#wendigo papyrus
red-documents-redo · 3 months
Dan: hey ej whats under your mask?
EJ: are you sure you wanna know?
Dan: Yeah!
EJ: ok *lifts up mask to reveal a skeleton skull*
Dan: what the fu-
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restartjupiter · 1 year
Undertale Au: Extended Family!
(Alternatively: More Skeltons that aren't Sans and Papyrus!)
This Au is about there being more skeletons besides Sans and Papyrus and there's also more variety to them as well.
Tag is #FamilialTale
Oh. And Gaster is their Grandpa and he's a wendigo.
Mom and Dad
Lucida Font
- Lucida is Sans and Papyrus' Mom.
- She's a Mexican sugar skull.
- Lucida is a strict mother, but she's very caring and loving.
- She is friends with Toriel, the shopkeeper bunnies, and Undyne's Mom.
- Lucida loves to bake, paint, and read romance books.
- Sans gets his shortness and round head shape from his Mom.
- Papyrus gets his caring and loving personality from his Mother. Papyrus always admired his Mother's cooking and her strong will.
Oswald Font
- Oswald is Sans and Papyrus' Dad and Gaster's Son
- Oswald has a Muntjac skull
- Oswald is a affectionate, bookwarm, and interactive father. He's the type of Dad to help you build a science project while researching every bit of it.
- Oswald is friends with Gerson, Asgore, and Alphy's parents.
- Sans gets his lazy and joking personality from his Dad. Sans definitely admires his father ever since he was a young skull.
-Oswald's father is Gaster, the best seems to be professional aside from random moments where Gaster acts like a actual father.
-Oswald swears to never be a father like Gaster.
Both live together in the capitol and raised Sans and Papyrus there until the two boys moved out.
- Arial and the youngest and baby sister.
- Arial was born only a year before Sans and Papyrus moved to Snowdin. She's currently 4 years old.
- Arial has a smal cat skull
- Arial wear a big, taped on, purple bow on the back of her head. She wears a green and teal collared dress.
- After Sans made Papyrus' costume, he made Arial a blue bandana so she "wouldn't feel left out" and Papyrus gave her red boots to match with him
- Gaster gifted Arial the purple bow when she was born but doesn't spend much time with her.
-Arial is friends with Chump (A possum monster who wears a red and white stripped hoodie), Sona, the inn keepers son, and Monster kid's sister.
Wind ding Gaster
- Gaster is a wendigo.
- he's 9ft tall (7ft without his antlers), he has black fur and he wears a white science coat.
- Not much is known about him aside from the fact he was A royal scientist. Because there was multiple. The other 2 were Alphy's parents.
- Gaster was the head of royal scientist team and he took his job very very seriously.
- He was a absent and workaholic father. He visited more and more when Sans was born and homeschooled him until Papyrus was born.
- Sans soon started working as a intern for Gaster and followed him everywhere.
- Gaster died shortly after Arial was born because Sans pushed him into the core after he found out Gaster was going to kidnap and experiment on Arial.
-after he fell into the core, he melted and his personality changed to be more delirious and goofy. He lurks in the shadows, watching his grandkids.
Other skeletons.
- Sono has a bat skull with bone ears.
- Sans and Papyrus' punk cousin on their mother's side.
- Sono is Nonbinary and is a shopkeeper that sells in garbage dump, right before you meet Dumby. Their shop is made of card board and it's inspired by Sans' hot dog stand.
- Sono is into grundge and punk human stuff. They love to look through the trash for cool stuff.
- Sono hangs out with Catty and Bratty and but their Aunt Lucida doesn't approve.
- they look up to Sans (literally. They're short) as a brother figure since they have no siblings and their parents are always working.
- Sans use to babysit Sono when they were a babybones and that's one of the reasons they're so close.
- Sono works as a babysitter for Arial when Lucida and Oswald have date night, need a break, or are both working.
- never knew Grandpop Gaster, bc they were never interested and Gaster took the time to even meet Sono.
