#well like. i think it's an interesting story builder if they do it right i just dont care for the aw cute angle of it on its own
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rookflower · 1 month ago
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ok, new apprentice pov officially confirmed!
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rippleclan · 9 months ago
RippleClan: Moon 45
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Weedfoot announces she is expecting her second litter.
[Image ID: Weedfoot tells Palepaw and Ripplepaw, “Don’t worry, you two. I’m still your mother.” Under her, it says + CONDITION: PREGNANT.]
(Weedfoot: 94, female, deputy, charismatic, steady paws, formidable fighter)
(Palepaw: 11, female, mediator apprentice, insecure, picky nest builder, never sits still)
(Ripplepaw: 11, female, historian apprentice, charismatic, avid play-fighter, splashes in puddles)
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Rattlepelt confessed her feelings to Wildclaw and they have become mates.
[Image ID: Rattlepelt says to Wildclaw, “I think I’m ready… ask me again, Wildclaw.” Under Wildclaw, it says + MATE: RATTLEPELT. Under Rattlepelt, it says + MATE: WILDCLAW.]
(Wildclaw: 37, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
(Rattlepelt: 28, female, artisan, fierce, leather artist)
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Interested in herbs even in her kithood, Troutpaw is eagerly apprenticed to Fennelspot.
[Image ID: Troutpaw, in her apprentice sprite, faces Fennelspot, who says, “I hope I do right by you, Troutpaw.” Under Troutpaw, it says LEVEL UP! TROUTKIT -> TROUTPAW, INSECURE -> COMPASSIONATE.]
(Fennelspot: 102, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Troutpaw: 6, female, cleric apprentice, compassionate, morbid curiosity)
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Shadowdrop’s kits are apprenticed. While Tempestpaw is eager to explore the territory, Mosspaw and Trumpetpaw’s thoughts are on their dead father. Their mentors are Carnationspeckle, Clammask, and Halibutdusk.
[Image ID: Tempestpaw, Mosspaw, and Trumpetpaw all have apprentice sprites. Under Tempestpaw, it says LEVEL UP! TEMPESTKIT -> TEMPESTPAW. Under Mosspaw, it says LEVEL UP! MOSSKIT -> MOSSPAW, BULLYING -> SHAMELESS. Under Trumpetpaw, it says LEVEL UP! TRUMPETKIT -> TRUMPETPAW, NERVOUS -> TROUBLESOME, + NEW SKILL: LOVER OF STORIES.]
(Tempestpaw: 6, female, caretaker apprentice, troublesome, loves to eat)
(Mosspaw: 6, male, caretaker apprentice, shameless, stares at fire)
(Trumpetpaw: 6, female, warrior apprentice, troublesome, plays in mud, lover of stories)
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Downstar stands above the Clan and proclaims Elmpaw shall be known as Elmsprout, honoring her amity.
[Image ID: Elmsprout is in her full, long-furred, adult sprite. Under her, it says LEVEL UP! ELMPAW -> ELMSPROUT, CAREFUL LISTENER -> HELPFUL INSIGHT.]
(Elmsprout: 12, female, caretaker, charismatic, helpful insight)
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Downstar, Rustshade, and Puddlepaw find a wounded loner with a mangled tail.
[Image ID: Downstar, Rustshade, and Puddlepaw stand in the back while Fennelspot talks to a black bengal tom with a white underside. Under the black tom, it says NEW PLAYER: DARKKICK, 105, MALE, LONESOME, TALENTED SWIMMER, UNDERSTANDS NATURE, + CONDITION: MANGLED TAIL.]
The black and white tom wasn’t trained to fight. He’d only gotten into a few scrapes in his many moons wandering the wilds surrounding his old home, learning what he could from the friends he made. He’d never been in a fight like this. He was never meant to be in a fight like this. Never meant to be in a fight at all.
He wasn’t about to join his ancestors that day, however. He was still too mad at them.
The brown tom chased the loner all the way from the northern human settlement. It was like he had been waiting for the loner, following rumors of a starkly colored tom offering medical treatment to any strays who needed it. You’d have to be mousebrained to get mad at someone for that, but considering how the loner’s feathery tail was now coated in blood, he wouldn’t argue with the maniac.
The loner’s paws skidded against the edge of the river. It still had its freezing winter chill to it, despite the coming of spring. Thick Clan scent flooded the loner’s nose. Oh, to go home… but he knew full well that he was not welcome there anymore. If he crossed the river, he would suffer their wrath. Yet with how vicious his attacker was…
The loner could hear his pursuer getting closer, stomping over new growth in his mad dash. The loner could handle a random Clan patrol. He steadied his paws against the stones and dirt leading into the water and plunged in. 
The loner’s blood drifted in the current. His long fur weighed him down, but he kicked with the flow like he was running on water. He arched over stones and curved his body like an otter, letting the river do most of his work for him. He threw his head over the surface of the water for a deep, shaking breath. He looked back. The brown tom stood by the river, glaring at the loner. The loner dove back into the water.
He kept swimming until his muscles began to ache and his lungs started to burn. The current pushed him toward a wall of stone, where the river pushed on only a paw deep. The loner splashed onto the shallow rocks. He laid in the low flow, gathering his breath. He’d go treat his tail soon. He just… needed a moment to rest. He wasn’t as young as he used to be.
“Stay there!” someone yowled. Wonderful, more company. The loner’s eyes were blurry from water, strain, and pain, but he squinted at the figure approaching from the southern side of the river. He saw gray spots against a well-muscled body and blue eyes studying his drenched pelt.
“Puddlespeckle?” the loner coughed, water dripping from his nose. His eyes cleared a bit; no, not Puddlespeckle. Puddlespeckle had no white blaze on his face.
“That’s my grandfather’s name,” the lookalike gasped. “I’m his granddaughter, Puddlepaw. How do you know my grandfather?”
“Puddlepaw, who have you found?” Two more figures approached the river. The loner’s vision was clear, and there was no mistaking the two cats coming closer.
“Rustshade and Downdapple,” the loner laughed softly, shaking his dripping head. “I heard RippleClan became a reality, but I wasn’t sure if you were part of it.”
“Darkkick?” Rustshade muttered. The ginger tom and tortoiseshell molly shared the same shocked look. Puddlepaw slipped back to Rustshade’s side. The loner, Darkkick, pulled himself out of the river and shook out his pelt. His tail burned and he couldn’t help but hiss.
“The one and only,” Darkkick huffed, grooming his tail.
“You’ve misnamed Downstar,” Puddlepaw said, glancing up at her leader. “Downstar, is this the same Darkkick from the stories?”
“I should have guessed you tell stories about me,” Darkkick scoffed. “I suppose you paint me as Autumnstar’s victim, then? Thrown out for doing what StarClan asked?”
“We’re sorry that happened to you,” Downstar said, bowing her head. “We thought you left the territories long ago.”
“I traveled for a few moons,” Darkkick sighed. “My better nature got the better of me though. Couldn’t let loners die when I know how to help them.” Darkkick spat out a chunk of wet black fur. “I would have thought you’d pick Paleshade as leader.”
“She didn’t live to see RippleClan’s founding,” Puddlepaw muttered.
“Ah,” Darkkick said softly. The fur along his spine bristled. It would have been easy for Autumnstar to kill the brave molly without Darkkick around. He’d covered for Paleshade and Weedfoot so many times as cleric…
“Fennelspot would want to see you,” Downstar said. “He could help you with your tail.” Darkkick studied his tail. The wounds were big, and it would take Darkkick a while to set up a temporary medicine den, especially with the maniac from the human settlement looking for him.
“Let’s see how that tom’s been taking care of you,” Darkkick sighed, padding away from the river. “Now what part of the coastline has your little group mangled into a camp?”
Rustshade and Puddlepaw took position on either side of Darkkick (codekeepers, always so wary) while Downstar escorted the long-lost cleric to RippleClan’s camp. Darkkick had heard stories of the shipwreck by the sea, had even seen it from a distance on day-long patrols to collect resources from the ocean, but he would never have imagined it safe for cats to camp in. Even if you ignored the old stories (which apparently no one was telling the younger generation from the look on Puddlepaw’s face during Darkkick’s musings) of terrifying wraiths wandering the shipwreck, how long would the wood last and keep the Clan sheltered? Somehow, though, the shipwreck was still standing strong, protecting the blossoming Clan under its wind-worn wood.
Although Darkkick knew better than to needlessly flame anyone’s pride, he could admit to himself at the very least that RippleClan was doing well. Young apprentices proudly joined their mentors. Elders rested in the shade (although… was one of them wearing a ribbon collar? Did Fennelspot forget how a collar could choke a wild cat? Was this some odd new tradition the RippleClan founders invented?). It was, by every definition Darkkick knew, a true Clan. 
A familiar ginger tom sat by a large rock near the shipwreck, slowly sharing a meal with a long-furred cream and white molly. Fennelspot’s gaze drifted over the returning patrol. At first, he glazed over Darkkick. Then he choked on his prey.
“Fennelspot!” the young molly yelped. She patted Fennelspot’s back as the cleric collected his breath.
“Don’t kill yourself on my behalf,” Darkkick purred as his escorts led him toward his old colleague.
“Darkkick…” Fennelspot coughed.
“Troutpaw, can you leave us be for a moment?” Downstar asked the cream-colored apprentice.
“You’re Darkkick?” Troutpaw gasped. “The exiled cleric?”
“I haven’t been a cleric in many moons,” Darkkick sighed. He couldn’t stop himself from purring at Troutpaw’s wide-eyed expression. “Don’t tell me I’m famous.”
“You play a role in some of my mother’s stories about AshClan,” Puddlepaw said, shrinking slightly beside the black tom.
