#well...you can tell what it is but it probably didn't hold together very well XD
exsqueezememacaroni · 14 days
Preface: Mike's answers were received as an audio recording and I've transcribed them here to the best of my abilities - he reads the questions out loud, which i don't include. He's jovial and snarky AF in his answers, which might fall a little flat in text. "Source's" followup answers were in text and copy-pasted, they're a lot more sincere. I've decided to post all answers in full...you might be surprised by them and you can take them how you like, but don't shoot the delivery person (me) or the messenger (the Source).
Ok, here they are: question, Mike's answer, Source's answer [my commentary]
whens the mexico tour mike? do you hate mexicans mike?
(joking on that last one ofc xd)
There are a lot of tours happening. You're gonna have to be more specific. A better question is: when will my tacos be ready?
I'll expand on this one. He is very close to signing off on a small tour with one of his bands. He is also trying very hard to find a way to reschedule the one he had to cancel, but the logistics is making it hard. He is trying to keep his touring to 3 weeks out max and 2 months home. Which is hard to do with his bigger band.
do you still have toodles the baby doll, the one you had in 92'-93'? do have any other antique items similar to toodles? if so, what are your favorites?
Wait, we need a visual for this story, hold on [Mike and the Source giggle, I don't know what happens here edit: this probably when the toodles/hippo/pig video was recorded]...let's see, what's next...mmm...yeah....nope...pass
He has a few antique items. Like a shrunken skull and a medical amputation kit from the 1700s.
roddy, somewhat recently like a few months ago, in an instagram live did a qna and someone asked him what he thought about trey and he told a story about him having a ball of straight boogers that he collected his boogers in and i just wanna ask if that is true or not because that is a insane story if it actually did happen
....booger ball? HAHA ok...hmmm? Well where do you put your boogers in huh??? Do you eat them? put 'em in your stomach? [Source: "eww"] That ball sounds pretty good about now, right?hahahahh
Mike knows nothing about this. It doesn't sound to me like something Trey would do now. Who knows what he did when he was younger though.
What does Mike think about his fans?
What do i think about my fans....well...if I'm being honest? I question their mental health...HAHA...sorry...I didn't mean to! [Source: "MIKE!"] I kid, I kid....I'm very grateful...to all ten of them....[chuckle]
He is truly grateful for them. Some also scare him a little.
What was the best prank Mike pulled on tour??
....I would ask Crain or Pearson... [Source has a big laugh]
With Dead Cross. He had arranged for the police to pull over their van while touring in Texas. The officer was a fan and Mike had him "plant" drugs and a gun in the car. Dave knew what was happening but Justin and Mike were freaking out. They were handcuffed and laying in the dirt when they found out it was all a joke.
Who has a nicer butt? Mike or Trevor?
Again, you're gonna have to elaborate on that one....I mean, which Mike? I can't POSSIBLY be expected to answer the question without knowing...hahaha
Mike gets my vote. He has a great butt.
Is there a lyric to a song Mike wrote that was so unhinged that he thought it was better to keep to himself?
Ya, the answer is nope.
So many choices, but he doesn't do regrets. I will tell you that the bullshit he spins about his Faith No More lyrics being random and impersonal, is just that. Bullshit. A good number of those lyrics are highly personal. Furthermore, quite a few of these songs when woven together tell a very personal story. You will NEVER get him to admit this though.
What is Mike's sexual orientation?
Hehe - you wanna take that one [source]? [Source: eehhhuuummmmmmmmm....no...no I'm good]
I feel like if I answer this, there will be a lot of disappointed people. I'll just say he had a wife, he has a girlfriend. You do the math.
Were Mike and Trevor ever a thing?
Sure....in his fucking wet dreams....hahahahah
Yes, they were and are “friends” Seriously though, not that I am aware of, and I've known them both since 1989.
Did mike get a BJ from that groupie he talked about in the making of Angel Dust? Or was it all made up just to troll?
[Mike skips over this one]
I'll answer this one. That was a true story. All of it, including the fact that he did NOT take her up on her offer of giving him a BJ. *He would like to add that he often wonders if that was a mistake and he missed out on some "really good head." He is kidding, of course. When he said he doesn't like groupies, he was being sincere. It gives him the "ick”
since it's time to ask anything: how big is Mike's dick?
Shamefully small....you're like Dora the Explorer on the hunt for it. [Source laughs]
I have ZERO complaints [you might guess the Source's relationship to Mike here]
first and foremost, is mike doing ok? i mean, both mentally and physically.. i just hope he got over all the things that were troubling him and is in a good state right now😭
Wow, ya....um....that's really kind [he truly sounds taken aback by the question] I am doing well. And...um.... I thank you for the support, it's appreciated. Truly, I mean that....ok....I'm done....you do the rest, [source]. [recording ends]
He is doing well. He is taking the advice of his care team and limiting his work. Enjoying life. Moving forward you will find his tours are broken into multi-week sessions followed by some downtime, and projects will be less frequent, but hopefully more satisfying.
is mike currently working on some new music/projects/plans to revive some of the old ones? some upcoming collaborations maybe?
Yes. However he told me I could only give you a very basic answer. He is working on something new, but his priority and focus is on fulfilling the tours he had to postpone or cancel over the past few years. Starting with his “slutty” group. [the slutty group is Tomahawk ;) ]
now for the more personal ones… [the previous two and the next two questions were all from the same anon]
those weren't personal?😂oh boy!
Yeah he isn't going to answer these. But I will try.
what is mike's current relationship with trevor? are they on good terms? do they talk/spend time together still? i think we can all agree that there is kind of an elephant in the room right now regarding their recent interactions (i'm very much looking at you trev)
Things are probably the best they've been since high school. They do live on different coasts and both tend to keep busy, so they don't have time to really "hang" out, but that hasn't really been something that they do since high school. They see each other enough over work and yes, they really do enjoy working together. Especially now that they have both matured some.
is mike still… married?? i need to hear the most elaborate answer for this one because his marriage in particular is a real twilight zone haha
Bless you for asking this! Personally, this subject irks me a bit. So I am glad someone asked, as I would love to set the record straight. Yes, he is still technically married, but only for legal reasons. I cannot give you more details as it would violate someones privacy. However; he and Cristina are not together. He likes to be vague about this, as it
is somewhat of a security blanket for him. Now that he has gone public about his demons, you can probably understand why he likes to keep people at an arms length distance. Especially women. Yes they separated and then reconciled. It didn't work out. Having a significant other that is never around can lead to loneliness and other issues, and they just couldn't make it work. Even so, they still remain friends and live a few blocks away from each other. Romantically, that relationship is dead AF. That does not mean that he is "available" though. He isn't. I promise you he is happy. At least he says he is. He is the love of my life.
[I asked about my gifts for Mike from the Southern US Bungle tour, they DID end up on the bus, the anal hook got passed around and somehow ended up with Dave?!??! Mutherfuckr....anyways, I gave the Source the link to where I got it in case she wanted to get another one for Mike. And as for the socks...]
That was very kind of you and he definitely appreciates the thought and creativity put into these gifts. I have definitely seen the socks with blood dripping. I'll look for the ones with the skull. He did mention to me that he's loves all the socks that fans have given
him. So I am sure he has them. As for the anal hook. Thank you for the link. I'm not sure that man needs any more "gadgets" if you catch my drift.
[I apologized for the "is he still married' question...you all know how I feel about that topic...]
It's okay. Like I said, I honestly don't mind answering that one at all.
I don't mind answering any of these. Look, I think he is hot too. I would be a total hypocrite if I didn't understand the fascination. Which is why I encouraged him to answer these. Plus he is so damn guarded. It's good for him to open up. Baby steps. Answering a few questions won't hurt him or change his life.
What turns him on about a woman or man?
I did try to get him to answer this question seriously… I tried. Instead he started describing me. Except for the end when he added and "Big sweaty hairy balls." Obviously I can't answer this for him, but I can tell you what he has told me what he likes about me… at least the PG version. He always tells me his favorite thing about me is my
kindness and big heart and that I accept him unconditionally. I know, probably not what you were expecting. He also tends to be attracted to women who are creative and successful. That is my own observation from the women he has dated. He also loves dark haired and dark eyed women, with a wicked sense or humor. He is also definitely an "ass" man. As for men, I have never heard him honestly mention being attracted to one, other than when he was joking around.
