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...साच्चै कस्मिक कनेक्टिभिटी छ भनेको यही हो !... दाल ,भात ,तरकारी अनि पानीपुरी खुवाउने भगवानरुपी व्यक्तीसँगको अविस्मरणीय क्षण @ लेक प्याराडाईज होटेल , लेक साईड पोखरामा । लेक साईडको छालमा लहराउँदै राष्ट्रगान प्राक्टिस गर्दै थिएँ , "अन्तिम यात्रा " नाम गरेका एक जना सरले सोध्नु भयो " विश्व यात्रामा हो तपाई ? " मैले हो भने , अन्तिम यात्रा - "आउँनुस खाना खा��र जानुहोला ", दाल ,भात ,तरकारी अनि पानीपुरी खुवाउने भगवानरुपी व्यक्तीसँगको अविस्मरणीय क्षण @ लेक प्याराडाईज होटेल , लेक साईड पोखरामा । ... that's what cosmic connectivity really is! ... Unforgettable moment with a God-like person feeding lentils, rice, vegetables and panipuri Lake Paradise Hotel, on Lake Side Pokhara. I was practicing the national anthem, waving in the waves of the lake side, A sir named "The Last Journey" Asked me , "Are you on a world tour?" I Say Yes. Last Journey - "Let's Eat and Go", Unforgettable moment with a God-like person feeding lentils, rice, vegetables and panipuri Lake Paradise Hotel, on Lake Side Pokhara. अन्तिम यात्रा #successmindset #125countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CRgPu51Lnf6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#hiking #trekking-Nepal #clearskytreks #tours #culture #nature #tradition #landscape #mountains #welcomeinnepal🇳🇵 (at Clear Sky Treks & Expedition Pvt. Ltd.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoabAYhAJbT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nv4t5mcrkj8e
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With Aashman Gurung Brother My Optic Palace , Hallan chock , Lakeside, Pokhara, Nepal. #myopticpalace #hallanchockpokhara #successmindset #125countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CRdtdsuLgkz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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माननीय मुख्य मन्त्री कृष्ण चन्द्र नेपाली पोखरेल सँगको सुमधुर भेट @ मुख्यमन्त्रीको कार्यालाय , गण्डकी प्रदेश , पोखरा , नेपाल । Greetings with Hon'ble Chief Minister Krishna Chandra Nepali Pokharel @ Office of the Chief Minister, Gandaki Province , Pokhara, Nepal. #Chiefminister #greetings #successmindset #125countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWQk5sLU1N/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I have to go long journey, so I feel always confident myself. मैले लामो यात्रा गर्नुपर्नेछ, त्यसैले म आफैंमा सधैं विश्वस्त छु। #successmindset #125countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ8uqvqrhGh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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मैले गाउँने हरेक देशका राष्ट्रगानहरुमा सिङ्गो विश्व गुन्जिएको महसुस हुन्छ । : विश्व राष्ट्रगान यात्री रामजी नेपाली The whole world echoes in the national anthems of every country I sing. : World National Anthem Traveler Ramji Nepali #successmindset #125countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ6BAluLocV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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हामी दुई विश्व यात्री We are Two World Travelers ••••••••••••••••••• विश्व साईकल यात्री अजित बराल World Cyclist Ajit Baral विश्व राष्ट्रगान यात्री रामजी नेपाली World National Anthem Teaver Ramji Nepali @ फेवाताल , पोखरा ,गण्डकी प्रदेश , नेपाल । Lakeside, Pokhara, Nepal. #successmindset #120countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CQsP6JtrQyR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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जीवन सम्भाव्यताको खेल हो, मित्र! Life is a game of possibilities, friend! जिन्दगी संभावनाओं का खेल हे दोस्त ! La vie est un jeu de possibilités, mon ami ! 人生は可能性のゲームです、友達! A vida é um jogo de possibilidades, amigo! ¡La vida es un juego de posibilidades, amigo! Das Leben ist ein Spiel der Möglichkeiten, Freund! 