#well it doesn’t it’s just racism like always everytime in every fandom
starlooove · 2 months
If ur just now seeing talking or caring about genshins racism I don’t like u lmao
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Important announcement!
Hello everyone. I just need to give a quick announcement. Over the last few weeks. I've not been feeling very well mentally, physically, emotionally and creatively. The Harry Potter fandom, Especially The Marauders fandom, has been a very important part of my life. One of the things that made me really happy. I've discovered my passion for writing and creating content as well as reading fanfics and Headcanons because of this fandom. Therefore I created this space to share my work and opinions. And I am forever grateful that it had grown so fast and built into a community. I have some friends that I met through this fandom with whom I speak almost every day. And I had fun.
But lately I have not been feeling well. And now not even this fandom makes me feel happy. Not as it used to. In fact, it makes me feel worse.
Firstly, is the thing about the author JKR who is a TERF and terrible person. And I've been trying to separate her from her work. And change many things and create my own Headcanons. But somehow the guilt of being a fan of HER stories, is stronger. There's always that guilt.
Secondly is the fact that JKR's work has many mistakes and inconsistences. And I understand. She is human and allowed to make mistakes. But with these mistakes and her work she promotes abuse, toxic characters as heroes, racism, discrimination, problematic social issues, marginalization and more. Themes that are important to address but she never fixes them. She never makes them seem as wrong. JKR is a bad writer. And everytime I keep discovering her mistakes, I don't know why I still keep rooting for her world.
Thridly is the fandom. The fandom has become toxic and bad. There's no safe space for anymore to give Headcanons, ship couples, and invent stories without being attacked from those who are opposed. And I am not talking about civil discussions. But attacks. I've received insults from fans who didn't agree with me. Or whom I didn't agree with. And there are people who would literally die for characters that are toxic, manipulative and bullies (I don't need to name them). And I feel ashamed to be part of a fandom like that. Not everyone is like that, of course, I've met wonderful people too. But I am ashamed to root for a story that doesn't even make sense. That should've been better in terms or representation and should've talked about social issues in a better way.
Anyway. Don't fear. I am not saying that I am leaving this fandom permanently. Because like I said, I can't. If I leave the fandom, especially The Marauders. I have nothing. But, I am taking a break from posting, writing and commenting about the canon. I want to distant myself from JKR's world, canon and fandom. Little by little. When I return, I am going to be focusing in a Muggle Alternative Universe. That includes the Marauders, not JKR's version but mine and what fans had created of them. And their story would be the same except for death, abuse, phycological issues and traumas. They are going to be set in a muggle world with normal issues. But being the best version they can be. Including LGBTQ characters and characters from different cultures, regilions and POCs. And with a happy ending. As long as a realistic happy ending could be. I want to focus on that concept for now. Built up this canon. And go back to fall in love with them and what used to make me happy. I just need that break for my mental health and well being.
I am grateful for everyone who has stuck with me and supported my work and page. You're not forced to keep following me and stay with me during this process, if you don't wish to. But if you do, thank you so much. I promise I will be back when I am ready. Also, my DMs are opened to chat about non Harry Potter related stuff or discuss Headcanons about the AU I am working on. But only that.
Well, that's all. Please stay safe, healthy and happy as possible. Love you all.
Till next time.
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I always lose a follower or two when I talk about this, and I’m not exactly sure why. Perhaps it’s because people follow me with ideas like, “Ooooh! Nice DC blog! I bet she’ll make a whole bunch of anti-Marvel/MCU posts that I can have fun with,” and then see that I go beyond and also talk about fandom culture as well. Maybe it’s because seeing this kind of thing on their dash makes them nervous or uneasy and it’s much more fun for them to enjoy these things if someone didn’t bring up these problems that so often get swept under the rug for the sake of keeping certain people comfortable and at the expense of marginalized fans. I don’t know.
What I do know is that I refuse to shut up about this. As a Black queer woman who enjoys these things (or at least, would like to enjoy these things in peace), fandom racism is hard to miss, and it’s not always blatant. It’s not always someone comparing Candice Patton to a monkey. It’s not always someone jokingly calling Anna Diop “Blackfire.” It’s often much more subtle than that. Every single time someone makes a comment like, “Everything looks good, except they should really recast [insert character of color]” or “I hate the way [character of color] is written” has an intention of making fans of color like myself feel unwelcome. Some wonder why they don’t see a lot of “nerds of color” and insist that the reason why there are so few superheroes of color is because this kind of stuff simply doesn’t appeal to people of color, which is just not true. What is true is that great efforts are made to shut us out of this stuff. This is evident every time a character is made for us whether that character is a racebent version of a traditionally white character (Iris West from The Flash) or an original character for new continuities or new stories within the same continuities of franchises (Fish Mooney from Gotham and Rose Tico from The Last Jedi). We really can’t have anything without fandom racists doing everything they can to make this stuff less enjoyable for us. The worst part of this all, however, is the fact that it’s almost never so obvious to fans who don’t have to go through this, because if someone isn’t straight out writing racial slurs in all caps, it doesn’t look racist to them.
