scryptids · 29 days
continued from here with @cyberneticatoms
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as a co-owner of the broom closet, wendy had grown quite comfortable approaching people. normally they weren't the type to just walk up and sell something to someone immediately, but she made exceptions. not that this person had a sniffle or anything, but it was better to get a jump on it now.
"i did make it myself, yes. just this morning actually, and it's a pretty good batch." wendy paused to look at the bottle, eyebrows tugging together in thought. "i dunno? a couple dollars, usually. i don't really think about the profit it draws in, honestly."
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gummi-stims · 9 months
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A stimboard for Wendy from Animal Crossing! I love all the sheep villagers tbh
💙- x -💙
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bugsnackdeville · 10 months
closed starter for @lostgirlwendy location: pacifica's party
There haven’t often been many times in his life where Phil has actually openly agreed with his sister, nor has he ever really taken any of the advice she was always trying to throw his way. But this time was different. For once, he actually saw merit in her suggestions rather than just viewing them as her way of trying to control everything around her. Maybe it was because Lil was a girl and he wanted to trust that she might have some kind of feminine insight to what Wendy was feeling, or perhaps it was simply because for once her advice was actually simple enough for him to follow. Talk to her. That was all he had to do - and it was something he wanted to do too. He’d been wanting to hang out with Wendy all night, but knew that coming just as friends rather than as a date meant he needed to give her space. A date you could hang out with all night, moving around together for most of the event - but a friend was different, a friend should only pop in from time to time. Or at least, that’s what Phil always thought.
Making his way throughout the Northwest mansion, it took a few minutes before he finally found the familiar face he’d been looking for, and once he did there was only a slight hesitation before he walked right up to her. “Wendy!” he called out to catch her attention, grinning as he approached. On instinct he reached an arm out to start the move of pulling into a hug, but before they could actually touch her body he realized what he was doing and let it drop to his side. It was an awkward interaction, but he’d rather make a fool out of himself than risk making Wendy uncomfortable if he showed too much affection. They were only here as friends, he mentally reminded himself once again. His smile only faltered for a brief second over the clumsy start, but he’s quick to fix it, hopefully before she notices it fall. “Hi.” Also awkward, but he wasn’t quite sure what else to say. Everything sounded too dumb in his head. This whole situation wasn’t one he was used to dealing with - it had been a long time since he’d really genuinely liked a girl the way he did Wendy. Certainly it had been even longer since he’d actually cared enough to want to make good impressions or worry about looking stupid in front of anyone.
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exmcrtis · 3 months
location: pop and lock
closed starter for: @backmaskcd (pyotr)
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wendy had been doing her best to craft the perfect paper flower. she'd watched one of the servers do it thousands of times, but she was on her tenth attempt and it was still coming out wonky and weird. with a huff, she looked up at her boyfriend, her hand extending out so she could present him with the crumpled wrapper.
"i tried to make you a flower, but i'm really bad at it. i don't know how that waitress does it, but i hope her boyfriend keeps every single one he gives her. otherwise, her efforts are being wasted."
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backmaskcd · 6 months
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closed starter for @exmcrtis (wendy) location: pyotr's place
He wanted to talk to her - that is why he invited her over. But the tension was so fucking thick the minute she walked it, it was hard not to cast everything else aside to be intimate with each other again after so long.
They were still tangled up in the sheets, but at least not they both had a much clearer mind. "So," Pyotr propped himself up a little so he could gaze at Wendy, expression soft. "I think now is the best time to actually talk about what exactly is between us, and where we want to go from here." He didn't want to disturb her too much, but he was already working on sitting up. "Because I love you so much, Wendy. And I'd... be open to discussing getting together again."
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dumbabies · 6 months
who: @lostgirlwendy where: the lair
Angelica was the one who reached out to Phil's girlfriend, wanting to meet her instead of just staring them down from the other side of the party. It didn't surprise her that Phil hadn't introduced them since the blonde wasn't always the kindest in her words. That being said she hadn't planned to scare the girl away, more curious what it was that Wendy saw in the booger-eater. There was no better way to get to know a girl than over a glass of wine or so Angelica thought. If the industry taught her anything it was to be on time and to look good which she made sure of, expecting Wendy to be punctual from what she'd heard about her. There wasn't too much to go on but she planned to change that. Once the girl had arrived, Angelica waved her to the table, readily tapping the stool beside her. "Look at you, you're like so cute. Seriously, how did Phil pull you?" She'd never seen the appeal of him but the blonde had also been there when he was eating worms in Tommy's backyard. "It's so nice to finally meet you, he's been hiding you from me for long enough. You can't keep anything from me, you'll learn that quick." The blonde giggled at her own nature of being. Angelica wasn't everyone's cup of tea but it never changed her, Phil's new girlfriend's opinion being no different.
