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biokinese-albrecht · 2 months ago
Biokinesis Biokinese
Biokinese: Antworten auf 50 Fragen - Kann Biokinese verwendet werden, um die Augenfarbe zu ändern? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist es möglich, durch Biokinese die Haarfarbe zu ändern? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese helfen, die Körpergröße zu verändern? Nein​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Gibt es wissenschaftliche Beweise dafür, dass Biokinese die DNA verändern kann? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Biokinese zur Heilung von Krankheiten eingesetzt werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist Biokinese eine anerkannte medizinische Praxis? Nein​ (OneStepGuide)​​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Visualisierungstechniken in Biokinese verwendet werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Funktioniert Biokinese durch Placebo-Effekte? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese Muskelwachstum fördern? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Ist Biokinese dasselbe wie Hypnose? Nein​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Können Meditation und Achtsamkeit die Wirkung von Biokinese verstärken? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese ohne jegliche physische Aktivität praktiziert werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Sind Qi Gong und Reiki Techniken, die in Biokinese verwendet werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Gibt es dokumentierte Erfolgsgeschichten von Biokinese-Praktikern? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese verwendet werden, um die Hautfarbe zu ändern? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Sind ethische Bedenken bei der Anwendung von Biokinese relevant? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist Biokinese in der Lage, genetische Krankheiten zu heilen? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Können positive Affirmationen die Effizienz von Biokinese erhöhen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Gibt es eine wissenschaftliche Grundlage für Biokinese? Ja, teilweise​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Biokinese helfen, Stress abzubauen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese zur Verbesserung der Sehkraft eingesetzt werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist Biokinese eine Form von Magie? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Glauben alle Wissenschaftler an die Wirksamkeit von Biokinese? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Biokinese verwendet werden, um Schmerzen zu lindern? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann jeder Biokinese erlernen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Sind Biokinese-Praktiken mit Risiken verbunden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese die Heilung nach Verletzungen beschleunigen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist Biokinese in der Esoterik populär? Ja​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Biokinese verwendet werden, um das Gedächtnis zu verbessern? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Gibt es spezielle Übungen für Biokinese? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese das Immunsystem stärken? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese zur Gewichtsreduktion beitragen? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Sind Biokinese-Techniken einfach zu erlernen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese durch negative Gedanken blockiert werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist Biokinese eine Form von Selbsthypnose? Nein​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese die Langlebigkeit fördern? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Sind Visualisierungen ein Hauptbestandteil von Biokinese? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Gibt es Bücher über Biokinese? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese bei der Bewältigung von Traumata helfen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese zur Selbstheilung eingesetzt werden? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Ist Biokinese eine weit verbreitete Praxis? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Biokinese zur Verbesserung der sportlichen Leistung beitragen? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Können Kinder Biokinese lernen? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese mentale Fähigkeiten verbessern? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Können Tiere Biokinese anwenden? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Gibt es eine Altersgrenze für das Erlernen von Biokinese? Nein​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese die Herzgesundheit verbessern? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. - Kann Biokinese helfen, Schlafstörungen zu behandeln? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Sind Biokinese-Techniken auch in anderen Kulturen bekannt? Ja​ (OneStepGuide)​. - Kann Biokinese die Muskelkraft steigern? Nein​ (WeMystic)​. Read the full article
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homehacksideas · 9 months ago
#home #Feng #Shui #WeMystic
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cacauscorpioni · 9 months ago
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Existem diversas versões da história do Cigano Wladimir. Como a tradição da cultura cigana é oral, ou seja, passada de pai para filho, são histórias contadas, acabam gerando diversas versões com o passar do tempo. A história mais conhecida e assumida como verídica é um tanto trágica.
O cigano Wladimir foi um dos líderes da Caravana da Luz, juntamente com sua irmã gêmea Wlanasha. Era um jovem de pele clara, olhos e cabelos negros, alegre e que tocava violino muito bem, tendo aprendido a tocar o instrumento quando tinha apenas 6 anos de idade. Era um homem vaidoso, andava sempre muito bem arrumado e suas vestes variavam conforme a fase da lua, portando sempre na cintura um punhal de prata.