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Then there are the people who tone police us and think we should just ignore all the racism, because according to them, these people are “just trolls.” Well, guess what? Writers like Chuck Wendig lost their jobs because of people who were “just trolls.” “Trolls” have power, and ignoring them hasn’t made them go away. It only makes them try harder. They’re standing together, and whether you care to admit it or not, they have the power to affect the things we enjoy...but let’s continue to just ignore them and see what that does. It’s easy to brush the racism off when you just tell yourself and fans of color who aren’t being allowed to enjoy this stuff as much as you are that it’s all the act of “trolls” and ignoring them will make them give up and go away. It’s easy, because you are not the target of the “trolls.”
And here is probably where I’m probably really going to lose some people if I didn’t already. That Kentucky shooter? Well, it just so happens that he also complained about racebent CB characters. That’s right! One of those people who were probably brushed off as just being a “troll” actually went out and acted on his hatred of people of color.  Let that sink in a moment. Some of these people that we’re told to “just ignore” when they complain about efforts to make these things more inclusive to marginalized individuals can and will hurt people. Sitting back and doing nothing isn’t working. Being passive isn’t helping. It’s accommodating. It’s enabling. And I’m beyond tired...
...I’m tired of being told this isn’t a big deal.
I’m tired of being told this isn’t “real racism.”
I’m tired of being told to just ignore the problem when it’s in my face everytime I participate in fandom.
And I’m tired of the fact that even this is probably not going to be enough for people to check themselves and their behavior towards fans of color.
I’m tired because I know this is going to happen again, because as long as it doesn’t affect those guilty of this behavior, they’ll see no need to change.
Now, if this post offended you, go ahead and unfollow me. I don’t want you on my blog if you’re that weak minded anyway.
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minblush · 7 years
Leave mimi alone. If you could get over your jealousy for one second you would see would a sweet person she is. I follow her because she doesn't look for fights unlike blogs like yours. Yet there are fights on her blog cause of people who don't have anything better to do like you.
so it’s been a while and i finally worked up any sort of courage to address all of this and i will do it under this one ask because out of all the ones mimi’s “fans” sent me, this one was the most civil
i’m still shocked that i got so many people attacking me over rightfully calling mimi out, and ofc there is no jealousy involved, i guess i just don’t understand why she is the blog that anyone would want defend, like let me summarize
she only gets notes because she is fast with her updates, why is she fast? she just takes updates from twitter and twitter translators a lot of the time without crediting and without any factchecking herself
she spreads unverified information and rumours because of it and got into trouble because of it more than once
she posts sasaeng information and photos taken outside of official schedules in the boys’ private time despite being criticized for it (like the jikook vacation)
she also still has the fact that she “stalks” the boys in her bio, even though i know for a fact people told her many times it’s inappropriate in the context of the fan culture in korea
she is very ignorant about mental illness (the post where she claims that jimin suffers from depression and was saved from it by jin as a fact is still up btw), the entertainment business in korea, colorism and racism (she thinks “reverse racism” is an actual thing lol) and she spreads her harmful opinions by writing essays about it to her large following
what bothers me personally a lot as a gay person, she is one of those obnoxious delusional shippers and normalizes that behaviour to her followers and also fetishizes gay men to a really ugly extent (i’m not talking here about normal shipping BTW I SHIP LOWKEY TOO, it’s about boundaries though, i’m talking about writing conspiracy theories and fetishizing, FETISHIZING, treating sexuality as a joke and treating it like a commodity, direct quote from one of her very “funny” posts: “BTS is gay ! Shippers : Of course. Why would I stan straight boys ? Who does that ?”)
