#well more like “bi monthly” with the rate i make these... oops
zanyzendraws · 19 days
SEPTEMBER 4 2024 ZENLOG: Guess Who's Back Again?
So as you can see, I haven't been keeping up attendance since the last update. Oops.
I somehow missed the second week already... MAN.
But I'm thankfully here now and boy oh boy do I have a lot to update you guys on!
That being said, here's the nifty little table of contents! Just look for the color for the section(s) you wanna read and enjoy yourself!
If you're ready to read, click "keep reading!"
Remember how my throat was hella sore the previous update? I managed to go to a follow-up appointment for the doctor. Upon looking at my throat, sir said absolutely nothing has changed (much to his confusion... and mine).
So, sir has decided to up the intake on my antibiotics. They were WAY more effective than the ones I was on previously, so HALLELUJAH!
Then I got sick two more times post-recovery.
It's actually bonkers. I mean, aside from my wack sleep schedule, for the most part I took care of myself. So what was the problem?
Turns out that the air here where I live now just has a crapton of particles that irritate my asthma.
But hey, on another note, I've met my extended family members and all of them are hella cool! In addition to that stuff, I've also been researching on colleges and working on myself outside of projects. After all, if I don't take care of IRL me, how will I take care of my creations?
And brainrotting over Bill Cipher and Stanford Pines content shhhhhh
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(For those curious, the game is Swooning Over Stans! I've heard so many things on Tiktok so I started playing it myself LMAO)
A slightly detailed list of what I wished to accomplish this week, but if you want brief phrases that sum things up, look for the pink text!
I've managed to get 17/15 responses to my anxiety-related questions that I've mentioned the last time! I'd like to thank my Discord friends and everyone who participated in my little survey! The input really means a lot to me! I now have a better understanding of the specific scenario I've been trying to write, and hopefully I won't let everybody down with my attempts at portrayals.
In addition to that, thanks to a friend, I've noticed some blaring issues with some characters and pacing, so an outline is in the works and the same applies with an official character sheet.
This issue made me realize that I do in fact, need outsider opinions regarding more 'technical' aspects of my writing and not just what I wanted to accomplish. That in mind, I now have two consultants on my team (woah, I have a team now!)
Not much progress has been made with this one, though character designs for 2/3 characters has been finalized.
I've completed two short comics and am currently working on a third strip.
I've uploaded a few tiktoks that I plan to reupload onto here / post the images I've included in those works.
It'll probably be a while before you even see anything genuinely plot-related for Hanashima's Advanced Class. I have big things planned, and I'm doing the thing where I write the whole entire story first prior to actually committing to uploading (compared to others where they come up with the story as they go).
I've ultimately decided to stay quiet on the psychological horror project that I mentioned the previous time as well. I might post some stuff about it every now and then, but I'll keep my mouth shut on the matter for now. Mostly because it's a horror so the element of surprise and shock is of utmost importance... and thus, no one can know anything about it if I wanna keep that element!
I might work on an official introduction to who I am via Youtube video format - because aside from witnessing my feral behavior and my art stuff, I realized that not most exactly know who I am or what my goals are regarding what I want to do with my art. It'll be a simple video but an introduction nonetheless!
Starting next week, I'll be posting a series of weekly comics! They'll be similar to ShenComix in terms of content but with my own flair and experiences!
I'm still working on a title for the series but just know that I'll have a lot more content! I'm working on more comics so I don't have to worry about deadlines or anything haha
EDIT: Zen's Zaniness is releasing Thursday next week!
Apologies for the lack of funny images here compared to last time. And- you know, my absence.
But I'm really excited to be sharing more art with you guys, as I continuously work on more Hanashima's Advanced Class.
Take care and stay zany! <333
-ZanyZenDraws (Zen)
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