#welcome. welcome. welcome. welcome. // hokma tag
stnega-sprocl · 2 years
[There is a spinning centrifuge. Filled half way with Alternate blood, and filled the other half with human blood. Hu is hoping it mixes the blood seamlessly.]
[Chained up in a nearby chair, Basil’s alternate’s not looking so good. And on a nearby surgical table of sorts, neither is Hokma.]
[As soon as hu realized he’s basically just a cyborg, hu lost most of hus interest in the poor guy.]
[Abel was dragged in here too. Just in case hu needs more blood..]
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stnega-sprocl · 2 years
[Miho’s alternate is now searching for the place @hokma-blogs hid.]
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stnega-sprocl · 2 years
[A plan, hmmm?]
[Farrel’s alternate is looking into Hokma’s office..]
[Monitoring Hokma’s every move.]
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