(and yes as someone said in the tags, apparently she also did make racial jokes and jokes about north korea etc, but i haven’t seen those myself, only saw people mention it second hand so since i don’t have receipts i wasn’t going to include it initially)
and that is all before the jonghyun issue, which i feel like is kind of a culmination of a lot of what i dislike about her blog
she didn’t wait for an official confirmation from SM and immediately started posting about his death, all actual fanbases of jonghyun and shinee waited until after the confirmation to actually post about it, because can you imagine if it wasn’t true (no matter how real it may seem?), just like other actual bts fanbases most of these serious blogs wait for official confirmations for anything, unlike mimi who just jumps on any opportunity for notes and for her to be the news bearer. you could see people asking her to wait until the confirmation in the notes of her first posts, BUT SHE DIDN’T LISTEN, instead she let her posts spread and only added confirmation much later when it came out (which is what she does in general, spreads rumours / unconfirmed info, then when confirmation or denial comes out she edits the post and apologizes in some extremely lowkey way, despite her getting the heat for it she keeps repeating the same pattern)
her posts were made from the point of view of a bts fan instead of a human being, she was extremely tribal by saying things like that “as a bts fan, as an army” i offer my hand to shawol etc, “jonghyun took care of bts”
then she made her post about saying how we should be grateful the boys are under BigHit and not SM, because bighit supports the boys in expressing themselves about mental illness and provides help for them, blaming the company and the entertainment business for jonghyun’s death, showing her complete ignorance, not only do we not know what bighit is actually like behind the scenes (do people not remember the scandal where one of the managers hit jungkook on camera?), but the issue is that this didn’t apply to sm anyway… because…jonghyun was very outspoken about his issues with mental illness, so were other sm artists like taeyeon or leeteuk, there was/is even a support group for idols under sm that these guys as well as others like onew or yoona were a part of
and depression isn’t that simple, jonghyun had friends and outlets, but if anyone has ever been depressed or suicidal, then you as i would understand that sometimes that doesn’t matter, depression is a serious illness and the illness just won in this case, this is an opportunity to spread awareness about the illness, to urge people to seek treatment as well (jonghyun sought it himself) not try to analyze and pin it on any company or any circumstance
yet mimi linked jonghyun’s death to being oppressed by his company, by having to hold things on the inside, as if he didn’t talk about it candidly and didn’t express himself in his music
what i also found distasteful but i also can’t prove anything and people grieve differently, i still raised my eyebrows because when she lashed out at people who got rightfully angry for her for using this opportunity for notes and to make it about bts and bighit, she revealed that she was upset and cried because she thought about how it could’ve been “one of her idols” that this happened to and that she didn’t even know shinee that well… she was very coherent up until that point, but when people called her out she started to cry and be very emotional and started to talk about how she had liked shinee since debut and jonghyun was her favourite (so she has been following them for like 10 years? that is longer than i have been into kpop and i am OLD and have liked shinee since 2009.. so she’s been a fan that long and doesn’t even know the basics of what jjong was like and what he dealt with?) and then went onto analyze his lyrics and talk about how she should’ve known, and her blog transformed into other people consoling her despite her being the person that upset so many people with what she had done… that stuff doesn’t add up for me, but that is just speculation since grief is different for everyone etc, it’s just something i personally can’t buy considering how she behaves online a lot of the time
she said she was sorry without actually acknowledging what she did wrong and after people defended her vehemently she actually changed her tune and started to say things like how it was a misunderstanding and even asked her followers to approach any people who were still “misunderstanding” and let them know, which,,, what even? i suppose i’m party this to thank for all the people that told me i was an ugly/jealous loser that should delete and/or die
and despite her being like this, despite her never learning from her mistakes, people still keep defending her and attacking people that call her out, and why? 
i would agree if it were one mistake, everyone always says.. let’s educate her instead of attacking her, let her learn from her mistakes, that’s what life is all about, right? i agree, people grow from their mistakes
but.. SHE NEVER LEARNS! she keeps repeating the same things, no matter how many times she gets in trouble, and you guys keep enabling her, i think it’s this culture of fans stanning other fans that creates toxic behaviour like this, why would she change? why would she learn? why would she start and mature, why? when she has so many people telling her that it’s okay, that she is right and everybody else is wrong everytime she messes up? i think people that send me those messages are complicit really
i just wonder, what will she have to do for you guys to see that she isn’t someone worth sticking up to to this extent, because due to this environment, she won’t learn?
is she the hill you guys want to die on?
i often see people saying that she does a lot for the fandom, but? she doesn’t actually do anything special, she basically takes from others and profits from them, if you follow actual update blogs that do their homework, like allforbts, ktaebwi, sweaterpawsjimin, or vlissful on twitter, you will see the difference right away.. those are the people that do work for the fandom, she redistributes and doesn’t even thank those that did the work, there are people that spend dozens of hours translating and researching, books worth of content, people that paid for japanese tv subcriptions so they can record those shows for you, those are the people that do a lot, reposting tweets, anyone can do that (and a lot of people do, which is fine as long as due credit is given, what i’m saying is… it isn’t special and doesn’t require any effort at all, so why worship someone for like… doing the bare minimum? and sometimes not even that?)
