#went on a walk to get liquor & ice cream & toilet paper
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genuinely wish i could
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Luck O’ the Irish || Hudrose
Who: Finn Hudson and @longhornmarley
Where: UT Campus, Finn’s dorm room
When: March 17th, 2020
Notes: Not really wanting to go to a party after being stood up, they decide to host a pity party for themselves and shenanigans ensue... NSFW
Finn wasn't in a good mood. He had had plans to go to the beach with his girlfriend but for no reason, she'd canceled at the last second, leaving him with a packed suitcase but nowhere to go. The walk back to his dorm was long but he'd managed to find a few of his friends who had invited him to a party on Tuesday night, an invitation he had readily accepted. For now he just wanted to sleep the last few hours away. That Tuesday had started off great and he was already feeling a buzz from the pity party he'd thrown himself that day so the idea of going to a party with girls and alcohol seemed like a great one. He grabbed some clothes from his suitcase and threw them on, not caring if they matched. He left his room and headed across campus towards his destination, his mouth already watering at the thought of vodka shots and jello shooters.
How ridiculous could Marley be? She should've known Declan would've cancelled on her. He always did it seemed lately. The two were gonna go on a trip for spring break and she was gonna see for once where this was going to go. She was tired of playing games and while she enjoyed the extra money coming in, she wanted something real. And now it was like a nail closing the coffin. Maybe it truly was time to end things with him. In a weak moment, she had called her ex, Jake, and the two talked. He was one who knew her pretty well and maybe he could have some insight. Though, she should never actually listen what the boy said about anything. After making plans for him to come down in the next few days so they could 'properly talk', she hung up and headed out to go get ice cream. She was gonna need it. As she walked through campus, she saw someone familiar heading towards her and she put on a fake smile. "Finn, hey." She said as they got closer to each other.
The jock was off in his own world, hands holding imaginary sticks as they pounded away at invisible drums, the song in his head keeping him from noticing all the stares from people as he walked past. He didn't care, the beat was sick and he was in the zone. So much so that he almost missed it when a voice broke through his solo. He opened his eyes even though he didn't need to bother, he had grown accustomed to hearing it lately that it was already familiar. "Marley, hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were heading out of town?" He asked, stepping in line next to her. "I'm on my way to a party. You wanna come?"
She watched him as he seemed to be jamming out to the music. If she was honest, she found it really cute, but that shouldn't have been something to focus on right now. She wasn't in the right place to be thinking that. Or was she? She was honestly confused by it all. "Oh, um, I was. But things changed. Got cancelled." She sighed and rubbed her neck. "A party? Sure. I thought you were leaving too." She said and looked into his eyes.
Seeing Marley and talking to her was becoming a favorite of his. She was funny and smart and she didn't treat him like an idiot, which was always something to appreciate. "Oh. Well that sucks. My plans changed too. Apparently she is staying home until this virus passes so looks like I'll be spending Spring Break at school." He shook his head, shoulders shrugging as the absurdity of his situation. "You know what? Let's go. A party surrounded by happy couples and horny frat guys isn't where you or I need to be right now. Let's go grab some bottles from our roommates and have a pity party in my room."
Her smile went down. She felt bad that his plans got cancelled too, but maybe in some way they were supposed to spend this night together? Or was she just trying to find a plus side to the sadness? "I'm sorry. People seem to be going crazy about that, don't they?" She said and took a breath. "Just you and I does sound better than being around everyone. I don't want to pretend to be happy." She thought for a moment. "I don't think there are any bottles in my room so I may not be helpful. However I have money and can give it to you to buy some?"
If Finn believed in fate, he would think she was playing a game with his life and his emotions. Instead of spending time with who the universe expected him to, he saw more of his tutor than anyone else and somehow Finn was okay with that. He couldn't explain why exactly but if he was having to spend Spring Break away from home, at least he had Marley for company. "I don't see why they need so much toilet paper!" He laughed, looking over at her and grinning. "People are crazy." He nodded, spinning around on his heels a bit to quickly, his head spinning momentarily. "We can head up to the store yeah. But put your money away, this was my idea so I'm buying. If we run out, you can buy next round." After he had regained control, the two of them headed off towards the liquor store.