“He flopped out of the river with a mangled tail,” Rustshade sighed. 
“Yes, Troutpaw, get a spot ready for our new patient,” Fennelspot gulped, taking the last bite of the roasted mouse. 
“Yes, sir,” Troutpaw said before dutifully bounding off to what Darkkick assumed was the medicine den. 
“Come here and share tongues with me, you old fool,” Darkkick chuckled. Fennelspot touched noses with Darkkick.
“If I’m old, then so are you,” Fennelspot chuckled softly. He began to share tongues with Darkkick, grooming the remaining water from his fur. He licked blood off Darkkick’s tail as best he could. In between that grooming, he asked, “You must have so many questions! So do I. Where have you been? Why come back after all these moons?”
“It’s more of a visit than a homecoming, Fennel,” Darkkick huffed. “I could use some help with these wounds I got.”
“You’re going to leave again?” Fennelspot gulped, meeting Darkkick’s eyes. 
“Do you really think Autumnstar will be pleased if you announce my arrival at the next Gathering?” Darkkick scoffed.
“Autumnstar has passed on,” Downstar explained, touching her tail to Darkkick’s shoulder. “And we don’t care what AshClan thinks of us. They chose to exile you. We’d be happy to take you in.”
“Your nest is ready, Darkkick,” Troutpaw called, sticking her head out of the medicine den.
“Let’s see how well you’ve fared in all this sand, Fennelspot,” Darkkick muttered, trying to shake wet sand off his paws. His entourage followed him to the medicine den. His eyes took a minute to adjust to the shadows in the overturned boat. The familiar scent of concoctions and ointments and dried herbs threw him into the past, to days when he had an eager ginger apprentice and the respect of both AshClan and StarClan. Now he lacked both.
“Father?” The voice brought Darkkick back to the present. A brown molly, her back covered and restrained in a tight splint, stared at Darkkick with huge, owl-like amber eyes. Another gray spotted molly, this one almost the perfect reflection of Weedfoot, sat by her side, her conversation suddenly interrupted.
“Father?” Puddlepaw, Troutpaw, and the lookalike gasped.
“Spike,” Darkkick muttered. For a moment, he checked his daughter’s pelt for stars, wondering if she was some ghostly vision. 
“Darkkick is your father?” Downstar asked, moving between the pair.
“You broke your oath,” Fennelspot mumbled, his tall tail falling.
“That oath became meaningless the moment I was exiled,” Darkkick snapped, sneering. Fennelspot quickly bowed his head. Darkkick collected himself, his half-wet fur weighing him down, and looked back at his long lost daughter. “Last I saw your mother, she told me you were dead.”
“I would have been without RippleClan,” the brown molly admitted. “It’s Spikecrash now though, Father. I’ve joined their ranks as a mediator. Palepaw here has been sharing some of her lessons with me.”
“Why am I not surprised that’s the name of one of Weedfoot’s kits,” Darkkick sighed, purring as Palepaw’s shocked expression grew. “Don’t be so stunned. The relation is more obvious than a dog in a tree.”
“Puddlepaw, Palepaw, come outside with me,” Rustshade sighed with a twitch of his tail. “I can better explain what’s happening.” Palepaw hesitantly slunk between Darkkick and Fennelspot as she joined her sister outside. The two littermates followed Rustshade to a quiet spot to talk.
“Your mother thought you had died,” Darkkick said, risking a step closer to Spikecrash. “She… she was not well when I last saw her.”
“We went to find her shortly after Spikecrash officially joined the Clan,” Downstar explained. “She’s being cared for by humans.”
“Yes, thanks to me,” Darkkick huffed, glaring at Downstar. “I took her. I couldn’t stay to care for her.” Darkkick hissed as a sharp sting ran down his tail. Fennelspot had snuck behind him and rubbed an ointment on his tail.
“You aren’t sitting down, and we can’t let you bleed all over the medicine den,” Fennelspot huffed, dipping his paw back into a small jar of ointment and continuing the process.
“Part of me is glad things happened this way,” Spikecrash admitted, her eyes softening as she watched Darkkick squirm. “Fennelspot says my back is healing well. Mom is living with beings who can better care for her. I know we haven’t spent much time together, Father, but we could grow closer as part of a Clan! You could meet Cinderella’s kits, they’ve just been apprenticed.” Darkkick didn’t answer. The medicine den felt too small. How could he stand under the gaze of his ancestors again when StarClan…
“Stay.” Fennelspot walked in front of Darkkick, placing his tail on Spinecrash’s splint. “If not for her, then for us. RippleClan could use your knowledge in the medicine den.”
“I’m not a cleric anymore,” Darkkick huffed, his gut tensing at the very thought. He didn’t want to look at the disappointment covering everyone’s faces. He grit his teeth. He spoke to the ground. “If you find yourselves overwhelmed, I can help treat patients, as I have been for years now. But if I join RippleClan, I am just a warrior. I cannot bear the cleric’s name.” He locked eyes with Fennelspot (the shine in his old friend’s eyes made him want to groan from the sheer overwhelming sentimentality). “Is that understood?”
“We can make it work,” Fennelspot promised. He once again touched noses with Darkkick. Troutpaw purred in the back at the sweet display.
“Now tell me,” Darkkick grunted, taking a seat in front of the daughter he thought dead as the others settled around him, “what in the name of the four— er, five Clans has happened while I’ve been away?”
(Darkkick: 105, male, warrior, lonesome, talented swimmer, understands nature)
(Puddlepaw: 11, trans female, codekeeper apprentice, thoughtful, morbid curiosity, oddly observant)
(Rustshade: 89, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Downstar: 104, female, leader, wise, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Fennelspot: 102, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Troutpaw: 6, female, cleric apprentice, compassionate, morbid curiosity)
(Spikecrash: 20, female, mediator, wise, good speaker, lore keeper)
(Palepaw: 11, female, mediator apprentice, insecure, picky nest builder, never sits still)
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bigmusclenm · 6 months ago
Sweet Gains - Part 2
[Story Collection] | [Part 1] [●] [Part 3]
Liam was even more excited to meet Aiden on his second day at the gym. After the best workout ever, thanks to the effects of the desserts, Liam wasn’t only excited about gaining more muscle. But his main goal was to see the already hunky Aiden become even bigger. As he walked down the street, as excited as Liam felt about the gym, he needed to stop by the bakery shop to get more desserts for Aiden.
Standing in front of the bakery shop, Liam noticed a new sign on it. The sign said “Big Boy’s Bakery,” adorned with the shape of a bicep beneath it and a decorative cupcake added to it. Lower in the sign, in smaller letters, it said, “Powered by The Sizemologist.”
“That’s an interesting name for a bakery shop, but it definitely suits this place. The owner is definitely a big boy,” said Liam as he walked into the bakery shop and immediately went to check on the special collection. “Okay, what can I take for Aiden today? His pecs looked incredible yesterday.”
“Good morning, welcome to our bakery shop. I see you’re interested in our special collection,” a voice said behind Liam, making him turn around to face the man, whom Liam thought was Chris. “I’m Sam, the owner, and I’m sure you’ll love our desserts,” the new man said, and Liam was surprised to see the blonde man, standing at about 6’2” with a kind smile, looking at him. Sam was wearing a blue apron that stretched over his massive, tight-looking belly—the biggest Liam had ever seen. Sam also had enormous pecs that rested heavily on top of his belly, and his thick nipples were visible under the fabric of his gray shirt. Everything about Sam was thick and soft but in a somewhat strong way.
“Oh, hey. I’m Liam. I thought, I mean, I met this huge guy yesterday, and he said he was the owner,” Liam said, looking straight into Sam’s pecs instead of his face.
“Hey, buddy… up here,” Sam joked, and Liam blushed. “You met my husband, Chris. We run this place together but take turns because at least one of us should stay home. Soon, it’s going to be me at home and Chris here, but that’s another story,” Sam added, rubbing the side of his belly and smiling at Liam.
“Oh, yeah, he told me about you, and he actually mentioned people looked at your pecs and his pecs, and I mean, you have... I mean, you know... I-I… Oh crap, I’m talking too much again.” Liam blushed again, and Sam laughed.
“It’s fine. We’re a very ‘peculiar’ couple, so we’re already used to people looking at our chests, but anyway, tell me, what can I do for you? If you’re the guy I think you are, you bought some desserts yesterday on your way to the gym, right?” Sam said as he waddled to the glass counter that contained the special collection.
“Yeah, that’s me. Did your husband tell you about me?” Liam asked.
“Yes, he did. He told me you were pretty excited, and he was sure you would come back for more today. We try to give all our clients personalized attention, so we talk about stuff at night,” Sam said, opening the glass counter. “I think you had fun with your chest yesterday. You want to have the same, or maybe focus on some other areas?”
A very excited and anxious Liam stood in front of the glass counter and looked at the options. “Well, Aiden said we would focus on my lower body today, so maybe something to help me with that? Thighs and calves and, well, glutes?” Liam said, still a bit shy.
“Sure. Let me see. We have these granola bars. Sorry about the names; my husband names these things, and they can be a bit silly. Glute Gainer Granola Bars—that’s what he calls them. I’m partial to Booty Builder Bars, but he’s the chef. What about two of these?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. Or, make it four so I can share it with Aiden. He’s my trainer,” Liam said, and Sam grinned at him.
“Okay, it sounds like Aiden will have lots of fun too. So, four granola bars. I recommend these honey cakes. Chris calls them Hamstring Harmony Honey-cakes. Again, sorry about the silly name. Four of them, two for each of you. And the Power Pops are one of my favorites, so let’s add two of them,” said Sam, and Liam could barely contain his excitement.