[to me, and I decided to include...] I know you all like to fantasize that he has gay tendencies. So if you prefer to keep this answer quiet I completely understand. But I can assure you, he is not keeping his gay side closeted or anything. We are very open minded as a couple and believe me, if he wanted to experiment. He could have.
What's his favourite fragrance?
Currently it's Burberry Touch. He also likes Montblanc Legend.
[I interject: *me again - actually there's a lot of chat around what fragrance mike wears….people really like
it….if he wants to share the internet would be forever grateful]
I understand. He smells amazing. Scents are a big thing with him.
Is Mike really into the BDSM community or is it all stage acting?
I did say we are a very open minded couple. Plus the man is an Aquarius.
That's that on that, folks. There were a couple of questions that have come in since these, I haven't sent them in yet, hoping to get a few more in so I can send a block of 'em. The Source says we're still welcome to ask, but she can't promise anything more from Mike. I personally want you all to know the interactions I've had with the Source have all been very sweet. It really does sound like she wants Mike to start be more comfortable out there in the world again, and so I want you all to love and support them both with all your bits.
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bugs1nmybrain · 10 months
Have you heard the song “give your heart a break” by Demi Lovato imagine that as a cute love story for Shigaraki with the female reader?
(I was thinking about just using the song as a story title and then use your imagination and get creative with whatever you choose and just have fun with it?😅)
Give Your Heart a Break - a soft Tomura Shigaraki x fem!reader series
CHAPTER 1 (Minors Don't Interact)
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You can read Chapter 2 here.
Notes: You asked for a love story, and you're getting a love story XD. I plan for this to be a continuing series. No overarching goal with this series, just a sweet story about how Shigaraki fell hard for the reader. It will be messy! Shigaraki is not a healthy guy and would be a vile boyfriend, but I will make this as fluffy as possible. Underneath all that homicidal rage is just a boy who was never loved. This is admittedly a very, "I can fix him," kind of story lmao.
Summary: First encounter between Shigaraki and the reader. The whole chapter is literally Shiggy freaking out in GameStop because you walked in and you're so pretty and he wants to talk to you but doesn't know how.
Warnings will come and go as each chapter comes out.
Warnings: The canon of BNHA is altered; quirks still exist but Shigaraki is more of a domestic gang leader than a domestic terrorist lmao. NSFW (no sex in this chapter), Shigaraki is a creep, fluff, blue-haired Shigaraki (season 4ish), CHEESY, Shigaraki hears voices and has very loud intrusive thoughts (they are highlighted in blue and red), POV swings, CLIFFHANGER
Notes about Reader's Appearance and Personality: HEAVILY based off of me. She's shy and polite up front but silly and vulgar with people close to her. She is short and a little thicc. Alternative clothing style and she's messy looking. She is a gamer! She is insinuated to be Shigaraki's age (20), maybe even older. She likes anime! She has crooked teeth.
Tomura wasn't unlike other 20-year-old men in that he found himself checking out girls from time to time. He usually didn't do more than look in his peripheral vision, actually, love and romance and even sex were all things Tomura wasn't acquainted with. There's no way someone so twisted could ever be loved.
Tomura loved giving off the impression that he needed nobody. Even in the League, he isolated a lot while the other members would be doing something together. He'd retreat to his own room and play games or plan out operations, but sometimes he'd retreat so that he could cuddle up with his favorite body pillow and just lay there.
He'd probably kill anyone who ever found out about it, but he was starving for love. To be touched, held, kissed. For someone to play with his hair and be comfortable around him. Everyone's so afraid of him, and that's a good thing! However, sometimes he just wished he had someone, just ONE person who wanted his company. Someone to listen to him rant for hours about how much he hates heroes, someone to play games with, someone to make love to, or someone to just hold for comfort when he was stressed.
He'd commit mass genocide if anyone knew he'd had imaginary girlfriends.
Now, a big scary bad guy like Tomura could get a girlfriend, right?? Just use those scare tactics, hold her by the throat with one finger up, and tell her she has no option but to love him. Steal her, hide her, keep her to himself? Sure, the fantasy was a little hot to him, and he could so easily do it. Tomura didn't want that though. As possessive as he is, he wanted to be loved. Not feared. He's feared plenty.
He'd kill if anyone knew how much pain he's in every time he sees a cute couple walk into GameStop. It pisses him off so bad. Why can't he have that?
"Well, doi, Shigaraki. You're a murderer, a psychopath, and a villain. Just one touch and it's over. What girl is going to want your hands all over her?"
Shigaraki was currently at GameStop looking for a video game he'd been wanting to play. He picked the game and came up with a few fingers, turning it the other way around to read the details. As he was reading, he heard a ding from the door, meaning someone was entering the store. Shigaraki always looked when it went off because he could never be too sure that some hero bounty hadn't tracked him down. He looked over to the door, expecting it to be nothing special.
Whatever Tomura was feeling right now started in his eyes. Goodness, you were so...colorful. Not even! It was funny, considering you were wearing mostly black. However, your pretty hair that was put up in pigtails and your sharp black eyeliner made you stand out like a sore thumb.
You were little, too. Tomura looked in comparison as you stood at the door, seeing that you were only around the 5' mark on the height scale.
The feeling started going to his brain now. You stepped closer and closer to the store, your pumped boots making you seem all big (even tho ur're small), bad, and mysterious. He worried you were going to walk over to his area, but you made a beeline toward the anime section.
"Hehe weeb."
Tomura didn't want to stand out, so he just stayed put, looking at games he was never going to play. He didn't even read the labels, he merely pretended to so he could observe you. He saw the other losers in the store eyeball you, too. That made him wanna kill them for some reason. He wanted to get a proper look at you, but he didn't want you to know that he was blatantly creeping on you. Even if he just looked at you, you'd probably leave the store like that. After all, he was wearing a black hoodie and the parts of his face that were visible were his rather creepy features. He'd scare you off.
He's planned some pretty crazy missions before, surely he could gather intel on you in your short time in GameStop, right?
He wanted a better look at you, so he switched from the PS area to the T-shirts. He even pretended to do a little "aha" at the shirts to make it seem like he wasn't purposely there so he could see you better. When he could get a solid look, though, he instantly needed to know everything about you.
Goodness, he's a simp, huh? You were just so goshdarn cute. Sure, he saw gothic and alt girls around the mall all the time. You looked a bit silly, though. Your makeup wasn't bad, but it was messy. Your hair could probably use some brushing too. You held a phone that had a case of some anime guy, though he didn't know which one.
"Hehe weeb."
Fuck, you were heading his way. He didn't know if he should leave before you were near him or just stay. You kept your distance anyway, as you were standing very far off to the side. Surely, you weren't able to get a good look at the shirts. He stepped back, hoping that you'd be able to tell he was giving you room. You smiled and said, "thank you," going to step forward.
Now the feeling was going to his nuts.
Now that you were in front of him, he got a nice view of the back of you. Not only could he see up close how small you really were, but he got a great view of your more intimate areas. He could tell from your skirt that you had wide hips and thick thighs, which made him pop a tiny smirk while you weren't looking.
"Grab her."
Oh, come on, not now.
Stupid fucking voices. Though, they had a point. She's small and seems polite enough to manipulate. She's thick but probably isn't that heavy in the grand scheme of things. Alone. And she ain't getting nowhere in those shoes.
While his voice distracted him, you had managed to end up at the registrar with a t-shirt in your hand. Tomura didn't really think as he bolted over behind you, he wasn't ready for you to leave. He already had his game that he had to buy so it wasn't like he was in line for no reason.
The feeling started going into his blood. He felt hot, and it was because of the stupid cashier making jokes with you and being friendly. Your laugh. He could tell it was fake, but you were so warm?
"Pet her hair."
Wow, ok, Tomura thought. Sometimes they'd say very bizarre things. Voices were confusing because he could never tell if they were deep-seated desires of his or if his brain just purposely wanted to fuck him over.
