#well except Bobette
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halastar05 · 16 days ago
Now that the Christmas event is over (and I’ve officially failed to get Bobette-) my new goal is to achieve mastery on every toon (and get them all in the process-).
And to make this more fun, every time I master a toon I must make a fully fledged colored and digitalized doodle sheet of that toon.
This means that I already need to do Roger and Tisha doodle sheets.
Feel free to take up this challenge yourself if you want, I’d love to see a bunch of doodles :D
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pukefactory · 29 days ago
HELLO!! May I please request some Bobbette x reader headcannons?
Of course! I hope you enjoy these headcanons.
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮ CHERRY LEMONADE ✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
❆ Summary: A compilation of headcanons featuring Bobette as your girlfriend
❆ Character(s): Bobette (Dandy’s World), Coal (Dandy’s World)
❆ Genre: Headcanons, Fluff, SFW
❆ Warning(s): None - Completely Safe!
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❅ Bobette is already a cheerful and friendly toon, but with you, she’s the sweetest companion imaginable. Caring, inventive, and always by your side, she wants nothing more than to spend time with you and spread holiday cheer. Lively and upbeat, she makes it nearly impossible to stay upset when she’s around.
❅ One of Bobette’s favorite traditions is enjoying cookies with a warm cup of hot cocoa, and naturally, she wants to share that with you! With Tegan’s help, she prepares a big plate of cookies and two oversized mugs of hot cocoa, topped with cream and marshmallows—the full works. The two of you cuddle up, savoring your treats and each other’s company. It’s not unusual for you both to drift off during this, with Bobette’s arm around your shoulder as you rest your head against her chest, peacefully napping together.
❅ As a toymaker, Bobette is extremely busy around Christmas, crafting toys to fulfill children’s wishes. But even though she’s the best at what she does, she still appreciates an extra pair of hands. When you offered to help, she was over the moon! She loves having you by her side, even if it means things get a bit messier than usual, with paint scattered everywhere. Over time, you become more skilled, and together, you both produce toys far more quickly than Bobette could on her own. With your help, her work feels even more special.
❅ Speaking of presents, Bobette often gives you gifts she made herself. Whether it’s a toy you specifically requested or something as simple as a new blanket, she always manages to create or find exactly what you wanted—and you couldn’t be more grateful. Bobette makes sure you never go without, and seeing your face light up with happiness and surprise makes it all worthwhile for her. Just be prepared—sometimes, she might give you a few too many gifts!
❅ Being Bobette’s partner means you are partially responsible for looking after Coal, especially when she isn’t around. Coal tolerates you as much as she does everyone else—except for her owner—but she is a bit warmer toward you than she is with others. When Bobette is too busy, it’s up to you to take Coal on small walks and help her move large crates of toys. Of course, she probably likes you more than most because you regularly give her favorite treats, making you very popular in her eyes. Your girlfriend truly appreciates your help with Coal, and you always get plenty of kisses from her after she sees how well her pet rock has been cared for.
❅ It’s probably no surprise that Bobette’s wardrobe consists entirely of Christmas-themed sweaters. However, nearly all of them are at least slightly itchy—if not unbearably so. Neither of you knows why, but they always seem to irritate her skin. As a surprise, you got her a stack of new, non-itchy Christmas sweaters made from the softest, most comfortable material you could find. Needless to say, Bobette was elated and gave you a bone-crushing hug. From that moment on, she only wears the ones you gave her.
❅ Another one of Bobette’s favorite festive activities is making gingerbread houses, and what better way to make it even more fun than doing it with you? She carefully lays out all the supplies before you begin, and it isn’t long before you’re both covered in brightly colored icing, your hands and aprons a complete mess. No matter how much effort you put into decorating, the house always seems to collapse under the weight of gumdrops, peppermint swirls, and mountains of powdered sugar. After a moment of staring at the sugary disaster, you both burst into laughter and give up, helping each other clean the icing off your skin. Her kisses tasted especially sweet that day. You both agree to ask Ginger for help next time.
❅ After finishing her toy making, Bobette loves nothing more than to snuggle up with you and Coal under a warm, cozy blanket. You’re well aware—probably even more than she is—that her constant work leaves her completely exhausted and maybe even a little stressed. You can see it in her eyes; something always seems different once she’s done. Of course, you’d never stop her from doing what she loves, but you make up for it by ensuring your shared bedroom is as comfortable as possible. Soft Christmas lights, freshly baked treats, warm cocoa, plush blankets, and an especially cozy Coal all make her heart swell with happiness. So, you always make sure everything is just right before she returns. She rests easily, comforted by the love and care you put into making her feel at home.
❅ Bobette loves telling you about her adventures with Coal—how they delivered presents in blizzards, how she got frostbite, and how she came so close to meeting Santa himself. Oddly enough, she only seems to share these stories when you’re settling in for bed, which can be a little frustrating since her voice is so soothing that you always fall asleep before hearing how they end. Fortunately, you still remember every detail of each tale, no matter how many times she retells them. Especially the one about Coal dragging Bobette through the snow in a sleigh—you’d love to recreate that someday, even if there’s no snow.