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tylatootles · 7 months
closed starter for @lostgirlwendy location: engagement party
From practically the moment that she and the rest of the lost boys had entered the party, Tyla’s eyes had immediately gone to Wendy. In part because she hadn’t even fully realized the girl was going to be here tonight, though it made sense considering her friendship with the bride to be. But when she hadn’t been a part of the group crashing with them all, she had simply assumed neither of the other girls in their circle were coming. Turns out that assumption had been wrong on both counts, but it wasn’t a surprise that Tink was avoiding them. Wendy on the other hand, that she hadn’t seen coming. Though it was all explained as soon as she took notice of the almost intimidatingly tall boy the brunette was here with. Phil, if she remembered the name correctly - the other guy that seemed to have managed to catch a certain Darling girl’s attention. Which honestly, Tootles couldn’t help but think of as being quite the good for her moment. Not that she didn’t adore Peter with all her heart - but as a romantic option? Well, she’d always struggled to understand what other girls saw in him in that regard.
It took a few hours before Wendy was finally alone, having just been with Peter until the boy walked off, and Tyla was quick to take the opportunity to swoop in. Wrapping an arm around the brunette’s she couldn’t keep the giddiness off of her face. Nor did she even bother trying to. This was the first time the two have ever had a chance to gossip about relationships in any way that’s actually excited the blonde, and she was ready to hear everything. “Your date isn’t going to like stomp me if I steal you away a bit longer, will he? Because I fear he legitimately could, if he wanted to. That boy is tall, Wendy. Where did you even find him?” The line of questioning was all in jest, hoping to start out with some fun, light teasing to get Wendy more comfortable before diving into the real heart of the matter.
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lagoonswoon · 8 months
who: @lostgirlwendy where: flo's diner
Shelly had showed up with a new pair of pointe shoes ready to sew, looking to chat with her favorite waiter. Most of the time when she had to prepare a new pair of shoes she'd bring her supplies, order a strawberry milkshake, and watch Peter "work" or whatever it was he did. It seemed like another girl had the same idea about hanging around Peter's place of employment once she entered to see Wendy hanging around the counter. Shelly released an audible sigh as she walked up behind her and plopped her items down as disruptively as possible. A sickly sweet smile was plastered on when she took the seat beside the girl who seemed to perpetually have a stick up her ass. "Winifred, fancy seeing you here," she cooed. "What're you working on this time? Writing a love letter to Peter perhaps? Or maybe it's a list of fun things you don't want to do?" It wasn't just the fact that Wendy liked to play with one of her favorite toys but the fact she never embraced the same chaotic nature as the Lost Boys. Even Shelly had some respect for Tink for not being as boring.
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imatinker · 4 days
closed starter for @lostgirlwendy location: lost boys' house - john's return party
For as much as she wanted to simply never have to see or hear from Wendy fucking Darling again in her life, that wasn’t an actual possibility. The brunette had integrated herself far too deeply into Tink’s main friend group for any chance of them truly being able to avoid each other forever. This party being the perfect example of that. A stupid fucking night with no extra bodies around to simply build any kind of buffers. She was going to have to be in the same room with the other girl the entire night and be on her best behavior, which fucking sucks. But she knew better than to cause a scene on the night that she was introducing her newfound twin sister to the group, not wanting to give Peri the impression that she was some kind of uncontrollable bitch or anything. Plus, this whole night was meant to be a celebration of John. And she really doubted that he wanted to have to deal with her picking any kind of fight with his sister. So best behavior it was.
Which for the good majority of the night meant just outright pretending like the other girl didn’t exist. Tink fluttered throughout the party, talking to absolutely every single other person. It was a good strategy she liked to think - she can’t be tempted to stir shit or say anything mean if she didn’t even acknowledge Wendy’s existence in the first place, right? But with a decent amount of alcohol in her system and having caught John’s eye in the corner of her own one too many times, as if he were just waiting for her to fuck up, she finally snapped. It was time to talk to the bitch. She could do this, she wasn’t such a cunt that she couldn’t even handle having a singular civil conversation with Wendy.
