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pttedu · 2 years
PTTI provides its students with the best quality material. Like, doctor-grade instruments, electric workstations for wiring, weld shops with 110 booths, industrial assembly robots, and whatnot! Because we believe in providing our students with professional and industrial work experience.
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pttiedu · 1 year
Sprinkler Fitting Vocational Programs: Unveil Your Skills
A skilled sprinkler fitter installs, inspects, and repairs sprinkler systems. The vocational programs generally include installing plumbing fixtures, fixing defective sprinklers, and soldering and welding tubes, pipes, and fittings scheduled for sprinklers.
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96thdayofrage · 4 years
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Women’s rights activists like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Betsy Ross, who championed gender equity, didn’t feel the same about race. While many white suffragists worked to help eradicate the institution of slavery, they did not work to ensure that former slaves would have citizenship or voting rights.
“Black women were not accounted for in white women’s push for suffrage. Their fight wasn’t about women writ large. It was about white women obtaining power – the same power as their husbands, black women and black men be damned,” says Howard University Assistant Professor Jennifer D. Williams.
Stanton and Ross and other high-profile leaders in the movement didn’t support the 14th and 15th amendments, which granted former slaves citizenship rights and gave black men voting rights. Given this chasm, a black women’s suffrage movement developed alongside the mainstream movement.
“There was a concerted effort by white women suffragists to create boundaries towards black women working in the movement,” says historian and author Michelle Duster. “White women were more concerned with having the same power as their husbands, while black women saw the vote as a means to improving their conditions.”
Some black suffragists you should know
Sojourner Truth (About 1797-1883)
Born into slavery as Isabella Baumfree, she gained her freedom in the 1820s and supported herself through menial jobs and selling a book written by Olive Gilbert, “Narrative of Sojourner Truth: a Northern Slave, Emancipated from Bodily Servitude by the State of New York in 1828. At the 1851 Women’s Rights Convention held in Akron, Ohio, Sojourner Truth delivered what is now recognized as one of the most famous abolitionist and women’s rights speeches in American history, “Ain’t I a Woman?” In 1872, Truth was turned away when trying to vote in the U.S. presidential election in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Harriet Tubman (About 1820-1913)
Tubman, whose birth name was Araminta Ross, is commonly known as an emancipator who led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the underground railroad. She also was a staunch supporter of women’s suffrage, giving speeches about her experiences as a woman slave at various anti-slavery conventions, out of which the voting rights movement emerged.
Coralie Franklin Cook (1861-1942)
Cook founded the National Association of Colored Women and was known as a committed suffragist. In 1915, she published “Votes for Mothers” in the NAACP magazine The Crisis discussing the challenges of being a mother and why women need the vote.
Angelina Welde Grimke (1880-1958)
A well-known feminist in the District of Columbia, Grimke was a journalist, playwright, poet, lesbian, suffragist and teacher. Grimke wrote for several journals such as Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review. Educated at Wellesley College, Grimke’s literary works exposed her ideas about the pain and violence in black women’s lives, and her rejection of the double standards imposed on women.
Charlotta (Lottie) Rollin (1849-unknown)
After the Civil War, the woman suffrage movement split into two separate organizations: the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) —a more radical group and the more mainstream American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). Rollin joined the AWSA. During Reconstruction, Rollin became active in South Carolina politics working for congressman Robert Brown Elliott. Rollin spoke on the floor of the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1869 in support of universal suffrage. By 1870, Rollin chaired the founding meeting of the South Carolina Woman’s Rights Association and was elected secretary. Several of Rollin’s family members — sisters Frances, Kate and Louisa also were active in promoting women’s suffrage at both the state and national levels.
Mary Ann Shad Cary (1823-1893)
Cary was perhaps the first black suffragist to form a suffrage association. During the 1850s, she was a leader and spokesperson among the African American refugees who fled to Canada after passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850. In 1853, she founded the Provincial Freeman, a newspaper dedicated to the interests of Blacks in Canada. Cary spoke at the 1878 convention of the NWSA applying the principles of the 14th and 15th Amendments to women and men. She called for an amendment to strike the word “male” from the Constitution. In 1871, Cary unsuccessfully tried to vote in Washington, but she and 63 other women prevailed upon officials to sign affidavits attesting that women had tried to vote. In 1880, she organized the Colored Women’s Progressive Franchise Association, which promoted suffrage and educated people on finance and politics.
Gertrude Bustill Mossell (1855–1948)
A journalist, Mossell, wrote a women’s column in T. Thomas Fortune’s newspaper, The New York Freeman. Her first article, “Woman Suffrage” published in 1885, encouraged women to read suffrage history and articles on women’s rights.
Ida B. Wells (1862-1931)
Wells, who worked with white suffragists in Illinois, founded the Alpha Suffrage Club, the first suffrage group for black women. They canvassed neighborhoods and educated people on causes and candidates helping to elect Chicago’s first black alderman. In 1913, Wells and some white activists from the Illinois delegation traveled to Washington to participate in the historic suffrage parade where women gathered to call for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote. Black suffragists were initially rejected from the event. Wells and other suffragists including white suffragists like Stanton wrote letters asking the parade to allow black women to participate. Event leaders acquiesced, requiring black suffragists to march in the back of the parade to assuage the feelings of white women in the movement who did not want them there. Despite the conditions, black suffragists participated. However, Wells refused to march at the back.
Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954)
In 1896, Terrell and fellow activists founded the National Association of Colored Women and Terrell served as the association’s first president. After the passage of the 19th Amendment, Terrell turned her attention to civil rights.
Anna Julia Cooper (1858-1964)
Anna Julia Cooper was a prominent African American scholar and a strong supporter of suffrage through her teaching, writings and speeches. Cooper worked to convince black women that they required the ballot to counter the belief that ‘black men’s’ experiences and needs were the same as theirs.
Rosa Parks (1913-2005)
Known as the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” because of her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Parks continued to work for civil rights which included voting rights. Parks served as an aide to Congressman John Conyers and used her platform to discuss many issues, including voting rights.