- Allura used to be a human but was brought back to life as a skeleton by a huma mage.
- The only skeleton to have hair and it's short black with a white hair band.
- Allura wears a orange, and purple sweater, and ripped blue jeans with white sneakers.
- instead of Frisk falling down it's Allura. Allura fell down bc when they were brought back, the necromancer convinced other mages that Allura is a monster that escaped bc necromancy is forbidden. So they pushed Allura down Mt. Ebott.
Check #FamilialTale
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voidandabyssal · 6 months
~Requests are open!~
My Ao3!
the rules:
scenario hc has a max of four boys (or girls, whoever your requesting)
I'll always make the reader gender neutral unless otherwise specified.
Nsfw askes are allowed
No Frans askes or anything of the sort
the current au's I write for are:
Undertale (Papyrus and Sans)
Underfell (edge and red)
UnderSwap (stretch and blue)
Horrortale (crooks and axe
SwapFell red (Mutt and Black)
SwapFell Gold (Coffee and Wine)
Lusttale (Passion and Dior)
HorrorFell (Pyre and Hound)
HorrorSwap (Ell and Mull)
Dreamtale twins
Error and ink
I'll add more au's when I get more familiar with them. You can still send asks to me about other au's just note that I may be a little inconsistent with the characterizations or I may just not know a lot about them.
Snow stained blood (a HorrorFell Fanfiction, Sans x reader, Papyrus x reader) chapter 1: Snowdin Cabin, Chapter 2: ???
Ut and us bros x suicidal reader
my own personal little take on lusttale
ut and swap bros playing minecraft! part 2 to that post with all the other au boys!
Platonic Fell bros with reader!
SF bros meeting reader for the first time
Dream, Mutt, Axe Stretch with a very anxious and helpful reader!
tale and swap bros with a chubby insecure reader!
Undertale,underfell,underswap,and swapfell x Black! Dragon! Reader
sans and papyrus smut hc
ut and us boys reacting to reader having a old and sick dog
HF boys reacting to touch from a stranger and from their partner
SwapFell red boys with a platonic reader
Sans and papyrus reacting to their crush singing them a love song
ut and us bros with a neko reader
ut and us bros with a suicidal reader
Stardew valley au! Sans X reader
introducing the HorrorFell Boys!
meet cute with the fell Boys
How would Red, Axe, Blue and Dior react to reader in the same situation as in Below the Ice?
Papyrus Crush HC
Sans Crush HC
Undyne meet cute!
OG crew’s reaction to celebrating their first Gyftmas on the surface?
Tale and Fell boys reaction to you turning into an amalgram
Swap and SF (Red) boys reaction to you turning into an amalgram
Who is the least helpful if you turned into an amalgram?
which Asgores and Toriels are able to move on or not?
The og cast from Undertale’s reaction to Frisk being a normal kid
Would any of the confirmed couples of Alphys&Undyne or Tori&Asgore be open to a poly relationship?
How Adverse to humans is the Horror crew?
Below the Ice thoughts
more below the ice thoughts
Jokester Skelly boys’ reaction to making their crush laugh
tale, fell, swap and horror boys reaction to having a fallen angel s/o
Who is Doctor (HT Alphys)
Axe x black wendigo reader
Romantic date with Mutt (SF red Papyrus)
Swap and Fell boys love languages
Og undertale crew ends up having to play a horror game
Which toriels and asgores would be most likely to get back together? (or shouldn't at all)
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askthestans · 2 years
I Know We’ll Meet Again Some Sunny Day...
~ Somewhere In the Pacific Ocean ~
Waves roll and roil as they circle a lone boat in the waters. On its hull reads 'STAN O' WAR II' in capital white letters.
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The air is frigid, punctuated by the occasional warm furl of coffee, cigar smoke, and spicy cologne scents mingled together. The black and crimson craft bobs along, glossy with moonlight and the golden glow of a single window.
