#well Aldrich’s is debatable but 😇
revivemyreverie · 2 years
🍫 for alodrian or 🌹 for lenacero in a theatre box or literally anywhere 🤓🤓🤓
Rev’s brain is mush rn so!!!!!! Excerpts!!! That’s something I can do!!!!!!!
It was late when Dorian received the gift. Noticing the white floral pattern on its bow, he got an inkling of who may have knocked at his room’s door so late.
The box, however, smelled of something foul, and small splatters of something red covered the little card that accompanied it. Thankfully, the artist still managed to read what was on it.
“Do you like the gift? I’ll admit, it’s odd not getting the usual chocolates or flowers or dresses or anything, but I guess that’s what makes our relationship special! Right??
It took a lot of time to catch, so enjoy it, my valentine! - Aldrich”
Not bothering to open the “gift”, Dorian opted to throw it in the garbage can next to the door. He cared little for whatever animal Aldrich managed to nab, but the witch-obsessed prince’s account of the kill might make for some good inspiration for him.
“So, how do you like the view, Dovett?”
“It’s quite nice, Lucero. I’m surprised you managed to get access to this spot.”
Tonight, Lucero had invited Svetlena to watch a play taking place right in his hometown. It was, spring break, so neither had any issue with the time of the show. The opera-loving student had managed to get seats for the closest box near the stage, providing space for the both of them instead of needing to sit with the stuffy crowd down below.
“Well, it wasn’t too hard. All I had to do was give the ticket employee my name, and he practically jumped to give me this seat!” He scoffed.
(That was a lie. Lucero, in reality, had to bargain for many hours with the tired ticket seller, but it worked out for him in the end.)
“Ah! Look, Luce, the show is about to begin!” His companion pointed to the stage. The two grew silent as they watched the curtains rose, and the stars they wished to be began their performance.
“Thanks for taking me on this date, by the way.” Lena whispered as the 2nd act began. Lucero froze as his brain registered the words.
“D-dat- HAH?” he choked out.
“The date?” Lena looked at him oddly, “Inviting me to such a nice place… buying so many gifts before it began, I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
What Lucero actually had in mind was a regular hangout, and only bought the seats because he believed it to have the best view in the entire hall. And the shopping before was just to waste time. But after putting it all in a romantic light… this really was a date, wasn’t it?!
Wanting to save face, Lucero cleared his throat. “I-its no problem, really. Plus, with how much money you have, you could probably buy these seats too.”
Lena bit her lip and the comment, her eyes narrowing to a slight degree.
“Well, I still feel bad that I don’t have anything to give you. So,” she pulled Lucero’s head towards her’s, before lightly pressing a kiss to his cheek. “How about a ‘thank you’ kiss instead?”
Feeling his face rise up with heat, Lucero turned back to the stage.
“…That works.” He murmured. Lena giggled to herself, noticing his reddening cheeks under his mask. Lightly holding Lucero’s hand, she too turned back to the stage.
They watched the play continue on in a comforting silence, letting the romantic moment linger on.
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