Charlotte Vandine Forten (1785 –1884)
An abolitionist and suffragist, Forten came to Washington in the late 1870’s with her husband, James Forten, a wealthy sail maker and abolitionist. She was a founder and member of the interracial Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, many of whose members became active in the women’s rights movement.
Harriet Forten Purvis (1810 – 1875)
Daughter of wealthy sailmaker and abolitionist reformer James Forten and Charlotte Forten, Forten Purvis and her sisters were founding members of the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, and members of the American Equal Rights Association, where Harriet served as a member of the executive committee. Affluent and educated, the sisters helped lay the groundwork for the first National Woman’s Rights Convention in October 1854 and helped organize the Philadelphia Suffrage Association in 1866.
Margaretta Forten (1806 -1875)
Forten was an educator and abolitionist. She and her mother, Charlotte Forten and her sister, Harriet, were founders and members of the interracial Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society.
Harriet “Hattie” Purvis (1810-1875)
A niece of the Forten family of reformers, Purvis was active in the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association and a member of their executive committee. Between 1883 and 1900, she served as a delegate to the National Woman Suffrage Association. She also served as Superintendent of Work among Colored People for the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, championing reforms.
Sarah Remond (1826-1887)
Remond was an antislavery lecturer and physician. The Remonds were a noted abolitionist family, well known in antislavery circles and, as a child, Sarah had attended abolitionist meetings. She was an activist in the Salem and Massachusetts Antislavery Societies, and a member of the American Equal Rights Association, where she served as a guest lecturer, and toured the Northeast campaigning for universal suffrage. Discouraged by the split in the women’s suffrage movement after the Civil War, she left the United States, becoming an expatriate in Florence, Italy, in 1866, where she studied medicine.
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was an early abolitionist and women’s suffrage leader. She was one of the few African American women present at conferences and meetings about these issues between 1854 and 1890. She also wrote protest poetry that referenced which included musings about voting rights.
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin (1842 –1924)
Ruffin was a Massachusetts journalist and noted abolitionist before the Civil War. She joined the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association in 1875 and was affiliated with the American Woman Suffrage Association. She was a black woman’s club leader in Massachusetts and the wife of George L. Ruffin, one of the woman’s suffrage representatives from Boston in the state legislature. She challenged the opposition to woman’s suffrage in Boston, writing an editorial co-authored with her daughter, Florida Ridley.
Nannie Helen Burroughs (1879-1961)
Burroughs, an educator, church leader and suffrage supporter, devoted her life to empowering black women. She helped establish the National Association of Colored Women in 1896 and founded the National Training School for Women and Girls in 1909.
Ella Baker (1903-1986)
Civil rights activist and freedom fighter, Ella Baker played a key role in some of the most influential organizations of the time, including the NAACP, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. In 1964, SNCC helped create Freedom Summer, an effort to both focus national attention on Mississippi’s racism and to register black voters. Baker and many of her contemporaries believed that voting was one key to freedom.
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rosalind-of-arden · 4 years
Sword and Pen Reread, chapter 14
Back to Thomas for this chapter. Time to think entirely too much about how shit works in what’s supposed to be a fun tomb raiding adventure chapter.
Ephemera is Jess’s letter to Callum. Ouch. I didn’t need my heart anyway.
The Tomb of Heron is probably the plot point I have the most difficulty with in this book. An extremely famous inventor’s tomb, right there in Alexandria, and no one’s figured it out until now. Really? A city full of extremely intelligent and highly educated Scholars, plus Burners and smugglers very motivated to get their hands on things that would fuck with the Library, and this tomb stayed untouched for that long?
“The official records said that Heron had died and been cremated.” Then again, this line here hints at an explanation. They erased Heron. Even then, they thought his inventions were too dangerous, and they erased all evidence of his tomb. It says something that they’re in fucking Egypt and people accepted the story that Heron was cremated.
Near the western wall of Alexandria, there is a small, ancient, and badly maintained temple of Thoth where Heron’s tomb is hidden, “surrounded by brickworks and dye shops”.
Seven locks, no one’s gotten past the third. And no one has thought just to dig in from another direction?
“Since raising Poseidon’s avatar from the hidden cavern beneath the harbor, he’d felt... different. Steadier. More his old self, as if the god’s shadow had healed something inside him that the prison had broken. He wasn’t the same. But where he’d been welded together again he felt... stronger.” So... obviously, controlling and activating a giant god automaton that proceeds to wreck entire navies has got to be a big self esteem boost. Thomas needed that. 
It’s also a very dramatic instance of being in control to counter the helplessness of Rome, and in that, it’s just the latest in a string of instances of Thomas taking control of his situation: the various Rays of Apollo, the presses, manipulating and attacking the Burner leader in Philadelphia... Thomas has been reasserting control as consistently as Morgan and Wolfe, really. All of them do better when they’re in control of things.
Also, very interesting bit of spiritual promiscuity here. Thomas calls himself a Protestant earlier in the series, but here he is showing serious reverence toward Heron and having a rather spiritual sounding experience with a Greek god. In the tomb, when he curses, he thinks he ought to be praying instead, but then thinks “surely God would understand.”
And, on a whump note, Thomas might very well also feel steadier just because he’s extremely focused on the task at hand. Like when he was building the Ray of Apollo in the embassy. Definitely some potential for a breakdown post-canon.
The Tomb of Heron has a hidden door that will only open for someone with a Scholar’s band. So the bands date back that far, or at least whatever script in them that the door recognizes does. That or this is evidence that the Library more recently actively worked to hide the tomb - would have had to be before this Archivist because of his notes with Vanya Nikolin that state that he didn’t already know where it was.
Possible theory: it’s the Obscurists who hid it. It took an Obscurist to find it, after all, and at least in recent years, they wouldn’t have been able to go looking for it themselves. Blah, but that doesn’t work with historical timelines from other ephemera. Unless we just go with the theory of all Library-sanctioned history being fucked because it’s been messed with for propaganda purposes.
