#well aware this could easily be the last Paul album we get so you bet I’m going to appreciate every second of the buildup to it
allinsideyourhead · 1 year
Paul Simon— Seven Psalms, 19th May!
“On January 15th 2019, I had a dream that said “you’re working on a piece called Seven Psalms”. The dream was so strong that I got up and I wrote it down, but I had no idea what that meant. Gradually, information would come— I would start to wake up two or three times a week between three thirty and five in the morning, and words would come. I’d write them down, then start to put it together. 
I like to work, and then discover. I’m trying all the time to move things in this kind of flow way that puts you in a dream, and I think if you’re willing to fall into a dream space, you’re willing to let your judgment down.” 
Paul Simon, Seven Psalms trailer
How exciting to be experiencing the anticipation of a Paul Simon album release in real time in 2023! We’re incredibly lucky to be getting another Paul album full stop, and I’m feeling incredibly grateful that at the age of 81, his unmatched gift for storytelling and pushing creative boundaries is still going strong. Hurry up 19th May!
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