“Could I also get something for the chest?” Liam asked.
“Sure. I have something new. This one is a post-workout dessert. It’s chocolate pudding, and believe me, it tastes incredible. Chris calls it Pec Pump Pudding,” Sam said, chuckling as he packed everything in a box. “I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun, and I hope you’ll come back tomorrow.”
Liam smiled and paid for the desserts. With every visit, Liam fell more in love with the bakery shop. Also, he couldn’t stop thinking about the owners. Even though Liam didn’t want to get a big belly like Sam’s, Liam couldn’t deny that the rest of him looked incredibly hot. As Liam slowly walked away, he turned around once again and saw Sam rubbing his belly and smiling kindly at him. He was definitely going back to the bakery shop the next day.
A few minutes later, as he arrived at the gym, Liam could barely contain his excitement as the memories of his last workout started filling his mind. It wasn’t only about the incredible sensation coursing through his body as his muscles grew with every rep, but also the amazing sight of Aiden’s muscles growing and making his clothes look tiny on his body. The more Liam thought about it, the more he convinced himself that Aiden needed to get much bigger.
Liam left his backpack in the locker room and literally ran to the machines, where Aiden was waiting for him. As soon as Liam saw Aiden, his dick stirred to life in his gym shorts because the man looked incredibly hot. Aiden wore a tight-fitting tank top that accentuated his perfectly sculpted pecs and showcased his building deltoids. The trainer’s wide lats were visible, and Liam made a mental note to buy something to increase those massive wing-looking muscles.
Even though Liam was enamored of Aiden’s upper body, the trainer had on the snuggest sweatpants Liam had ever seen, leaving nothing to the imagination. Liam’s mouth watered as he approached, and he could see more closely the impressive shape and size of Aiden’s ass. His thighs seemed bigger than Liam remembered, probably because the pants looked almost glued to the skin. Liam knew he would have a hard time focusing on his workout with such a perfect man guiding him through it.
“Hey there. I’m sorry for the delay,” Liam said as he stood behind Aiden, unable to look away from the guy’s butt. “I brought something to compensate for making you wait.”
Aiden turned around and kindly smiled when he saw Liam’s face. “Hey, no problem, you’re just... 2 minutes late? That’s not even late, buddy,” Aiden responded, shaking Liam’s hand. “But I won’t say no to those candies. I recognize the box. The desserts you brought yesterday were amazing.”
“Nice. Today, I got some new stuff. Granola bars, honey cakes, the power pups to chew, and something to regain energy after the workout,” Liam said, opening the box to a visibly excited Aiden.
“Dude, you’re going to make me fat with these things, but man, they look delicious,” Aiden said, reaching for the box to pick up a granola bar. “Half and half, I guess?” asked Aiden.
“No, take three, and I’ll take one. You’re bigger, so you need more food, and as I said, this is to compensate for the delay,” Liam answered, and Aiden chuckled.
“Only this time, I won’t say no, but you gotta stop this unless you want a fat trainer,” Aiden said as he took a big bite of the first granola bar and groaned in delight at the flavor. “Dude, this is delicious. You have to tell me the location of this bakery shop. I’d buy the whole place.”
“Exactly what I said. I’m glad you like it. Don’t be shy, and eat. Granolas and cakes before the workout, power pops during the workout, and the pudding for later,” Liam explained, but Aiden had already devoured his three granola bars and was halfway through the cakes. Liam slowly ate his part of the order and put the box aside, leaving the pudding for later.
Once both were ready, Aiden told Liam that the first set would be regular squats to teach him the correct form to do them, followed by pause squats and other variations of the same exercise. Since Liam was new to all the workouts, he just followed Aiden’s order, barely focusing on what he was doing because he was too busy looking at Aiden’s ass.
As Aiden explained to Liam about the proper position of the legs to do a squat, moving Liam’s legs effortlessly, Liam felt his ass randomly flexing unconsciously, and this made him wonder if Aiden was feeling the same. Aiden had eaten three times the dose Liam had gotten, so it was very likely the effects would appear faster or with more intensity. As Aiden moved around him, Liam’s eyes stayed on the guy’s ass, and he soon realized that it had a fuller and more sculpted appearance.
Unaware of what was happening to him, Aiden continued explaining the squats and the muscles that could grow using different variations. He used his own glutes and legs to point to the different muscle groups, and he started feeling strangely cramped in his snug sweatpants. He adjusted the back of his pants as he stood in front of Liam to show him how to go down properly and stay there for the pause squats.
As Aiden did the first squat, asking Liam to pay close attention to how his muscles reacted to the movement, he could feel a strange but satisfying burn coursing through his glutes and thighs. Doing a regular squat was some of the easiest exercises for Aiden, but as he did a second one, he felt the back of his pants getting uncomfortably tighter around his ass. As he rose, he noticed his pants were lowering at the back, seemingly unable to cover his butt.
“You got it? It’s not that difficult,” Aiden said, turning around to see a speechless and shocked Liam. “Your turn.”
“Eh… I-I think I need to see it again. Please,” Liam responded, pretending to need more explanation but only wanting to see Aiden’s ass once again.
“Hmm, okay. But pay attention, okay? Look how this simple exercise activates the glutes and the thighs,” Aiden said, pulling the pants up once again but feeling the seams at the center getting between his ass cheeks. Then, he positioned himself in front of Liam once again and performed two more squats, causing a soft rip sound on the second one. “That should be enough. Now, it’s your turn.”
Liam took a deep breath as he fought his own arousal to prevent his dick from getting fully hard in his shorts. He performed a few squats, seemingly doing it wrongly, so Aiden stood right behind him to fix his position as Liam went down again, with Aiden’s torso, crotch, and tights pressed very firmly to his back. Liam was about to lose it as he felt the bigger guy literally covering his body as both performed more squats. Liam felt his ass getting slightly plumper, but that sensation was secondary compared to having Aiden’s body so tightly pressed against him.
“Okay, I think you mastered this one. Well, not master, but you did great, and your back even looks plumper already,” Aiden joked, and Liam blushed. “I’m kidding. It takes time, but squats are great to get bigger butts,” Aiden added, constantly pulling the back of his pants and trying to get comfortable, even though it was clear they didn’t fit him anymore. The pants couldn’t cover the top part of his butt anymore, leaving it uncovered. At the same time, the seams at the sides and the center of the pants were dangerously straining. It looked like the pants were about to burst, but Aiden pretended to be okay.
They changed to the next exercise, but Aiden remembered about the Power Pops. Each of them popped one in their mouth to chew while Aiden taught Liam how to perform lunges to get stronger legs. First, Aiden explained the correct position to perform the lunges, but Liam noticed that Aiden could barely focus on the explanation as he struggled to get comfortable in his pants, which seemed impossible.
As Aiden performed the first lunge, Liam heard something ripping, louder than the previous one, and he saw the right seam of the pants splitting to reveal part of Aiden’s thunderous thigh. The trainer tried to retain some professionalism and act like nothing had happened, but Liam’s shock was visible on his face, making Aiden blush.
“Sorry about that. It had never happened before. I guess it’s time to get new pants,” Aiden said, fixing his pants again, visibly ashamed of what had just happened. “I think your candies and treats are getting me fatter much faster than I expected.”
“You don’t look fat to me. You’re just a big guy, and, well, I don’t mind if you take the pants off. I think you’re hot,” Liam said, blushing when he saw the surprise in Aiden’s expression.
“Wow, what a compliment! Thanks. You’re a pretty good-looking guy, but I can’t take my clothes off while working,” Aiden said, patting Liam’s shoulders.
“Some guys do. Look, there’s one posing in a tiny poser right there,” Liam said, looking at a big guy, smaller than Aiden, posing in front of the mirrors with only a tiny poser on. “And he doesn’t even look as good as you.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t work here. Let’s save exhibitionism for another day. Now, show me how you do the lounges,” Aiden said, chuckling and adjusting his pants once again.
Motivated by Aiden’s amazing body, Liam followed the instructions very carefully. He could feel his ass and thighs responding with newfound power. Additionally, his entire body felt different. Liam felt every single muscle on his body responding to the exercises he was performing, even though he wasn’t focusing on those muscles. The Power Pops were also kicking in, and as excited as Liam was about his own growth, his attention turned to Aiden’s body to see it change without making any effort.
Aiden’s arms were already thick and strong-looking, but with the Power Pops making him grow, his biceps, triceps, deltoids, and traps were visibly bulging more than just a few minutes before. Also, Aiden started pulling his tight-fitting tank top to accommodate the increasing mass on his lats and pecs. He still seemed unaware of the changes, but clearly, his body was reacting better than Liam expected to the Power Pops.
Liam tried to focus on Aiden’s explanation, but with every passing second, the trainer’s body showed more and more of the effects of the desserts on his body. His tank top looked glued to his skin, but his pants barely held on. Aiden’s ass had grown so big that other guys at the gym had stopped their workouts to check on the massive butt that was taking the snug pants to their limit. Aiden ignored the stares, but he knew something was off because his pants were literally about to burst.
“Okay, one final thing, and one of the machines I enjoy the most: leg presses. It’s pretty easy, so I don’t think you need any demonstration,” Aiden said, standing by the machine he was talking about. “Just sit, feet up here, and the rest is pretty easy. We can start without added weights, so you can see how it works.”
“I’d prefer it if you showed me. I had never used any of these machines, so I’m clueless,” Liam said, asking Aiden for a demonstration he didn’t need but definitely wanted to see. “Just show me some reps, and I’ll try it myself.”
