pipe once more, intentionally grazing his hand half a second slower.
Your final hit closed the conversation on your relationship.
You set the pipe down, free for Negan to grab if he’d like to continue.
“Okay, what about you? What’s your is deal, what do you do around here?” You guided the conversation towards his occupation, rather than his love life, worried that that information might put you off.
Negan grabbed the pipe.
“I teach” he said before taking a puff.
“You teach? You? A cigarette smoking, beer drinking, motorcycle driving, bachelor?” You busted his balls
“First of all honey, there’s not a wrong way to live a life. And secondly, I know I’m not perfect. Hell, I’m light years from perfect, but I am proud of what I do. I’m a good ass teacher, I make these kids find awe in bi-fucking-ology .”
“Biology? I’m sorry, but this is wild! I didn’t expect you do me a science geek.” You were actually intrigued, “How’d you get into teaching?”
“Well, I did my undergrad degree in biology. And I TA-ed a course and I realized I really liked teaching so after graduation I went ahead and got my Master’s in education.”
“Wait, I thought you coached”? You jumped to the next question
“I do that too. I teach 4 classes, 2 intro bios, 1 ap bio, and one health period. Then coach after school”
”What do you coach?”
“Coach women's basketball in the winter, and help out with baseball in the spring.”
“I’m guessing you like it? You seem very passionate.”
”I love this teaching shit. Plus, I’m someone these kids can talk to, someone who can guide them and be raw-fully honest about anything- I don’t patronize these kids. I get to be the person I needed at their age, it’s a sweet gig” He couldn’t help the smile spreading on his face
This conversation fine tuned your image of Negan. You found yourself lost in the dichotomy of it all. Here he was, shirt covered in black oil stains, smoking weed, cursing, yet vulnerable, gentleness peaking through his macho-ness.
You walked over to lay the lasagna on the rack. Negan admiring your ass as you bent over. He stared for as long as he could. Blood flowing to his manhood.
“So, we got 45 minutes to kill” you closed the oven and walked around the counter towards him.
Your hands went towards his knee cap, pushing his leg out to fit your stature between his seated figure.
“What can Coach Negan teach me in that time?” you whispered as your lips gravitated towards his.
You wantonly kissed him. Sliding your tongue in his mouth to wrestle with his. His hands firmly cupped your ass, pulling you closer to him.
“There she is.” He applauded, as you tugged on his lower lip.
“I was waiting for your dirty side to come out and play” he said, knotting his fingers through your hair that was in a post-work-out messy bun.
You tried to bring your mouth back to his and you got close, but his firm grip held you back.
“Uh-huh” he said, barely audible.
Negan stuck his tongue out slightly, leaning towards you. Your lips were ready to welcome him, before he sprung back.
“Fucker” You let out a sigh that was between a laugh and utter frustration.
He toward over you, staring at you lustfully.
He had you desperate for more. Negan felt your try to fight against his grasp again.
“You lack patience” He informed you, keeping you away from him.
“And you’re a tease” You immediately shot back at him
He closed his fist further, the taut strands pulling on your scalp, “I’m not a tease. I just know what you can handle.”
“I don’t think you do” You were up for the challenge.
“Oh, honey” He smirked doubtfully.
Butterflies flooded your gut, tingles shot across your upper back. You were nervous, but gave him no indication of that, so he figured he’d teach you lesson, put you in your place.
“Other than the word ‘stop’ is gonna make me stop. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes” You answered attempting to kiss I’m once more.
Negan kept a tight grip of you hair, but allowed you to bring your mouth to his.
He brought his other hand to your clothed center. Pulling his lips away to see your reaction.
Breathily moans began spilling out of you. Your eyes fluttering shut, focusing on his touch.
He stopped his maneuvers, “Look at me”
Once you opened your eyes and locked with his he resumed to pleasure you.
He stood up, hands still wrapped in your hair and on your womanhood. He kept you neck extended, staring into your eyes as you both stumbled toward the living room couch. His eyes told you he was excited to show you what you had not yet experienced.
He gave your final rubs before as you arrived to the L-shaped couch.
You began undressing other other. As each item of clothing disappeared you found new areas to grope each other.
“Oh fuck,” he mumbled as you reached for his heavy member, pumping him slowly.
Negan grabbed the sides of your jaw, giving you a nasty kisses before directing you in a face down position. He placed you on your knees, your rear directed upwards. The feeling the cool air gust over your wet center gave you shivers.
He lightly tapped your clit with his dick. He did that multiple times before sliding it between your folds, lubricating himself with your fluids.
“Ugh Negan... fuck” you mewled
You started to lean back into him, wanting more contact. Negan didn’t appreciate it that. He held your hip tightly with his other hand as he teased you for what felt like hours. He eventually stuck the tip of his cock inside you and sat still.
You knew if you moved he would make you wait longer. You decided to be patient and let him make the call. Admitting to yourself that he took the wheel form you once more.
Once you’re breathing settled, Negan stuck the entire length of his member in one motion, accompanied by a load groan.
“Oh fuck” you yelled as your entrance stretched around him.
Negan brought his hand to the side of your face to hold you down. You felt your check rub harsher against the couch cushion as he built up speed. The sound of his balls slapping against your wet pussy filled the family room.
His thrusts were euphoric and dominating. He was punishing you and wanted you to enjoy it.
In between his plunges you were able to catch a whiff of his cologne with his natural musk sprinkled in. That scent did something primal to you.
Your felt your release was close.
“Ne-, I’m- I’m” you started to inform him.
He began to force himself harder and deeper. You couldn’t keep your position, your pelvis dropped, your leg fell of the edge, squirming and kicking.
“Mmmmm!! Fuck!” Your toes splayed as your climax enveloped you.
You thought Negan would slow down after cumming that hard, but he kept pushing into your prone body at the same pace. Your hand reached back to brace his quad, hoping to diminish his thrusts.
Negan roughly gripped the hand that was trying to stop him and pinned it over your head, his long torso over your back, closing the space between you.
His hips continued to drive into you as he growled in your ear, , “This is what punching above you’re weight class is baby.”
You began moaning, not you’re typical moans though. The sounds escaping you sounded like a porno. If you heard a voice recording of this moment you would swear it was staged
Groans bubbled and escaped Negan as he felt his release building.
He clenched your hair and pulled out of you. You were relieved as you were becoming over sensitive.
He brought his member over your face, holding your head down onto the cushions.
His manhood hovered over you, swiftly pumping himself.
“ughhh” You heard his as his warm milky seed splattered on the side of your face.
He was breathing fast and heavy after his release. He used his member to scoop some of his cum from your cheek and brought it into your mouth.
“Dirty girl” he smiled as welcomed his cock, and sucked tenderly on his bulbous head, extracting all of him.
Afterwards Negan helped you sit up.
He picked up your shirt from the ground and handed it to you to wipe your face.
“Thanks” you said weakly, yet satisfied.
He sat beside you. Hand grazing your thigh, slowly working towards your center, as you rid your face of his seed.
The instant his finger touched you nerve bundle, you jolted away from him, lightly swatting his hand away.
“You okay?” He chuckled, stopping his movements but pulling you back close to him.
“Yeah” you answered “It was just a lot, but it was really good”
“Are you gonna listen to me now? When I say what you can handle and what you can’t?”
He stared at you, wanted a different answer.
You know that look. It was the ‘yeah’-is-not-an-answer look, given to you by your own coaches.
“Yes” you said clear and respectfully.
“Good” He brought his lips to yours, slipping his tongue through.
Your make out session was interrupted by the oven.
“Let’s eat” He said.
After dinner you both hopped in the shower. You had sex again. And he was much slower and gentle in that second round.
Negan sat the edge of your bed, towel around his waist. He looked around your room, while you found something suitable for him to wear.
Half of your room was neat and well put together. The other half looked like an artists went on a bender. The wall and ground were littered with your drawings and ongoing project ideas.