Marley couldn't help but laugh at his exclamation and nodded. "I know. I think my roommate may be doing that. I don't know if I can handle being at my place all break." She laughed softly as she looked over at him. She watched him and stopped as he talked. "If you're sure. Maybe we can order food and I can pay for that." She suggested as they walked a different way now that they were going to the store.
"I can kind of see it because on the one hand if you're isolating yourself inside, you're going go need toilet paper but they're acting like they're going to have explosive diarrhea all day and that's just stupid." He said, shaking his head. It was something he had been keeping an eye on but he wasn't going to let it dictate his break. "We can definitely get some food. What're you thinking? Pizza? Tacos?" Conversing with her was easy and before they knew it, they heard arrived at the store. Gathering up all the supplies they'd need, and letting Marley buy their dinner, they left the store, falling right back into that casual conversation as if not time had passed. "So music huh? What made you decide on that?"
"Yeah, but it's like people forget showers and wash rags don't exist. You can easily wash yourself or those. I wonder if that's what people did while Rick was asleep on The Walking Dead." She laughed softly again. She shrugged. "Either. Both. I'm good with anything. Though, Taco Bell sounds good always." She smirked at him as she started looking at apps on her phone to get them food. She liked being with him. It was already more comfortable than most people she spent so little time with. "I like to sing and I don't know. I want to try to make it in the industry, but I don't know if I will. I don't think I'm that good."
"Okay you just became like ten times cooler by knowing who Rick Grimes is." He teased, a playful laugh falling from his lips. The best thing about meeting new people was getting to know them. Sometimes it felt forced, like an obligation you didn't want, but with Marley, everything was easy. It was something Finn wasn't used too but he was thankful regardless. "I'm behind a season or two so I know Rick left the show but I don't know what happened." As he waited for her to order food, he pondered her words and couldn't help the small chuckle that surfaced again. "If you didn't think you were good, you wouldn't have picked it for a major. I picked mine because it seemed the easiest option but if you love something, nothing will stop you."
She couldn't help but grin and shrug. "I read the comics and watched most of the show." Marley said proudly. "I haven't watched since the whole thing happened with Carl. I barely know what's happening right now." She ordered their food and put in Finn's address so maybe it would be there by the time they got there. "I guess so. The whole thing makes me nervous. I want to show off my talent, but I feel like I'm barely able to here. What is that going to mean when I'm out in the world? Will anyone listen to me?" She sighed before shaking her head. "Sorry. That kind of got too deep."
"A girl who likes zombie shows and comic books? Are you even real?!" He shouted, pinching her skin playfully as they walked side by side. "I think we should finish the show together. Or at least until the current season. Wow, trying to get Heather to watch anything with me is like pulling teeth. It's all Housewives and the Kardashians." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I got blackmailed into joining my high school Glee club after the teacher heard me singing in the shower.... that sounded strange, but the point is, I was good enough for them so I mean, if you need a partner for karaoke night or just as a backup singer to help you shine, I'm volunteering to help. It's the least i can do."
She laughed as he pinched her skin. "Yes. I even like superhero stuff." She smirked at him. "I'm pretty chill, I think. I don't see why some girls are into that. It's not my thing. I'd definitely like to catch up on the show with you." Marley smiled and looked over into his eyes. "Really? You would like to sing with me?" She was actually surprised. She didn't get many solos or duets in the glee club now, but definitely wanted to always prove how good she was. "You are too sweet. Are you real?" She asked and pinched him back.
"You're like my version of the perfect girl." He laughed, shaking his head. "I mean you like superheroes and comic books. You're not afraid to eat tacos... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!" The jock shouted, garnering a few looks from the people scattered around them but Finn didn't care about them. For the first time in his young life, public opinion meant nothing to him. "We have to make this a weekly thing. We pick a day that works best for us both and we watch as many as we can. Deal?" He asked, holding out his hand for her to shake. "Of course I will. I'm sure you're going to outshine me and in this case, that's what I want you to do." His nose crinkled as they finally seemed to make it back to the dorms. "Owww! My throwing arm!" He feigned injury and laughed, ushering her inside before anyone noticed.