She started to pull out her wallet to pay but ended up dropping something. It landed right at Tomura's feet, so he bent down to grab it. A debit card!
"I'm sorry," you laugh nervously.
Tomura made sure to read your name intently before handing it back to you.
"No worries, hah. Guess I got to be somebody's hero today," he joked. Fuck. That was a bad joke wasn't it?
"That'd be the first time a hero has done anything helpful for me, then, haha."
"That was a jab at heroes, wasn't it?" He thought. Now the feeling was in his chest. Maybe he's running with too little information but that sounded like an "I hate heroes," joke. Oh, now he's really got to know you.
"Yeah, maybe if they got off all those stacks they make they'd actually save a life, huh?"
"Hehe! You get it!"
You were smiling at him. And laughing. But not the fake laugh you gave the cashier. Your cheeks also flushed up as you giggled at his insult to hero society and he even got to see your teeth. Crooked, like his. He felt paralyzed, being able to look at you without sneaking it this time.
"I like your hair," you said to him.
Shit. He didn't even notice his hoodie fell off when he grabbed your card. Hopefully, the shopkeeper didn't know what "Shigaraki" was supposed to look like.
"I don't see many guys with blue hair like yours."
His eyes lit up when you said that. He may have even felt a small blush creep on his cheeks. Tomura knew he had an ugly face, one that made people whisper and steadily move away from him. But you complimented his hair instead of getting creeped out by him. "Really?"
"Yea. I like it a lot. Most people go for dark blue, but your color is prettier."
He could swear that he can see you flustered. Is he making you blush? He didn't even do anything but have blue hair.
"Sorry, that was weird," you stammer, realizing that the word "pretty" could've offended him.
"Oh, no. You're fine! I like your hair too, the way you styled it is cute," he beams, hoping to earn some flirting points. You flashed him an adorable smile back, so he must've struck a chord.
"Ma'am, I don't mean to interrupt, but there's a line," the cashier says, getting your attention.
"Oh, right."
The way your voice shot down maybe two octaves was so funny to Tomura. You were so bubbly and flustered with him and yet so dry and indifferent with this guy. You were so interesting already. It's a good thing he made sure to remember the name on that card. Your name fits you so well, too.
You paid for your shirt and started leaving the store. Fuck, no! He didn't want you to go just yet.
"Stop her."
"Grab her."
"Tell her she's hot."
"jesus christ shut the fuck up!" Tomura mutters to himself as quiet as he could. He was trying so hard to think of how to get your attention again, but before he could, you had already been no where to be found.
"Stupid short bitch, I'll find you."
He may have thought of that one voluntarily.
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littlesislovesyou · 2 days
That's good to hear...and would me boldly groping and holding you close to me in public turned that good into a great? ; p but you're right it is a shame...I'll find the right mall next time though promise~ 🤭🔪 And yeah I feel you on that. That's pretty much how I was when we met via asks and the only breaks I got were literally when my brain and body refused to rest and work lunch breaks. But otherwise my energy could not be lower lmaoooo I fear we're running on horny adrenaline fumes when we tease each other and we'll just end up cuddling up together and having you cockwarm me while we watch something together...but I'm sorry to hear you're exhausted and I'm sure work didn't help 😭 wish we could get more free time so we can relax more often and we can maybe talk more that way too <3333 And I get ya days off help but energy's not been able to recharge with just that...awww that's so sweet hun! I've been thinking about you throughout my work time as well 💗💗💗💗
I wonder what you were thinking about me though...and oooh I wondered why the name of band sounded so familiar lmaooooo after my cousin was born and I'd spent my free time from school to babysit and spend time with him. He'd have that music constantly playing...I think when he grew older he never forgot a specific song that looped all the time and is still in my head to this day lol think it was called stressed out or that was the lyric I remember outside of wishing we can turn back time! And hey nothing with what you like. Emo teen phase or no. Sometimes you can't help when something is good or when you just can't get enough of it lol I hope you enjoy it! Do tell me about it 🖤
Yeah I can't control it rn unfortunately but I'll have to with micro managing class work and normal work ontop of getting time to destress and relax XD ty though I appreciate that and I'm glad that makes you happy. You just generally brighten up my day when we get to talk. Whether we're teasing each other or just talking about whatever comes to mind! <3333
I'm happy to hear that and I enjoy your company more~ 💕
Wouldn't have it any other way either sweet girl 💗
Yeah well the weird emo teen phase as you'd call it is definitely something that I constantly run into when YouTube recommends me music mixed with old classic music from my family lol
I don't keep up with celebrity music and rap constantly or at all though. Not really alot of time to go searching for music of interest...I just kinda let YouTube hit me with em randomly and I check them out of curiosity.
I remembered skillet and thousand year door recently so that's fun LMAOOO
Nothing special though we all like what we what right? And that's all that matters 😅 not gonna judge other people for what they're into or what music they like when my brain exists lol
You know I am very curious to see if you accidentally forget to turn anon on accidentally;) I wouldn’t even post it though unless you’d want me too but I know it happens and I am just curious!! Hhh 🥺 sorry I’ve been smoking a little tonight or well honestly a lot but idk if I’m making sense hhh 🖤🖤
You know I’m really glad we can talk as well<3 I really enjoy your company!
I hope your day was well though at least, and I hope you rest well tonight💕 sending you good vibes my lovely stalker mutual ~ ! 🥺 hehe
You know I totally understand, if I’m not home I’m probably at work and if I’m at work I probably don’t stop if only for a little while so my energy is always just gone anymore, i mean you already know I will consistently fr read your asks you send and watch out for them all the time<3 as soon as I see you’ve sent one I read it like hhhh you definitely have me addicted and obsessed with you 🖤🖤
And hey I mean I’ve found a lot of my music through just letting YouTube play it comes in handy!
I love music, there’s really just some beautiful songs out there and just talented people it’s crazy hhh
;’( hhh I probably sound like a dumb bimbo half the time on these, I mean not that I don’t like that, but I don’t know, I mean I know I do heh, your dumb bimbo of course<3333
I appreciate you though understanding and just again for checking in on me💗 I appreciate that a lot
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
Okay, so, uhm. I really loved the story you wrote about Desire during family dinner, and I was having an idea. It's a bit long, sorry!
The Reader is dating Desire (who gave a fake name), and has no idea they aren't human. But Big!Brother!Dream upon learning that, decides to warn the Reader against his sibling, except... All the omens he sends are super ominous and cryptic.
And Reader grows worried and never dare to telle anyone because it feels no one will believe them, but eventually Desire notices something is wrong, and Reader admits that they feel the weirdest things are happening. Like, they have bizarre and disturbing dreams of a tall shadow whispering to be wary of Epithumia (but the Reader doesn't know it's their lover's name. xD), they are followed around by ravens, feel like they are being watched while in bed, and other equally ridiculous things ("How come there is sand on my floor?!")...
And of course, Desire isn't happy that their brother is trying to get in the way of their relationship with the Reader.
Kay~ mini fic
Its Just A Dream
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When Desire started dating you they went by a fake name (you can decide) so you won't know who they were since they wanted to keep you safe.
Everything was going well, you grew to love Desire more and more over the time you two spent together. However, you were still ignorant to the fact that the person you are dating is not mortal and also a very powerful being. they never shared that with you even as you both grew closer.
However, one day Desire's sibling, Dream found out you fell in love with his sibling and he didn't want you with them because Dream believed you were being used by Desire to probably get to him. oh, how wrong he was.
Dream would wait until you were alone and finally going to sleep in order to send you omens. it was confusing and very scary to you. this happened for a long time and it caused you to be somewhat distant from Desire because you didn't know what they meant.
One day Desire visit you and told you to go for a walk through the park to which you agree and as you walked with them you kept looking down trying to figure it out. "love you seem distant lately what's wrong?" they would ask.
you look up at them sadly "I'm sorry it's just- I don't understand these dreams that i have been getting worse and its hard to sleep sometimes love." Desire already knew where it was coming from and who was doing that and their anger kindled slowly.
"don't worry love it is just a dream and if you like i can stay with you until you fall asleep." you nod smiling holding their hand.
later that night when you do fall asleep Desire went to face dream right before he had time to bother you with another "bad" omen. "Dream It is I Desire, I stand in my gallery holding your sigil will you talk to me" Desire didn't even bother to see if it was okay to enter their big brother's realm and their anger was shown.