“Okay. Just pay attention,” Aiden said as he positioned himself in the machine after adding some weight. “You get in position, and... you unlock it here and then just... bend your legs and push,” Aiden said as he bent his legs under the weight, causing loud rips at the seams of his pants. Even then, he completed the rep and repeated the movement, causing the fabric of his pants to give way and expose more of his lower body.
Liam’s jaw dropped to the ground as he saw Aiden effortlessly doing more reps and his muscles expanding right before his eyes. His entire body was growing, but this growth mostly focused on his lower body. The pants ripped in the middle from the back to the front, leaving Aiden’s ass and crotch exposed. The seams at the sides didn’t survive either, exposing his thighs. Even the fabric around his calves, unable to contain the mass Aiden was gaining, gave way and exposed his skin for Liam to admire.
On the upper body, the tank top was unable to contain the bulging lats, and the pec shelf was growing with each heartbeat. The seams at the sides also gave up while Aiden continued doing more leg presses, completely entranced due to his impressive growth. Liam was speechless all along, and by the time Aiden finished his reps, Liam’s dick was fully hard in his shorts, clearly visible to everybody.
As Aiden stepped out of the machine, he quickly removed the remaining shreds of his clothes and marveled at his own body. His body felt more powerful than ever, and his muscles looked amazing. Meanwhile, Liam was almost having a stroke as he looked at his trainer in only boxer briefs that looked like they were about to burst, just like the rest of Aiden’s clothes had done.
Aiden’s shoulders looked broader, his deltoids bulging like cannonballs, giving him a powerful and imposing figure. His traps and back muscles looked wide enough to land a plane on that back, complementing the enormous lats that pushed his arms higher from his torso. His biceps had grown bigger than softballs to match the most amazing triceps Liam had ever seen. Aiden’s arms looked thicker than Liam’s legs, and the thick veins pulsing over them made the arms look even bigger.
His pec shelf was a sight to behold. His chest wasn’t just broad but also so thick that the valley between his pecs was a few inches deep. His nipples pointed downward, proof of how much muscle mass he had stacked on his chest. His waist had stayed pretty narrow, but his chiseled abs looked like a brick wall of stone. It was simply perfect.
Aiden’s lower body was even more impressive than his upper body, thanks to the desserts Liam had brought for him. Aiden’s thighs looked like three trunks, and his diamond-looking calves matched them perfectly. Since Aiden was only wearing his boxer briefs, Liam was able to have a clear view of what the guy was packing and was gladly surprised to see the shape of a pretty decent-sized dick and the fullest-looking balls Liam had seen.
Aiden turned around, and Liam gasped in shock at the sight of the trainer’s enormous ass. The stretchy fabric of the boxer briefs strained around a huge and perfectly sculpted butt. It looked like Aiden had fit a pair of bowling balls under his skin, but it was clear it was muscle, with some touches of fat that made it look delicious.
“I have no idea what happened, but I feel great,” Aiden said, exploring his body with his hands while Liam’s face and mind were blank. “I think we should stop for the day. I have to find something to wear before my boss finds out I’m almost naked in his gym. Maybe, once I get dressed, we can eat that pudding together? I’m craving some sweets,” Aiden added, and Liam could only nod.
As Aiden ran to the locker rooms, making Liam’s dick throb in his pants, Liam could barely wrap up his mind to think clearly. He never expected Aiden’s body to grow so much in such a short time. But, considering the desserts were so effective, Liam was more than willing to use all the options the bakery shop had to turn Aiden into an even more perfect specimen.
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stablersolivia · 28 days ago
Mariska Hargitay and Melissa McBride's Six Degrees of Separation
I'm going insane how similar, yet so different their career trajectories have been.... I wish they knew each other in real life! If you are fans of both too, then tell me if you realized all of this?!
They could have some interesting conversations!
I've been thinking about this a lot because I love both actresses and I love researching careers when I really get into a show. What else does one do once they're done bingeing said show(s)?
I'm going to try my hardest to remember everything and highlight the similarities I've seen since finishing TWD back in November. I'd like to think I'm pretty proficient in MH/SVU history, but I'm super new to MMB so I'll be trying my hardest to stay on point during this because I'm super excited by what I've learned in such a short time.
With that being said, let's get into this.
Let's just begin by saying ... Mariska is a nepo baby... Let's get that out of the way. MH was born into Hollywood: her late mother was 50s bombshell Jayne Mansfield, her father, Hungarian body builder, Mickey Hargitay. Plus, she's been a Cali/NYC girl her whole life. She's had advantages and disadvantages, but it doesn't take away from the good she's done with her platform over the years and the awards she's won for being a talented actress and humanitarian. Lord knows she's not perfect though — she's human and we respect it.
From what I've learned about MMB in such a short amount of time, her story until this point has been almost the complete opposite. She was born in Kentucky, her parents pretty normal (aside from the fact her mother studied as an actor as well at the Pasadena playhouse --- Cali similarity lol) and has lived most of her life in Georgia while working mainly out of Atlanta with a few exceptions over the years. Oh, and she's considered an actress who is way better than the genre she's known for (back-to-back Saturn Award winner and the most nominated actress ever??) --- and apparently an even better person ---with an even lower profile. We respect it.
Presently, the most obvious similarity they have.... is that they are both currently beloved actresses who have been on long running shows for 15 years, and 25+ years. They're both around the same age (MH-1964, MMB- 1965). MMB is currently on a spinoff, and MH stars on the first Law and Order spinoff. Both with executive producer titles. We love to see it.
But they both had to start somewhere. While MH started her career a little earlier (early to mid 1980s), MMB started hers in the early 90s in some of the same shows as MH — and worked with many of the same actors.
First, growing up, I watched a lot of the "In the Heat of the Night" (because it was one of my parent's favorite shows while it was on, and still even now in reruns) and I was shocked, in a good way, when I saw a young Mariska appear in a 1988 episode during a rerun one random day. And guess what? Who appeared in the same show approximately 6 years later in 1994? Yes, that's right— Melissa McBride.
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Again, this happens with similar characters they've played. Around 97-98, they played characters in the medical field. Melissa played a doctor who was caring for a young Haley Joel Osment on "Walker Texas Ranger" for a couple of episodes. In another medical universe, Mariska had a stint as a medical receptionist on ER! Cynthia Hooper anyone?? (I believe the story is that this arc on ER, was what got her on Dick Wolf's radar, — more on this later.)
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Mariska played in a television series called "Cracker" in which Sarah Paulson also appeared. Melissa also appeared in a show called "American Gothic" in 1995 that also starred... you guessed it, Sarah Paulson ("Somebody's at the door, somebody's at the door," lol). Oh, and Sarah later appeared on an SVU episode in like 2010, as well.
Melissa also played Gary Cole's mistress in her "American Gothic" appearance and Gary Cole has been on at least a couple of SVU episodes over the years, including that scrapped SVU political episode from 2016ish. You do the math.
They both did a lot of low-key roles in Lifetime Movies, or made for television movies in the 1990s. Mariska did The Advocate's Devil and Night Sins, while Melissa did Close to Danger and Her Deadly rival and then some.
But one television film Melissa McBride did was "Pirates of Silicon Valley" where she played a super small part as... Noah Wyle's girlfriend when he was still also was a main character on ER. This came out about a year after Mariska's stint on ER. Small world. Hee hee.
Also, Melissa was a part of a television miniseries on CBS called "A Season in Purgatory," around 1996 with actors Brian Dennehy, Patrick Dempsey and Sherilyn Fenn who Mariska has also worked with (Brian Dennehy on a Season 7 or 8 ep of SVU, Sherilynn was also on SVU, and Patrick on a movie called Bank Robber a few years prior, in 1993).
Again, it's not uncommon for actors to work with the same actors. But it's just interesting how there are a lot of common denominators. And we haven't even gotten to THE main common denominator yet— Norman.
He was on a Season 7 episode of SVU as a rock star who was telling his fans to not take their meds or something. All I remember is him on the stand in the courtroom while Benson and Stabler were presumably sitting way too close as spectators. It's been a while since I've seen the episode. But that was back in 2006, about 4 years before The Walking Dead.
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Lauren Cohan and Emily Kinney were on SVU in the 2.0 era as well while TWD flagship was still on.
While we're talking about law and order, let's talk about the fact that while Melissa took a minor break from acting --- she was still taking small parts in films/television and short films in the 2000s while working as a casting director. She was in the movie "The Dangerous Lives of the Altar Boys" which starred Jodie Foster, whom Mariska is very good friends with (Jodie even attended MH's wedding in 2004— two years after that movie came out).
Melissa was all about the law where she also played a detective/cop with a similar hairdo as Season 2 Benson in a short film called "Nailed!".
So, going back to Mariska drawing DW's attention because of her performance in ER, I have to give props to Melissa for her minor role in The Mist in 2007. The director on that movie (and apparently everyone on set) was so impressed by her few minutes in that movie that they invited her back to film extra scenes and — put her on the radar of the powers that be on a little show called The Walking Dead. Frank Darabont — I believe — remembered her and offered her a role in the show and the rest is history. Pure. Talent.
OH, and now that we're on The Mist.... um, so Melissa shared a pretty important scene with the late Andre Braugher.... who may or may not have had a little love triangle with Mariska's Olivia Benson on SVU during Season 13/14 as Bayard Ellis. Who else was in that movie? Marcia Gay Harden-- aka Star, aka, Dana Lewis who appeared in multiple SVU episodes. Bring her back!
Not to mention that Laurie Holden and Jeffrey Demunn were also in The Mist and later starred in The Walking Dead along with Melissa. Yes, Demunn was in Night Sins and Law and Order SVU, too. LOL. He was also on ER and Cracker, but at different times.
