#well working 30 hours this and next week will net me a somewhat nice paycheck
queseraphita · 1 year
Stabs my bank account stabs my bank account stabs my bank acc-
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, well today was pretty good. At like 2 am last night I could just tell I wasn’t going to fall asleep on my own, so I took two benadryl and ended up sleeping till a little past 1. I got up, had some breakfast, and started working at 2. I just added some stuff to the statement of facts from yesterday and then spent the rest of the time editing the other brief, first going through and addressing the notes and then reviewing the entire thing. I stopped at 6:30 to get ready for soccer, our game wasn’t until 8 so I had a little extra time. Left at 7 to get the 7:16 bus (it’s a little bit of a walk) and got there around 7:35. At first it looked like we might not have many players show up which could be a problem, but as the game time drew nearer more people showed up so we were in good shape. There was a little confusion as to who was starting and I ended up getting pulled on the field at the last second. I actually had a really good game, definitely played better than the games up till now, so I was very pleased with that. the craziest part was that I actually sort of scored a goal??? which is wild just because of how it happened, I mean I had kicked the ball towards the net but it wasn’t really a good shot, but then the goalie basically tripped over his own feet and knocked the ball in the net and it was a goal which was just kinda crazy because like, I haven’t had a goal in like, 13 years now? I don’t play forward very often lol I just happened to get put there. One super annoying thing was that the refs were being super overly vigilant about calling off-sides and just calling them when it like, wasn’t even the case at all which got really annoying, I got called on it once before I even touched the ball which was like ???? bizarre, but okay. But for the rest of the game I actually did pretty well, I got another two solid shots on goal, one of which I knew was too far away to go in but was still a good shot so I felt good about that. at one point the ball got kicked towards me but was in front of me heading towards the sideline and everyone was like “Rachel get it!!” and I was just running as fast as I could while also being like “I am not fast enough to get this!!” and I wasn’t lol despite my best effort, I almost fell over when I stopped because I had so much force going forward. the annoying part was like, we’re playing better together as a team, but we’re still getting trounced, and tonight was particularly bad on that front, I think the final score was like 7-1, with our only goal being mine lol. but I wasn’t that mad because I knew I had played a lot better than before so I was personally satisfied with that. Towards the end the guy who had been playing goalie the whole time who had the previous ACL injury fell in the wrong way and had to be semi-carried off the field and like, this is the guy I already stated I don’t like very much because he’s kinda bossy and controlling whereas if I’m trying to take charge I’m a lot more flexible and subtle with it, but like once he was hurt my protective instincts just kicked in so hard, so when he got off the field I was right there with an ice pack and asking if I could get him anything else, I ended up giving him two ice packs so he could really surround it, and he was appreciative of that so I think we’re on somewhat more good terms than any previous bad blood, so that was good. I ended up going in for the last like 7 minutes of the second half, and ran and played like nuts but there wasn’t much I could do at that point. Oh well. Before leaving I gave the first aid kit to one of the other players so they could bring it next week as I won’t be at the game because I will be at SDCC! and I didn’t want them to have nothing. I checked the bus schedule tracker before leaving and the only bus showing up was arriving in 8 minutes and I knew the walk there was at least 10 minutes, but I still tried and ended up missing it by about 30 seconds or so, which is annoying but it happens. There were no other buses showing up on the app so I ended up getting an uber pool that was short enough that I didn’t end up actually pooling with anybody, and had a nice conversation with the driver about soccer, he was a ref for a long time so he had plenty of stories. I ended up taking it to the 7-11 around the corner so I could get a free slurpee then walked the rest of the way home from there, lol. Once I was home I got out of my sweaty clothes and went on my computer for a bit before returning to the brief I was working on just so I could make sure it was all good and finished tonight, which took a while longer, I ended up logging like 6.3 hours for the day, so that was good. I’m hoping my paycheck will come on Tuesday next week and not Wednesday when I’ll already be going to SDCC, because that money would definitely come in handy. but yeah, I finished the brief and was super careful to make sure everything was good, I’ll send it in like tomorrow afternoon so it looks like I at least gave it a lot of work (which I mean, I did). Once I was done with that I showered and started getting ready for bed, and now I’m here. I have to make it to Target tomorrow or I’m gonna run out of meds, specifically xanax which I really can’t sleep without, so that’s gotta happen. Hopefully I can convince myself to get out of bed by my 11 am alarm so I’ll have time to actually be productive, because I still have to finish the other brief before Wednesday and right now I only have the statement of facts written. So given all of that, I will be retiring to my bed now. Goodnight babes. Happy Friday.
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