Within that window stand two men so similar in profile and color - eyes tea brown and hair wavy and silver - that, if not for their different clothes and glasses, one would mistake them as clones. That is, until one sets his palms on the oak table.
He sifts these six fingered hands through yellowed pages with maps on them. A little smile comes to his face as he then organizes the maps into neat piles, sorts them into a folder, then places the folder atop a maroon book with a golden hand, covering the numeral six in the center. He takes a swig from an owl shaped mug, sighs pleasant and quiet, and leans against the table as he looks out at the sea, eyes forever trained to look for what secrets it could be hiding.
In the corner is the other man, sifting through objects in a tattered leather steamer trunk. Coins with emperor’s faces long worn, multiple dice with different numbers of sides, a crystal dagger, papyrus scrolls, a flat stone with Elder Futhark runes etched into it, a clover with twelve leaves, and on one end, multiple knitted sweaters, glittery letters tucked into their arms, and a different design on each front.
He refolds them gently, fond memories resurfacing with every stitch. A banshee whose screeching was really practice for a heavy metal band and not an omen of death. A skeletal, antlered wendigo whose rotting smell he perfectly recalls even now, and whose ability to mimic his brother’s voice still chills him to the bone. Then there’s the one with the vampire who never sparkled in real life nor was actually that attractive, though he knows that kind of embellishment was to be expected.
At the very top is one with him and his doppelganger walking side by side towards an A frame house with the words ‘Mystery Shack’ on the roof, and a portly man, a woman, and a teenage boy and girl with matching hair there to greet them.
But that memory hasn’t happened just yet. Nor would any holding of hands be involved, he knows, but he grins crookedly at the sentiment.
That night, they fall asleep to the lullaby of waves and each other’s calm breathing. The next day, they pull into a quiet harbor, get into a maroon car, and drive through the morning mists into redwood forests. By dinner, they’re at that house, walking side by side towards it, and to their delight, the scene is a little different than it was on the sweater. 
This time, the figures don’t wait by the door. They rush forward. Hugs and questions and comments about what’s changed and what hasn’t begin. By the time they’re ready to head inside, the teenage girl is already measuring one brother around the waist and arms, and the teenage boy is already pouring over the maroon book with a hand and a six on the cover, given to him by the other brother.
After dinner, they sit around the living room table telling stories until eyelids get heavy. Summer begins again the next day, and though - like twins - more things are the same than not, there are some distinct little changes.
There’s a different kind of rift that needs patching this time. What was broken long ago takes more than adventuring around the world for a few months to fix. But everyone can see it’s well on its way towards mending.
A Few Days Later in the Shack Living Room...
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Stanley: You know, as much as I like travelin’, it’s sure nice to be home, ain’t it, Ford? The best part is seein’ Dips and Mabel again, with you here the whole Summer this time. I missed those kids more than anything. Besides, I need their help with those comics I’ve been workin’ on. Mabel’s great at drawing, and Dipper’s a genius at comin’ up with plot twists.
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Stanford: It’s strange. Back in those days before our fight, I never pictured my house so full of life. I always thought I’d be alone, pouring over my research. The worst part is that I was content with that. Pleased, even. But now I dread thinking that that could have been my life.
It’s even better than I could have imagined now, actually. Not only are you here, but Dipper and Mabel... they add a lot of light to this old place.
Stanley: Don’t worry, Poindexter. I’m sure it’ll get a lot more stuffy and moody again now that you’re back.
Stanford: Hmm, we didn’t run out of that air deodorizer we had on the ship, did we? I fear the Shack might start to smell more now that you’re back, too.
Both give each other a glare. Then their expressions melt into grins and a shared chuckle.
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Stanley: You know, I get the strange feeling like we forgot something before we left on our adventure, though. I mean, more than what got zapped outta my brain when I socked that soggy corn chip who tried to end the world, or whatever.
Stan and Ford think to themselves for a moment, then shrug. It’s not until that night, upon Ford logging into his old laptop, that they realize what it was.