Mas a desgraça apanhou o seu grupo de surpresa quando Wladimir e seu irmão mais novo se viram apaixonados pela mesmo mulher. Sem conseguir entrar em um consenso, seu irmão propôs um duelo, e quem saísse vitorioso, ficaria com o coração da bela cigana. Wladimir aceitou a proposta, era mais velho, mais sábio, e sabia duelar muito melhor que seu irmão
No dia marcado, Wladimir dominava o duelo por completo e todos ao redor viram que ele iria ganhar. Entretanto, ao perceber que para ficar com o coração de sua amada, ele precisaria matar o próprio irmão, ele desistiu. Percebeu que o amor fraternal era maior, e não conseguiu prosseguir no embate, e foi apunhalado no coração pelo seu irmão. O irmão nem teve tempo de comemorar uma vitória. Ao ver Wladimir deitado no chão, já praticamente sem vida, a cigana disputada no duelo ajoelhou-se ao seu lado, arrancou-lhe o punhal e cravou em seu próprio peito, suicidando-se.
Apesar de ter tido um fim trágico, no mundo espiritual Wladimir é uma entidade de muita luz, sendo evocado sempre com muito amor e carinho pelos amantes da sabedoria cigana. Ele é considerado um cigano que protege o trabalho e o trabalhador, sendo evocado com frequência por pessoas que precisam de emprego. Gosta das boas coisas da vida, de uma boa comida, muita música.
Salve o Cigano WLADIMIR!
Wemystic - ciganoseciganasdooriente
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ericvanderburg · 1 year ago
Fortune-telling website WeMystic exposes 13M+ user records
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zbynet · 2 years ago
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neige-aragon-queen · 3 years ago
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Pour pouvoir planifier vos rituels et le rechargement de vos précieuses la team E! 🧚🏻‍♀️ #calendrierlunaire #calendrierlunairemensuel #wemystic #elimekinafeedespierres #queenneige #neigearagonqueen #lithotherapie #rechargementpierresnaturelles #lithotherapeutemontpellier (à Montpellier) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV7hAu3Mtnt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maximehandela · 4 years ago
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citadasprofundas · 4 years ago
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WeMystic – ¡Luz, Vida y Equilibrio! 💪 #cuando #digan #nopuedes #responde #mira #lohago
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wemystices · 7 years ago
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solutionspirituelle · 3 years ago
Heure Miroir 11h11: Signification 11h11 en Amour Tarologie Angéologie
Heure Miroir 11h11: Signification 11h11 en Amour Tarologie Angéologie
Avez-vous déjà regardé votre montre et vous rendre compte qu’il est exactement 11:11? Il s’agit de l’heure miroir 11h11. Que veut dire 11h11 dans ses différentes formes? Dans cet article, nous allons voir les différentes significations 11h11. Nous allons commencer par les messages des anges délivrés sur cette heure miroir 11h11. Puis, nous verrons sa signification en numérologie, dans le tirage…
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biokinese-albrecht · 2 months ago
Was ist Biokinese?