“Here” you handed him unisex navy blue tee and sweats, “Let me know if they fit or not.”
You went back to your dresser to dress yourself in a Nike long sleeve and compression shorts
“How’d that work out?” You asked facing away from him.
“Take a look” He said waiting for you to see what was wrong.
You turned around and didn’t see anything fit too tight or too loose. Then you noticed the sweats were well above his ankles
You burst out laughing “Never thought I’d see you in capris“
“They fit around the waist, that’s what matters” He laughed
You both went back downstairs. Drank beer and played the stand up you had planned on watching. You both sat close to each other, in the very spot you had fucked earlier.
Mid-way Negan interrupted the special, “Hey, when do you head back to school?”
“Two weeks. We’re gonna have a little party. I’m sure my folks will invite you. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering” he said, but he really was plotting your farewell gift.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
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Also on AO3
For one quote/ one shot to be posted Oct 21st, my quote below; “Listen,” he said at last, softly. “Do you hear?” At first I heard nothing but the rushing of the wind, and the trickle of rain, dripping through the holes of the roof. Then I heard it, the steady, slow thump of his heartbeat, pulsing against me, and mine against his, each matching each, in the rhythm of life.” My thanks to @notevenjoking and @balfehueghlywed for organizing this one shot, I hope you like it.
Jamie walked through the house in silence. His sneakers touching the marble floor like a caress as he approached the front door with great anticipation. When the knob turned the massive front door opened with a quiet whoosh and closed with a respectful silence he promised to abide when he arrived from Scotland five months ago. The woman who owned the house and agreed to sponsor his junior year had one unbreakable rule, do not wake her in the morning. When the door was closed, Jamie’s smile could be seen in the next county. His forward flip off the top step was fueled by his exceptional muscle density, tender age of seventeen, buckets of testosterone, and pure joy. It was time to go bask to school.
Miss Abby was many things, a best selling author, sixty years a single woman, kind and interested in Jamie’s life and an exceptional cook. She provided a list of chores each week with a monetary value next to each. If Jamie needed money he could finish any or all of the chores and make enough to sustain his teenage life. Jamie would put a checkmark next to two or three of the chores and do the rest of the list without a mention. Miss Abby showed her gratitude with huge sumptuous meals that her athletic border consumed with gusto. At ten o’clock every night Miss Abby locked her study doors and worked all night.
Jamie jumped into his VW bug and shot toward school, his friends, his girlfriend, and the legendary coach John DiBiaso. It was the reason he was here playing for Catholic Memorial. Scouted as a sophomore in Scotland, he was doing his junior and senior year in Boston. He would be offered a full scholarship from any number of schools and then go pro. No one doubted it. He was that good.
Jamie was passing out smiles to all that wanted one today as he made his way into the building to drop his load of books. His friends gathered around him, joking and lying about getting laid over the holiday and telling stories about how drunk they got at this party or that. Jamie joked right back until his attention was pulled away by wild black curls, crazy gorgeous eyes, and a caboose that made his knees feel weak.
“Hey, who’s that girl?”
“Ye mean miss world-class ass or the other one?”
“Yer an idiot Sean, see you guys at practice.”
The day took control of his brain and the curly lass was forgotten. When a slim body dropped into a seat next to him at lunch he felt his body respond like a starving man.
“Where ye been lass? Been lookin for ye all morning. If ye don’t give me yer hot kisses soon I may die right here in this chair.”
Jamie leaned toward Geneva tickling her ear with his breath, making her squirm and run a hand down her hair to smooth anything he disrupted. She looked straight ahead as if he wasn’t there. Come lass, now.” Jamie dragged Geneva to the bleachers where they could kiss unobserved and he could grind into something she would never give. He walked into fifth period holding his jacket in front of him.
Claire was an even mixture of stark terror and excitement over going to a real school. She never anticipated so many students her age crammed into one building. No matter which hall she took it felt like she was fighting a wall of people who didn’t seem to notice her. By third period, she was exhausted. “Damn uncle Lamb, I told you Everest was a better school, certainly less crowded for Christ's sake.”
The only redeeming feature of this school was that giant boy in the hall this morning. He smiled at her and she shot down the hall feeling a bit dizzy. Five minutes later she met the second redeeming feature.
“Hey, luscious!” The boy leaned into Claire like he wanted to eat her, causing her to flinch and try to get away. Out of the crowd came a head of strawberry blond hair and a fist to the young man’s chest that stunned him long enough to get away. The girl grabbed Claire’s sleeve and pulled her out a side door.
Once outside, Claire turned her face to the sun, filled her lungs with fresh air, and opened her eyes to sparkling emeralds and a smiling face.
“I’m Geillis and you are a strange one aren’t ye.”
When the bell rang Claire lurched forward apologizing to her new friend that she was late for testing. Claire launched herself back into the throng of students only to crash into an unexpected wall, hitting her head and bouncing backward. Warm hands caught her mid-flight.
“What the bloody hell…!” Her hand flew to her head as she looked up at a face that sucked the air out of her lungs and completely rebuilt her life goals in under a second.
“This collision is entirely yer fault lass, but yer British, so yer forgiven… Sassenach. Tell me yer name and I will pretend it never happened.” He smiled down at her and she saw the humor in his Hollywood handsome face. Claire struggled to regain her composure and remember what launched her into the hall in the first place. Still rubbing her head she looked up at his face again looking confused.
“I need to find the office sir can you point the right direction?”
“Sir? For that slip of the pretty tongue, ye get my company all the way there. Come, I will show ye.”
He grabbed her hand in the crowd of people and let it go when the hallway became passable. “Here is the office lass. Now, when ye see me next I expect a hi Jamie for my troubles.” He turned on his heel and jogged down the hall until he disappeared.
“Miss Beauchamp! We are delighted to have you here this semester. I know Lamb from college and promised to test you into the right school and grade. Shall we begin?” The guidance counselor looked down at the girl hoping this would not drag on all day. He was anxious to pawn her off on a lesser school where academic achievement was not expected or encouraged. He placed a test booklet in front of her with an answer sheet and a number two pencil. He wished her luck and quietly backed out the door. His first few strides felt like a temporary stay of execution by boredom. Too many parents and guardians had exaggerated the superior intellect of their children, and charges, over the years when the truth was an unremarkable, mediocre student who would never aspire to anything above the median. This girl spent the last five years in a remote location in Egypt, without running water or plumbing, and no schooling. That alone made her remarkable, as an oddity, but certainly not an academic superstar, which is the only interest he had in humans under thirty years old.
The heavy door to his office clicked shut and he exhaled his relief at being alone. He sat down and put his feet up wondering what he would order in for dinner tonight. Sometime later a sharp knock brought the counselor jerking awake from his nap. He pulled the door open to receive an answer sheet from his secretary. He looked at the clock and thought, impossible. When he looked down at the scores his face fell off, the jowls went slack, the mouth opened with a hanging lower lip, and he balled the sheet up and threw it in the trash.
“She obviously cheated, although I can’t imagine how. Oh, who cares, assign her to Park West and call them to expect a student tomorrow. What the devil is wrong with you?”
His secretary was anticipating a three-alarm academic emergency grab for this gifted student, instead, he dispatched her to a remedial high school where her brilliant mind would be stomped to death by a staff of teenage baby sitters who wouldn’t know gifted intellect if it slapped them across the face.
“No problem boss. I’ll take care of it.”
The door slammed behind her as the counselor went back to his nap.
June Dawe sat at her desk ruminating over the options of doing what’s right and risking her job or turning off her life force so she can do what she is told and be safe. Fortunately for Claire, June still had a passion for education and every student within these walls. She dialed each of the gifted teachers finding four who could meet with Claire right now.
“Claire, dear, come with me. We have a meeting on the second floor with your new teachers. Don’t be nervous child, the hard part is over. I believe your teachers will be very interested in helping you.