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Stanford: Uh, Stan? Could you come down here? I think I discovered what that thing we forgot was.
Stan comes down into Ford’s lab with Soos, Mabel, and Dipper in tow, a conversation about the time Stan punched a kraken in the eye following them in fragments.
Stanley: Yeesh, Ford, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Like that one poltergeist jerk we exorcised in Peru after he told us he was gonna haunt our fridge for eternity. It can’t be that-
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Stanley: ...
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Mabel: That’s right! They were doing that cute old man ask blog thingy.
Dipper: Think anyone who asked one of those questions is still even around? Soos, you made stuff for the fandom, right? Are people still interested?
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Soos: Of course they are, dood! I’ve been writing Stanfiction for years now, and if there’s anything I’ve learned, well, two things actually... it’s that people just can’t seem to get enough of these guys hugging, and second, the best way to get readers is to have Ford as the main character.
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Stanley: Wait, why does Ford get more attention than me!?
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Stanford: Is it my intelligence and vast knowledge of all things supernatural and theoretical? My dark backstory as an outcast and my struggle to fix my mistakes? Or maybe my tragic, devastating need for validation of my wisdom and capability after a childhood with a father who never gave me the approval I so desperately-
Soos: I dunno. No one really said anything about your chapters until the one where I put you in a red speedo. Got lots of reviews and favorites and requests for more after that!
Someone even sent me fanart for it! Here, I was saving this for you for when you got back. I’m gonna miss having this fella on my nightstand.
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Stanley: Lookin’ a little drafty, there, Fordsy.
Stanford: Soos, that specimen incinerator I left down here still works, yes?
Soos: Yeah, I use it to burn mail Stan still gets here from the IRS all the time! Also the DEA, the DNR, the FBI...
Stanford: Fantastic! Now, do an old gentleman a favor and set that thing on the ground.
Soos: Sure, I guess?
Soos sets it on the floor. Ford takes out one of the many pistols on his belt under his trench coat and zaps the fanart with a quick electric blue beam. Then he takes a rifle out that shoots a small bubble that encapsulates the crater. A miniature nuke goes off inside, shaking the lab around them with an ear-splitting explosion. Ford lifts the bubble filled with glowing ashes and walks over to a hatch in the wall. It squeals as Ford wrenches it open. He dumps the bubble into the incinerator, which hungrily accepts it with green tongues of otherworldly fire. Meanwhile, the others stare on with blank faces.
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Stanford: Ahh! Isn’t the power of science magnificent?
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Dipper: Grunkle Ford, was that... legal? The mini nuke part, I mean?
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Stanford: My boy, if there’s anything I learned from your Grunkle Stan these past few months, it’s that if there are no cops around, anything’s legal! Also, I’m already a wanted felon in over a thousand dimensions, and I’ve set off nukes far larger and for far less than that.
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Stanley: Soos, you made copies, right?
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Soos: What do you mean? Of course I-
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Soos: I mean, no, I did not make multiple high quality copies of that fanart. There are no copies in my wallet, on my bedroom wall, in the cash register, in my secret hidden Stanfiction box in the woods, in the hands of those government agent doods who raided the house last year, or in the visor of my truck whatsoever. Nope. Nada. N-none?
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Stanford: I knew I could count on you to do the right thing, Soos. Otherwise, if I ever saw that fanart again, I’d have to set off more nukes. Specifically targeted ones. We wouldn’t want that, would we?
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Soos: Y-yes, Mr. Pines! No nukes! I could go for that! Actually, I gotta go, now that I think of it. I’m late for my burning evidence and raiding a government office appointment. You have fun answering those questions!
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Stanley: Ugh, you’re no fun. Lighten up, Sixer! The internet’ll just make dozens more.
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Stanford: And here I thought I’d escaped hell when I came back through that portal.