生活是一场充满可能性的游戏,朋友! الحياة لعبة الاحتمالات يا صديقي! Het leven is een spel van mogelijkheden, vriend! Жизнь - это игра возможностей, друг! Hidup adalah permainan kemungkinan, teman! #successmindset #120countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel #worldslongestsuspenssionbridge https://www.instagram.com/p/CQnr3orLfyu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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पोखराको यात्रा ...! Heading to Pokhara ! #pokhara #successmindset #120countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdEpBYrNLi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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फेरी भेटौला बाग्लुङ्ग ! #successmindset #120countriesanthemsinger #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #welcomeinnepal #nepaltravel #worldslongestsuspenssionbridge https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbE3T9rZr7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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यात्रा अविरल छ , उद्धेश्य सहित छ , छातीमा ब्यानर टाँगेर हिडेको छु, देश चिनाउँने मेरो दृढ संकल्प अविरल छ , निरन्तर छ , अकाट्य छ । : विश्व राष्ट्रगान यात्री रामजी नेपाली The journey is uninterrupted, with purpose, I walk with a banner on my chest, My determination to identify the country It is uninterrupted, continuous, irrefutable. : World National Anthem Traveler Ramji Nepali #successmindset #learningneverend #120countriesanthemsinger #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #welcomeinnepal #worldnationalanthemtraveler #worldtour #nepal #pokhara #baglung #nepaltravel #responsibility https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTLjA0LbXT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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मल्लाज दरबार रिसोर्ट जलजला - २, माझफाँट , पर्बत , गण्डकी प्रदेश , नेपाल । #MallajDurbarResort #MajhphantParbat #successmindset #learningneverend #120countriesanthemsinger #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #welcomeinnepal #worldnationalanthemtraveler #worldtour #nepal #pokhara #baglung #nepaltravel #responsibility https://www.instagram.com/p/CQQJ-esLhGU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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यो सत्य हो कि म सँग पैसा हुँदैन । तर म आफुलाई सधै सम्पन्नशाली सम्झन्छु । किनकी आजका दिन सम्म मैले #विश्वका१२५देशकाराष्ट्रगानहरु सजिलै गाउँन सक्ने भएको छु । र मेरो लक्ष्य विश्वका #२३२ सबै देशका राष्ट्रगानहरु आएर विश्वयात्रा गर्ने रहेको छ । : विश्व राष्ट्रगान यात्री रामजी नेपाली It is true that I do not have money. But I always consider myself prosperous. Because To this day, I can easily sing the national anthems of 125 countries. And My goal is to come and travel the world with the national anthems of 232 countries. : World National Anthem Traveler Ramji Nepali #successmindset #learningneverend #120countriesanthemsinger #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #welcomeinnepal #worldnationalanthemtraveler #worldtour #nepal #pokhara #baglung #nepaltravel #responsibility https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZ5hxCrma8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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म हरेक पल ! कसरी विश्वका राष्ट्रगानहरु गाएर सबैलाई सम्मान गर्दै विश्व यात्रा गर्ने हो भन्ने मात्रै सोंची रहेको हुन्छु । : विश्व राष्ट्रगान यात्री रामजी नेपाली I every moment! How to sing the national anthems of the world and respect everyone I only think of traveling the world. : World National Anthem Traveler Ramji Nepali #successmindset #learningneverend #120countriesanthemsinger #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #welcomeinnepal #worldnationalanthemtraveler #worldtour #nepal #pokhara #baglung #nepaltravel #responsibility https://www.instagram.com/p/CPS965wL95y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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You want to become a good human being. You are not Only here to earn money. #successmindset #learningneverend #120countriesanthemsinger #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #welcomeinnepal #worldnationalanthemtraveler #worldtour #nepal #pokhara #baglung #nepaltravel #responsibility https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4jHdPLuHL/?igshid=o1s4cwcvkh33
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Little sacrifices gives you Big success. #successmindset #learningneverend #120countriesanthemsinger #alwaystourusminnepal #worldfraternity #culturaltourism #goodwill #wefromthemteverestland #wefromthebuddhabornland #welcomeinnepal #worldnationalanthemtraveler #worldtour #nepal #pokhara #baglung #nepaltravel #responsibility https://www.instagram.com/p/COSOt9mLs3m/?igshid=ne52yqhj18gv
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