Jamie was on the field stunning his teammates with the deadly accuracy of his arm. He gave it all in practice just like his father taught him and the coach was blown away. Christian Memorial won the state championship this year and coach DiBiaso would bet a year’s salary it was in the bag for next year as well, as long as Jamie Fraser was playing. A whistle toot sent everyone running for the warmth of the locker room.
Jamie’s curls were still wet from the shower when he dropped into his car and zoomed toward home. It was getting dark but he saw an unmistakable silhouette ahead. A crazy mass of curls and an ass the angels only dreamed of. He jerked the VW to the side of the road and called out to the girl waiting in the bus line.
Claire smiled and waved, making Jamie feel weird suddenly. What was this then? He was completely baffled by her response, or lack thereof. That half-hearted wave was meant for a cousin or a neighbor. Jaime got out and gently pulled her from the line.
“Come Sassenach, I’m drivin ye home.”
“I like the bus, but thank you.”
He listened to her voice and heard sincerely. This was no female trick like Geneva was famous for. That little snip of a person was responding with honesty and complete lack of interest in him. Hold up, his mind was screaming. Never happened before, ever! He watched her shivering in the cold of the Boston night. He was intrigued and approached her again.
“May I speak with ye for a moment Sassenach?”
She looked at him like he lost his mind but she stepped out of line and walked over to him. “What?”
“Could I impose on ye lass, for yer company? I like the way ye talk and I’m missin my family tonight. Would ye talk to me while I drive ye home, please?”
Claire watched his eyes sparkle under the street light and felt a tractor beam pulling her toward him. He opened the car door for her and she breathed in his masculine scent and watched him fall into his seat. There was an awkward silence between them as each questioned what they were doing in this car together on this frigid night.
Jamie pulled over and looked down the block of historic brownstones. “Which is yer house Sassenach?”
“I will point to it if you tell me what Sassenach means.”
“It means outsider lass. Because of yer accent. And yer house?”
“Why is it so important to know which is my house?”
“So I know where to pick ye up in the morning for school.”
“Right here is fine, thank you. I really hate that bus.” Claire jumped out of the car and walked swiftly down the block, cutting across someone’s front lawn like she owned it. Hearing the car pull away she returned to the sidewalk and continued to her front door.
Miss Abby sat across from Jamie, enjoying his pleasure over her meal. She noticed a small flare in his eyes indicating conscious thought every few minutes. A bad test grade maybe, a fight at school, bad practice, the possibilities were endless. She had faith that Jamie would figure it out…what ever it was.
Claire could not remember ever being this exhausted. She had tested all afternoon and the questions got more bizarre and complex until she was finally released. Her bloodshot eyes watched the four teachers as they huddled over her answer sheet stealing glances at each other and then her. They seemed very happy when they let her leave asking her to join them again tomorrow morning. Claire ran in the crisp late afternoon air, just needing space and solitude. She fell in line at the bus stop and was lost in her memory of the afternoon. Until she heard the burr of the cutest boy she had ever seen.
The teachers encouraged her to choose a topic she found interesting and design a unique study that could be presented at the international science of the future competition. They promised it would be a boost to her studies, ivy league invitations, scholarships, and notoriety to make friends at school. She laid on her bed with a scrubbed face letting her mind wander. She saw an arm and a torso in movement as a ball was lifted and thrown. She saw the angles rush in and equations for mass and energy and distance. Her heartbeat jumped 30 beats per minute and she smiled in the dark. She had her hypothesis, experiment, measurement, testing and eventual modification of her hypothesis. She needed a test subject that was good enough to study.
Claire sat up and turned her desk light on so she could write her ideas down before she forgot them. She needed to study something other people wanted to know, whatever that was. She was still working on her study outline the next day when Geillis invaded her space and mind during lunch. Claire was fascinated by the backstories on all the popular kids, mostly from rich families or athletes.
“The transplants do pretty well too.” She noticed Claire’s eyebrows go up. “Transplants are kids in the exchange program that come from other countries. Catholic Memorial recruits gifted students from all over the world. Guess there’s a shortage of home-grown jocks and scholars. Like them,” Geillis nodded to the side where Jamie and Geneva were flirting with each other. “Those two are transplants from Scotland and on the top of the food chain at this school. Geneva is academics and Jamie is, well you know.”
“No! I don’t know. What is he?”
Geillis smiled indulgently at Claire, “Jamie Fraser is our star quarterback. I thought you knew him the way you face-planted his chest yesterday in the hall and then walked away with him.”
Claire was staring at the couple with their heads close together, giggling and kissing. “No, I don’t know anything about him. But he did drive me home and pick me up for school today.”
“Well, I’m anxious to hear all about it,” Geillis’s eyes twinkled wickedly and she scooted closer to Claire.
Claire was given her schedule of classes and struggled to find the new rooms hidden by the throngs of bodies crushed into the halls between classes. She was happy they were a grade higher than her original schedule. At least she wouldn’t be bored.
She found her homeroom, full of long desks with clumps students scattered around. She sat alone and pulled out her study outline. She didn’t like this room and felt like people were watching her. She tried to ignore it and get some work done. When the bell rang Claire’s head jerked up at the clock. Throwing books into her backpack she ran around the corner to the door and there he was. Jamie was talking with a group of guys and he opened the door so she could zoom past.
A fly on the wall could tell the world that Jamie was being raked over the coals and severely punished by his girlfriend Geneva who wanted the rides to school with “the little twit” to stop, permanently. The show of affection in the lunchroom was Geneva’s perfectionism, not showing weakness to the world. Jamie was just happy the fighting was over and realized his mistake when he pulled her outside for serious kissing.
“Get your filthy hands off of me, ye whore.”
“So it’s a whore I am now.”
“Stop giving that idiot rides to school where ye park and people can see ye both get out. If you insist on being a bleeding heart ye can give her a ride home if she gets picked up at least three blocks from the school.”
“Will there be anythin else, Geneva?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “no, that’s all.” Geneva turned around and left Jamie standing outside. He watched her smile and wave at someone and realized she was hellbent on looking perfect 24/7 no matter the cost.
Jamie sat in the bleachers and the cool afternoon made him feel more like himself. He thought about Geneva, the prettiest girl in the world he decided when he first got to this school. The fact she came from Scotland and would return home for the summer was a bonus. He decided she was perfect but she wouldn’t give him the time of day at first. After his first game, she was all flirty smiles and agreed to a date, they hit it off. She was here because of her academic achievement and Jamie had a snapshot in his head of the two of them, he in a Greenbay uniform next to Geneva in a white lab coat. He knew she was fading in the picture and he forced himself to look at it. He didn’t like the girl she was today but decided to cool it a bit before breaking it off with her. Maybe she’ll come around.
Claire pushed the door open and saw Jamie’s VW waiting against the curb. He leaned over and popped the door for her.
“What’s that for?”
“I am paying my share of gas and happy to do it because I hate that bus.” He said no three times and finally pointed at the glove box. Claire was happy he let her do her part and her effervescence came bubbling up as she talked about her study outline.
“My friend said you play football, is that true?”
Jamie’s head looked sideways at an innocent face asking a serious question.
“I got approval for my study outline so it’s time to find my subject. I know it’s a lot to ask but I hoped you could introduce me to some of the top players. I only need one person but I anticipate a lot of no’s. So, could you, please?”
Jamie stared at her through the red traffic light and left turn arrows waiting for the joke that didn’t come.
“What sport does this test subject have to play?”
Jamie’s head was starting to hurt, “I’ll see what I can do.”
His little friend Claire was a walking contradiction, at least to his limited exposure to girls. Did she even realize who he was, what he meant to the team and school? He was out of sorts from the weird day with Geneva, and no football until next year. He needed some aspirin and a list of chores.
Claire was doing homework in the kitchen and ran for her ringing phone.
“Hello, a…Claire. My name is Geneva Dunsany. I am calling about my boyfriend Jamie Fraser and the fight you caused between us today. It isn’t right to accept a ride to school with someone else’s boyfriend. Ye may look like a twelve-year-old boy but it doesn’t look good coming to school with my boyfriend. Hello! That bitch hung up on me…click.”