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Stanley: Anyway, we need to get back to business. We have 516 messages to sort through, and I’m not about to let my reputation as the internet’s favorite Grunkle die! We might not answer all of ‘em on account of some being repeats, but we’ll try to do the best we can.
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Stanford: Alright, as long as there is no more art of me wearing... never mind. Let’s just get to it. I think we should open the ask box again, too. We’ll answer a mix of old and new ones. Eventually, we’ll catch up.
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lizzie-wendigo · 3 years
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I die of tenderness! Yona and Hadal were more like brothers >w< Hadal was 4 and Yona 3. Well, I finally learned how to color reptile/cat eyes. So I wanted to do this sketch in order to practice this technique! (so maybe do an abyss sketch)
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ladyflame-ask · 3 years
New chapter!
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addicted-2-the-fic · 5 years
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Ready for the HUNGER and fluff! Oh I had fun with this one!
This Fanart is from “Make the World Afraid!” By
@theragingprophet on AO3
This Fic is definitely one of a kind, we have one badass reader in a world teaming with monsters. Both from the underground and the surface, the Angst is real!
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sketchy-vore · 7 years
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Revenants were once spread over the entire Northern hemisphere of the world. In North America, they were known as Wendigowak (Wendigo in singular).
So here, have Papyrus dressed up as a Wendigo to go with your breakfast! He might look kinda spooky with that mask, but behind it, there is a friendly smile. He’s even waving you a friendly ‘HELLO!’
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cyberfell · 3 years
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I made a Sans Wendigo custom and put it on VRChat. It's a private avatar because I'm not ready for it to be public yet, also because I'm working on a Wendigo Papyrus custom avatar. The original Sans model is from: Yukanuntisusel https://www.deviantart.com/yukanuntiusel/art/MMD-Undertale-Sans-ver2-2-DL-662836691 The fluff is from: f-lorui https://www.deviantart.com/f-lorui/art/MMD-Overgrowth-Frisk-Jacket-DL-784729032 The antlers are from: Nightimevil https://www.deviantart.com/nightimevil/art/MMD-Download-DL-Antlers-688650713
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So here's some ideas I had for the Mythology bros. My thought process is that each set are the same species, with a few exceptions.
Sans- Fae Papyrus- Fae (Seelie court, tricksters but but help keep order)
Anne's Thoughts: This has pretty much been decided. I'm going to have to research more about faeries, but I do like this idea (and @manicdepressive-dreamgirl's ideas on it).
Blue- Mermaid/Siren Stretch- Mermaid/Siren (Honestly I would kinda love Stretch to be a Siren and Blue a Mermaid. Stretch is just too lazy to lure people to their deaths and just passes for a mermaid.)
Anne's Thoughts: Interesting! I think they might both just be merskeletons, but Stretch could joke about being a lazy siren...?? Not sure...
Red- Lamia Boss- Lamia (Just feels like it suits their personality, I can see them being two different types of snakes)
Anne's Thoughts: I'm gonna give this a solid maybe, mostly because I don't know a lot about lamias or snakes in general. Other suggestions for these guys are welcome.
Black- Vampire or Shinigami Rus- Werewolf or Grim (I kinda like the idea of them being polar opposites but on the same side for the Vampire/Werewolf combo or with the Shinigami/Grim the relationship of one that collects souls and one that defends them)
Anne's Thoughts: I do like this one. I think Black would really like being a vampire (in the vein of Dracula) and Rus would be fine with the werewolf thing. I also like the combo because book Dracula has a control over the "children of the night" (wolves) and it would be an interesting dynamic.
Sansy- Wendigo or Brownie  Sweets- Wendigo or Brownie (Ok so Wendigo is pretty on the nose and makes me feel guilty XD. Brownie is more of a after. Protectors and caretakers of house and home, but also can become a boggart causing mischief or worse. Can be placated back into their brownie self with kindness and food.)
Anne's Thoughts: I'm not going with Wendigos. Aside from the sad implications there, it comes from a folklore and culture that I don't know well. What I do know is that I've seen that folklore/culture disrespected to do wendigo stuff. So...not wendigos. The brownie/boggart idea is interesting, though...Hmm...