why would you guys go to such an extent to then attack people that called her out, and rightfully, you guys would tell me a person with depression and an actual fan of jonghyun, that “if you care about jonghyun so much why don’t you join him”
over mimi? over someone who acts like all that i described? is that worth it… i don’t understand this cult-like mentality, even if she were an actual angel that did save the fandom, what in the world would make this okay?
i now have anxiety every time i try to get on tumblr and will have to work to overcome it because you people told me to die over calling HER out while going to her and telling her how everyone else sucks and she is a lovely angel…
and why she doesn’t pick fights? i talked to her in the past and let me tell you… she is stubborn and won’t change her mind and when she sees she can’t out-argue and manipulate the person SHE BLOCKS THEM and doesn’t let them express their views on her blog, no she only lets views that paint her as a victim there, she doesn’t let her followers see any validand CONSTRUCTIVE criticism
that’s why she seems like she is above it, like she is only nice and the angel and people like me are scum for ever saying anything, she is very smart about that aspect of things. but she isn’t above criticism (and neither am i), she is a human being like me or you :/.
i’m not telling you to hate her or attack her, don’t please.., i’m just asking you to see her for what she is, someone who is notes and attention hungry, someone who refuses to learn from her mistakes and someone who actually flaunts her ignorance, please give your time and attention and thankfulness to people in the fandom that aren’t like that :( and mostly, don’t go around telling people that call her (or anyone) out to die like.. please?
if she wanted to defend herself she could always talk to me, or anyone, or address it in a constructive manner, instead of relying on her followers to do that for her while publishing dozens asks on her blog that praise her and tell her how everybody else is wrong
she isn’t a celebrity, she can speak for herself
the fact that she chooses to deal with things the way she does says it all, right?
just…please reconsider stanning other fans, it creates all this toxicity, nothing good comes out of it, that is mostly what i wanted to say
and she specifically isn’t worth all the hurt
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skadithegoddess · 7 years
I love your writing and I'm excited for your next fic! I have a question, I read all your imagines and you seem to write Ivar with the same personality everytime like dominant and commanding, so I was wondering if you are going to write him differently this time? Like in this fandom there is like 2 main characterizations dom!ivar and sub!ivar and writers are always writing him with girls but some with Bucky so I was just wondering if you would try to write him differently than you usually do?
Thanks for your support! Means a lot.
I’ll try to answer as clearly as possible.
You know, I try to write Ivar like I think he would behave as tvshow!Ivar (still not sure if I’m doing a good job). We’ve seen him being clever, proud, violent, a little sadistic, and aspiring to be in charge of practically everything. That’s how I’m trying to represent him every time and that’s how he will be in my upcoming one-shot. I absolutely love him that way. Him assuming his role as a leader and being dominant is what I’m enjoying the most, whether I’m writing about it or I’m reading about it.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m completely blind to his “soft side”, the side of him that wants to be loved, that needs to be held, kissed and hugged until he suffocates. I LIVE for that side of him. I truly believe tvshow!Ivar can be sweet and respectful with someone he trusts and cares about. That’s a part of him I like to show in my one-shots as well.
To answer your question, I’m not going to change the way I’m writing him. I’m satisfied with “my Ivar” (saying my Ivar is weird but you understand). I tried once to write a smut scene with him being completly submissive out of curiosity and it was a disaster. It felt awkward. I blamed it all on my muse, and then I found out that it was just me, I just don’t enjoy reading about a submissive Ivar even less writing it. It’s just not my thing (don’t throw stones at me…).
Oh yes, Winterboneless haha. I didn’t have a clue about who was Bucky at first (now you’re going to throw stones at me I know it…). When I first read a fic about them, I liked the concept of putting together two different characters coming from two different shows. It’s interesting and can lead to amazing stories. The thing is that I’m not into Bucky (maybe because I haven’t seen any Captain America movies?) and none of the few fics I have read about Ivar and Bucky together made me take an interest in him. So, like sub!Ivar, Winterboneless isn’t my cup of tea. (I’m not sure if you were asking if I would try to write a Winterboneless fic, sorry if I misinterpreted!)
Now I’m realizing that I sound boring, like an old lady who just wants a chocolate cake and doesn’t want to hear about fruit cake or vanilla cake (what a comparaison!). I give you the right to throw stones at me!
I’m not saying my vision of him is the best or the right one, it’s just me and what I like. I’m a firm believer that, when it comes to writing, we can do want we want and no one should judge (well, there are exceptions of course like pedophilia, racism etc… but you know what I mean).
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