I'm trying to find a stopping point for this, but the coincidences keep coming. This one is less about a career similarity but about a video where Melissa discusses the dialogue about her "strong right foot". Melissa mentioned having surgery on her foot a few years prior in a video from about 2020, maybe?. But, who else just had surgery on her foot/ankle because she fell in the street after a screening about 3/4 years ago? lol... yep.
Oh... can we talk about how Mariska has kept saying Elliot and Olivia's relationship is "earned" because of their history and the bond between her and Chris and their "trust" in each other? She's said this exponential times since Chris came back 4 years ago. Well.... now Norman Reedus is saying the same about Caryl and Daryl's relationship and how it is "earned" with their history and deep bond on and off screen. I can't make this stuff up.
I've gotten the vibe that MH/NR and MMB/CM have the same vibes when talking and describing things show/related. It's pretty fascinating to watch and listen to and read.
But anyway, I think I'm about done. There is probably more. I have kept thinking to myself, "Man, this seems familiar" when reading interviews and whatnot.
And we can definitely include these two having the cutest besties who take the best selfies with them.
Please read image descriptions :)
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Chriska.EO.McReedus.Caryl. Whatever. Whenever. I need more.
It's super fixation season, so let's wrap this up.
If any other EO/Carylers out there can think of anything else, please comment! It's been fun summarizing all of this.
I want an "Actors on Actors" ep with Melissa and Mariska... or Chris and Norman ...or Chriska and McReedus all together. I just want them to know each other and talk about stuff. Not picky.
They can't get away from their partners in crime. lol
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~~Additional Info~~
It has also come to my attention that there is also another actor they've both worked with. Harry Connick Jr. (Who hasn't he worked with lol). But Melissa acted in the 2008 LMN film "Living Proof" with HCJ and a few years later, he played Mariska's love interest, David Haden, for 4 eps on S13 of SVU.
Angie Harmon (who was in the original L&O and the temp SVU ada), Swoosie Kurtz, Tammy Blanchard, Bernadette Peters, and Amy Madigan are also in that movie and have all been on SVU.
Guess it's time to have Melissa on SVU or Organized Crime. Let's.Make.This.Happen.
More additional info:
Xander Berkeley.... Chris Meloni and Mariska are good friends with him ( Mariska going back to the 1990's ) and Xander was on The Walking Dead at Hilltop.
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leohtttbriar · 7 months ago
I have to ask... what did you think of Tom asking B'Elanna why she lives the life of a monk, right at the start of "The Swarm"? Obviously he was flirting but I think the way that line is written reveals something about both her work ethic and her reserved nature, and how B'Elanna might appear to the rest of the crew (almost like she has this duty to keep the ship running that sets her apart, not unlike the captain)
lol so i know i just watched this episode but i still had to go and re-watch that scene bc i think my brain tends to slide over tom-scenes without much acknowledgement--like when you're driving on the highway for a long time and you're technically still taking in the road but you're sort of unaware of it and thinking completely different thoughts to driving... anyway. i think on first viewing i must have filed it as a tom-flirts-and-i-don't-care scene and moved on, but, after re-watching it, i'm like "well now, that's interesting."
because you're right! surface level it's man-being-flirty-and-woman-rejecting-advances. the stuff underneath the structure, however, is revealing b'elanna in some way:
her work ethic and her reserved nature, and how B'Elanna might appear to the rest of the crew (almost like she has this duty to keep the ship running that sets her apart, not unlike the captain)
absolutely agree! i mean, we don't see b'elanna doing things off-duty all that much--unlike tom and harry who seem to always be hanging out. i feel like the only time we've seen her deliberately having fun is coming back from playing that game, whatever it's called, with chakotay. who is the only person b'elanna seems to trust with her personal feelings--the only person she really treats as a friend.
and, like, "monk" is such a hilarious descriptive word for someone who holds themselves apart because it implies that she's not sexually expressive and also that she thinks of her work as something of a higher order than the work of the """laymen""" around her. which does make her very like the captain and does set her apart. no fraternizing with the people she holds in her hands like a small bird, maybe? or maybe she really is just that inwardly turned and focused.
it's an interesting conversation to introduce this episode too because this whole episode is b'elanna getting involved in a fairly personal thing. like a really person-y personal thing. tom accuses b'elanna of being a monk--cut to the doctor getting really into opera and making enemies with long-dead sopranos (very glad he never subjected maria callas to his nonsense) in a very involved and non-monk-like way. then, while b'elanna serves as a builder/fixer, like always, in the story, she also has some of the sweetest personal moments in this episode: comforting kes, trying to fix something that looks impossible to fix, claiming a headache just to keep the doctor activated, and then watching on and smiling as he sings puccini again. when kes says "i know b'elanna can find a way," the rest of b'elanna's actions reveal what kes could mean by that: that people trust b'elanna to not only do the work but to do it kindly. she's just pure of intention.
so is the sort of back-handed "you live like a monk" from tom both a tease and, retrospectively, a compliment? i don't know. and now im on the verge of comparing her to mimi just bc that song is from la boheme but that's probably too much lol.
b'elanna's place on the crew and the way they react to her is such an interesting question. thanks so much for sending this to me--i think you are so so right about that scene and what it reveals. i clearly need to stop tuning tom-scenes out like this.
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vidavalor · 23 days ago
Where do you think R.P. Tyler, Tadfield's resident busybody, fits in with all the angel/demon/human paralleling going on? :D
Hi there, Dear Philosopher! Hope you're doing well today. 💕 Freezing and snowy here today so to share with you is some cozy baked ziti warm from the oven. 😊
I think that R.P. Tyler is kind of a warning of a character. The goal is basically to never find yourself so fearful as a result of so much unmanaged anxiety and depression that you've slipped into becoming a bit of a R.P. Tyler.
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On paper, this man doesn't have a great deal of things to worry about that we can see, which is why I think he can come across as more irritating than the kind of just sad person that he is. He lives in a picturesque town-- the only fictional English village where there's likely never been a murder. He has good physical health, a partner, nice neighbors, and he's retired with plenty of resources. He should be living life to the fullest. Instead, he's just a heart-breakingly miserable man who is suffering from some pretty evident undiagnosed anxiety and depression. He could be appreciating his life a bit more and spreading that gratitude for what he has by sharing it with others but he's locked down by refusing to approach people with kindness and curiosity and, instead, choosing a bit more, well... obnoxiousness.
If we look at his name in support of his character? His last name is Tyler, which is an occupational surname derived from tiler or brick maker. On one level, building metaphorical walls and foundations isn't a bad thing-- it's indicative of helping to form a better society-- but, on another level, walls can also be really negative.
Think: putting up emotional walls and shutting everyone out or building metaphorical fortresses to gate-keep in order to preserve what you believe is the 'right sort' of society. R.P. Tyler falls more along the negative side of things. (Note that the "R.P." is also an acronym for "Received Pronunciation", amusingly emphasizing his love of what he believes is "proper.")
As we learned in other scenes, bricks are not always a bad thing. Gabriel and Beez, according to the bartender in The Resurrectionist, are Freemasons. Symbolically, yes, they are-- a mason is a builder and the two of them, when together out in the world, are free and making a better place for themselves and others. They're not at risk of R.P. Tyler-ing-- they're the opposite of him because neither of them are narrow-minded in their thinking about people and the world.
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But when people get all R.P. Tyler-y? It can get dangerous. He's mostly harmless, kept in relative check by the fact that everyone in town thinks of him as a high-strung, busy body of an old man and mostly ignores him and his unsolicited advice and endless letters to The Tadfield Advertiser. But R.P. Tyler is also what happens when people, especially men, don't open up somebody and while he himself isn't really all dangerous, it's this same mentality that can worsen and slip from these kids these days! to people who then take this all to a more political level and cause massive problems to the health and safety of other people in society.
After all, tiles and bricks? They can be weapons in a good way-- you can build something that can help make the world better and thwart off all sorts of Armageddons...
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...or they can be a tool of violence, like the one the demons threw into the bookshop to demand they send out that free mason Jim.
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R.P. Tyler is a really interesting character because, initially, he seems like he will not be that important to the story. He's largely the Mr. Wilson to Adam's Dennis the Menace for awhile there but, then, it turns out that every single major character has to go through R.P. Tyler to find the way to Armageddon.
And when you think about it? They would need to, right?
Because who else knows the best route to take to get to a closed, American air force base than the most shut-off, repressed, locked down, and miserable old guy imaginable? The humor in all of it, though, is that R.P. Tyler cannot actually recognize what's going on-- not with the people who ask him for directions to the end of the world or with the fact that Tadfield really is ground zero for Armageddon.
R.P. Tyler cannot recognize true crisis because he's obsessed with false crisis because he doesn't acknowledge his own crisis. He's in constant, unacknowledged, untreated mental health crisis himself and his only way of trying to manage it is to try to control the world around him instead of leaning on that world for support and inspiration. He spends his days worried about too much sex being shown on the BBC and an eleven year old kid taking apples from his tree. He thinks these are actual problems.
A healthier man would be fine with admitting to liking a bit of spice in his programs and would not be trying to suppress art. A more secure man would recognize that, as an elder man in his community, he could be an adopted grandfather/godfather of sorts to The Them, and that kids eating healthy food is not exactly something to worry about.
The man who runs the Neighborhood Watch and is obsessed with the safety of his community has never thought that he owns an apple orchard full of more apples than he and his wife could ever eat and maybe showing up with a basketful of them for the Young family and other neighbors or even just waving hi when Adam picks one is going to do far more for his community than obsessively monitoring the non-existent "safety threats" to his neighborhood.