Bones- Fae Lucky- Fae (Unseelie Court, not necessarily evil but more disruptive and chaotic)
Anne's Thoughts: Again, more research needed, but I like the idea that they're a different kind of fae from the original brothers but still similar.
Smiley-Dragon Grim- Dragon (Sharp pointy and loves gold, need I say more?)
Anne's Thoughts: This could be very fun! If I don't go with dragons for these guys, I might for the UF brothers instead. :)
G- Changling Aster- Changling (Because they are not the people that people think that they are, they have just little differences to make them stand out. Wandering about in search of themselves and why they are so different, maybe? Maybe shapeshifting?)
Anne's Thoughts: I do like this one. Something to do with shapeshifting would be really fun for these guys!
Comet-Harpy Captain- Harpy (I feel like they should be something winged or able to fly.)
Anne's Thoughts: I think you're on the right track with winged/flying creatures, but harpies might not be the right ones for us. (For one thing, I believe harpies are almost always female...) Maybe winged horses/pegasi?
Break-Centaur or skidder Tango-Centaur or skidder (I just see them dancing, well Tango anyway, with their clicking hooves. Skidders with their many legs, but also I thought about the spiders that do the mating dances.
Anne's Thoughts: I don't know what a skidder is (big spider?). Centaurs is a good idea. Maybe fauns? They followed Dionysus in Greek mythology and were involved in a lot of dancing...Maybe Break is disillusioned with the whole thing and doesn't anymore?
In general, I really like all these ideas, and thank you so much for getting them all thought out and written down! I will definitely be using some of them, and doing research into others. Feel free to send in more, guys! Let's build this AU together!
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
New concept
Featuring a skeleton who’s like some freaky combination of a kelpie, a siren/mermaid, and a wendigo
-He dresses like Sans Classic minus the jacket and slippers, though he’s got a naturally cute face just like Blueberry and can be found roaming the woods
-If you approach him and try to make conversation, at some point he’ll offer you his hand and say he’s got something to show you
-The cuteness he displays is intentionally to make a person trust him and let down their guard. If you make the mistake of trusting him and take his hand, you’ll find that you physically can’t make yourself let go
-Even if you try to fight him, he’s a monster; monsters are almost always physically stronger than humans, regardless of their appearance
-He walks at his normal speed as he drags you toward the water because he genuinely enjoys scaring people, and he thinks it’s funny when they realize that he plans on drowning them
-Once you’re in the water, you’re pulled under the surface rather forcefully. He won’t hold you down, he just continues taking you deeper and deeper, knowing you’ll drown and die on your own if he waits long enough
-Underwater, he goes from looking like Blueberry to looking more like Blackberry, minus the facial scars
-His straight, standard teeth become sharp and serrated, and he may have two rows of them; his fingertips also become more like claws
-His eye lights vanish and his sockets aren’t black. They’re solid white and appear to glow underwater
-His clothes become drenched and stick to his body as he moves. If you remain conscious long enough to get a good look at him, you’ll see a bunch of cracks all over his ribs through his shirt
-He has an injury that very closely resembles the slash wound that Geno has. He’s also got some cracks along the top and sides of his skull. He moves freakishly fast underwater, even without the use of magic. None of his injuries were from humans. They were all caused by other monsters
-Snowdin still exists, but it’s completely underwater. Back when Snowdin was still on land and everything was fine, the monsters believed in a deity of sorts. The deity only had one rule, and it was that under no circumstances was there ever to be any spilling of human blood. Other than the “no murdering/harming humans” rule, they could do pretty much whatever they wanted
-They got all their food either from the surrounding woodland areas or from humans (as in food that humans ate, not the humans themselves), since humans frequently visited. Humans stopped coming to the forest during a bad season once though, which cut off one of their food sources. When the land stopped providing edible food that the animals hadn’t already eaten, the monsters began to starve. They relied on Sans to find a solution to their problem, and because of so much stress and anxiety paired with his extreme hunger, he cracked first, breaking the one cardinal rule and devouring a human