Claire stared at the phone and wondered if her crush on Jamie was noticeable. Her face turned bright red with embarrassment and she threw her phone in her purse. The next morning she taped a piece of cardboard to the streetlight with a note to Jamie.
I can’t ride with you anymore so I’m on the hateful bus. You are very nice, Geneva is a bitch. See ya superstar.
Jamie was livid at Geneva’s audacity. This was not going to fly. Thanks for making this easy for me, Geneva. Wait…did the Sassenach call me superstar? He swung a U-turn and went back to grab the sign before heading to school.
Geillis was bent at the waist, laughing uncontrollably at what Claire had done. “I knew there was a reason I liked you so much. Shit, that’s the bell, we’re going to be late.” The two of them ran to their classes where Claire could grieve the second-biggest loss of her life. At least that is what it felt like today.
The rumor that Jamie broke up with Geneva went around the school like wildfire. Jamie tried to talk to Claire several times but she would smile politely and move along.
The life seemed to go out of Claire. She requested a postponement of her project until next year and applied to test out of junior year so she could get this stupid school behind her. Uncle Lam had prepared her academically but did squat about teaching her to guard her heart.
She had gained a position in a social group at school and many of her friends were leaving for the summer. Somewhere during the hug-fest she looked up at the bluest eyes on the planet and felt her heart slip into her throat. They stared at each other and Claire waved and smiled at him. Jamie held his phone up and snapped her picture. Looking back at her he saw the tear roll down her cheek.
“My God lass, what’s happened to ye,” he said quietly. “Claire!” Jamie sprinted toward her but her bestie Geillis saw her pain and pulled her out a side door and straight to her car.
Jamie had one last stop to make before parking his car in storage for the summer and flying home. He pulled Claire’s cardboard note out of the trunk and penned a note, taping it to the streetlight.
“See ye in three months Sassenach. I told the bus driver yer a terrorist so it looks like ye will be comin with me next year.”
Geillis handed Claire the note and watched the emotion play out in her eyes. It was time to find the beautiful swan in her friend and let the doting boys at the clubs and beach do the rest.
Miss Abby’s new book was published over the summer and number one on the bestseller list. She was scheduled for book signings and interviews for the next six months but that did not stop her from waving to Jamie when she spotted him at the airport.
Jesus Christ Jamie, you got better looking over the summer, didn’t think that was possible.
“How was football camp?”
“It was great.”
“Have you still got your arm?”
“Did you hear there’s a new man in my life?”
When Jamie got up the next morning Miss Abby was off on an eight-week signing tour and he still walked down the marble floor silently.
He was so excited to see Claire and hear about her summer. He pulled the VW to the side of the road and gorged on a pretty girl with long silky black hair talking with a robed man holding a newspaper. Jamie admired her hair and curves while watching for Claire. A breeze slipped under her hair letting it dance around her face as she turned around with familiar golden eyes. His mouth dropped open, eyes big as saucers, then she smiled at him. Jamie jumped out of the car and hugged her. All he could do is stare at her and shake his head.
“Ye grew up over the summer, did ye nae.” He could not help himself so he blatantly studied her from head to toe making her giggle. She was stunning, centered, and comfortable in her gorgeous skin. Before he could stop himself he touched her cheek. Yer skin is like a pearl Sassenach, it glows. She smiled at him with warmth in her eyes.
“I’m glad my friend is back. I really hate that bus.”
They walked toward the school and Jamie stole glances whenever her head was turned. “Sassenach, can we go to dinner or coffee tonight. I really want to catch up and hear about yer summer.”
“I would love to! Soon. I have a prelaunch meeting tonight.”
“It’s the only night I don’t have practice,” he sounded disappointed.
“Maybe we can do it next Monday.” Her smile dazzled him, her curves made him weak and he was astounded by the size of her breasts. He wanted to run his finger…
“See ya superstar”
Jamie wanted her to stay so he could finish his examination of her body changes. When she walked away he got an eyeful of her round ass. That works too, he thought.
Football made Jamie’s world circular. His star was on the rise, pretty girls were always around him hoping to be noticed, handshakes from teachers, and reporters flocked to him after every game. Claire watched him from a distance, cut out every article about him, and felt every heartbeat was for him alone. He was her kryptonite and the only time of day that mattered was the fifteen-minute ride to school.
Claire was putting the finishing touches on the equipment she would use in the kinesiology lab. The video guys that signed on to work with her were testing their camera angles and making changes she requested.
Claire opened the door to let the first subject in and saw Jamie leaning against the wall. She smiled,“what are you doing here?”
Ye asked me for an introduction to the best football players that might be test subjects. I searched high and low but there’s no one better than me. I have proof…see?” He held a torn out article from the paper “Best High School Quarterback In The Country.” The other blokes willna be comin. Just me. I changed my homeroom to work with ye. Are ye ready lass.”
Claire was smiling for several reasons. He was hands-down, the best possible test subject, he would honor his commitment to the study, and she gained an hour each day with him. She was thrilled.
A month later Geillis leaned her back against the lockers and read the article about Claire winning entrance to the science competition. There was a picture of Jamie mock throwing the football and about one hundred wires attached to his arm, the video guys behind two cameras and Claire recording data on her clipboard.
“Wow, you guys are really crammed in there and it looks uncomfortable. How did you get Jamie to agree to this?”
“He volunteered after he told the other guys not to come.”
Geillis didn’t pay attention to much unless it hit her on the head. She had a minute and a half to think about it before the next cute boy pinched her, or pulled on her hair. Claire ran a comb through her hair and slammed her locker.
“Why don’t I get attention like that?”
Geillis folded the paper back on the picture and watched Claire’s face look confused. She continued folding until only Jamie’s face was seen. Claire’s gaze went from the picture to Geillis’s eyes. “Why are you always so cryptic Geillis?”
Claire shook her head and walked to her next class. Geillis stood staring after her wondering what could make the big-man-on-campus volunteer so much time?
Jamie’s tension was mounting as playoffs grew near. He was aware of the scouts and recruiters in the stands for every game, multiple videos capturing every single move, good or bad. He wanted more than anything to win the championship again for the coach, his father, Miss Abby, and every single person who had cleared the way for him.
Jamie looked for Claire who was never hard to find due to all her equipment and team buzzing around her. She was behind a camera with a huge protruding lens. He looked directly into it and for a full minute, he let his face tell her how much he needed her now.
Claire saw Jamie’s eyes like he was right in front of her. She felt him reach across the field and touch her cheek. Hot tears pressed into her eyes and she blinked hard to clear them. Then he moved out of frame and she stood up as he ran back to the line. She wiped her face quickly and took some deep breaths before getting back to her work.
After spending so much time together this past semester he had become her dearest friend as well as her secret love interest. On warm days, she would meet him on the field after practice and they would talk about their families. Claire could picture Scotland so clearly in her mind when Jamie talked about his home. Most times he made her laugh but sometimes she felt his deep yearning for his family, his isolation from the seat of his heart. When she told him about her parent's death and being raised by Lam in Egypt, he was silent until she finished. He pulled her to her feet and gave her a hug that shot fireworks off in her brain and she clung to him.
It was a slow, steady climb to a trusting friendship, unencumbered by passion that often precludes a deep understanding of the other. They were the oddball couple/not a couple at school, protected from teasing and gossip by the unwavering respect that Jamie commanded. It was Claire’s pink bubble.
The game was close to a mercy-rule point difference where the coaches would end the torture. Coach DiBiaso called Jamie in to run a play that was complicated, and so far, only done in practice. If it worked, it would be a miracle. Jamie called the play in the huddle and then altered the position of two players knowing he would catch hell from the coach but seeing no alternative. Many worried eyes flicked at Jamie’s as they ran to formation. The play went perfectly and the game was called for their 48 point lead.