Thomas learned lock picking from watching Jess. When did this happen? He’s seen Jess pick locks where? Jess had keys in Rome. Philly?Anywhere else? Is this another thing that must have happened on that ship from America to England? Might make for cute fic, anyway.
The High Garda has alchemical breathing masks for fighting fires. All these masks have me wondering what other medical-alchemical hybrid devices exist.
Let’s just keep a running tally of Thomas drooling over admiring Jess, shall we? “extraordinary” at lock picking, “supernaturally quick”, “flexible as an otter”
Thomas wonders if Morgan might be tracking his band. It comes off easily. I have speculated on this in fic form.
Thomas speaks Greek to the sphinx. Not ancient Greek. Just Greek. The sphinx replies in “archaic accents and usages” that Thomas finds challenging, but the two of them seem to be able to understand each other. Interesting clue on language development in Alexandria.
Does this riddle work in Greek? Does a river have a “bed” or a “mouth” in Greek? Ok, fine, getting to language geeky there.
The riddle seems to be fairly easy. How much of the test is the actual riddle and how much is not freaking the fuck out at the sight of the automaton?
Thomas is not good at language or music. He’s not sure about the order of the rainbow. Hints at neurodivergence.
WTF is making the crystals grow and shrink? Alchemy? Or whatever “magic” came before alchemy was actually invented?
Hints that Thomas is not ok: “His breath came in short, unconscious sobs. Despite his concentration, he was afraid.” He’s not as cured as he thinks he is, just distracted from trauma by the tasks he’s focused on. The crystal puzzle overwhelms him enough that he feels powerless and afraid again.  He describes dealing with the crystals as “torturous” more than once, which doesn’t seem like a word choice he’d go for casually. Danger and pain he can’t control are triggering.
Lots of bones and a half-rotted body. Maybe good, well-behaved Scholars believe it when they’re told Heron’s Tomb is a myth, but clearly people have been trying to get in. Did this one test actually kill all the skeletons here? Or did the automata drag the bones into this pile from elsewhere in the tomb?
Heron invented a press. There’s why the Library kept the tomb hidden. Until now, the Library didn’t actually want the tomb opened. They couldn’t erase Heron because his work was too important and famous, but they could control what work was remembered. So the Library spread a bullshit story about the tomb not being real that Scholars accepted because they were warned not to ask questions or killed for trying, and the Library let anyone else who tried to get in die to the traps. Somewhere along the way, someone decided to hide the records of the tomb’s location.
Thomas calls an invention of Heron’s something that “dated back to the very beginnings of the Great Library.” As another data point on Library history.
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outoftowninac · 3 years
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I Love My Wife is a musical by Cy Coleman (music) and Michael Stewart (book and lyrics) based on play by Luis Rego. It opened on Broadway at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre in April 1977 and played 857 performances. It starred Joanna Gleason (Broadway debut), Lenny Baker, Ilene Graff, and James Naughton. It was directed by Gene Saks. The original director and choreographer Joe Layton was replaced due to injuries sustained in a fall.
The pre-Broadway tryout opened at the Forrest Theatre in Philadelphia.
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The production earned two 1977 Tony Awards (Baker and director Saks), and four Drama Desk Awards. 
The band consisted of four on-stage musicians who were among the friends and acted in the opening scene.
“The musicians are welded into the play, as a kind of Greek chorus." ~ CLIVE BARNES, THE NEW YORK TIMES
The musical takes place in Trenton, New Jersey, in the present day, where two married couples who have been close friends since high school find themselves contemplating a ménage-à-quatre.  
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January 17 through April 8, 1984, the musical was presented at the Claridge Casino-Hotel’s Palace Showroom in Atlantic City, New Jersey - just 60 miles from where the show is set. The Claridge was built in 1930 and dubbed the “skyscraper by the sea”. In 1982, it added casino gambling. Shortly after, it began offering Broadway-style entertainment. The hotel and casino is still operating as of this writing. 
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The show starred Joey Travolta, older brother of John Travolta. Continuing the Jersey theme, the Travolta brothers were raised in Englewood, New Jersey.  Joey graduated from NJ’s William Paterson University with a degree in special education. Sharing the bed with Travolta was Jerry Clark, Nancy Sinclair, and Martie Ramm. 
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Interestingly, this was around the same time that Bob Fosse had expressed interest in collaborating with Coleman on a show based on the Coleman song “Atlantic City”, which he composed with Christopher Gore. Playwright Jack Heifner was engaged as the book writer, but before him, John Guare was approached. In 1980, Guare wrote the film Atlantic City, but denies that it was connected to his initial approach to write the book for Coleman’s musical.  
“I also felt, having gone down there, that Atlantic City was impossible to capture on stage.” ~ JOHN GUARE
Coleman got busy, Fosse grew disinterested, and Gore died, so the musical entered a sort of show biz limbo, where it remained. It has, however, generated a few “trunk” songs since released. Atlantic City itself was going through a sort of limbo - transforming itself from a footnote in history to an East Coast destination resort for casino gambling. 
But back to 1984... 
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On New Year’s Day it was announced that unlike previous Broadway musicals at the Claridge, I Love My Wife would be a dinner-theatre presentation. 
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The Claridge nearly had to look for another star attraction when on January 2, 1984, a small plane carrying Travolta had to make an emergency landing when its landing gear would not descend. Luckily, all walked away unharmed. 
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Of course, it might have been mere typesetter coincidence that the ad for John’s new film Two of a Kind was right next to a plug for Joey’s musical - but maybe not!  Not to be outdone, during his stint in Atlantic City, Joey Travolta’s film The Prodigal opened. 