Einführung Biokinese ist ein faszinierendes und kontroverses Konzept, das in den Bereichen der Parapsychologie, Esoterik und alternativen Medizin diskutiert wird. Es bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, biologische Prozesse und Strukturen durch die Kraft des Geistes zu beeinflussen. Dies kann Veränderungen in der physischen Erscheinung, der Gesundheit oder sogar der genetischen Struktur umfassen. Biokinese bedeutet wörtlich "Bewegung des Lebens" und impliziert die Nutzung mentaler Energie zur Steuerung biologischer Funktionen. Definition von Biokinese Biokinese kann als die psychische Fähigkeit definiert werden, die bioelektrische Energie in lebenden Organismen zu beeinflussen und zu steuern. Dies schließt die Möglichkeit ein, biologische, chemische und genetische Veränderungen hervorzurufen. Ein Beispiel wäre die Veränderung der Hautpigmentierung oder die Beschleunigung der Zellteilung. Anders als traditionelle Energieheilverfahren erfordert Biokinese oft keine spezifischen Techniken oder Methoden, sondern basiert auf fokussiertem mentalem Willen und Intention. Grundlagen der Biokinese Biokinese basiert auf der Prämisse, dass Gedanken und Emotionen die Fähigkeit haben, physische Realitäten zu formen. Diese Idee ist tief in verschiedenen spirituellen und metaphysischen Traditionen verwurzelt und wird zunehmend durch moderne wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen gestützt. Zum Beispiel zeigen Studien zur Epigenetik, dass Umweltfaktoren und Lebensstil unsere DNA beeinflussen können, ohne die zugrunde liegenden genetischen Codes zu verändern. Wissenschaftliche Perspektive - Epigenetische Veränderungen: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass unsere DNA durch bestimmte Aktivitäten, wie körperliche Bewegung, chemisch und strukturell verändert werden kann. Diese Veränderungen, bekannt als epigenetische Modifikationen, betreffen die Aktivierung oder Deaktivierung von Genen, was zu physischen Anpassungen und gesundheitlichen Vorteilen führen kann​ (WeMystic)​. - Neurobiologie: Neurowissenschaftliche Forschung legt nahe, dass Gedanken und Gefühle direkte Auswirkungen auf die physiologischen Prozesse unseres Körpers haben können. Dies unterstützt die Idee, dass fokussierte mentale Aktivitäten biokinetische Effekte erzeugen können​ (QPsychics)​. Methoden der Biokinese Es gibt verschiedene Ansätze und Techniken, die in der Praxis der Biokinese angewendet werden. Einige der am häufigsten verwendeten Methoden sind: Visualisierungstechniken Die Visualisierung ist eine Schlüsseltechnik in der Biokinese. Sie beinhaltet das mentale Bilden des gewünschten Ergebnisses und das Halten dieses Bildes mit intensiver Konzentration. Dies könnte beinhalten, sich selbst mit einer veränderten physischen Eigenschaft vorzustellen, wie z.B. einer anderen Augenfarbe oder einer verbesserten körperlichen Gesundheit. - Schritte zur Visualisierung: - Finde einen ruhigen Ort, an dem du nicht gestört wirst. - Setze dich bequem hin und schließe die Augen. - Visualisiere detailliert das gewünschte Ziel. - Halte das Bild so klar und lebendig wie möglich in deinem Geist. - Wiederhole diesen Prozess regelmäßig, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Affirmationen Affirmationen sind positive Aussagen, die wiederholt werden, um den Geist zu programmieren und die gewünschte Veränderung zu fördern. Sie können laut ausgesprochen, geschrieben oder mental wiederholt werden. - Beispiele für Affirmationen: - "Meine Augenfarbe verändert sich zu ." - "Meine Haut ist gesund und strahlend." - "Meine Zellen regenerieren sich und ich fühle mich voller Energie." Meditative Zustände Ein meditativer Zustand ist oft notwendig, um die gewünschten biokinetischen Effekte zu erzielen. Meditation hilft, den Geist zu beruhigen, den Fokus zu schärfen und die energetische Verbindung zwischen Geist und Körper zu stärken. - Meditationstechniken: - Atemmeditation: Konzentriere dich auf deinen Atem und bringe deinen Geist in einen ruhigen, entspannten Zustand. - Geführte Meditation: Nutze geführte Meditationen, um spezifische biokinetische Ziele zu visualisieren und zu erreichen. Beispiele und Erfolgsgeschichten Es gibt zahlreiche Berichte von Menschen, die behaupten, durch Biokinese bemerkenswerte Veränderungen in ihrem Körper und ihrer Gesundheit erreicht zu haben. Einige dieser Geschichten sind gut dokumentiert und bieten interessante Einblicke in die potenziellen Fähigkeiten des Geistes. - Veränderung der Augenfarbe: Eine der häufigsten Behauptungen im Bereich der Biokinese ist die Fähigkeit, die Augenfarbe zu verändern. Viele Menschen berichten, dass sie durch kontinuierliche Visualisierung und Affirmationen ihre Augenfarbe