Jamie found Claire in the lab looking at the new video. “Are ye ready soon lass, should I wait?”
“Two things, I am done for the night. Second, I have one more test to run and then we’re finished with testing.” She smiled at him sincerely. I would be grateful for a lift home tonight. She packed up and shut the computers down, and flicked the lights off.
Jamie picked up her camera case and led the way to his car. “How do you manage to carry this heavy case to yer house Sassenach? Why won’t you let me know where ye live? I know every other detail about ye and it’s makin me feel hurt, right here.” He was joking but the truth was thinly veiled.
“Don’t be ridiculous Jamie, there are two feet of muscle in front of your heart so it can’t be hurt.”
He put his hand on the back of her neck, one of his favorite friendly touches that made Claire feel warm inside.
“This last test I have is an hour and a half so we have to do it after school. Just let me know the best day with your busy schedule.” She looked up at him, “it will be weird not seeing you every day after that. It has been fun and the data is better than I could ever have imagined. Thank you, Jamie.”
“Yer welcome lass. I know it will help football in some way, and you, so it was an honor. Which driveway might I pull in?”
Claire looked up nonchalantly like this was an everyday occurrence, “three houses on the left.”
Claire said her usual see ya tomorrow and piled out of the car, lugging her case up the steps of her brownstone. He felt so close to her sometimes but…he didn’t know what he was feeling lately. If she would just give him a sign she wanted more it would be so easy, he thought. But she never did.
Jamie had hundreds of colored wires stuck to his shoulder and arm as he completed the last test.
“I only need ten more minutes of your time superstar. Shirt off please.” Claire was clinical and no-nonsense as she grabbed a container of white goo. When she turned around her face was just six inches from his naked chest. She gasped and her eyes roamed his muscled chest, nipples, then up to his thick shoulders and finally his face and those beautiful eyes.
Jaime agreed to help Claire and possibly the sport of football but he rarely felt like anything more than a test subject to her. He was very confused about the Sassenach but in his honest moments, he realized she wasn’t into him as a boyfriend and while every other girl in school wanted to drop their panties for him, Claire seemed impervious to his stardom.
Claire looked at his face and worried he was feeling exploited. She touched his hand and felt a jolt of lightning not expected. After clearing her throat she asked quietly if he was alright to continue. Jamie was forming the word no in his mouth as his eyes swept across Claire’s face. In that second he saw it. The blush, dilated pupils, open lips, pleading eyes. He couldn’t identify each of the signs but he was a keen observer of what happens to a girl when she wants to kiss.
“I’m fine to go on Sassenach.”
“First position please,” said just above a whisper. Jamie drew his arm back in a mock throwing position. Claire dipped the tip of her finger into the white goo and placed a dot of the liquid every three inches. She weaved in and out of Jamie’s space with her goo and ruler and then stood between his raised arms and bent legs to add drops up his torso, neck, and chin. Jaime stared straight ahead struggling to gain control over his desire to drop his arms and finally touch her. He felt cold goo drip onto his cheek.
“Goddammit,” she whispered. “It’s almost over, I promise, please don’t move.”
One of the graphic techs ran over with a stool and wet cloth and helped Claire stand on it to remove the drip. Jamie watched her intently. Her mouth barely inches from his, arms raised to his face, she moved around him so carefully and so close he could feel her breath on his face.
“Lights gentlemen.” Jamie heard the whir of the cameras coming to life, he saw the light pulse that Claire directed at his throwing side. “Go ahead Jamie, give me all you got.” He was ready to lose it when she said that but he attempted to complete his throwing motion while she encouraged him.
Jamie was breathing hard from the proximity to Claire when one of the techs called out to stop.
“Claire, his sweat is distorting the picture.”
Claire climbed back on the stool and held his face as she dried his sweat. Her eyes lowered to his and he saw the jolt go through her. I’m sorry lass, he thought, but I’m comin for ye and I canna stop. He lowered his arms which encircled Claire and he watched her eyes close as if she wanted nothing to interrupt the feeling. He pulled her closer to him, lips an inch from each other.
“Release your team Sassenach so I can kiss ye.”
“Um, um, that’s a wrap for tonight. Thank you, gentlemen, out, everybody out!”
When the door closed behind them Claire was ready to get down from the stool.
“Stay,” he whispered as he closed the distance between them and then pressed his lips to hers, quickly losing his battle for a slow chaste kiss and forcing her lips open to allow his tongue. He knew she had experience with kissing by the way she angled her head and breathed. Whoever he was, Jamie thought, I’m gonna kiss away every memory of him.
Claire pressed her lips to Jamie’s and got lost in the sensation she had dreamed about for the past year. She knew she should be worried but could not think of a single reason why.
Jamie watched her face. The arousal was obvious making him want to dance a jig around the lab. Her slight smile and sparkling eyes were magnetic and he wanted to lose himself in them. Claire reached for the wet towel and started to wipe the dots off his arms and torso. They said nothing and Jamie watched her hands and the towel touch his skin. She held him to her with one hand while she wiped the dots from his torso and neck. She pulled his face down to wipe the dots on his face and he crushed her to him. He broke the kiss but kept his face an inch from hers and when she looked at him he whispered, “Surrender Claire.”
Claire’s heart took off like a rocket and she had not seen it yet after an hour of kissing. She vaguely considered saying something but that would prevent more kissing so she just smiled and lifted her face to his.
“We should go Sassenach.” She fell against him and whimpered. He put his arm around her and walked her to the door. Looking down at her, “Ye dinna turn anythin off yet.”
He chuckled at her expression, “come, lass, ye need to turn all this off before we go.”
When they were walking to the car, Claire leaned into Jamie and felt his arm around her. He walked her to the door of her house and kissed the breath out of her. He decided she may have kissed before but that was all. He pulled her hands to the back of his neck and felt the length of her press into him. That was too much for Claire who backed up and said goodnight rather quickly.
Jamie’s joyous exuberance was not to be denied and he launched his body into a front flip off the fifth step, landing and laughing at the honking and hooting motorists.
Claire had a permanent smile as she got ready for bed. She wondered if Jamie was thinking about her and if he wanted to kiss again. She shot a text off to Geillis C: U up? G: Bed, cramps, no C: get better, Jamie kissed me like a million times tonight The phone rang.
********************************* I filled my lungs with a deep breath of fresh mountain air and exhaled smiling. I was lost in my daydream, memories actually, of my first year at Catholic Memorial. I have not thought about those people in years. I felt a chilling wind blow across me and climbed out of my hammock picking up my books. It smelled like rain. I watched the trail for my wonderful husband to return. When the cloud above ripped open I took refuge in the tent.
I fell back on the foam rolls and sleeping bags carefully laid out for a reunion of souls and giggled to myself. I offered him two choices, an extravagant weekend at a resort, or camping high in the mountains. Knowing his choice already, I had the camping gear stacked in the corner of the utility room, ready to go.
“Where might the love shack be?” He ran his hand up my back making me shiver.
I tried to whisper my answer because his face was millimeters from mine but he couldn’t wait and kissed me dizzy. He ran his hands all over my body making me shake for him. My reflective state of mind brought back every gasp and gaze on the way to paradise before we left.
I smiled and stretched in the warmth of the tent until the first drop of water hit my forehead. The eyes flew open and I saw a line of water drops lined up on the roof of the tent waiting for their turn to fall. “Shit.” I put my biggest bowl under the drips and considered driving back down the mountain to purchase a new love shack. It would have to wait for this rain to stop and the return of my heart with his stringer full of fish no doubt.
I heard banging outside and unzipped the tent flap barely seeing his outline in the downpour. A cooler flipped open, a clunk from a stringer of fish, and footsteps in the mud. My God, I thought, this impromptu camping trip was supposed to be beautiful weather, a calm lake, and two days to forget the world.