-The deity was angered and began to flood Snowdin. When the other monsters found Sans covered in the blood of a human, they blamed him for their situation and attacked him. Being a good brother, Papyrus tried to protect Sans. Because he sided with Sans though, he became hated and cursed too
-When the whole town was sunk, a lot of the monsters died. Sans ended up killing whoever survived
-In one instance where he’s successfully removed from the water and housed in a facility of some sort in a large glass tank filled with water, he becomes more and more irritable the longer he’s away from his home
-He pretends to be dead, and once he’s gained the attention of whoever’s nearby, he suddenly jerks his head up and locks eyes with them. Once you make eye contact with him, you’re stuck in a trance like state where you begin to hallucinate all sorts of horrible things. The only way to be released from this state is to have someone else block your view of him
-When he can’t get actual physical food, he feeds on fear in the same way the Nightmare feeds on negativity, and he’ll do whatever he needs to in order to cause fear
-If you’re bit or scratched enough to break skin and draw any blood, you have to immediately clean the injury and get it bandaged up. You need to keep a close eye on the healing process, because if an infection occurs, it’s too late
-The more the infection develops, you begin to feel hungrier and hungrier; which is the same way he felt, that eventually led him to eating his first human. If the infection spreads to any of the surrounding skin and becomes something that could probably only be fixed with amputation, you’ll hear his voice in your head
-He sounds like Blueberry and will either remain sweet and innocent as he tries convincing you to set him free, or he’ll sound like he’s crying, pleading with you to take him home. If you’re strong willed enough to resist him, he becomes like some sort of demon, giving you a sharp toothed, cheshire cat like grin and promising that he knows how to put a end to the hunger you’re feeling. The only catch? You need to release him first
-If you actually do take him back to the lake he came from, his idea of putting an end to your hunger is essentially pulling you underwater and eating you alive
-While Axe appears to only target adults, teens, and children, this Sans will take whatever he can get his hands on. If that happens to be a toddler or a baby, then so be it
-He displays some pretty intense food aggression, so there’s no getting your children back if he’s got them. If you try to save your child, you’ll either be dragged under too or you’ll be leaving the forest in a body bag. The best outcome you can hope for is broken bones or blindness, should he go for your face when you try to get your child away from him
-With Papyrus, it’s rare for him to come out of the water any longer than ten to twenty minutes at a time. He also continues patrolling Snowdin, just like he did back when the town was still on land and everything was fine and normal
-His little cape thing he’s sometimes seen with is actually part of a fisherman’s net. He got caught once and had to cut himself free
-The only way to stop either of the skeleton brothers from drowning or hurting anyone is to collar them and bind their hands
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spacegate · 7 years
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for @sushinfood / his RP version of Fell!Papyrus
7 years later after the main Rp, Underfell Papyrus uses his talents to hunt down and kill dangerous cryptiods/monsters. Things like Wendigos, wyrms, werewolves, vampires, ect ect.
He’s now in the frozen north, stalking a wendigo that’s been slaughtering children. 
He’s not going to leave the forest until he has its head. 
Felt great to stretch the ol painting muscles.
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battlemaiden13 · 4 years
What supernatural creature would the UT, UF, US, FS, and HT bros be if they weren't skeletons/if they were part that and part skeleton? Sorry of this is a stupid question 😅
13: It’s not a stupid question! It did have me stumped for a while but I’m pretty happy with what I came up with and hope you enjoy. Sorry it took this long though.
SansImp, likes to prank others and cause mayhem. Sans doesn’t clean up his own messes preferring to watch the outcomes of his pranks as they unfurl, although he has been known to apologise on occasion. 
PapyrusBrownie, a household spirit. He will help around the house, with chores and such if you treat him nicely and present him with the appropriate gifts. If not however he will turn on you trashing your house out of resentment, luckily it’s pretty easy to get on his good side. 