"how dare you give y/n nightmares and such because you can't handle the fact that i actually found someone that loves me and i love them." "you think you love them but you're using them to meddle in our affairs"
Desire scoffs and looked at their older brother "You think to highly of yourself i care nothing about your affairs and even if i did i would not use the only thing that is worth something in order to get to you or anyone of my siblings. I warn you now sweet dream if you cross me in any way I will not hesitate to take action."
Dream was shocked and caught off guard but they did back off for some odd reason Dream believed everything Desire said and watched Them turn and leave his realm.
ever since that warning, You were having good dreams once more and Desire was always with you. Maybe one day Desire will tell you who they were.
Taglist: @justaproudslytherpuff , @sherazyjade , @the-masked-scorpio , @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 , @happilydangerousworld , @harlekin6 , @supermegapauselouca
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stoookes · 4 months
Oh, Omegaverse chapter 4 was a total treat!!! My heart broke for Stu, poor thing, pretending to be someone he's not 😭💔 But three cheers for Ali for realising how uncomfortable Stu is and doing everything in his power to find out why, and being kind to him. Also, Jimmy, babe, be a bit more sensitive please? And listen to Ali. He gets the right idea more often than you do! XD
And then Tim's introduction!! Brendon threatening Stu, Stu getting his first proper whiff of an alpha scent and his biology betraying him ahhhh 😭 that scene was so well written! And I definitely let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding when none of the English alphas were able to find out Tim's secret.
Also, ngl when I saw Stu/Kev as a ship, I went ??? But that part was excellent! I loved Stu not being sure of himself throughout, and struggling with his omega inclinations. The scene was very well done, the dubious consent really came through, and it was just wrong enough to make it feel right, if you get what I mean. Also ugh, Kevin promising that next time he'd be the one filling Stu up... yuck please no don't put stu through that! 😭😭
And then Virat's introduction!!!! I love Stu being protective of Virat right off the bat, even though he's never met him, and feeling a kinship with him. I also love how Virat's causing an inner turmoil in Stu, about how beneficial it would be to reveal his second gender. And then Virat causing a stir among the English alphas... 🫣🫣 I'm scared for him now, espo with Kev around. Although let's be honest, if any omega could keep Kev in check and have him wrapped around their little finger, it's Virat. He's coy enough to pull it off, and I'm confident he can handle himself even if it's Kev he's dealing with. He'd turn the tables on Kev's claim of omegas doing as they're told alright! Makes me wonder, are we gonna get some Virat/Kev action next chap? 🫣 Also, thank you for the little morsel that Stuart notices even Jimmy was in on the conversations about Virat, speculating about the date of his debut and how soon they'd play him. As a Virat/Jimmy enthusiast, I appreciate that nugget! 😉 Ahhh, now I want to see the scene of Virat's first match against England, every alpha being lewd with him, and Stu trying to keep him away from all that as best as he can, but Virat also holding his own and letting them know he can't be pushed around so easily.
Awww yay! I’m SO glad you enjoyed it 🥰🥰🥰
So, as mentioned, Freddie has given Ali a nudge to go be muma bear with Stuart because he obvs knows Stu is avoiding them all because they hang together and Stu is trying to avoid Freddie. And we all know Ali, he’s certainly not letting this go (he’ll get Jimmy to play nice).
Tim was another thing that wasn’t ever originally planned but then had to come in due to timelines. I like that Tim is there, playing as omega, but scenting because this still gives us VK as the first open OPENLY playing omega, as has always been planned (plus there’s a whole bit about how BCCI feel of NZC bringing in an omega which will be in VK’s fic). Brendon ofc would be so damn protective of any omega because Brendon 🥰 and I love how Brendon thinks Stuart reacts to his scent badly because, as alpha, it should smell bad to him, when really it’s having the direct opposite affect. It makes me so happy you think that was well written 🥹
It’s interesting that KP/Stu doing something together didn’t feel on the radar, considering how close they are and so how any changes to Stu’s behaviour was going to be noticed. It certainly does make sense what you mean and that balance of feeling wrong but right is exactly what I was striving for so I’m glad that came across!
I did tell you all VK was coming! 😂 And here he is! I certainly wouldn’t worry about our little firecracker; he may be unbonded right now but he certainly knows how to hold his own around omegas. KP should probably just stay away… 😂
Thank you so much for the comment! Absolutely makes my day to receive them 🥰 Next chapter hopefully coming soon!
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lavenoon · 2 years
Hello! Just read the newest alt reveals post and omg. ok, ok, ok, but like the first one with Sun just stayed with me so much, because the fact that in this version y/n isn't as close with both of them as they are in the main verse makes it so tense! Like sure their rivalry is important and they can be little bastards together XD and y/n likes Moon, but Sun isn't as playful and didn't get to be the sweet neighbor and Moon didn't appear as a approachable as a tenant and didn't get the playful banter. Like I wonder what Sun would do if he learned that Robin really did think he was aiming for their position and the whole dynamic now is taking them so much by surprise. Because now Sun can be sweet and not hold them at an arms length, but that kind of whiplash would be hard for y/n to get used to. Ironically enough, it seems it would be a bit harder for Sun in this scenario to get closer, because now they have a good reason for Moon to let himself be known, something y/n wanted, and they can start more of that playfulness, but I see Robin having a lot more trouble changing course with Sun, and dropping all the walls they made, because maybe deep down they wanted him to at least like them, but kept telling themself that wasn’t the case at all. Lots of frustration and feelings and trying not to let Sun see them working through them all. But he probably would anyways haha!
So first of all, I want to link to the now posted tidbits - because there's some relevant lines in there.
So Sun is VERY aware that he has an uphill battle to win here, but hey, that's fine, he's determined! And, frankly, he's been fighting that battle since he scared Robin out of that banterful rivalry and into a more serious, tense one. The fact that they're now also neighbors and he gets to show sides of him that aren't aligned with what he projects as secret agent actually makes it a less uphill battle. It may give Y/N mental whiplash at first, but he'll make sure they get used to it, and learn to trust that part if him (too).
He does try not to let it get to him that Y/N and Moon seem much much closer much sooner - even as rivals, Moon is still just a menace and gets that lighthearted bickering, rather than actual suspicion.
Moon may actually help him, just a bit - subtly. Brings up stories that are maybe embarrassing for Sun, things he wouldn't tell Y/N for his pride's sake - but Moon doesn't have that issue. "He insisted on buying the goodies for your gift basket himself. I was supposed to be in rest mode, instead I had to help him decide whether to get the chocolate cereal bars or the fruit ones." "... I got both." "Yeah." (in a very tired and resigned to his fate kind of tone). Anything that makes Y/N laugh, and maybe see their og rival in a slightly different light - he is kinda silly, he's just a really good agent, too, and that's what they've got to see until then
Certain stories may also make it click that his concern always was genuine - the little "You look tired, sweetheart"s undercover (they thought he was playing his role), the "I can hardly follow our person of interest into a café, I'm an animatronic. You go, and don't forget to order something to drink, to make it believable"s (they thought he insisted on telling them how to do their job), all those little moments that suddenly get a second meaning.
And then Sun does the neighborly thing (since Moon already set the precedent) and brings over food - like the tradition to gift salt and bread when someone moves! Completely backwards since Sun and Moon were the ones moving in and Y/N does point that out - but he just shrugs and goes "Well, what would we do with bread and salt?" and they can hardly argue
Y/N: Is this poisoned?
Sun: *offended gasp* I'm appalled, you'd think that of me?
Y/N: We are rivals. And neighbors. Seems kind of obvious.
Sun: That's why I'm offended, darling. You really think I'm that uncreative? You haven't been eating enough, anyway, and we have that high stakes mission next week, I want you in top form.
Y/N: You are so weird.
(But they do take the bread. It's good bread.) (Despite their accusation, they do see this for what it is - an attempt to mend a bridge in the clumsiest/ most obvious way, with his only saving grace being his projected confidence.)
And if they ever had that talk about their rivalry and Robin's expectations?
