#wendy x krolia
goldenworldsabound · 6 years
I haven’t talked about my ship with Krolia in a while (tbh I haven’t finished the final season yet so dsjafjsfj) but @deepestuniversallove was encouraging me too so!!! Have some thoughts!!!
Krolia never thought she’d find someone after Keith’s father, and when she first meets me romance is pretty far from her mind
She can see that I have a huge crush on her and she’s flattered but she kinda views me as like, a puppy, at first
Eventually I earn her respect and she starts to fall for me too - although by that point I had just decided I didn’t have a chance
Some couple dynamics
She’s not very affectionate in public (and to a degree in private). I’m usually the one initiating hand holding or snuggling or anything else. She’s happy to accept, although sometimes she gets a bit flustered.
if you insult me, she can and will suplex you into the ground. Very protective gf
I’m equally protective, though the worst I can really do is yell (and cry) at you, especially if you’re mean just cause she’s a Galra
idk I can’t stop imagining her and I out on a shopping date after things are calm and normal buying clothes and her being all shy about trying on things for herself, but also excited, and also excited to suggest things for me to try!
She’s honestly very soft inside and struggles with emotions sometimes
I have also been trying to figure out how to fit her into Royalty AU (that AU is really important to me cause EVERYONE!) and I was thinking maybe she’s one of the commanders. She was a spy (Blade of Marmora) for...us? Whatever nation my SI is princess of, as she was in the Galran Empire across the sea. There’s not like space tech in this setting at all, so the Galra are just this really angry trouble making nation that we’ve managed to avoid so far, but they may yet become a threat. Anyway, she got found out by the Galra and had to flee, so now she serves as a military influence and trains the stealth portion of the army. She also still runs the spy system in place in the Galran Empire.
As for her relation to me, the Princess...she is often away running the spy training (which is done outside the city in secret) and doing covert missions, so I don’t see her much. When she is around, she always makes time for the royalty, and special time for me. Usually a full day, where we can catch up and enjoy time together in a more...private setting. It’s not really questioned as often times people don’t even realize she’s back because she’s gone so often.
Anyway I’m still thinking about it a lot.
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goldenworldsabound · 6 years
Mipha and Krolia w/ 💐😢 :3
10 💐 What’s the first thing they do once you start feeling better?
Mipha - Aaah I see her like, suggesting we do something nice and fairly solitary. Like maybe cook dinner together (with her taking the lead) or doing some sort of art or something near each other. But mostly something nice and inside that doesn’t involve other people.
Krolia - Offer to do some training/sparring with me, but very light training that ends up being more of a cuddly thing in the end, hehe~
7 😢 How do they react to you crying?
Mipha - honestly she seems so empathetic I bet she gets all teary-eyed too. She’s more than happy to listen to my problems and let me cry and sob onto her shoulder or whatever it takes really for me to feel better. Lots of head kisses and hugs.
Krolia - She sits down with me and pulls me to her, so I can bury my face in her chest and cry it out. She’s definitely the kind to talk to me and help me feel better, sometimes by putting things in perspective and sometimes by validating my feelings. She almost always has something to say. She becomes very soft when I’m sad ;;
Questions here!
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