RedRedcap. A malevolent, murderous dwarf, goblin, elf or fairy found in Border Folklore. He shrinks down when he adores his red cap to cause mischief and mayhem to those around him. Basically he’s a little shit. 
EdgeGenie. He likes structure and rules and so will follow them to a T. Although being a genie also allows him to have a bit of mischief especially when it comes to the interpretation of different wishes. 
BlueMermaid, one of the friendly ones, not the murdery ones. He’s sunny disposition and adventurous nature serves him well both underwater and above land as he can morph between the two choosing to walk on land or swim underwater with a vibrant blue tale
OrangeSelkie, he can turn into a seal or appear human. Well human enough for a walking skeleton. He can often be found basking in the sun in his seal form or taking naps with his skin as he has to keep it with him. 
LordA Vampire. The dark aesthetic of the classic vampires suit him plus he loves having the ability to control others. He adores drinking the blood from a wine glass and you know he goes all out with the creepy old castle and everything.
MuttIncubus (male form of a succubus). He appears in the dreams of females in order to engage in sexual activities. It’s a simple and easy task, in the meantime he lives with his brother and just chills until he needs to recharge. He’s activities also allows him to seek out the next victim for his brother
Axe Draugr or zombie. They are basically the same thing, both are the walking dead and feast on flesh. With Axe’s head wound he was already slow but in this au he would of died from it, rising again due to something amiss with magic now with a taste for flesh not only for survival but now to fill a hunger. 
CrooksWendigo. Usually humans that turn into creatures from cannibalism, underground Crooks had to do whatever it took to survive, including eating other monsters turning him into the mindless bulky creature he is today. 
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anything about your wendibros + gaster
Huh Wendibros that's a good one!
Malum (gaster)
- obviously is the oldest of the three but by a very long time think 1,000 + years
- is the only one of the three who has his own voice, wendigos are know to use the voice of a loved one to put their prey into a false sense of security (or just to fuck with them )
- since Malum is the oldest and strongest the whole of snowdin and waterfall are his territories anything past that is Pitch's (Asgore)
- Malum is not dead nor is he in the void, he was injured by Pitch and is in (where sans lab was ) his den in a comatose state while healing.
Sanguis (Sans)
- not nod old enough to have his own voice yet he is only 200+ still needs another 200 years. He can still use the voices of a victims loved one still.
- he cant short cut but he is super fast.
- will bounce his "voice" across the forest to fuck with people, Tenebris doesn't like it it startles him alot.
- Will sometimes be found in the vicinity of Vix (Grillby) who throws him scraps sometimes.
Tenebris (papyrus)
- obviously the youngest not even in his 100s yet
- can do the whole loved ones voice but can bounce his voice yet he only has a couple years yet till he gets that ability
- least likely to kill you right away is super curious, it would be cute ....... if he wasnt so freakin tall and drooled copiously amounts of dark orange magic showing how hungry he is.
- really likes to "hangout" with Zanja (undyne) *read that him trying to approach her and her snapping at him and he runs away only to come back minutes after*
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cannibal-kin · 5 years
Anyways so here’s a kinlist bc I was tired of having it in my blog description. They’re listed from strongest to weakest “connection” (that word doesn’t sound right but idk what else to say)
☠️ Wendigo
💎 Herobrine (Minecraft)
🍝 Papyrus (Undertale)
💥 Junkrat (Overwatch)
📎 Dwight Schrute (The Office U.S.)
🌿 Jaguarundi
⚗️ Megamind (Megamind)
☀️ Turkey vulture
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rexatlantic · 7 years
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Did more Undertale as Mythical Creatures :3
There is:
Asgore-Wendigo Toriel-Elf Asriel-Jackalope Frisk-Imp Chara-Redcap Papyrus-Zombie Sans-Merman Undyne-Vampire Alphys-Dragon MTT-Centaur
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