Robin: I just thought you were aiming for my spot. I worked hard to get where I am, I couldn't just let a rookie outdo my like that.
Dawn: My precious, precious little rival. I like my position, exactly where I am.
Y/N: Yeah? And where is that?
Dawn: Next to you.
And he is - now that they pay attention to it. He doesn't try to keep them in his shadow, and he also doesn't stay in theirs - he wants them, and he wants as much of them as he gets, without any "Oh no but we can't, they deserve better, I shouldn't -" No.
Both in canon and in reverse, Post-reveal Sun gets greedy. He has no issues about sharing with Moon, because that's what they've always done, but beyond that he's only giving towards some select few, and he "selected"/ chose Y/N. He had to accept the futility of his choice before, assuming the rules they work with prevent them from ever really getting anywhere, but when that argument becomes moot?
He doesn't care how long it'll take - he'll work to earn Y/N's trust (trust they want to give), and he'll gladly wait for them.
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Blackie x Reader || Headcanons
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Imagine: The café trying to get you and Blackie together.
Warnings: Meddling?
Its a very absurd experience, having a café ship you and meddle in your personal life XD That's for sure.
But as soon as you walked into the café for the first time it was like it knew something you didn't. Nor did, apparently, the proprietor.
You and Blackie clicked immediately, became really good friends. It was like you were 'soulmates', - not that he believed in that. Or, at least, that he would have one, - , just... platonic ones. This wasn't good enough for the café though 😅 Uh uh.
The café is like an overbearing mother in this instance towards Blackie- they have been together for so long, the café has watched him be so lonely his entire life (Probably. I don't actually know how the café came to be. Which came first? Blackie or the Café? Dunno), and now here comes you... a sweet thing who actually laughs at his jokes instead of getting offended or uncomfortable, and it thinks (Well, as much as a sentient building can think)... ah. We cant let this one get away.
Like stated in This Post, the Café gets very very sad when/if you and Blackie have a disagreement or fight. It gets darker in there, and colder. The music shuts off entirely. And it'll stay that way, stubbornly, until one of you sucks up your pride and apologises. Then you get cake. Which you are to eat together, while the place warms up again.
The café may even go so far as to lock you two in the same room until you talk to each other (Nicely). It does not want you to leave and it will do what it can to prevent it, if at all possible. So if that means forcing you two to look at each other for hours then goddamn so be it!
There are plenty of hijinks when you two are getting along, though, too (Which is most, if not all of the time).
The café has been known to...
Tilt a booth when you sit down next to Blackie so you end up squished together or worse- on his lap.
Make Blackie's coat appear on the bench next to you if you mention you're cold (Even if it was on him a second ago. Like, the café literally snatched it from him). Like, there you go! What do you mean you cant wear that? Put it on. Its warm.
Show Blackie you on the TV screen at specific moments. Like when you're sad (Like, telling him to go help or so help me- ), when you are giving in and pulling on his coat, when you're being particularly cute (Humming while washing the dishes, sat on the bench in the bathroom and reading with your legs swinging as they hang off the sink, etc), when you're being made uncomfortable by someone (Like, again- a very unsubtle demand to go help them.), etc.
Sometimes 'mix up' your laundry with each other's. You just pick up your basket to start folding, find his button up shirts instead of your uniform, sigh and go to find Blackire and he's already there with your actual basket, sighing.
Blackie: *Heavy sigh* ... I don't think these would exactly suit me.
Y/N: These aren't really my style, either. Oh I have an idea- Swap?
Blackie: Fabulous idea-
Y/N: Yeah-
You and Blackie are both fully aware of what the café is trying to do. In fact, so are Frank and Fae. You all find it pretty amusing, and you and Blackie don't mind playing along sometimes. Because why not? You're friends! You don't mind stealing his coat, and he'll definitely be there when you're sad or being made uncomfortable.
(Imagine being the café, here. How infuriating XDD Like no, no. I'm not trying to make you better friends!?? Kiss!)
Other instances when you and Blackie play along (And *cough* maybe develop some awkward, not-to-be-spoken-of, slightly non-platonic feelings):
One time (Or a couple times) after Fae and Frank went to bed for the night the café stated playing slow music- very much suggesting the two of you dance together. Blackie just smirked and turned to you, holding his hand out and you were like oh what a gentleman. i don't mind if i do. Very silly, but very nice ^^
When Blackie's narrating something?? He said something about love once- and the café actually put a spotlight on you!! 😂😂😂 You were sitting there hunched over a cup, so you just gave a wink and a finger gun.
Blackie (Ep4S1, The Heart of the Mystery): But maybe the final truth lies in an old saying- Those that love, love forever.
The Café: *Flashes a yellow light just above Y/N pointedly, who's pouring far-too-many sugar packers into their coffee*
Y/N: ... oh, you bet. *Wink. Finger gun. Tears open another packet of sugar and returns to their abomination*
You actually pretended to be a couple once and the café was in such good spirits the rest of the day XDD You were being flirted at by a creepy customer and you had already told this guy you were not into it, you had not even smiled at all at thus man the entire time he had been sitting next to you- but he was not getting the idea. So you just... said you were sleeping with proprietor. It was the first thing that came to mind! And it sure did scare the bastard off when Blackie (who lives for drama) came over, pecked your cheek and continued to sit and flirt with you/chat with the dude with you for minutes.
Guy: Darlin you are sweet as sugar. I was wonderin- if you were gonna be in town fer a couple days, maybe we could hit up an eatery a tad nicer then this one, together? Say, Friday?-
Y/N: Mmm, you know... as tempting as that sounds... *Looking around for an excuse, catches sight of Blackie counting cash down by the register* ... I'm taken.
Cafe: *Subtly gets brighter, and warmer*
Guy: Wha-
Y/N: Yeah. I'm um. Having an affair with the boss already, so...
Blackie, who was of course eaves dropping: *Perks up, raises an eyebrow* Hm?
Guy: I, uh-
Y/N: *Communicating desperately I'm uncomfortable. Please do this for me through your eyes*
Blackie: ... *Not missing a beat, still flipping through a handful of bills* Sweetheart, I told you- thats just between you and me, and the back room.
Guy: ... I- I gotta go-
If you did actually get together one day--
Oh my goodness the café would be thrilled XD
The coffee has never tasted better, the muffins have never come out fluffier, the soup has never been so tasty.
Already your stuff has been moved into Blackie's room (OH you wanted to stay in your room alone?? Ha ha no.).
And just... please don't break up 😅😅 the cafes heart will be broken.
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year
hiii hiii i am back (on my searching for opla oc crumbs voyage bc my exam-taking ass needs to live through y’all rn), and again i would like to screech abt Sun bc umm?? how could you give her so much pain?? also i need to know more abt her power?? like what does the sairen sairen no mi do and is it the fruit that gave Sun her full name or is it just a coincidence since it sounds very much like siren (if that was intentional i would like to steal your brain for naming oc purposes thank you /j); pls and thank you and i hope you feel better soon!! (if you’re still feeling under the weather that is..?)
Oh babe you can come here for crumbs anytime, it be keeping the hyperfixation going 🤩
I hope you're doing well aside from the exam taking. I'm actually alright, even though rn I am feeling more under the uterus than the weather 😂
Let's preface today's deep dive by me reassuring you that you do not - not - wanna be me when it comes to naming OCs. Literally, for like the first week her name was "either Lya or Sun", followed by a few days of her being "probably Sun but WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO ABOUT HER LAST NAME???" 🤣
And THEN as I proceeded to look for her special power was when it all came together -
I knew I didn't want to give her a Haki (mostly because she is a Shanks!OC and he already is The Conquerer's Haki Dude), so devil fruit it was. I spent a day or so going up and down and back up the list of known devil fruits and didn't find a single one that tickled my pickle. But - like so many times over the past weeks - it was @bravelittleflower to the rescue, because she pointed me to the mythical zoan devil fruits who basically turn people who eat them into mythical creatures and I decided that "fuck it, Imma just make my own"
By that time I had already gotten it in my head that I wanted "Lya or Sun Whatever-The-Hell-her-name-is" to be a more feminine, sensual character (maybe because Nami, at least in the beginning, was a little too Not Like The Other Girls for my taste ^^'), so sth of the nymph/dryad/mermaid/siren variety seemed like an obvious choice.