erfolgreich verändert haben. - Heilung von Krankheiten: Es gibt Berichte von Personen, die behaupten, durch mentale Techniken Krankheiten geheilt oder ihre Gesundheit erheblich verbessert zu haben. Diese Geschichten reichen von der Verbesserung kleinerer gesundheitlicher Probleme bis hin zur Überwindung schwerer Krankheiten. Kritische Betrachtung und Skepsis Obwohl die Idee der Biokinese faszinierend ist, gibt es auch viele Skeptiker und Kritiker. Wissenschaftler und Mediziner betonen oft, dass viele der behaupteten Effekte von Biokinese durch den Placebo-Effekt oder durch natürliche physiologische Prozesse erklärt werden können. - Fehlende wissenschaftliche Beweise: Trotz zahlreicher anekdotischer Berichte gibt es einen Mangel an rigorosen wissenschaftlichen Studien, die die Existenz und Wirksamkeit von Biokinese bestätigen. - Placebo-Effekt: Viele Effekte, die der Biokinese zugeschrieben werden, könnten durch den Placebo-Effekt erklärt werden, bei dem der Glaube an eine Behandlung tatsächliche physiologische Veränderungen hervorruft. Fazit Biokinese bleibt ein kontroverses und weitgehend unerforschtes Gebiet, das sowohl Faszination als auch Skepsis hervorruft. Während einige Menschen von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen und Erfolgen berichten, betonen Wissenschaftler die Notwendigkeit weiterer Forschung und kritischer Überprüfung. Unabhängig davon bietet die Biokinese interessante Möglichkeiten, die Macht des Geistes und seine potenziellen Einflüsse auf den Körper zu erkunden. Read the full article
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brujaindi · 3 years ago
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✨En general, puede utilizarse la Sal Negra en todos los rituales que involucran el uso de sal marina gruesa (o gorda), salvo en los baños, debido a que el contacto con el cuerpo, puede generar un reacciones adversas, en algunas personas.
⛔️Importante: existen maestros que si aconsejan los baños de Sal Negra; no obstante, antes de ejecutarlos, es aconsejable realizar una prueba de tolerancia cutánea, 24 horas antes, para verificar si no produce alergia o irritación.
✨Dentro de la práctica de la Magia Blanca, la Sal Negra es empleada para alejar entidades negativas menores, colando una pizca en cada esquina de la habitación, o en la entrada del hogar.
✨Asimismo, es utilizada en la purificación de piedras, cristales y objetos esotéricos (amuletos, talismanes); o como amuleto contra la envidia, al portarlo en un pequeño recipiente de vidrio.
✨Ungir una vela negra, con la Sal Negra, y quemarla, constituye un ritual de purificación contra la negatividad. Al igual que trazar un círculo alrededor de la vivienda, con el preparado, para crear una protección.
✨En magia manipulativa, suele arrojarse Sal Negra sobre el tejado o frente a la puerta de un vecino envidioso, o bajo el escritorio de un compañero de trabajo mal dispuesto, para que se alejen del practicante.
Fuente: WeMystic
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dreamersleeps · 4 years ago
Red Wings of Temperance
A Possible Influence Behind the Color of Hawks’ Wings
A deck of tarot cards is made up of 78 cards, and the first twenty two are known as the Major Arcana. They were created in the 14th or 15th century but were not used for divination purposes until the 18th century. Tarot card readings are not meant to predict the future but to offer spiritual guidance. 
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The image above (from Oracloo) depicts the 14th Major Arcana card in the tarot deck which is known as: XIV Temperance. 
Like me, I’m sure that your mind jumped to a certain pro hero as soon as you saw the figure’s red wings. 
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What might Temperance have to do with Hawks? Let’s first look at a couple definitions of the word first. According to Merriam-Webster: 
1. moderation in action, thought, or feeling
2. habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions 
If Temperance is drawn, it means: 
Balance, patience, and moderation in life. 
To think before we act. To look at both sides of an issue, to walk in another’s shoes or their path before we pass judgement. To be compassionate, considerate and fair in our dealings with others (bluestartarot). 
That you have a clear, long-term vision of what you want to achieve. You are not rushing things along; instead, you are taking your time to ensuer that you do the best job you can. You know you need a moderate, guided appraoch to reach your goals (biddytarot). 
Other Red-Winged Figures 
Before we begin I’m going to point out that there are a couple other Red-Winged figures amongst the Major Arcana. 