R.P. Tyler is kind of the whole doomed future example bit of The Christmas Carol-- the 'If These Shadows Remain Unaltered By The Future' of Good Omens. He's the warning of what kind of future awaits anyone who doesn't learn how to open their mind and approach the world more as a free mason wanting to help build it up rather than someone wielding a brick, looking to destroy progress and set everyone back.
In terms of who is paralleling R.P. Tyler in the different areas of the story in S2, I think Michael in the Up and Shax in the Down both run the risk of getting a bit R.P. Tyler and trying to uphold the 'traditional values' of their societies but both seem like they can be swayed back from that edge if others let them in-- and if they decide they are willing.
In the human world, the closest thing to R.P. Tyler in S2 is a guy who is likely going to avoid it because he's fundamentally way more with it than R.P. and that's Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets. Mr. Vacuum likes things Just So and sees his role as the President of The Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association as if it's his responsibility to keep a sense of order over the neighborhood and be its standard-bearer example.
We see great examples of that in his arrival at the ball, where Mrs. Sandwich spots him and turns away with visible disgust-- undoubtedly because while Aziraphale will recognize hers as a business like any other on the street, Mr. Vacuum thinks she's bringing down the neighborhood and likely has made that known in the past.
We also see him be a bit ornery about how Aziraphale isn't following all the usual rules of the meeting, which Mr. Brown always has under his control, of course.
Where are his seats?! Things are falling to pieces around here! 😂
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Mr. Carpet is a deeply unhappy and lonely man but what he has going for him is that he's probably a bit more open to change than R.P. Tyler-- a bit softer, a bit more willing to be vulnerable. He's also just younger and of a different generation.
In some ways, Mr. Brown is emblematic of how we still have so many toxic ideas about masculinity but things have been improving in many ways from the days that were more difficult for the R.P. Tylers of the world. That's a good example of the progress that, ironically, R.P. Tyler finds threatening, but that hopefully might find its way towards him a bit at some point and help him get some more peaceful years in there. Hopefully. For the sake of his poor wife, anyway. If not, Mrs. R.P. Tyler is totally hooking up with Brenda's long-suffering Ron in the afterlife. 😂
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warden-melli · 4 months ago
Out of curiosity, what convinced you to give Adaman a dad bod in his adulthood?
A few things actually. Obviously this is purely my own headcanon, and not one I’m not even 100% married to tbh. As it’s purely speculative I’m open to many possible future interpretations of the character, but it is one I’m particularly fond of
Firstly i feel that it’s important to specify that while I do choose to draw him with a “dad bod” in middle adulthood, it’s one that is also very muscular, similar to that of a strong man or weight lifter (not body builder)
I’ve published a theory on this before, but I believe that there is a lot of evidence to suggest that Adaman has an interest in fighting, or martial arts. A short version leaving out a lot of details; He seems to be an athletic person, his arm wraps appear to resemble those of a boxer or martial artist, and he’s even expressed an interest in learning some ninja techniques. We also know that fighting is a pastime in Hisui, with both clans shown observing a friendly match between Iscan and Gaeric in the full art Adaman and Irida trading cards from the Crown Zenith expansion for the tcg. There’s also signs advertising sumo matches that are visible inside of galaxy Hall, as well as Kamado being a sumo wrestler himself. Fighting seems to be a huge pastime is the Hisui region, and one I believe is likely that Adaman may participate in. It may even be the cause of his trademark eyebrow slit, with similar scars being common among boxers
Adaman also expressed an interest in cooking and learning to cook, leading me to assume that he has an interest in food, and the culinary world. He is even seen serving potato mochi in the festival scene shown towards the very end of the game
With that in mind, my version of Adaman is one who has explored his interest in training and fighting more as he has aged, growing physically stronger as he continued to excel at his sport. He seems like someone who is keen to learn, and with the sumo matches being advertised at Galaxy hall, and after getting a taste of it during his brief confrontation with Kamado as part of the main story, I imagine him jumping at the opportunity to lean a new skill. He is also someone who enjoys his food, and who has pursued his interest in cooking further, even professionally alongside his duty as leader (I headcanon him as opening his own restaurant one day). He is an athlete who is not afraid to nourish his body, and who is confident in both his abilities and his physique.
I also think it contrasts well, yet feels like a very possible outcome, for his canon design. With his design being based on Dialga it also felt right to try making his design more solid to kind reflect that steel influence. I’ve also always headcanoned Adaman as being a really good father one day, so a dad bod seemed a natural fit lol. It just seems like a more adult body type than the one he had as a young adult, so visually really helps to define that he’s in a different stage of his life now. Even though I’ve used the word “dad bod” to describe my older Adaman before, I think it’d actually be more accurate to describe him as having a strongman physique.
So basically, I see him as a happy, healthy guy. One who loves his food, and his sport, and whose body reflects his journey and those passions
(I really feel the need to specify that this version of Adaman is in no way intended to be a joke, or in any way negative portrayal, as is sadly so common in media when a character is shown to have gained any weight for whatever reason)
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thrandilf · 2 years ago
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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raintakesabow · 4 months ago
If you had to rank the project moon games from favorite to least favorite, how would you rank them and why?
I think, from most to least favorite: Library of Ruina, Lobotomy Corporation, Limbus Company.
Explanations under the cut (also reminder that these games are on sale until November 4th!!! Buy them if you're interested!!!!)
To understand why, I honestly have to start with lob corp.
It's the first game, it's great, and it's got a lot of rough edges /pos. The first play through is phenomenal, and they never show you their full hand. It'll give you some information, and then turn it upside down (such as the day 10 Angela reveal, followed by Tiphereth's 4th cutscene (I think it was the 4th) much later changing what you thought you knew.
And then for every play through after, it's done with full knowledge of the story and the mechanics and it's genuinely fun to go in with zero knowledge, as well as returning with full knowledge and a memorized encyclopedia to choose specific abnos that are easiest to deal with (for a specific reason at days 40-44)
It's a great game, and I love it
Then LoR comes around and shows what Project Moon can do with a real budget. Much more detail, fuckin voice acting, the combat is incredible, the gameplay is so good and the VN segments are even better, chef's kiss. It's a different genre so it's hard to compare them at times, but I have had more consistent fun with LoR compared to Lob Corp. Both are incredible though and I highly recommend both
I also highly recommend Limbus Company, but not to the same degree. The combat is a lot more simple, and it doesn't feel as great as with LoR. It's still really good and I enjoy it (particularly the abno Boss fights), but it doesn't feel as challenging, and it hasn't felt like I've come out of anything barely scraping by.
Granted, I've only recently beaten Canto IV, so I've still got a lot left, but it doesn't have the same feeling of triumph that LoR has had with every one of its difficult fights, which I have big strong memories of the specific emotion each one filled me with.
Limbus is still absolutely cooking with the story though. Canto I: everything is in the shitter, it's a good starting spot. Canto II: much more silly and the characters show a bit more personality, it's a good next spot to go to. Canto III: The Horrors. I had to take consistent breaks during Canto III because it genuinely made me feel sick at times. The story is so damn good and they play with your feelings so damn well.
LoR is an excellent turn based deck builder with great Visual novel elements that shows what Project moon can really do, and it feels so satisfying to play through and overcome. 10/10
Lob corp is a great management game that gets a bit tedious at times, but is fun to eventually master. Plus the story and characters are great, and it's so good to go through and unravel just what's going on. 9/10
Limbus Company is an excellent visual novel with great turn based combat /mj. I love the characters so much and they do a really good job of balancing all 13 sinners and nobody is left out, even when the spotlight is on someone else. And if they are left out, then it's done because that sinner is actively withdrawing from the group, not because PM doesn't want to focus on them right now. 8/10
Also reminder that Lob Corp and LoR are on sale and that Limbus is always free :3333
Oh and I forgot to mention, but Limbus is extremely F2P friendly despite being a gacha game. Like, extremely friendly, and it's great and wonderful and I love it. Haven't spent a cent and yet I've got 7 3-star IDs (highest rarity)
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awen-born · 5 months ago
The Story of How I became a Witch...
I was raised in the bible belt and in a very conservative Christian family. I love my folks but they've got very different beliefs than mine. I officially left at twenty years old, however it was something coming as I'd been heavily deconstructing and found witchcraft secretly. Even worshipping a totally different deity, but letting go of Christianity was hard, as I'd believed it almost my entire life.
Though, I never felt at 'home' spiritually, in Christianity and didn't think anything of that till I left. I don't know how to explain it and this could probably be a post in and of itself. But, the point is, it never felt 'homey'. Now the deeper I got into folk practice, the more at home I felt, even when I was still a practicing Christian. But once I really embraced it... that was so freeing. I feel so completely at home and at peace, it's truly incredible to me.
As a child, I'd always been 'in tune' with things, spiritually. Could sense them, saw them sometimes. It's actually been a common thing with the women in my family. We have bad feelings, predictive dreams and sense spiritual presences. The others aren't witches, they believe it comes from the Christian god, which was what I thought too. Till I began deconstructing at nineteen.
I am also a fantasy writer and world builder, have been since I was twelve. Which led to me researching a lot of folklore, mythology, herbalism and historical folk practices. Fairies, all things folklore, mythology and runes/ancient languages has been a special interest all my life. Especially celtic, norse, anglo-saxon and Slavic as well. I believed in fairies for years, but stopped as I got into my teens. Though it got put into my fantasy writing.
The herbalism is really what kicked this off and I think part of what led me here. I began researching it and quickly found magick. Now, I was a christian at the time and didn't want to practice that. However I found folk practices, wheel of the year things. So I began doing some of those at seventeen. And so I'd say I began practicing witchcraft then but didn't know it. This goes a bit for my childhood as well. I even found my favorite plant ally during the herbalism studies and was strangely drawn to it... which is juniper, I adore it. I'm even wearing some around my neck as I write this.