Google translate told me the Japanese word for siren was "sairen", making her fruit the Sairen Sairen No Mi and my brain just took the jump from there to "Sun the Siren / Sairen Sun" and since I still hadn't found a last name I liked, I thought a moniker that was actually given to her in the brothel at Shells Town would be a great place holder. It also makes for a pretty great pirate name tbh. ^^
(she has a last name btw, a last name we will learn later on and it comes with ✨drama✨ attached)
When we start the story, Sun doesn't know who gave her the fruit and she isn't really all that clear on the true magnitude of her powers. When we meet her, she simply has to touch men (and probably some women, too 😏) and tell them what she wants them to do.
(that did come in handy when teenage!Sun was looking to avoid chores at the bar or when harbour whore Sun left the less savory clients with the distinct impression that putting their hands on themselves rather than her would be the height of extasy 😈)
Her power doesn't work in active fight situations, which is why she is also able to hold her own with knives (although Zoro sees a lot of room for improvement and - much to Sanji's dismay - takes it upon himself to train her xD).
Maybe it's also her power that makes it easy for her to make friendships (one of the reasons Nami doesn’t like her at first is a kind of envy at how easy it is for Sun to fit in with this new group of people while she has to keep her distance). It could be that it makes people more open to her, but it's actually sth that makes her less self assured rather than more, because there is always that little bit of doubt about wether people care about her or if it's just her power at play.
I am also looking to expand on her powers as the story progresses (one version of the "Sun and Shanks reunite" ideas especially has great potential for Shanks trying to teach her to really tap into her ability).
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"And how exactly do I do that?" - "You use it on me." 🥵
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udaberriwrites · 2 years
Annie! I'm baaaack! For this third ask...
Tell me about Hades - specifically, Hades, Dusa, and Persephone!
1: sexuality headcanon
She's canonically ace, which was great! I headcanon her as heteroromantic as well :D
2: otp
My girl is in a QPR with Zagreus and living her best life 😎
3: brotp
With Megaera! As I said before their friendship make sense to me. Meg's direct approach and self-confidence would likely register as safe for Dusa, especially because she'd know that Meg doesn't suffer fools lightly, so if she chooses to hang out it's because Dusa is worth it.
4: notp
I don't outright hate any ship, but there are none that call me either -- see 2.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
She has a little cubicle up in the rafters where no one else can find her if she needs a few minutes to herself. It is lovingly decorated and very cozy.
6: favorite line from this character
"Friends, for all eternity."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
How adamant she is about earning what she has when it comes to her work; her dedication is admirable.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Being unable to hold a long conversation with Zagreus without fleeing... I just wanna give you nectar and be your friend T-T
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinammon Roll in Chief at the House of Hades, it says so in the administrative chambers somewhere.
1: sexuality headcanon
I jus can't see any of the Greek gods as portrayed in Hades caring all that much about gender and sexuality as mortals understand it.
2: otp
Probably a romantic relationship with Persephone and a QPR with Nyx. But Hades/Nyx/Persephone is great, as is Nyx/Persephone with Hades as their supportive bff.
3: brotp
With Charon, on account of him being the only deity that isn't constantly trying his patience. Also, with Cerberus, because he's the bestest boy.
4: notp
Zagreus and Melinoë. I know,Greek myth didn't shy away from that at all, but the game makes a point of having Zagreus not be his own uncle AND great-uncle so... let's keep it that way xD
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He keeps snacks on one of the drawers on his desk and waits until no one is looking to indulge. It is the worst kept secret in the house (Hypnos regularly pilfers some whenever Hades leaves)
6: favorite line from this character
"Be still. These waters... teeming with Poseidon's river denizens. That one there, before me... it's been taunting me, I think, for quite some time." <-- Inner dork alert
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Going in to work is hard sometimes xD
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Him losing repeteadly to his son... until you unlock Extremer Measures 😵
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Probably more problematic fave than cinammon roll. He's not winning any "Father of the eon" awards,that's for certain.
1: sexuality headcanon
Same as Hades, gender is very much not a factor when it comes to attraction (she still enjoys peeking at Achilles' pectorals from the corner of her eye, she isn't blind, thank you very much)
2: otp
Same as before, any Hades/Nyx/Persephone combination is awesome.
3: brotp
With Nyx and/or Hades if not romantic. Also, with Hypnos, because the house can really use someone who's able to lift everyone's spirits and she finds him funny.
4: notp
Again, with Zagreus or Melinoë, they are her kids after all.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Skelly was Demeter's lover and thus her father. After dying, he made a pact so he could keep watch over his godly family.
6: favorite line from this character
"My heart soars, knowing you live. Then it breaks, that our time together was so brief." ☹️
7: one way in which I relate to this character
She's getting the whole family back together or so help her--!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Did she and Zagreus talk or just stare at each other in awestruck silence for literal hours in some of those cutscenes??
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Has people fooled into believing she's the cinammon roll of the triad. She raises more hell than the other two combined.
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Poor girl :((
I understand both sides but you need her consent
Yep, it's coming back xd
Aww Morgan you're really good at this!
But also how much knowledge you have with this is sus and that's sad okay :(((
I think we might be hearing about that in the future :((
Oh gosh girl is going through it 😭😭 it didn't work too?? Gosh D:
Glassman just like: okay here we go" as soon as he steps out of the elevator xD
Well now I wanna know if he can genuinely juggle xD
Hmm idk if Glassman likes that xD I mean he seemed a little disapproving in the promo sooo? Idk
Oof yeah I thought she wasn't gonna like it
Ahhh to tell her himself
I mean alright slay lol
That might have consequences though lol
Ahh okay yeah, you wouldn't know if she would know her wishes or whatever
Aww hopefully they can still have kids :( as long as they stay together
Hold up how was she allowed to even be around during her operation like I guess conflict of interest isn't really a thing but surely they wouldn't like the emotions surrounding it lol
Ohh right they weren't married then xD I keep forgetting this timeline lol
Ahhh okay I didn't think about it for a second but that would make it impossible to do the test afterwards
(but sad)
Yeeeah this is definitely personal for Morgan
She does believe it :((
But she wants to move on I guess?
Ahhh :o (but sad) :( she just doesn't think it's worth it
I mean I don't see the point of not doing it but I guess kinda? Maybe it is just wanting to leave it behind, I'm just saying the worse that could happen is nothing happens? Idk
It's very complicated :((
Ugh yeah it's a tough situation :( and she's always wanted it too ://
Poor girl :((
😬 Shaun
Like you're probably right but you know lol
Oof :/ yeah that makes sense, that really doesn't matter, it's still your choice in this moment, no matter what
Phoooo (just kinda a sigh?? idk lol) alrighty, let's hope this works out
Oop hi guys
Yeeeah Glassman doesn't seem toooo happy lol
I mean it's not really your place to say it about her, but it as bad to him, and she doesn't get that right
Like the right to do that to him I mean
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ask-the-dweets · 2 years
Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
Yes! Dwight's a cuddler and likes to have something he can snuggle in bed, an extra pillow or plush works just fine. In the real world none of them had a large collection of plushes, just one or two they found cute or comfortable and then any extra that held sentimental value.
Of course, in the fog they're lucky to have a pillow at all. They could get crafty with scrap fabric and thread and make their own crude stuffed animals if they really wanted, but the material could be put to better use elsewhere.
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
If the boys had to buy a dress for yn what type of dress do you think each would buy???
This is a very good and valid question. Because I believe there was a transition, yk? I'm expanding this! I hope you dont mind, anon. 💕🥺💕. Tysm, I had so much fun tbh.
The first time Bonten bought clothes for Y/N hcs(?)
Bonten x F!Reader | based on DIH universe
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A before Bonten Y/N style and an after Bonten style.
I don't think Bonten wanted to impose their styles on Y/N. Dresses and all were supposedly gifts, but she kind of adapted to their likings.
The thing is that Y/N didn't have a style per se but a way of living. So if her lifestyle changes, so do her attires.