The girl in question was sitting on one of the boys’ main couches, an empty space beside her as she typed away on her phone - most likely texting her boyfriend that hadn’t been invited tonight. And the sight of her alone seemed as good a time as any to just get this over with. Dropping down into the middle of the couch, Tink didn’t say anything at first, partially waiting for the other girl to make the first move - but when Wendy didn’t say anything a sigh escaped the blonde’s lips and she had to hold back from shooting a nasty glare. “Hi,” she snaps, the forced greeting coming out with a bit more heat than she originally intended for but not anything beyond her usual bitchiness.
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bcrcavcd · 2 years
@sisturn complains: “why are we going grave-robbing again?” abigail drifts to wendy’s side, her brow quirked, “aren’t there other places to get rare stuff? preferably without seeing a skeleton. those give me the heeby-jeebie—”
a small blue specter rises from a nearby headstone, making a pitiful wailing sound. abigail’s eyes narrow, and she immediately puts herself between wendy and the other ghost. the deceased twin moans irritably, swatting at him; the little spirit squeaks, retreating behind the headstone. he peeks out from behind it, looking between the twins with wide eyes. his gaze settles on wendy, and he gives a tiny whine — “scary! scary! help?” — while abigail still glowers at him, practically puffing herself up like an angry bird.
"Because the others at camp are too scared to get things from here..." Wendy illuminates, seeming as completely annoyed by the prospect of coming here as Abigail was. The last time they'd come here had felt so recent, and already the adults were out of gold? It felt preposterous in all honesty, to send a child out with the specters of the world. Wendy didn't mind going there at that point, finding herself at peace with all the doom and gloom around her. That didn't make it fair, however, and she felt a right to complain about it.
However, things change once the specter appears. Usually, the only times they would appear was if they were disturbed, or the full moon was present. Considering it was the middle of the day, that ruled out the latter, and she hadn't even begun digging up the graves yet. So, what was this one doing out?
With that in mind, Wendy also notices how small the ghost seems to be. She and Abigail were only ten, and yet the latter appeared the same size as the other ghosts, so the only thought that passed her mind was one that brought her great sadness. A smaller child than even she, forced into this world and unable to live through it. That poor child... No wonder it was awoken by their presence, such a restless soul must live behind those downtrodden eyes.
He wants help... Perhaps, from her annoyed sister who had every reason to be wary. The living sister was not, though. Such a small creature, he likely couldn't hurt a fly, could he? Much more frightened of them than they ever could be of him. So, she takes that first leap and turns to Abigail, hoping that her words would be enough to calm her down. "I know we don't often see creatures that are completely harmless, but I don't think there's anything we need to be worried about here..." She replies in her normal monotone, before she turns her attention fully to the little ghost.
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"It's alright... I won't let Abigail hurt you, she just gets scared for me is all," Once that focus shifts, Wendy seems to be a lot softer in her toning, something that would be odd for anyone who knew her well. Maybe it was just the fact that the child was so young. Or maybe she felt pity for his situation. In any sense, her main priority was making sure the young one felt safe, even if there wasn't much he needed to worry about.
"It's awfully strange to see one like you without some sort of disturbance... Is there something that keeps you from your rest?" It was the least she could do, offering to help where she could. It didn't mean she would be able to do it, but at the very least she could hear him out. "I don't want you to think I can do anything, but the two of us will see what we can do to help..."
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intheslightest · 9 months
who: @lostgirlwendy where: pacifica's party
He had wondered if Sharpay would come, loitering by the door in case she walked in. After mentioning it to her the other day he had hoped she might show up. The fact that his friend group was dealing with feelings that split it apart made him want to stick to the sidelines. He had no idea what Peter had figured out if anything and the whole gang was in attendance tonight. Wendy had been across the room when he spotted her, raising a hand to give her a small wave in case she wanted to come join him. Observing wasn't always something Slightly did but he was a hawk when he did. "Having fun?" He asked when she approached while bringing the red solo cup to his lips. "Did you bring that tall guy again or come solo?" It was a bit nosy but he couldn't help it. Especially after seeing her at the last party with him in tow which had sparked something in Peter enough to get a confession. "Tink hasn't tried to kill you yet so that's a plus," he half-joked, knowing not to put it past her.