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“Joey Travolta isn’t as handsome as his famous younger brother, John. And Joey's physique, while quite satisfactory, cant compare with his swivel-hipped brother's, especially since Sylvester Stallone helped build up John for 'Staying Alive.' But Joey has some things going for him. He is a more-than-adequate singer who has had a Top 40 hit More important, his on-stage personality is much more pleasant than John's onscreen persona. Which makes low-key, amiable Joey perfect for the starring role in a new Atlantic City production of ‘I Love My Wife,' an amusing and light-hearted 1977 Broadway hit musical that runs through April 8. Joey is believable as a bored Trenton, N.J., public relations man who wants to spice up his dull life by having a multiple love experience.” ~ DAVE BITTAN, DAILY NEWS
Speaking of John (and most people do when Joey’s name comes up), Joey’s younger brother was flown in to see the show during the run. His visit remained secret to everyone except Claridge management and his brother. The Travolta clan occupied most of the posh 24th floor of the casino-hotel during John’s quick visit.  
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Nothing says success like a coupon!  To be fair, most people who see casino shows are comped anyway. The show will cost far less than the amount of cash dropped by 20,000 people in the casino!  
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After the show closed, the Claridge followed up a few weeks later with Sugar starring Joe Namath, which you can read about by clicking here. 
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madwindowtint · 3 years
Windshield Safety & Replacement Auto Glass
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There is a great deal of talk online about the 20/20 report on windshield safety that aired on February 25, 2000. It is shocking at how some auto glass installers are willing to risk your life - only to save a couple of moments of their time. That is not the situation with all auto glass installers - have confidence.
However, your replacement auto glass could be a risk, and you may not know it. When getting windshield or window repair there are a few things you need to know. Did you realize that regardless of whether you wear your seatbelt and have an appropriately functioning airbag, without a windshield immovably clung to your car, any safety precautions are useless?
Your factory-installed windshield prevents the car's rooftop from caving in and diverts your airbag. An inappropriately installed windshield is probably going to come out during an accident - exactly when you need its insurance most. It has been said by experts that large number of replacement auto glass is not installed as expected - as many as seven out of ten.
What can you do to guarantee a safe windshield installation or window repair? Pick an auto glass company that values your safety, not savings a couple of dollars.
Educate yourself and ask questions. Pick a shop that is grounded and stands behind their work.
Some basic auto glass replacement regular mistakes:
Not wearing disposable elastic gloves when handling auto glass Oils and soil from the installers' hands can contaminate the bonding service of the windshield.
Not appropriately preparing the pinch weld, causing it not to bond completely. We recommend that your technician inspect the pinch weld and make sure that it is clean and liberated from scratches. If scratches are available the technician should eliminate exposed metal with a groundwork.
Not cleaning the auto glass appropriately or wiping it down with a messy rag. This soil can contaminate the auto glass bonding surface.
Your technician should discuss with you the adhesive utilized and the time it takes for it to appropriately bond the auto glass to your vehicle. This allows you to make an informed decision as to when you feel the car is safe to drive.
Using butyl tape instead of urethane. Butyl tape is an inferior adhesive, only holding to 60lbs per square inch. Urethane, conversely, holds to 600lbs per square inch.
One final tip: Chips can be repaired through window repair services, however they frequently will transform into out and out cracks requiring you to replace the windshield. If you decide to repair a crack, please do it right away to hold it back from getting contaminated.
Read More :  Window Tint Philadelphia PA
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emilyparkerus · 4 years
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jobsaggregation2 · 4 years
Field Service Tech - CNC Sheet Metal Machine Tools - Philadelphia, PA
Seeking individual with experience working on CNC Sheet Metal Forming and Cutting tools such as laser cutters, metal bending and crowning robots, robotic die stamping, press brakes, tube benders, gas, crystal and fiber lasers, laser welding systems, panel benders, punching centers, shearing systems, tube drawers, fin formers, and bead rollers. Install, repair, maintain, and modify CNC Machine Tools at client sites. Install, configure, and debug software. Program, troubleshoot and repair PLCs, control panel wiring, encoders, sensors, circuit boards, servo drives and motors, and feedback systems. Participate in integration, start-up, troubleshooting, and debug peripheral equipment. Inspect machine tool work and modify programs to fix issues. Competitive compensation package with generous pay and full benefits package including medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage for employee and dependents. PTO packages from start with personal and sick days, vacations, and holidays. Competitive 401(k) matching plan, national travel, tools provided, expense account, per diem bonus, vehicle, company laptop, company cell phone, company paid certification training, and overtime up to 2x. For complete details contact Christopher Moreno at: (609) 584-9000 ext 264 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/cam/app.asp Or email to: 1000044676_10007349 AT najbcareers303.com Please reference #38614153 when responding. Education Requirements: High School Minimum Experience Requirements: 2-5 years Job City Location: Philadelphia Job State Location: PA Job Country Location: USA Salary Range: $60,000 to $110,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Field Service Install Maintain Troubleshoot Repair CNC Machine Tools Metal Forming Machinery Fanuc Mazak Siemens #DiedreMoire #FieldServiceJobs #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Field Service Tech - CNC Sheet Metal Machine Tools - Philadelphia, PA jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/field-service-tech-cnc-sheet-metal-machine-tools-philadelphia-pa_i9218
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nox-lathiaen · 4 years
Field Service Tech - CNC Sheet Metal Machine Tools - Philadelphia, PA