I called out to leave his sopping clothes outside and scrambled out of my halter top and shorts. Jamie poked his head in smiling with pure joy and took the towel I offered. “Ye ordered the weather from Scotland did ye? Ah, I know ye did, it’s why yer my favorite wife Sassenach.” His eyes raked over me from end to end as he prowled closer and whispered, “it’s one of the reasons.”
He had been away at football camp for six weeks and we were hungry for each other.
“Do I smell like fish Sassenach?”
“I don’t care. Come here, love.”
Sometime later I laid in Jamie’s arms with my head on his chest.
“Listen,” he said at last, softly. “Do you hear?” At first I heard nothing but the rushing of the wind, and the trickle of rain, dripping through the holes of the roof. Then I heard it, the steady, slow thump of his heartbeat, pulsing against me, and mine against his, each matching each, in the rhythm of life.
The palm of his hand slid down my body from my shoulder to my knee. I was drifting in my euphoria, eyes closed, remembering how Jamie claimed my body in the last hour, rather roughly I might add. It’s about possession, and dominance, I think, and it calls to a place deep in my soul making me submissive, a slave to his pleasure and my arousal climbs to the stroke range. When that part of Jamie comes out it is he who wakes up with bloody scratches and bruises. It’s like date night for the neanderthal in each of us. I giggled at that thought and forced my eyes open.
The look in Jamie’s eyes made me want to weep for him. “What’s wrong love?”
“Yer comin with me to camp next year Sassenach, I insist. Some of the guys brought their wives, and some had a kid with them! I felt jealousy for what they had and then I got…grumpy.”
“What? You are the best quarterback in the entire country,” I kissed his cheeks, eyes, and throat as I talked, “you do not get grumpy.”
“Well, accordin to the team, if ye dinna come with me next year, they arna comin.”
He rolled me on top of him, “tell me yer comin next year, Sassenach.”
“I’m coming next year to spring training, and every year after that, so help me God. You are the only star in my sky James Fraser.” I let the tears fall because I was overwhelmed at the moment.
“There should be ample room for one tiny star then? When you are ready?”
“Of course Jamie, but two tiny stars or even three might be better. Do you agree my love?”
Jamie blinded me with his smile and wrapped me in his warmth.
“That will be just fine Sassenach.”
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
peter parker goes to marvel high (normal mcu au)
A/N: Peter’s first day of high school ft. Shuri, Mr. Stark, Mr. Loki, and co. ~1700 words teenaged angst then fluff. More Peter x Shuri in my masterlist :)
Heavily inspired by this post by @spellbounding-slytherin
I’m also a big fan of @tinymintywolf​‘s art :))
- J xx
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Fact: Peter Parker was a nervous wreck. May, ever the optimist, had patted his cheeks, kicked him out of the car, and told him to have a good day. Peter had never had a good first day of school. He was smart but had a severe attention deficit, so even his teachers never liked him. His one best friend throughout junior high, Ned Leeds, had moved to New Jersey, so he would probably end up eating alone in some empty classroom just to be safe. And he’d met the principal at orientation last Friday. He had an eye patch and a perpetual frown, used to head up the corrections department for youth offenders. So yeah, high school was going to suck big time.
“Move it, dickwad,” one of the larger boys shoved past him at the door to his homeroom.
Peter strategically chose a seat in the ambiguous, unnoticeable middle. 
A short, bright-eyed girl marched up to him, “You’re in my seat.”
“Sorry! Sorry!” he tried to pick up his backpack but the strap was caught on the leg of his chair, so he just kind of ended up spilling himself over the floor. 
“Crap, I was just messing with you, kid,” she helped him up, “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he just sort of stood there awkwardly, not meeting her eyes. 
“Dude, you gotta stop apologizing. I’m sorry, okay?” she tried to get him to look at her, “I’m Shuri. I have a messed up sense of humour that scares away any friends I might’ve ended up having. Is it cool if I sit next to you?”
“Yeah, sure,” he nodded, “I’m Perker Pat - Parker Pete - Peter Parker.”
“Dude, you are sad,” the boy who shoved him coming into the room twirled an expensive-looking pen, sparing him the most derisive of sideways glances.
Peter was saved from actually having to come up with a response when their teacher walked in two-minutes after the bell and put his feet up on his desk, “Okay, kiddies. My name is Mr. Stark, you may call me Mr. Stark. I am your homeroom teacher unless you’re in the wrong room. I also teach AP Math and Computer Science. If you have questions at this point, I honestly wonder how you got this far in life, but I’m obligated to ask.”
The room was silent. 
“Great, do whatever until the bell rings, I guess.”
The class emptied out. 
Peter hung back, “M-Mr. Stark?”
“Yes, Proton.”
“I-it’s Peter, actually.”
“I was talking about your t-shirt.”
“I - Oh, yeah,” he looked down at the “I’m positive” joke print, “um… I just wanted to let you know that I have ADHD, mostly the AD part a-and I don’t expect any special treatment or anything and I’ll work really hard, but I also wanted to join Mathletes and I wasn’t allowed in junior high because I’d always get sidetracked at the meets but I think I can do better now if you’ll give me the chance… butifnotthat’sokay.”
Mr. Stark appraised him, “First meeting is in this room at three.”
“Thank you, sir!” he smiled, but when his teacher didn’t smile back, he fixed his face and walked to his next period.
“I’m Mr. Banner, and there are three things you need to remember if you want to succeed in biochemistry. One: If you’re unsure but proceed without asking for clarification first, I will be angry. Two: If you show up to the lab without completing the prior work assigned, I will be angry. Three: If you do not share work between your lab partners equally, I will be angry. Don’t make me angry.”
“Wanna be lab partners?” Shuri asked.
“Sure,” Peter squeaked and cleared his throat. 
“You’re not going to break a test tube on me, are you?”
He shook his head quickly. 
“You’re a lot of work, Peter Parker, but it’s kind of adorable.”
“Um… thanks?”
“You’re welcome. Now hand me that pipette and fire up the spectrophotometer.”
The last period before lunch was P.E.
“I’m Coach Barton, that’s all you need to know. Let’s do a few warm up laps around the circuit.”
Peter ran hard and was close to fainting as he crossed the line in the middle of the pack.
“Woah, kid, you need to go to the nurse’s?” Coach singled him out.
He tried to say ‘no’ but no sound would come out, so he just shook his head, gasping. He could hear the other boys snickering beyond the pounding of his blood in his brain.
“I think you need to go to the nurse’s,” Coach beckoned to the boy who’d crossed the line first, “Flash, take him to the clinic, would ya?”
“Yes, sir,” the bully from his homeroom smirked at him.
As soon as they were out of the gym, he jostled and picked at the smaller boy only to exhibit the epitome of sympathy in front of Nurse Man-Ti. 
“Here, drink some electrolytes,” she told him and he finished the small bottle in under a minute. 
As soon as Flash was gone, Peter let himself just cry. He wished his aunt would just homeschool him, but it’s been hard since his uncle died and in the face of that, Peter felt bad for feeling bad about his little problems and that made him cry some more.
“Hey,” the nurse sat beside him quietly, “Peter, right?”
He nodded, “I’m sorry.”
“What for? Better out than in, that’s what I always say.”
Peter sniffed.
“Do you want to talk about it? Or make an appointment with Counsellor Barnes?” 
“No, no, I’m fine. I just needed, uh… electrolytes,” he leaves quickly after that.
Peter goes to his locker for his bag and clothes, red eyes trained on the floor so that hopefully nobody notices. He doesn’t notice Shuri arguing with Flash, gesturing forcefully back at his locker. Flash sees him put in his combination and open the door, a cheshire grin spreading across his face. 
“Peter!” Shuri tries to warn him, “Don’t -”
But it’s too late and he’s covered in silly string, a few old socks found decomposing in the gym lockers, and the contents of a bathroom trash can. 
“I’m gonna go change,” he whispers to no one in particular.
“I’ll save you a place at lunch?” Shuri called after him.