I mean, Y/N used to live alone in a big city, college student, a job, and probably time and doing laundry were an issue. Spending more time in public transportation. Having easy to wash/fold type of clothing helped her a lot.
And Y/N goes to college. You know, there's a point when you don't dress to impress xD. More like you crawl out of bed and try to stay alive.
Also, Y/N didn’t have that thinking of ‘I need to look pretty.’ It was more like, ‘I need something I can move and not stress about it.’
Jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, sweatpants, cardigans.
That's what Y/N got when they gave her money the first time. It was more like an automatic response to what she needs.
Koko was in pain. Not to mention Y/N went straight up to the big red banner that says CLEARANCE.
“But! It's get two, pay one!!” you shook the socks in your hands. “Y/N, Sweetheart, no.”
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After dragging Y/N out of the clearance zone, each of them went and chose something for their baby.
Since Y/N used to wear jeans, pants, and whatnot, they desired something different.
Okay, more leg. That's what they want. :P
They even re-introduced the concept of skirts.
Takeomi, Kakucho, and prob Mochi went for something softer… keeping in mind the delicate baby colors and all that. Not for going out. Maybe to use on a daily basis.
Takeomi, in particular, adores his baby in short dresses, especially when he's at the office and you’re alone with him.
Kakucho, on the other hand, enjoys touching Y/N’s naked thighs and just leaves his hand there. While driving, at meetings, eating, you name it. The heat of his palm always makes her blush.
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Kokonoi, sadly for him because going with the dysfunctional trio was a battle on its own, shared similar tastes and ideas as Ran, Rindou, and Sanzu. 
“Ran, I’m not using this,” said Y/N, looking at the piece of clothing.
“But you need pajamas!” Ran took another gown from the rack.
“I have shorts and onesies!!”
“The fuck is a onesie,” Rindou looked at Y/N as if she had grown a second head.
“What about this one?” interrupted Sanzu, holding an even more revealing piece.
“Sanzu, that’s even worse,”
“Y/N, I’m not asking. You are taking all.” came Kokonoi, pulling more pj dresses without looking at any of them.
“Wait- But- No!”
“I got some shorts,” poped up Rindou out of nowhere.
“Rindou!” that wasn't the kind of shorts Y/N meant.
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Mikey is a different case. Like I said before in another hc. He’s more of a you-need-to-tell-me-what-you-need type of guy.
And Y/N did tell them what she wanted at the beginning. Remember the buy two get one socks?
Well, yeah. Mikey went and got Y/N cute socks.
Food/sweet-themed ones.
And honestly? Y/N was in love with them.
Somehow, I think Mikey wanted to connect what he likes and what he believes Y/N likes together.
That got him extra attention from her while the rest of Bonten stood there with their picks.
Meanwhile, a smug side smile adorned Mikey’s face.
The petty man-child is literally rubbing his victory on everyone’s faces.
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A/N: I think I’m getting the hang of doing hcs(?) and I also tried a different POV. But idk it’s weird
「The pictures used on this post don’t belong to me, source: Pinterest」
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littlesislovesyou · 19 days
I'll thank you anyway because you deserve it~ And fuuuck I need you to be the one to give me that release...I need it so badly. 😩 And you deserve it just as much <333
Oh yeah we'd be all over each other. We'd be the type to be too horny to wait until we get home. We be fucking like animals feral and desperately in heat in the alleyways, blind spots in parks or even in the car. We don't care about anything else but making each other feel good and cumming for each other~ I love having a dangerous hold over your pussy, it belongs to me too after all...it's only fitting that I do <3333
I'm happy it does. I am an overthinker and perhaps worry too much about others than I do myself lol but you being safe or fine matters to me first and then anything else can come after. And don't feel bad. I'm glad to have moments of your time devoted to me. You should do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Take breaks from Tumblr or any social media cuz that's normal and honestly healthy lol. Movies sounded fun I'd wish we could do a movie night XD and I'm happy you read them as soon as you can. Sounds like you look forward to seeing them and that makes me happy 💕
Oh trust me I am enjoying this as much as you...I think that's why our reactions are very similar when we both tease too much 😌 and if I'm ever uncomfortable I'll promise to tell!
Well I think we both hinted at that a while ago when I was being vulnerable lol I didn't want to assume though. But yessss we'll be insane and horny for each other and together always~ 🖤🖤🖤
I look forward to that day...and I'm excited to dm you too! I just wanna make sure I've got all the stuff bothering me done and dusted so I have not as much plaguing me and preventing me from talking. I feel really safe and comfortable with you at this point lol
And I'm gonna kidnap you one day and we're gonna have a session where I make you hump my leg or thighs and my cock while I go through all the fucked up shit you get off to and mocking you for being such a pathetic, perverted freak that can't help herself like the needy puppy you are...maybe I'll finger your cunny while I scroll and show you and see what makes you the horniest based on facial expressions, reactions...how soaked you become~ Helping you masturbate until you cum all over my fingers while my teeth are marking all over your neck and collar~ 🤭🔪
Oooh I like the sound of that...and trust me I always am thinking about you after I like your naughty posts~
You are an mischievous little thing aren't you...? Well if it was...and you confirmed that you were thinking about me when you reblogged it with your own irresistible, pretty lips...I'd probably cum then and there all over the pictures you have on here immediately after jerking off for a few hours 🥵
Anyways this'll be the last response for now cuz I gotta catch up on yesterday's too. But I'll be lurking for a while longer and then hopefully finally passing out lol
I hope you have a wonderful night and sleep well and have wonderfully lewd dreams (while I use your holes in your slee- I mean cuddle you; why not both? <3333) Take care of yourself and we'll talk more I hope as days get better!
Aweee aren’t you so sweet, already so addicted to me hm? ☺️💗 aghhh just the visual of us not being able to keep our hands off each other and not being able to wait till we got home, just pulling me into an alley because you’re throbbing for me<3333 pressing me against the brick of a building and bending me over, just to have me wrapped around you then and there🥰 going at it without a second thought<333 just giving pleasure to each other, all the time💗💗
God you seriously do 🥺💕 my pussy is just yours~
Hehe 💓👀 I won’t lie it took me a moment to answer because I’ve just been re reading it over and over again, especially the last one you sent;’) 💓 I have never rubbed my little cunt so much to something<333
And of course! Take your time<3 I just like reason you about it;’) just because I know I would probably be teasing you as much as I can in dms💕💕
I’m really glad you feel comfortable with me! I have to admit I do with you as well 🥺 and just so you know, you were the mutual;’) 💓💓 I was hinting at it but maybe I should’ve just told you were 👀💓
Ughhhhh listen if you jerked off to my pictures I’d probably marry you lmao<3333
WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TURN ME ON SOOO MUCH 🥺💗💗💗 god how much I would love and give to be your slutty puppy<333 fingering me while you read all the dirty posts I like and share<3 or maybe even reading some of the dms I get to me, telling me how much all these older men wanna fuck me<333
Also ps- I missed you💓💓
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Can i request a reaction of sf9 when you came home late at night because you were invited to a company party love youuu😘😘
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(Remember to take care of yourself💞💞💞)
You take extra care of yourself for me and you 🥺
Warnings: Fluff. Idk what I'm doing 💀
Oof our hubby will wait till you come back home safe and sound
Then he will patiently listen to all that happened in the party that you are ranting on and on and on about
but only for some time till he loses patience lmao 💀
And he's smiling at your cute but tired excitement
Of course he just tells you to continue tomorrow cause you're both tired 🥺
Our man's trusts you so he won't be jealous that you came late after spending time with your colleagues
Okay so very very domestic Seongie
He's made tea and has a nice book ready for him on the couch
So he can stay up till you return home safe and sound
He will stay strong till like, 1 am ish?