Seeking individual with experience working on CNC Sheet Metal Forming and Cutting tools such as laser cutters, metal bending and crowning robots, robotic die stamping, press brakes, tube benders, gas, crystal and fiber lasers, laser welding systems, panel benders, punching centers, shearing systems, tube drawers, fin formers, and bead rollers. Install, repair, maintain, and modify CNC Machine Tools at client sites. Install, configure, and debug software. Program, troubleshoot and repair PLCs, control panel wiring, encoders, sensors, circuit boards, servo drives and motors, and feedback systems. Participate in integration, start-up, troubleshooting, and debug peripheral equipment. Inspect machine tool work and modify programs to fix issues. Competitive compensation package with generous pay and full benefits package including medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage for employee and dependents. PTO packages from start with personal and sick days, vacations, and holidays. Competitive 401(k) matching plan, national travel, tools provided, expense account, per diem bonus, vehicle, company laptop, company cell phone, company paid certification training, and overtime up to 2x. For complete details contact Christopher Moreno at: (609) 584-9000 ext 264 Or submit resume online at: dmc9.com/cam/app.asp Or email to: 1000044676_10007349 AT najbcareers303.com Please reference #38614153 when responding. Education Requirements: High School Minimum Experience Requirements: 2-5 years Job City Location: Philadelphia Job State Location: PA Job Country Location: USA Salary Range: $60,000 to $110,000 Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc. Diedremoire_dot_com WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs. Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Field Service Install Maintain Troubleshoot Repair CNC Machine Tools Metal Forming Machinery Fanuc Mazak Siemens #DiedreMoire #FieldServiceJobs #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting DISCLAIMER: We will make every effort to consider applications for all available positions and shall use one or more of the contact methods and addresses indicated in resume or online application. Indicated location may be proximate or may be desirable point of embarkation for paid or unpaid relocation to another venue. Job descriptions may fit single or multiple presently available or anticipated positions and are NOT an offer of employment or contract implied or otherwise. Described compensation is not definite nor precise and may be estimated and approximate and is negotiable depending on market conditions and candidate availability and other factors and is solely at the discretion of employers. Linguistics used herein may use First Person Singular and First Person Plural grammatical person construction for and with the meaning of Third Person Singular and Third Person Plural references. We reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities to meet business and organizational needs as necessary. Response to a specific posting or advertisement may result in consideration for other opportunities and not necessarily the incentive or basis of the response. Nothing herein is or may be considered a promise, guarantee, offer, pledge, agreement, contract, or oath. If you submit an application or resume which contains your email address, we will use that email address to communicate with you about this and other positions. We use an email quality control service to maintain security and a remove and dead address filter. To cancel receiving email communications, simply send an email from your address with the word "remove" in the subject line to pleaseremove_AT_candseek4.com Or, visit the website at jobbankremove_dot_com. If you have further concern regarding email received from us, call (609) 584-5499. Reference : Field Service Tech - CNC Sheet Metal Machine Tools - Philadelphia, PA jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/field-service-tech-cnc-sheet-metal-machine-tools-philadelphia-pa_i9932
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pttedu · 1 year
The Importance Of Education And Training For Women In Welding
Education and training are the most important elements in the welding profession. Dive in to learn the role of education and training for women in welding!
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suffragettecity100 · 5 years
The Grimké Sisters
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04. Doing the Right Thing, Even When It Costs You
As the southern belle daughters of a wealthy judge who was owner of a large plantation with hundreds of slaves, Sarah and Angelica Grimké could have had easy lives, as long as they were willing to be subservient, quiet, and could turn a blind eye to slavery.
Sarah, born in 1792, was given tutors for the feminine arts of painting, sewing, and music; her father only formally educated his sons.  Her Yale-educated brother taught her math, science, Latin and Greek. In turn, she started teaching slaves to read, which was illegal at the time. In 1819, she accompanied her father to Philadelphia in order for him to seek medical treatment. While there, she encountered Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, and heard their anti-slavery views. Sarah had always known that slavery was wrong, but now she had finally met like-minded people. When they returned to South Carolina, Sarah could no longer abide a life based on the enslavement of others. Although her family highly disapproved, she converted to Quakerism and moved to Philadelphia in 1821. Her youngest sister, Angela, born in 1805, soon joined her.
The two sisters began writing pamphlets and giving speeches especially encouraging women to persuade their husbands, fathers, and sons to end slavery. Southern leaders were so upset, they burned the pamphlets and threatened to arrest them if the sisters ever returned to South Carolina.
The North did not relish the thought of out-spoken women, even when they were speaking out against slavery. Most abolition groups were dominated by men and the women were allowed more as attendees and helpers. The General Association of Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts actually wrote public statements condemning the sisters for such “unwomanly behavior.”
Now the sisters found themselves becoming part of the budding woman’s rights movement. They were not even asking for the right to vote at this time; they were fighting for the simplest of things like the basic right of women to speak in public.  In 1828 Angela Grimké became the first woman to address a formal legislative body when she brought a petition to the Massachusetts State Legislature. It was signed by 20,000 women seeking to end slavery. 
On May 9, 1837, the sisters attended the first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women in New York City. Not only was this a bold step for abolition, but this was the first time that women’s rights were formally discussed in public including the rights of women of color. Although only a handful of African-American women attended, and there were threats of violence to those who attended, leaders such as the Grimké sisters, Lucretia Mott, and Lydia Maria Child walked arm in arm with them to the convention declaring that all women are sisters. They saw that the prejudice against people of color, and the sexism all women faced, were part of the larger cause of human rights
This week’s song pick:
“Confident” by Demi Lovato (Multifemale Fan Compilation) https://youtu.be/pnubPIBqWtI
#FightForThe19th #SuffragetteCity100
Episode 04 Sources:
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blogmaria123stuff · 5 years
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Build Your Career in Welding Industries & Live Your passion
Philadelphia Technician Training Institute is the best Welding Certification Training institution in Philadelphia. PTTI Welding Certified Training Program provides hands-on education and essential business skill that need to start a career as a welder in the industry. Our goal is to address the needs of the Tri-State welding, fabrication, and metal joining companies looking for skilled welders who desire sustainable employment in this industry.
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number06fan · 4 years
Eye Protection in the Workplace
Every day an estimated 1,000 eye injuries occur in American workplaces. The financial cost of these injuries is enormous – more than $300 million per year in lost production time, medical expenses, and workers compensation. The personal toll these accidents take on the injured workers is unimaginable. Often, the injuries are permanent.
Take a moment to think about possible eye hazards at your workplace. A 1980 survey by the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of about 1,000 eye injuries reveals how and why many on-the-job accidents occur.
What contributes to eye injuries at work?
Not wearing eye protection. BLS reports that nearly three out of every five workers injured were not wearing eye protection at the time of the accident.