A blush filled Marley's cheeks as he said that. No one had ever referred to that before. "Shh." She said as she looked around and blushed more. "I'm sure other girls are like me. I'm nothing special." She put herself down. "That would be nice. It would be a nice break from everything and we can get caught up fast." She smiled at him as she walked inside his dorms. "Oh, please. I could barely hurt a fly let alone you."
Finn couldn't help but raise a brow at her obvious cut down and he shook his head. "Hey none of that. You're awesome. I haven't known you long but you're pretty great. I'm sure there are other girls out there that are like you but I'm not talking to them, am I? Don't cut yourself down. I'm just telling you what I've observed so far. Take the compliment. Please." He smirked, nodding his head when she agreed to his demands. "Its a date. Well, not like a date date but you know, a date. Friendly date among... friends..." He trailed off, rolling his eyes at himself before closing the door behind himself once they were inside. "You're right. I was teasing. I mean, did you even pinch me? I couldn't feel anything."
She blushed and shook her head. "You're sweet, but I'm really not. And I'm okay with that. I like being a wallflower." She said and looked into his eyes. "But thank you. I appreciate you saying all that." She smiled and looked at him. "A friendly date is perfect. It'll be nice to have something to look forward to." Marley laughed and shook her head. "Shut up." She playfully pushed him.
"Can I be honest with you Marley? I've never been a fan of all the popularity that I've received. I find it confusing and chaotic. I mean, one mistake and you're getting slushies to the face but then you do something else and you're back on top. There were many times when I considered giving it all up because I just want to be normal, you know? I don't want to be known as 'the jock' or be defined by the girls I date. I've always been envious of the wallflowers because they're kind of who I feel more connected too and who deep down, I'd like to be." He confessed with a shrug. "So I look forward to learning from you on how to be a wallflower." He teased, holding the door open for her as they walked inside and up to his room.
She looked into his eyes as he said that. It was nice to hear someone didn't care about all that stuff. Maybe they were soulmates or something. But she couldn't think like that. Not right now. He had someone and she kind of did too. This was just a friend thing. "Thanks, Finn. I really appreciate all that. I've struggled with things like that for a long time and it's nice to know you don't follow all that." She told him as they went up to his room. "I guess we beat the food." She commented and smiled at him.
"Of course, Marls. What are friends for?" He said, his nose crinkling as he held the door to his dorm room open. He heard the buzzer, a sound indicating that someone needed to be let in and he laughed. "Speaking of food. Please make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back." He knew she had already paid for the food but Finn knew the building better than she did and he didn't want her to get lost. After meeting the delivery man outside, and paying the fee and tip, he carried all the food back upstairs, knocking on the door in case Marley was in the bathroom or something. "I'm coming in! I hope you're decent." The jock joked, before entering and laying the food on the table. "How much did you order?! There's enough for four people here."
She smiled happily at him as she walked inside his room and looked around. It was nice and seemed very much like Finn. She was going to say something just was the buzzer rang and she nodded. "Okay. I'll be here." She smiled and watched him go before she kicked off her shoes and sat down. She couldn't believe this was how her break was going so far, but she liked it already. Maybe it was good she stayed in Texas. She looked up as she heard the knock on the door and laughed as he entered. "Do you think I just get naked or something in people's homes?" She asked jokingly before shrugging. "I covered the basics. Besides, if we're drinking, we'll be hungry at random times and there will still be food."
"I didn't mean it like that!" He yelled, shouting over the sound of the music coming from next door. "I just meant like if you were in the bathroom or something. I don't know why I said decent, it was the first word that popped into my head." He grinned, putting the food on the counter. He nodded his head in her direction and laughed. "That's very smart. I never would have thought of that and then I would have been arrested by campus police for trying to break into the 7-11 because I got hungry." Pulling each item out of the bag, he opened it to identify what it was before grabbing a couple of forks for the two of them. "Do you want a beer or some wine? I don't have much else seeing as how I wasn't planning on entertaining tonight but you're welcome to whatever is in there."