Peter stops in his tracks to shoot her a grateful smile, “Thank you.”
Mr. Thor Odinson was a very loud history teacher, but it worked well for keeping Peter’s attention throughout the class, so he was able to answer all the review questions. 
“Teacher’s pet,” Flash scoffed at the sound of the bell.
“Dumbass,” Shuri fake-coughed and pulled Peter to the auditorium.
“I’m Mr. Loki Odinson, you may call me Mr. Loki to distinguish between myself and my hard-of-hearing brother, Thor,” said their quieter drama teacher, “Thompson, if you kick Parker’s chair one more time, I will send you to Fury’s office with no note, no explanation. And he has a very specific way of dealing with those cases.”
Flash stopped and sat straighter. 
“Good, Parker, you seem suitably nervous. Come up here and help me demonstrate a quick improvisation exercise.”
Peter tripped on his way down the aisle to the stage, but kept going. 
“Now, you’re a superhero and I’m a supervillain. You’re trying to turn me over to the good side, but we can only converse alphabetically. So you must start with the letter ‘A’, I must start with the letter ‘B’ and so forth. Are you ready?”
“Ah, ah, first rule of improv: the answer is always, ‘Yes, and…’ Let’s go, Parker. You’re brave. You’re bold. You’re a hero.”
“Alright, Mr. Villain, you have two choices,” Peter surprised himself at how his voice carried. It must be the way the auditorium was built, “perish, or join our fight.”
“Blech, I choose to perish,” Mr. Loki dropped to his knees, “C’mon Hero, end me if you have the guts at all.”
“Come on, you know you never wanted to watch the city burn to begin with. The hive possessed you, used you. Now, you have the chance to redeem yourself.”
“Don’t presume to know me because you can’t possibly. You don’t know what I’ve been through. What I’ve lost!”
“Everything,” Peter said quietly, “Everyone you ever cared for. I do know… because so have I. We’re not so different.”
“Fighting the hive is a losing proposition. You have nothing that could work against them!”
“Gas. Even a million eyes are no good in a fog.”
“Huh… I never thought of that. I’ll join your fight, Hero if you’ll let me,” Mr. Loki proffered his “bound” wrists.
“I knew there was some good left in you, Mr. Villain,” Peter “unlocked” the “restraints.”
Mr. Loki mimed holding a knife to Peter’s neck, “Just not that much, I’m afraid. Hive Mother! I’ve got him! I’ve got the hero! Now release my family from the void as you promised!”
Peter wracked his brain from the next letter. The plot twist didn’t help him think either. “... Krap with a ‘k’?” 
Mr. Loki broke character and laughed before clapping and shaking his student’s hand, “That was the most interesting improv demonstration I’ve had in awhile, Parker. You’re a natural. Now everyone pair off and try to top that performance if you can!”
English with Mr. Rogers was the last period of the day. He didn’t look up from his book until everyone was seated, silent, and had their eyes up front. It took a crazy long time and a good deal of organization and yelling on Shuri’s part. 
“Sorry, guys, I was reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!” he joked.
Peter was the only one who laughed.
After giving a bit of a lecture on respect for their instructors, valuing their education, and how much they were going to love English this year, he let them go early. 
“Okay, I’m calling you three Alvin, Simon, and Theodore from now on,” Mr. Stark addressed his small Mathlete gathering, “Our new mascot is a chipmunk, I don’t care that all our other teams are Rocket Raccoons.” 
“Which one of us is Alvin?” Shuri asked.
“Since you asked, you are. Fancy-Pen is Simon and Proton is Theodore. Now, we have a competition to prepare for in… ages from now, so… drill, I guess? I don’t know. Who wants to do Euclidean algorithms?” 
Three hands went up. 
“Nice,” he brought out his expensive Japanese chalk, a gift from his wife, the well-known Fortune 500 CEO, Pepper Potts.
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dianarosehalsey · 4 years
Talk of 'Deprogramming' Trump Supporters is Giving Refugees from Communism 'Flashbacks'
Dale Hurd
An attorney for PBS was caught on camera by Project Veritas saying the children of Trump supporters should be taken away from their parents and put in reeducation camps.
He was later fired, but voices in the media are still calling for Trump supporters to be deprogrammed.
Trump Supporters 'Mentally Ill' Members of a 'Cult'
Lara Logan on Calls to 'Deprogram' Conservatives: 'This Was Never About Trump'
COMMENTARY The Left Flirts with Detaining Undesirables and Deprogramming Trumpers, Just Like Communist China
Bill Maher (Photo by Casey Curry/Invision/AP)
Bill Maher Mocks the Bible and Christians as Secular Dems Say 'Religious Right' Is a Threat to America
Socialism warning
Bulgarian Survivor Warns Americans: Socialism 'Is Actually an Anti-Christ System'
Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post said on MSNBC, "There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who omehow need to be deprogrammed."
Journalist Katie Couric said on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, "The question is: how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?"
Trump supporters are also being called mentally ill and are being censored, doxed, de-platformed, backlisted, or demonetized.
***As certain voices are censored and free speech platforms shut down, be sure to sign up for CBN News emails and the CBN News app to ensure you keep receiving news from a Christian Perspective.***
Disturbing Parallels to Communist Dictatorships
It's giving some who have lived in communist countries, flashbacks.
For those who lived under communist dictatorships, what's happening in America has disturbing parallels.
Chinese Pastor Bob Fu of China Aid was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989. He was also a proud attendee of the January 6th Trump rally on the National Mall.
Fu says the call for "re-education" and "deprogramming" for Trump supporters is straight out of the Chinese communist party playbook.
READ Taught to Hate God': China's Communist Party Indoctrinating Children by Telling Them Christianity Is an 'Evil Cult'
"Absolutely," was Fu's response when asked about the similarities, "These kinds of tactics, they all require forced conformity and if you don't comply, then you will be punished. They want to make every American conform one way of ideology and a one way of thinking."
Hugo Chavez Also Called His Opponents 'Terrorists' and 'Fascists'
Elizabeth Rogliani's family had to flee Venezuela when Hugo Chavez took power. She made a video warning last year about the similarities between the Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioting in America and what happened in Venezuela, that went viral. She told her Instagram followers, "I have already lived through this thing when I was living in Venezuela."
Rogliani says the labeling of Trump supporters as potential domestic terrorists was a tactic Hugo Chavez used to stigmatize his political opposition. "This calling out the opposition or Republicans as terrorist or fascist, that is the kind of language I saw a lot," Rogliani said, "The late president Hugo Chavez used to call us fascist and terrorist as well."
Rogliani believes one ominous sign for America has been all the conservatives flocking to more secure messaging platforms like Telegram because that is exactly what happened in Venezuela when the democratic opposition was de-platformed and opposition leaders began to be arrested.
"We jumped into Telegram really early on," Rogliani said, "So I find that very interesting how it's happening so fast here."
Jason Poblete's grandfather had to flee Cuba when Fidel Castro took power. Poblete, an attorney who has worked in Congress and now heads the Global Liberty Alliance, says what happened in Cuba is replaying in the United States.
"It's painful to watch," Poblete told us, "It's not something that I ever thought I would see in the United States. In Cuba, the communists and the socialist facilitators had been laying the groundwork. And by the time Fidel Castro rolled in, they had already laid that framework in place to take the government over."
East German 'Democrats' Ended Careers, Took Away Children
German Evangelist Heidi Mund, author of The Brave German Woman, grew up in former communist East Germany, which called itself the "German Democratic Republic," and she has harsh words for America's Democrat party today:
"Your Democrats remind me of the German Democratic Republic," Mund said. "They also called themselves 'democrats,' but they were socialists and communists."
When Heidi as a young woman began to speak out against the East German government, she paid the price. "My career stopped. They broke my career, so I could not find a job anymore," Mund said.
Dissidents in the old Soviet bloc were also called mentally ill and sent to hospitals, as they are today in China. Children were also taken away from dissidents.