Wearing the wrong kind of eye protection for the job. About 40 of the injured workers were wearing some form of eye protection when the accident occurred. These workers were most likely to be wearing eyeglasses with no side shields, though injuries among employees wearing full-cup or flat fold side shields occurred, as well.
What causes eye injuries?
Flying particles are the most common cause. BLS found that almost 70% of the accident studied resulted from flying or falling objects or sparks striking the eye. Injured workers estimated that nearly three-fifths of the objects were smaller than a pinhead. Most of the particles were said to be traveling faster than a hand-thrown object when the accident occurred.
Contact with chemicals caused one-fifth of the injuries. Other accidents were caused by objects swinging from a fixed or attached position, like tree limbs, ropes, chains, or tools which were pulled into the eye while the worker was using them.
Where to accidents occur most often?
Accidents most commonly occur on construction sites, involving industrial equipment. Potentially eye hazards can be found in nearly every industry, but BLS reported that more than 40% of injuries studied occurred among craft workers like mechanics, repairers, carpenters, and plumbers. Over a third of the injured workers were operatives, such as assemblers, sanders, and grinding machine operators. Laborers suffered about one-fifth of the eye injuries. Almost half the injured workers were employed in manufacturing; slightly more than 20% were in construction, and the rest were in carpentry, plumbing, and the like.
How eye injuries can be prevented?
Always wear effective eye protection. OSHA standards require that employers provide workers with suitable eye protection. To be effective, the eyewear must be of the appropriate type for the hazard encountered and properly fitted. For example, the BLS survey showed that 94% of the injuries to workers wearing eye protection resulted from objects or chemicals going around or under the protector. Eye protective devices should allow for air to circulate between the eye and the lens. Only 13 workers injured while wearing eye protection reported breakage.
Nearly one-fifth of the injured workers with eye protection wore face shields or welding helmets. However, only six percent of the workers injured while wearing eye protection wore goggles, which generally offer better protection for the eyes. Best protection is afforded when goggles are worn with face shields.
Better training and education is also recommended. BLS reported that most workers were hurt while doing their regular jobs. Workers injured while not wearing protective eyewear most often said they believed it was not required by the situation. Even though the vast majority of employers furnished eye protection at no cost to employees, about 40% of the workers received no information on where and what kind of eyewear should be used.
Maintenance is also an extremely important factor in preventing eye injuries. Eye protection devices must be properly maintained. Scratched and dirty devices reduce vision, cause glare, and may contribute to accidents.
Where can I get more information?
You can get more information at your nearest OSHA area office. Safety and health experts are available to explain mandatory requirements for effective eye protection and answer questions. They can also refer you to an onsite consultation service available in nearly every state through which you can get complimentary, penalty-free advice for eliminating possible eye hazards, designing a training program, or other safety and health matters.
Don’t know where the nearest federal or state office is? Call an OSHA Regional Office at the U.S. Department of Labor in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, or Seattle.
The National Society to Prevent Blindness is another great resource for information. This voluntary health organization is dedicated to preserving sight and has developed excellent information and training materials for preventing eye injuries at work. Its 26 affiliates nationwide may also provide consultation in developing effective eye safety programs. For more information and a publications catalog, write to the National Society to Prevent Blindness at 79 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016-7896.
Eye Protection Works!
BLS reported that more than 50% of workers injured while wearing eye protection thought the eyewear had minimized their injuries. But nearly half the workers also felt that another type of protection could have better prevented or reduced the injuries they suffered. It is estimated the 90% of eye injuries can be prevented through the use of proper protective eyewear that is our goal and, by working together, OSHA, employers, workers, and health organizations can make it happen.
Hach & Rose, LLP has successfully represented many workers who were injured due to a failure to provide proper eye protection on the work site. Contact us today so that our attorneys can review your case.
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plasticmolding0 · 4 years
Injection Molding Philadelphia PA
Injection Molding Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Plastic Molder Pro directory can assist you locate an injection molding Philadelphia Pa service that supplies modern production techniques that produce quality items on time and are cost-efficient. Producers that have complete injection molding capabilities from 20 load to 400 ton capability. Our dedication is helping you to get quality plastic injection molding is our ongoing job. We devote our efforts towards 100% quality level on helping you get the right Pennsylvania injection molding company for every job you require done!
We can help with making your products in the USA, if required. We can make it happen and save you dollars at Plastic Molding Pro Directory Site. In locations like Custom Injection Molded Plastics – Thermoplastic and Thermoset resins, Plastic Injection Mold Making, Single Cavity or Multiple Cavity Molds, All Made in the USA!, Product Development. SolidWorks 3D Style, Engineering Assistance, Prototypes, CNC machining metal or plastics. Assembly, Packaging, Decorating, Who We Do It For – Industries Served, Commercial, Airplane, Automotive 3rd Tier, Structure and Building, Data Storage, Electrical, Electronics, Elevator, Medical Office Furnishings, Pharmaceutical, Oil and Gas, Water Filtration, Retail, Building and Building, Customer Item, Sporting Goods, Product Packaging, Lean Products, Automation, Robotics, Construction Tools, Concrete Spacers and Strand centralizers, Rebar Spacers, Chairs, Wheels, Federal Government, Aerospace, Aviation, Connectors, Ground, Armed Force, Cars, State, Federal government work and much more!
Get a one-stop look for your plastic injection molded items. With world-class quality and production standards, state of the art equipment and highly experienced engineers that can help you take your idea from concept to product. You can be happy to state “Made in USA”. Our values are what have actually made us successful, in addition to our dedication to assisting you get the most current technology at every phase of manufacturing and management process. In these methods, Plastic Molder Pro is positioned to serve your requirements today and into the future. When you have a team of professionals behind you that are devoted to serving your needs, that are directed by core worths of quality, customer service and finding you competitive prices and with expert tool design, tooling. It is the art and soul of injection molding success! Our experience in finding platic molding business gives us the capability to assist you conquer the most complex styles in a most intentional, effective way!