Around fifteen is when I began questioning Christianity. These thoughts ebbed and flowed but didn't go anywhere till I was nineteen and really found some deep flaws. Ironically I was trying to convert someone at the time, or more so witness to him and answer his questions that led to him deconverting. He's my ex now, but at the time we were close friends and very in love with one another. So... I dated him. For about a year and a half. Now he was not in the least bit spiritual or pagan. Actually he didn't like it whenever I began practicing officially, he didn't force me to stop, although as I learned more and put up more and more wards around me... the more toxic our relationship got, showing all his flaws, leading to a break-up right after I made my first witch bottle... said bottle molded immediately following the breakup. After this I was devastated as it came at a very bad time in my life, with a hell of a lot happening both for me and my best friend. But I did get past it and had already basically become pagan, I just didn't know the word for it. So I leaned on my deities and decided to let go of Christianity for good.
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valoisfulcanellideux · 1 year ago
My 'new Hermit' thoughts and predictions
Might as well record these thoughts here, so people can come back and point and laugh once we know who the new Hermits actually are ;)
So far, we have a few clues from the existing Hermits:
In a reply to Xisuma's tweet, both Doc and Cub made references to Snoop Dogg.
As a result of this, some people are speculating new Hermits whose names begin with 'S' and 'D'. We have a few choices for 'S' but the three that I've seen mentioned most often are:
Solidarity (Jimmy)
Smallishbeans (Joel)
For 'D' there's only one I can think of (I'm not counting Dream, because there's no way it'd be him) and that's:
Dangthatsalongname (Scott Smajor)
However, Snoop Dogg could be a reference to something else entirely: "Fo shizzle". Which... kinda rhymes with someone's name, right?
Remembering here that the new Hermits are very likely to be people that many of the existing Hermits have interacted with in the past, either through the Life Series, MCC, Clash of the Creators, or other SMPs such as the Empires crossover. We know that new Hermits have to be agreed upon with 100% 'Yes' votes from all existing Hermits.
Two that I think we can discount are:
Both of them, when asked (multiple times) in their streams, have said they're not interested in joining Hermitcraft. And in Pix's case it would be doubly awkward, since he's also the voice of the Hermitcraft Recap. So, much though I would love to see them both (Pix especially) on HC, it's not likely to be either of them. Of the two (if it were either of them) it would more likely be fWhip than Pix (though I would love to be proved wrong. This is mostly a Pix-centric blog, after all.)
Another outlier is:
Much though I love Sausage, and much though I think he'd be a great fit for HC, I don't think it's him. He loves his smaller, modded servers, and he's really into his roleplay, whereas HC is not really a roleplay server. They do have story arcs - and Sausage would be great in those - but I honestly don't think he's one of the two new Hermits.
So then our second clue comes from something ZombieCleo said, which was posted in Tango's Discord server. I'll paraphrase it below:
If the two new Hermits had TCG cards one would be a Balanced type, and the other would probably be Balanced or Builder.
i know there have been other hints (and slip-ups) on places like Twitch streams etc, but given just those two clues alone my predictions are:
New Hermit no.1 - Smallishbeans Joel has the building chops, and he's capable of putting in the grind typical of Hermitcraft. He'd also be all-in for pranks and server-wide shenanigans. He would be the Balanced/Builder type. New Hermit no.2 - Skizzleman Because honestly? Everything's pointing towards him being one of them. Particularly the Snoop Dogg references. Fo shizzle, it's Skizzle. (Although where he would find the time is another matter. From listening to the Imp & Skizz Podcast, that dude already seems busy as heck.)
What are your predictions?
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nmoroder · 7 months ago
Good day to you. Can I ask about some characters? There wasn't much information about Glenn, Maleeh and Alto, but I was really wondering if there was anything you'd like to tell about them? Anything, really. For example, What was Glenn able to do with Neverhood's limitations? Do his ideas usually end up as blueprints for the least feasible inventions? And I don't know what exactly to ask about Alto and Maleeh - there isn't much lore about them as far as I remember... but it would be interesting to know more!
Hiii welcome back to another episode of recalling what ive created several years ago! ::D anyway, you're right and there's a severe lack of info in my writings abt OCs other than Shuffle because of his crucial role in Crowns and Revelations story. I'll try to recover something i thought over though, so here goes.
Glenn is the more well-thought character out of all others i guess, mostly because of his also important role in CaR (yeah most of my OCs get development because they end up in a story and it progresses around them and forces them to do something). I mentioned that he's some sort of local Da Vinci and this also meant that a fair lot of his ingenious stuff ends up on paper as either blueprints or written ideas, all that. However he doesn't give up and whenever it's possible, he works on a way to simplify the constructions so that they may be implemented with Neverhood's resources - that being the spaceship he built that Klogg and Klaymen used for space travel. It's a very simple version built with scrap essentially, and still it persisted throughout theit whole journey there and back.
One funny thing about Glenn is that he likes to invent stuff but doesn't want to be a creator in a sense of Hoborg's status. It was mentioned in CaR summary that Hoborg talked to Glenn about passing the crown to him in case of need, and Glenn declined saying that he doesn't want to be a creator, rather a builder. The thing is, it mostly takes Hoborg to think of something he wants to create and to have the materials needed, but for Glenn the joy of building is essential. That's also what Alto thinks about the process - this is what they were both born with, a passion for constructing. However Alto is more of a handyman kind of guy, he's among the strongest Hoodians and it helps him greatly while assisting Glenn. In return, Glenn tries to teach Alto some of the basics he uses for designing and building his creations, and they've developed their own sort of language that others don't really understand. Like, a nerd and his loyal assistant, in their own world of inventing.
Maleeh is probably closest of all Hoodians to my own personality and i think he's my window into that klay world. As mentioned, he's a stark contrast to Shuffle but he also is his best and probably only true friend - Shuffle doesn't talk much to others on personal matters. Maleeh is a pretty friendly one but not overly so; he's polite and lighthearted towards everyone at first sight and may change his behavior as he sees more of the newly met person. However one of his greatest flaws is inability to be idle, to do nothing or to think about nothing. Whereas Shuffle puts all this into something he find useful, Maleeh thinks less of the work and more of the leisure but when there's none, he's practically dying of boredom. His mind suffers from idleness and that's why he's happy to go wreck any sort of (peaceful) havok just so that his mind will be occupied. It's something he shared with Shuffle and tried to overcome to a degree, those efforts aren't futile but the process requires patience. Maleeh isn't a fool but also not a genius, and also is kinda naive about certain things people around him do; he was the first one to be attacked by Klogg on the Pin Island as he brought the man food, believing him to be somewhat docile and have no bad intentions. He was also very reluctant to believe that Shuffle indeed did the prohibited and put on the crown, even though it was the last-ditch effort to help Hoborg anyhow; it came into a violent conflict with his perception of Shuffle and he spent quite some time coming to terms with this.
Also worth mentioning that in the worst case, if none of the four space travelers hadn't returned from the trip to Klay Mountain, Maleeh would've been the first to vouch to help Glenn build another spaceship and venture into space even blindly - just to try and do something about this situation. He hates just idly waiting and often wants to take action, but most of the time there's someone who can handle the situation better, so he just stays on the sidelines so to speak. In a worst case scenario, he'd be the first in line for the task. Glenn on the other hand wouldn't venture out into space even for testing out his own inventions - he's terribly afraid of getting lost out there on his own, and at the same time he doesn't want to put anyone else's life at risk by coming together to assist him (Alto, for example). So Glenn is more than happy to let others test his machines, if only that's out of free will. Good thing Klogg didn't know that Glenn doesn't test his inventions himself.
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woodstoneb-b · 11 months ago
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Welcome back to Woodstone B&B where stunning sunrises welcome you each day!
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As well as stunning surprises I guess, because as I discovered after last entry, the Lady of the Manor and the ghost that has no pants have a...thing going on.
Flower: Oh yeah, they're all over each other like jellyfish!
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The Woodstone property is pretty massive and one of the nicest spots is our very own lake!
Thor: Thor is jealous of pixel self, it has been half a century since Thor was able to fish for that greatest of all foods...cod.
Alberta: Oh lord, don't get him started.
Trevor: Can we fish in the lake in real life, Jay?
Ahem...unfortunately after consultation with the EPA, we've been advised that the level of heavy metals in the water is slightly too high so in the interests of our guests, fishing is off limits.
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Now here's something of interest, here at Woodstone we have a secret underground vault! It was constructed in the 1890s by Elias Woodstone, no doubt to hold all the Woodstone family riches.
Hetty: Which he didn't get the chance to use, instead he ended up locked inside it by the builder. Which is where cuckolding will get you, so take note.
I assure all prospective guests that the skeleton in the ACTUAL basement is fake, I mean, obviously we wouldn't leave a real skeleton on the premises!
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Er, Pete, what the Hell are you doing?
Pete: I appreciate worksmanship, and this is fine workmanship! It looks almost real!
Yep, definitely a fake skeleton.
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Thor: Why would there be rain in this mythical space? Thor cannot fish in such weather! The cod I could be catching -
Alberta: I told you not to get him started.
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In the meantime, rain and even a lack of pants doesn't deter some of the ghosts.
Trevor: A fudgiscle! Man, what I wouldn't give for one of those...
Sass: This game is making me hungry....hey, Sam, can we have a pizza to smell tonight?
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Thor: Seems game is not always correct...Trevor never wins 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' in real life.
