#well not really liveblogging the process cuz not currently at this moment In The Process
smdarling · 7 years
So I was totally planning to write tonight I SWEAR 
But I have been yawning all day and also had a lot to do (uh. Grocery shopping. Which wouldnt be a lot but with my grandma - dont get me wrong I love her, and I wouldnt be here as her caretaker if I didnt WANT to be for all it wasnt in my LifePlan - it took 2 and a half hours of WAL-MART, it was dark when we got home, she'd had an appointment before, we have another appointment super early because of the two things I told my aunt “must get done while im getting my stuff from texas” only the easiest thing got done becaus Of Course, ~sigh~ im super glad to have my stuff and that I got A Break for a few days but like. You were here for 6 days. You had two things that Needed To Happen. I got in late Saturday, late because I ran out of coolant 100miles north of Albuquerque and had to deal with that, and before the appointment I had to make today for tomorrow I had 4 appointments between Mon, Tues, and Wed already, like my to do list is already nonstop for the next two weeks at least, you couldn't have done BOTH OF TWO THINGS to not add to that. I would actually pay money to be surprised at that tbh, like okay ms “I deserve my parents’ money and if my mother doesn't move into a nursing home in my neighborhood instead of staying in her house where she wants to be 90min away from me I’m not going to visit her anymore”, way to stay true to form hashtagsmileyface 
Hahahaha wow ANYWAY I WILL BE WRITING THIS WEEK THO I actually have MY LAPTOP NOW which is just Super Nice For Writing, comfort of familiarity or whatever, just not tonight cuz BED
Also I think I'm gonna write something totally different from what I planned cuz a commenter commented A Thing that made me go I Cannot Even Believe I Did Not Think Of That, and I wasnt 100% sure I exactly wanted to go the way I was originally planning, like I wanted to get there but the way to get there wasnt 100% what I wanted 
Also when I finish Kinktober - which obvs will be Kinkvember as well, I ALSO have my MCU Kink Bingo card to start working on IMMEDIATELY after AND I’ve signed up to write a fic for claims and claim an art piece to write a fic for re:MCU Kink Bang because when my pretty much all the time job is caring for another person I need to do as much for ME MYSELF AND I as I can in the middle of that (it’s not fair to either of us if I don’t maintain My Life)
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