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I’m not aware if nudity in art is allowed on Tumblr so just to be safe, I cut the bottom half of both these cards because they depict nude individuals. 
The tarot card on the right is VI The Lovers and XX Judgement. Out of the two, I think you could perhaps make some connections with Judgement and Hawks but I think that Temperance works the best. 
Symbols of the 14th Arcana
There are quite a few symbols on XIV Temperance, but I’m going to focus on a select few. Interpretations may differ based on the source but I tried to stick with those that were repeated throughout the different websites I read through.
The most important part of this card is the act of pouring water from one cup to another, signifying a balance of duality and a mixture of two separate objects. This is where the card gets its name, the process is called “tempering” which is a slow process to eventually find a perfect middle ground (wemystic).
Other dualities that is represented on this card can be: male/female, spiritual/physical, emotion/logic, conscious/subconscious and subconscious/superconscious (we mystic).
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Temperance revolves around supreme balance. One foot is on land which represents the Earthly, material world and the other is in water, which represents the emotional, subconscious world. 
The winding path leading to the mountains represents the journey through life with its twists and turns. The sun, appearing as a glowing light is a symbol of staying true to one’s life purpose and meaning (biddytarot). 
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Fire/Red wings: Physical passion, anger. Muscles and strength necessary to maintain composure and reach a higher being state. 
Blue water: Emotions, peace, calm. Groundness and refreshment. 
White gown: Pure thought. 
Yellow Iris: Communication, thoughts, learning, feminine/masculine. 
Temperance’s wings are either referred to as “fire wings” or “red wings.”  If we want to make connections to we can argue that his Fierce Wings Quirk is the source of his physical strength, even though he displays some insecurity about his back not being “reassuring” enough for others to depend on. 
Other than his red wings, I don’t think I’m confident enough to draw a clear connection between his appearance and the other prominent colors that appear on Temperance. Hawks’ visor was blue before the anime chose yellow, and he does have the yellow color palette going on. 
However, the meanings of the colors do line up with Hawks’ character. He is a character who is always trying to be calm and collected no matter the situation. Hawks is a character who is constantly seeking, taking in, gathering, and analyzing information. According to the fandom website, Hawks’ surname translates as: “hawk” (taka 鷹) + “see, visible, idea” (mi 見 )
While his first name translates as: “disclose, open, say” (kei  啓) + “enlightenment, understanding” (go  悟).
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Sun: Also appearing as the angel’s third eye, it represents the merging of personal aims with the universe’s plans for the individual. 
So similar to many others, I like to see Endeavor as the sun to Hawks’ Icarus (side note: I also like to see Dabi as Apollo in the Icarus theme). 
The bit about the eye is interesting as well: I believe that eyes play an important role in the story telling with Hawks, Endeavor and other characters. There are interesting similarities between the two characters and the Egyptian Gods Ra and Horus (@/bokunowtv also pointed out some interesting details as well).
Recently, it also seems like Hawks’ storyline will be intertwining with Endeavor’s. Hawks has expressed verbally in Chapter 299: “Starting with my origin, so to speak... Endeavor’s in trouble.” While they did team up professionally as heroes in the past, it seems that Hawks intentions this time will be personal. We have yet to see what he is planning to do and how things might pan out, however this path will probably lead him to Touya. 
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Triangle: Representative of the fire element and holy trinity. 
Although Hawks does not wear a triangle or square on his chest like the angel, it is still interesting to note that he wears the Hero Public Safety Commission’s diamond symbol in about the same place. Again, there is the mention of fire again. 
The Angel
Because Temperance has to do with balance and duality, the angel on the card is both masculine and feminine.
Whether they are just an unnamed angel or a Biblical angel depends on the source you are looking at. However when it comes to identifying them, while one states that it is the Archangel Gabriel, the sources I looked at overwhelmingly pointed towards the Archangel Michael.
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This is very, very interesting considering that the Archangel Michael is the angel who is in all the paintings that people were comparing the cover of Volume 27 with, specifically the painting above: “The Fall of the Rebel Angels” by Luca Giordano.