She laughed as he shouted and nodded. "Sure you didn't." She teased him as she watched him get some food for them. "I would've tried to stop you from doing that. Especially when a lot of places are open all night." She laughed softly and just kept watching him. "Anything is fine with me. What did you get at the liquor store?" She asked as she sat crisscross applesauce on his couch.
"Well your head might explode if I had said that I did mean it so..." He smirked, shrugging his shoulders as he walked past her and into the kitchen. Hearing that she would have stopped him made him laugh and he nodded. "I'm sure you would have. You might be tiny but I've no doubt you're strong." The junior laughed, coming back into the living area holding two bottles. "I got two cases of beer and a bottle of wine. Its supposed to be for the barbecue but I'm not sure if that's still going to happen with the flu going around."
"So you did?" She smirked and raised her eyebrow as she looked at him. "We don't even know each other that well." She teased and watched him closely. "I can be." Marley flexed her arm muscles she barely had. "See." She grinned and laughed. "Well, I can give you money to buy back whatever we drink." She told him and smiled. "I'm good with anything to start with."
"This time, no. It was a slip of the tongue. Scouts honor." He held up two fingers before smiling at her. "I was never a scout but I promise I wouldn't lie. I had no expectations other than having a fun night with my friend." He explained, watching when she flexed. "Nice. If you ever want to make those bigger, join me in the gym and we can get you on some weights." When she insisted she pay him, he shook his head. "No you won't. These idiots don't need this much alcohol anyway. It'll be fine."
"Oh, so how can I take that as scout's honor if you were never one?" She teased him. "That's all I have as expectations as well." She laughed as she flexed and put her arms down. "I go to the gym quite often, actually, but we can do something. I'm always down for that." She gave him a look. "If you're sure, but the offer is there. I don't want you to pay for everything."
They had decided to watch something on Netflix but they had been drinking so much that he barely remembered the title of it or anything that happened in it. They had ended up mostly laughing and playing drinking games until they couldn't anymore. Now, they were laying on the floor of his room, the air conditioning on full blast as they tried to calm themselves down. "I haven't laughed that hard in so long. My sides are killing me, Marls. Who knew you were this funny?"
Marley never got this drunk. Hell, she never had this much to drink. A buzz here and there in high school, but never something like this. But she liked having this moment with Finn. She liked laughing and trying to breath as they laid in his room with tears streaming down her eyes from laughing too hard. She took a deep breath as he spoke and she poked him. "Hey, I am always this funny. People just don't get my humor." She smirked at him and looked into his eyes. "I haven't clicked like this with someone in a long time."
"Its because it goes over their head. Your jokes are too smart for the average bear." He laughed, shifting his body so he was facing her. "You haven't? I want to be all like 'yay!' because that means you like me but also, I feel bad that you haven't met anyone as awesome as me before." The jock teased her again before laughing. "But yes, I feel the same. You're not like the other nerds. You're crazy hot but also really smart."
"Good thing you're more than average." She smiled at him and watched as he moved so they were now just staring at each other. "I like having you. You're definitely worth the wait of meeting someone awesome." She assured him before laughing too only because his was so infectious. "Thank you? I guess I kinda have a sexy librarian thing going on." She said and let her hair down to do some weird sexy move with her hair that made her laugh more.
"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me!" He shouted, nodding his head before resting his chin on his arms. "Well you can have me whenever you want, Marls. I'm not in demand right now so we can spend as much time together as we want." He added, reaching out to grab her hand. "Just call me Captain Awesome." His head nodded and he smiled at her at her next words, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh definitely. I might have to start making it a part of my routine. St...stopping by the library I mean." He was distracted as he watched her let her hair down, taking the opportunity to scan her body, suddenly wondering what she looked like naked.
"That can't be true. You're an amazing guy and I'm sure you get loads of compliments." She smirked at him. "You're not in demand? So you can spend all your time with a little old nerd like me?" She teased and her heart jumped as he took her hand. She looked down at their hands and rubbed his skin with her thumb before back at him. "Yeah? I'd like to see more of you. There. More of you at the library." She said and stared at him. "I'm sure the librarian thing is better without my glasses." She said softly while looking at his lips.