We think precision tooling is the essential to quality. The shift from style to tool making is effectively performed with the usage of the most sophisticated building equipment and software. Production, quality control large and little around the clock. Automation and versatility are the secrets to cost reliable production and with reduced preparations and a continuous commitment in finding state-of-the-art machinery capabilities! Our abilities in discovering you quality control approaches that are created to fulfill the most stringent market standards is our goal. Discovering injection molding companies with secondary choices under one roofing system: With assembly, hot stamping, ultrasonic welding, drilling and tapping, silk screening, pad printing, machining, inscription, insert molding.Ones that provide delivery to your door when and how you require it. Versatility in production schedules and with warehousing facilities that enable you to fulfill private shipment requirements on time, all the time. Let us help you discover a firm, friendly handshake and a basic environment of goodwill. Our company believe that an enjoyable relationship with customers is the primary step in the mutual pursuit of excellence delivery. In today’s world, on-time shipment is so essential than ever before!
We can likewise assist you locate agreement manufacturing of plastic injection molds, injection molding alternatives, assembly and second operation services and tooling for the medical device, aerospace, telecommunication, automobile and business industries Customized plastic injection molding, from prototyping to the final packaged item, all set to be shipped to you, the customer. Whether you are a business owner or a big corporation, Philadelphia plastic molders can offer you with a total project solution for your total production requirements. From your idea to finished item, giving you the experience and service you need to launch your item off the drawing board and out into the market. When you integrate this a with friendly and educated staff, you get a service that saves time and cash. We offer whatever you need under one directory. Helping you find internal services that starts with prototyping, injection mold design, tooling style, and automation design based upon your item requires. That are using Pennsylvania facilities to build your injection molds, tooling, and automated assembly equipment.
Once the prototype advancement is complete, the production of your product can start. This can consist of custom injection molding, embellishing, part assembly, agreement production, automated assembly, custom product packaging, and much more. These Pennsyvania injection molders can accommodate many different production environments consisting of work cell production, independent assembly, and medical tidy room assembly. They supply all the services needed to get your ended up item to your client. This consists of customized or screen product packaging, bulk delivery, and drop-ship services. These actions are achieved with the highest regard for quality, reliability, and customer support. They are devoted to preserve and continuously improve the effectiveness of a quality management system. They make every effort to produce a remarkable product each time through organized effort and innovative resources. We think that quality is never ever a mishap. Our objectives are to assist you find high quality services and products, fulfill consumer and regulative requirements and provide items on time to your customers! Get injection molding Philadelphia PA and plastic injection molding near me Philadelphia PA today!
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customplastic0 · 4 years
Injection Molding Philadelphia PA
Injection Molding Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Plastic Molder Pro directory can assist you locate an injection molding Philadelphia Pa service that supplies modern production techniques that produce quality items on time and are cost-efficient. Producers that have complete injection molding capabilities from 20 load to 400 ton capability. Our dedication is helping you to get quality plastic injection molding is our ongoing job. We devote our efforts towards 100% quality level on helping you get the right Pennsylvania injection molding company for every job you require done! We can help with making your products in the USA, if required. We can make it happen and save you dollars at Plastic Molding Pro Directory Site. In locations like Custom Injection Molded Plastics - Thermoplastic and Thermoset resins, Plastic Injection Mold Making, Single Cavity or Multiple Cavity Molds, All Made in the USA!, Product Development. SolidWorks 3D Style, Engineering Assistance, Prototypes, CNC machining metal or plastics. Assembly, Packaging, Decorating, Who We Do It For - Industries Served, Commercial, Airplane, Automotive 3rd Tier, Structure and Building, Data Storage, Electrical, Electronics, Elevator, Medical Office Furnishings, Pharmaceutical, Oil and Gas, Water Filtration, Retail, Building and Building, Customer Item, Sporting Goods, Product Packaging, Lean Products, Automation, Robotics, Construction Tools, Concrete Spacers and Strand centralizers, Rebar Spacers, Chairs, Wheels, Federal Government, Aerospace, Aviation, Connectors, Ground, Armed Force, Cars, State, Federal government work and much more! Get a one-stop look for your plastic injection molded items. With world-class quality and production standards, state of the art equipment and highly experienced engineers that can help you take your idea from concept to product. You can be happy to state "Made in USA". Our values are what have actually made us successful, in addition to our dedication to assisting you get the most current technology at every phase of manufacturing and management process. In these methods, Plastic Molder Pro is positioned to serve your requirements today and into the future. When you have a team of professionals behind you that are devoted to serving your needs, that are directed by core worths of quality, customer service and finding you competitive prices and with expert tool design, tooling. It is the art and soul of injection molding success! Our experience in finding platic molding business gives us the capability to assist you conquer the most complex styles in a most intentional, effective way! We think precision tooling is the essential to quality. The shift from style to tool making is effectively performed with the usage of the most sophisticated building equipment and software. Production, quality control large and little around the clock. Automation and versatility are the secrets to cost reliable production and with reduced preparations and a continuous commitment in finding state-of-the-art machinery capabilities! Our abilities in discovering you quality control approaches that are created to fulfill the most stringent market standards is our goal. Discovering injection molding companies with secondary choices under one roofing system: With assembly, hot stamping, ultrasonic welding, drilling and tapping, silk screening, pad printing, machining, inscription, insert molding.Ones that provide delivery to your door when and how you require it. Versatility in production schedules and with warehousing facilities that enable you to fulfill private shipment requirements on time, all the time. Let us help you discover a firm, friendly handshake and a basic environment of goodwill. Our company believe that an enjoyable relationship with customers is the primary step in the mutual pursuit of excellence delivery. In today's world, on-time shipment is so essential than ever before! We can likewise assist you locate agreement manufacturing of plastic injection molds, injection molding alternatives, assembly and second operation services and tooling for the medical device, aerospace, telecommunication, automobile and business industries Customized plastic injection molding, from prototyping to the final packaged item, all set to be shipped to you, the customer. Whether you are a business owner or a big corporation, Philadelphia plastic molders can offer you with a total project solution for your total production requirements. From your idea to finished item, giving you the experience and service you need to launch your item off the drawing board and out into the market. When you integrate this a with friendly and educated staff, you get a service that saves time and cash. We offer whatever you need under one directory. Helping you find internal services that starts with prototyping, injection mold design, tooling style, and automation design based upon your item requires. That are using Pennsylvania facilities to build your injection molds, tooling, and automated assembly equipment. Once the prototype advancement is complete, the production of your product can start. This can consist of custom injection molding, embellishing, part assembly, agreement production, automated assembly, custom product packaging, and much more. These Pennsyvania injection molders can accommodate many different production environments consisting of work cell production, independent assembly, and medical tidy room assembly. They supply all the services needed to get your ended up item to your client. This consists of customized or screen product packaging, bulk delivery, and drop-ship services. These actions are achieved with the highest regard for quality, reliability, and customer support. They are devoted to preserve and continuously improve the effectiveness of a quality management system. They make every effort to produce a remarkable product each time through organized effort and innovative resources. We think that quality is never ever a mishap. Our objectives are to assist you find high quality services and products, fulfill consumer and regulative requirements and provide items on time to your customers! Get injection molding Philadelphia PA and plastic injection molding near me Philadelphia PA today!
