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#Repost @rfg_chosen1 • • • • • • Theres a positive pole of the galaxy, a negative pole of the galaxy, & theres a neutral pole of the galaxy.The neutral pole of the galaxy is the black hole directly in the center.You are a microcosm of the macrocosm.You have 2 seperate pieces of your soul. The "Ka" & the "Ba." The "Ti Bon Ange" & the "Gros Bon Ange." The "Ba" or "Ti Bon Ange" is the positive pole of your soul. The "Ka" or "Gros Bon Ange" is the negative aspect of your soul. You have a Neutral piece of your soul which is the heart chakra.The heart chakra is a black hole vortex in the center of all your chakra points.Your higher 6 chakras rule higher vibrational frequencies, youre lower 6 chakras rule lower vibrational frequencies.At the time of transition, the frequency emissions of your higher & lower chakras will be weighed in your heart chakra.If your consciousness resonates on a higher frequency, your light-consciousness will enter the black hole of your heart chakra, into another reality.If your consciousness resonates on lower frequencies during the time of your transition, your light-consciousness wont be able to enter the black hole in your heart chakra, & youll be forced to enter a new body on this Earth. Your brain also has a positive pole, & negative pole, & a neutral pole, just like the galaxy.The neutral pole of your brain is the pineal gland.Your brain is actually its OWN entity.You are not your brain.Your brain is the organ that decieves your soul into believing this material realm is real. This is why the brain was the only organ that was thrown away during mummifiaction, & this was practiced by the greatest alchemists of all time. #ConsciousOrgoneEnergy #Trapped_ina_PhysicalBody #YourOrgoneHas13EnergyCenters #6PositiveChakras_6NegativeChakras #And_aNeutralChakra #HeartChakra_isTheNeutralBlackHole #TheGreatWeigherOfTheSoul #WellAllBeJudged #BeforeWeLeaveTheseBodies #WellBeDeterminingOurOwnJudgement #ByTheFrequenciesWeCarry #YourAsension_isUpToYou #iCame_intoThisWorldByMySelf #illBeLeaving_ByMySelf #2021_Activate21GramsOfTheSoul #SerpentWisdomOverSaturn #FuckFatherTime #TheHereticsAreBack #ReturnOfTheMuurs #MakeAtlantisGreatAgain #RFG_TheAlchemist https://www.instagram.com/p/CMB1mahj4A715zIU2fz91wVFs9zk7GCJV7Bf4E0/?igshid=1eompwfdjcaal
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