"Just because you think I'm amazing doesn't mean everyone else does." He admitted with a shrug. "I've been called an asshole, an idiot, retarded and it really hurts. So I don't know, hearing nice things that don't have to do with my football skills is really nice." He hadn't meant to get sentimental but he needed her to know just how much her words meant to him. "Yep. All the time in the world." He smirked, nodding his head. "So lets make it a habit then. I'll have to get you to give me a tour though because I don't know where anything is." Her statement found him shaking his head as he leaned in closer to remove them. "I mean you're hot either way but the glasses definitely add to the fantasy."
"Well, they should. Because it's true." She said and stared at him. Her heart ached at him being called these things and she reached out to touch his cheek. "You're none of those things. Anyone who says you are obviously has no idea who you are." She told him and smiled. "Good to know there's hope for me." She laughed before nodding. "A tour you shall have. I can even make a map." She teased and let him take her glasses off. She could see mostly fine. She usually wore them to read but got used to wearing them more than contacts. "You really think I'm hot?"
Finn just smiled at her words, leaning into her touch as he felt the mood of the room shift. Or it had for him. Instead of laughing and having a good time, and despite the alcohol coursing through his bloodstream, he was fighting the urges that he was thinking about in his head. "I'm yours whenever you want me, Marley." He whispered, eyes drifting down to her lips. He propped himself up on an elbow and scooted closer to her, their noses inches apart. He really shouldn't be doing this but he wanted too. "100 percent." He complimented, bringing his hand up to her face, thumb grazing her lip for a second before he took a chance and closed the distance between them.
Everything changed quickly. Neither were laughing but now were very focused on each other. She watched him closely and her heart started racing as he said he was hers. Part of her knew what he meant, but that didnt stop the feelings arising. No one had ever said that to her. "And if I always want you?" She asked him softly. She moved closer as he did and leaned into his touch. As their lips met, she closed her eyed and pressed a passionate kiss into his lips.
"Then I'll be there." If he were sober, he would never have said these words to her, not that he didn't think she was attractive because she was but because he didn't want to give her false hope. With his on again off again relationship, he couldn't really get involved with anyone seriously, even if that is exactly what he wanted. But luckily for him, he wasn't sober and saying these things meant everything in the moment. When she returned the kiss, he shifted himself on top of her, breaking the kiss briefly to adjust themselves more comfortably on the floor. Grazing his thumb across her cheek, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her once again, this time rougher and more wanton.
The words made her heart flutter. She knew if the alcohol wasn’t flowing through her system, she never would've done this. She didn't do these things with Declan and she barely did them with her ex. Sure, she lost her virginity to him but that was different. They were together longer and she thought she was in love. She barely knew Finn and while she was definitely starting to like him, she wasn't one to do this. She sighed as their lips parted and she looked up at him as he moved to be on top of her. Looked up at him and smiled as he moved her hair before she met his kiss again and released a moan into it.
The moan that slipped out of her mouth sent a shiver up his spine and he shuddered, thankful that the kiss was hiding the flush of his cheeks. He had never been confident in his skills, had never really been with anyone since high school, and she had made him feel like shit when it was over, so his confidence in his skills was almost nonexistent. He was suddenly very glad that they were both drunk so that she wouldn't be disappointed in him when it was over. His fingers hesitantly trailed down to the hem of her shirt, lifting it up as he grazed the soft skin on her belly.
The feeling of his hand on her bare skin made chills go through her body. Her heart was beating like crazy and she could only think of wanting more from him. Wanting only him. She kissed him deeper as a hand tangled into his hair while the other ran along the sides of his shirt.
When he felt her fingers in his hair, he shivered, his body reacting exactly as it had way back in high school. It was a turn on for him and he couldn't help but moan into the kiss, fingers working her shirt higher and higher... he took a chance and sat her up before pulling her shirt over her head, tossing it to the side before removing his own. He allowed himself a moment to take in her form, his breath hitching slightly. "You're beautiful babe." He whispered, leaning in to kiss her again before guiding her back down to the floor.