Trevor: I swear, it makes no damn sense. How do you always know.
Thor: That is secret.
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Is this more accurate?
Thor: Hahaha, small man would never dare such move against Thor.
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Um, Alberta? That's uh...not safe.
Alberta: This ain't real, Jay, and these microwaves...damn, you modern people don't know how good you got it!
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Alberta: I mean, look at this convenience! In my time it would have taken like half a day to get a dinner like this!
Well, I'll pass on your compliments to Swanson's.
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Oh God, what are you planning now, No Pants?
Trevor: Wouldn't you like to know?
I don't think I do, to be honest...
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Flower: Eee buttefly chasing! My favourite thing!!
Thor: And Flower doesn't even need to worry about boundary now.
Flower: I'm supposed to worry about a boundary?
Thor *groan*
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Trevor: Cool, horses!
Looks like the feeling isn't mutual.
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Trevor: Wow, you've been fishing all day, Big Guy?
Thor: A whole day is nothing to Thor, Thor once spent two days fishing for a much spoken of and legendary cod, it is all colours of the rainbow and is longer than -
Alberta: Just walk away, Jay and come back in an hour or two...he should be finished by then.
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Trevor: Broooooo!
Thor: Broooooo!
Well, that's something you don't see every day...a Viking and a Wall Street broker doing shakkas at each other.
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Alberta: Jay, you nailed it! Here I am lookin' ready to paint the town red! Starting with a drink at this speakeasy!
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Isaac: sigh I am feeling isolated and unfulfilled, there's no Samantha in this game to write my story.
Well, you know, you can write your own story in this.
Isaac: What? Why didn't you say so?! Fetch me a quill and all the parchment you can afford!
Yeah, that's really not necessary, you just need a typewriter or a computer.
Isaac: Right! Lead me to it!
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Trevor: Hey nothing to see here..
Isaac: What are you talking about, you've got one of those typewriters!
Trevor: Yeah, but...this is a secret room....which you guys don't know about.
Isaac: I have never actually seen that room before, what do you do in there?
Hetty: Never you mind.
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Here's an interesting development, Sass's simself rolled a want to be a sculptor so here we go.
Sass: You know, I wanted to be a storyteller...but being able to create art that will last for eons...sounds good to me!
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Thor: Meanwhile, Thor has decided to keep cod and other fish to admire. Also eat if famine occur.
Righty-oh, good thinking.
On that note, we'll leave our ghostly pals for now. What hijinks will they get up to next time? Stay tuned!
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ganymedesclock · 1 year ago
okay your idea about your Eggman being more of a Superman villain is very interesting! I'm curious what you think are the characteristics of a proper Superman villain because apart from being selfish I can't really think of anything for that
So with the obvious corollary that anything as long-running as Superman has 'meant' a lot of different things to a lot of different people, my primary footholds in the Man of Steel's mythos are Superman: The Animated Series, and more recently, My Adventures With Superman.
To me, "what Superman is about" as posited by STAS is a kind of optimistic retrofuturism. Not optimistic in the sense that it's a utopia with no problems, but in that it is a story with its head lifted, gazing hopefully at the stars and asking the question, what are humans capable of? What's our potential? What can we become, if we put our minds to it?
This is an ideology that you can find just as well-embodied in that series' incarnation of Lois Lane- madam high standards alpha reporter- as it does in, say, Lex Luthor. The superman villains aren't generally depicted as antagonists of progress- they are depicted as sinister or selfish aspects of progress. Luthor seeing himself as the greatest man who is not opposed to Superman until he realizes Supes can't be bought. It's a battle over what sun will rise over the city of tomorrow.
This is interesting to approach in a Sonic lens, granted, because the Sonic franchise doesn't really concern itself all that much with 'the future' generally speaking, the occasional dalliance in time travel aside. At least where the main characters are concerned, the goal is a lot more grounded in the present, in right now- and only looking forwards enough to ensure that there will be more right nows to enjoy.
Like Superman, Eggman is a character who's meant a lot of different things, (and I'm a lot more versed in different Sonic incarnations than I am with Superman) but one of the guiding throughlines of Eggman is that he is a city-builder. This is a guy with big designs on the future- designs that are so important for him that even his nastiest incarnations can be semi-regularly counted on to help save the day just so there's a future there for him to take over.
One concept I rotate around with my take on Eggman specifically is that he is a "miracle worker" in the best and worst way. He is the guy who can just transcend limits that are holding you back! Why tolerate being shown up by some smug punk who's better than you when you could run circles around him? Your sorry situation has a solution and you can just trust the smartest guy in the world to fix it up for you!
There's a period of time in the IDW Sonic comics where Eggman loses his memory, and what fascinates me about this is that without his memory of commitments, he defaults to fixing everything, and being overjoyed to do it. When that exact incarnation can also be absolutely terrifying- Ian Flynn writes a very scary Eggman- I'm enraptured by this notion of an Eggman who sees all of his destructive, supervillainous, domineering actions as fixes. This is a problem, that's a problem, the people who refuse to agree with him about the right way to do things are a problem, the government is a problem and that damned hedgehog that keeps breaking all his things is the problem. But he'll fix it all! The doctor is in!
This is a guy who is very concerned about a Bright Future guided by science, and depending on the guy, he might actually be onto something... but he also might be mentally casting you as a footnote in his magnum opus.
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raevenlywrites · 2 months ago
Todays Archive Dive starts with ep 88: Dig, and goes through 89: Twice as Bright, 90: Body Builder 91: The Coming Storm, and 92: Nothing Beside Remains
Oh no, I hate that shes all sus of Jon again Poor martin doesnt think he did it, sweet loyal boy
Oooh what is this discretion business about? Is Daisy gonna kill Jon????
Oh boy, another leitner book
...is Down related to Vast?
oh shit the caliope!
Twice As Bright
oh fuck an avatar! This oughta be good
no more questions? shes big mad
compell, oh thats interesting
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jude perry:
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...her story is actually surprisingly boring to me. Its so...echo chambering? mastrubaroty? idk. im just so fucking bored of listening to this fucker bloviate about how amazing flames are and how delicious suffering is and how much better this god is than any other god- ah, that's what it is. This avatar is like the most insufferable, self righteousness, asshole Christian. Not all Christians, obvs, but this particular type? fucking sucks. makes me disengage and debate skipping the ep. But im hoping for more world building/answers. the actress is reading it well though
"Feed it or it will feed on you" ooooh alright then
Michael! Oh not that Michael the other Michael. Alright then! Onwards and deeper in
Oh Jon dont do it-- too late :/
Body Builder
Aww poor Tim
Oh no. If he got sick, will Jon be okay out in the world?
Mm, good ol body horror, yuck
I love Martins style of recording. Id watch a whole ghost hunting show with him
Coming Storm
Oh hey, hes just a normal gu-- nevermind (also the sound fx game in this show is insane)
Boo yay, Daisy found him :/
Yay Yay Basira!
Yeah! Go get Elias! Compell his ass!!!
Nothing Beside Remains
Elias you sneaking bastard!
...i wonder why this statement...
oh, bc Elias is an enormous creep. right
"tingly". alright then
Holy shit what?! we cant kill elias!? but he needs it so badly
Well. Youve been officially Called, Jon. Time to truly start your quest
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nic-liveblogs · 1 year ago
those mk & lloyd parallels got HANDS, any new thoughts on that or their interactions? (maybe save this ask till after the special, cuz uh... something occurs)
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i hear you and i see you ok 😭😭 its just that these past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy for me and also lack of motivation 🫠
but i just got covid so perfect excuse to finally think about this 😭 problem is that i mightve forgotten alot about lmk at this point so bear with me 💀
i think this mightve been mentioned in like previous posts but lloyd and mk just training and like talking about life would be very special to meeeee!! id love to see how our 2 protags of east asian inspired lego shows would interact!! idk they could go get therapy together because they are both very messed up theyd ask each other to seek help and then say nooo im fiiinee, bonding over secretive mentors me thinks like why do they do they keep secrets all the time!!! like idk id love a swap au between these 2 they r very interesting to me.. also both of them getting betrayed suckss. they could learn somthing from each other like lloyd is more wise in like the master wu sorta way and i think mk could teach him to let loose a little.. also they can both go apeshit mode hehehehehe i think ive already mentioned this in like another ask
i think red son would remind lloyd alot of him when he was younger like idk they try so hard to be evil but they got that goodness in them yk 😔😔
i think that applies to kai in the hotheaded sense like hes grown so much since he was 15 and i think hed want to help red son in the way he helped wyldfyre as well
lloyd: so yeah my great grandma is like a dragon..??
nya: and i turned into a dragon once!!
mei: thats sooooo cool my great great great great great great thousand times great grandpa was a dragon too!! do you guys wanna see my dragon!!!!
*lloyd and nya expecting some tiny dragon like riyu or chompy*
and then mei whips out her totally cool kickass dragon and they are both in awe like teach me how to do that!!!!
im pretty sure sandy is the builder of the time right?? there are so many builder characters in ninjago like pixal, jay, nya, sora, zane and i think they could probably geek out about it hehe
zane probably also knows about jttw since he knows like everything about everything yk i think he would listen to tang talk about it zane's sweet like thattt and tang can finally talk to someone who knows the full story 😭
one time someone asked about morro and macaque and like i still dont really know how to answer that like theyve both died ig thats cool 😭 shared trauma on dying lol, and also they were both like evil at one point and i guess reflecting back on it theyve both been like what was it all really for
ive said this before and ill say it again jay, mk, mei and maybe wyldfyre would totally go do some dumb shit together and get in trouble together 😭
and thats all i have maybe i'll think up something in the future? who knows!
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