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scryptids · 29 days
continued from here with @sparepcrts
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"my concoctions usually come out lookin' like some potion or another. it sounds like i'm tooting my own horn when i say this, but i find that to be a talent; it's a novelty that sells my remedies, but it also means that they are what they say they are. can you imagine me trying to sell this to you if it looked like anything but a potion?"
wendy chuckled softly at herself, flashing the other a gentle smile. "you only need to add a drop or two to a drink of choice. i always recommend tea, but if tequila is your poison, who am i to judge?"
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mariocki · 2 months
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All Passion Spent: Episode 1 (1.1, BBC, 1986)
"She's not one of those clever women, thank God. Mother has always allowed others to make decisions for her. And now that Father has gone..."
"I suppose, since I have always lived at home, that I should really bear the brunt."
"Brunt, Edith? I'm sure we shall all regard it as a privilege to look after Mother. Brunt is an entirely unsuitable expression."
"Oh dear, when you say it like that, Carrie, I'm not even sure what it means."
#all passion spent#vita sackville west#classic tv#martyn friend#peter buckman#period drama#wendy hiller#harry andrews#maurice denham#phyllis calvert#graham crowden#john franklyn robbins#hilary mason#faith brook#geoffrey bayldon#antonia pemberton#eileen way#jane snowden#john saunders#1986#visiting parents and i must have recorded this off bbc4 a few months ago (tho i don't remember doing and I'm finally watching it so they#can delete it from the recordings. a three part adaptation of one of Vita's best remembered novels; i feel like her literary work hasn't#remained in the public eye like that of her lover‚ Virginia Woolf‚ and it's her biographical details that are best known today. Passion is#a slightly waspish but still quite gentle narrative about an elderly widow (Hiller) who‚ upon the death of her politician husband‚ begins#to finally experience some sense of freedom and self expression at an advanced age and despite the interference of her adult (and indeed#fairly aged) children. there's an unmistakable feminist thread running through this piece‚ altho the lead disavows the label (as indeed#the author did); Hiller has spent some 60 years or more acting the dutiful wife and mother‚ and her final attempt to grasp some sense of#freedom and self expression is largely met with bemused distaste and suspicion. ideas too of class (Hiller's only real support comes from#the middle or working class contacts she makes in securing a new home) and of generational divide (her great granddaughter is the only#family member who appears to truly understand her desires and needs). beautifully cast but a little slow in this first episode
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bugsnackdeville · 1 day
closed starter for @lostgirlwendy location: lucky cat cafe
Officially clocked out for the night and his shift fully over, Phil had no real reason for needing to stay at the cafe. Most of the other employees were always so fast to get out of there the moment they were off the clock, but there was something about the environment of the lucky cat that he just really loved. Plus it helped that his girlfriend was already tucked away in one of the back booths, working on another edit of her novel, and he knew her tea was still likely most of the way full considering he had topped it off not too long ago for her. It had only been a day or so since his strange run in with one of Wendy’s closest friends and this was his first time seeing her since that encounter, so he couldn’t help the few nerves that were running high as slid into the seat across from her with his own coffee and a sandwich with two plates he planned for them to split. “How’s it going? Words flowing well today?” he asks with a smile, setting the two plates down and pushing one of them towards her with half of the sandwich. It was best to not jump right into the topic of Peter and everything he had told him.
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exmcrtis · 5 months
location: the art festival
closed starter for: @ambercast (abby)
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"i wanna get mom something," wendy sighed, turning to their sister while they crossed their arms over their middle. "but i'm not exactly sure what, and i was hoping you could help me." they paused then, their expression on the cooler side, as if they were trying to keep a wall up between themselves and their twin. "only if you can stand hanging out with me for more than five minutes, obviously."
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backmaskcd · 9 months
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closed starter for @exmcrtis (wendy) location: huntsville library
There usually two places you could find Pyotr on any given day - in the kitchen at The Daily Grind, or the library - most often inside, but sometime he liked to find his way onto the roof whether people wanted him there or not. It was a good place to clear his head and read in peace, but it was far to cold now to get into those kinds of shenanigans.
He had been skimming the shelves, not looking for anything in particular when she caught his eye, trying his hardest not to let out a sigh. It's not even that he didn't enjoy seeing or talking to Wendy after their break up - some days were just worse than others. "I'm surprised to see you inside for once - don't you have some creepy crawlies to be digging up or something?" His tone was light and playful, despite the question sounding otherwise - he knew she had always preferred to spend her time outdoors instead of curled up somewhere warm and cozy. "Or are you trying to research that frog I heard you picked up not that long ago?"
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