Hearing him moan into the kiss turned her on more than it probably should've. She felt his fingers going up her skin and when he lifted her up, she helped him remove her shirt before watching him do his own. She looked over his chest and stomach and smiled up at him as he said she was beautiful. "And you're handsome." She said and kissed him back as she moved back to the floor. Her hands trailed down the skin of his bare back and back up softly.
Her nails teasing his skin caused goosebumps to pop up over his skin, the sensations quickly overwhelming his body. It had been so long since anyone had touched him like this and it all felt so good. Breaking the kiss to her lips, they trailed along her jawline ad down to her neck where he nipped and sucked the soft flesh. His hands caressed her body and down around to her waist where he fumbled for the button of her jeans, finally working it open, the zipper falling open with little pressure. It wasn't fluid, or perfect, but he managed to push them down and away from her body.
She sighed happily as he started kissing her jawline and making little marks on her skin. She moaned happily and lifted her hips to help him to take off her pants. Her own hands moved to his front and started to undo the button and zipper there. She was nervous, yes, but she was wanting him more by the second.
Once they were both down to their undergarments, he realized just how much he couldn't hide his body. He had always had body issues and now knowing that Marley could see it, he would have been self conscious had they not been too drunk to care. His lips left her neck after leaving several marks there, a sign of their activity that would be hard for her to disguise. He placed tentative marks along her collarbone, nipping at the flesh extended above the cup of her bra. Nimble fingers easily worked the clasps to free it from her body, his tongue swirling around the nipple briefly while he worked her panties down and away from her body.
He was amazing. She was definitely enjoying his body and the way he was kissing her and leaving marks all over. A moan left her lips as he swirled his tongue around her nipple and lifted her hips again to let him take off her panties. The chill from the air conditioner hit her and she suddenly felt very exposed. She was never like this in front of anyone and she was unsure if he would like her body. She bit her lip as she looked up at him and her hands move to take off his boxers so they would both equally naked.
Being naked in front of Marley, the cold air hitting his bare ass, felt both good and weird. This was a huge step for the two of them and they were both drunk and probably wouldn't remember it in the morning, which was something Finn didn't want to think about. He left feather light kisses down her body, first her breasts and then her belly, tongue swirling around her navel. His dick was hard and he knew he was ready. Scaling back up her body, he pressed his lips to her once more before lining up at her entrance, eyes locking with her. "Are... are you sure?"
The kisses down her body was sending her through the roof. She was more turned on than she had been ever and she looked up at him as he lined himself up. Marley was more than ready for this. She may regret how this happened, but she wouldn't have regretted being with Finn. "Yes. Please." She begged as she spread her legs wider for him.
Seeing her mannerisms and hearing that she wanted it, he nodded, kissing her again before grabbing his dick and guiding himself inside her wet folds. It felt so good and he whined into her mouth. She was tight but still allowed him room to fit comfortably inside, almost like two puzzle pieces. He sat inside her for a brief second to give her time to adjust to him before slowly moving his hips.
She took a deep breath as he entered inside her and it out into the kiss. She touched his cheek and looked up into his eyes before smiling and nodding at him for him to move. The slowness was nice. It was like he fit perfectly inside her and hit all the right places. "Finn..." A moan left her lips and she moved her body towards his.
He smiled down at her, touching her cheek softly before leaning in to kiss her, his hips starting to pick up speed. Now that he was inside her, and he could feel her getting wetter and more into the act, his body reacted of its own accord, his alcohol riddled brain telling him to speed up. But he didn't. He stayed at the steady pace he was at, hips burning already. His whispered name leaving her lips sent a chill straight up his back and down to his dick. He moaned, eyes slamming shut as he pushed further inside her.
She kissed him back only for a whimper to leave his lips as he sped up. Her eyes closed as he kept going and she panted with every move. With the sudden push deeper inside her, she let out a loud whine and her nails dug into his skin. Her legs locked around him tightly and she pushed herself against him for more.
Her nails digging into his skin caused him to whine but he kept going, knowing that it would be worth it in the end. Leaving marks on the other person was normal and to be honest, Finn liked it. It meant he was doing a good job. He was close, could feel the pressure inside, and he stopped kissing her, his blue eyes staring into hers. He sped up his hips, face contorting before he spoke. "Marley I'm close."