Then he starts to feel a bit droopy 💀
The thing tho, is that he ends up sleeping uncomfortably on the couch itself
So when you come back you are pleasantly surprised to see him there, especially after you texted him, telling him to go to bed
He'll be lost when you wake him up 💀💀 but it's cute so issokay XD
Our sweetie hubby
I can see him laying on the couch and scrolling through his phone for a while
Then finding something to throw up and catch again
Or work out a bit
Then just laying back down and staring at the ceiling till you come home
He keeps checking his phone for a text from you every minute omg
When you finally enter the house, he's like 'thank god finally' 💀
I mean, he was bored without you 🥺
Not a single word will be uttered cause all he wants to do is hold you close and smell your scent and kiss your cheeks till you fall asleep
His sleep schedule is fucked anyway by the looks of things
So he is more likely to pick you up from your party and bring you home with him
When I tell you he'll become the show stopper oof
All your colleagues will be like omg who is he
Is he single? He's so hot and cute
And all such things that'll make you wanna run and kiss him so they know who he is here for 😤
When he spots you, he'll be all smiley and come to you with his jacket in hand to wrap it around you
Saying your goodbyes you link your hands together and come back home! 🥺
Honestly he canNOT stop whining about missing your warmth
There is no way he will let you miss his texts, firstly
Secondly he is someone who will literally call you, multiple times if you don't give him his much deserved attention
Thirdly, he will start sending you pics and selfies of him in his cute pajamas and ponytails, to make you see what you are missing out cuddling with
And lastly, his cats.
His secret weapon.
Selfies with pleading eyes from both, cat and human cat, with stupid (affectionately) captions like "we're missing you", " come fast, we're sad and cold", etc, etc.
Will not let you utter a word until you are dressed down into your PJs and in his arms
My initial thought, was a picture of a very domestic Seokwoo, reading a book, sitting on the floor near the sofa in my mind
But that didn't seem right
Now our prince is a man who is very needy for attention, as we all know
So just plain sitting and reading? Doesn't really seem like him.
That's when I realised that he will most probably be pretend reading
He wants to give you privacy right? But he is also wanting your attention
Keeps checking his phone to see if there are any texts from you aka are you missing him as well 💀
Pouty when he finds no text messages :(🥺
When you do reach home, he will continue to pretend read his book
But you do know him well
Will physically melt at the slightest of touch or head pats 🥺😭
Lost puppy trailing behind you everywhere you go clingy™, also affectionately.
Yoo Taeyang
Probably the only level headed one 💀
A normal amount of texts, asking if you reached, when will you leave, does he need to come pick you up, etc, etc.
Also your main photographer at home 😂
So many pictures
One of his pass times when you are at the party will be to select his fav pic out of the ones he's clicked today to set as his phone wallpaper
The other will be to do daily chjores and stuff
Probably watch an episode or two
Stops everything when you come back home though
Helps you untie your hair and let's you talk about what happened, occasionally saying a few words
Mans is just glad you're back home to him :')
He will be having a mini karaoke session with himself when you enter the house
And it will not stop even when he sees you
The disrespect smh 💔
But the cute thing is that he will follow you to the bedroom
He will continue singing and humming but at least you're in the same room
Cheeky lil fellow he is, so he starts singing a love song, or even your song when he sees you finishing up getting ready for bed
Slowly sways over to you, singing, smiling, looking at you with a loving expression
Wraps you up in his arms and naked chest
Continues swaying till you are comfortably on the bed
That is when he will finally stop singing and then you guys talk and talk about everything ❤
The most impatient omg
He will be constantly texting you once it'll become 10:30 pm
Where are you? How much longer? I'll come pick you up? ANSWER ME!!!!
See the thing is, you looked hot when you left
Although what you wore was simple, it made you very desirable to him 👀
When you pull up, you shouldn't be surprised to find him pacing in front of the door
But our cutie maknae was more worried as the clock ticked
So when you get out of the car and walk up to him, he just pulls you in for a hug
Kiss you head and finally sigh in relief 🥺
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
I don't dislike RWBY at all-- I'm not the kind of person where if I dislike something, I keep watching it. I really like the designs, and the concepts, and the characters-- I like watching how they interact together and what that means for them, and I can turn off the social science parts of my brain that go "that's not how terrorism works, there should be like a dozen splinter cells by now" to appreciate how it exists and why. I do a lot of terror-related/radicalization/foreign policy stuff, so when I see some of the simplistic lenses that it's really often examined through it gets on my nerves even when the story by itself is good. I imagine it's something a bit like how engineers feel when they watch giant robot anime or something.
The 'born evil' thing is one of those tropes that annoys me and I really don't want to see play out, because I think it's way more interesting to examine more how Remnant was a society that maintained the peace but at a steep societal cost and how in some ways it's correct to look at that and say "actually, this needs to go like, now." And the idea of disillusionment with a 'fairytale society'-- I love the idea of Cinder and Ruby as these two opposite takes on how society and the myths it has should operate, with Ruby believing that those fairytales should be made into reality and embodied while Cinder believes all of it is a filthy lie and needs to be torn down-- both to make her feel safe personally and as a sort of moral imperative in response to her specific trauma. It really reflects some of my very stupid opinions when I was younger, and that I think a lot of people deal with that perspective in general. Remnant was always going to produce people like Cinder, and the powers that were under Oz viewed that as acceptable so long as the world stayed quiet.
In short I love it I just really wish one of the writers had a social science degree hahaha
Oh okay no worries XD and for the record no worries if you didn't XD just making sure we were on the same page.
I do a lot of terror-related/radicalization/foreign policy stuff, so when I see some of the simplistic lenses that it's really often examined through it gets on my nerves even when the story by itself is good.
Yeah no that makes a lot of sense, and I can also immediately tell that when we both discuss worldbuilding mine is on chaotic individual social variation and you are probably way more on the sociopolitical angle, I now understand your perspective on Atlas much better (you also sound much more professionally serious than me, so plz forgive if at any point it sounded like I spoke down to you, I really hope that wasn't the case, I didn't know your background, although even if you didn't have a background in it I also hope I didn't come off condescending, hopefully my posts were just conveying my different approach to RWBY).
Ftr on the Altas front, I do think objectivism is being toyed with - credit to my Best Mate for noticing this - because the Glass Unicorn is Art Nouveau themed, and, well, Atlas. I don't think 'Atlas' in Atlas refers to the Atlas who holds up the heavens! I think that's only relevant because Ironwood wants to ascend there, the 'true' allusion is a very very selfish ideology.
Atlas might be the most literarily influenced of RWBY worlds actually, because The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (Omelas is Salem, O. backwards - that’s a link to a post I made on it before) bizarrely fits Cinder's situation.
So on that objectivism front: to a degree it helps me read the politics through a more 'fantastical' lens, because Rand is kind of inherently silly. On the Atlas front I also feel that there is genrebending, in the sense that Ironwood is the hero of a military anime, but like, this is a magical girls anime, either you talk about your feelings with us and hold hands or you're BUST.
while Cinder believes all of it is a filthy lie and needs to be torn down-- both to make her feel safe personally and as a sort of moral imperative in response to her specific trauma.
Yes and to some degree she is correct. That's how I read her actions anyway, both through twinning, and the fact Atlas is rotten to the core and she's victorious over Ironwood. Am I not supposed to think her triumphant??? I mean it's not like I celebrate drowning cities, but in the story if I read 'enslaved character frees herself, and then tears down the city that made her like this' I find it hard not to be sympathetic. There's also the symbolic element that fire is destructive as well as creative. Things have to be destroyed to be reborn. By the same stroke I think that as much as destruction she's capable of she's capable of equal or greater creation.
And yeah you're absolutely spot on about Cinder and Ruby twinning. I mean I think the answer is the middle road between the two of them, which is why I view them as tempering answers for each other and to Salem's nihilism. It's kind of why I like Knightfall lol (sorry to make this about my silly ship), but Jaune as a Prince Charming is a very unusual Prince Charming, I mean, Knightfall is kind of very fairytale but then on the gender front and their respective characters (Byronic heroine fallen to evil, whose trauma didn't make her better, it made her hurt more) it’s very unusual. You get fairytale magic, but then there is also some grounding reality to it that makes it interesting.
Also on the Ruby front, I mean, if her mummy is actually some sort of a Grimm banshee, that's kind of like 'my fairytale wish but absolutely fucking horrible', so I wonder if they're going to take that angle with it.
Remnant was always going to produce people like Cinder, and the powers that were under Oz viewed that as acceptable so long as the world stayed quiet.
BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remove the fantastical backdrop, and Cinder still suffers. Cinder is a Problem for Everybody.
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