❅ Bobette often attaches a sprig of mistletoe to the end of her hook to steal as many kisses from you as possible—and you fall for it every time. Not that you mind the extra affection, but she loves pulling you into an impossibly tight hug and covering your face with kisses until you’re too breathless to protest. When she finally lets go and you gasp for air, she giggles, apologizes, and insists that you’re simply too cute not to smother with kisses. Honestly, you can’t argue with that. You do love her kisses, after all.
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kyia7330 · 23 days ago
might be posting more au verse content on here soon 👀
BTW! StarStrike is the au version of my series StarStruck. StarStrike is where ALL my aus (currently only TADC and DW) take place. Speaking of which! here’s some info on my Dw au!
(This part is copy and pasted from my DA)
(CONTEXT- this takes place during TCDC (which is apart of the au universe for my series). NONE OF THIS IS CANNON TO MY MAIN SERIES)
so, way before the events of TCDC, striker got into his 2nd true form. And while his friends fucked around, he decided to find more universes to mess up. So he teleported around and after a while accidentally ended up in the gardenview center (while it was still open). At first he thought “WOAH! Everyone looks so week! Let’s destroy them all!!!”, until he saw the toons. He thought they were all way too adorable 😭
So instead of being a chaotic asshole, he spent multiple days in the gardenview center, refusing to leave, have a good time and being friends with all the toons like a fucking child 😎
So after a while, he decided to go back to his world and wished his new friends well! So, years and years pass and now it’s the events of TCDC. And striker remembered his old friends! So he gathered up (forced) his new circus friends to come with him to find that fun place he remembers (except for ragatha because he needs those rubber ducks 🔥)!  But once they found it… it was shut down? no. NO! He wanted to go in! So he broke down the front door and flew in! He walked around… silence, until he found a few of his old friends, Astro, vee, flutter, Rodger, pebble, Gigi, dandy, and his favourite… SHELLY!!!!! BONE GIRL!!! He was so happy! They didn’t immediately recognize him and his new looks, but after he calmed them all down and they recognized his voice, they are all cool. But then he found out something horrific, after he left, there was some strange substance left behind… and it corrupted a bunch of the toons and turned them into horrific monsters! Red eyes covering their body’s, and new animalistic features. He felt so awful, he knew DAMN WELL this was his fault. He must had accidentally let out some corruption when he was last here. He found out that dandy and Rodger had been doing some interesting things in the meantime however, from what he knows, all the uncorrupted toons had split into two groups. There was Dandys group, who had been experimenting with the strange corruption in an attempt to learn more about it. And there was rodgers group, who had been trying to research the corruption and are trying to save their friends and stop their non corrupted peers from being corrupted. A lot of Dandys friends like vee and sprout had turned on him however, in fact, a lot of people had turned on him after what he did.  A while ago, vee and brightney had stumbled into a strange secret room connected to Dandys room, a secret lab of sorts… they found strange clones of well- EVERYONE! In cages all corrupted. He had been creating clones of everyone using Ichor he collected to test and experiment corruption on. When the two told everyone about this, nearly everyone turned on dandy. The only people who didn’t were pebble and Astro. Pebble because he’s literally his dog and prolly doesn’t understand, and Astro because of many reasons… he felt so bad about
Leaving, dandy keeps begging him not to leave and to help him with his projects, while all of his other friends are begging him to leave dandy. He’s so stressed out. Now, back to striker-
So, after he found out about all of this, he started to capture as many of the toons no matter what state they were in, and separating them into groups and rooms (tbh more like fancy cells-) and not letting them leave until he was completely sure they were safe. He’s been trying to find a way to uncorrupt the corrupted, but he hasn’t found a way yet. He’s been trying to destroy all the clones though. At this moment, he’s captured every room accept Connie, bobette, coal, ginger and rudie. He knows the Christmas toons are somewhere, but can’t find them (most likely though they are hiding out somewhere- prolly afraid of him as they never met him and prolly think he’s a demon). And as for Connie, he’s suspecting she’s hiding from the corrupted and is haunting something, so he’s attempting to find her by checking any machine for spirits.
Currently, all the rooms are separated into groups in different containment rooms, as he makes some people from the circus (zooble, gangle, jax) watch guard and make sure none of them escape. The reason the others are not guarding is because he likes dragging Pomni and Darble around with him, ragatha is busy with D U C K S, and he knows damn well Kinger being guard is not a good idea.
(RAHHHH HOPEFULLY YALL LIKE THIS NEW PART OF THE AUVERSE- I might make an entire folder for specifically auverse content (TCDC WILL BE MOVED THERE)- hopefully y’all liked this! This took like an hour to write lmao)
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