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injectmolding · 4 years
Injection Molding Philadelphia PA
Injection Molding Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Plastic Molder Pro directory can assist you locate an injection molding Philadelphia Pa service that supplies modern production techniques that produce quality items on time and are cost-efficient. Producers that have complete injection molding capabilities from 20 load to 400 ton capability. Our dedication is helping you to get quality plastic injection molding is our ongoing job. We devote our efforts towards 100% quality level on helping you get the right Pennsylvania injection molding company for every job you require done! We can help with making your products in the USA, if required. We can make it happen and save you dollars at Plastic Molding Pro Directory Site. In locations like Custom Injection Molded Plastics - Thermoplastic and Thermoset resins, Plastic Injection Mold Making, Single Cavity or Multiple Cavity Molds, All Made in the USA!, Product Development. SolidWorks 3D Style, Engineering Assistance, Prototypes, CNC machining metal or plastics. Assembly, Packaging, Decorating, Who We Do It For - Industries Served, Commercial, Airplane, Automotive 3rd Tier, Structure and Building, Data Storage, Electrical, Electronics, Elevator, Medical Office Furnishings, Pharmaceutical, Oil and Gas, Water Filtration, Retail, Building and Building, Customer Item, Sporting Goods, Product Packaging, Lean Products, Automation, Robotics, Construction Tools, Concrete Spacers and Strand centralizers, Rebar Spacers, Chairs, Wheels, Federal Government, Aerospace, Aviation, Connectors, Ground, Armed Force, Cars, State, Federal government work and much more! Get a one-stop look for your plastic injection molded items. With world-class quality and production standards, state of the art equipment and highly experienced engineers that can help you take your idea from concept to product. You can be happy to state "Made in USA". Our values are what have actually made us successful, in addition to our dedication to assisting you get the most current technology at every phase of manufacturing and management process. In these methods, Plastic Molder Pro is positioned to serve your requirements today and into the future. When you have a team of professionals behind you that are devoted to serving your needs, that are directed by core worths of quality, customer service and finding you competitive prices and with expert tool design, tooling. It is the art and soul of injection molding success! Our experience in finding platic molding business gives us the capability to assist you conquer the most complex styles in a most intentional, effective way! We think precision tooling is the essential to quality. The shift from style to tool making is effectively performed with the usage of the most sophisticated building equipment and software. Production, quality control large and little around the clock. Automation and versatility are the secrets to cost reliable production and with reduced preparations and a continuous commitment in finding state-of-the-art machinery capabilities! Our abilities in discovering you quality control approaches that are created to fulfill the most stringent market standards is our goal. Discovering injection molding companies with secondary choices under one roofing system: With assembly, hot stamping, ultrasonic welding, drilling and tapping, silk screening, pad printing, machining, inscription, insert molding.Ones that provide delivery to your door when and how you require it. Versatility in production schedules and with warehousing facilities that enable you to fulfill private shipment requirements on time, all the time. Let us help you discover a firm, friendly handshake and a basic environment of goodwill. Our company believe that an enjoyable relationship with customers is the primary step in the mutual pursuit of excellence delivery. In today's world, on-time shipment is so essential than ever before! We can likewise assist you locate agreement manufacturing of plastic injection molds, injection molding alternatives, assembly and second operation services and tooling for the medical device, aerospace, telecommunication, automobile and business industries Customized plastic injection molding, from prototyping to the final packaged item, all set to be shipped to you, the customer. Whether you are a business owner or a big corporation, Philadelphia plastic molders can offer you with a total project solution for your total production requirements. From your idea to finished item, giving you the experience and service you need to launch your item off the drawing board and out into the market. When you integrate this a with friendly and educated staff, you get a service that saves time and cash. We offer whatever you need under one directory. Helping you find internal services that starts with prototyping, injection mold design, tooling style, and automation design based upon your item requires. That are using Pennsylvania facilities to build your injection molds, tooling, and automated assembly equipment. Once the prototype advancement is complete, the production of your product can start. This can consist of custom injection molding, embellishing, part assembly, agreement production, automated assembly, custom product packaging, and much more. These Pennsyvania injection molders can accommodate many different production environments consisting of work cell production, independent assembly, and medical tidy room assembly. They supply all the services needed to get your ended up item to your client. This consists of customized or screen product packaging, bulk delivery, and drop-ship services. These actions are achieved with the highest regard for quality, reliability, and customer support. They are devoted to preserve and continuously improve the effectiveness of a quality management system. They make every effort to produce a remarkable product each time through organized effort and innovative resources. We think that quality is never ever a mishap. Our objectives are to assist you find high quality services and products, fulfill consumer and regulative requirements and provide items on time to your customers! Get injection molding Philadelphia PA and plastic injection molding near me Philadelphia PA today!
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