She held him tight as they kept moving together. She hadn't felt pleasure like this before and she really didn't want it to end. It felt perfect and she released little whines to let him know just how good this all was. She sighed as he stopped kissing her and looked up at him as moved faster now. "Okay. Just keep going. Please." She begged him; wanting to get to that point herself. She knew it was close, she could feel it, and she wanted to experience with him.
Finn wanted to hold on as long as he could, wanted them both to seek the kind of pleasure they'd both been missing so he pushed himself further, his lips kissing her hard while his hips burned and throbbed. He hadn't realized just how out of shape he was until now but he swallowed down the pain and kept going like she wanted, fingers ghosting over her skin and down between her legs while his lips broke the kiss and trailed down to her neck, nipping at the soft flesh before sucking on it.
She kissed him back and moaned into his mouth. It was growing harder to hold back any sounds and she started to make louder ones; especially when his lips went to her neck. A hand moved up to his hair and she grabbed it tight before she knew her release was coming. "Finn... now. Please. Now." She begged him as she felt the wave of pleasure take over her.
Her moans and whimpers for him sent another chill up his spine and the tightness in his belly to become unbearable. Holding her tighter, he continued biting her neck, his fingers playing with her clit as she panted quicker and begged for him. As soon as he felt her fingers grip his hair, he cried out her name before releasing deep inside her, his cum coating her walls.
The pleasure was just pulsing through her as he rubbed her clit. Her sounds were getting louder and louder and she gripped his hair and back with her fingers as he cried out her name. Her walls pulsed around him and she whimpered as her body started to slowly come down for her high while still feeling so much pleasure.
Finn continued to moan as Marley's orgasm coated his dick and he shuddered, licking his lips before leaning down to find hers. They rode out their orgasms together before collapsing against one another, their breathing heavy and their bodies spent. "Damn." He whispered, giggling softly before making eye contact with her. "Are you okay?"
This was all definitely crazy. She never expected to do something like this. Not with someone she hadn't known very long. However, it was amazing. She felt amazing. She looked at him as he spoke and she nodded. "Yeah. Yes. I'm.... I'm good." She smiled at him. "Are you? Was this?"
Finn hadn't known Marley long and yet the way they fit together, the way their bodies moved so in sync, it was like they'd been having sex forever. He just hoped that once the alcohol wore off completely, she wouldn't regret what happened. "This was great, you were amazing. I mean, it's crazy but a good crazy." He said, biting his lip as he pulled out of her, falling next to her on the rug.
She was relieved he said that. She thought it was good, but she didn't want to assume anything. She watched as he moved off her and took a deep breath as they laid their together. "Good. It was great. It really was." She told him.
He smiled, leaning over to kiss her again. It was short and brief but filled with hidden meaning. "It really was. I, uh, did you just want to spend the night here? It's late and we're still drunk.. I wouldn't feel right if you left." He asked, grabbing her hand to hold. "If I can move that is. My body feels broken."
She kissed him back and smiled softly at him. "You want me to stay?" She asked and rubbed his hand softly with a grin on her face. "Yeah. If you don't care. Sure." She looked deep into his eyes and laughed softly. "Broken in a good way, I hope." She moved and laid her head on his chest.
"Of course. It would make me a shitty person if I had sex with you and then made you walk home alone. My boys out there would make it a game and I'm not going to do that to you so yes, you can stay." He explained, his nose crinkling as she rolled over onto his chest. His fingers automatically ran through her hair as they tried to come down from the high. "Definitely in a good way. My legs are jelly. I'm so glad I don't have class or practice tomorrow because I'd have to call in sick."
She nodded as she listened to him. " Right. Better this way if I stay." She took a breath and relaxed into his body. She laughed softly and closed her eyes as she buried her head into him. She wasn't sure what to say, but was glad he was still enjoying this."
"Exactly. I'm saving both of our lives right now." He laughed, fingers tracing up and down her arms. He was getting tired, the exhaustion of their act finally wearing on him and as the room filled with no sound but their combined breathing, he let his eyes fall closed, arms wrapping tighter around her as they fell both fell asleep.
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