Mund said, "They really took away children. They put them in orphanages and the parents did not get them back." Polish Prime Minister Compares Treatment of Trump to Communism
These voices warning Americans are not alone. Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki has compared the treatment of President Trump to Poland's Communist era.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, sentenced last week to two years in Penal Colony by the Russian government, calls Donald trump's Twitter ban "an unacceptable act of censorship."
Former Chinese dissident Fu said, "All this de-platforming, stopping you from even having a platform to speak up, this kind of thing is exactly happening in China. They're using similar tactics with the same playbook." Jason Poblete believes if his grandfather, who loved America deeply, was alive today to see how Trump supporters are being demonized, he'd be scared.
"And then he would tell me, 'Hey, Jason, what are you doing about it, because you can't go anywhere. I mean, this is it. There's nowhere for us to go.'"
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queennicoleinboots · 5 years
Day 28 of Peter and Xara's Curse: Help! There are Vaginas Growing In My Armpits
Joebear and I were watching TV and saw an advertisement for Shit Busters.
Poop Ploop Poop Poop Poop
Poop Ploop Ploop Poop Poop
Poop Ploop Ploop Ploop Poop
If there's something strange in your toilet,
Who you gonna call? SHITBUSTERS!
If poop monsters fuck you,
And you don't like it
Who you gonna call? SHITBUSTERS!
If there's something stank and it looks fucked up,
Who you gonna call? SHITBUSTERS!
Please call 1-800-FUK-SHIT
"These commercials get more and more degenerate as time goes on," Joebear commented as he laughed.
Joebear's phone rang again. "Wild spam caller again... Let's see who it is this time!!! Hello?!" Joebear was holding the phone with his right paw.
The Pokemon battle theme song comes on.
"Hey. I'm looking for Kiefer Sutherland," the spam caller asked.
"Ughhhhh. There is no Kiefer Sutherland here," Joebear growled in the phone.
"Sorry, sir. Are you Dan Aykroyd?" the spam caller asked with a laugh.
Joebear sighed. "Can you put me on your 'Do Not Call' list?"
"Yessir," the spam caller said with a laugh.
"Thank you," Joebear said before he hung up the phone.
The Pokemon Battle theme music stopped.
Joebear and I made the Conehead sound in response to the spam phone call!
We then turned off the TV and tried to rest. We were tired from fishing, Pokemon battle theme songs, and everything else. Kissy had been farting in full force. Jasper called me to tell me that Murphee was also farting in full blast. We had a very fucked-up day.
We laid down and talked about conspiracy theories, Jesus Christ, and the New World Order before we slept.
At around 10 a.m., I woke up to extremely itchy armpits. As a natural reaction, I was scratching my armpits in my half-awake state. I noticed there were deep wet holes in my armpits. They actually felt good to touch.
I was curious about what was going on with my armpits, so I went to the restroom, took my morning piss, and then took a glance at my armpits and laughed.
What? There was a vagina in each of my hairy armpits. Yes, I think shaving is a waste of time. These vaginas had teeth in them. I was half-expecting them to start talking like the Venus Flytrap did in Little House of Horrors. They'd have more intelligent conversations with me than most people do around here.
In order to process my armpit vaginas, I went downstairs to get coffee. Coffee was the only drink that kept me sane. All I ever want to do whfen I first wake up is have a cup of coffee without worrying about anyone else's ridiculous bullshit.
Mr. Williamson, whom I have now termed Mr. Bright and Early, has been a royal pain in my ass for the last couple of weeks. He all of a sudden wants to do things bright and early even though he damn well knows that's the only time I can actually get some fucking sleep. I swear he is doing this to fuck with me and to fit in as many sermons as possible.
Southerners exist only for the sheer purpose of fucking with Northerners. Because the North won the Civil War, the South has decided to wage mental warfare on the North by denying education and making so much nonsense that the well-meaning, well-educated Northerner has no choice but to go insane over the sheer stupidity. Because the South tried to secede from the United States and failed miserably due to lack of intelligence, the Southerners blame Northerners for all their problems. If anyone is good at gaslighting, it's a damn non-yankee. Gaslighting is blaming the victim of the problem FOR THE PROBLEM.
The Southerners go out of their way to find the dumbest thing to say in any given situation; thereby, driving the Northerner completely insane. The Northerner never ceases to be amazed by the stupidity the Southerner display in any given situation. You'd think there would be a limit, but there never is. Just when you'd think it couldn't get dumber, it always does. Madness...
The Housekeeping Association is adding more and more ridiculous rules in our lives for the sheer purpose of fucking with mostly-law-abiding, well-meaning housekeepers of Georgia. They have now started chanting "Bright and Early! Bright and Early!" at the beginning and end of every meeting. The goddamn pterodactyls that followed me to Peter's house two days ago followed me to my Housekeeping Association meetings. I really am cursed.
By the way, I can't take my yearly evaluation test that's required to even work with, around, and/or for until two days from now because the testing facilities for the Housekeeping Association are full until then. I swear I'm not going to get a fucking thing done today, am I? I was supposed to do it today, but a bunch of pterodactyls took up the seats for test-taking.
Peter the Ape is surprisingly less annoying as an ape than he was as a human. He was the most obnoxious person on Earth when he was human. I much preferred the two-dimensional ape with an involuntary smile on his face to the three-dimensional OBNOXIOUS human being who can do whatever he pleases because he is Prince Asshole.
Godiva lately has adopted all of human Peter's qualities of obnoxiousness minus being fully argumentative. She is just passive aggressive and resentful toward me. She gets away with it because she is gorgeous enough to be a model. Maybe there's some tension she and I need to address in a different story.
Jasper has even had his own flare of being annoying sometimes. He liked to ask me the most annoying questions multiple times in a row. "Did you make coffee today?" Yes, I always do. "Are we going to have supper today?" YES, JASPER, WE WILL! I work for a fucking living. I don't always sit on my ass and eat bonbons. Jeez, Jasper. Get it together! "Does Murphee have dog food?" Have I ever starved your dog? No! Good God how fucking annoying! Arrereggffhhhhghhhh!!!!
It was truly one of those mornings where I wish I could just get away from everyone and everything. Even my vaginal armpits were gnawing at the bits as they dreaded contact with other humans.
I finished drinking my coffee, doing the dishes, and cooking Joebear's breakfast of a cheese omelet before I went upstairs to him.
"Here's your breakfast, Boo," I said as I handed him his plate.
"Thank you," he said as he took his plate and ate.
"Welcome, Boo," I said as I went to get ready for yet another stupid day at work.
He was listening to DarthSydePhineas streaming Crash Bandicoot while he ate.
When I was almost ready for work, I heard my vaginal armpits hissing.
"Quiet, dammit. I have to make money," I said to my vaginal armpits.
"What?" Joebear asked. "I didn't say anything."
"No, no," I said. "My armpits hissed." I then showed him the vaginal armpits.
Joebear raised his eyebrows as he saw the vaginal armpits. "Oh wow! That's fucked up." Joebear's boner emerged out of his fur before he growled out of excitement. He immediately dove for me and then put me on the bed. "I must fuck your armpits!!!!"
I lifted my arms and allowed Joebear's large dick to enter my right armpit. He was excited as he humped my right armpit back and forth. He growled like a bear with pride as he made dick love to my armpit. It felt like I was being invaded in my actual vagina. How about it? I'm a woman with three vaginas. The 5G network has radiated me several times over to the point where I have three vaginas, two in my armpits. I might have armpit cancer. I have no idea.
Joebear then removed his penis from my right vaginal armpit and transferred it to my left vaginal armpit.
"Ooooh. That's good, too. Oh yeah! I need action! Rrrrrrrumba!!!!!!" he screamed as his dick went in and out of my left vaginal armpit.
Again, that felt as good as it would if Joebear put his penis in my actual vagina. It seems my vaginal armpits were a blessing instead of a curse. Maybe I'll keep them after all.
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