My analysis first post on Tumblr had to do with pointing out similarities between the Archangel Michael and Hawks, and what that could mean. And my most recent post revisits the possible angel narrative which may be present in Hawks’ story, and how he is referred to as a “fallen angel.”
It’s exciting to see the Archangel Michael pop up again. Michael was also God’s angel of destruction and on XIV Temperance we see him tempering or blending his passionate anger with consicious thought to blend his fiery nature with his super-consciousness with calm (blustartarot). 
Temperance Reversed 
When Tarot cards are reversed, their definitions are flipped over. 
When XIV Temperance meets XV The Devil we see imbalance, disharmony, indifference and lack of empathy. When we preactice excess in our lives without moderation and balance whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, and relationships, we lose ourselves in addiction and bondage (bluestartarot). 
May call for a period of self-evaluation in which you can re-examine your life priorities. Self-healing: by creating more balance and moderation in your life (biddytarot). 
We’ve seen Hawks indulge in something or trip up a couple of times. In Chapter 186, Hawks asks if he can have Endeavor’s leftover food and Endeavor calls him a glutton. Additionally, @/scarletrain1724 has done some analysis on how Hawks is a character who is often seen around or consuming food. 
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And in Chapter 265, Hawks takes Jin’s life. As Dabi states below, “sentiments” tripped him up. Hawks displays a lack of empathy here. He believes that he feels sorry for Jin and wants to help him, but Hawks is actually unable to understand him properly. I would also identify this action as one of Hawks’ narrative Icarus falls. 
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The Moral of Icarus’ Fall  
This all ties in nicely as we see Hawks’ character following an Icarus narrative. There are a handful of “morals” that we the reader are supposed to gain from the Fall of Icarus but I’ll pull an excerpt from the part I’d like to focus on. 
Before taking flight, Daedalus warned his son: 
“Take care to fly halfway between the sun and the sea. If you fly too high, the sun’s heat will melt the wax that bids your wings. If you fly too low, the sea’s mist will dampen the feathers that give you life. Instead, aim for the middle course and avoid extremes.” (The Fall of Icarus - adapted from Metamorphoses by Ovid)
As we all know, Icarus does not heed his father’s warning, whether it be cause he purposely ignored him or forgot and flies up towards the sun. The sun’s heat melts the wax and loosens the feathers on his manmade wings, and he plummets in to the ocean below, drowning. 
Avoid extremes, fly in the middle and seek temperance.
The card that comes before Temperance is XIII Death.
In death we go through transition, a rebirth, changes and with these we come to XIV Temperance for the need to take the time to pause and think. To integrate and blend what we have learned on our journey (bluestartarot). 
So the question to ask is, has Hawks learned anything from his actions or will his story end with him drowning in the ocean? 
To those who were able to make it through this post, thank you! I know that it was really long but I didn’t want to divide it into more than one part. I really appreciate your time and attention! :)
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sofiaberninimangeon · 4 years ago
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Mais que otimismo:
A Gente precisa é de Esperança!
WeMystic Brasil
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sorcererblack · 2 years ago
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dpa28 · 3 years ago
WeMystic Brasil
TimeTempo de leitura: 5 min
Maria Padilha das Almas, uma jovem sedutora e feiticeira, conhecida como Rainha do Fogo, é uma das mais importantes pombas-gira. Neste artigo você saberá como fazer a oração Maria Padilha das Almas.
Considerada uma entidade forte, sob a forma de uma mulher de estatura mediana, cabelos e olhos negros, Padilha auxilia de maneira marcante mulheres que recorrem a ela com problemas de fertilidade, ordem sexual ou decepções nos relacionamentos amorosos.
A oração Maria Padilha das Almas é uma das mais conhecidas e procuradas por quem deseja trazer um grande amor de volta. É poderosa e muito forte.
Nesses casos, as mulheres que acreditam e possuem fé na oração Maria Padilha das Almas podem realizar uma prece, que deve ser feita com uma vela branca ou vermelha.
oração Maria Padilha das Almas
“Minha querida Pomba Gira, Maria Padilha das Almas.
Eu lhe peço assim: vá onde o X (nome da pessoa) estiver e faça com que ele não descanse enquanto não falar comigo. Que assim seja pelos poderes da terra, pela presença do fogo, pela inspiração do ar, pelas virtudes das águas, invoco as treze almas benditas.
Pela força dos corações sagrados e das lágrimas derramadas por amor, para que se dirija até onde X estiver nesse momento, e traga o seu espírito até mim, amarrando-o definitivamente ao meu; que seu espírito se banhe na essência do meu amor em dobro, que fulano jamais deseje outra mulher, e que tenha olhos só pra mim. Salve Pomba Gira, Maria Padilha das Almas.
Hoje mesmo X vai me procurar, me telefonar; ele vai querer contato comigo, e toda obra de feitiçaria que tenham feito pra mim seja desfeita agora. Eu confio em ti, minha Pomba gira querida. Peço-te assim, agora, gira, vai mulher, gira a meu favor, gira ao meu favor, trazendo pra mim o X.
Pedindo assim: ar move, fogo transforma, água forma, terra cura e vai girando, e a rocha vai girando. Vai trazer pra mim X de volta o mais rápido possível, louco e muito apaixonado. Que dessa vez ele volte definitivamente pros meus braços e para esta casa.
Que X ame somente a mim, e me faça feliz, me de muito carinho, me de tudo que preciso, que não consiga olhar pra nenhuma outra mulher que não seja eu, que se sinta bem somente ao meu lado, que sinta a minha falta e venha ao meu encontro, e me peça para que eu nunca o abandone. Que X sinta excitação somente por mim, e não consiga mais parar de pensar em nos dois juntos.
Assim seja e assim será. Salve Pomba Gira, toda a outra da falange, salve minha querida Padilha das Almas, minha boa amiga, minha boa e gloriosa princesa, conhece a tua força e o teu poder, te peço assim, atenda o meu pedido.
Que X não durma se não estiver ao meu lado, que o corpo de X queime de desejos por mim. Que X fique cego para outras mulheres, que X não consiga ver ninguém como mulher, que outras mulheres nunca consigam chamar a atenção dele: somente eu terei esse poder. Que X deixe de vez de amar, abraçar, beijar outras mulheres e me assuma de vez no seu coração. Faça que X fique louco somente em ouvir a minha voz, faça X sentir por mim um desejo fora do normal, como nunca sentiu por nenhuma outra mulher e nem haverá de sentir. Salve Maria Padilha das almas, minha boa e gloriosa princesa, pelos exus que acompanham os seus passos rogo e suplico que amarre X somente pra mim.
Agradeço por estar trabalhando a meu favor. Vou divulgar seu nome em troca desse pedido, de trazer X pra mim. Faça que X se torne meu, somente meu, e ainda hoje pense em mim e me procure.
Leia também: Lista de Orações Poderosas: reze uma Oração para acalmar seu Coração
Não conseguirá parar de pensar em mim, não conseguirá ficar longe de mim, pois terá medo de me perder. Como ele já me ama, não será difícil de atender meu pedido, oh dona Padilha das almas, conheço teus feitos e sei que é poderosa para fazer o que te peço.
Que X venha feito uma cobra rastejante, humilde e manso, que venha dizendo que me quer sempre ao seu lado, assim seja e assim será ele me encherá de mimos e presentes. Eu profetizo que X vai vir correndo atrás de mim, louco e apaixonado, o mais rápido possível, pedindo para casar comigo. Confio nas falanges da pomba gira, rainha das almas, cada vez que for lida essa oração mais forte ela se fará.
Estarei publicando esta oração, pedindo que me conceda a graça de trazer de volta pra mim X. Sei que os espíritos da falange da pomba gira já estão soprando o meu nome no ouvido de X, ele estará ouvindo o meu nome de dia e de noite. Ele, daqui mais um pouco, não mais conseguirá comer, beber ou dormir se não estiver comigo, confio no poder das sete encruzilhadas, e vou continuar divulgando esta oração poderosa.
E a família dele não mais vai interferir na vida dele, pois dele agora eu tomo conta, ele vai se dedicar apenas a mim e a ele mesmo. E todos os problemas psicológicos dele vão embora a partir de agora, pra que possamos assim ser felizes para todo sempre.
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